#Neighbor kid (yk that kid that's always in your house to a point the parent see them as additionnal kid ?) : Trader - Scripter - Shopkeeper
cricketrigby · 4 years
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* ( kristine froseth ) ⁠— cricket rigby has lived in somewhere for 23 years, which is crazy considering they are only twenty three.  you can usually find her working at the somewhere roller rink . when i think of strawberry bubblegum, heart shaped sunglasses, & twirling the stem of a rose between your fingertips, i can’t help but think of them as well. ( pepper, twenty four, she/her, est )
ABOUT THE MUN.  sick of thinking! won’t be doing that again
hello all! my name is pepper and i have never been on time for anything ever in my life so it’s pretty fitting that i’m the last one to get my intro up dkjdkj love this for me,,, always on brand. anyways, i am Returning to the rpc kind of maybe after a month hiatus and i wanted something cute and chill to try and get back into the swing of things... i’m hoping this group will be that! but yeah please bear with me i am Definitely going to be a bit rusty,,,, and i am sorry in advance. but Anyways, enough about that and onto some fun facts about me. to start, i just turned twenty four two weeks ago and i am Still in shock about it so jot that down, i hate it here. i have like,,, the opposite of a green thumb, i have killed every plant i have ever had, rip peter the succulent you were a good egg. i regularly say i’m feeling ___ in this chillis tonight despite never being to chillis. i enjoy garbage movies, like the worse it is the better (tyler perry movies, the fast and the furious series, etc). i straight up don’t get like critically acclaimed movies i’m ngl,,, like really like Great movies go straight over my head rip but Anyways moving on to who we’re all here for, ms cricket rigby ! 
BIO.  we need sluttier music….. 
cricket juliet rigby was born to arthur godwin rigby and sonya marie rigby nee bankcult right here in good old somewhere florida. the story is that her parents were actually on their way out of town when cricket decided to ‘jump’ out of her mother’s belly and arrive to the party early. her parents always liked to tell the story like it was cute or funny or something but kit always saw it a bit differently. she had her chance to get out and she screwed it up. and now she’s literally never left this hell hole since. it’s like she got impatient and accidentally screwed herself over for it. and if that isn’t foreshadowing for the rest of her life she doesn’t know what is.
it was her mom’s idea to name her cricket. she said it was because of the way she used to kick with both legs in the womb. like she was jumping. her father found her name ridiculous and insisted on calling her juliet, but that was to be expected. her mother was always the fanciful one out of the pair of them. you see, ricki’s father was a pretty successful lawyer and her mother was a children’s book illustrator. to put it simply her father was the type of person to give kids floss on halloween and her mother was the type to slip you a cookie when the ‘adults’ weren’t looking. they were complete opposites, honestly to the point where sometimes cricket didn’t even understand how her parents got together. but somehow against all odds they did, and they stayed together to boot. loved each other too. her mother always made her father loosen up a bit and her father usually kept her mother grounded. they suited each other, and they adored each other in a way cricket never really saw any other parents doing. well, until they didn’t. 
if cricket didn’t understand how her parents got together she sure understood why they didn’t stay together. you’d have to be blind as a bat to not see that one coming.
her parents fought constantly as cricket got older. the kind of loud, explosive fights that woke a kid up in the middle of the night and made the neighbors look at you with sympathy. there was no abuse or anything serious like that, or even cheating. her parents simply stopped liking each other. and that was honestly even scarier. that her parents could simply wake up one day and not like each other anymore. 
they called it quits when cricket turned thirteen. her mother broke the news to her over a shared joint on the beach. and honestly, it wasn’t really the kind of news you wanted to process while high, but well, nobody ever asked cricket. nobody ever really asked cricket anything. 
but well, her mother asked cricket one thing. to break the news to her little sister. cause yeah, she had one of those. kimberly. a regular sensible name for a regular sensible girl. not that there’s anything wrong with being regular or sensible. it’s just that cricket and her mother were neither of those things. if cricket took after her mother, then kimberly took after their father. her baby sister wanted to be an accountant for god’s sake. what six year old wants to be an accountant? 
anyways, cricket played messenger. she broke the news to her sister and comforted her in the aftermath. she listened to her mother as she told fanciful, beautiful stories about how much more she wanted from her life. and one sunny thursday afternoon, the very thursday she got her first period, the very thursday that a girl really needs her mom, like really needs her mom, she came home and didn’t have one anymore. or a sister either apparently. all she had was a dad crumpled on the living room floor around a heart shaped sticky note of all things. 
who leaves their fucking family with a fucking sticky note?
apparently dad was the only one in the family who didn’t know he and mom were over. cricket would feel bad about it if she wasn’t so busy feeling sorry for herself. because apparently her mother packed up her and kimmy’s things, picked up kimberly from school and just left somewhere forever. leaving cricket behind. just like that. cricket didn’t understand it. just the night before her and her mother were laying back on her bed, laughing. and now she was tossed aside like a discarded toy. second best in a two person race. cricket had never quite dealt with abandonment until that moment, but her first taste of it hurt like a bitch. it hurt all over. 
but things only got worse. cause then came stella. stella was cricket’s godmother. her mother’s best friend. the woman who would slip cricket money so she could buy herself a red lipstick at the mac counter or pick herself up that tube top she’d been wanting so badly. the woman who came with cricket and her mother when she got her first bra. the woman who was supposed to be there for her in the aftermath of all this. but apparently stella took the job a bit too seriously. 
she fucked her father. and not long after that she married him. cricket fought them every step of the way, but they still did it. and well, she had to live with it. her mother and best friend was gone, and this impostor was taking her place. and her father was just letting it all happen. in fact he was happy to do it. that’s what he kept telling her anyways. to let him be happy. that he deserved to be happy. but didn’t she deserve to be happy too?
her mother sent letters sometimes, and kimmy would occasionally call the house. cricket never opened the letters, and she never really spoke much to kimmy. i mean, it wasn’t kimberly’s fault, and cricket knew that. after all, she was six. she never had a choice either. but cricket couldn’t help being jealous of the little shit. kimberly missed dad so much and she wanted to come home. but she was out of somewhere, and she was with mom. she had everything cricket ever wanted and she wasn’t even appreciating it. it was a hard pill to swallow. eventually cricket started cutting the calls short. 
cricket and her father never saw eye to eye. he kicked her out of the house when she was seventeen after an argument between cricket and stella got so bad that things got physical on both their parts. and instead of kicking out the woman who hit his daughter, arthur got rid of the daughter instead. cricket didn’t mind. she simply went to live with her boyfriend at the time (who much like all of cricket’s boyfriends in the past was handsome, cool, and most importantly old enough to have his own place). after that she never really turned back. just... moved from boyfriends place to boyfriends place to girlfriends place to boyfriends place. saw her dad on holidays or when she needed money or under duress. and stayed in somewhere. for now. 
PERSONALITY.  feeling like the prettiest girl in the crawl space right now
as you can probably tell from that mess of an bio, this is my first time playing cricket so i don’t really have her personality nailed down yet BUT
ECCENTRIC. cricket got her mother’s weird hippy gene for sure honestly. she might even be an artist lowkey because of it. definitely is the type to just say weird as hell shit without shame. your local manic pixie dream girl tbh 
PROMISCUOUS. she a hoe and that’s a fact. love that for her though! gets around and is pretty shameless about it honestly. just here for a good time. kind of charming naturally and just generally like?? flirtatious?? the type to flirt with a cop to get out of a ticket. also the type to cry to get out of a really bad dad. the type to go on a date just cause her fridge is empty and yk a girl’s gotta eat. the kind of girl who had a bunch of rumours about her in high school like that she slept with so and so under the bleachers at an assembly or that she once did something nearly impossible on a trampoline. 
CONTRADICTORY. cricket is a compassionate person but she can also hold a grudge for a long ass time. still doesn’t really talk to her mom or little sister. but if you need a ride across town cricket will just give it to you even if she barely knows you. if you’re hungry and come to the roller rink she will slip you some fries free of charge even if she’ll probably get in trouble for it. will fight her stepmom ON SIGHT and slam a bitch down during roller derby but like will get so excited over something simple like the moon being out sdkdskj this bitch makes no sense y’all. 
MYSTERIOUS. at least to other people i feel like. cricket doesn’t really talk about herself or serious things, and she will change the topic if someone is getting too close. she’s the type who doesn’t open up easy, and therefore the type that a lot of guys like... idealize and build up into this mysterious untouchable thing yk? but she’s just a dumb girl who doesn’t want to talk about her feelings underneath it all sdkjdkj she’s just stupid
HEADCANNONS. at least whatever is wrong with me is really really funny 
lost her virginity at fourteen around the anniversary of her mother leaving. unfortunately the type who seeks love and acceptance in all the wrong places. tends to self sabotage when things are too good, or literally just go for people who are bad for her. bi af tho hey~ has been in more relationships than she can count for sure. will duck behind a wall when she sees any of her exes at the grocery store.
does ROLLER DERBY! will fight a bitch in the ring! very good at it despite how cute and angelic she looks sdksdk can and WILL slam a bitch into a wall. it’s just a fun hobby for her, but she loved the camraderie of it honestly. her team is a ragtag group of misfits and i Love them 
like i said in the chat, will now put up posters around town with a cute little polaroid of herself and her number on those little tab things just for shits and giggles to see who calls. will completely prank anyone who does call for fun
idk why but i feel like the roller rink is called l8r sk8r or something cheesy like that,,, i feel it in my Soul. also imagine the type of place where cricket goes around on rollerblades serving food, so yeah, you can order food probably and some showy girl on rollerblades will serve it to you 
has been a muse before. like guys have written songs about her in high school. one guy painted a portrait of her and it went in a literal gallery. is always very flattered but very like,,, cool thanks bye! 
i totally forgot to include this but the rigby’s are rich y’all. like country club rich. her daddy’s got that big money and their house is Huge but you would never be able to tell by the way cricket acts, she’s a mess.
speaking of, her name is indeed cricket (rip) but you can call her kit, kitty, rick, ricki, jiminey,,, all of it is valid 
the vibe is madchen amick folks,,, that’s the whole vibe and honestly she’s probably cricket’s style inspo like twin peaks??? maybe her favourite show
a feel like she might also be a lifeguard as a side hustle, but she only ever fills in when no one else can you know. she’s the emergency call in, and when she’s there she spends most of her time sitting in her lifeguard chair in her little red swim suit and flirting with whoever comes by to see her like sdkjsd is she good at her job? no. does she bring traffic to the beach? probably! 
WANTED CONNECTIONS.  i’m saving my brain for special occasions. if i use it every day it’ll get dirty
i would love an ex for her honestly,,, an ex bf or gf where cricket sabotaged things just when they were getting good? an ex on good terms maybe! an ex will they won’t they thing where they almost got together but never did? an old childhood crush for either party! a childhood enemy is also sexy! an old neighbor! someone who’s sibling she used to date or something! someone new to town that she’s intrigued by! someone new to town she doesn’t get along with (maybe cause of a bad first impression or something?) a one night stand! a fwb! a ewb! a BEST FRIEND GOD PLEASE! m or f i am down either way. i would kill for a girl squad though. maybe an ex best friend who hates cricket cause she slept with their boyfriend in high school or something. a party friend! someone she does roller derby with. someone she always sees in the crowd during roller derby. idk someone who she regularly sees at the motel she has her hookups at, maybe cause they’re also hooking up or maybe cause they just come to the motel often for some reason or honestly maybe they’re a vacationer that would make sense. uh someone she saved from drowning one time! OH someone she pretended to be dating to make an ex jealous or avoid one or something at one point,,,and anything else tbh we can absolutely brain storm! like this and i will slide into your dms <3
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Extra #2:  My thoughts on Rules for Men/ Religion ( WARNING: This is a compilation of like two unedited entries from my person “diary” so please ignore the emojis and typos)
Okay so revisited the notes about suicide and this philosopher named Durkheim from like whatever many years ago in Paris who studied patterns in suicide. So he discovered ☝🏼 rates in suicide.                👇🏼rates in suicide       Single.                                     Married       Men.                                        Women       Wealthy.                                  Poor       Protestants.                            Catholics So if you analyze this you realize single rich men that don’t really have religious guidance or anything to set a moral compass for them are more likely to commit suicide. And obviously there are always exceptions but it makes a lot of sense. 1) So then our professor (literally love him! May Allah fill his heart with Iman ameen) had us think about American society and we as a class came to the conclusion (I didn’t really participate much so I cannot take credit for most of these ideas) that American men only rely on their wives and girlfriends for emotional support like they have beer buddies and hunting buddies and blah blah blah but their only emotional support system is their significant other. Whereas, women are more like to call up their girls and mom or close mother figure or even guy friends every now and then and spill all the teas. Okay so that one I didn’t relate much to religion but while they were discussing it I was thinking about the dynamic between friends and how desi people, well men in particular are ride or die for their “brothers” you know like yeah you have the groups that are guarded and don’t talk about feelings but as far as I know most of the desi men in my life have shared emotions with their friends as much as women, if not more. Also, they are not afraid to cry. I’ve seen all my uncles cry and even my dad. I have seen my grandpa cry. I have seen random babas on the street cry too. Based off of my experience men in Pakistan or even here (before they get influenced) show a lot of emotion and that is how it should be! 2) Then we talked about wealthy neighborhoods and how there’s usually one family in a large house and parents usually work a lot and only see their kids for short periods of time. Whereas, in poorer families, a lot more people live together which means you’re more likely to interact with more people throughout your day. Okay, then we talked about how neighborhood atmosphere right so in rich neighborhoods your walls and fences are taller and more gates and less interaction with people around you. However, in poorer neighborhoods, fences tend to be shorter fewer gates and neighbors converse with one another and on weekends especially like holidays and stuff people have bbq and block parties and share and connect with each other. Then I thought well what about golfing buddies and country club events and things. But then I realized the nature of those events is different (I used to volunteer to serve at events held for charity and got a chance to observe the difference in class systems). The way people carry themselves and the way they speak is very like like .. hm like not authentic it’s like robotic almost like even the jokes and laughs sound rehearsed. Then I thought about back home and what I had learned about my religion about how Islam promotes neighborly-ness. And how we are reminded to share and be inclusive. [side note: this got me thinking about race and how it doesn’t exist inshallah I’ll write about that another day and why I think it was created but as far my limited knowledge about my religion goes I’ve never heard color mentioned the lectures I’ve been to only talked about people of other religions and believers v. Nonbelievers but nothing about race]. 3) then we talked about religious guidance that catholicism forbids suicide and Protestants had various beliefs and each group was different and different branches and stuff so no one was on the same place. Then our professor said okay let's say you don't like people and you don't talk to neighbors or friends but you like working on you and you come to church because you’re obligated to do so then what? is that enough? People said no because yk you’re not getting the proper interaction you need to exist. And I started drifting and thinking about how even with prayer it’s better to do it as a group like unison amplifies prayer. But I disagree with the class a little I think both are necessary a balance between individualism and the responsibilities that come with that like working on being a better you, knowing yourself, your goals, strengths, weaknesses, etc. And at the same time working in a group and helping others grow and reach their goals and stuff. And it makes sense for me to think that way because when I was little I had one teacher tell me to not think of myself and to do for others before I do for myself and then another told me to do for myself before everyone else. [mini story time: So I came home confused (I was like 7 and opposing views were hard to understand) and I asked an Imam that used to live in our house if I was really really hungry and had only one small piece of Roti and I saw a baba with no food what should I do and he asked me what I thought so I remember saying that I would like to say that I would just give him the whole piece because he needed it more but I don’t really know what I would do and if I was a baba too and we were two babas that were both hungry with no other food for who knows how long then I think I wouldn’t want to give him the whole piece and then I think I would just break it in half and he didn’t say anything back to me he patted me on the head and then left for namaz lol ] so idk what to make of that but I think that moment in time signifies how important balance is to me. And inshallah I plan on educating myself more so I can know the answers to my questions but the more I explore my thoughts and the more I think about positive actions, I end up back at the same influence, my religion. I’ve always just done stuff because someone else wanted me to but I never prayed when I didn’t feel like it [which sucks I know but is the truth because I felt like it was worse lying about reading namaz(I felt like I wasn’t really reading if I was daydreaming in some parts and speeding through others) than not reading it at all] but the more I explore my thoughts and my goals for myself I make these little connections and they remind me of a very particular dua that I remember making as kind of a kid [mini story time: it was dark and raining and I was sitting in the veranda looking at the rain (I was like still 7 almost 8) and I remember thinking I should say Subhanallah right now because obviously Allah created this but I didn’t. then at the age of whatever age I was when I went to Pulliam after my grandpa died it rained again and I asked Allah to help me love everything as much as I love the rain] and I don’t remember the intentions of my words or what I meant by that but the more I take the time to think the more I remember and the more I try to grow I realize that dua has been answered. I love life, I grew to love people and school, and now I’m growing to love my religion. And I want to hold to this for as long as I possibly can I keep writing because I’m trying to bottle this love and appreciation because I’m scared it’ll go away or something. But yeah The point of all this is that humans need integration to be able to exist and I’m grateful to be created by a god that gave me a guideline to overcome challenges and every task that I’m asked to perform in the end only befits me and creates the happiness that we all seem to be chasing.
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