flowerflamestars · 2 years
Idk why the whole nesta/lucien concept hurts so bad. It’s like, whenever I’m reading anything related to it my chest feels so tight and wobbly. What have you done to me girl I-
Like i don’t even know if i would have to guts to read it once you posted it but…. you truly excel and conveying emotion through your writing, and even though most of your snippets are brief im always panting by the end, you know? You’re so so so so so talented, you have one of my favorite writing styles ever (and I can’t really pin point why it just does it for me), but whenever I’m reading your stuff it’s feels like it is reaching inside me, you know? Like it is physically moving my heart around.
You rock, i hope you know that!!!!!! Sorry if this is rambly and incoherent :))
Kind reader, please know, as a person who often describes her favorite books as having punched through my chest- the idea that my own writing is that effective? The highest compliment. What I'm going to make myself refer back to every time I'm convinced all that I make is utter crap, thank you, thank you, thank you!
As for Lucien/Nesta, I totally get that! It's definitely a hurts so good, kind of a story?
On one hand because Lucien is busy being Lucien- brave and unbroken but not undamaged, sexy and stubborn and fundamentally out of place- and I found it impossible to write what was happening without some handling of the past. Lucien has very good reasons, just for himself, to be floored by how badly he wants Nesta.
On the other, because it is a story about, for example, having fun, enthusiastic sex on a rooftop- it's more fundamentally a story about understanding, and the knowledge that no one else would see it that way.
A love story unfolding sidelong.
Nesta having inappropriate sex? Are we back to her wholesale physical disregard for herself and driving desire to claim some shred of autonomy, no matter how shitty? No. Nesta and Lucien sit together for a whole year, before she ever touches him.
Is it a infidelity kink thing? Well. Lucien thinks Nesta's married- but Lucien also, with a sick, perpetual horror, cannot fathom calling Nesta's bond a relationship- if she's not safe to leave it, there's no consent, is there?
What about Elain? Elain doesn't want Lucien- has she ever????- she does have a huge crush on a pasty chef, but that's a whole separate issue.
I'm making it sound much darker than it is- isn't not, I promise. There is a pervasive sadness- what's a broken bond but a failed potential? What is Nesta's canon ending, but an ongoing, free-falling humiliation? An unsafe transitive state that could break at any time but also not let her go. What are her and Lucien doing in Velaris, but to keep Feyre content and be the butt of jokes from the Inner Circle?
And then they fall in love.
Maybe so slow they don't even realize it, tumbling in shared experience from hushed secret friendship to abject devotion. Hope's not a glimmer, it's a spark and it catches.
They see each other. They laugh. It's Sorcha and Helion in parallel, three centuries later, but Lucien doesn't think what they settled for will ever be enough.
in sum: VERY EMOTIONAL, but I promise a hell of a happy ending :)
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