#New Dick Van Dyke Show
i-didnt-hate-it · 20 days
I didn't hate Challengers, it just took me forever to finally see! I was sick the week it came out, and I either just haven't had the right vibe, or there's been something else I needed to watch more. But after hearing some great things from a friend whose taste I very much respect, I knew it was time to finally make time. I used Challengers as an incentive to finish the first draft of my final research essay of my English class, which I did!
Anyway, wow. Just wow. The hype is real. Now I'm not a fan of tennis, or sports in general for that matter. The only sports I pay attention to at all are the Olympics, and even then I don't usually watch tennis because it's on the cable channels for some reason. But I couldn't take my eyes off this movie, that's how well made it is.
I'm sure I'm not saying anything that hasn't already been said, but nearly everything about Challengers is absolutely immaculate. This is how you tell a nonlinear story. I've got a feeling we'll be studying this script for a while. There isn't a single shot wasted, every moment is intentional, feeding off of what came before, and preparing for what comes next.
I saw a review somewhere that said something like, "Everything is tennis, except tennis, which is sex," and I fully agree. Conversations are set up and filmed like a match, the camera whipping back and forth like we are watching a ball fly between the characters. The sexual tension between the main characters is so strong throughout the whole film, but it's strongest on the court, rather than in the bedroom.
I could go on awhile about the camera work, but suffice it to say I think I audibly moaned when the camera looked up from below the court like it was glass.
Zendaya is amazing, of course. She's only getting started in her main character era. Mike Faist and Josh O'Connor both play their parts exquisitely as well. The chemistry between all three is just perfect. And however they did the makeup to differentiate between past and present, absolutely fantastic. Like they actually looked younger and older, not just like they were wearing "slightly older person" makeup.
The music was so interesting, very Trent Reznor & Atticus Ross. There were a few times where it seemed out of place, but in a weird way that made it even more in place. It's hard to explain, but I guess it goes along with everything being symbolic of something else. An intensely funky beat might not play during an exciting tennis match like you'd expect, it might start playing as one character gives another character a look that says more than any dialogue.
Like the ending, omg. No spoilers, but saying so much without actually saying anything. Those final moments make all that not blinking so you don't miss anything for 2 hours so worth it.
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georgefurth · 6 months
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Joan Hotchkis and George Furth in Season 3, Episode 18 of the New Dick Van Dyke Show (1974)
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the-skull-breaker · 1 year
Lance : *sneaks up behind Mahanie who's sitting on the couch, ready to jump on her*
Mahanie : *catches him from behind when he's close enough and tackles him to the couch before kissing him* and that's what you'll get every time you'll sneak up on me.
Lance : ... you promise ?
Mahanie : promise~.
Lance : alright, I'll keep sneaking up, you keep doing that thing you'll do~.
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oldshowbiz · 11 months
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Hope Lange: There's an Emptiness.
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awful-little-goose · 7 months
I seriously cannot stop drawing Buzzbuzz and thinking about @sm-baby ‘s au because BRBRBRBR NEW LORE JUST DROPPED AND IM GOING INSANE (I do love me some GOOD story telling)
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Little dancing session! And yes, actually Buzz CAN tolerate Pomni, they just get mad at her when she helps humans cheat
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They’ll play in Gangle’s plays if asked (they’re quite the show man! Show…bee?) but will also fight her actively as soon as she purposefully changes historical facts
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Also I could 100% see buzzbuzz hurry to put a show for Kinger JUST to not end up facing fifty or so chess pieces at once
And also Buzzbuzz messing with Cain >:) I do NOT draw your Cain enough even though I find him to be absolutely charming, with his little hat and winding key- so…Dick Van Dyke (the dude from the Mary Poppins movie) coded
(Also Buzzbuzz’s may be little spirals but they can’t- hypnotize people, just makes people dizzy and confused. NO psychic powers for this worm!!)
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lives-in-midgard · 7 months
🎄Beautiful Miracle🎄
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Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x reader
Summary: When your car breaks down in a small village you luckily find a bakery to stay in.
Word Count: 1095
A/N: Hey everyone! This is my first fic for my Christmas special hosted by the lovely @buckys-wintersoldier. I hope you like it! 💗
Dividers made by @saradika 💗
Prompt 1: Bakery AU
Masterlist | Fluffcember Masterlist
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It’s the first day of December and it has just started snowing. You were driving through a small village you had never been to before when suddenly your car broke down in the middle of the road. You were just able to pull over to park your car in an empty parking lot. You tried to start the car again, but it didn’t work.
“Noo, that can’t happen now. Not now when it’s so cold outside.” You said to yourself. After another try, you decided to call a car service station. They told you that it would take an hour or more for them to get here. So, you decided to take your bag, get out of your car, and look for somewhere to stay. You took a few steps and then saw that there was a small bakery.
Maximoff’s Sweets
You smiled and opened the door to the bakery. The air was filled with the smell of cinnamon and vanilla. Everything was decorated with Christmas decoration and a Christmas carol was playing. You walked around and noticed that this place looks really cozy and beautiful. You couldn’t see the owner of this shop, but you could hear someone singing.
“Deck the halls with boughs of holly.” You heard the soft voice more clearly now and had to smile. Then a door opened and a beautiful young woman with red hair walked out of a room from the back. She had a plate with cookies in her hand and immediately smiled when she saw you.
“Hello and welcome to my bakery.” The owner smiled at you and placed the cookies in an empty spot.
“Hi, this is a really wonderful place here.” You confessed and looked around and then back at her.
“Thank you. This really means a lot to me. Especially because it’s my first Christmas here.”
“Oh, congrats on that.” You said and the woman had to chuckle. She looked so beautiful and lovely.
“What can I offer you?” She asked and you looked at it all deliciously.
“Umm, I’m not sure. This looks all so delicious, what would you recommend?” You asked her nervously.
“How about these cinnamon rolls? They are really good and a new recipe I tried.” She pointed to the cinnamon rolls, and you nodded.
“Sounds good. I’ll take this and a coffee please.” You answered and Ms. Maximoff turned around to make you a coffee. She put the dessert and coffee on a plate and then walked with you to a table. You sat down and she placed everything in front of you.
“Do you mind if I join you?” She asked shyly.
“Of course not.”
“Okay, great, because my new cookies just came out of the oven and need time to cool. I’ll be with you in a moment.” She went back, made herself a cup of coffee and then came back to you. She sat down across from you.
“Oh, I’m sorry, I haven’t introduced myself yet. I‘m Wanda Maximoff.”
“Hi Wanda, I‘m Y/N.“
“So, what brought you to my bakery?” Wanda asked and you told her the story of your car and how you luckily found her warm and cozy bakery. Wanda listened intently as the two of you drank your coffee and ate your dessert.
“Wow, that tasted so good.” You complimented her after eating the cinnamon roll.
“Thank you, love.” You blushed and looked out the window for a second and saw that it started to snow more.
“What do you like to do when you’re not at this wonderful bakery?” You asked Wanda as you looked back at her.
“Well, I love spending time with my brother and some friends, I love finding new recipes for all kind of stuff, and oh I really enjoy watching sitcoms.”
“Sounds really cool. What’s your favorite sitcom?”
“The Dick Van Dyke Show. I loved it when I was a kid and I still do.” Wanda told you.
“And what do you like to do when your car doesn’t break down in front of a bakery?” Wanda asked and you had to chuckle at her question. You told her about your hobbies and talked for a while until you got a message on your phone.
“Sorry.” You apologized and looked at your phone.
“Oh, no.” You mumbled when you saw the message from the car service station.
“What’s wrong?” Wanda asked.
“It’s the car service station. It will take them a few hours to get here because of the snow.”
“Oh, I’m sorry, but hey, you’re lucky you ended up here.”
“Yeah, you’re right.” You smiled at her. A few minutes passed before Wanda said something again.
“Hey, I have an idea.”
“I’m all ears.”
“If you're interested, maybe you could help me with some cookies.”
“Yeah, sounds great.” You said and Wanda smiled happily. She showed you the kitchen where she makes all her desserts. Wanda then gave you an apron and you tied your hair into a ponytail. Then she showed you the recipe and started to put everything you needed on the table. You had fun helping Wanda bake the cookies and when you were done you put them in the oven and Wanda gave you a cup of hot chocolate. You stood next to her and talked for a few minutes until Wanda got the idea to decorate the cookies she had baked before you arrived. When you were almost finished, you received a message that the car service station will be here soon.
Wanda decided to give you some cookies and when you wanted to pay, she said that wasn’t necessary. You insisted that you wanted to pay, but Wanda was a little more stubborn than you, so she won. You put your jacket on and were a little sad to leave now, but you know where this bakery is so you could come back anytime.
“Goodbye, Wanda.” You said before opening the door.
“Wait.” Wanda shouted and ran towards you. You turned around and looked at her confused.
“I really enjoyed this afternoon with you and thought you might like to meet me again.” Wanda asked.
“I also really enjoyed it. I can give you my phone number, so you can text me.” Wanda nodded with a smile, and you gave her your phone number.
“See you soon, Wanda.” You said before walking out.
“See you soon. “You walked out with a smile, happy that your car broke down here and not somewhere else. Otherwise, you probably would never have met Wanda.
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@marvelogic | @eviebuggg | @yelenasdiary | @youralphawolf72 | @severelyuniquereview | @mrs-bucky-barnes-73
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fandomnerd9602 · 1 year
Jealous Student
Wanda Maximoff x Nerd!Reader (High School AU)
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You’ve been dating popular girl and magic user Wanda Maximoff for close to a few months at this point.
Honestly you’ve been on cloud nine. You and Wanda knew everything about one another already thanks to your strong friendship. Everyone in Wanda’s friend circle approved of you.
It didn’t matter to Wanda that you were a nerd, you were her nerd.
Everything was going well or so you thought. It was around this time that a foreign exchange student came in. His name was Vision Jarvis, a proper British chap.
It didn’t take long, literally five minutes of walking on to campus to make a beeline for your girlfriend.
“Excuse me, miss?” The proper British accent showing, “can you tell me where I can locate Mr Fury’s class?”
“Yes that’s Y/N and mine’s class” she explains, gesturing to you.
“Perfect. I’m Vision.” He shakes her hand and kisses her knuckles.
“Wanda” she gives a smile.
“And I’m Y/N” you give him a handshake, trying not to show the jealousy brewing in your very soul.
Wanda gives your hand a gentle squeeze as the two of you guide Vision to your class.
Vision quickly starting hanging out with you and Wanda. He quickly gained the affection of all your friends.
“Watch out, Hufflepuff” Tony Stark warns you within the week.
“Proper British dude? The accent?” He explains, “no girl can resist any accent.”
“I take it you used an accent when you asked out Pepper?”
“Didn’t fool her at all but I did make her laugh” he smirks.
Vision was seeming awful chummy with Wanda. He was a fan of Dick Van Dyke and Florence and the Machine.
Somehow you felt that you were starting to become the third wheel.
You approach Wanda during lunch, handmade lunches in tow. “Hey Wanda, I was wondering if you wanted to continue our Harry Potter marathon tonight”
“Harry Potter?” Vision chimes, “i love the Wizarding World!”
“Uhh…Vision was wondering if he could tag along.” Wanda looks at you uneasy.
“Oh” you find your voice brimming with sadness, “well…uhh…”
Vision interrupts, “Wanda I was inquiring if you and Y/N would like to join me for tea later”
“Well Vis the thing is-“ Wanda tries to say. But it was too late you walked away, a few tears making their way down your cheek.
“Detka?!” Wanda calls out to you before chasing after you.
“You seem awful chummy with him” you state, trying to keep from being heard by anyone else but her.
“Vis? Well he’s new.” Wanda tries to explain.
“It’s the accent right?”
“Huh? What are you talking about?”
“You like him. You like Vision more than me” you finally blurt out.
“No I don’t.” Wanda looks at you so confused.
“Does he even know we’re dating? No one is ever that chummy with someone unless they’re into you”
“Y/N will you just listen?” Wanda takes your face in her hands, “Detka you’re the one I love.”
Vision walks up to you and Wanda, “I apologize for interrupting, but Vivian invited me out for coffee.”
“Vivian?” You ask.
“Yes. She is quite lovely. Thank you both so much for being my friends recently.” Vision finishes, “I hope I haven’t caused any strife. By the way you make such a lovely couple”
“T-thank you” you shake his hand as he walks over to a young girl.
Wanda looks to you, a little cocked eyebrow, “was my detka jealous?”
“Maybe.” You whisper. “It’s just that you’re so amazing and I’m so…bland”
“No you’re not.” Wanda giggles pulling you into a hug. “You are just right…for me.”
“So do you wanna have a Harry Potter marathon, my Slytherin?”
“With only you, my Hufflepuff” Wanda gives you a kiss on the nose.
You turn to go to class but Wanda stops you. She pulls you close and whispers in your ear, “I think we can afford to play hooky at least once in our lives.”
The two of you quickly run out of Avengers High. Tony simply smirks, being the only person to see the two of you leaving.
One day out on the town won’t kill your grades. But one life without Wanda would be unbearable.
Tags @natashaswife4125 @jacelion @lifespectator @aloneodi @xxxtwilightaxelxxx @iamnicodemus @russianredassassin @kathleenmikaelson @kingofthelizardpeople @supercorpdanbeau @scarletwitch-n7 @family-house-of-m
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First Night | Wanda Maximoff
Summary: Your first time with Wanda :)
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x Male Reader
Warnings: Smut (Minors DNI), language, age gap (R is 25, Wanda is 38)
Word Count: 4.3K
A/N: This is a Stripper MILF Wanda fic.  It takes place during the events of Woman of the Night.  Welcome to the Stripper MILF Wanda Cinematic Universe!  
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Wanda was definitely not expecting to see you standing in her kitchen at midnight cooking pasta, but there was a first time for everything. 
“Oh god,” she gasped, clutching her chest as she saw you standing in the kitchen.
“Hey babe,” you grinned as you stirred the strands of linguini around the sauce pan, mixing it with the marinara sauce you stole from the cupboard.  “How was work?”
“Work was fine how…how did you get in here?” Wanda asked.  She dropped her duffle bag on the ground, trying to figure out both why and how you were standing in the kitchen.
“Oh, I climbed in through the window.  It was unlocked.”
“Okay, but why?” she asked with a chuckle.
“Am I not allowed to make dinner for my girlfriend?” you asked as you turned off the burner, carefully stirring the pasta so as to not spill any over the side of the pan.
“Grateful as I am, sweetheart, it’s midnight.”  She wrapped her arms around you from behind, resting her chin on your shoulder as she squeezed you close.
“Some of us aren’t in our twenties anymore, Y/N.  Some of us like to be asleep before the sun comes up.”
“Do you at least want some food?  I have to say, I think this is my best pasta yet.”
“I told you I’d have you whipped into shape in no time.  I might not be Italian, but I’m still a pretty good cook if I do say so myself.  The boys haven’t gone hungry yet,” she chuckled, tickling your sides as she squeezed you close.
“Hey now!”  You jumped as she tickled you, whipping the spoon out of the pan and speckling the counter with the red sauce.  “Keep that up and no pasta for you!”
“Oh shut up,” Wanda rolled her eyes as she grabbed the spoon from your hand.  “You’re lucky the boys aren’t home this weekend.  They would’ve ambushed you with their nerf guns if they heard someone break into the house.”
“Well if I actually met them…”
“Y/N, I told you.  Not yet.  It’s too soon.” Wanda’s tone hardened as she dished pasta into her bowl.
“Sorry,” you mumbled.  “I want to meet them, Wanda.  You talk about them so much that I feel like I practically know them!  Besides, I think Tommy needs to have his butt whooped at Mario Kart so he’ll stop being a dick to Billy about it.”
Wanda laughed as she sat down at the table, shaking her head.  It had only been two months since the two of you made your relationship official and neither of you were interested in rushing things, Wanda not wanting to introduce a new man into the boys’ lives so soon and you because this was your first real relationship since high school.  Sure, you dated a girl for a few months your junior year of high school and went out on some random dates throughout college, but you’d never had anything this serious before.  While you enjoyed spending time with Wanda, there was still a lot you’d never experienced and you didn’t want to rush in too fast.
“I know.  You’ll meet them, I promise.  I plan on keeping you around, mister.  We’re a package deal.”  She took a bite of the pasta, blowing on it to cool it off before putting a forkful in her mouth.  “You know, that’s actually not half bad.”
“Coming from you, that’s quite the compliment.”  Wanda giggled as she helped herself to another bite.
You offered to take the bowl from Wanda once she was done eating, cleaning up and packing away the leftovers as she went to the living room to pick out a show for the two of you to watch.
“Dick Van Dyke again?  Wanda, have you watched any shows from this century?” you asked only half-jokingly as you plopped down on the sofa next to her.
“I need something mindless after work tonight.  And it’s my house so if you don’t like it-”
“Hey, what’s fine with you is fine with me.”  You put your hands up defensively.
“And I wanna be the big spoon, too.”  She reached her arms out to you, practically begging to snuggle you as she laid on the couch.  You chuckled as you curled up into her chest.  As much as you loved holding Wanda, it was nice being held for a change.  She brought you an immense sense of comfort as she wrapped her arms around you and kissed the top of your head.
The titles rolled by, the screen flashing with black and white images.  You felt Wanda’s body soften up as she immersed herself into the distraction of the sitcom world, the stress of the day melting off her.  Try as you might to concentrate on the show, you were distracted.  Wanda’s body was intoxicating.  Once you got a taste of it you didn’t want to stop.  Snuggling up against her, feeling the way her chest rose and fell with each breath and the way her heart beat up against it, made you want to lose yourself in her presence.  So as she stared at the screen, you began to tease your fingers up and down her thigh.
“Can I help you?” she laughed as she felt your hand moving on her leg.
“Maybe…” You looked up into her stunning green eyes, her pupils dilating as you trailed your fingers higher up her leg.  You could feel her heart pounding wildly in her chest as she looked down at you.  Using her thigh to push yourself up, you turned your body so that you were face to face with her, your lips mere inches from each other.  As you stared into each other’s eyes, both of you waiting to see who would make the first move, you reached up to cup her face with your hands before leaning in to kiss her.
Kissing Wanda was a religious experience.  Her lips were heavenly, softer than anything you’d ever experienced.  You loved the way she practically melted into you when you captured your lips in hers.  These kisses were soft and sweet.  Her lips were filled with a tenderness that made you weak at the knees.  You felt her smile into you as you explored her, gently nibbling on her bottom lip as you helped her lean back into the pillow.  The TV show was long forgotten as Wanda wrapped her arms around you and pulled you close on top of her.  
“Mmmm I missed this,” she sighed as you kissed your way down her jaw to her neck.  You bit down on a sensitive spot, drawing a moan from her as you licked and sucked over the tender point and marked her as yours.  “What are the boys going to think when they see I’ve got a hickey on my neck?”
“That you’re all mine,” you answered.  “All mine.”  You kissed your way back up her neck, working your way to her lips as you took them greedily.  These kisses were different.  They were more passionate, more intense.  You ran your hands up and down Wanda’s back, eventually running them up under her shirt.
“Y/N,” she breathed as she panted for breath.  You barely gave her a second to recover before slamming your lips against hers, brushing your tongue over her bottom lip, begging for permission to explore her mouth.  She enthusiastically obliged, her tongue crashing into yours as you explored each other deeply for the first time.  As you continued to kiss her, Wanda’s hands roamed from your back to your front, trailing down your stomach until they came to your belt.  The feeling of your buckle being undone snapped you back to reality as you abruptly broke away from her.
“Woah, stop, stop,” you said.  Suddenly everything felt too hot and too fast and too much all at the same time.  
Wanda’s eyes grew worried with concern, her brow furrowing as she looked up at you.  “What’s wrong?”
You gulped nervously as you looked down at her, sitting back on your heels to put space between the two of you.  “Nothing.  It’s…nothing, I’m fine.  Sorry.”
“Sweetheart, something’s wrong.  Did I do something?”
“No.  It’s…I, Christ this is so stupid, I’m a…I’ve nev-I’ve never had sex before,” you blurted.  You felt the heat rising in your face as you blushed a deep shade of red.  Wanda’s eyes widened at your revelation.  “I mean I got a one-off handjob from my high school girlfriend when I was sixteen, but that’s it.”
“Oh.” Wanda’s voice was small.  You couldn’t tell what she was thinking exactly as she stared at you.  Her head cocked to the side, a signature sign that she was deep in thought.  
“Sorry.  Umm, you know what?  I’ll just-I’ll just go.  Just forget everything I said, okay?”  You had never felt so humiliated before.  There was no way you could do anything with Wanda now.  You could barely look her in the eye with how embarrassed you felt.
“Hey,” she said, reaching out to grab your hand.  “It’s okay.  We can wait until you’re ready.  I’ll never make you do anything you don’t want to do.  Ever.  I’m not mad or anything.”
“No I want to, I really want to.  I’m just nervous.  I don’t want it to be bad for you.”
Wanda flashed the smile that made you fall even harder for her.  “It’s okay to be nervous.  I haven’t slept with anyone since Vision left so yeah, I’m nervous, too.”
“I, umm, I didn’t bring a condom,” you sheepishly admitted.
“I’ve got some upstairs.”  You let out a small chuckle.  “What?”
“Nothing.  It’s just funny imagining you at the store with your reading glasses on trying to read the descriptions on all of the boxes.”
Wanda rolled her eyes as she sat up.  “You’re adorable.  Now come on, let’s go upstairs.  I am not letting you lose your virginity on this sofa.”
Wanda practically dragged you up to her bedroom and shut the door behind you.  Your heart skipped a beat as you heard the lock click into place.  “Come on,” she whispered as she pulled you to the bed.  “We can do whatever you want.”  Your mouth felt like it was filled with cotton as endless possibilities of what you and Wanda could do together flashed through your brain.  You tried to speak, but nothing came out.  “Can I take your clothes off?”  You nodded enthusiastically.  “Words, sweetheart.  I need you to say it for me.”
“Fuck yes,” you breathed as you pulled your shirt up and off.  She shook her head as her hands reached for your belt.  You grabbed her face and kissed her, pulling her close as you felt your jeans get the slightest bit looser.  As she unzipped them, she made sure to run her hand over your bulge, palming it through your jeans.  You moaned into her mouth at the throbbing sensation that was building in your pants.  
“Nice undies,” she teased.  Horrified, you realized that you were wearing your Pikachu boxer briefs.
“I’m gonna be completely honest, Wanda.  I was not anticipating you seeing me in my underwear tonight.”
“They’re cute, but I think they’ll look cuter on the floor.”  She hooked her thumbs around the waistband, dropping to the floor as she dragged them down your legs.  Your erection, absolutely throbbing, sprang to attention as it was freed from the confines of your clothes.  Standing there completely naked, you suddenly felt the need to cover up.  As Wanda looked up at you from her knees, she sensed your trepidation.  “Do you want to keep going?”
“Yeah, j-just give me a second.”
“Lie down on the bed, okay?  I’ve got an idea.”  You had no idea what Wanda was thinking as you crawled onto the bed.  As you did that, she began undressing herself.
“What are-?”
“Oh look, we’re both naked,” she smirked, tossing her panties behind her.  Your jaw dropped as you saw her naked for the first time.  The sight of her bare breasts in front of you was mesmerizing, as was the rest of her body.  She was a goddess.
“Wow.  Wanda, wow.  You’re gorgeous, baby.”  Wanda blushed a deep crimson as she crawled onto the bed next to you.  
“You’re not so bad yourself, handsome,” she teased.  “Can I touch you?”
“Yeah,” you gulped.  Slowly, Wanda trailed her hand down from your chest down to your stomach and then to your cock, wrapping a loose grip around it.  “Oh fuck,” you groaned.  The sensation of her hand moving up and down your shaft was familiar: you’d jacked off to the thought of her countless times.  But the feeling of someone else’s hand doing it was unreal.
“Somebody’s sensitive.”  Your cock twitched under Wanda’s ministrations, precum leaking from your tip as she used it to lube you up.
“Christ, just blow me already,” you groaned as you threw your head back into the pillow.  The words came from your mouth absentmindedly.  They were crude and vulgar.  In your pleasure-filled haze, you weren’t totally aware of what you were saying.  The second you realized your ask, your face flushed red with embarrassment.  Wanda’s hand stopped abruptly as she looked down at you half-amused.  
“Alright,” she smirked.  Before you knew what was happening Wanda crawled to the other side of the bed, brushing her hair out of her face as she lowered her head.
The feeling of Wanda’s mouth enveloping the entirety of your cock immediately tore a loud groan from your chest.   She swirled her tongue over your head, her hand wrapping around the base of your cock.  Her cheeks hollowed as her head bobbed up and down.  You threw your head back into the pillow again, unable to watch the utterly sinful sight unfolding right in front of you.
“Holy shit,” you gasped.  Cherry red lips closed softly around your head, sucking as she reached down to squeeze your balls.  For a woman who hadn’t been with another man since her husband left, you couldn’t tell that she was out of practice.  Wanda smiled as you whined, your dick hitting the back of her throat.  Tears gathered in the corners of her eyes as she gagged on your length.  It was undoubtedly the hottest thing you’d ever seen in your entire life.
Your pulse quickened as the ache in your groin grew stronger with every little movement.  The pleasure was dizzying, the familiar coil in your belly growing tighter by the second.  As Wanda worked wonders with her mouth, your body became unrestrained.  You grabbed the back of her head, pulling her down as you thrust your hips into her face.  Drool dripped down your cock as you stuffed your length deep into Wanda’s mouth.  Her eyes screwed shut as she choked and gagged.  You moaned in response, your fingers kneading her fiery red hair.
“Wanda, I’m gonna cum,” you croaked as you felt a blissful warmth spread over your body.  She smirked against your cock as your hips bucked faster.  Her tongue swirled and lapped over every single inch as she enthusiastically massaged the parts left exposed.  Seconds later the coil snapped and your body exploded in ecstasy.  Strands of hot cum shot down Wanda’s throat, which she swallowed greedily.  No drop was left wasted as she released your with a pop, fine strands of saliva and cum connecting her to you.
She wiped her mouth with the back of her hand, her chest heaving as she struggled to regain her breath.  You closed your eyes as you watched galaxies and explosions appear under your closed lids.  
“Y/N?” You opened your eyes and Wanda’s face was hovering above yours.  
“You good?”
“I’ll let you know as soon as I regain feeling in my legs,” you joked as you looked up into those adorable emerald eyes.  The beamed as she gazed down at you, caressing your flushed cheek with her soft hand.
“You’re adorable,” she cooed, planting a kiss on your forehead.  “I take it that was better than that handjob from your high school girlfriend?”
“Fuck yes,” you groaned.  Wanda chuckled as she kissed you, her soft lips full of passion and tenderness against your own.
“What now, lover boy?” she teased.
“I wanna taste you,” you breathed, pulling her head to yours before you kissed her softly.  “All of you.”
“Mmmm I like the sound of that,” Wanda giggled against your lips.  She rolled the two of you over, landing on her back as you let the weight of your body rest atop her.  
Your lips collided again and again as the anticipation of what was to come thrummed deep in your soul.  Wanda’s breath was shaky against your own as you slowly teased a hand down her body before resting it in the heat between her legs.
“Tell me what you want,” you whispered, your breath hot against her ear.  Her eyes fixed on nothing on the ceiling, she nodded absentmindedly and reached her hand down to cover yours.  Her long svelte fingers pushed yours over her already swollen clit, circling them gently over the sensitive bundle of nerves.
“Like that,” she croaked.  You continued the motion as she released you.  Soft whimpers escaped her lips as you focused on circling her clit.  She grabbed onto your biceps, digging her nails into your flesh while you kissed her neck.  “Oh baby that’s it,” she gasped.  “Just a little more pressure and-”  Wanda’s breath hitched as you pushed on her clit.  As you circled it, you heard the lewd sounds of her wetness teasing just how aroused she was.
“Fuck, Wanda.  You’re so wet.”  She groaned as you teased your hand lower, rubbing your fingers through her swollen lips and teasing her slit.
“I want your mouth,” she begged as she grabbed your head and pushed it down your body.  You crawled down her body, kissing every inch of her exposed torso as you slunk down to her pelvis.  She squirmed as you planted hot open mouth kisses over her exposed flesh.  Pressing her thighs apart, you could feel the heat radiating from between them.  
“Wanda, what-?”
“Whatever you want.”  Her voice was dripping with arousal.  You weren’t quite sure where to start as you stared down at her glistening cunt.  Taking a deep breath, you lowered your mouth to her clit.  Your lips encircled the bulbous spot, sucking and licking in a manner similar to the way she sucked your cock.  The loud groan that escaped her lips made you think you were doing something right.  Wanda’s hips bucked against your face as you continued your alternating licking and sucking on her most sensitive spot.
Pushing her thighs down further, you lowered your head, licking a stripe from her clit all the way down her slit.  Her arousal coated your tongue and you found yourself getting drunk on the taste of her.  You teased her slit with your tongue, pressing it as far inside her as you could.
“Shit,” she groaned, grabbing your head and pushing it hard into her pelvis.  You smiled as you lapped at her.  The activity that once filled you with anxiety and hesitation now filled you with a sense of pride as you brought Wanda closer and closer to her orgasm.  “Need something inside,” she mumbled.  Kissing your way back to her clit, you tentatively inserted a finger inside her needy cunt.  She shuddered at the sudden intrusion.  You slowly began thrusting your hand in and out of her tight hole.  “Not like that,” she suddenly grabbed your hand as you pulled out.
“Am I hurting you?” Fear stopped you dead in your tracks as you looked up at Wanda with concern.
“Just curl your fingers, don’t thrust, keep going, I’m so close, baby.”  Wanda was beside herself with pleasure, her body closer to the edge.
“Don’t apologize, just fuck me.”  Wanda shoved your head back down.  You went right to work, rolling her clit around with your tongue as you curled your finger inside.  Her walls tightened around you, making it difficult to move within her.  
“I’m cumming.  Oh, I’m cumming!” Wanda gasped as you felt her walls spasm around your hand.  Her body shook as wave after wave of ecstasy overtook every inch of her.  Loud moans escaped her lips as her eyes screwed shut, her mouth gaping open with unspeakable pleasure.  
As Wanda’s spasms calmed, you pulled out of her.  Her walls squeezed around nothing as it adjusted to the sudden lack of intrusion.  Wanda was flat on her back, completely blissed out at the first orgasm she received at the hands of another person in a very long time.  Masturbation only did so much for her.  The level of intimacy and trust required for someone to bring her to such levels of ecstasy was something on a completely different level.
“Wanda?  Are you okay, babe?”  Her eyes were glazed over as she needed, her hands tracing through your hair.
“Are you sure you’ve never done this before?” 
“I’ll take that as a complement,” you joked before kissing her.  You stared down at her, at the face of the woman you were slowly falling in love with, and wanted nothing more than to make her feel so unbelievably loved.  The face that gazed back up at you mirrored the love and adoration that you felt for her.  For the first time in a very long time, you were grateful for the fact that your first time was with someone who meant so much to you.
“Do you want to keep going?” Wanda whispered, rubbing the back of your neck.
“Mmhmm.  Do you?”  She nodded.  “Where’d you put the condoms?” Wanda motioned to the nightstand next to her.  You pulled the drawer open and grabbed one.  “Umm, I’ve never-”
“That’s okay.  Let me help.”  Wanda grabbed the small wrapper from you, tearing it open before grabbing your already erect cock.  Heart pounding and breath shaking, you watched her roll it down the length of your shaft.  “How’s that?”
“It feels weird, but it’s not too tight or anything like that.”
“Good.”  She readjusted herself on the bed, planting her feet on the bed and bending her knees to give you full access to her already dripping pussy.  “Are you ready?”
“Yeah,” you nodded.  Positioning yourself over her, you lined your cock up with her entrance.  Your body trembled with anticipation, sweat beading on your forehead as you suddenly felt yourself overwhelmed with nervousness.  Wanda, once again sensing your hesitation, reached down and helped guide you inside her.
Wanda’s pussy was unfathomably warm, wet and tight.  It took all your concentration to not blow your load right then and there.  You groaned as you felt her squeeze gently around you.  “Fuck,” you moaned, burying your head in the crook of her neck.  
“Mmm, you feel so good, Y/N,” she sighed.  It took a moment to get yourself together, but once you did you began to slowly thrust yourself in and out.  Gasps and moans filled the room as Wanda’s drenched cunt squelched with every roll of your hips.
“Wanda,” you groaned.  “Oh, Wanda.”
“Don’t stop, Y/N.  Please don’t stop.”  Wanda’s mewls spurred you on.  You pushed yourself up, leaning over her as you filled her up at a faster pace.  The bed groaned under your exertion.
“Baby, I don’t think I’m gonna last,” you gritted through clenched teeth.  The newness of being engulfed inside Wanda’s velvety walls was driving you to the end far faster than you wanted.
“That’s okay,” she breathed.  “Just keep going.  I want you to cum for me, sweetheart.”  
Wanda’s words ignited a primal fire inside you.  Wiping the sweat away from your forehead, you bore down on your efforts.  Your hips bucked wildly into Wanda.  She moaned as you buried yourself deep inside her, filling her cunt in all the right ways as she began rubbing circles around her swollen clit.  The bed creaked as you fucked her relentlessly.  The faster your hips moved, the hotter the fire in your belly burned until you realized you were dangerously close to the point of no return.
“I’m gonna-” You were interrupted by Wanda reaching her free hand up to your neck and pulling you down to capture your lips in hers.  As she kissed you passionately, you tumbled over the edge again.  Her lips stifled your moan as you filled the condom with your seed.  The feeling of your erection throbbing inside her, coupled with her hand on her clit, sent Wanda over the edge as she practically screamed through her orgasm.  Her walls squeezed you tightly.  You were practically seeing stars.
“Oh fuck.  Wanda.  Fuck, oh fuck.  Oh God, Wanda,” you panted as the aftershocks of your orgasm worked their way through your body.  Your pants turned into laughs as she began laughing with you.
“Was that okay?” Wanda asked with a chuckle.
“Okay?  I don’t think ‘okay’ is the word I used to describe what just happened.”
“You have a better word, sweetheart?”
“I don’t know.  All I know is that I love you,” you mumbled absentmindedly as you collapsed onto her sweaty body.
“I…sorry, is it too soon?  Did I just make this weird?”  Wanda answered with a searing kiss, the corners of her mouth curved upward as she grabbed your face.
“I’ve been waiting for you to say that,” she sheepishly admitted, her face flushing bright crimson.  
“God, I love you, Wanda.  I love you so much.”  Your last sentence was interrupted with kisses between every word.
“I love you, too, Y/N.  Don’t ever let me go.” 
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gingiesworld · 10 months
Blossoms of Spring
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Requested by @louxbloom hope you enjoy it buddy.
Wanda Maximoff x GN! Reader
Warnings: Smut. Fluff. Amab! Reader
Wanda had been living with her parents since she graduated from college. Hoping to find a job in her old High School. Once she had gotten the job, Y/N was the first person she had told. Heading over to their apartment with a bottle of wine in her hand.
"Hey." They greeted her as she used her key that they had made for her.
"I got the job!" She squealed as Y/N was fast to bring her in for a hug.
"That's awesome Wanda!" They exclaimed as they ushered her inside. Grabbing two mugs as Wanda looked for the corkscrew.
"Where's the corkscrew?" She questioned as they smiled.
"In the shop with the glasses I have yet to buy." They told her as she just laughed. Watching as they got the boning knife from their fishing kit and took the cork out. "You're lucky I know my way around a knife."
"That's only thanks to your dad and his obsession over fishing." Wanda told them as they poured the two mugs out.
"To your future Wanda." They toasted her, clinking their mugs together before they ushered her into the living room. Of course she was fast enough to grab the wine and took her seat beside them.
"I can't wait to move out." Wanda told them as they smiled at her, listening to her rambling about growing up and paying her own way.
"Move in here." Y/N blurted out.
"What?" Wanda questioned as Y/N cleared their throat.
"Move in here, I have a spare room. It's close to the school and it will be nice to have the company." They told her as she smiled endearingly at them. "We can figure out the bills and rent once you're settled in and have your first pay check."
"You'd do that for me?" Wanda questioned as they nodded.
"You're my best friend Wanda." They told her, speaking the words that would hurt the two of them. As the week went on, Y/N had helped Wanda pack up her things at her parents. Y/N soon come across Wanda's nightstand, not realising that Wanda would be embarrassed. "You naughty girl." They teased Wanda as they held up a pink vibrator. "I thought you were innocent."
"I am." Wanda blushed as she moved them over to her drawers and took over her nightstand. Only to regret it when Y/N found her lacey thongs.
"Ooh my, a matching set." They teased her as they held up a red lacey lingerie set. "I bet you looked sexy for whoever you bought this for."
"You know very well that I haven't." Wanda snatched it from them. Scowling as they chuckled at her. But the image of Wanda in that specific set was now burned into their mind.
As Wanda had settled in her new home, Y/N had made sure that their were places she could hang her photos. They wanted her to feel at home in their apartment.
Over time, the two found it hard to ignore their feelings. Wanda would always blush at the simple gestures, like making her coffee when she doesn't expect it. Buying her flowers as they went to do the grocery shopping. Always telling her, 'I saw these and thought of you.' All the time as Wanda fell more and more for them.
The night they had put on Dick Van Dyke, Wanda's favourite episode and food from her favourite restaurant as she soaked in the bath after a hard day at work.
Once the food was eaten and the show was paused, Wanda turned to face Y/N with a questioning look on her face.
"Why do you do all of this?" She asked them as they sighed. Getting ready to tell her the truth about their feelings.
"I uh." They cleared their throat nervously as they turned to face her, gazing into her curious eyes as she hoped to hear what she wanted to hear. "I know we have been best friends forever and we have always been there for each other and over that time in High School." They took a deep breath. "I started to fall for you Wanda. The person you are, I love everything about you. I am in love with you Wanda and I know me say..."
Wanda never let them finish as she kissed them, their hands wrapping around her waist as they kissed her back. Wanda's hands wrapped around their neck as the kiss deepened.
Wanda soon straddled their lap and rolled her hips against their growing bulge. Wanda soon moaning as Y/N started to kiss down her neck. Sucking and licking as she moaned.
"Take me to your room." She told them breathlessly. They picked her up with ease, walking with her in their arms. Letting her feet touch the floor as the two stripped.
"You are beautiful Wanda." Y/N told her softly. Their hands wrapping around her waist, the two gasping at the skin contact before Wanda reached up and caressed their face, leaning up to take their lips in her own. Y/N guiding her to lay down on their bed, hovering above her, gazing into her eyes.
A lot being said in one intense gaze before they leaned in, kissing her tenderly before they ran a lone finger through her folds. Teasing her entrance as they kiss her lips, soon to be swallowing her moans at they fingered her.
The pleasure was intense in that moment, Wanda had given herself over to them. Every part of her was theirs and theirs alone. Even as they thrust their hips into her as the night wore on. Many positions as the two never wanted to be apart in any way.
It was sunrise when the two had finally finished, Wanda lay in Y/N's arms as the morning sun shone through the window. A perfect view of the blossom trees in the quad could be seen. Spring becoming their favourite season as the love they felt for one another had blossomed into something more breathtakingly intense.
"What does this mean for us?" Wanda whispered as she traced patterns on Y/N's stomach.
"Well, I don't want this to be just for tonight." Y/N confessed. "I want it to be for now, forever. You are my forever Wanda and I would love to see many more blossoms in the spring with you lay in my arms."
"I love you so much." Wanda whispered as she kissed them passionately. Looking forward to the challenges that lay ahead for the two to tackle as one.
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rxmqnova · 10 months
The other universe
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Y/N: 25 years old Wanda: 29 years old Story: Wanda kidnapped her girlfriend from a different universe… ——————————————————
Y/N'S POV "Please Y/N/N, I really need you to wake up" I hear someone's voice in my head. Everything's dark around me. Why's everything dark? "Y/N/N, I need you" The woman's voice whispers. Finally I manage to open my eyes, the light making me blink a few times to adjust. I find myself in a hospital room… again?!
"Y/N/N" An angelic voice says, my eyes widen when I see the love of my life next to my bed. Wanda's smiling at me, pressing a kiss to my forehead.
"Wha… What happened?" I ask confused. I just got back to the compound from the hospital after the battle with Thanos, so what am I doing here? Wanda, my sisters Natasha and Yelena, just none of the Avengers had no idea who I am just like Thanos promised after I managed to destroy the reality stone. I did it for nothing though, he used the time stone Strange gave him and got the stone back, ruining my life. But I'm so confused right now… Does Wanda remember me now? Was that just a dream? Or is someone really messing up with me?
"You were badly hurt, my love. But it's okay now. I'm here and I'm never leaving you" Wanda smiles, pressing another kiss to my forehead, then holding my hand and rubbing my knuckles with her thumb. Tears immediately get into my eyes, it was all just a bad dream. "No, no. Don't cry, baby. You need to rest and this is hurting you" She says, wiping my tears out with her thumbs.
"I had the worst dream ever" I sigh, taking Wanda's hands in mine. "Nobody remembered me. You didn't remember me, Nat and Yelena didn't remember me. It was terrible" I say weakly, new tears forming in my eyes.
"Baby, it's all okay now. It was just a bad dream, you have nothing to worry about. I'm here with you" Wanda smiles, kissing my forehead again. I missed her so much.
"Please don't leave me" I whisper, holding her hands tightly on which Wanda gives me a warm smile.
"I will never leave you, darling" She leans in, pecking my lips with a sweet kiss which brings a weak smile onto my face.
The next few days Wanda hasn't left my side. My sisters haven't showed up which worries me a little bit, but Wanda said they're on a mission.
They're letting me out of the hospital today which is great, cause I really was starting to get bored in here.
Wanda pulls over, my eyebrows furrowing in confusion… This is not the Avengers compound.
"Wands? Why are we in the middle of nowhere? I thought we're going home" I ask her on which Wanda smiles, taking my hand in hers.
"You need to rest, honey. We'll go back to the compound when you're completely okay" She explains, pressing a kiss to my hand she's holding. She walks over to the passenger seat, opening the door for me. "My lady" She waits for me to take a hold of her hand which makes me chuckle.
"Such a gentlewoman" I smile, trying not to laugh. Wanda chuckles, pressing a kiss to my cheek and interlocking our fingers as we walk inside the little house.
"Okay, my love. Take a seat and I'll make us something to eat" Wanda smiles, leading me to the kitchen. I smile back, pecking Wanda's lips before sitting on a chair.
Wanda gets into cooking straight away. I missed the sight of her in the kitchen. She's the best cook ever and the way she's moving around the kitchen… I could watch her all day.
As I said, Wanda is the best cook ever. The lunch she prepared tastes amazing. I've told her like 10 times already. I like the way she blushes every time I say it.
"Wands, let me help you" I whine, trying to get my girlfriend into agreeing that I help cleaning up. She cooked, so it's only fair if I help her to wash the dishes.
"Y/N/N, I said no. You need to rest and I don't mind doing that. Wait on the couch and choose something to watch. I'll join you in a minute" Wanda smiles as I only pout. She kisses the pout away, sending me on the couch.
I choose The Dick Van Dyke Show as it's mine's and Wanda's favorite. We're both huge sitcom lovers. Wanda joins me in a minute, wrapping her arms around me as my head rests on her shoulder.
"What are we watching?" Wanda kisses my forehead, only causing me to snuggle up to her more. I missed these moments so much.
"Our favorite… The Dick Van Dyke Show" I smile, seeing her smile back. "I missed you so much" I sigh out.
"I missed you too, you have no idea how much" She says, playing with my hair and kissing the top of my head. "I love you, Y/N/N"
"I love you too, Wands" I look at her, moving closer to connect our lips into passionate kiss. Wanda showing she's the dominant one takes control of the kiss immediately.
We pull away and Wanda gives me the cutest smile ever. God, I love my girlfriend so much. I smile back, cuddling up to her and resting my head back on her shoulder.
"How long will we stay here?" I ask, now playing with Wanda's rings.
"Until you're completely okay" Wanda answers. "I can't risk anything happening to you again. I can't lose you, Y/N" She says, her lips pressing a kiss to my head.
"You won't. We're inseparable" I smile, giving her hand a kiss and interlocking our fingers.
A week has passed since we came here. Wanda and I are currently on the garden, just walking around while holding hands, enjoying the nice weather. I'm feeling way better now. I think we might go home to the compound soon.
"Wanda, let the girl go" Someone says behind us. Wanda and I stop walking, turning around and seeing Stephen Strange standing behind us.
"Baby, can you go inside? I'll be right there" Wanda smiles at me, squeezing my hand.
"No. Don't listen to her, Y/N. You don't belong here" He says quickly, making me furrow my brows. What does that mean?
"Honey, don't listen to him. Please go inside" Wanda says, giving me her stern look, so I better turn around and start walking inside.
"You're not from this universe, Y/N" Strange says, making me turn around and look at him confused.
"What do you mean?" I ask, tilting my head in confusion.
"Y/N/N, please don't listen to him" Wanda sighs, taking my hand in hers.
"Wanda used dark magic to get you here. You don't belong here. This is not your universe" As much as I don't like this guy for giving Thanos the time stone… he sounds like he's telling the truth. Wanda would never do anything to hurt me though. Wanda's jaw clenches as she turns around, looking really angry.
"You can't take her away from me, Stephen!" Wanda raises her voice.
"Wanda, you kidnapped an innocent girl. Your Y/N is dead. You can't just steal another version of her" Strange says. I'm dead? Another version of me? What in the world?!
"I-I'm dead? What? I. No. I-I'm here" I say confused, tears forming in my eyes as I'm waiting for an explination from my girlfriend.
"See what you're doing?! You're gonna ruin everything! I can't lose her again. I won't lose her again!" Wanda yells at him before turning at me, cupping my cheeks with her hands and wiping out my tears. "Y/N, I promise you're okay. We're okay. You believe me right?" Wanda smiles softly.
"I-I. Yeah. But… the… the weird dream I had that I told you about… was that really a dream?" I ask. It felt way too real to be a dream. I'm just so confused right now.
"It wasn't. It was reality" Strange speaks up before Wanda could say anything. "And we have to get you back"
"No!" Wanda turns around, ready to attack him. I have to do something!
"Hey, Hey. Stop" I quickly stand in between them. "I want to know the whole truth… please" I look at Wanda, pleading her with my eyes. She stares at me for a few seconds before letting out a quiet 'okay'.
"Let's go inside. You still need to rest. I'll tell you everything, I promise" She says, holding my hand.
We head back inside, Strange following us. I immediately sit on the couch, Wanda next to me, still holding my hand tightly while Strange stands in front of us.
"So?" I encourage, giving Wanda's hand a comforting squeeze.
"I… I brought you here from a different universe. The… dream you had wasn't a dream, it really happened. In your universe everyone forgot who you are and in mine… the battle with Thanos was completely different than what you experienced" She stops for a second, tears quietly running down her face. I rub her knuckles with my thumb for a support. "Thanos got all of the Infinity stones and… half population of the world disappeared, including me… my Y/N/N, she… she sacrificed herself to get everyone back" She sobs which breaks my heart. I hate seeing Wanda crying, whether she's my Wanda or this Wanda. "I lost my parents, my brother… then the love of my life. I just couldn't live without you anymore. I needed you, so I thought that you and I could be happy together. I'm sorry" She breaks into tears completely, bringing tears into my eyes.
"Wands" I whisper, wrapping my arms around her. "You didn't mean it in a bad way, it's okay. I'm not mad at you" I wipe her tears out, giving her a smile while tears quietly run down my cheeks.
"Now you know. We have to get you back" Strange speaks… Do I even wanna go back? Nobody remembers me and here I have what I've always wanted. Sure, this is not my Wanda Wanda, but she's still my Wanda and she clearly loves me and I don't think it's possible to get everyone remember me in my universe. Plus… I think I deserve to be a little selfish after everything I've been through in the Red Room.
"Hold up. I think it's my decision if I want to go back in the first place" I tell him seriously. Wanda looks up at me, her red puffy eyes watching me confused.
"Y/N, you are dead in this universe. You have to go back" He tells me seriously.
"What if I don't want to?… Look… Nobody remembers me in my universe, my Wanda, my sisters, nobody. The Infinity stones are destroyed in my universe, so I can't use the reality stone to rewrite reality again and get everyone to remember me. My Wanda plans kids with Vision and I'm nobody to her, but here… here Wanda and I could be happy together. I could have my sisters, my family. Maybe this is how it was supposed to be and this Wanda and this me were meant for each other" I tell him.
"These are not the rules, you can't just-" He starts, but I cut him off.
"Rules" I scoff. "So you can break the rules and give Thanos the time stone, but Wanda and I can't break the rules?" I raise an eyebrow at him. "I want to stay here with Wanda and you won't make me to go back" I decide, Strange looking at me angrily.
"Really?" Wanda's breaking voice asks. I give her an honest smile, nodding my head.
"Yeah… If you want me to stay" I squeeze her hand that I'm still holding.
"I.. of course I do" She smiles, few more tears escaping her eyes. "Perfect. Then I think… Wait, I have an important question… Do you like Taylor Swift?… Do you guys have Taylor Swift here, right?" I ask which makes Wanda chuckle.
"We do and I love every one of her songs" Wanda answers.
"Perfect. Then I think this will work" I smile.
Hopefully this makes sense...
Wanda Maximoff masterlist
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wandanatsthings · 4 months
Can I make a request of being a secret cuddle bear and would instantly run to Wanda everytime she comes after a tiring mission? Fluff please! 🩷
Hey, anon I hope this is what you wanted and that you and everyone else enjoy it as well. and remember clinginess is adorable and I love all my snuggle bugs!! Feedback is more than welcomed. New writer
(P.s Im dyslexic i'm trying my best)
Word count: 1.1k
Warnings: I really don't think there are any maybe missing someone and clingy reader? It’s just really fluffy!!
Summary: Wanda gets home from a tiring mission to a very snuggly reader who missed her.
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Wanda’s Pov
I had just gotten home from a tiring mission that involved a lot of heavy lifting. Everything went fine but I had to pick up a lot of heavy things with my fingers and I know It may seem like nothing but not only does that take a lot out of me physically but mentally as well. All I wanted was to cuddle up with you. I had some making up to do after how early I left you this morning for said mission.
When I walked through the door of our apartment. I saw you lying on the sofa in the living room wearing my favorite burgundy hoodie with white and gray stripes on the sleeves. You also happened to have on my favorite gray sweatpants to match. You loved wearing my clothes, you said it made you feel closer to me which I thought was so utterly precious.
As I approached you I saw our pet cat (Someone should name the cat) jump off your lap to come and greet me. “Hi sweet girl, did you watch over your mama hmm,” I said bending down to pet the fluffy cat that by the looks of it had been given just one too many treats. I heard TV playing so I looked up to see that you were watching my favorite sitcom “The dick van dyke show.” Before we started dating you had no interest in sitcoms and said that they were too “cheesy” but with a lot of convincing, I got you to watch one episode with me and from then on you've been hooked. I might even go as far as to say you liked them more than me. When I walked closer towards you I saw you had dried tears running down your face.
My heart broke at the sight. You had always taken it hard when I had to leave you alone for anything. Whether that be a mission or just to go to the bathroom you hated when I left you by yourself; If you could be with me then you were and to be honest I had no problem with that. Deciding that I was no longer going to make you go through the torture of my skin not being on yours. I reach down and place a hand on your cheek with a soft kiss on your forehead. “Detka…detka love wake up im home.”
That was enough to wake you up. You were never a deep sleeper unless I was sleeping with you, you could sleep almost anything then. It was something about me being close to you that made you feel safe you once said that time I asked. You opened your eyes, squinting a little to adjust to the light.
As soon as you noticed that it was me, you immediately jumped up from your place on the sofa and wrapped your arms around my neck and legs around my waist. “You're home, I missed you!” You exclaimed a smile taking over your face, erasing any evidence of the tears that once took that smile's place. “Yes I am home and I missed you, more sweet girl,” I said while placing my arms under your thighs making sure you wouldn’t fall as I made my way over to sit in the chair that was in the corner by the TV. “How was the mission? Are you hurt or anything?” You asked while checking me over. “No no I'm fine don’t worry love, the mission went well. I'm tired but okay I promise.” I say holding out my pinky finger knowing that pinky promising would be the only way to ease your anxiety.
“What about you hm? How are you, what'd you do while I was gone?” I asked you to bring your head to my chest. “I didn’t do much. Just watched TV, took a nap, and waited for you.” You said looking up at me with your y/e/c eyes through your lashes. “Mm that sounds peaceful, how about we continue that minus the waiting for me of course after lunch? Have you eaten yet?” “No, I haven’t, I was trying to wait for you.” You reply. “Okay let's go have some lunch and then we’ll continue your amazing peaceful day. How does that sound?” I asked, looking down at you in my lap. You nodded up at me. “Sounds good.”
With that, I stand up off the chair with you still in my arms kola style not even thinking about having you let go knowing that would just upset you. It was a task making us lunch with you in my arms but not impossible. We make our way to the dining room table with you holding one plate and me holding the other.
I set you down in your usual seat that is straight across from mine. I picked up my fork ready to dig into the Caesar salads I prepared for lunch when I noticed you were pouting and not even attempting to start eating. “What’s wrong with love?” I asked you with patience in my voice. You look up with the face you do anytime you want something. “Can I sit in your lap and eat please?” I look at you with nothing but love on my face. “Of course, you can love to get over here,” I say while pushing my chair back to make room for you. You clamber in my lap already with your frown turned right side up making it into a smile digging into your lunch. When we finish lunch I get you off my lap so I can put our dishes in the sink to be washed later. I then grab your hand so that we can head upstairs to finish the rest of our day with cuddles.
When we get to our room I head off into the closet so that I can change into something more comfortable. While taking off my shirt, I feel you come up behind me and wrap your arms around my waist. “What are you doing lovely?” I ask, sounding muffled because of the shirt covering my face. “Um, I have an idea.” I hear you sound nervous. “Oh yeah and what’s that?” I ask while taking my shirt off completely. “Do you think we could cuddle naked? I just really wanna feel your skin on mine.” I look down at you and say. “I would love to cuddle naked with you.” We both walk over to the bed while taking off our clothes on the way. When we reach the bed we get under the covers. I bring you into my chest and within minutes you're asleep. I gently kiss your forehead “You will forever be my snuggle bug.” I say then drift off to sleep myself without a thought or worry.
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oleworm · 6 months
With white actors, their stereotypes are clear satire, while their authentic portrayals of accents are taken seriously—African accents are not afforded that luxury. Part of the authenticity and grit we’ve come to love in Good Will Hunting (1997) owes to the fact that both Matt Damon and Ben Affleck speak in accents native to South Boston—which successfully shows the importance of class distinctions, Will’s intellectual ability despite his “rough” surroundings, and rooting him in his neighborhood and background even as he progresses to new places and opportunities. Part of the joy of watching Mary Poppins (1964), is the grating sound of Dick Van Dyke’s bizarre “Cockney” accent. Often noted as one of the worst accents in film history, Van Dyke’s character sounded like he came from New Jersey, Australia, but Poppins is a children’s comfort film filled with magic, so audiences are already prepared to suspend their disbelief.  Language, voice, and tone are vital parts of storytelling, but somehow caricature-like portrayals of African accents still manage to win Oscars, while Dick Van Dyke’s “Cockney” failure is an actor’s cautionary tale. This speaks to a larger issue: the hierarchy of occidental languages over languages from the global south, the (lack of) knowledge of African dialects, and a general laziness toward the research required to thoughtfully and effectively learn regional African accents. Alongside my research for this article, I also spoke to Djeneba Bagayoko, a linguist who specializes in African languages and is currently working on a book exploring the similarities in Ebonics and continental languages. When we discussed Beasts of No Nation—no nation indeed, as the film is set in an “unspecified” West African country—Djeneba pointed out the prevalence of guttural sounds and line delivery in a lower vocal pitch. While having a lower-pitched voice is completely within the rights of directors and actors to be a stylistic choice for a character, its unfortunate prevalence goes beyond artistic prerogative and seems closer to laziness or ignorance. Viola Davis’s accent in The Woman King is also delivered in a lower register, with an emphasis on guttural sounds and a sprinkling of that American English rhotic R that would not be present in a West African accent during the 1820s. Winston Duke’s accent in Black Panther (2018) also features guttural sounds, a low pitch, and even Nigerian facets of speech (adding “o” as a standalone sound at the end of sentences), despite the fact that the fictional nation of Wakanda is supposedly located in southeast Africa. Bagayoko rightly asked, “Why, when it comes to Africa, are we all lumped together?” Reducing Western and Southern African accents down to hard, low-pitched noises positioned at the back of the throat perpetuates the idea that African languages are too “other” for any attention to detail. The frequency with which we see this technique reiterates the view of Africans as homogenized and underdeveloped—a colonial perspective.
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𝓜𝓸𝓿𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓞𝓷 10
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x Fem!Reader
Summary: Wanda and Y/n talk about their love lives as they get closer. Now, Y/n is sure that she’s getting better. Everyone in the group is. But there’s still work to be done. And not just for Y/n. Is it possible that even Sam Wilson needs help?
Warnings (Entire Series): This series deals with mature topics, including, but not limited to: death, mental health issues, physical, emotional, and sexual abuse, grief, trauma, general unwellness, illness (both mental and physical), and a most likely inaccurate portrayal of group therapy (though it’s much better than whatever was going on in TFATWS.) Please mind the warnings below.
Warnings: talks of death, dead romantic partners, nudity, let me know anything else that should be tagged.
🌻Series Masterlist 🌻
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𝐈 𝐂𝐚𝐧 𝐑𝐞𝐜𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫
You wake up the next morning, Wanda still tucked into your chest, breathing deeply.
You slowly toss your head back, staring at the headboard.
“Good morning,” she murmurs, readjusting her fingers on your chest.
“Morning.” You looked down at her. God, she was beautiful.
You stared at each other for a moment, gentle and pure adoration in both of your eyes.
“I should uhm, I should get up. I’ll make you breakfast.” She offered. She pulled away, getting up and out of bed. She covered her chest, before realizing that there wasn’t much of a point. She gave an awkward smile before walking into her walk-in closet.
She left the door open, and you watched as she slipped a shirt over her head. It was quite long, and went down to her mid-thighs. When she turned around, you could see what the shirt was. A Dick van Dyke show t-shirt.
“Can I use your shower?” You asked as you sat up.
“‘Course, go right ahead.” She hummed.
She left the room, and you got out of bed. You collected your discarded clothes off of her bedroom floor, walking into her master bathroom, which was connected to her room.
You turned on the shower, setting your clothes on the empty space between the two sinks. One for her and one for her dead husband.
Jesus Christ, that was dark.
Her dead husband probably slept in the bed you fucked his wife in, your brain added. You groaned internally as you turned on the shower.
After staring at yourself in the mirror, you stepped into the shower, standing under the hot water. It felt nice.
You stood there for a few moments, your eyes closed, listening to your breathing.
And then you heard a knock at the bathroom door.
“Can I come in?” Her voice called gently from the other side.
“I won’t stop you,” you said back, your voice slightly echoing from the bathroom interior.
She opened the door, pulling off the oversized t-shirt. “Mind if I join you?”
“I don’t mind one bit.” You hummed. She stepped into the shower, and you moved to let her into the water spray.
“Sam called.” She murmured. “Something about a boat. It’s from Louisiana, but he got it down here in New York.”
When she saw your confused expression, she chuckled and shook her head.
“Yeah, I don’t know. But he needs help fixing it or something. He mentioned his sister trying to sell it. I can’t tell if he’s fixing it up to sell it or if he’s fixing it up to convince her not to, but he needs help fixing it.” She explained.
“Oh. I’ll go help him out. S’anyone else going?”
“I told him I’d be there. Pretty sure everybody else will come down too.” She had a gold necklace on, a small heart.
You helped each other wash your hair. It was more loving than sexy, something that felt special to just the two of you.
With Nat, showering together usually meant something more steamy. And it was never nonconsensual or anything like that, and sometimes you’d just shower together because you felt like it, but even then it was nothing like this.
Wanda revealed that she had made muffins. You ate them together before you left to go home.
Once you got back to your apartment, you changed clothes and told Sam you’d be there. He’d sent a text to the group chat when you were in the shower.
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And you were there. You and Wanda drove separately, not really wanting to make it clear what you’d been doing the night before.
You were positive someone had put it together already, but you were begging the universe to at least give you some time to come to terms with it.
You were currently working on cleaning the windows of the cabin, wiping them down until they looked nice.
Wanda called for you from outside the cabin. “Yeah?” You responded as you went outside to see her.
“Can you grab that? I can’t get it.” She pointed to a pack of hardware nails.
“Yeah, sure.” You reached for it. And reached for it. Your fingers touched it once, you swear.
But even you couldn’t reach it, and you wanted lightning to strike you down right then and there.
“Here you go.” Thor grabbed the nails and handed them to you. He smiled warmly, as if proud of what he’d done.
“Thanks, Thor.” You said kindly, but tiredly.
He grinned before walking away.
You handed Wanda the nails without looking at her.
“Thank—“ She began to tease, but you cut her off.
“Don’t even say it.” You grumbled, and she chuckled before walking off with the nails and a hammer.
You began to clean the outside of the windows.
“How long has that been going on?” Steve said suddenly from beside you. You gasped, he had scared you.
“Sorry.” He murmured.
“It’s fine.” You hummed. “And I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
“You and Wanda.” He nodded. “It’s cute. You should see the way she looks at you.”
You felt your face get hot. “There’s—it’s not like—nothing is going on.”
“B-S!” Bucky said in a sing-song voice as he walked over. “Bullshit.”
“Fuck off.” You groaned. “It—it’s complicated.”
“She really does like you, though.” Steve said.
“And it looks like you like her too.” Bucky teased.
“Shut up.” You groaned as you tried to focus on the windows. Bucky and Steve chuckled, walking off to do something hopefully productive.
You heard footsteps coming from behind you. “Whoever you are, please for the love of God do not lecture me on my potential romantic relationships.”
“I never said I was gonna.” Sam chuckled, walking up beside you.
“Good.” You went back to cleaning the windows.
“Thanks for coming out. To help.” He smiles, the gap in his teeth warming your heart slightly.
“Oh. I thought you were thanking me for being gay.”
He snorts, shaking his head. “You know, she really does look a lot happier when she’s with you.”
You couldn’t help but feel a bit lighter at that. “..You’re not the first person to tell me that.”
“That must mean it’s extra true.”
“I guess so.” You reached higher as you wiped at the top of the windows.
“You still think about Natasha?” He tilted his head as he helped with the window next to the one you were working on.
“All the time.” You answered earnestly. “I’ve been trying to ‘get better’—whatever the fuck that means. Sometimes I don’t get why I can’t just get over it.” You rambled. “Sorry. That was a lot.”
“No, I get it. Riley..he was my Natasha.”
“Oh.” You blinked. “Guess we’re a lot similar than I thought. How..how do you cope?”
He nodded, before speaking again. “I guess I realized that you don’t have to move on. Grief is a hell of a lot like love; always there, even if you don’t feel it at times. It comes in waves. Some days it’s gonna be a tsunami, other days, it’ll be a tiny little ripple in the water that laps at your shoe.”
You nodded slowly. “Thank you. That..actually helps.”
He smiles softly. “I didn’t become a counselor for nothin’.”
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You rest your head on Wanda’s chest as she rubs circles into your back.
You liked her bed; liked her choice in sheets. White duvet, with tiny sunflowers over it. Yellow and white pillows, gentle yellow sheets.
“I still think about Vision sometimes,” she murmured into your hair.
“I think about Natasha. I’m pretty sure that’s normal.” You told her.
She nodded. “Sometimes, it’s like this wave washing over me, and nobody how many times I stand up..it just comes back to knock me down again. But I guess it just means that the love was real.”
“You sound a lot like Sam.” You chuckled.
She smiled, her nose crinkling as always. “Maybe that means we’re both right.”
“Maybe.” You looked up at her.
“Vis had this thing he used to say. It was uhm..” she paused as she tried to remember it. “What is grief, if not love persevering?”
“That’s a sick ass quote, but I’m pretty sure it’s from a movie or a book or something. That’s hella poetic.”
“Nope. It’s all his.” She replied.
“Damn. He was smart as fuck.” You laughed a little.
“Yeah. Sometimes annoyingly so.” She giggled with you.
“I’m glad I get to be here with you.”
“I’m glad too.” She grinned, before pressing a kiss to your forehead.
And then one to your lips.
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a/n: SHES HERE and it’s been a long time coming. Love the dialogue for this one.
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dweemeister · 1 month
May 25, 2024
By Dennis McLellan
(Los Angeles Times) — To Walt Disney, who personally invited Richard and Robert Sherman to become full-time staff songwriters at his Burbank studio in 1960, they were the “boys.”
The Sherman brothers were the ideal match for Disney’s family-film factory, where they built a career creating what Richard Sherman once described as “upbeat, spirited, happy songs that make people feel good.”
The songwriting siblings were responsible for the bouncy, tongue-twistingly memorable “Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious” and “A Spoonful of Sugar” from the hit 1964 movie musical “Mary Poppins,” for which they won two of the film’s five Oscars — for best score and best song, the haunting “Chim Chim Cher-ee.”
During their years at the studio, the Shermans were as much a part of the early Disney magic as the imagineers, who designed the theme parks and imagined the rides. Together, they wrote dozens of songs for Disney TV productions and movies such as “The Parent Trap,” “The Absent-Minded Professor,” “Summer Magic,” “That Darn Cat!,” “The Sword in the Stone,” “The Jungle Book,” “The Aristocats,” “Bedknobs and Broomsticks” and “Winnie the Pooh” cartoons.
They also penned the theme song for Disney’s TV show “The Wonderful World of Color” and wrote songs heard in Disney theme-park attractions, including “The Tiki Tiki Tiki Room,” “There’s a Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow” and the unforgettable — in ways both good and bad —“It’s a Small World (After All).”
“They were made by God for Walt Disney,” said Dick Van Dyke, who stared in “Mary Poppins” opposite Julie Andrews. “They somehow managed to convey Walt’s meaning in those songs.”
The gregarious half of the prolific songwriting duo, Sherman died Saturday, May 25, at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Beverly Hills, due to age-related illness. He was 95. The Walt Disney company announced the news of his death in a press statement.
Robert Sherman, who was two and a half years older than his brother, died in London in 2012 at 86.
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kwebtv · 6 months
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TV Guide -  January 4 - 10, 1964
Mary Tyler Moore (December 29, 1936 – January 25, 2017) Actress, known for her roles in the television sitcoms The Mary Tyler Moore Show (1970–1977), in which she starred as Mary Richards, a thirty-something single woman who worked as a local news producer in Minneapolis; and The Dick Van Dyke Show (1961–1966), in which she played Laura Petrie, a former dancer turned Westchester homemaker, wife and mother. Her notable film work includes 1967’s Thoroughly Modern Millie and 1980’s Ordinary People, in which she played a role that was very different from the television characters she had portrayed, and for which she was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Actress.  (Wikipedia)
Richard Wayne Van Dyke (born December 13, 1925)  Actor, entertainer and comedian. His award-winning career has spanned seven decades in film, television, and stage.  (Wikipedia)
Carl Reiner (March 20, 1922 – June 29, 2020)  Actor, stand-up comedian, director, screenwriter, and author whose career spanned seven decades. He was the recipient of many awards and honors, including 11 Primetime Emmy Awards, a Grammy Award, and the Mark Twain Prize for American Humor. He was inducted into the Television Hall of Fame in 1999.  (Wikipedia)
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