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cherrwysx-music · 1 year ago
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♫ Carnifex - Necromanteum ♫
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darth-maya · 1 year ago
The song of the day is
CARNIFEX - Necromanteum
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kidpix-album-covers · 1 year ago
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Carnifex - Necromanteum (2023)
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onlyhurtforaminute · 1 year ago
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thisaintascenereviews · 1 year ago
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Carnifex - Necromanteum
Something I briefly brought up in my review of Thy Art Is Murder’s new album, Godlike, is that I’m not that into deathcore album, because a lot of it sounds the same and it’s just gone into a direction that I’m not into. A lot of bands have either fallen off or changed their sound (regardless if it’s in a good or bad way), and the new bands that are replacing the old guard just aren’t it. I mean, I liked some of these bands a few years ago, such as Lorna Shore, Signs Of The Swarm, and a few others, but I haven’t been too impressed with their recent outputs. Lorna Shore’s latest album was good, but it was very bloated to say the least. Thanks to them, too, the idea of blackened symphonic deathcore is now the big trend that a lot of bands are following and it’s not something I care too much for. It’s either that, or trying to be as “brutal” as possible, and I just miss the days when deathcore bands were basically death metal bands with breakdowns. The days of early Whitechapel, Veil Of Maya, Suicide Silence, and Despised Icon are gone, which bums me out, but I will say one thing — when those bands were big, deathcore was mocked mercilessly by the metal community, but now, it’s absolutely beloved.
California deathcore crew Carnifex is another one that was a big name back about 15 years ago, and while they’re not as big as they used to be, they’re still trucking along, and they’re one of the legacy bands of the genre now. They’re back with their new album, Necromanteum, and it’s their first in a couple of years. I never spent much time with 2021’s Graveside Confessions, but I did love 2019’s World War X. That album is the precursor to these other deathcore bands suddenly utilizing that blackened symphonic sound, because I feel like Carnifex was one of the first bands to do it, but I digress. I was looking forward to this, as I do really like this band still, and they’re a deathcore band that throw a lot of death metal influence into their sound, but they have a more noticeable black metal influence now. Necromanteum is very much a blackened symphonic deathcore album, and I don’t know if it’s where there are a lot of bands with this sound now, or they don’t add anything to this sound to make it stick out, but this record doesn’t feel fresh. It’s really good, and showcases the band at their best at times, but it almost feels like a standard Carnifex album.
Even then, a generic album from this band is a lot better than some deathcore bands’ best albums. This album isn’t bad at all, and in fact, I’d say it’s pretty damn good. If you enjoy Carnifex at all, you’ll like this album, as it doesn’t stray from their formula, especially from the last few records. That’s why it is slightly disappointing, but even then, that’s like complaining that a cheeseburger at your favorite hole in the wall diner is the same as every other time you’ve had it. Sure, it’s the same thing, but it’s still just as good, and they have a couple of tricks up their sleeves that still make it worthwhile. In their case, vocalist Scott Lewis is one of the best of the genre, and they have some awesome guitar solos and breakdowns throughout the album that are utterly killer, even if they don’t reinvent the wheel by any means. That doesn’t mean it isn’t really good, and it doesn’t mean that it’s not worth listening to if you’re a deathcore fan.
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gbhbl · 1 year ago
Album Review: Carnifex - Necromanteum (Nuclear Blast)
Ten tracks long, and it still leaves you wanting more. Not bad, Carnifex.
Nourished by nightmares and the throbbing pulse of pragmatic terror, deathcore band Carnifex have returned with their ninth full-length studio album, Necromanteum. It will be released on October 6th, 2023, via Nuclear Blast. Carnifex never disappoint when it comes to delivering a massive amount of dark nastiness, and Necromanteum is no different. Yet, the cinematic layers they put throughout the…
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mxdwn · 2 years ago
Carnifex Announces New Album Necromanteum for Oct 2023 Release and Share Music Video for Title Track
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photosbynathalie · 1 year ago
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necromanteum eu tour 2024
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sunseekerdeluxe · 1 year ago
Tunesday 33
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Also heard this week:
The Anchoress - Versions Big Wreck - "Ought to Be" Capra - Errors Carnifex - Necromanteum Peter Gabriel - "Love Can Heal (Dark-Side Mix)" Peter Gabriel - "This Is Home (Dark-Side Mix)" Godthrymm - Distortions Insomnium - Argent Moon Lucifer's Heritage - Symphonies of Doom Magnum - Sleepwalking Marillion - Happiness Is the Road, Volume 2: The Hard Shoulder Primordial - How It Ends Rannoch - Age of the Locust Rannoch - Between Two Worlds Sorcerer - Anno 1503 Svalbard - The Weight of the Mask Walpyrgus - Walpyrgus Nights Year of the Knife - Dust to Dust
Backlog: 49.
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rockbrary · 8 months ago
Photo: Jose Barrientos Deathcore juggernaut CARNIFEX released their latest album Necromanteum last fall followed by a U.S. run in support of the new music. Continuing the momentum, the band have announced their ‘Necromanteum Part II‘ North American tour with labelmates CRYPTOPSY. The 26-date trek will commence on October 4th at The Glasshouse in Pomona and will make stops in Portland, Cleveland,…
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trastornadosrevista · 1 year ago
Carnifex se presentará por primera vez en Argentina
Carnifex, los nuevos amos de la escena Deathcore se presentarán por primera vez en Argentina en el marco de la gira presentación de su noveno álbum “Necromanteum”. La cita es el 5 de diciembre en “Uniclub”. La banda estadounidense liderada por Scott Ian Lewis llegará a nuestro país con su potente show en vivo, elogiado tanto por su público como por la crítica mundial. Este  tendrá en su repertorio muchos clásicos de sus discos más populares y nuevas canciones.
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Carnifex es una banda de deathcore con 18 años de actividad, formada en San Diego, California en los tempranos 2005, año en el que publican su primer material un Demo Homónimo que los comenzó a meter en los oídos de los fans del metal extremo fusionando el death metal tradicional y metalcore, un año después lanzan su EP “Love Lies in Ashes” (2006) material con el que la banda comenzó a presentarse en grandes festivales.
Con discos como “Die Without Hope”, “World War X” y “Graveside Confessions” continuaron explorando las profundidades del metal extremo, sumando al black metal sinfónico a su ya formidable arsenal sonoro.
El nuevo material de la banda “Necromanteum” producido por Jason Suecof, fue uno de los más esperados del año por los seguidores del Deathcore extremo, este es un disco cargado de simbolismos y está inspirado en el terror y el ocultismo. Ratificando la continuación del tránsito por la senda de un sonido brutal y técnico, con influencias de death metal, black metal y metalcore.
Entradas anticipadas disponibles a través de: - Sistema Passline
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flojo67 · 1 year ago
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ricmlm · 1 year ago
CARNIFEX Necromanteum 2023 FULL ALBUM
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metalindex-hu · 1 year ago
CARNIFEX - Necromanteum (2023)
CARNIFEX - Necromanteum (2023) - https://metalindex.hu/2023/10/02/carnifex-necromanteum-2023/ -
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Nem szeretem a deathcore-t. Ez van. Egy végletekig behatárolt, és túlzottan panelekből építkező stílusnak tartom, melyben minden zenekar majdnem teljesen tökugyanaz. Ez most lehet, hogy sokaknak bicskát nyitott a zsebében, és bosszúszomjas tüzet gyújtott a lelkében, de ízlések és pofonok. 
[…] Bővebben!
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mxdwn · 1 year ago
Carnifex Share Intense New Single “Infinite Night Terror”, New Album Necromanteum Out Now
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