#New music friday
puuta-heinaa · 2 months
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Suomi brainrot sen kuin leviää.
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blondehairdye · 1 month
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New Music Friday : Écoute, je ne peux plus faire ça (V2) (feat. bravo) Out now exclusively on the site.
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dreamings-free · 2 months
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Apple Music | Spotify
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aeolianblues · 1 month
Once again I come bearing songs! It’s Friday so I’m back with another song wizard new music Friday!
The idea? A weekly song-to-go poll to take a lesser-known song along with you as you scroll!
As with last week, choose songs based on the 30-second Spotify snippets if you don’t know them (I’ve tried to make sure there’s something you won’t know), and if you like them they’re yours* to carry along on your trip!
*as in add them to your library etc., if you like them a lot come ask me and I’ll try and dig up a Bandcamp like for you, hee hee
[last week’s poll, which isn’t open anymore of course, in case you wanted more songs to take with you. Or just come talk to me, I love a music chat!]
Poll’s open for a week, so if you miss this one, I’ll hopefully be back with another one by next Friday!
Happy scrolling! If you want to give your dash a few songs, reblog, I’m just bored :)
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sumnerstroh · 8 months
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some of my favs from the cover art shoot for my new song, Her 🍒🏹❤️‍🔥 presave and I’ll love you forever
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cloama · 4 months
I just heard Coco Jones’ new track, Here We Go(Uh Oh), a song definitely for the girls who still aren’t ready to go No Contact with their on again/off again ex. It’s something relatable for the twenty-somethings to screamiing along to in the car as they drive to afters. I did. It relate but I will tell you why that doesn’t matter. Because R&B. Storytelling is back, baby! Paint us picture, Miss Coco.
I really enjoyed the cinematic music video that accompanies the song. She’s going all in on the back half 20th century nostalgia here, with a little bit of everything. The cover art is cute 70s nod. No clue if that’s going to impact the entire album rollout but I’m sat, regardless. Having a retro aesthetic while singing about likes and posts is so anachronistically pleasing to me. She’s such a star and I really like this choice for a single. This track is going to get spins because it is so relatable to so many. Coco is going right up there with SZA and Summer Walker who are actual titans of Female Singer-Songwriters but don’t get the credit they deserve despite the numbers numbering. That is because they’re R&B artists and I encourage you all to go back to listen to them if you haven’t. R&B didn’t stop after your need for middle school slow dances. It’s still here and writers are still crafting stories. Coco is absolutely on that path to being an all-star writer and I’m excited to see her lock into this next phase of her career.
Back to my hope for the song… I believe this song will help keep up the momentum. It’s radio ready, with a classic sample that will drive spins to the original track as well as her own. Here We Go has a verbally stoccato chorus which is fun in R&B bc you can clap 👏🏿 your 👏🏿 hands emphatically along to the words and mean that shit.
By the second chorus I was ready:
🎶I 👏🏿know👏🏿when👏🏿said👏🏿say👏🏿good👏🏿bye👏🏿you👏🏿ain’t 👏🏿mean👏🏿no👏🏿good👏🏿bye👏🏿🎶
It reminded me of the “oh oh oh oh oh’s” in the original track.
Speaking of the Lenny Williams sample: it works. I am one of many who are tired of the lack of artful sample. This, to me, was artful and useful. The song being full length with a verses, choruses, and bridge (silly thing to point out but songs have gotten ridiculously short these days) means the sample comes dangerously close to wearing out its welcome, But it comes in just under the gun. I didn’t get tired of it. Why? Her steady melodies in each verse sail your through nicely and then you smack right into that fun choppy waters of the chorus. When the next verse hits you’re ready for another go. It feels exactly like going round and round with a partner. Come on, musical theme! Come on, melodic device!
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This is absolutely my favorite thing about this track. Coco Jones is a super talented young woman. I genuinely hope it’s a hit.
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lydiaplain · 6 months
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Out now 🎵💙🤍🖤✨🎉
You can find the new release on your favourite streaming platform or digital music store and of course on bandcamp too!
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bloosemood · 5 days
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we end up with the same result either way, you’re hurt and I’m not, god damn!
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klistu · 2 months
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blondehairdye · 9 months
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Amarrai Cabell and his new artist AvrillianK release new single happily miserable, December 29th
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music-moon · 7 months
Released in 2024: A Playlist
Every year I make a playlist for songs that I enjoy released in that year. This is 2024.
My year in new music, as I’m experiencing it. Always a work in progress. I try to listen to new albums every week. Here you'll find the highlights, deep cuts and chart topping favourites I want to remember. Filtered though my taste. Sorted by release date when I remember to organize it.
See previous years: 2000 / 2001 / 2002 / 2003 / 2004 / 2005 / 2006 / 2007 / 2008 / 2009 / 2010 / 2011 / 2012 / 2013 / 2014 / 2015 / 2016 / 2017 / 2018 / 2019 / 2020 / 2021 / 2022 / 2023 / 2024
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ohgeeeznotagain · 3 months
The story of FOREST FIRE: (Trigger warning: discussion of depression)
Writing a song specifically about mental health and depression is an odd feeling to me. It’s not a topic I discuss with many people - publicly or privately. But as we crafted this album about venturing into the wilderness and encountering monsters all along the way, it was obvious that one of those monsters would be your own mind. Not only that, but the bands and artists that are most influential to us have made mental health a cornerstone of their artistry. I knew we couldn’t follow in their footsteps without staring into that inferno ourselves.
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“Forest Fire” is about the most vexing part of depression to me: the fact that it never goes away. Even during good times, it’s always smoldering somewhere in the background, ready to flare up and consume again at the first sign of fuel. This can make trying to manage it seem futile - why bother, if you can never ‘fix’ it?
As you let your mind smolder and burn long enough, eventually the notion of being without the fire becomes an unimaginable, even terrifying notion. Who are you if not unwell? Navigating the world without it would mean re-learning everything. Would you be able to handle that?
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For me, there’s never been an easy answer to these questions, and while I’ve been lucky to have supportive hands around me, I know there are many who don’t. You never know who those people are - the fire burns hot but frequently unnoticeable on the outside.
“Forest Fire” is for all of who battle on in silence, unsure of what the next day holds. While neither I nor this song have answers, all I can offer is my story and my hope for the future. While we may fight in silence, we don’t fight alone.
“Forest Fire” is out now 🔥🌲
Video by Joe Ludwig, cover artwork by @rileyclaw
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earth222ky · 4 months
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billie eilish photographed for her new album HIT ME HARD AND SOFT
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calmmyfears · 1 month
Tear it all apart and let it be 📢
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makeacid · 5 months
my new EP is out : links below ⚡🪽
it's the most upbeat music I've made and it's filled with all of the stuff I love about music right now
listen on streaming
buy on bandcamp
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