#New Hat SPG
brooklynisher · 1 month
Someone's a happy camper
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Do not take it away from him
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angeldrawsstuffs · 1 month
Alright SPG fans, it’s been a week, how are we feeling about the new Steamworld Heist 2 album?
Personally I like it! Current favorite song from it is “A Life of Un-Delightment”! Definitely a solid return for their music after 1896 (in the sense of it having been four years since 1896’s release- not that 1896 is bad or something, I love 1896 /gen)!
(Also Spine giving Hatchy’s fancy shoes a run for their money with his new hat!)
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tanaerian · 10 days
OK I'm crawling back to the SPG fandom after literal years of absence. Can we talk about the state of play?
- SWH II has no business slapping this hard. HAVE you poured this honey on your cereal yet?
- Seventh album makes me so nervous. My precious baby Peter.
- The lack of a music video for New Hat. If I don't get a video in which Spine changes hat in literally every clip I'll be so sad.
- The new line up making me feel like coming home (& coming up for air, while I'm at it)
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I’m making a post about some fanbots I haven’t discussed much on here!
I made them originally so I could have more characters for the spg rp server I was on, but I would like to revisit them sometime.
Basically, they are 3 yellow matter bots created by the direct descendants of Rex Marksley. For the purposes of this, yellow matter represents time. Here’s a lore dump about the three of them!
The first bot to be built, representing the past, is Milo Samuel Marksley (Milo coming for the greek word for speak, and Samuel coming from Samuel Morse). He was invented in 1850 by Roy Marksley, the son of the legendary gunslinger himself, who was inspired by the telegraph. It is a very old bot and is very worn down. They keep getting more rusted and straight up loosing parts.
It was built before voicebox technology, so it can only communicate outwardly through the beeps of morse code. Its younger siblings worry that one day it will get so worm down they will stop working alltogether. Its appearance is very rough, having no mouth, or exterior plating, so their simplistic mechanical insides are on display, aside from a few places. Their clothes are very much outdated, it breaks down frequently, and is generally fairly slow. Despite that, they still manage to keep the peace between its bickering siblings.
Its antenna is centered, coming out of the back of it’s head and going through its top-hat. It is curled at the end and has a small ball at its point. It plays percussion (mostly drums and piano).
In December 1906, a second bot was invented by Roy’s youngest daughter, Ray Marksley, inspired by the existence of the radio. Named Echo Reginald Marksley, this bot has stayed in much the same condition as when he was first built. (Echo comes from the greek word for sound, and Reginald comes from the first name of the violinist who played the first song to be broadcast on the radio- O Holy Night).
He doesn’t upgrade well, as his chassis will accept nothing but identical parts and his systems reject any software updates, much to his dismay. He hasn’t gotten any new malfunctions and is a pretty durable and consistent bot. He is most at home making radio broadcasts, as he knows his best feature is his voice. It’s low, velvety and melodious, despite the slight staticky quality that worsens when he is feeling strong emotions. He tends to act confident, composed, and a bit flirtatious, which is how he naturally is on the radio, but is less natural and more facade when talking to people face to face. The biggest hit to his confidence is his physical appearance, as his inventor, Ray, cared more for function than form. So while he was painstakingly programmed with intellect, creativity, great memory storage, and an extensive vocabulary, and the best voice possible for his purpose as a radio bot, his exterior was not afforded the same care. His body is fine when covered in clothing (which it almost always is), but his face is harder to hide. It’s asymmetrical, and the features are not quite right, looking almost more like a radio than a human face in such a way that puts him squarely in the uncanny valley. He once had a listener who fell in love with him because of his voice, and then quickly fell out of love and ran away when he saw the bot’s face.
Because he is quicker and more charismatic than his older sibling, and more experienced than his younger sister, He generally considers himself the leader of the siblings, both in taking care of them, and in matters of the band they are in. His younger sister takes issue with this. If you think he’s abnormally flirtatious normally, you should see how mushy he gets when he genuinely falls in love with someone! Echo has one antenna above his left audio receptor (which really looks nothing like an ear). It can fold down across his head, or retract and extend as needed to broadcast radio signals remarkably far considering he’s not as tall as a broadcast tower. He does occasionally climb things to get better signal if he’s trying to communicate with someone far away.
In 1941, Ray’s eldest and only daughter Rue Marksley goes on to complete the trio with Cathode Ray Marksley. (Cathode comes from the cathode ray tubes original tvs were built with and Ray was her grandmother’s name).
Cathode, or Cathy as everyone calls her is inspired by a tv, and as such has one for a head, her screen almost always showing her pretty face. Rue had wanted to make Cathy since 1930 when she was a little girl and found out about TVs, but due to not being old enough, and the Great Depression, it had to wait. When first built, people didn’t understand why Rue would build a feminine robot, and so Cathy presented as male for a while, about until the early 2000s. Cathy is stylish and modern, always getting their current caretaker to upgrade her with the latest things, whether its color television, more modern displays, more pixels, or a flatter screen. Beyond her chassis, she also cares about the clothes she wears. Though her siblings usually always wear the same thing every day, Cathy is constantly changing her style based on what’s trendy, and she is not stopped by what gender clothes are associated with.
Being the youngest and being spoiled with upgrades and shopping trips has caused her to be a bit bratty and prideful, but she still cares for her siblings even though she can’t go a day without getting into squabbles with Echo. She’s quite flirtatious and even if she complains a lot, she will still get the job done if it’s something that needs doing or is for a friend. She plays electric guitar, rhythm guitar, saxophone, and trumpet. Her antennae are two classic bunny-ear tv antennae that she kept around despite her upgrades so she could still transmit and receive radio signals from her siblings.
The Marksley bots have a radio/video show together of playing music, a combination of old and new, covers and original songs. They mostly live off their family’s fortune, as they aren’t incredibly well known, and they’re not affiliated with the Marksley Weapons Company (though they could be if they wanted to).
Also in case you were wondering, Cathy is a lesbian, Echo is bi, polyamorous and asexual, and Milo is aroace and agender
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howdyitisme · 1 month
Fanbot list!
Art credit to some wonderful people.
@boneinator @mrmonarch
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More info about them under the cut.
I present to the first and "Hearty Harmoni Ruth " and "Skips Kinder." This pair are two sweet Valentine's themed bots commissioned by Walter Robotics in the late 1960s by what was a simple yet popular homemade candystore in the biggest mall at America at the time.
❤️ Hearty Harmoni,a wonderful gal with a glowing personality and a constant sweet tooth. Standing at 6'5, light pink (painted) metal, permanent wink, and her heart-shaped cheek that light up and flash. From a distance, a string of pearls decorates her neck, and the four front-facing pearls connect to her neck, used as avent to let out steam while she operates. Lower torso she proud supports a heart shaped speaker that plays music as she walks around the store while talking and greeting others into the store; though in after hours it's her job to effortlessly lift up shelves or moving heavy equipment. Her looks are based on classic vintage style cards and the once lively wife of the store owner.
👒Skips, a sharply dressed gentleman that may only be "standing at" 4'3, hus big personality and charming words make him seem bigger. Supporting a pencil mustache,chin stubble, and q simple straw hat adorned with red ribbon with a tiny matching version of his bowtie. Unfortunately, a lack of funding led to them not being able to afford Skips' second half. His second half was originally to be a planned gondola boat, where he would connect to his bolted down legs and be a photo-op for customers. Both he and Harmoni share a matching red heart-shaped bow; whether it be on her head or adorns Skips' bowtie.
🔴Emmett, the embodiment of a cartoon bully and probably the sassiest merc with a mouth, even if it's all old slang. Who just happens to work across from a pair of love bots, in an upcoming to fame clothing brand, and does everything he can to bring customers away from them and into his clothing store. Adorned in 1970s denim fashion, shiny silver metal and bright red hair that'd make anyone turn their head to look at.
Somewhere in the late 1960s, the owner of a brand new clothing store noticed how a little homemade candy shop was gaining traction of dozens of customers an hour. A tall and beautifully pink bot and what seemed like half an automaton speaking to them all and made them all feel welcome. Having him be commissioned by the Walter Robotics company in the 1969's - early 1970's, there he was, a proud,loud, and shiny Emmett. Made to charm with any passing and possible customers to come look at his store and show off what they got. Unfortunately for the love bots, he deems them as an easy target to mess with since they're the only other automatons he's ever met and sees them as competitions.
As of now, there is no set in stone"canonical" ending for any of them due to a split time like we see in the SPG OG comics.
"Info junk-" It's basically just canonical stuff that won't change over time.
"Giggling-" dumb thoughts or jokes used for the fanbots.
More important information will be added here if needed or posted about. Hopefully, you'll enjoy them as much as I do.
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nix-does-stuff · 5 months
Hey! I've played steamworld dig in the past and had a great time, very cool that SPG will be in their new title, heard good things about the first steamworld heist game but I never tried it, do you reckon itll be good?
steamworld heist is quite different from steamworld dig. steamworld heist is a turn based shooter and not like the gameplay from dig. but because its turn based you can take as long as you need with each shot. unlike dig heist has levels and so it's easier to not play for multiple hours in one sitting. the levels vary in length but it takes about 10-15 minutes to do one depending on the person. also HATS there are so many hats, you can change the characters' hats and they where them and you can shoot the hats of enemy's.
but if you want something with the same gameplay as steamworld dig try steamworld dig 2 it's the sequal and directly continues the story of dig.
I could ramble about steamworld heist more but not right now.
but heres the trailer for steamworld heist 2:
and here steamworld heist:
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akilsposts · 1 year
The Tigers of Bandipur
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Elections were a funny business. His party had been ruling the state and were suitably discredited to warrant being dumped out of power. However, the biggest opposition party was so in opposition with itself that even he, the master campaigner, had a day off. Suddenly, he found himself with no bridges to inaugurate, no trains to flag off, no foreigners to share lingering embraces, and not even peacocks to play with. He had been in and around Karnataka for weeks now. If only it was Delhi, he could have arranged for a photoshoot atop the Red Fort. Feeling despondent, he was almost on the verge of a breakdown when a junior manager, eager to please, piped up,
"Let us do a photoshoot in Bandipur with some wild tigers."
The manager knew he was in for a promotion or at least a pay hike when he saw the 56-inches chest puff up with renewed determination.
Within no time, the 56-inches chest and its owner, and all his SPG were airlifted and dropped into the sweltering heat of Bandipur forests. What followed would have put to shame state-of-art Hollywood studios, as truckloads of shooting equipment were strategically installed. Powerful cameras capable of capturing the grandiosity of his perfectly groomed beard from as far away as 2 kilometres were set up all over the place. A few monkey families had to be forcibly evacuated from treetops as cameramen scrambled up tall trees and hung on for dear lives. A crane which was set up to hold a wide-lens camera frightened away all the deer in the vicinity. The forest officials were put to work as a few trees which obstructed the most ideal shots were pulled up by their roots! The security personnel took care of the rest. Everything was in place for the grand entry.
Our Hero had, in the meanwhile, dressed up in a chic get-up that would rival all the Khans of Bollywood. His costume team had clad him in designer khakhis, a wide brimmed hat, dark cooling glasses, and a binocular to hold. The jacket, a last minute, addition was his own idea. After all, what better way to beat the heat than a thick, old jacket! The cameras started rolling as the Bolero with our Hero emerged atop the hill. The driver had an unenviable job of stopping at all the pre-determined photo points, which was every two metres. The well-positioned cameras gobbled up his face and robust figure. The master campaigner played to an imaginary audience as shots after shots captured him in all manners of poses. There were even some which caught him waving at the trees! Fifty metres into the ride, the Director requested the Hero to alight from the jeep, walk to a nearby rock, and gaze through the binoculars into eternity. A young security personnel who was new on the team was about to remind that the cooling glasses needed to be removed for a clearer view, but was saved by a senior colleague who restrained him in time. Different angles were shot when someone noticed a problem. There were no animals in any of the photos! A security personnel was immediately sent into the forest cover. On receiving the go ahead, he raised his gun to the sky and let out a round of bullets. The gunshots startled all the birds from their perches, and they rose in unison to the blue skies. A well timed photo captured the perfect scene from behind our Hero. Basking in the attention, he had turned to find a photographer who was charmed by the birds and was still capturing them. The photographer was duly reminded in no polite terms of all the amenities in Tihar Jail. Suitably chastised, the photographer clicked on the camera like his life depended on it. Needless to say, all cameras were put to good use. As the photoshoot was drawing to an end, our Hero appeared increasingly disgruntled,
"Where are the tigers?" The tone foretold an impending tantrum.
The young manager, whose idea led to the day's proceedings, was a picture of devotion when he said,
"My lord, how can there be two tigers in one forest?"
The message was well-received. The implied tiger roared a self-gratified laugh.
"True, indeed!" It was a hot day well spent.
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a-flickering-soul · 2 years
Idk if ur still doing these and if not feel free to ignore me but uhhhh top 5 rabbit costumes/looks go
oh my GOD another impossible spg question because literally every performance is a new look for her </3 but here we go
1. This performance of "I'll Rust With You" at ONF 2014 that I have rhapsodized about at length because she looks like a weird little doll and I like her little eyelash details and the belt OVER the corset and also the leather jacket <3
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2. This overall Rabbit era in terms of costuming I frankly just adore even though it must have been literal hell to perform in because the headdress is just so striking and her falsies are enormous and I absolutely love the construction of this dress and vest (1) (2)
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3. This look from the Lincoln 2016 "Starlight, Starshine" performance and behind the stage because she has weird teeth and looks silly and cute <3333
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4. A 2017 look that just says Classic Rabbit to me, love the shading and oxidation, the fingerless gloves are SO fun, i love the dress and jacket combo as well as the functional yet pretty snaps, and the red corset is just so chefs kiss combined with the hair and red trimmed hat
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5. This one image from July 2022 that literally made me a worse person I cannot overstress enough this absolutely made me a worse person in so many innumerable ways like I am obsessed with it the weathering the cracks the oxidation the smudged black paint the way she's literally like video editing in this the purple undertones AUGH
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emmi-kat · 4 years
SPG Kazooland Master Post
Kazooland is the alternate dimension in the Steam Powered Giraffe Universe.  This post contains various facts and tidbits mentioned by David and Bunny Bennett about it on tumblr and the official SPG websites over the years.  Please feel free to share more information in the reblogs!
Kazooland was named for the mentor of David Bennett, Bunny Bennett, Jon Sprague, Erin Burke, and Bryan Barbarin, Mr.Jerry Hager's mime persona: Kazoo the Mime
By 1897, Peter Walter had unlocked the power of Blue Matter and   subsequently, created an alternate reality he dubbed   Kazooland.
Excerpt from The Story of the Cavalcadium
The Cavalcadium tried to  make a permanent portal to Kazooland in their building, based on Peter Walter I’s studies.
The  Cavalcadium was wiped from existence in an instant, and it took Peter  a few months to realize it had simply vanished. Time and space itself  left a void to forget it ever was.     
The  Cavalcadium building now exists in the seams of Kazooland, and acts  as a hub to many other parts of the dimension. A few doorways even exist on Earth.          
Current link to the map of Kazooland: https://www.thecavalcadium.com/Kazooland.html
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Information available about Kazooland as late as 2014
  Asininia*             The dark kingdom of Ignatius Becile. Long having taken refuge from Earth, the   black-handed Becile has built a giant city which is depleting Asininia of its   natural resources and precious rock candy veins. His aim is creating an   unstoppable army of candy-powered automatons to consume the universe.
*name is derived from “asinine”
The 8th Dimension of Absolute and Infinite Terror           The only persistent door to the  terrible 8th dimension. Its history is unclear but it is indeed locked and guarded by Jumbo, The Pink Whale With A Top  Hat.* The 8th dimension is notorious for being the place of fermenting  nightmares and evil Lovecraftian Beasts.
*Jumbo can be found in the album The Vice Quadrant, guarding Commander Cosmo and The Necrostar
A jagged mountain range of ash and  death, which is primarily a refuge for monsters. A couple of human  settlements exist, but the majority of inhabitants of the continent  are Vampires, Werewolves, Demons, Zombies, Witches, Cultists,  Poltergeists, Man-Eating Hamburgers, and Hamburger-Eating Men.
Hypexion V     
A presumed alien homeworld of the  Hypexions; thin bipedal humanoids with a sweet tooth.
Ironically Foreboding Shaped Islands     
The Chaos Sea marks these bodies of  land as a legend, but time travelers and fortunate explorers speak of  adventurous sailors, pirates, and buried treasure. It is  believed the famous Captain Albert Alexander was the first to have  sailed the Chaos Sea, yet only stories remain.
The Hypexion Moon infested with the  diabolical Moon Worms. The Moon Worm Queen is held responsible for  eating a chunk of Hypexion V before she was destroyed, but a newly  born Moon Worm Queen is the talk among the stars. The   talking stars of course.
An ancient dust land belonging to the  ancestors of the Kingdom of Set. Though primarily a land for the  outsourcing of dust and camels, the age old tales of Jackal Men,  Living Mummies, and Scarab People still invoke questions of mysticism  in even the most skeptical of skeptics.
An icy northern land of Snow Queens and  Mystical Creatures. Many a wise pipe smoking old bearded man tell  stories about this enchanted place, but few are listened to.
Merveille is the remains of the once  great Circus Empire, which exploded eons ago and left a watercolored  land of saturated imagination. The inhabitants are mostly the  Speechless Ones, also known as Mimes. It is often described as a  tangible dream, and artists from all over the multiverse have tapped  into its presence for inspiration and escape.
Cities:                    Bip
The capital of  Merveille was named after its founder, and is a favorite spot for  vacation for Peter Walter VI. It was also in Bip that the Great War of 1823 was ended by a mysterious mime with a magical  kazoo.
New Pieland    
Once a paradise of wilderness, pilgrims  from Old Pieland settled here declaring it New Pieland after their  former continent was completely devoured since it actually lived  up to its namesake. It was quite literally a giant land mass of flaky  crust with a warm gooey appley interior.
New Pieland is home to many American immigrants and many other multiverse settlers.  Humans, Robots, Clowns, Cat People, and Vleeds are just a few of the races you'll find in the melting pot which is New Pieland.
Cities:                    Biscuit Town
Biscuit Town is a famous small  mining town in the eastern part of New Pieland. It is home   primarily to clowns, wizards, and talking animals. Biscuit Town has   been run by Walter Robot The Jon until recently, and was the first  town in New Pieland to elect a robot for Mayor. Currently, in  the Jon's absence the Mayor's Assistant Boft is  struggling with the encroaching rogue nation of Asininia, a  resource-hungry super kingdom of mad scientists and candy-powered  androids.    Preferbia   This large sprawling landscape   of suburbia is a metropolis of 1950's ideals, where the  beautiful residents are protected from the ravages of time by a blue  matter rich force field over the city. Created by a visionary man  from Earth after slipping through an interdimensional rift, Howard  Lloyd saw the potential of the unstable rift and created what some  have called the 1950s utopia of mankind. Those who enter  the city rarely decide to leave the prospect of eternal youth, but  some do choose to escape Preferbia's roving gangs of fish mutants and  frequent attacks by the Hypexion Moon Worms.
Snornia is the last remaining haven for  mystical beings. It is cut off from the rest of the world by a  vengeful Dragon God, but those who have seen it speak of a fantastical world of magic and danger, with princesses in towers,   dexterous elves making shoes, and six winged warlocks. Humans  who find ways to enter usually do so to train to become wizards or  dragons, but many are eaten by the Dragon God, and even more give up  and sail to Party Island.
South Adventurica
A largely unexplored tangle of   constantly transforming jungles, swamps, and plains unbound by  any mappable record of time. Adventurers have sought to unlock the   continent's mysteries for years, and its surprises still continue to   surprise avid surprise seekers. Dinosaurs, giant insects, carnivorous   plants, elementals, Forgotten Gods, Bobby Darin, and Santa Claus are   all said to live here, but the only proof of their existence are the   ravaged journals from explorers of the past...
And that captured dinosaur amusement  park off the coast.
A rainy settlement of time travelers  from the 1890s. It is separated from the world by an ethereal mist of  aether called "Henry's Breath," long believed to be   generated by the fat ghost of England's Henry the 8th.  Most settlers began traversing the aether via multidimensional  travel from when Colonel P. A. Walter I discovered Blue Matter in  1896, but all matter of being from the multiverse seems to have  leaked through to embrace knowledge, Victorian style, and to tinker with steampunk abominations.
Cities:                    Dandyton
The Capital of Verk is a bustling city  of inventors, scientists, airship pilots, alchemists, airship pilots,  ghosts, and airship pilots. It is home to the Verk Dandy Candy  Factory, many airships, and the Verkian Rift, a dimensional  hub to countless other realities.
The (old) Cavalcadium landing page including links to Worlds (Earth, Kazooland, and the 8th Dimension), Characters, and Species
Characters include (but are not limited to): Beebop, Bip, Boft, Brown Suits, Buster Becile, Captain Albert Alexander, Delilah, Doc Laborday, G. G., Guy Hottie, Hatchworth,The Highwayman, I. M. Becile, Kazoo, Lily Brennan, Lorene Keaton, Norman Becile, Peter Walter I, Peter Walter II, Peter Walter III, Peter Walter IV, Peter Walter V, Peter Walter VI, Rabbit, Rex Marksley, The Jon, The Spine, The Suspender Man, Uncle Ralphie, Upgrade, and Wanda Becile
Species include (but are not limited to): Robots, Samurai, Scarab  People, Seafarers, Steampunks, Talking  Animals, Trolls, Vampires, Vleeds, Warlocks, Werewolfs, Witchs, Wizards, and Zombies
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The Temecula Rift
Prior to the 2013 Walter Robotics Expo, an accident occurred while 26 y/o Peter Walter VI accidentally sealed a Blue Matter Rift that he was trying to open for high speed inter-dimensional travel between Earth and Kazooland.  The result was an explosion that singularly hit Peter Walter VI in his face.  He now wears an iconic keyhole mask to hide whatever the results of the explosion may have been.
Audio posts of Isabella Bennett discussing Kazooland Canon circa 2015:
Kazooland Canon 1/3
Kazooland Canon 2/3
Kazooland Canon 3/3
Rabbit’s white faceplates are made from a porcelain-like material from Kazooland called Impossium
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Meeting The Bots: Chapter 1
info: aaaAAA first chapter for my spg insert fic! i wanted to write one of her of meeting the bots back in 2009!! i do have more plans but here's this for now! ^^ I hope you all enjoy it! i took a bit of inspo from the spg comic btw, so some of the dialogue is from that :D another thing, this takes place before rabbit transitioned, so i used they/them for her in this fic! her transition will possibly be covered in a future fic!
Rbs r very much appreciated!!! <3
Word count: 3k+ (yes it's VERY long lol)
As the taxi drove away, the young engineer looked at the mansion in front of her. Her dark brown hair softly flowed through the wind. She blinks, thinking of all of the events that have led up to this. The engineer, Kenzie Faxton, came from a family of engineers who have been in the business since the late 1800s. Her great grandmother actually knew one of the men who resided in this mansion before, Peter Walter III. Eventually, her family’s company, Faxton Engineering, signed a contract with Walter Robotics to assist them with making robotic parts. Her parents moved all the way from New York to California to be closer to their work, in 2002.
Kenzie was well versed with machinery, and a bit on robotics as well. She met Peter Walter VI at a World Fair. Peter was a few years older than her, and from what she remembered, He had a keyhole face. She didn’t question it, since she had a pair of cat ears sprouted on her head.
Once Kenzie graduated high school in 2009, earning average grades, but did extraordinarily well in her machinery classes, Peter Walter VI asked her to help assist with one of his projects at Walter Manor.
Kenzie had no idea what she was bringing herself into. She took a deep breath, exhaled, and headed to the door of the manor. She knocked on it a few times, only to be greeted by the creaking of the door. She peeked her head inside, her blue eyes darting around the seemingly dark room.
“Hello…?” She called out, going inside the mansion. “Peter? Are you out there?” Kenzie looked both ways. There seemed to be no one in the mansion. The room was still dark as Kenzie bumps into a dresser.
“Hello??” She called out again, her tone now concerned. Did she just come into an abandoned mansion? With no one inside?? Peter did say the right location, right? She decided to take out a flashlight she has in her toolbox, and turned it on. She then starts to explore around the dark mansion. She hears a wiring noise from one of the rooms as she walks by. Her ears go up in curiosity, knocking on the door. When no one answered, she slowly opened the door.
The room was much brighter than the other rooms. It was a kitchen, with a fridge and a stove. There was someone using the stove, standing behind it. They were humming a tune as they cooked food. It smelled….cheesy? Kenzie's ears went up at the sight of the person, stepping into the room.
"Um, excuse me... Do you live here?" Kenzie asked, tilting her head.
The person jolted up at Kenzie's voice. They turned around to see the young engineer, and she noticed something very different about them.
Was that…..A robot?
The robot looked to be a man. His skin was a metallic gold, with marionette like markings on his face. His golden hair was put into a bun, with strands of his hair peeking out. There was a top hat on his head, with a few feathers stuck on top. He wore a black dress shirt with suspenders, and his shirt matched with his pants. There were also worn out sneakers on his feet.
The robot grinned, looking as if he never saw anyone in years. "Oh! Salutations! Are you a visitor, by any chance?" The robot exclaimed, blinking his eyes. He was holding a pan that held a quesadilla. The robot noticed Kenzie looking at it, and once again spoke up. "Did you notice the quesadilla that I was preparing? I don't eat, but I still make food for leftovers and that sort! Rabbit eats it all anyways!" The robot seemed to have a slight transatlantic accent. He put the pan on the stove, and looked back over at Kenzie.
She stepped back from him, looking uneasy. The robot tilted his head to one side.
"Are you alright? Have you ever seen a robot before?" the robot asked.
Kenzie shook her head, her ears going down.
"Oh." the robot said, his tone tinted with sadness. "Well, I guess I'm the first one you've met!" The robot smiled once again, continuing to robotically step over to the engineer. Kenzie stepped back every time he stepped forward, and eventually she felt the door behind her. her ears twitched at the sight of the robot slowly coming close to her.
The robot noticed that the human looked scared, so he stopped. He then smiled softly, lending a hand out.
"Don't be afraid, I won't hurt you." He spoke in a soft tone.
Kenzie looked up at him, her hands at her chest. She slowly brought her hand out to his.
The robot grinned once again. "Pleasure to meet your acquaintance! My name is The-" the robot stopped, shuttering a few times. The robot repeated himself, seeming to malfunction. Steam started to swirl out of his back. He eventually hunched down, steam still continuing to pour out of him.
Kenzie's ears immediately went down again, looking terrified. She slowly opened the door from behind her. As she turned around, she did not see an empty hall.
She saw another robot, looking right at her with two different colored eyes.
Kenzie shrieked, immediately stepping back and bumping into the golden robot.
This robot looked much more different. Their face was made out of copper, and their design was more unique than the other robot's. They wore a hat with goggles on top. Their outfit was similar to the golden robot's, but they wore a few belts, black suspenders, and high waisted striped pants. and it was mostly black, except their red, fingerless gloves.
"Ey, didn't mean to s-s-startle ya there!" The robot drawled in a jersey accent. "Say, are you the human Petes has been talkin' about?" They said, casually going over to the fridge.
Kenzie didn't say a word. Now there were two robots in the kitchen.
The robot looked in the fridge for a few moments, and then shut the door. They were now holding a soda can, going over to the golden robot.
"Mind moving a bit? Gotta put T-This in here." The copper bot points to the golden robot.
Kenzie nods, stepping back and looking on at what the bot was going to do.
The copper bot opened the soda can. They opened up a hatch that was on the golden robot's back. And then they poured it into the golden bot. After a few moments, the golden robot stood up, blinking his eyes. He scanned around the area.
"Where are we?" The golden robot asked.
"The Manor kitchen." The copper robot replied.
"Oh." The golden robot said.
".....What just happened." Kenzie said, her first words to the bots.
"Oh! Th-Th-They talk!" The copper robot exclaimed. "For a sec, I thought you were a mute human!" The copper bot goes over to Kenzie. "Have you ever met a robot before, whoever you are?"
Kenzie shook her head once again, a scared look was still plastered on her face.
The copper bot and the golden bot looked at each other, and back at Kenzie.
"Are ya…..scared of us?" The copper robot asked, frowning. "I'm sorry if I scared ya."
"Yes, me too! my apologies!" The golden robot said, bowing down.
"We just never see too many humans here! Yeah, there's Pete's family, but we've never had a visitor either! A human visitor!" The copper bot explained.
"Yes, visitors aren't a big thing here…." The golden robot slightly frowned.
"Wait, before we go on….I think we forgot to introduce ourselves!" The copper robot exclaimed.
"You're right! we should do that!" The golden robot nods robotically.
"I'll go first!" The copper robot smiles, clearing their throat. "M-My name is R-R-Rabbit! I was b-b-built back in 1896! Y-Y-Y-You know, back when Women weren't allowed to read and write! A-A-And all the men dressed like Mr. Peanut!" The copper robot named Rabbit said, stuttering from time to time. "I'm like a priceless antique!" They grinned, dusting themselves off with their hand.
"I feel like something is missing…." The golden robot said, looking around.
"Maybe it's cuz Spine isn't here. He usually says something after my introduction!" Rabbit says.
"Well, my name's The Jon!" The golden robot says. it's silent for a few seconds.
"Got anything else to say, The Jon?" Rabbit asks.
"Uhhhhh….No. I forgot my introduction. But pleasure to meet your acquaintance once again!" The Jon shakes Kenzie's hand, smiling.
Kenzie still hasn't said a word to the two robots, blinking a few times.
"And you are…..?" Rabbit asks.
Kenzie still doesn't say anything.
"What's ya name? Or do you not have one? which would be strange, since I think most humans have them!"
"....Kenzie. Kenzie Faxton." Kenzie finally says, nodding her head.
"Ah, Kenzie!" The Jon says. "What a nice name!"
"Yeah, Kenzie sure is a nice name!" Rabbit shakes their head. "I think now we can do a tour for her, ain't that right, The Jon?"
"Oh, sure! I'm sure she got really confused looking around here!"
Rabbit and Jon unexpectedly link arms with Kenzie, and leave the kitchen.
Kenzie doesn't know if she's dreaming or not. She was currently walking up the stairs with her arms linked together by two robots.
“Oh, I forgot to ask! Did ya want to take the elevator?” Rabbit asked, but the trio was already up the stairs. Kenzie sighs, rolling her eyes.
“Anyways, Jon and I will go find Peter for ya!” Rabbit grins, putting a hand on the engineer’s shoulder. “Wait right here, Kitty Cat! We’ll be back in a jiffy! Ya just…..stand right here and don’t do nothin’!” Rabbit and Jon leave to go find Peter.
Kenzie looks around the area she’s in, noticing the photos hanging on the wall. There are people that she doesn’t recognize plastered on the wall. She does notice Peter though, in the photo he looks to be about 10 years old. She sees another, noticing that it’s Peter and what seems to be his father and mother. Kenzie eventually gets so fixated on the photos that she bumps into a tall, white door. On the top of the door, the words H.O.W are shown in golden letters. Kenzie tilts her head, curious to see what could be inside. She opens the door, and is greeted by a room filled with red lights and wires.
Kenzie looked both terrified and fascinated by the room, but she clutched the door behind her. Suddenly, a screen came up in front of her. They had a green and black screen, and the top of their screen says the words “Qwerty”.
“K. GREETERINGS ROBUT. PLZ INPUT ID CODE. THX.” Qwerty said in a robotic voice.
“I’m….I’m not a robot??” Kenzie whimpers.
While Kenzie was distracted by the strange computer robot, she didn't notice the strange snakelike head next to her. She turns to where the head is, and she immediately shrieks.
“HOLY-” Kenzie stepped back, her ears perked up fearfully. “N-N...Nice snake head…..thing…..don’t hurt me, please.” She whimpered, her ears swooping down and stepping back more. The snakelike head was covered in wires, and a large silver circle was below it. The circle reveals to be a hole. Wires started to slither out of the hole, a silver robotic body came out as well. The snake-like head attached itself into the body. There are a few wires that held clothes, which are put onto the robotic body. A black suit with a red tie. The added finish to the robot’s outfit is a fedora, which was delicately placed on the top of the robot’s head.
Kenzie looked at the robot in fascination, tilting her head. The silver robot and Kenzie stare at each other for a few moments, but Qwerty interrupted by going “ADDING MUSTARD.”
The silver robot chuckles, rolling his eyes. “Darn it, Qwerty! What have i told you about being stupid?” He said.
Qwerty frowned. “NOT 2 BE?”
Kenzie looked at the two robots, confused.
“Oh, right!” The silver robot says. “You aren’t supposed to be here, but welcome to the hall of wires, Miss Faxton! You’ll have to excuse everyone and every….thing here in the manor. We aren’t used to having visitors.”
“How do you know my name?” Kenzie asked, looking up at the tall robot.
“News spreads fast on the Walter WI-FI!” The Spine explained. “Allow me to introduce myself. My name is The Spine, and I was built with a titanium alloy spine.” The Spine smiled. “That’s my, er…..Backstory.”
Qwerty makes a ‘Ba-dum tss’ sound effect.
“Anywho, We should get back to wherever you’re supposed to be!” Spine announced, escorting Kenzie back outside of the Hall of Wires.
“Oh, Kitty Cat! There ya are! We were looking all over!” Rabbit says, catching up to the two.
“We thought we lost you there, Miss!” The Jon added.
Spine puts one hand on his hip. “Rabbit, Jon? Have you seen Peter anywhere?” Spine asked.
“No, we haven’t! That’s who we’re looking for right now!” Rabbit exclaimed.
“Could he be in the workshop?” Spine rubbed his chin, thinking of where else Peter could be.
“I feel like he could be! Didn’t he say he was doing his weekly repairs on Upgrade today?”
“Yes, i believe so!”
“Then let’s get goin!” Rabbit said, once again linking arms with Kenzie and Jon.
The group head to Peter’s lab, which was not a very far walk. The Spine explained some useless facts about the manor to Kenzie, which she did not find interesting. Then, finally, The group makes it to Peter’s lab. He was looking at a blueprint, with a pink robot sitting next to him. She wore a hat with a silver flower on it, and her hair was black with pink streaks. She wore a long, black dress. The pink bot looked over at Kenzie, pointing at her.
“Hey, who’s that girl?” She exclaimed.
Peter looked away from his blueprint, now noticing Kenzie and the bots. “Oh! Just in time!” Peter placed the blueprint on his workbench, going over to Kenzie. “We meet again, Kenz! It’s lovely to see you again! I see you got my message.”
“...I did. And I didn't know your house was so big.” Kenzie said, folding her arms. “I just finished school a few weeks ago, Petes.”
“Wonderful! That’s why I wanted to get into contact with you.” Peter nods, looking at the bots. “I see you’ve already met most of the steam powered robots...my great great grandpappy built them! Fascinating, aren’t they?” Peter gestures to the pink robot. “This one I believe you haven’t met though! I was doing her weekly repair check!”
“I’m Upgrade!” Upgrade says, smiling and waving at Kenzie. “I’m FAR more interesting than The Spine! Pretty, too!” She puts her hands on her chin, still smiling.
Kenzie awkwardly waves at Upgrade. Peter continues. “Anyways, I wanted to bring you here to see if you are interested in assisting with the robots. You know, repairing them, keeping a close eye on them during shows, making sure they work well before shows-”
“What shows? You never told me anything about shows, Peter.” Kenzie interrupts, raising her eyebrow.
“Ah, so you don’t know about my robot band!” Peter clasps his hands. “You see, Kenzie...You do know my background on robotic engineering. But do you know the history of The Steam Powered Giraffe?”
Kenzie looked confused. “The Steam Powered what-”
“Oh boy! Story time!” Rabbit exclaimed, sitting down on the floor, crossed legged. Jon also followed suit, but crossed his legs in a completely different way than Rabbit’s. Spine stayed standing up, only folding his arms. Upgrade hopped off the table, going to sit down with her siblings. Jon looked at Kenzie, patting his hand on the floor. He motioned for her to sit down next to him, smiling. Kenzie slowly sat down next to him.
“It all started a very long time ago….” Peter started. He then told the story of Peter Walter The First. He had a rivalry with one of his old friends over a woman named Delilah Morreo. They were both in love with her, and created things to win their love for her. Peter made a Steam Powered Giraffe, While his rival, Thaddeus Becile, made a Coal Fueled Elephant. But before Delilah could decide, she died of an illness. Powered by grief, Becile tried to resurrect Delilah with dark science. Because of this, Peter wanted to intervene. So he sent the Steam Powered Giraffe and the robots he created to Africa, where there was a War. It lasted three days. Eventually, Becile was defeated. After the war, Peter made the robots for entertainment, calling the band Steam Powered Giraffe.
“And now, Many years later, The bots continue making music and entertaining folks!” Peter finished, waving his hands. “They usually perform at Balboa Park, which is where you’ll be assisting them at.”
“So…..you’re telling me I have to watch the band at the park and make sure they don’t break down?” Kenzie explains.
“Yes, precisely! Though they do perform at other places as well! But those you have to pay to see. Balboa is entirely free for people, unless they want to tip them.” Peter answers.
“....Gotcha.” Kenzie squints her eyes, looking at all of the bots together. “I don’t know….This sounds stressful.”
“Kenzie, please don’t fret. It’s actually very fun to experience!” He helps her get up from the floor, and puts a hand on her shoulder. “You are the first person I thought of when I needed help with my band. You did so well with your classes, so obviously you have talent. Plus, you won’t only be watching the bots, but you can perform with them as well! You're basically going to be both a mechanic and a part of the band!” Peter exclaims. “Just….give it a try. You are still getting paid as well.”
Kenzie takes a deep sigh. She was only 18, and she wasn’t planning on finding a job. Fresh out of high school, and now she has one.
“...Alright. I’ll do it.”
“Perfect! You may need to pack your things, since you’ll be staying here for the time being!”
“Wait, What????”
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So, here’s my rundown:
If you’re tagged in this post, that means there’s something I owe you in my drafts, waiting on me. As you can see by the length of this list (under the cut), I’m currently not in a place where I can continue with everything, not if I want to get caught up anytime this year!
And I know it’s not fair for me to constantly keep you all waiting for this long; so if I need to cut down the number of threads I run at a time, so I can get through them all in a more timely manner, then that’s what I’ve got to do.
In the list, you will see your URL, our muses in the relevant thread, and the date it’s been waiting on me since (British standard, so Day / Month / Year).
Anything that falls within the current year, is going to be kept by default.
For anything dated from 2019, please LET ME KNOW what you’d like to do with it:
We can keep them, of course! I can’t handle continuing everything, but I’m up to keep things still going if the muse is there!
We can drop them, no problem there.
Or we can replace them with something new instead, if you’d still like to RP but would rather run with something fresh ^^
If you could reply to this post, that would be great; otherwise, my inbox and IMs are open if you’d rather contact me that way instead. If I don’t hear from you either way, I’ll consider our thread dropped...
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However, of course, you’re always welcome to come at me with regards to starting something new, or to send me spontaneous memes from my tag! I’m not trying to bar anyone from RPing with me; I’m just aware that I’ve let this get way out of hand and need to get things back under control before I dive back in again ^^
As always, thanks for your patience :D
People who I owe:
@outofthisgxlaxy / @museswcrm​ -
Vanellope & Steven (leaving) - 02/04/20
Mabel & Steven - 31/03/20
Vanellope & Steven (post-hospital) - 19/03/20
Lilo & Steven - 21/12/19
Vanellope & Garnet (baking) - 17/10/19
Vanellope & Bismuth (post-Reunited) - 10/07/19
Vanellope & Garnet (snowman) - 01/06/19
Vanellope & Greg - (being babysat) - 29/05/19
Vanellope & Garnet - (post-CYM) - 24/05/19
Taffyta & Vanellope - 24/05/19
Kiara & Kovu - 22/05/19
Terra & Blossom - 21/05/19
@starsweepers​​ / @streetxcat​​​ -
Angry & Red - 02/03/20
Danielle & Lady - 09/08/19
Angel & Red - 04/07/19
Margo & Scratch, Flea - 28/06/19
Angel & Cat - 02/07/19
Child!Angel & Sarah - 26/06/19
@biscuitincharge​​​ - Webby & Steven - 05/03/20
@feelinsheepish​​ - Angry & Terrence - 26/02/20
@spiderben2011​​ - Terra & Zatanna - 27/02/20
@the-purple-hero​​​ - Cera & Spyro - 16/02/20
@iim-a-pilot​​​ - Webby & Launchpad - 14/02/20
@keywcilder​​​ - Hat Kid & Sora - 03/01/20
@multipleohseas-a​​​ - Angel & Neda - 01/01/20
@blackstardiopside​​​ - Lilo & Black Star - 24/12/19
@musesmansion​​​ -
Angel & Dylan - 21/12/19
Scout & Kerrigan - 28/07/19
Vanellope & Sombra - 27/05/19
@silntstrikr​​​ - Lilo & Red - 17/12/19
@linkyofmuses​​​ - Lilo & Stitch - 17/12/19
@wisemandrill​​ - Kiara & Rafiki - 30/11/19
@spg-fanbot-cousins​​ - Vanellope & Sprocket, Dex - 22/11/19
@deepclover80​​ - Babs & Clover - 05/10/19
@flutter-butters​​ - Babs & Fluttershy - 06/10/19
@av-agent​​ -
Vanellope & Vale - 25/08/19
Margo & Vale - 01/06/19
@turnsofate - Vanellope & Jack - 08/07/19
@spirits-of-nature16​​ - Vanellope & Karoline - 04/07/19
@thepaststillhurts​ - Kiara & Simba - 31/05/19
@joestarfightingspirit​ - Vanellope & Joseph, Jotaro - 25/05/19
@crona-deals-with-blogging​ - Margo & Crona - 25/05/19
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brooklynisher · 10 months
New PFP :)
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Really proud of this one :]
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littledraga · 4 years
Whumptober2020 SPG Power Outage
Rabbit’s core had been unstable for years. It was practically a part of their personality now. Just something the manor expected. Glitches and the occasional meltdown. Nothing the Walter Workers couldn’t deal with.
But it was becoming too frequent and getting worse. The blue matter effects were starting to leak into the manor. Rabbit’s dreams coming to life, or places where things got thin, portals trying to form. It wasn’t safe to take them to shows.
It had been a madhouse trying to find the original blueprints. How they had managed to get so lost was beyond Six. They should have all been kept together.
When someone did find them, it was a long conversation. The Spine sat with Rabbit while she tried to explain why she’d never come forward before. That pappy had been too happy to want to disrupt anything, and she was afraid no one would believe her.
She would be out for a few days. Long enough that The Spine had time to sneak in a few new pieces into her wardrobe. It wasn’t much, but something he hoped would make her happy. Overall it was a simple black dress with puffed up sleeves, a ruffled black Walter Worker dress. He found a corset to slip over it to make it look a little flashier. It was a start, at least.
When she finally powered back on, she woke up surrounded by family. Sitting up, she smiled brightly. She’d undergone quite the change inside and out. Her core glowed a bright red now instead of blue. “H-hey th-there! Did-didn’t expect such a cr-crowd when I woke up!”
The Spine laughed and leaned over to hug her tightly. “It’s good to see you awake. I was worried about my sister.”
She beamed brightly at hearing him call her his sister and clung to him tightly. He didn’t mention the oil soaking into his suit. It was, understandably, a bit overwhelming for her to suddenly be a completed bot.
“Come on. You’ve been stuck in that suit long enough, come on.” Helping his sister off the bench, he tugged her back upstairs.
“I don-don’t know what you’re expecting, Spineo,” she chided as she followed him up. She may have gotten an overhaul, but that didn’t change what was in her room.
He just grinned widely and sat down on the edge of her bed to let her look. “I’m sure there’s something in there that we can work with.”
When she found the dress, she squealed in delight. “Spine, it’s amazing!” Hugging the fabric to her chest, she spun around in a tight circle, dancing on her feet.
Suddenly she was pushing her brother out of the room. “Out out! You can’t be in here while I change! It ain’t appropriate.”
Laughing, Spine nearly fell on his face as he stumbled out of Rabbit’s room. “I’m going, I’m going!” While he waited, he leaned against the wall and crossed his arms.
After a while, when she hadn’t opened the door, he tilted his head. “You alright in there, Rabbit? Not too fiddly?” He asked and laughed when he heard something hit the door.
“I wear six belts! I can figure out a dress!”
Another long pause and she cracked open the door. “Okay, maybe I need some help,” she muttered.
Once she had managed to get zipped in and added a few belts, for flair and tradition, she said, Rabbit spun in front of the mirror, giggling like a loon.
Back on the edge of the bed, Spine watched his sister with a small smile. He couldn’t remember the last time he had seen her so happy. Not since before Peter I passed away at least. Excited, wild, smiling, content, sure. But not truly happy.
After a while, she stopped and laid a hand on her head, gently running over the shiny copper. She wasn’t sure she liked that.
Watching her, Spine lifted his hat a little to show off his hair. “Want to wear my wig?” He offered. While he would have let her, they both laughed when she threw a pillow at him. Maybe not that one. “What about your rabbit ears? Those might work for now.”
With a hum, she looked back in the mirror. Gears whirred slowly, and her head opened up as copper antennas came up in the shape of large rabbit ears. She wiggled them around a little, turning them this way and that before she settled on how she liked them. Yeah, those were okay! Giggling, she spun around and showed off her new look.
“They look perfect, Rabbit,” praised The Spine.
Rabbit looked like she could have vibrated through the floor with excitement. Everything was just perfect! “I-I-I gotsta show-show everyone!” Hurrying out the door, she ran through the manor to show off her new, well everything!
The Spine had to stop her to get water more than once as she got excited, and bubbled on about how much she loved the dress. No one mentioned it looked like a dyed uniform. The Spine had done his best.
While she ran around, he could hardly keep up with her and opted to just be around, to make sure she was alright. Sure there weren’t really any risks for her in the manor, but that was still his sister, and he wanted to make sure she was alright after such a big change. He wasn’t sure he had ever seen her so energetic and full of life before. It was good to see her so happy now.
“It’s late, Rabbit. We need to shut down for a little while.”
“ B-b-b-b-but, Spine! It’s not that late! I wanna see what kind of dresses I can get! Petes promised I could buy some new clothes!”
Gently tugging her up to the room, his shoulders slumped. “Tomorrow. We can spend all day looking at dresses, okay? We'll find someone to take us to the mall or something.”
That worked! Mostly. She ran into her room, but he wasn’t sure she ever went into stasis.
Admittedly, he was excited too. This had been a long time coming, and he was glad Rabbit could have it at last. Even if he didn't think he could ever keep up with her again. Laying in his own bed, he sighed a happy stream of steam and powered down for a while.
It was easier in the morning. The Spine nearly had to pull her out of bed.
She was tired and sluggish. When she wouldn’t respond to knocking, The Spine marched in and found her tangled in her blanket.
"Must have used up all your energy bouncing around yesterday," teased Spine as he finally dragged his sister out of bed. He laughed when she swatted at him, clanging softly against his metal arm.
After making sure water boilers were topped up, he was worried she hadn't perked back up yet. She must have really been excited last night. Though he still didn’t think she should have been this worn down. They really didn’t need to sleep after all.
"Come on, we can look online for dresses," he offered, trying to get some life in her.
She perked up a little, at least as she followed him off to check the computer. Before they even sat down, she was asking about what kind of dresses there were. He wondered if it would have been better to have Upgrade or Malfunction there. He didn’t know all that much about dresses after all.
There wasn't a single dress she didn't gush over and plan on begging Petes for. From sundresses to ball gowns and even a few nightgowns she said were too pretty for bed.
When he suggested shoes, he thought she had ruined her voice box with that squeal. Or at least ruined his hearing! Who knew there were that many styles of shoes! The Spine wondered if he should update his own wardrobe. Of course, Rabbit came first.
That was the energy he was expecting! Not that he knew how the manor was going to fund this wardrobe.
He was pretty good with a needle and thread. There had to be something he could manage. Something he could look into later. For now, he was fine just sitting with Rabbit and planning outfits she would probably never get to wear.
They talked a while about what colours went with copper, and he bored her with information on wigs. There was a black and pink one that she had fallen in love with. Without thinking, he bought that.
After a while, she got quiet and leaned against his shoulder. She really must have been up too long. He supposed too much excitement could do it, even for robots that ran on blue matter, or red matter rather.
Smiling softly, he wrapped an arm around her and closed out of the tabs. That was alright. They'd been at it a good portion of the day, a break was good.
Once the computer was off, he gave her a gentle shake. "Come on, you. Nap somewhere else," he teased.
That was concerning. Rabbit shouldn't have been able to get that tired. Maybe she was pranking Spine again?
"Come on, I'll drop you," he warned, moving her he tried to trick her into getting up. Seeing her lulled back, he gasped.
Her core had gone dark in her chest.
He called for help, screaming over the wifi as he lifted her up from the chair. Cradling her safely against his chest, he ran full speed through the manor and down to the labs.
The Walter Workers and Six were scrambling, trying to prepare as he barged into the room. Rushing him in the Walter Workers had to pry Rabbit from his arms to get her on the table.
The Spine was too heavy to force out of the lab. As much as they reasoned they would work better without him there, he refused to leave. That was Rabbit, his sister, on the table. He wouldn't leave her side.
While they worked, he paced the room and hovered over their shoulders. He sobbed and cried, quietly begging Rabbit to be alright. She couldn't die now, not now most of all.
Six was relentless as he worked. When restarting her failed, he opened up Rabbit's chest and checked every wire. Groundings, ports, gears, and screws, nothing was wrong, and nothing was working.
He poured hours into trying to bring Rabbit back online. Even the smallest detail wasn’t left unnoticed. The strangest idea was given a try, no matter how far fetched. He had even tried promising her a truckload of chocolate moon pies. He had nearly replaced all of her, hoping something would work.
"The red matter stabilized her, but it wasn't strong enough to keep her powered." Six put a hand over his mask and quietly wept.
The Walter Workers put their tools down and looked down at their feet. There was nothing left for them to try.
“Then make her core blue again!" Demanded Spine, stepping over to loom over Petes.
Six looked pained up at the titanium robot. Tears streamed down from under his mask, soaking into his lab coat. “I can’t.”
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basiliskbagel · 5 years
How are we feeling after that new video? The song's a bop, The Spine got his hat snatched by Rabbit.
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pearlsartblog2019 · 5 years
Monster Verse AU: Part three
SPG Monster Verse AU: Part 3
Notes: Notes: Don’t own SPG… all of those lovelies belong to the bennetts and co. I just do strange things in stories with the characters for fun. 
Don’t own Sprocket  Or Dex they be long to the very awesome: https://spg-fanbot-cousins.tumblr.com/
Pearl is my own character and is used in this and several other stories. Time period note : this is set in the early 1980’s on or about 1983…. So rabbit will still be a guy in this. In the stories set in modern times rabbit will of course be a woman. Thanks again On to the show
  Everyone had just been told to give Dex the time he needed to recover from the loss of his friend.  The car wreck that had taken the young human out of this world would forever haunt the younger Walter because for family reasons he had not been there to help his human friend out. 
Everyone at the manor felt awful and Dex had even asked the cadre of wizards around if there were anything that could be done to help his friend. It wasn't impossible he had been told but it would only work if it had NOT been that person's time to die. Sadly it had and no magic in the universe would or could return a soul that didn't wish to stay. 
So the young DJ was left to grieve and everyone try their best to make it as easy on him as possible. 
The girls backed off from tag teaming Dex and went from teasing him to being sweet friendly and loving. Offering snuggles and coil hugs when ever they saw that he was crying to much or when ever he broke down and they were able to be around him. 
His aunts and uncles and parent were doing their best to be supportive of him as possible. Telling him that life ended for everyone some day. Yes even people like them that might last forever.  So take the time he needed to recover from this and they would be there for him. 
That was the situation in the manor the night of the full moon, the week after Dex's human friend had passed. 
There had often been rumors about the house that Peter V had been more than just a wizard. But of the two people that might know the answer. Salgexicon and Delilah ... neither one was about to let the cat out of the bag. 
The Spine, Vampire Lord of this city, had a sneaking suspicion that something was up that night when the had first gone down. Something was in the air.  Both of the girls  could smell it, the sense of change in the air. His lil vampire and naga daughters were nearly as perceptive as he was when it came to that kind of thing.  So that had him wandering around the manor just checking to see if everything and everyone was in order. 
One kitsune making life interesting for one succubus, one dryad, and one giant. Check.
One Drider hanging upside down from his web working on his mandolin, while helping One kitsune make life interesting for one succubus, one dryad and one giant. Check. 
One other vampire lady making life interesting for a cadre of at least two Wizards at this point. Check. 
Two wizards wishing they could somehow lock the Vampire lady OUT of the library and study in peace. Check.
One Mini Vampire working on a painting in her room. Check
One Sliver, black and red Naga keeping one mini vampire company while she painted. Check.
All that was missing at this point was one silver haired DJ of currently unknown supernatural disposition. 
Spine was about to head in the direction of Dex's room when everyone in the house heard it. 
The 'It' in question started out as a muffled cry of pain that quickly changed in intensity and volume. It morphed into a scream of UTTER AGONY and that kept going for a few moments. Shrieks of someone in literal bone morphing pain. 
Those cries began to change and morph into something less humanoid and finally changed all the way into a deep throaty howl.  A long  howl that could only come from ONE kind of being. 
About one minute later he was at the door to Dex's room and trying to get the thing open as the rest of the family began to appear. 
The girls frist, seeing as their rooms were right down the hall 
"What was that?" Sprocket asked as she slid up closely followed by pearl.
Spine looked at the door, "I think something changed with Dex.  I need to get this open but i don't want to break the door."
"lemme," Pearl told him and produced the skeleton key she had gotten from peter a long time ago. 
One of those that can get any door in an old house like this open. 
By now more of the family had gathered including Dex's father Rabbit ( note: this is set in the 1990s.. rabbit had NOT transitioned yet. When i get to the stories set in modern times Rabbit will of course be a girl. Thank you) 
"W-w-hat's going on?" He demanded, "D-d-d the kid just howl!?"
"I'm fairly certain he just howled Rabbit, " Spine motioned to the door where his youngest still messed around with the key. "Give her a moment. "
There was a triumphant click and the door swung open, " got it." 
Everyone proceeded to attempt to stick their heads in the door at once, until Rabbit shoved everyone but Spine out of the way and went into the room.  EVERYONE STOPPED.
On the bed sat a VERY confused looking silver wolf part of his ruff hanging over one eye just like Dex's hair. 
The wolf was panting softly and looked around the room then at his Father and gave the equivalent of a lupine shrug. He still looked too tired to get up off the bed so Rabbit moved over to him. 
"Holy....HOW?" The copper kitsune looked back at his silvery brother. 
"Peter V I suspect." He rubbed his green eyes with one hand, "He went on an expedition with Salgexicon and Delilah and came back with a bite on his arm. I am sure wizard that he is, found ways to not change.  He never went into detail about what happened but somehow managed to successfully pass it on to Dex."
"Sooo.. He's a werewolf?" Pearl asked. 
"That is the coolest thing I have EVER SEEN!" Sprocket stated. 
Then both of the girls looked at each other and grinned, "PUPPY CUDDLES!!!" in perfect unison. Proceeded to crash dive into the room and tackle their newly wolfed cousin. 
"Easy g-g-girls!" Rabbit stopped them, "He's probably still sore! "
This got a course of "Awwww's" of disappointment from them. 
"You can still hug him, " Spine told them, "just be careful ok?"
They instantly brightened and proceeded to head over for some less tackely hugs. 
Rabbit pulled a lil book out of one of the pockets he had and proceeded to check something off the list. Then stuff it back where it came from. 
"Well ... that adds werewolf to the bunch. Sc-sc-scuese me while I go bite some collective wizard heads off for not telling me this."
Then proceeded to head down the hall where Spine could already see the wizards in question duck back into the office they had been peeking out of. 
Spine smiled and stepped out to tell the rest of the family the news and then head down to see if there was anything a werewolf could eat in the kitchen. 
Time to make the newest "monster" of the family feel as comfortable and happy as possible.
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So, it’s August 2016
(under a read more because this ended up being sorta long)
Steam Powered Giraffe are performing their first, full show in England and I had tickets. I'd waited years for this.
The show took me to a place I'd never been before, both physically and spiritually. First time in Lincoln, an unfamiliar city but I was spurred continuously through the stranger streets by the vibrant possibilities the evening held.
We checked into our Motel, Damon's Motel, not important. And we taxi's our way to the student union performance space: The Engine Shed. A more appropriate venue? I think not.   There was already a queue outside, cosplay, fanbots and herbal steampunkedness was abundant. But I had to perform ablutions, so we rambled over a nearby bridge the Pub on the other side, I don't remember the name, but again, it doesn't matter.
I revelled in the happily confused glances I received for my attire and appreciated the sight of a group of fanbots say outside eating fish and chips. Whoever you were, good bloody job!
On our way back over the bridge my eye was understandably drawn to a quick flash of orange and mandarin a few feet away and I indecisive recognised the mess of dreadlocks as Steve Negrete. SPG's famed and beloved sound engineer. I called out to him ;
"Steve!" My tone was unexpectedly familiar. As though I was attempting to garner the attention of a friend I hadn't seen for a while, but was still very fond him. Anyway, I was actually surprised when he turned around to acknowledge my cry he shot me a beaming smile and offered a wave, which I returned. Then off he went, probably to plug in some speakers or some activity of that variety. So, we take our place is ever growing line outside of the venue and wait. I had lovely chats with some folks in costume (maybe it was one of you?), a robot up towards the front had brought along a ukulele and played ‘Honeybee’, ‘Brass Goggles’ and others.   Had I known any better, maybe I didn’t, I would have thought that the latter had been meticulously rehearsed, due to how well-balanced the pre-show turned out to be. So, we get inside. We check our bags and coats and quickly secure our place at the almost-front of the stage. The show begins and we suffer through an awful histoire-garage band called ‘Before Victoria’ who, unfortunately, originated in Leicester. Good cheese, though.   And to our collective surpise, Prof. Elemental shows up. What ho!
The lights lower, the colour arrangement becomes more intense and vibrant. The air all throughout the room became pregnant with the subtle buzzing of anticipation and steam. A mere glance around the room revealed faces all turned in one direction; the stage. Eyes alight with excitement and expectation. I could feel my fingertips vibrating, and if I hadn’t been mentally and physically preparing myself for this months during the last three months I may have swayed dramatically into the people in front of me.
The hour was a blur. It was a sharp, fast, blur that radiated energy that was new and fresh and... Steamy.
Anyway, as you can probably predict the show came to an end with the grand swell that is ‘Brass Goggles’. Off we went to collect our belongings and take some deep breaths of fresh air. But wait- there was a table set up and a new queue was forming along the metal barriers.
“Holy fucking shit.” I breathed. “Motherfucking Meet and greet.”
I whipped my head around to where my boyfriend was stood. Who, in a happy happenstance, happened to be stood in front of the merch crew.
“I need a photo. An album, anything that can be touched and signed.” We both ran in different directions and I waited to... meet... them. My boyfriend sidled up behind me and he gave me a hug. I’m almost sure he could feel my nerves through my dress.
I approched Sam first.
“Could you sign this, please?” I asked.
“Absolutely!” He replied. And I did wierd laugh. My meeting-Hatchworth laugh. I apologised and tole him I was just very nervous. “Don’t worry,” He said. “So are we.” And we both laughed.
David was next, sat in the middle. He was still wearing his hat, but had taken off his gloves and rolled up his sleeves. I offered him my photo to sign and he offered me a smile.
“Would I be able to shake your hand?” I squeaked. He responded by holding out his hand.
“Sure thing.” And so I shook his hand. I shook his hand. I say that to myself a lot.
“You guys are great, I love your... everything.”
“Thank you!” And we both laughed.
And Bunny was last. My nerves are already fried and sleep deprivation is getting to me and I feel bit wobbly all over.
“Hi! Thanks for coming!” She’s gleaming. An Angel. She takes off one of her gloves and offers me her hand and I take it instantly.   It’s unbelievably soft. Like when you touch a hamsters fur and it’s so fine you almost don’t feel it. And warm, which I suppose makes sense since part of her career is to wear gloves a lot, but it was a cold warm, y’know when you sit by the fire after just being outside in the snow.
I felt electrified. These were people I never thought I’d get to see play live, let alone meet face-to-face and shake hands with, laugh with. I was giddy and out of breath, but it was good. It was amazing and I wanted to thank them a thousand times over, but there were more people behind me who wanted to do the same thing, and it was their turn now.
“Thank you for coming!” Lame.
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