#Navia: golden jewel;;
eternxlstarx · 1 year
Personal checklist, 2
feel free to ignore icon character below trying to think who I wanted to add who needs a icon style and who is done sorry for the OOC, thanks to the regular editor tumblr messed things up for me sooo I need to fix it for everyone <3
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love-toxin · 4 months
Sightseeing -> Navia
plot: you only came to Fontaine for a vacation, but you may not be leaving without some added baggage.
(cws: yan!navia, gn!darling, implied friends -> forced lovers, navia bein a bit weird & creepy, neediness, mention of drugging, preamble to kidnapping)
wc: 1.4k
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At times, you often wished you had been born in this beautiful place. The cool, clear waters of Fontaine lapped at the sands just down the hill from where you stood, the same crystal-blue colour as the cloudless sky that passed overhead. The people and the city were one thing, they were impressive in their own industrious and elegant ways; but the sea was the real reason you came to Fontaine. You couldn't live the rest of your life without getting at least a glimpse of the exotic beauty of such a place. 
The call of your name soon broke you from your reverie however, and you turned your head to spot the golden-haired doll of a woman you had been travelling with thus far. She was kind, and she was a beauty all in her own right, but you tensed at the sight of her hurrying up the hill with her handlers at her sides. Your chin tilted back to face the open waters, and you took in one last deep, cleansing breath of fresh air before you would be set upon by your tour guide and newest friend. 
“There you are!” Navia puffed from the exercise with a smile on her soft, ruby-stained lips. “I worried for you, you know! I was afraid you'd gotten lost. Why did you just wander away, my sweet?”
Those adoring pet names were endearing, of course, if not just the slightest oddity from a woman you didn't know particularly well. But you just offered her a smile and an excuse off the top of your head, not wanting to pain such a lovely, generous soul as she. 
“I just saw a good view and wanted to take it in. My apologies, miss Navia.” 
She shook her head with a huff. “Oh! You and your formalities. I told you, the ‘miss’ isn't needed! You can call me by my name, darling.” She sidled up close to you, her dress clinking with all manner of jewel-studded trinkets as she moved. With a wave of her hand, she sent her handlers further down the hill to ease up and give both of you some space. “Well, let's see this view, then.” 
Overhead, the breeze whistled gently as it flowed through the trees at your backs. You turned your gaze away from Navia and back towards the sea–but you felt hers drift towards you instead, the beautiful view lost on her as she focused her gentle eyes on you instead. 
“...You know, if you ever wanted to live in Fontaine-”
“My home is elsewhere, Navia.” An ill feeling fell over your heart at cutting her off so abruptly, but you knew her enough by now to know that she wouldn't stop once an idea was in her head. She would keep going and going and going until she achieved whatever goal she decided on, and unfortunately for her your permanent residence here was not up for debate. You had family back home, friends, a life; and no matter how much you enjoyed your time with her, that would not supercede the loves and responsibilities you had back home. “I'm sorry.”
She turned her head away, effortlessly concealing the fall of her expression as she finally focused her gaze towards where yours was. With a sigh, she said nothing, just stared out at the ocean's crystalline waters and the smooth stone arches of the aquabus lines, all converging on the magnificent palaces of Fontaine's capital city rising out from the blue. Between the sky and the sea, the city much resembled a pearl cushioned between two halves of a giant, aquamarine oyster shell. 
The two of you stood there for quite awhile, looking out across the rippling sea. Even from up high you could smell the salt from where fresh and seawater mingled together, and the splashes of ocean birds and fish hopping up and out of the water each caught your eye. It was as if every moment you watched something new was unfolding. That was why you loved the sea, and why you were sure Navia was trying so desperately to pull you back towards it. 
“I'm leaving for home tomorrow morning.” From your peripheral, you caught sight of her flinching and whipping her head to stare at you, eyes wide with panic for only as long as it took you to return her gaze–by then she had steeled herself, though she still couldn't contain her tight-lipped frown. “Will you take me to the port? I'd like you to be the last sight I take in before I leave.” You smiled at her, and though the thought of you leaving so soon clearly still disturbed her, she could barely help the giddy twinkle in her eyes at having you show her such a beautiful smile. Just for her. That was how she saw it. 
“When will you be back?” Her voice rang so timidly now, so unlike her usual boldness that it took you aback. But you offered her some meager reasoning of ‘whenever you next had time’ and ‘so long as you had the mora’ and she believed everything she wanted to believe. In her mind, you were sure the best day for you to return would be the soonest you could possibly manage. She agreed albeit sadly, and you nudged her shoulder in a bid to cheer your new friend up. 
“Hey, it's okay. I'll return soon, alright? Maybe you can even come visit me in my home sometime, when things cool down over there. Then I could show you around my own hometown.” Emboldened, perhaps by Navia's own friendliness and candor she'd shown since you'd arrived, you reached out and swept a strand of her golden hair from her eyes. Your hand came to rest just by her cheek–but before you could pull it away, she reached up her own and held yours there, her breath hitched on her parted lips. 
“Promise?” She pleaded, eyes wide and so sweet your heart ached. “You won't leave me?”
“Not forever.” You shook your head, a bit surprised at her eagerness but still not without your comforting smile. “We had too much fun together for me not to come back.” 
You could've sworn she mouthed “Oh, thank Archons,” as she tilted her head back in bliss, only to tilt it back down with an eruption of laughter that–for some reason–left you with a sense of unease at how erratic and played-out it was. But again, her oddities seemed just that to you, and you would once again brush off a warning sign that you would later learn the terrifying consequences of. She squeezed your hand harder, and a soft yelp off your lips was the only reason she let it go though her grip felt like it would never loosen otherwise. 
“Then come! Let's return to Poisson–we must have a celebration in your honour. Snacks and all! We have to send you off the right way, don't you think?” Navia linked arms with you as the moment passed, and before you could get one last look at the view you'd been longing to see for this whole trip, she began dragging you down the hill back towards her handlers, who would then guide the two of you back down the path towards the little, hidden village. 
You were such a sweet, gentle soul, the most tender Navia had ever had the pleasure of meeting. You were more intriguing than the Traveler, more elegant than the Justice; beautiful and glorious in equal measure, more poised than even her own Archon. Yes, it was on par with blasphemy, but it was truth in Navia’s eyes–you were more than all of Teyvat’s most incredible people combined, none of them could even hold a candle to you. And for that, she would ensure you would not slip out of her grasp. She would find a way. 
She had a whole night, a whole banquet, and plenty of trust from you that you would never suspect your friend of anything. Something poured in your drink, a well-timed execution of play-acting to frighten you, and perhaps you would fall into her arms without her even having to lift a finger. 
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4:26 PM ~ *Navia*
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Summary: It's raining in Fontaine. The perfect weather for umbrellas.
Pairing: Navia X G/N!Reader
Genre: Fluffyish Drabble
Word Count: 676
Warning: N/A
A/N: My love letter to her gorgeous umbrella!
"What's got you so antsy?" Navia asked as the two of you walked through the headquarters of the Spina di Rosula.
You should've known that she would pick up on the spring in your step and fidgety fingers. She was very good at reading people and, well, you weren't being very discreet.
"Ah, it's nothing..." You know you can't lie to her, but it was worth a shot.
Navia stopped in her tracks, grabbing your forearm. Her golden curls rustled as she shook her head. "No, no, no. You're going to tell me what's got you all worked up. What's going on in that head of yours?"
You glance out the window, not hiding your forlorn expression. "It's raining."
"Raining?" She followed your sightline before nodding with a shrug. "I suppose you're right. I wonder what's made the Iudex so sad. At least it's not storming."
You nod before giving a shrug. "I don't know what's upsetting Neuvillette. Everything in Fontaine has been running smoothly so far. We could always investigate, if you so wish."
She tapped her chin, her eyes narrowed on you. "We could, but I feel like there was another reason why you mentioned the rain outside."
Once again, your fingers began to fidget and you looked away from her scrutinizing gaze. "I was hoping to spend some time outside in the rain. Though I don't like it because it means Neuvillette is sad, I do find it peaceful."
She nodded, her hand trailing down your forearm to your hand to give it a gentle squeeze. "I completely understand. While we should go find out what is troubling Neuvillette, we can take the long way to the Palais Mermonia so we can spend as much time in the rain as possible. How does that sound?"
You smile and nod. "Sounds like a great plan."
"Excellent! I'll go get the umbrellas!" Navia bounced down the halls to gather her jewel-encrusted umbrella and your more simpler one. 
You made a quick pitstop to the kitchen to pack a little basket of treats for Neuvillette, in case it was needed. When you arrived at the front door, Navia handed you your umbrella.
"Ready to go?"
You both stepped outside and opened your umbrellas. You linked your arm with hers, earning a small giggle from her. The two of you walked in comfortable silence through the wet streets of Fontaine. You found yourself smiling as you were enveloped with the scent of rain and listened to the soft patter as it fell on your umbrellas. You couldn't help but look up at Navia's beautiful umbrella she took with her everywhere. It seemed to sparkle in the rain, like a beautiful painting.
"What are you staring at?" Navia giggled behind her hand.
"Just, your umbrella is so pretty." You reply, your cheeks warming at being caught. "I've always thought it was absolutely gorgeous."
"Why thank you." She nodded before looking up at your own umbrella. She then gave a small frown. "It's a shame really, considering yours isn't as fancy as mine. But! I'm sure if we take a quick trip to Inazuma, we can ask Chiori to make you a pretty umbrella as well."
You shook your head. "Oh, no I couldn't! Chiori's creations are so expensive!"
"Consider it a gift from me to you."
Your eyes widened at her words. "No, Navia, I couldn't!"
"You can and you will." She replied, giving you a sharp look. "I insist! You're my closest and dearest friend. If I want to give you a gift, I will!"
"I'll pay you back."
"It's a gift! You don't pay someone back for a gift!"
"But Navia!"
"But nothing." She patted your head in a friendly manner. "I am buying you a gorgeous new umbrella so we can match, and that's the end of this discussion."
"Thank you." You dip your head out of respect.
She waved off your thank you with a smile. "Think nothing of it! Besides, we need to focus. We have to go cheer up the Iudex!"
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