The Half Failed Garden
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What can I say? I am Pinterest obsessed! Probably like every other stay-at-home mom. This isn’t an award winning Pinterest DIY project, but it’s mine.
 A Texas April is rainy, sure, but you should have already started to germinate your seeds. I am no expert by any means, but this also isn’t my first rodeo. Did I mention, research? Do your research before you start gardening in an entirely new region! DUH, you say, DUH is right! 
My husband and I love cooking, I wanted fresh veggies, something to do in his absence, and to save money {See my blog for recipes @ TheNudeHomemaker - Coming soon} so the Good Idea Fairy paid a visit. Some quick background on this chick, she is a bitch. She has NO good ideas! She sprinkled some fairy dust over me and BOOM! “Babe, I NEED to start my garden NOW!” I tend to do my research on almost everything I can and for some reason, I just didn’t this time. STUPID ME! Seriously, my poor plants. They were so beautiful when we purchased them. I mean my poor bank account, 50 euro down the drain! All because I didn’t know, in May, Germany still iced. {EYE ROLL!} The plants, I once grew with ease, are almost dead. I am literally heartbroken. Or is my green thumb broken? {Sighs} Below, my garden in Texas. {Sighs again}
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Do You think I can make a come back? HELL YES! Watch me! {Flicks off Germany’s weather mentally!} How will I do this you ask? I have no idea. I’ll figure out. Then I’ll let you know when I do. 
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