#Nayia's theory
nayialovecat · 2 years
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Ok, second part of my favourite theory: ONE-EYED BENDY, part 2!
So, originally I thought that Wally Franks would be the best candidate for the role of One-Eyed Bendy (which will be reflected in SATIM), but quite recently, maybe a year ago, I started to think after looking through various curiosities, information, things hidden in the game... And one of the sketches in Joey Drew's house in particular caught my attention, specifically this one...
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Wow, did the developers give us an answer to who One-Eyed Bendy is? Really so open? (There's also this sketch that suggests One-Eyed Bendy is behind the actions of Ink Bendy, but that's a topic for another talk - but we'll back to it in this theory.)
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I started to think about this and suddenly it occurred to me... What if One-Eyed Bendy is Boris? What if One-Eyed Bendy is a specific Boris named Tom?
Here I will point out that this theory is strongly connected with my other theory: Allison and Tom are bad or even evil characters. I won't be able to present this before the premiere of BATDR, but if it turns out that either or both of them are villain - then know that I already knew it in BATIM!
Let's look at it: * Tom dislikes us from the beginning, is distrustful of us and clearly wants us dead (proof: starves us when Allison is not looking, won't let her free us, although we later know from the vault scene that he could have smashed the entrance to our prison with one fist) * Tom also doesn't like Sammy for some reason and has no qualms about killing him... BUT we know that Sammy has been killed at least once before (probably twice, considering that the inkprints next to Bendyland belong to him). So maybe Tom doesn't want to kill Sammy at all, but to get him out of the way for a while, knowing that he'll be back soon anyway, just like he used to come back? And how does it know? Because as One-Eyed Bendy had already killed him once (or twice)! * Allison has a rope, but for some reason she doesn't come to our rescue right away - did Tom stop her? Or did he need time to (if he actually controls Bendy) find the Ink Demon and send him to the Administration Maze? * In Chapter 4, Bendy saves us from the Projectionist - we see a broken door afterwards - but we also see signs that Bendy didn't need to break down the door to get us, just he walk through the wall... The door is broken in a similar way to the ones smashed by Tom's fist!
The question remains: why is Tom doing this? Is he bad guy here and wants us dead? Not completely. According to the above conclusions, he saves us from Sammy twice, sends Bendy to us when we have a problem... Is he good? Not really either, 'cause he's trying to starve us and leaving us to die... UNLESS he knows nothing can kill us, but he's just scaring Allison into running away with him? What for? Prepare an attack in the village? Who is One-Eyed Bendy, how much does he control Bendy or his potential followers? And what's his goal? He want to get out of the Studio? Or to make sure the loop stays closed and Henry fulfills his infinite destiny? We still don't know if he's good or bad, but... Tom is very fitting for being One-Eyed Bendy, you'll admit it.
Of course, it can also be Boris - but he dies at the end of chapter four. On the other hand... do we know for sure? Are we sure Brute Borys is our Boris? We only have the word Twisted Alice for it... and the most innocent creatures can hide the greatest evil...
Although I personally bet on Tom, I also leave you to consider the candidacy of Boris...
So my second theory about One-Eyed Bendy's identity is: ONE-EYED BENDY IS BORIS, WHATEVER BUDDY OR TOM (MORE TOM).
Thank you for your attention ^ ^ Now I can calmly waiting on BATDR ^ ^
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nayialovecat · 2 years
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I just woke up thinking: I only have a few hours left to present my theory before it is confirmed or disproved, lol XD
So... my favourite theory: ONE-EYED BENDY, part 1!
Ok, initially I wanted to write a very long description of the one-eyed Bendy theory - but I really don't want to... So just google "One-Eyed Bendy theory" and read/watch what you find. The general concept is that the game gives us a lot of clues that there is a second Bendy in the Studio. Is he the real Bendy or just someone in a disguise? One-Eyed Bendy's theory is that it's a disguise - and it would make sense. There are many variants of this theory, I will briefly outline the doctrines that I consider as true: * One-Eyed Bendy is person in a disguise (proof: stained disguise in Bendyland) * One-Eyed Bendy is the Bendy that Sammy serves and who kills Sammy in chapter 2 (proof: no Bendy spots when we hear screams from behind the door, and before that, moving through the vent when we know from chapter 4 that Bendy doesn't enter the vent) * One-Eyed Bendy presumably also kills Sammy in chapter 4 or before chapter 4 (evidence: ink marks outside Bendyland and mysterious inscriptions suggesting that someone wanted to meet someone - could it be One-Eyed Bendy with Sammy? I think so!) * One-Eyed Bendy is worshipped/is just megalomaniac (proof: found posters and images of Bendy with one eye painted over) * One-Eyed Bendy can be good or bad - maybe he's helping us (kills Sammy) or maybe he's just trying to kill us himself... Hard to say.
And now a few more of my own theories about One-Eyed Bendy: * One-Eyed Bendy may actually be helping us (my theory: he's the one who leaves the footprints in chapter 1) * One-Eyed Bendy may be the real cause of the Studio's trouble (proof: someone leaves the machine in chapter 3, someone whistles behind the door in the flooded room where we meet Bendy in chapter 2) * One-Eyed Bendy moves through the vent and may leave some messages for us (proof: sounds of vent movement in chapter 2, some messages are directed from someone to us)
While going through information about One-Eyed Bendy, I once found an interesting article whose author was trying to connect the facts and determine who One-Eyed Bendy is. He was mentioning  to Wally Franks' records. I was excited to hear about someone who is behind everything (while Joey is just a puppet), someone smart who pretends to be stupid... My thought was obvious, but the author of the argument, although he emphasized that Wally Franks is lying on his records, didn't even consider this obvious solution...
So my first theory about One-Eyed Bendy is: It's Wally Franks, he leaves footprints in chapter 1, saves our lives from Sammy in chapter 2, and recurs through the rest of... Wally Franks is One-Eyed Bendy!
I was attached to this theory for a very long time, but then there were some minor factors that I overlooked at first that changed my mind...
To be continued in part two :)
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nayialovecat · 4 years
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Yesterday was International Fairy Tale Characters Day and for that occasion I thought about various things that I could draw for this occasion, but they all felt shallow - so instead I decided to present the first of my BATIM theories on dA. And now I want to give it here. I have more of them and I want to present them before BATDR will be ready. It is not some innovative theory or little known, many people think so, and toys advertising BATDR seem to confirm it, but... The theory "Henry is the perfect Bendy". In my opinion, this is the canon and I believe that the second part of the game will prove it. There are many facts for this. Starting with the words Sammy says to us in chapter 2 and the words he tells us during the fight in chapter 5... (my sketches above). In addition, Sammy's words at the very beginning of the fight seem to indicate that he sees us as his lord. Also the fact that when you think about it - we're pretty short in the game. With other characters it is not so visible, but when we are, for example, in the bathroom in Boris' hideout, we barely have our head above the sink. In many moments of the game we reach half the height that a tall adult man should be. Even assuming Henry might be short, that's suspect. It comes to the fact that the creators of the game went to a lot of trouble not to reveal the appearance of our character - the mirrors are cracked, we do not see our own hands and body throughout the game (which could be considered a mistake considering other games with first-person view). The fact that the creatures living in the Workshop are either afraid of us or aggressive towards us is also suspect. And Bendy himself... can kill us at so many times, but why doesn't he? (I have a few theories for that.) Maybe because we're "of his kind"? Okay, I'm exaggerating a little now, but you know what I mean. There are many reasons why Henry may be actually look like Bendy - and whether he is perfect or similar to the ink demon can only be deduced from the BATDR toys. Ok, that's about it. I could write about it and argue for it, but it doesn't make sense - this theory is very popular. I promise to write more on the next one (my favorite) - I mean about One-Eyed Bendy.
+ My answer on one comment from dA: Rather, I would assume that our transformation either occurs as you wrote - after falling and landing in ink or, attention, attention, when we pass out in the pentagram at the end of chapter one. Let us add that by using the Seeing Tool at the end of the first chapter and at the beginning of the second chapter in the room with the pentagram, we can see differences... at the beginning there are no subtitles. The coffins are not signed. This means that when we are unconscious, someone enters the room and signs the coffins, and also sets our ax against one of them. Can this someone perform a ritual over us that turns us into Bendy? We know it's probably not Sammy. There is also an inscription referring to Sammy on one of the walls.
And one more thing, the comparison of the first and second chapters also shows something else... most people thought that the golden ink was above the time loop, that the inscriptions have always existed, that maybe we even made them ourselves in one cycle... but the appearing inscriptions on the coffins indicate that gold ink is subject to the same time loop as black ink, so it is not us who count cycles on the walls in the first chapter. We don't do "I always fall here" or "ouch" signs where Sammy hits us on the head with a dustpan.
Who is doing it? Who writes on the walls with invisible ink? I personally bet on the owner of the black footprints (possibly Wally Franks) or One-Eyed Bendy (I'll try to find out the identity in the next section of "Nayia's theory"). Of course, it is possible that the owner of the black footprints and One-Eyed Bendy are the same person...If we assume that One-Eyed Bendy is doing the textes, and he is the potential major bad guy in this story... well, he could perform a ritual over us that would make us the perfect Bendy. The fact that we look like Bendy also explains why Sammy is just watching us at first. Maybe he sees us as similar to his lord? Maybe he is trying to figure out this riddle, but seeing that we want to leave his area of ​​operation, panics and stuns us? Hard to say.
I agree that also the fact that Allison and Tom can't get in the ink, and we can - it could mean that Henry may be Bendy. After all, InkBendy enters the ink (we can see it even in the second chapter). And if he can, it could be a proof for Henry as perfect or unperfect Bendy!
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nayialovecat · 3 years
Hi Nayia :)
I would like to know how Sammy became an ink person. Like in the book, by ingesting ink because of an accident... Or otherwise?
( I know this is a possible spoiler, but at least tell me if this is how the official version please 😣)
In fact, this story only appears in the fifth (last) part of the comic, which at the current rate of release you will probably see in about 8 or 10 years, so... FUCK SPOILERS!
Well, I understand you're asking at this point about Sammy Lawrence, the head of the Music Department? His story is a hybrid of several things, I believe, 'cause I didn't read the book. But I absorbed fan theories like a sponge. The beginning is as we know from Mr. Lawrence's recordings - that is, Joey installed a pipe in front of his office, then a pump lever inside... Mr. Lawrence checked that everything was okay everytime before entering his office.
One day Mr. Lawrence was very moved by something, presumably pissed off at the band members, and headed for his office without checking if it was safe - and he had an accident when literally drenched himself in ink. You can imagine how pissed off he was, but worse - that some ink got into his mouth and he swallowed it involuntarily.
(At this point, let's add an important note: the second type of ink, which in the comics is called Liquid Ink, was flowing in the pipes then. It acts on inky entities in such a way that it takes away their memories, and then their mind and turns them into Mindless Searchers. different. At human it works in other way. How? Well, it's highly addictive, causes strange visions, makes you feeling better, but then worse - just like a drugs.)
So Mr. Lawrence took some ink and became addicted to it instantly, though he was not aware of it at first. He began to add a few drops of ink to his morning coffee without his mind. Then he started adding a few drops of coffee to the ink. Then he was drinking the ink directly. But it's still ink, and therefore a substance that is quite harmful to the stomach. So Mr. Lawrence began to get sick and suffer. He was vomiting immediately after drinking the ink and therefore had to be drinking more ink. At the same time, he began to change from character - he became slightly unbalanced, he had strange inky visions, usually terrible and frightening, reality became less real to him than they were and everything ceased to matter to him - his work, his (few) friends, also a sweetheart... During this period, he broke off letter contact with Henry and practically stopped being at home. It coincided with the moment when Joey Drew decided to get rid of Susie Campbell - who had obviously turned to her friend and amant for help - but Sammy was so indifferent that he refused to help her. So Susie approached Joey directly and we know how that supposedly ended... And Sammy was in ever worse and worse condition on the verge of life and death...
Eventually his existence became unbearable and he decided to die. But religion kept him from killing himself, so he decided to find someone to do it. During this time, while wandering around the studio in ink visions, he accidentally came across a demon whom Joey summoned - and decided to choose him as the executor of his execution. He then made the last tape (the one we listened to in Chapter 2 as the first) - and sneaked into Joey's sanctuary, where Joey kept Bendy trapped and bounded by black magic. What happened next is a bit of a spoiler for "Before Henry", so let me just say this: Sammy Lawrence died, and Joey, having a dead employee in his private room, came up with the idea of ​​resurrecting him with the help of dark magic. It was the first rehearsal, so well... it didn't quite turn out the way he wanted it to. New being was 100% dead. But this pushed him to further experiments...
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nayialovecat · 3 years
Hi Nayia. I came across the first "Nayia's theories" post on your deviantart and thought it was great. Are you thinking of continuing this series? If so, I can give you a theory to summarize... How about One-eyed Bendy's?
* big innocent smile*
Yes, this is next theory I want to do, but it takes me so many time and I'm so lazy... But I'll try to do it :3
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