#Naughty Little Imp (Damien)
britishpokeparty · 1 year
Spring has sprung!
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Damien and James enjoying the spring air with some quality cuddle time. 
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sec-heriablangel · 3 months
Hellaverse OC: Damien (Bio)
Full Name: Damien "Thorn" Morningstar
Nicknames: Prince of Hell (Title), The Devil's son, Brother (By Charlie, Lucius and Layla), Orphan Devil (By Layla), Dally (by Blitzo, Moxxie, Charlie, Millie and Emily), Hot hell Prince (by Angel Dust), Devil Boy (Self-given), Mama's boy (by Adam), Thorn (by Vox, Alastor, Terrence and Isaac), Thorn Devil (by Vox and Terrence), the son of Morningstar (by Sera), Darling, Hot devil Dearest, Dearest Lover and Sweetheart (by Clive), Young Man, Son, Boy, Spot, Naughty Boy, Naughty Devil Boy, and Little good Prince (By Lucifer), Little fella (By Mammon, Asmodeus and Beelzebub), Sir (By Baron Von Eldritch), Cute Sweetie, Apple Cake (By Lilith), Uncle, Uncle Dally (By Evelyn)
Likes: his pets Hellhound and Blackberry, Drawing, Drinking Pepsi, 7Up, Coca Cola and Mountain Dew, Sleeping, Murder, Smoking, Popsicle, His family (Sometimes), being Lilith's favorite child, flirting with Emily (Formerly), flirting with Clive and Celine, Grilled Cheese, Pranking his father and his younger sister, Playing the black electric guitar, reading mangas, watching romantic and horror movies, singing, dancing, listening to Skillet, Three Days Grace, Escape the Fate, The Used, Linkin Park, The Rasmus and Get Scared, Anime, Mammon's jokes (Formerly), Spending time with Satan, Peacocks, Raven Birds, Rabbits, Ducks (Sometimes), Taunting and Tormenting his father (Sometimes), Manipulating his Imp slaves, Destroying the Church, Killing Priests and Nuns, Abusing Trolls, Pranking his father, Abusing and Terrorizing Saint Peter, his Niece
Dislikes: Redemption (Formerly), his sister Charlie trying to reconnect him, his Imp Slaves, his father (Mostly of time), Valentino, Being disciplined, Being lonely, Getting caught, being called "Mama's boy" by Adam, Polka Music, Valentino, his father's jokes, people who hurt his family, the exterminations, the people who flirt with his parents, people who hurt Clive, Rude people, seeing Charlie in pain and sad, Christians, his parents fighting, being grounded, his father's overprotectiveness, his sister charlie being in danger, Trolls, Church, Being pranked by Charlie, being called out by his father, Anyone infantilizing him, Mammon's Jokes (Currently), Layla being rude and mean to him, Seviathan being rude and mean to him, his Niece being in danger
Species: Nephilim (Half demon and Half angel)
Gender: Male
Age: 22-23 (Biological)
Sexuality: Bisexual and Polyamorous
Status: Alive
Abilities: Vast dark powers, Enhanced healing factor, Poison immunity, Animal manipulation, Psychic powers, Angelic Power, Demonic transformation, Flight, Shapeshifting, Demon Magic, Duplication, Pyrokinesis, Super strength, Teleportation, Shapeshifting horns and tail, Resurrection, Possession, Fire and heat manipulation
Occupation: Prince of Hell, Son of Lilith and Lucifer, Older Brother of Charlie, Antichrist, CEO of Thorn Industries, Businessman, U.S. diplomat, The warrior of Hellbent Squad
God (Grandfather), Lucifer Morningstar (Father), Archangel Michael (Uncle), Lilith (Mother), Charlie Morningstar (Younger Sister), Layla Thorn (Twin-Sister), Lucius Wagner Morningstar (Older Brother), Evelyn (Niece), Serenity (Sister-in-law; Separated)
Clive (Boyfriend; Teammate), Terrence (First Partner; Teammate), Seviathan Von Eldritch (Frenemy; Teammate), Alastor (Frenemy), Arackniss (Teammate; Friend), Isaac (Teammate), Blitzo (Second Partner), Moxxie (Third Partner), Millie (Close Friend), Loona, Lamont (Teammate), Villa, Baxter, Crymini, Fizzarolli, Angel Dust, Vaggie, Husk, Sir Pentious, Glasya (Close Friend), Baron Von Eldritch (Assistant), Alina (Close Friend)
Enemies: Vox, Valentino, Velvette, Lute, Adam, Striker, Crimson, Employees of D.H.O.R.K.S, Layla (Sometimes), Lucifer Morningstar (Formerly), Cain (Arch-Rival), Sterling (Arch-Rival), Vadivel, Exorcists, Mammon, Priests (Victims), Nuns (Victims), Christians (Victims), Christopher (Victim), Henroin (Sometimes)
Romantic Interest:
Clive Williams (Boyfriend), Emily (Ex-Girlfriend), Celine (Crush)
Emily (acquainted), Sera (acquainted; Ex-sister-in-law), Archangels (well-acquainted), Williams Family (acquaintance), Alina (Formerly classmate), The von Eldritch family (acquaintance), Razzle and Dazzle (acquainted), Hellhound (Bodyguard/Pet), Deadly Sins (Mammon (Formerly Idol), Asmodeus, Beelzebub, Leviathan, Satan (Father Figure) and Belphegor (Caretaker)), Overlords (acquainted), Chazwick Thurman (Fan; Somtimes), Octavia (Good Friend), Lin (acquainted), Joe (acquainted), Sallie May (acquainted), the Ars Goetia (acquaintance), Abaddon (acquainted), Cyhyraeth (acquainted), Saint Peter (Slave), Belial (acquainted), Lucius (Boss), Molly (acquainted), Niffty (Babysitter), Baelzra (acquainted), Astaroth (acquainted), Seraphiel (acquainted; Ex-father-in-law), Blackberry the raven (Pet)
Weapons: Pistol Gun, Axe, Claws, Spear, Dagger, AKM, Fangs and Baseball Bat
Voiced by: James Arnold Taylor
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britishpokeparty · 1 year
Victor made some sweet apple curry for supper, he’s on his third bowl!
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“Ahh! Dat hits th’ spot! I could go for anotha one!”
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“Good grief, Damien, I know you’ve always been a big eater but at this rate you’ll put Mushi to shame.” 
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“Heh, can’t help dat th’ food is good, Yuki! Maybe dose meds the doc put me on has my apatite jumpin’ or somethin’! Not dat I mind, I love food! Now if you excuse me, I tink der’s enough leftover for anotha’ spoonful or two!” 
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“Very well, goodnight Damien.” She shook her head in dismay before getting up to return to her cave for the night, she was beat after that battle.
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britishpokeparty · 1 year
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He’s chowing down on an unusually large lunch, all that poking and prodding worked up an apatite for him. Allergies may suck but at least he gets food out of it so it’s whatever.
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“Is big brother okay now? Want some of Mushi’s fishy sticks?”
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“Nah, I’m good Shi-Shi, thanks anyways tho.” He wiped his mouth and laid back against his pillow, a soft sigh escaping him as he glanced up at the ceiling. It was nice of Vic to let him use his bed to rest up but man was he bored!
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britishpokeparty · 1 year
“It’s your turn Damien!” A Dusk ball was tossed into the air, releasing the Morgrem onto the battle field.  Damien’s eyes narrowed, his signature fanged grin appearing as he let out his battle cry. In response, his opponent, a Perrserker snarled out their own cry.   The two Pokémon sized each other up, Damien while at a typing disadvantage was confident he’d be fine.  “Iron Head!” Perrserker roared loudly, its head becoming hardened with steel plating as it charged toward with reckless abandon.  “Thunder Wave!” Damien smirked and brought his right arm up to his shoulder, with a quick swipe, he fired out a yellow ring of electric energy which easily landed as it was too busy charging to dodge.  With it slower Damien jumped over it and watched it fall to the ground, unable to keep in his laugher at its falter.  “Perrserker! Are you alright?” “Perrr...” It rose it its feet and hissed, claws unsheathing as electricity danced around its fur.  “Good, then use Seed Bomb!”  Perrserker growled loudly, crossing its arms over its chest before opening them again to summon large seeds between its arms. It jumped high into the air and began to twirl around rapidly, firing the seeds down onto the Morgrem. Damien didn’t need Victor’s command to dodge skill fully, his opponents attack speed was slower now too, allowing him to side step or back flip away from more of the bombs. However...he started to notice he was getting a little winded all of a sudden...why? The battle hadn’t even begun and he was already- “Damien! Above you!” The sound of his trainer’s warning caused Damien to look up, gasping as he was smacked hard in the shoulder causing the move to explode and send him flying.  The Morgrem cried out in pain but narrowly managed to flip himself into a position to land, his claws digging into the ground as he skidded closer to his trainer. “...” His body trembled slightly, his breathing labored as he glanced up at the Perrserker who now was laughing at him.  “Damien! Are you hurt?” Victor called out in concern. Damien slowly looked to his trainer, eyes wide as a sudden rush of anxiety began to coarse through his veins. He shouldn’t be battling...but why? He felt fine but...he was scared! Why?! Perrserker’s trainer called for another attack, another Iron head that would surely finish him!  Damien looked at the charging cat, his puplis constricting into pinpricks as his heart began beating in his ears. Run... “Damien?” RUN “Damien! It’s coming!” RUN!!! Without warning Damien’s body became engulfed in a bright red light, tensing in fear as he quickly returned himself to his Pokéball! He couldn’t stay out here! He couldn’t battle! Victor watched in surprise as the beam traveled back to Damien’s dusk ball on his hip. “What on earth?” “And Champion Victor recalls his Morgrem! Or did he? It appears Morgrem returned on his own accord! What will Victor do now?!” The brunette payed no mind to the announcer, his gaze still fixed on Damien’s ball as concern started to fill his thoughts. What was going on with him? Was he okay? Did he get badly injured? Inside the safety of his ball, Damien lay curled up in the comforting darkness his ball provided. Even he couldn’t believe what he had just done. Why did he run? Why did he tire so quickly? He didn’t know and that’s what worried him most. Maybe he just needed more sleep...maybe more food...he was so tired, so hungry...so...tired. Before he knew it Damien fell into a deep sleep, his adrenaline rush causing him to crash. As long as he was inside his ball, he could rest this weirdness off...he’d be fine...he’d be fine.
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britishpokeparty · 2 years
Damien is Available for Asks!
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“So what if I’m not fully evolved? Ya don’t need ta be ta be the best!”
Damien is a trickster through and through, a pain in the backside for most but he’s a very kindhearted guy once you get to know him.  Having grown up in the wild, Damien knows all the tips and tricks to swiping things he likes. While he doesn’t do it that much now a days, he still has his moments of pure gremlin energy that he simply can’t ignore! He holds his found family in Victor and his team in high regards, willing to do anything to protect them. This is especially true for Mushi, he doesn’t take kindly to anyone who upsets his baby sister, no matter the size or strength, you hurt her and there will be hell to pay.
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britishpokeparty · 2 years
Tag Dump
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britishpokeparty · 2 years
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Damien is a total fan boy for Piers and his band of Pokémon (His favorite band member is Rillaboom). He’s snuck off to a bunch of Piers’ shows before and begged Victor to physically buy all his albums and posters. It’s a genuine obsession at this point.
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britishpokeparty · 2 years
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~That is nice, Damien. However I must admit I’m a bit more concerned about...other potential undesirables at the moment.~
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@nx-encxres​  @rocketeering​
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britishpokeparty · 3 years
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“Big brother, why did Papa cry? Did I mess up?”
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“Nah Mushi, he’s just happy that you and Romeo made him something! Y’know he can be a bit of a cry baby. Gets all sentimental and all that.”
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She has no idea what sentimental means but she’ll take it! “I did good then?”
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“Of course you did poppet, very good. You should be proud of your card too, it was very beautiful.”
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britishpokeparty · 4 years
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The day Mushi got lost was probably one of the worst days of her little bug life. She was so glad when Damien found her and kept her calm with his glowing body to keep the uncertainty of the darkness away. Damien also found that day to be pretty upsetting, not because he was stuck down in a dark dusty mine with no end in sight but because he had to bear witness to some of the saddest cries he’d ever heard coming from the usually rambunctious and fearless bug that sat shivering on his head. Didn’t think the little squirt could even get scared...
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britishpokeparty · 4 years
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I head canon that the Impidpimp line can glow in the dark due to their diet of mushrooms and whatever else can be found in the tangle. Impidimp glow the brightest and the more they evolve the less glow shows due to all the hair covering their body as a Grimsnarl, even if that shimmers it doesn’t really glow. As such Damien can glow too! He hasn’t been in Glimwood Tangle much since he evolved but still retains the ability from years of exposure to the glowing mushrooms as well as his current diet which will still use the mushrooms sometimes.  It’s said the reason this happens is because the toxins in the mushroom’s head mix with anti-toxins in the line’s stomach lining that cause their skin to react similarly to the mushrooms. Thus making them glow in the dark! Damien also glows brighter the more he’s moving so if he’s hit hard in battle his body will react similarly to the mushrooms after they’d been bumped. It’s a really good defense mechanism especially to the smaller Impidimp who don’t have claws yet to defend themselves like Morgrem and Grimsnarl can.
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