#Neutriderm hair enhancer shampoo
iberiaskinbrands · 2 months
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Neutriderm Hair Enhancer Shampoo revitalizes and strengthens hair from the roots, promoting healthy growth and reducing hair fall. Enriched with nourishing ingredients, this gentle formula is suitable for all hair types, leaving hair softer, shinier, and more manageable. Achieve fuller, healthier hair with Neutriderm Hair Enhancer Shampoo's daily use. Buy hair care products for women from Iberia skinbrands.
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tabibaa · 3 years
شامبو نيتروديرم بنوعيه للتساقط والقشرة بالفوائد والمكونات والسعر
New Post has been published on https://www.tabibaa.com/%d8%b4%d8%a7%d9%85%d8%a8%d9%88-%d9%86%d9%8a%d8%aa%d8%b1%d9%88%d8%af%d9%8a%d8%b1%d9%85-%d8%a8%d9%86%d9%88%d8%b9%d9%8a%d9%87-%d9%84%d9%84%d8%aa%d8%b3%d8%a7%d9%82%d8%b7-%d9%88%d8%a7%d9%84%d9%82%d8%b4/
شامبو نيتروديرم بنوعيه للتساقط والقشرة بالفوائد والمكونات والسعر
لاقت منتجات Neutriderm قبول الكثيرين ومنها شامبو نيتروديرم بنوعيه سواء للحد من التساقط أو علاج القشرة لذلك سنقدم لك في بيوتي خانه مراجعة وافية عن فوائد ومكونات وسعر كل منهما حتى تعتمدي على أحدهما حسب مشكلة شعرك.
شامبو نيتروديرم للشعر المتساقط
Neutriderm Hair Enhancer Shampoo ابتكر للرجال والنساء لتنظيف الشعر التالف والضعيف والهش والخفيف والخشن.
يساهم في التقليل من تساقط الشعر الناتج عن ارتفاع مستوى ديهيدروتستوستيرون.
يحتوي على مستخلص سابال وهو نخيل صغير الشجيرات ومصدر ثري بالأحماض الدهنية والكحولات الدهنية ومادة β-sitosterol والستيرول، مما يعزز صحة الشعر.
يحسن مظهر الشعر ويعزز قوته ولمعانه، لاحتوائه على مستخلص التوت والزنك غلوكونات و البانثينول.
يزيل التراكمات الدهنية الموجودة على جذور الشعر وفروة الرأس.
يعزز من نمو الشعر ويقلل من تقصفه نن خلال تنشيط فروة الرأس.
يساهم في إصلاح خصلات الشعر التالف.
يحد من التهاب فروة الرأس.
خال من SLS والبارابين.
موصى به من قبل أطباء الجلدية.
طريقة الاستخدام:
بللي شعرك بالماء الدافئ ثم ضعي الشامبو مباشرة على فروة الرأس.
دلكي بلطف باستخدام الأصابع لمدة دقيقتين على الأقل مع التأكد من أن التوزيع على الشعر وفروة الرأس.
بعد التطبيق، اتركي الشامبو في الشعر لمدة دقيقة واحدة على الأقل ثم اشطفي شعرك جيدًا بالماء.
كرري استخدام الشامبو مرتين في الأسبوع.
مياه نقية ، لوريث كبريتات الصوديوم ، أسيتيونات كوكويل الصوديوم ،كوكاميدوبروبيل بيتين ، كوكو غلوكوزيد ، بروتينات حرير مائي ، بروتين القمح المائي ، لاكتاميد مي ، بانثينول،سترات الزنك ، غلوكونات الزنك ، PEG-40 زيت الخروع المائي ، حمض اللاكتيك ، حمض الساليسيليك حمض البنزويك ، الفينوكسييثانول ، مستخلص سابال ، فيتامين إي أسيتات التوكوفريل ، PEG 150 خماسي إيثريتيلي تيتراستيرات ، خلاصة جذر التوت ، العطر.
شامبو نيتروديرم للقشرة
يحتوي هذا الشامبو على مضاد فطري قوي يعمل على الفتك بالخلايا المتكاثرة وتدني معدل نمو البكتيريا، لاحتوائه على كليمبازول 1٪.
يعمل على إزالة الزيوت والدهون الزائدة والقشرة المتراكمة بفروة الرأس ويترك شعرك نظيف ومنتعش.
يساهم في تقليل الحكة والاحمرار والتقشر بفروة الرأس.
يمتاز بتركيبة لطيف ورغوة غنية.
مناسب لجميع أنواع الشعر بما في ذلك الشعر المصبوغ والمجعد والمعالج كيميائيًا.
ثبت سريريًا فعاليته ضد قشرة الرأس الخفيفة والمتوسطة والشديدة بما في ذلك حكة فروة الرأس.
آمن للاستخدام اليومي ولن يؤدي إلى تهيج فروة الرأس بعد الاستخدام.
خال من SLS والبارابين.
طريقة الاستخدام:
رطبي شغرك بالماء الدافئ ثم ضعي ممية مناسبة من الشامبو مباشرة على الشعر.
دلكي بلطف بأطراف الأصابع لمدة دقيقتين على الأقل للتأكد من أن التطبيق يتم على كامل الشعر وفروة الرأس.
دعيه لمدة دقيقة ثم اشطفيه جيدًا.
استخدميه يوميًا لعلاج قشرة الرأس المتوسطة والشديدة للحصول على أفضل النتائج.
استخدميه مرتين أسبوعيًا لقشرة الرأس الخفيفة والمتوسطة للحصول على نتائج.
المياه النقية ، ديسيل جلوكوزيد ، كوكاميدوبروبيل بيتين ، ميثيل الصوديوم 2-كبريتات ، لاكتيلات الصوديوم لارويل ، بروبيلين جليكول ، كليمبازول ، بروتين القمح المائي ، لاكتاميد مييا ، ديسوديوم 2-سلفولاتورات ، جليسرين ، صوديوم PCA ، توكوفيرول أسيتات ، حمض اللاكتيك ، حمض الهيدروكلوريك.
سعر شامبو Neutriderm
حجم 250 مل:
يتوفر في السعودية بسعر 125 ر.س
يتوفر في الإمارات بسعر 120 د.إ
يتوفر في الكويت بسعر 8 د.ك
يتوفر في قطر بسعر 107 ر.ق
زائرتنا العزيزة إن كان لديك أي استفسار بخصوص هذا المنتج لا تترددي في تركه لخبراء العناية بالبشرة والشعر في بيوتي خانه سنُجيبك على الفور، ولا تنسي الاشتراك في إشعارات بيوتي خانه المجانية ليصلك كل جديد ولمعرفة المزيد والمزيد عن أسرار جمال الشعر والبشرة.
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cyber1ife · 5 years
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Neutriderm Hair Enhancer Shampoo 250 mL >>> Find out more about the great product at the image link. (This is an affiliate link)
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softcarecosmetics · 5 years
High-Quality Hair Care Products To Enliven & Enhance Your Hair Volume
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Healthy and shiny hair plays a key role in enhancing the appearance of a person. But, nowadays hair fall problem has become too common in people of all ages. Whether someone is young or old, this issue is prevailing irrespective of any gender. As there are multiple reasons that can give rise to this particular problem, everyone thinks to have an effective product that helps best in dealing with this issue.
Though falling off a few hair strands is a common and a necessary process of hair renewal, but excessiveness of this will lead to baldness and hair loss. A slight modification in lifestyle, eating habits and nutrient intake can promote natural hair growth. One may think hair care as something that’s hard to do but this is actually not the case. Taking care of the hair in the right way majorly depends on knowing the correct way to treat it.
And to assist you in taking proper care of your hair, a wide range of hair care products are available in the market. These products are in great demand because of many good reasons. These items not only help in styling the hair but address a lot many hair problems as well. One prime reason for using these products is that they are explicitly made for different hair types. But, another question that arises in mind is which hair care brand should be trusted.
Neutriderm is one such brand that provides premium aesthetic & therapeutic products for hair problem treatments. Some of the best Neutriderm hair care products that help you maintain shiny and strong hair are –
Neutriderm Hair Enhancer Shampoo:
Though a huge number of shampoos are available, but it is important to choose one that suits best for different hair types. Buy Neutriderm Hair Enhancer Shampoo online and experience less breakage within a month. This shampoo is perfectly developed to strengthen the weak, damaged & fragile hair.
Neutriderm Hair Enhancer Conditioner:
It is very important to use conditioner after shampoo to impart the necessary lustre. Hair enhancer conditioner by Neutriderm is a great product that fortifies and protects hair against damage, fall and breakage.
Neutriderm Hair Enhancer Lotion:
With regular & proper use, this hair enhancer lotion helps in regaining hair volume. This product works wonders in fortifying & nourishing the damaged features of hair.
For healthy, luxurious hair, choose the hair care products which are appropriate for your hair type. So treat & love your hair in a great way by purchasing Neutriderm products online! Once you have bought these beneficial products you will understand that it is not as difficult as you imagined to care for your hair properly.
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iberiaskinbrands · 2 months
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Neutriderm Hair Enhancer Shampoo revitalizes hair by promoting strength and shine. Its unique formula reduces hair fall and stimulates growth, leaving hair healthier and fuller. Ideal for all hair types, it provides essential nutrients for optimal hair health
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iberiaskinbrands · 1 month
The Ultimate Guide to Hair Care Products for Women: Neutriderm and Sesderma
In the pursuit of beautiful, healthy hair, the right products can make all the difference. For women looking to enhance their hair care routine, Neutriderm and Sesderma offer a range of hair care products for women designed to address various hair concerns. This guide will delve into the benefits of Neutriderm's and Sesderma's hair care lines, helping you make informed choices for achieving your best hair ever.
Neutriderm Hair Care: A Holistic Approach to Hair Wellness
Neutriderm Anti-Dandruff Shampoo
Dandruff is a common concern that can affect anyone, but finding a shampoo that effectively treats it while maintaining hair health is key. Neutriderm Anti-Dandruff Shampoo is formulated with advanced ingredients to combat dandruff while providing soothing relief. The unique formula helps reduce the visible flakes and itching associated with dandruff, promoting a healthier scalp environment. It contains active anti-fungal agents that target the root cause of dandruff, ensuring that your scalp feels refreshed and clean.
Neutriderm Hair Enhancer Shampoo
For women seeking to enhance the volume and vitality of their hair, Neutriderm Hair Enhancer Shampoo is an excellent choice. This shampoo is enriched with a blend of nourishing ingredients that work together to strengthen hair and improve its overall health. It helps to fortify hair strands, reduce breakage, and add a natural shine. Whether you have fine, limp hair or simply want to boost your hair’s fullness, this shampoo provides the support needed for a more vibrant, fuller-looking mane.
Neutriderm Hair Enhancer Lotion
Complementing the Hair Enhancer Shampoo, Neutriderm Hair Enhancer Lotion offers an additional layer of care. This leave-in treatment is designed to provide intense nourishment and conditioning. The lightweight formula absorbs quickly into the hair, helping to detangle and protect it from environmental stressors. Regular use of the Hair Enhancer Lotion can lead to noticeable improvements in hair texture, making it softer and more manageable.
Sesderma Hair Care: Advanced Solutions for Targeted Results
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Sesderma C-VIT Hair Mask
The Sesderma C-VIT Hair Mask is a luxurious treatment designed to revitalize and rejuvenate tired hair. Infused with Vitamin C and other powerful antioxidants, this mask helps to combat oxidative stress and promote a healthier scalp. The formula deeply nourishes and hydrates hair, restoring its natural shine and vitality. Ideal for women with dull or damaged hair, the C-VIT Hair Mask works to improve overall hair quality and enhance its appearance.
Sesderma K-VIT Shampoo
Sesderma K-VIT Shampoo is a specialized product formulated to address specific scalp and hair issues. It contains Vitamin K, which is known for its beneficial effects on hair health. This shampoo helps to strengthen hair, reduce excessive shedding, and support a healthier scalp environment. It is particularly effective for women experiencing hair thinning or loss, providing a gentle yet effective solution for maintaining hair density and strength.
Sesderma K-VIT Hair Serum
To complement the K-VIT Shampoo, Sesderma offers the K-VIT Hair Serum. This lightweight serum is designed to provide targeted treatment for thinning hair and promote overall hair health. Enriched with Vitamin K and other essential nutrients, it helps to improve hair texture and stimulate growth. The serum is easy to apply and absorbs quickly, making it a convenient addition to any hair care routine. Regular use can lead to fuller, stronger hair with improved density.
Why Choose Neutriderm and Sesderma?
Both Neutriderm and Sesderma are renowned for their commitment to quality and innovation in hair care. Their products are formulated with advanced ingredients and technologies that address specific hair and scalp concerns. Here’s why these brands stand out:
Targeted Solutions: Neutriderm and Sesderma offer products that cater to various hair concerns, from dandruff and thinning hair to lack of volume and damage. Their formulations are designed to provide effective solutions tailored to individual needs.
2. Advanced Ingredients: The use of high-quality ingredients such as Vitamin C, Vitamin K, and specialized anti-fungal agents ensures that these products deliver visible results. These ingredients work synergistically to improve hair health and appearance.
3. Holistic Approach: Both brands emphasize a holistic approach to hair care, focusing not just on cosmetic improvements but also on addressing underlying issues. This comprehensive approach helps achieve long-term hair health and beauty.
Incorporating Neutriderm and Sesderma into Your Routine
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To get the best results from Neutriderm and Sesderma products, it’s important to incorporate them into a consistent hair care routine. Start with the appropriate shampoo for your hair type and concerns, followed by complementary treatments like masks and serums. For instance, use the Neutriderm Anti-Dandruff Shampoo to address scalp issues and follow up with the Sesderma C-VIT Hair Mask for added nourishment and shine.
Additionally, incorporating regular use of leave-in treatments such as Neutriderm Hair Enhancer Lotion or Sesderma K-VIT Hair Serum can enhance the effectiveness of your hair care regimen. These treatments provide extra hydration, protection, and support for achieving healthier, more beautiful hair.
Choosing the right hair care products can transform your hair from dull and lifeless to vibrant and full of life. Neutriderm and Sesderma offer a range of high-quality products designed to address various hair concerns with targeted solutions and advanced ingredients. By incorporating these products into your routine, you can enjoy the benefits of healthier, stronger, and more beautiful hair. Whether you’re dealing with dandruff, thinning hair, or simply seeking to enhance your hair’s natural beauty, Neutriderm and Sesderma provide the tools you need for a successful hair care journey.
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iberiaskinbrands · 1 month
Hair care products for women
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Discover the ultimate hair care products for women, featuring Neutriderm Anti-Dandruff Shampoo, Hair Enhancer Shampoo, and Hair Enhancer Lotion. These essentials promote healthy, dandruff-free hair, enhance volume, and nourish your locks for a radiant, revitalized look.
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iberiaskinbrands · 2 months
The Ultimate Guide to Hair Care Products for Women: Achieve Healthy, Beautiful Hair
Hair care is an essential part of any beauty routine, especially for women who desire healthy, shiny, and manageable hair. With the wide variety of hair types and concerns, finding the right hair care products for women can make all the difference. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the importance of hair care and introduce three standout products: Neutriderm Anti-Dandruff Shampoo 120ml, Neutriderm Hair Enhancer Shampoo 250ml, and Neutriderm Hair Enhancer Lotion 250ml. These products are designed to address specific hair issues, from dandruff control to enhancing hair health and growth.
Why Hair Care Matters
Healthy hair is not just about appearance; it also reflects overall well-being. Hair care involves more than just washing your hair; it includes using the right products, maintaining a healthy diet, and protecting your hair from damage caused by heat, pollution, and harsh chemicals. By incorporating high-quality products into your hair care routine, you can achieve and maintain beautiful, healthy hair that looks and feels great.
Introducing Neutriderm’s Hair Care Products
1. Neutriderm Anti-Dandruff Shampoo 120ml
Dandruff is a common scalp condition that can lead to itching, flaking, and irritation. The Neutriderm Anti-Dandruff Shampoo is specifically formulated to combat dandruff while providing a gentle yet effective cleanse. This shampoo not only helps to eliminate dandruff but also prevents its recurrence, leaving the scalp clean and refreshed.
Key Benefits:
Fights Dandruff: The shampoo contains active ingredients that target the root causes of dandruff, effectively reducing flakes and itching.
Soothes the Scalp: It also has soothing properties that calm irritated scalps, providing relief from discomfort.
Gentle Cleansing: Unlike many anti-dandruff shampoos that can be harsh, Neutriderm’s formula is gentle enough for regular use, ensuring that your hair remains soft and manageable.
Prevents Recurrence: With consistent use, this shampoo helps to prevent the recurrence of dandruff, maintaining a healthy scalp environment.
Who Should Use It? This shampoo is ideal for women who struggle with dandruff or an itchy, irritated scalp. It’s suitable for all hair types and can be used regularly to keep dandruff under control.
2. Neutriderm Hair Enhancer Shampoo 250ml
Healthy hair starts with a healthy scalp. The Neutriderm Hair Enhancer Shampoo is designed to nourish the scalp and promote healthy hair growth. This shampoo is enriched with ingredients that not only cleanse the hair but also provide essential nutrients to strengthen hair from the roots, making it a great choice for women looking to enhance their hair's health and vitality.
Key Benefits:
Promotes Hair Growth: The shampoo contains active ingredients that stimulate the scalp, encouraging hair growth and reducing hair fall.
Strengthens Hair: It helps to fortify hair strands, reducing breakage and improving overall hair strength and resilience.
Nourishes the Scalp: The formula provides essential nutrients to the scalp, ensuring that hair grows healthy and strong from the roots.
Gentle Formula: This shampoo is gentle enough for daily use and is suitable for all hair types, including color-treated hair.
Who Should Use It? This shampoo is perfect for women who want to enhance their hair's health, reduce hair fall, and promote stronger, thicker hair. It’s particularly beneficial for those experiencing thinning hair or hair loss.
3. Neutriderm Hair Enhancer Lotion 250ml
In addition to a good shampoo, a quality hair lotion can make a significant difference in hair health. The Neutriderm Hair Enhancer Lotion is a leave-in treatment designed to boost hair growth, reduce hair fall, and improve hair texture. This lotion is packed with powerful ingredients that work together to nourish the scalp and hair, making it an essential part of any hair care routine.
Key Benefits:
Boosts Hair Growth: The lotion stimulates hair follicles, promoting healthy hair growth and helping to reduce hair loss.
Improves Hair Texture: It helps to smooth and soften hair, improving texture and making it easier to manage.
Strengthens Hair: The formula strengthens hair strands, reducing breakage and improving overall hair health.
Easy to Use: This leave-in lotion is easy to apply and can be used daily for best results.
Who Should Use It?
This hair lotion is ideal for women who want to enhance their hair growth, improve hair texture, and reduce hair fall. It’s suitable for all hair types and can be used in conjunction with the Neutriderm Hair Enhancer Shampoo for maximum benefits.
How to Incorporate Neutriderm’s Hair Care Products into Your Routine
For best results, it’s important to use these products consistently as part of a comprehensive hair care routine. Here’s how you can effectively incorporate Neutriderm Anti-Dandruff Shampoo, Neutriderm Hair Enhancer Shampoo, and Neutriderm Hair Enhancer Lotion into your daily regimen:
Start with Neutriderm Anti-Dandruff Shampoo: If you’re dealing with dandruff, begin your routine with the Neutriderm Anti-Dandruff Shampoo. Apply a small amount to wet hair and scalp, gently massaging to create a rich lather. Rinse thoroughly and repeat if necessary. Use this shampoo 2-3 times a week, alternating with the Hair Enhancer Shampoo on other days.
Cleanse with Neutriderm Hair Enhancer Shampoo: On days when you’re not using the Anti-Dandruff Shampoo, cleanse your hair with the Neutriderm Hair Enhancer Shampoo. This will help to nourish your scalp and promote healthy hair growth. Apply the shampoo to wet hair, lather, and rinse thoroughly.
Apply Neutriderm Hair Enhancer Lotion: After washing your hair, apply the Neutriderm Hair Enhancer Lotion to damp or dry hair. Focus on the scalp and roots, massaging gently to ensure even distribution. This leave-in treatment does not require rinsing and can be used daily for best results.
Follow with Regular Conditioning (Optional): If your hair is particularly dry or damaged, you may follow up with a conditioner or hair mask after shampooing. However, the Hair Enhancer Lotion should always be applied after washing and before any other styling products.
Consistency is Key: For the best results, use these products consistently as part of your daily hair care routine. Regular use will help to maintain a healthy scalp, reduce dandruff, promote hair growth, and improve hair texture.
Additional Tips for Healthy Hair
Protect Your Hair from Heat: Excessive heat from styling tools can damage hair. Always use a heat protectant spray before blow-drying, straightening, or curling your hair.
Maintain a Healthy Diet: A balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals is essential for healthy hair growth. Include foods high in biotin, zinc, and omega-3 fatty acids in your diet.
Stay Hydrated: Drinking plenty of water helps to keep your hair hydrated and prevents dryness and brittleness.
Trim Regularly: Regular trims help to prevent split ends and keep your hair looking healthy and well-maintained.
Achieving and maintaining healthy, beautiful hair requires a combination of the right products and a consistent hair care routine. Neutriderm’s Anti-Dandruff Shampoo, Hair Enhancer Shampoo, and Hair Enhancer Lotion are designed to address common hair concerns such as dandruff, hair fall, and thinning hair. By incorporating these products into your daily regimen, you can enjoy healthier, stronger, and more beautiful hair. Whether you’re dealing with dandruff, seeking to enhance hair growth, or looking to improve your hair’s texture, Neutriderm has the right solutions for you.
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iberiaskinbrands · 2 months
Discover the Power of Neutriderm: Your Ultimate Guide to Skincare and Haircare
In the world of beauty and personal care, Neutriderm has established itself as a brand synonymous with quality and effectiveness. Offering a range of products designed to tackle common skin and hair issues, Neutriderm is trusted by many for its scientifically backed formulations and proven results. This comprehensive guide will delve into the benefits of Neutriderm products, focusing on high-search volume keywords to help you find the information you need.
The Benefits of Neutriderm Products
Neutriderm products are crafted with advanced ingredients to address various skin and hair concerns. Whether you’re struggling with dryness, hair fall, dandruff, or pigmentation, Neutriderm has a solution tailored for you. Let’s explore some of the brand’s standout offerings.
Neutriderm Moisturizing Lotion
Why Choose Neutriderm Moisturizing Lotion?
Neutriderm Moisturizing Lotion is a top pick for those seeking intense hydration and skin protection. Enriched with vitamin E, this lotion provides powerful antioxidant benefits, shielding the skin from free radicals and environmental damage. It’s ideal for reducing fine lines, wrinkles, and other signs of aging, making it a popular choice for anti-aging skincare routines.
How to Use Neutriderm Moisturizing Lotion
For optimal results, apply Neutriderm Moisturizing Lotion twice daily, in the morning and at night. Gently massage the lotion into your face and neck until fully absorbed. This routine will keep your skin hydrated, smooth, and youthful.
Neutriderm Hair Enhancer Shampoo
The Power of Neutriderm Hair Enhancer Shampoo
Hair fall and thinning can be distressing, but Neutriderm Hair Enhancer Shampoo offers a potent solution. This shampoo is formulated with natural ingredients that nourish the scalp, strengthen hair, and reduce breakage. With regular use, you’ll notice thicker, fuller, and healthier hair.
How to Use Neutriderm Hair Enhancer Shampoo
To maximize the benefits, use Neutriderm Hair Enhancer Shampoo at least three times a week. Apply a generous amount to wet hair, massage into the scalp, and rinse thoroughly. Follow up with a conditioner to enhance softness and manageability.
Neutriderm Anti-Dandruff Shampoo
Banish Dandruff with Neutriderm Anti-Dandruff Shampoo
Dandruff can be a persistent problem, but Neutriderm Anti-Dandruff Shampoo is designed to tackle it effectively. This shampoo contains active ingredients that target the root cause of dandruff, soothing the scalp and reducing flakiness. It also alleviates itchiness and irritation, leaving your scalp comfortable and flake-free.
How to Use Neutriderm Anti-Dandruff Shampoo
For the best results, use Neutriderm Anti-Dandruff Shampoo twice a week. Apply the shampoo to wet hair, massage it into the scalp, and leave it on for a few minutes before rinsing. Consistent use will help keep dandruff under control.
Neutriderm Skin Whitening Cream
Achieve a Brighter Complexion with Neutriderm Skin Whitening Cream
If you’re looking to brighten your skin and reduce pigmentation, Neutriderm Skin Whitening Cream is an excellent choice. This cream is formulated with natural extracts that lighten dark spots and even out skin tone, giving you a more radiant and uniform complexion.
How to Use Neutriderm Skin Whitening Cream
Apply Neutriderm Skin Whitening Cream to clean, dry skin twice daily. Focus on areas with dark spots or uneven pigmentation. Regular use will result in a more luminous and balanced skin tone.
Neutriderm Brightening Body Lotion
All-Over Radiance with Neutriderm Brightening Body Lotion
Neutriderm Brightening Body Lotion is perfect for achieving even skin tone across your entire body. Enriched with brightening agents, this lotion reduces dark spots and discoloration, leaving your skin smooth and glowing from head to toe.
How to Use Neutriderm Brightening Body Lotion
Apply Neutriderm Brightening Body Lotion daily after showering. Massage it into the skin until fully absorbed, paying extra attention to areas with uneven skin tone. This will help maintain a radiant and uniform complexion.
Neutriderm Vitamin C Moisturizing Lotion
The Benefits of Neutriderm Vitamin C Moisturizing Lotion
Vitamin C is renowned for its skin-brightening and anti-aging properties. Neutriderm Vitamin C Moisturizing Lotion harnesses these benefits, offering a powerful solution for dull, tired skin. This lotion boosts collagen production, reduces fine lines, and enhances skin luminosity.
How to Use Neutriderm Vitamin C Moisturizing Lotion
Use Neutriderm Vitamin C Moisturizing Lotion daily, applying it to your face and neck. Incorporate it into your morning skincare routine to protect your skin from environmental damage throughout the day.
Neutriderm Underarm Whitening Cream
Lighten and Brighten with Neutriderm Underarm Whitening Cream
Dark underarms can be a source of discomfort for many, but Neutriderm Underarm Whitening Cream can help lighten and brighten this sensitive area. Formulated with gentle yet effective ingredients, it reduces pigmentation and leaves your underarms looking and feeling fresh.
How to Use Neutriderm Underarm Whitening Cream
Apply Neutriderm Underarm Whitening Cream to clean, dry underarms daily. For best results, use it after showering and before bedtime. Consistent use will lead to visibly lighter underarms.
Neutriderm Pre-Makeup Skincare Combo
The Perfect Prep with Neutriderm Pre-Makeup Skincare Combo
Preparing your skin before makeup application is crucial for a flawless finish. The Neutriderm Pre-Makeup Skincare Combo includes the Neutriderm Moisturizing Lotion and the Dermavive Moisturizing Lotion. These products work together to hydrate and prime your skin, ensuring your makeup looks smooth and lasts longer.
How to Use Neutriderm Pre-Makeup Skincare Combo
Start by applying the Neutriderm Moisturizing Lotion to clean, dry skin. Follow up with the Dermavive Moisturizing Lotion for added hydration and a smooth base. Allow both products to fully absorb before applying makeup.
Neutriderm offers a diverse range of products designed to meet various skin and hair care needs. Whether you’re looking to hydrate your skin, reduce hair fall, combat dandruff, or achieve a brighter complexion, Neutriderm has a solution for you. By incorporating Neutriderm products into your daily routine, you can unlock the secret to radiant skin and healthy hair.
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tabibaa · 3 years
شامبو نيتروديرم بنوعيه للتساقط والقشرة بالفوائد والمكونات والسعر
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شامبو نيتروديرم بنوعيه للتساقط والقشرة بالفوائد والمكونات والسعر
لاقت منتجات Neutriderm قبول الكثيرين ومنها شامبو نيتروديرم بنوعيه سواء للحد من التساقط أو علاج القشرة لذلك سنقدم لك في بيوتي خانه مراجعة وافية عن فوائد ومكونات وسعر كل منهما حتى تعتمدي على أحدهما حسب مشكلة شعرك.
شامبو نيتروديرم للشعر المتساقط
Neutriderm Hair Enhancer Shampoo ابتكر للرجال والنساء لتنظيف الشعر التالف والضعيف والهش والخفيف والخشن.
يساهم في التقليل من تساقط الشعر الناتج عن ارتفاع مستوى ديهيدروتستوستيرون.
يحتوي على مستخلص سابال وهو نخيل صغير الشجيرات ومصدر ثري بالأحماض الدهنية والكحولات الدهنية ومادة β-sitosterol والستيرول، مما يعزز صحة الشعر.
يحسن مظهر الشعر ويعزز قوته ولمعانه، لاحتوائه على مستخلص التوت والزنك غلوكونات و البانثينول.
يزيل التراكمات الدهنية الموجودة على جذور الشعر وفروة الرأس.
يعزز من نمو الشعر ويقلل من تقصفه نن خلال تنشيط فروة الرأس.
يساهم في إصلاح خصلات الشعر التالف.
يحد من التهاب فروة الرأس.
خال من SLS والبارابين.
موصى به من قبل أطباء الجلدية.
طريقة الاستخدام:
بللي شعرك بالماء الدافئ ثم ضعي الشامبو مباشرة على فروة الرأس.
دلكي بلطف باستخدام الأصابع لمدة دقيقتين على الأقل مع التأكد من أن التوزيع على الشعر وفروة الرأس.
بعد التطبيق، اتركي الشامبو في الشعر لمدة دقيقة واحدة على الأقل ثم اشطفي شعرك جيدًا بالماء.
كرري استخدام الشامبو مرتين في الأسبوع.
مياه نقية ، لوريث كبريتات الصوديوم ، أسيتيونات كوكويل الصوديوم ،كوكاميدوبروبيل بيتين ، كوكو غلوكوزيد ، بروتينات حرير مائي ، بروتين القمح المائي ، لاكتاميد مي ، بانثينول،سترات الزنك ، غلوكونات الزنك ، PEG-40 زيت الخروع المائي ، حمض اللاكتيك ، حمض الساليسيليك حمض البنزويك ، الفينوكسييثانول ، مستخلص سابال ، فيتامين إي أسيتات التوكوفريل ، PEG 150 خماسي إيثريتيلي تيتراستيرات ، خلاصة جذر التوت ، العطر.
شامبو نيتروديرم للقشرة
يحتوي هذا الشامبو على مضاد فطري قوي يعمل على الفتك بالخلايا المتكاثرة وتدني معدل نمو البكتيريا، لاحتوائه على كليمبازول 1٪.
يعمل على إزالة الزيوت والدهون الزائدة والقشرة المتراكمة بفروة الرأس ويترك شعرك نظيف ومنتعش.
يساهم في تقليل الحكة والاحمرار والتقشر بفروة الرأس.
يمتاز بتركيبة لطيف ورغوة غنية.
مناسب لجميع أنواع الشعر بما في ذلك الشعر المصبوغ والمجعد والمعالج كيميائيًا.
ثبت سريريًا فعاليته ضد قشرة الرأس الخفيفة والمتوسطة والشديدة بما في ذلك حكة فروة الرأس.
آمن للاستخدام اليومي ولن يؤدي إلى تهيج فروة الرأس بعد الاستخدام.
خال من SLS والبارابين.
طريقة الاستخدام:
رطبي شغرك بالماء الدافئ ثم ضعي ممية مناسبة من الشامبو مباشرة على الشعر.
دلكي بلطف بأطراف الأصابع لمدة دقيقتين على الأقل للتأكد من أن التطبيق يتم على كامل الشعر وفروة الرأس.
دعيه لمدة دقيقة ثم اشطفيه جيدًا.
استخدميه يوميًا لعلاج قشرة الرأس المتوسطة والشديدة للحصول على أفضل النتائج.
استخدميه مرتين أسبوعيًا لقشرة الرأس الخفيفة والمتوسطة للحصول على نتائج.
المياه النقية ، ديسيل جلوكوزيد ، كوكاميدوبروبيل بيتين ، ميثيل الصوديوم 2-كبريتات ، لاكتيلات الصوديوم لارويل ، بروبيلين جليكول ، كليمبازول ، بروتين القمح المائي ، لاكتاميد مييا ، ديسوديوم 2-سلفولاتورات ، جليسرين ، صوديوم PCA ، توكوفيرول أسيتات ، حمض اللاكتيك ، حمض الهيدروكلوريك.
سعر شامبو Neutriderm
حجم 250 مل:
يتوفر في السعودية بسعر 125 ر.س
يتوفر في الإمارات بسعر 120 د.إ
يتوفر في الكويت بسعر 8 د.ك
يتوفر في قطر بسعر 107 ر.ق
زائرتنا العزيزة إن كان لديك أي استفسار بخصوص هذا المنتج لا تترددي في تركه لخبراء العناية بالبشرة والشعر في بيوتي خانه سنُجيبك على الفور، ولا تنسي الاشتراك في إشعارات بيوتي خانه المجانية ليصلك كل جديد ولمعرفة المزيد والمزيد عن أسرار جمال الشعر والبشرة.
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softcarecosmetics · 4 years
Best Hair Care Products
Are you spending too much on exclusive shampoos, and still not getting the anticipated results? The ones lured you for magical results in those TV ads! Well, it is the most common observation that we get enticed to such products when sometimes they don’t even suit our scalp. Consequently, we end up losing hair shine or worse the hair themselves! To your rescue, we have Neutriderm hair care products that are not just gentle on your scalp but also care for your loose frizzes and cure issues like dandruff and split ends. They come in three exclusive products to increase the volume, shine, and silkiness of your hair. Flaunt your silky-smooth hair with a combo of these verified products.
(1) Neutriderm Hair Enhancer Shampoo:-
It revitalizes both hair and scalp, instantaneously reducing hair breakage and split ends. Developed for both men and women to clean and freshen their hair. Owing to the presence of Zinc Gluconate and Zinc Citrate, it provides a noticeable difference with 90% less breakage within one month of use.
(2) Neutriderm Hair Enhancer Conditioner:-
It refreshes the scalp and helps to return shine to every hair strand discretely, including the thin-looking hair. Hydrolyzed Wheat Protein and Avocado Oil in the conditioner ensures proper moisturization to the scalp while still maintains those silky strands. It is also a natural DHT blocker and protects your hair from any damage.
(3) Neutriderm Hair Enhancer Lotion:-
It nourishes weak and fragile hair. With regular & proper use, it helps to regain hair volume and reinstate the vitality. It has proven vastly beneficial for all hair types. With mulberry extract and zinc gluconate, the scalp gets enough nutrients and nourishment for stable and improved hair growth.
Softcarecosmetics bring to you these perfect hair care products with reviews and feedbacks of the customers which help you decide why you must opt for it. Go ahead and give your hair the treatment they deserve.
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softcarecosmetics · 4 years
How To Choose The Best Neutriderm Products?
Neutriderm brand creates premium aesthetic and therapeutic products that are designed for skin and hair ailments. These products are extremely affordable and beneficial. They can help with problems such as dandruff, alopecia, and hyperpigmentation. Moreover, Nutriderm is one of the highly recommended skin and hair care products’ brand in recent times.
With the wide range of products available, it is necessary to choose one that suits you the best; both, for your skin and hair. Here are some tips you can consider helping you select for the perfect Nutriderm products.
For Skin Care:
Firstly, you need to know your skin needs, whether it needs oil control, or it needs more oil to balance the dryness, or any other. Different types anticipate different requirements. It is advisable to review all the ingredients and be sure about which combination is best for you.
Pro Tip: Nutriderm oil regulator lotion is the best for oily skin whereas Neutriderm Brightening Body Lotion complements for all skin types.
For Hair Care:
Hair fall is what comes to one’s mind very first on hearing the word hair problem. Quite justified too, as it is a major problem in current times. Nutriderm brings you all three hair care products to cater to your losing hairs by enhancing their natural growth along with shine and volume. Neutriderm Hair Enhancer Lotion helps to care for the weak and fragile hair, Nutriderm hair enhancer shampoo helps to cleanse the scalp of all the dandruff and revitalise the growth cells, and finally the Nutriderm hair enhancer conditioner helps to give your hairs that perfect shine you have always been looking for.
General Tip:
Softcare Cosmetics understand the raising concerns about the skin care and hair care products with multiple options in market and hence, we suggest you to always check the ingredients. This can help you determine if the product is valuable for you or not especially in cases, you're allergic to some chemicals and cosmetics, you can avoid it altogether. However, Nutriderm assures the best quality products and no side-effects even on continuous usage. Isn’t it just what we have been always looking for? Buy now!
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softcarecosmetics · 5 years
Why Neutriderm Hair Enhancer Shampoo Is Best Available Product?
Hair loss is a common scenario is a very common scenario affecting most people at some time in their lives. It’s normal to shed a few amount of hair but if this scenario is carried in more significant amounts than usual, then it may cause stress and worry. The primary reason for hair losses is baldness caused due to Thyroid, Anemia, Protein deficiency, Secondary syphilis, Chemotherapy, and Low vitamin levels in both male & female.
Common method for prevention of hair loss includes good hair hygiene, regular shampooing, and good nutrition; however you must visit certified dermatologists who will explore the symptoms before recommending the appropriate treatment.
Neutriderm hair enhancer shampoo is one such revolutionary product ideal for both men and women to clean freshen damaged, weak and fragile hair. Users have noticed 90% less hair breakage within 1 month of continuous usage.
It’s an effective hair loss shampoo that works on scalp nourishment, repair and thicken hair strands, especially thin, medium and coarse hair. It’s advisable to use Neutriderm hair enhancer conditioner after the shampoo to improve the feel of hair and clean-up to keep the hair fresh. To get prompt results one can add Neutriderm hair enhancer lotion also. Some users have also used Neutriderm hair enhancer shampoo even after the keratin treatment but remember to not wash your hair till 48 hours.
For more neutriderm products, visit now!
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