#Nebula decided a guest role was needed today since Cedrik is from their clan in their normal story
cadrenebula · 5 days
Prompt #15: Extra Credit
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(Part 2 of the Modern Fantasy AU I started last week as something different for the extra credit time. This time features Aryn and Cedrik. With a guest appearance of Nebula and Gwyneria. Part 1 )
Cedrik led them quickly away from the alley and the bodies of the vampires. Right to where he left his motorcycle parked. He tossed the his helmet to Aryn since he'd rather go without to keep the other man safe. It would just hinder his view if they were to be jumped by more vampires anyways.
If the situation hadn't been what it was, Aryn might have pouted about the helmet. Maybe even complained about helmet hair. At least it was designed with ears in mind for viera as he slid it onto his head. He did cast one more look backwards though. It still hurt to think he was walking away from his friend. Even if the logical part of him knew it was too late. Finally he turned back around to climb on behind Cedrik as he hoped he wasn't making a bigger mistake by trusting a stranger with his life.
The bike roared down the dark city streets. It felt like they traveled for ages as Aryn kept trying to look around for more danger now that he was already paranoid and worried. It was probably only more like 20mins before Cedrik pulled the bike to a stop outside of a shop. The open sign was unlit but Cedrik walked up to bang on the door to the shop anyways.
"Shop's closed, idiot!" Grumbled a woman's voice before the door swung open sharply. Icy blue eyes stared out at them in a deathly glare for a long moment before the woman gave a heavy sigh. "Why is it always you when I open the door after hours... Gods damn it, Cedrik." She turned away from the pair to walk back inside the shop, leaving the door open. "Nebula!"
"Always so charming, Gwyn." Cedrik rolled his eyes before he reached to grab Aryn by the arm to pull him into the store behind him. He lead Aryn out of the way of the door before kicking it closed with a furred foot.
"Cedrik?" Nebula questioned as they came out of the back still dressed in their gauzy robes they wore while running the magic relic shop. Sometimes it helped to look the part of the fortune teller. It drew in some customers better than others. Nebula's gaze settled on Aryn with a raised brow. "Company? Gwyn would you kindly start the water for tea please? I think our guest may need the chamomile and lavender mix."
Aryn was looking around but his mind wasn't in the here and now. He'd barely registered Nebula coming to stand before him till their hands were on his cheeks.
"Looks like a bit of shock. Vampire attack?" Nebula asked as they took their hands off Aryn's face.
"Yeah. His friend... Didn't make it." Cedrik grimaced as he let go of Aryn's hand so he could find a wet cloth to wipe Jesse's blood from Aryn's hands. He didn't have any issues with blood but he was sure that blood on Aryn wouldn't help the other man. Not in this state.
"Very unfortunate." Nebula sighed softly before gently taking one of Aryn's hands and patting it. "Come now. Let's get some tea."
Aryn was vaguely aware of someone taking something wet to his hands. Of the smell of something he knew but couldn't quite place in the moment. A warm blanket wrapped around his shoulders and a warm cup of some liquid between his hands. Voices talking softly nearby. Something wet on his cheeks. He took one hand off the cradled cup to touch his cheek. Tears.
Right... His friend was gone. He had nearly joined his friend in that. At some point in the time of arriving wherever this was, he'd let go of himself for a bit. Unable to fully process everything. Not wanting to process it. Closing his eyes as he let himself mourn his lost friend. He felt a pair of arms wrap around him in a hug. Aryn set the cup down on the table beside him as he wrapped his arms around the person in return.
"I am sorry about your friend. Truly. You're safe here though. I swear it." Cedrik spoke with a thick voice as he tried to offer comfort to the dancer. Letting the other man cry into his chest.
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