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mirabellemoira · 5 months ago
Very excited about your Ned/Alicent fic, I couldn't take their potential off my head since you mentioned them (Sansa/Jace and Baela/Cregan) I'm going to separate my tissues for when the day comes 🤧 if there's anything more tragic than marrying Viserys, it's having met Ned Stark before...
Thank you so much!!!! I’m looking forward to writing it hopefully soon (but in between my current wips + the Jacaela event coming up? Schedules kinda tight so it might not be till after the holidays)
Also Baela/Cregan headcanons coming soon 👀
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mirabellemoira · 2 months ago
The Ned/Alicent is great, it did make me sad though. Be awesome story
Thank you lovely!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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mirabellemoira · 5 months ago
any headcanons for nedalicent?
So. Uh. I know you said headcanons but I kinda went a lil crazy with it 😂 it’s practically an outline now
NedAlicent Headcanons feat. Jace/Sansa
- he’s a widower with 3 young children (so in his mid-20s at most). Rhaegar was one of Saera’s boys who came to put forth their claim at the council + was in the jousts as a mystery knight at the tourney that followed and ran off with Lyanna after. Brandon was killed by bandits in the search for her, leaving Ned to marry Brandon’s intended Catelyn and continue the search for their sister. Catelyn had Robb and Ned brought Jon home as his orphaned nephew. They had Sansa two years later, and Catelyn died of a fever a year after that.
- Because of Lyanna he’s very wary of Targaryens around girls and when he realizes that the king is seeing Alicent in the evenings he becomes very concerned for her well-being.
- There’s also a lot of irritation there because after Cat died his own bannermen tried to push their daughters his way.
- despite it being very against protocol he learns that Alicent is in the Sept and approaches her there, telling her he knows and asking if that is what she wants. She’s reluctant to answer and he can tell that she’s afraid of what could happen if she admits to being in the King’s presence like that. So, despite not wishing to marry again after Cat, he bypasses Otto and writes to Hobert Hightower asking for her hand. He couldn’t save Lyanna, maybe he can save her.
- Her father is unhappy with the match as Ned is the regent Lord of Winterfell until his cousin, Cregan, is old enough. Cregan’s own uncle had drunkenly implied to Ned that he planned to keep the seat and Ned had not let it slide, securing the seat for Cregan and becoming regent himself until he was of age.
Now that the backstory is out of the way…..
- She cries when she gets to Winterfell and finds Catelyn’s sept. She’d been afraid that she’d feel separated from her mother after she went north but she finds connection to her there. It also gives her hope that maybe she can be happy here. Even if she could only be cared for half as much by the man who built a temple to other gods than his own for his first wife, who he had not married for love, she thinks she could be happy with just that. It’d be more than she ever would had have with Viserys.
- Baby Sansa adores her and Alicent adores her back. It’s very healing for her to be able to nurture another little girl who lost her mother too young. When Rhaenyra visits they joke that Sansa could marry one of Rhaenyra’s sons one day, now that she’s married to Laenor.
- Robb and Jon are more wary but they don’t treat her any bad way. They’re young too, maybe 6 or 7, and eventually they warm up to her as they love hearing stories about dragons and knights. Cregan, older and solemn (around 9-10), pretends not to be listening but sometimes she’ll catch him smiling in the middle of a story
- Some of the older ladies at court had said horrible things about northern men and scared her before the wedding, only to find herself in a marriage where she’s treated with gentleness. He’s dutiful and solemn, yes, and no knight of flowers and poems and songs, but he’s kind. He invites her to bring ladies from the south with her so she won’t be lonely, orders dozens of books to be sent to Winterfell’s library to fill the gaps so she’ll never be without something to read, and never summons her at night like she’s some sort of servant.
- She’s concerned when she doesn’t get pregnant quickly but he tells her that there’s no rush. She doesn’t know he’s afraid of her being too young and dying like Lyanna, even though the Maesters say she’s strong enough
- he kisses her hand nearly every time he sees her and it makes her full-body blush, which is a sight he finds himself very fond of. He finds her hands so lovely and buys her a pair of new rings, one gold with a green stone so that she’ll always have a piece of home and another gold with moonstone for Winterfell
- they go south when Rhaenyra is due with her first child because she wants Alicent there and Alicent finds herself confronted with the harsh truth of what her life could have been if Ned hadn’t stopped her father’s plans. They see how the king ignores his new sons and daughter that he has with Laena, who has grown frail through multiple pregnancies, and when Alicent learns she’s pregnant while in the south she fears that Ned could treat her child differently from his older ones
- She’s not expecting to see his eyes full of tears of joy when Alerie is born and all her fears melt away
- After Alerie they have more children, Helaena, Brandon, and Rickon, and seeing Ned with them makes Alicent realize what love is and that what her own father showed her was anything but love.
- when the war comes, Ned rides south with Robb, Jon, Brandon, and Rickon, not only to support Rhaenyras claim against the Velaryons, but to defend their sister Sansa’s claim as future queen alongside her new husband Jacaerys.
I have a younger!Ned/alicent outline in my drafts as well but I’m going to hopefully actually write that one 👀 y’all it is ANGSTY she ends up still married to viserys and the dance perhaps still happens it’s a tragedy. This isn’t even a spoiler as it’s going to be nonlinear
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mirabellemoira · 2 months ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: House of the Dragon (TV), A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin, Game of Thrones (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Major Character Death Relationships: Alicent Hightower/Ned Stark, Alicent Hightower & Jaehaera Targaryen, Baela Targaryen/Jacaerys Velaryon Characters: Alicent Hightower, Gwayne Hightower, Ned Stark, Jaehaera Targaryen, Baela Targaryen, Jacaerys Velaryon, Daeron Targaryen (Son of Viserys I), Tessarion | Daeron Targaryen's Dragon, Aegon II Targaryen, Helaena Targaryen, Jon Snow, Robb Stark, Brandon Stark Additional Tags: Alternate Dance of the Dragons | The Blacks Win (A Song of Ice and Fire), Jaehaera Targaryen Lives, Jacaerys Velaryon Lives, POV Alicent Hightower, Protective Alicent Hightower, Minor Catelyn Tully Stark/Ned Stark, Alternate Universe - Timeline Changes, Grief/Mourning, Mental Health Issues, Religious Guilt, Execution, Character Death, King Jacaerys Velaryon Summary:
“One would think after all this time, you would have grown weary of green.”
Oh but I am, she wants to say, but doesn’t, but I am my father’s daughter, whether I want to be or not. I’m in too far now to change.
. . .
The Stark army arrives to end the war and claim the throne for Jacaerys Targaryen. An old friend arrives with them.
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mirabellemoira · 5 months ago
Ned/Alicent has been in my head ever since I saw a photo of the actors who played Young Alicent and young Ned on twitter. x.com/clytemnestraes/status/1635579094514663425
Oh it’s giving me so many thoughtsssssss
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mirabellemoira · 5 months ago
In your planned Ned/Alicent fic they are older, younger or are you going to show us both versions? 👀
Both! It’s going to span from the heir tourney to some part of the Dance. At the moment it’s fully Alicent’s pov. They meet at the Heir Tourney when they’re both young and have a connection that only strengthens after he accidentally learns of her visits to Viserys.
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mirabellemoira · 5 months ago
I have fallen into the Ned/Alicent trap, I fear
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mirabellemoira · 5 months ago
I love Ned being Cregan's loyal uncle. Ned is the smartest one, he knows being Lord of Winterfell is a shit job.
TRUTH he’s ready to retire from it by 30 I’m sure 😂😭
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mirabellemoira · 5 months ago
Whats ned and alicent? Ned stark? Isnt he 100 years younger?
We were talking about GOT/HOTD crossover ships the other night (like Jace/Sansa) and I got to thinking about NedAlicent and it’s changing my lifeeeeee there’s something about the honor and the duty of it all. I’ve got an angsty fic planned that’ll explain the vibes far better than I can here
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mirabellemoira · 5 months ago
ned/alicent. i think she would envaise a comfortable life with the honorable ned stark, like she could do worst (but also could do better) only to be so, so much loved throughout their marriage.
Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think I’m going to have to write them I can’t stop thinking about it. There’s so much potential there
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mirabellemoira · 5 months ago
I’ve always appreciated Ned stark but hmmmm ever since I realized the NedAlicent potential the man has become very, very hot
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mirabellemoira · 5 months ago
omg are you writing ned/alicent? and more jacala? (i love all your fics of them, thank you) can i say i love you? i don't want to be the one asking for too much, but do you plan on writing sansa/jace or/and baela/cregan in the future?
I am!!!!! A lil bit of NedAlicent, maybe some of the next part of Dive In. I don’t have a specific fic in mind for Sansa/Jace and Cregan/Baela yet but they’ll definitely be happening at some point soon
(I also may have a Rhaena/Cregan post-gullet arranged marriage oneshot in the works 👀)
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mirabellemoira · 5 months ago
Hmmmm might drop a NedAlicent Drabble tonight for my writing warmup
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