#Nazi fucktards
succliberation · 3 months
Honestly as stupid as discussions here on Tumblr are, I'm glad that we don't have *vaguely gestures to leftist twitter*
Those so-called socialists have fallen for corporate propaganda so fucking hard that they literally believe that it is impossible to criticize Disney (DISNEY??!!) fucking Star Wars without being a Nazi. So you have a bunch of #freepalstine flags-in-bio eat-the-rich fucktards wibbling about whether they're allowed to not like some corporation's shitty TV show that tokenizes minorities to defend its bad writing.
Yes. That's actual discourse going on over on Twitter - is it possible to dislike Disneyslop Star Wars without being a Nazi? Actual brain killing discussions going on over there.
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jinxedwood · 10 months
So Dublin basically had a Nazi riot last night.
It started out horrifically, and went downhill from there. Three kids were stabbed outside a school as well as their teacher, who was trying to protect them. Lots of 'concerned citizens' turned up at the crime scene after hearing online that the perpetrator was an immigrant, and proceeded to trash the crime scene and then they went on a rampage through a good chunk of the city centre, looting shops and burning Buses because....something something immigrants....
I'm so fucking tired of this bullshit. Just when I think people can't stoop any lower, some fucktard goes 'hold my beer'
Although there is one big exception to this. A big shout out to Caio Benicio, the Brazilian guy who stepped in to disarm the attacker. Those kids would probably be dead if it weren't for him.
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bookishtheaterlover7 · 10 months
”If it’s true..” // He literally said it out loud at NYCC but y’all refuse to believe it.
Are you seriously in my fucking asks, Team Real coward?!
Call me stupid, I know you, and your team of harassing fucktards already do. But that doesn't count if he can't say two syllables that he's apparently supposed to love enough to marry them!!!
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"I got married. My wife is from Portugal. Go, Portugal!" AIN'T SPECIFIC ENOUGH!!! So, leave my fucking page, Racist and Nazi supporter!
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radio-charlie · 11 months
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This is just one of a gazillion situations where somebody with the capacity to engage kindly and patiently chose to do that and turned what could have been more corpses for the culture war into a teaching opportunity. I will never forgive the fucktards implying doing this even purely for strategic reasons makes you a Nazi, or someone convenient to their ends, when we see time and time again how the hostile segregation of our communities benefits them. By virtue of how many marginalised people you've been complicit in ruining and how many progressive movements you've helped to sunder, you'd make an excellent Nazi. Explains your sponsors I guess? Don't project next time.
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pandemoniusstuff · 5 days
Thats what happens when you date a neo nazi and rape apologist. It's career suicide and he knew it'd be a shit storm going into it.
Who cares. He has millions of dollars and tons of creepy die hard fans.
i didn’t even know what that website is, i just looked it up and it’s literally just what deuxmoi posted. it’s just them saying marvel hasn’t commented as a plus. he’s ok yall.
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ogcrazylizard · 14 days
Reminder of what he claims to be but isn't at all. BDSM? "Not for me." That's a lie.
Various moments and examples. Most than likely wanted something from me when I wanted to kill myself and said what he said because he still needed me alive and purely just for that.
Harsh? Yeah. Making this up? I wish I was. The end of the world. In emergency room. Sitting on a chair in the hallway. The push to get me paranoid. Then a constant yelling of "Just kill yourself." Repeatedly told in my head by DJ. As did actually try and find a way to kill myself. There's nothing around. Then I saw the elevator. I could just jump off. Get caught by a nurse. Take the needle out of my arm and walk out of the emergency room. Get home still it hasn't ended. Like I said my mom and dad cold shoulder. I intentionally grab a bottle of pills in front of them and go to the bathroom.
The yelling between the two fucktards. Award to the biggest idiot in history of man goes to Donald Moncur. Felipe has on the spectrum excuse. What's yours?
Shitty connections.
Privileges. Do not worry. Like Pennywise the clown said I sing you the bro hym, bro.
Clowns to much. I don't. Gets way too obsessed. You thought I was being obsessive. Check out DJ. You might miss him since he's on the shorter side.
Narc, narc or narc. Yes
Loyalty to what to who? Only himself.
I am more white supremacist/Nazi than white Donald DJ. Does it upset you a Mexican saw all this and you didn't. Wasted money on useless tech. Useless advice on hired advisors. I really did want to tell you all this but we never got a chance to be alone. When we were I had already gone through years of working for months. So I would forget.
Cop narc, narco, and a narcissist, or a flying monkey. Yes.
Narco stuff I have no idea. Didn't care to help you out there. I've come to accept shit happens.
I die. I die. Whatever. My whole story and my work is out there.
I'm a fucking War Boy X
I live. I die. I live again.
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Do tweakers and gossipers ever stop gossiping?
From what I saw no. Fuck your lives are boring as fuck. No wonder you people are constantly in problems. Only talking about others. There a lot of solutions to your problems in a lot of stories out there.
Go and watch Godzilla Minus One. My movie of the year for 2023. Survivors guilt. Many of you need to stop this bullshit.
"You fucken coward. You were supposed to die. Because of you my children died."
Heavy shit. A change of heart in the Japanese younger generation. Not so much the older generation.
You all failed as parents. No one else's fault. Not the drugs, not the dealer, not the friends, not their partner, not God, not society. You both as parents failed your child. You are leaders. It's always the leaders fault if anything goes wrong. Of course use your fucken head and know when to recognize and realize some things are out your and other people's control. Still not living your happiness starts breeding bad energy not just in you but also the feeling of resentment in your family. That attracts the universe to certain disasters since whatever is in that area is not adapting and changing.
"I rather get wounded by a friend than to get a kiss from the enemy"
[Side note: Kratos powers derives of Dynosis Tragedy. Mimir and Freya here are both partially lying to Kratos. It was just an emotional outburst. To something else. Perhaps just reliving a nightmare.
Kratos did have a hand in his illness but also later in the game their connection grew stronger. When Freya shows up again they both go into a defensive stance.]
Oh yeah back to DJ.
What do you look for in a sexual partner? Can you do the same for the sexual partner.
Most of my dating profile says
"chill guy here. Go with the flow. Enjoy watching and jerking off to porn." Usually a welcome surprise.
He wants someone laid back. He isn't laid. Constantly on guard. Comes and goes quick. Non pushy just means someone who he can easily manipulate.
"Open minded but comfortable with who they are sexually."
That's a bit redundant.
Sucks. That I fit all these things he looks for in a sexual partner.
Feels like he was not attracted to me. Feels super weird just sitting there. Hardly anyone ever talked to me.
Watching the time go by. Into hours. Seeing him on cam4 early on was fun. Then it just fed into my insecurities. Why does he never do any of that with me?
Then it was just me breaking down in the bathroom. Again from the start I knew he was on cam4, seen him many times with other people, knew he enjoyed fucking around. It never hurt back then.
I hate how I have these flashes of memories of what I would do if we were in a relationship. So I write. That's all i can do. Living this fantasy. Because you were my little dreamer.
The right moment was forever long ago. I say that I am gone.
This next part I had already written in my journal.
The End Pearl Jam
We never had dreams. We never made plans. We never promised to be more than friends. For we have come and gone. We, well I've changed as does everything. Whether we notice it or not. I still want to grow old. I have. I have lived well beyond my mortal years in dreams And fantasies. Always finding myself in that well of hopeless nights. Spotless/Shy Prince by Zack Bryan/Lumineers/Lizandro Corazon.
Turn on the TV (The American Dream )
Act like you don't see me (I believe in you)
Tell me everything is okay
(I believe in me I believe in us)
My mother is a saint (Mother always a sinner)
And told me if I wait (Telling me I ain't a saint)
Everything meant to be will stay
Well I'm a believer
Let me walk this road alone
Call me a sinner
Just means I'm a believer
Fuck her prayers only filled me with aggression
I pray this lonely road stays
I aint spotless neither is you
For once in my life
I'm gonna see it through
If you want spotless ill always win
I want love lover I want the lie
All this time and all these lives just for him?!
Praying our Angels would come every hopeless night
Your heart knows deeper seasons than my eyes will ever know
I'm a self destructive land slide if you want to be the hill
(Just remember where i stood)
I aint spotless neither is you
For once In my life I'm gonna see it through
If you want to stay that's fine by me
Everything meant to be is bound to stay
Remember jumping in the pool when we was fully clothed in august
We were soaking choking smoking in my old shitty apartment
Well I'm a believer
Let me walk this road alone
Call me a sinner
Just means I'm a believer
I aint spotless neither is you
For once In my life
I'm going to see it through
If you want spotless, I'll always win
You gave me your love lover you gave me the lie
I was alone you were betting on a winner
I was calling your white lie
You held everyone to their word never to your own words
I can't stop this neither can you
For once in my life I'm down to see it through
If you want spotless I'll always win
You gave me your love lover you gave me the lie
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Maybe there is no mistakes.
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myastrouniverse · 1 month
August/2024🌗♏️Look out for that hole.
🌗 < 🦚 I truly do NOT comprehend these filthy creepy perversions of what it is to be a DIVINE couple. The fact that so many fucktarded misogynists, misinterpreted the alchemical allegories of a psychological and emotional bond; which is a source of harmony and creation, to such a level of depravity; that AGAIN I must STRESS the effects create a quantum physics fucking NIGHTMARE. You fucks are literally creating a living fucking hell SO DARK, it could take the collective consciousness of HUMANITY into a false parallel dimension; which would COLLAPSE into a fucking BLACK HOLE. (Yes, Mascis, some could hypothesize it is actually MEL’S HOLE.)
🌗🔺 ♄︎ People have a responsibility to not only APOLOGIZE for their UNFORGIVABLE BEHAVIOR, but they must MAKE AMENDS. I deserve justice and JUST compensation. My entire life has been DESTROYED, OVER AND OVER, AND OVER AGAIN. Every time, I try to build ANY kind of foundation FOR MYSELF, everyone has to INTERFERE and tear MY LIFE apart. What has been done to me and OTHERS I might add, is a ABOMINATION of MIND, BODY, and SPIRIT. It is so fucking backwards behavior for REALITY, again, you MONSTERS will find YOUR WORLD BEGIN TO COLLAPSE.
🌗▪️🌞 My life shouldn’t have been destroyed just because I am too ugly for an ANIMAL to want to breed with. UNDERSTAND? It’s NOT MY FAULT no one loves me. I am very sorry I am unattractive. That doesn’t give anyone the right to keep me from becoming independent. If not one wants me, then LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE. I don’t want to be with an asshole who pity fucks me. I don’t want to be with an asshole, who only wants to astral fuck me, because I am too ugly to touch in reality. I would rather LIVE ALONE, study and write or focus on my own ART. I can’t even fucking do that. LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE, IF YOU DON’T WANT TO FUCK ME. There are PLENTY of whores for everyone in a capitalist system run by misogynists and pedophiles. I have standards and when Mascis is the best out of the bunch, you know the 🤡💩is knee deep. Oh I am a pig to you? Well then STOP POISONING ME or SITTING ON YOUR FAT ASS watching 🤡💩s POISON ME. It’s not difficult for me get thin, if I am not constantly bloated from FIGHTING INFECTION. PEOPLE HAVE BEEN POISONING ME NONE STOP FOR AT LEAST TWO DECADES🖕
♂️< ♇︎ I AM in no mood to be harassed or harmed by ZIONIST AIPAC WHORES. YOUR narcissistic psychotic behaviors, are obvious and I want every fucking one of you cunts in jail. I should be able to sue EVERYONE, for ALL their ASSETS, over these CRIMES.
🌗 < ☊ Was someone going to try to settle out of court, or kidnap me and murder me before my court date?
🌗 ☌ 🎸 Biden keeps demon possessing my Dad. I know this because my Dad suddenly gets violent and tries to physically assault me. I simply get out of the way. Violent people are losers. If you have to physically beat down a person to ‘win’ YOU have already LOST.
🌗 Λ 🚑 I only hope those whom are too corrupt to change their behaviors in a positive manner, burn in hell, like the literal demons they are.
🌗▪️🦺 I know how to work alone. It used to be lonely, but I’ve grown accustomed to being alone.
Nirvana - All Apologies
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bbcstdb · 5 months
Bill You know I have an uncle who works in putting tribal people back in their land in Mexico. I hung out with his daughter who is younger but somehow still my aunt only maybe once as a kid. When she was of a "ladies" age she had a black and white party and didn't invite my fam. (Blonde, white looking, yo no sabo mexican mutt.)
When I turned 15, I made sure to invite her to participate in my court. (I, too, am a mutt. Sadly, I got the genes of the oppressed in history.)
Btw you don't think what white people did to Natives was savagery? The GENOCIDE of people in their land was not of Primitive cannibalistic barbarianism? Does violence only matter when it comes from a background you don't like? A color you don't like? If someone told me you believe in god, I'd say no.
If you are homophobic, congrats you're also racist, or colonized of mind. Not of sound mind at all. You live in a first world country Bill. The Natives gave you Maize and taught you to take care of crops before you backstabbed them as any retarded man typically does. You have the internet you have history at your fingertips. Homophobes= racist.
Hope that helps.
Decolonize yourself you old nazi fuck.
Head ass elon butt muncher. Such a sell out. Not surprised by the ignorant erasure of history by another straight white fucktard male. Not respectable at all. You get children killed, and you hurt them into hiding, getting kicked out by their boomer parents that watch your trash ass show. Some just commit suicide because stinky fucking odious men like you push hate.
Men like you make me happy to burn the AMERICAN flag, no questions asked.
Bill be like SEPARATE, but equal.
At least Natives and some African cultures respected a person's energies for what they were. Women hunted, or men did what women did. One of these days I have to talk about an Alien theory that could be translated into other layers of different parts of this grand fucking onion male dominated hell hole humanity is. Sometimes I get so hateful that I start talking like A MAN.
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solardick · 10 months
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A litle fun in my boredom, of being sick and demojoe-afied. Doesnt feel natural. To impeed natural flow.
The german text is the same pretty much. Except Z. The most useless letter in the alphabet. Is rivaled by the german ß. And the world and final judgement are switched. Which confirms the mnemonic map being printed to the letter. As with letters üöä. Or ae as its spelt on the english tongue. What common parlance words fit Z? Zoo. Thats pretty much it. Confined and overprotected. I mean there had to be the added & to remind you not to forget it.
Come see our stock, you want to touch, wanna glaze, it cost money. But its supporting a good cause, animals get survival support for endangered species, and people get survival support for their children. You need to be a functional member of society. There‘s no break in life. Its always effort. Got to keep that wheel turning. Put it back on the chariot and lets keep moving.
For example, the man gets his dragon back and, the devil is no longer wholly feminine. God gets pushed out onto the chaos, keeping the evil at bay. Forever hated for being “old”. There is nothign sexier than a dragon.
Stay clear from the stars. Theres the here now or the slow erosion of the centaurian steed. By the serpent raggler. The future is hopeless !!!!!!!
The faster something moves the less visible it becomes.
Or maybe it should be spelled; ZoO.
Card 0-15, so we can incorporate multiple layers, could be said to = or ≈ to aquarian, to the best appro-x-imate. What’s the term for that? Could be said to equal 6. Though this seems to be going counter to a finding rule of thumb, is to add the red numbers. And subtract the yellow. It seems to work alot of the time. But in this instance, it being a fool card. Allows for modifications to alter the source. All vowels are subject to additions and subtractions. Depending on which perspective. Half full or not. But in this case it equals out to 6. The lover(s) or happy happy fun time. Or to the emperor. Which is 4 and six. The object in this case being man the lover. But by subtraction is closer by rule to the empress. In which if they feed into each other. Nullifies and equals 0. What remains is a multiple. From 2. As the devil here is the figure involved in nullifying O.
666 crosses the lovers to the emperor. The number of the beast. Wealth, good fortune. Is affectively stamped by god. The centre point binding love to rulership.
You should see the efforts these evil fucktards out in for me today. Sounds of horror. And half a carcass of a rabbit. Along with the migraine and the insomnia. And the vomiting. From whatever they injected me with at the dentist with allt hose needles. Oathetic in that they rake pleasure from it. Born in hell serrounded by fucktards will die in hell serrounded by evil fucktards. Thats all its ever been. Nothing to learn. I read somewhere. Its. Result of inbreeding it aint their fault. Nazi cocsukers. My suicide is gettign closer. I cant fucken wait. Deep breatjing exersizes so this migraine doesnt oxygen strangle my brain cells and make me dimber than i am.
Truth is people see what they want to see. Not what is actually there. Because it allows them to play out their bs. I have to spend an entire life auffering so other can play out their sick twisted sadistic fatasies of asserting power. Cause it makes them feel good
But the real catch is in creating a sense impression. Which being tied to personal rhythm. Is in the projection of that sense to the negative. Segregation from that existence which is kept by side. They are the only active source. The self is lost.
I judge humanity guilty. Restart. Join the plagues. Except for this new age one.
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Mmn, cough so bad got to puke.
While my conscious is altered, to a more minor degree. Affecting decision making. Yeah, 🖕🏼
I liked her. The first time i have had any positive and consistent back and forth dialogue with the opposite sex before. Now, she’s gone. Bye luv. You suck. And i dont want to be your frimed to keep me there instead of being real. I hate life. Whats that like number 360? Oh well at least the older ladies like me. And thats probably the same amount of times cherry’s gone down in a single night.
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dbunicorn · 11 months
Nazi in Parliament had major impact on Canada's international reputation: Nanos poll
Humiliating yourself just doesn't end does it fucktard?
Well done Chrystia. I believe Peter zeihan called you really smart. 🤣🤣🤣
Hello to the rcmp parked at the border exit. Good job!!!!!!
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Because they are traitors, racists, Nazis, ignorant trailer trash, scumbag Republikkkans, actual KKK, alt right assholes, domestic terrorists, paranoid racist right armed wing militias, and bigots of every persuasion. Fuck everyone who displays these flags and fuck everyone who's ok with it! Hate speech isn't the same as free speech. Go fuck yourself if you have some lame Republikkan talking point rebuttal about the First Amendment. You're not even capable of reading the Constitution let alone comprehending it or interpreting it you inbred Bible Belt racist Republikkkan stooge. Go back to your cigs, scratch tickets, porn, cheap ass booze, wife beating, low class trailer park, and wait for your welfare/disability/public assistance checks. Don't think real Americans will miss you if your, or one your militia buddies, AR 15 accidentally discharges into your face. Try spending your money and time on being a good parent, spouse, good Christian, and a productive citizen instead of playing soldier and prepping for when the shtf. You dumbass un-American KKK Nazis fucktards. Don't forget to smoke next to your oxygen tank either so we can have a good laugh when your trailer full of booze, bullets, tobacco, and porn explodes.
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thebrexitparty · 5 years
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Nazi Pug guy will be an unelected Brussel bureaucrat!
Public money well spent!
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baeleigh · 2 years
I am angry and so I'm ranting about the recent tragedy in the US so here's your heads up if you don't want to read on
The US' decisions on what they ban is fucking insane.
A book written about the holocaust depicting what the authors father went through as a survivor, depicted in a fashion digestible for children to learn vital history. Banned, probably so that the children of america don't realise that the decisions their government continues to make (ie banning books, limiting what history you can and cant learn and the continual stripping of rights given to those who they see as 'different') are decisions overly similar to another historical government featured in books such as maus. Its the Nazis, im referencing the Nazis.
But guns? Fully automatic rifles? How could they take them away, what about the 2nd amendment? Each time a mass shooting happens the same pattern repeats;
people die,
the question how the fuck are we allowing this to continue? Is asked,
the president makes a speech saying how sad a loss of life is,
the same phrases are thrown around 'we need to look at mental health' its too soon to do anything, let people mourn',
pro gun lobbyists spout bullshit about how gun control doesn't work and that the answer is instead more people having guns.
And then nothing happens, and the cycle repeats. No matter how many kids get shot. KIDS! CHILDREN ARE BEING FUCKING MURDERED but nooooo, 'you cant take our guns'.
If you are one of the people who believe that there shouldnt be gun control, dont respond to this, because as far as i see it you're giving every school shooter, every mass shooting fucktard a big kiss and a high five.
This isnt about you and your hobby (because thats what it is, a fucking hobby) this is about stopping children from being butchered in schools. The worst thing kids should have to deal with at school is bullies and bad grades, not being fucking gunned down.
'But Bailey, you're an Australian, it doesn't concern you' some gun toting moron might say. Yes i am, so listen when i say: cunt, kids are dying it doesn't matter where I'm from i don't want kids to get shot and neither should you, fuckhead
Those kids didn't have to die, and i can not even begin to imagine what their families are dealing with. If i lost my little brother i don't know what I'd do, its outside my scope of imagination. But these families, like so many before are dealing with it first hand and it breaks my heart knowing nothing will change.
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nicholasmoneysign · 3 years
Nick C. Haze
I couldn’t stand my voice so I decided to shut up for three days.
Talking to myself has gotten out of hand. I forget it’s not entirely normal to have conversations with the imaginary person I believe to be in my head. The voice is normal, but treating them as a separate entity may not be. My forms of regular conversation are hour-long therapy sessions each Thursday (after cutting down from twice a week), recording my songs and the atrocious task of mixing my own vocals, and one-sided taunts and greetings with my cat.
To hear my voice became the cringe of all cringe – my final straw before I lose all faith in myself. I didn’t know what to do but had a thought for a couple of days to stop talking temporarily. One more therapy session to express the chagrin I felt each time I nattered; something had to be done. So, last Thursday, the first of July 2021, at 1;30pm, I decided to shut up.
To help me through the urge of uttering fleeting thoughts, what my head was aching to blurt out, I tried writing down the nonsense into my notes as a helping tool.
P.s. this is my silent retreat. Technology is allowed.
“May the silence be ever in your favour”
Day 1
When does one begin a silent retreat?
I’m not going anywhere, no desirable destination for total vocal silence. I am left to attempt my everyday life without the use of my voice. Three days seems plenty. I can’t think of a better time than now to start.
3:21pm Thursday July 1, 2021
Clio got into a pee squat position on the carpet, so I reacted with a single “pshh” in an attempt to stop her. I cleaned her litter of the poop, but I know she’ll try to piss somewhere else in a matter of time. I don’t think pshh breaks my silence promise.
The tea kettle was being obnoxiously loud and so I uttered “Jesus”.
I am learning I have unnecessary sounds that escape me when my body turns in certain ways.
Took a sip of my coffee to taste the new creamer and began to speak but stopped myself.
I forgot and sang put your head on my shoulder while lifting off from the toilet seat.
A little over two hours. Reading the Art of War, I haven’t spoken anything other than accidental utters. Developed a frontal lobe headache. Not a scientist. Just a guess. If I die from a severe case of pissed off-ness and my body lays without signs of a struggle – a headache was involved.
Irked: sighed and uttered to a nude Polaroid left in my wallet as I decided to toss it out. Sitting in my wallet from the early pandemic months, it had warped her face and made the symbolism of her meanness too memorable, and she, in fact, was a mean person. The photo had to go. The nude of my sex worker romance and me in the pool at my desert birthday weekend went back in the Polaroid pile. Fresh slate needed, granted, the wallet was a gift from a former flame, fling, partner – disastrous fool. I need a new wallet.
It’s 7:00pm Thursday
The sun is starting to set, but it’s still daylight. Bless you, LA. I broke my vow of silence for a work call concerning a new designer to finish my book.
Dishonourable message to scammers, fuckwits and fucktards – suck the farts from J.Lo’s spicy booty hole.
Can’t trust anyone.
It’s 10:17pm
A lapse in memory loss, remind me: And I’m back on my silent retreat. I do slip up but working on minimising that.
The only person I don’t mind hearing talk tonight is Tom Cruise. Shall, go chop wood and then continue reading the Art of War. Must take melatonin.
“19. Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.”
Excerpt from The Art of War
Sun Tzu
Solid wank. I only thought about four or five exes. Finished with the prettiest actress. Luxury girl. Looks like charity. The person, not a philanthropic wank.
Day 2 – Friday
Still only going to break the silence for work conversation. Which will be calling Bill, this graphic designer and get my mother fucking book cover designed.
By far the longest I’ve gone without having to say nonsense. It’s peaceful. Starting to forget the sound of my voice. It sounds like a calmer voice in my head. Today is brighter.
Broke silence to mumble one of my songs, hoping to think of better lyrics. This is a positive sign. Progress into what I hope happens after my retreat - to not be disgusted when I hear my voice.
I had to talk gruntingly because tik tok was on a nazi informational kick, which was odd. You play secret Hitler one time, and your phone thinks you need more fascist history lessons.
They’re going to kill off enough Bitcoin big stake owners, so the coin is too valuable, essentially wiping out the real possibility of it as currency. Ethereum should be the next best thing.
I broke the silence at the pool. Being a little lit and not noticing my neighbour was also here, once he said hello, I immediately chatted. I knew not to speak but don’t know how to tell others I’m not speaking at the moment. Maybe I’ll just not talk until they figure it out. Or make a t-shirt.
1:04am Sunday
Rewarding experience. Continuing. holy fuck it’s not Sunday. It’s Friday night/Saturday.
(1:04am Saturday)
Continuing the silent retreat until tomorrow night, and then I’m going out and drinking. Hopefully, dancing and hold a titty.
3:52pm Saturday and I haven’t said a word
I think Clio learnt that even she went too far on this dramatic meow.
What somebody else’s granddaddy used to say: “if you wanna be seen, stand up. If you wanna be heard, speak up. If you wanna be appreciated, shut up.” – Contestant on survivor
I am ending this retreat. It’s been interesting. I have learnt how to hold back from speaking unnecessarily a little more. Clio is more scared of doing wrong when I’m silent rather than shouting profanities.
8:00pm ending my first silent retreat
“What do I say?
I need a playlist.”
– – – – – – – – –
Authors note: did not get to hold a titty.
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myastrouniverse · 2 months
July/2024🌖♐️If you are only half right, you are WRONG.
♀️< 🦚 I am not feeding the egos today. I am right because I AM ALIVE!
Elliott Smith - Half Right
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I realize that Rufus is a fucking demoncunt.
Rufus Wainwright, his Nazi buttfuck and his ignorant cumdumpster Zionist Cohen pig, need to be EXECUTED FOR HIGH TREASON🤡💩
I also understand that my brother Cyrus and his girlfriend Stephanie Sloan have turned half parasite bots.
They are BOTH clearly being puppeteered and have bad intentions.
Todd Sloan is a retarded misogynist white trash alcoholic bum. He spent most of his life DEAD DRUNK.
Natalie Sloan married a misogynist white trash fascist CIA fucktard who should be SHOT IN THE HEAD FOR HIGH TREASON.
Trying to murder me over YOUR creepy Catholic delusional SHIT.
Obviously I am angry because I AM in pain.
It’s EXTREMELY insulting to be invalidated when dealing with a personal medical crisis.
It’s EXTREMELY insulting to understand people I once trusted have ALL been working against me in some way.
I really don’t want people harmed, but no one seems to show any remorse or concern, sympathy or even offered me some fucking general condolences for MY MANY TRAGEDIES.
It’s beyond my comprehension…
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sea-dukes-assistant · 4 years
Me: *checks Sir's tag*
Fucktard: *uses photo of Sir at his sister's funeral as proof Sea Duke is a "racist Nazi"*
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