#National lotto 2022
kicksaddictny · 24 days
LOTTO Expands U.S. Presence with Kellyn Acosta and New Lifestyle Footwear Collection at DICK’S Sporting Goods
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LOTTO® is making waves in the U.S. soccer scene by welcoming Chicago Fire FC midfielder Kellyn Acosta to its growing roster of athletes. Acosta, a key player for the 2022 FIFA World Cup U.S. Men’s National Team, joins a prestigious group that includes New England Revolution defender Tim Parker and U.S. Women’s National Team member Sofia Huerta, among over 300 professional soccer players worldwide. As part of this partnership, Acosta will be sporting LOTTO footwear both on and off the pitch, while promoting the brand through social media and live appearances throughout the year.
Reflecting on the partnership, Acosta expressed his enthusiasm, saying, "LOTTO is a storied brand with a rich soccer history. LOTTO’s Stadio OG is my favorite cleat – I love its premium leather, and the Italian craftsmanship shines through. Fashion and streetwear are such an important aspect of American culture, and I’m excited to highlight some of the brand’s timeless lifestyle classics off the pitch, like the soccer-inspired Brasil Select shoes."
In tandem with Acosta’s signing, LOTTO’s parent company, WHP Global, announced the launch of the LOTTO Leggenda lifestyle footwear collection at DICK’S Sporting Goods. For the first time, U.S. consumers will be able to purchase these iconic shoes in brick-and-mortar stores, as well as online at Dicks.com/LOTTO.
The LOTTO Leggenda collection reimagines the brand’s iconic footwear from the ‘70s, ‘80s, and ‘90s, transforming them into fashion statements that pay tribute to the legends who left a lasting impact on their sports. The soccer-inspired LOTTO Brasil Select is now available for both men and women, while the tennis-inspired LOTTO Autograph and LOTTO Signature are offered exclusively in men’s and women’s sizing, respectively. These lifestyle models blend LOTTO’s storied sporting heritage with the latest innovations to maximize comfort outside of competition.
"Kellyn is the perfect fit as we continue to grow our soccer presence and influence in the U.S.," said Effy Zinkin, COO at WHP Global. "His on-field performance, coupled with his style off the pitch, makes this an ideal partnership as our lifestyle footwear becomes available to U.S. consumers at DICK’S."
Acosta’s addition to the LOTTO family is part of a broader strategy to strengthen the brand’s presence in the U.S. He joins a stellar lineup of LOTTO athlete partners, including 2013 MLS MVP Mike Magee, who leads LOTTO’s U.S. soccer division and played a key role in bringing Acosta on board. Other notable athletes in the LOTTO roster include Seattle Reign FC star defender Sofia Huerta, New England Revolution star defender Tim Parker, FOX Sports host and former MLS standout Stu Holden, and pickleball pros Pablo Tellez and Jhonnatan Medina Alvarez.
A 12-year MLS veteran, Acosta has played for FC Dallas, the Colorado Rapids, LAFC, and currently Chicago Fire FC. He has made 58 appearances for the U.S. Men’s National Team and was a member of the 2017 and 2021 CONCACAF Gold Cup-winning teams.
LOTTO’s partnership with DICK’S Sporting Goods, announced in July 2023, marked a significant expansion of its presence in the U.S. market. The collaboration established DICK’S as the anchor retail partner for LOTTO’s soccer and racquet sport products. In July 2024, LOTTO further broadened its offerings with the introduction of a new pickleball collection, including equipment, footwear, and apparel for both men and women.
To explore LOTTO’s latest footwear and apparel collections, visit Dicks.com/LOTTO, LOTTOSport.com, and follow LOTTO on Instagram.
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tapistufftors1985 · 6 months
lottogewinn nicht abgeholt 2022
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lottogewinn nicht abgeholt 2022
2022 Lottogewinn nicht abgeholt
Im Jahr 2022 gab es einen außergewöhnlichen Fall, bei dem ein Lottogewinn nicht abgeholt wurde. Der Gewinn, der in dieser Lotterie erzielt wurde, war besonders hoch und ließ die gesamte Nation gespannt auf den oder die Glücklichen warten.
Das Lotto ist seit Jahren eine beliebte Freizeitaktivität unter den Deutschen. Jede Woche nehmen Millionen von Menschen an den verschiedenen Ziehungen teil, in der Hoffnung, den großen Jackpot zu knacken. Doch nicht jeder Gewinner ist sich dessen bewusst oder nimmt seinen Gewinn auch tatsächlich in Anspruch.
Der betreffende 2022 Lottogewinn erregte noch mehr Aufmerksamkeit als üblich, da es sich um eine außergewöhnlich hohe Summe handelte. Die Medien berichteten ausführlich über den Jackpot und sorgten damit für zusätzliche Spannung in der Bevölkerung. Die Gewinnzahlen wurden veröffentlicht und alle warteten gespannt darauf, dass sich der Gewinner meldet.
Doch die Wochen vergingen, und es geschah nichts. Der oder die Gewinnerin hatte offenbar keine Ahnung davon, dass der Lottoschein, den sie gekauft hatte, zu einem Millionenjackpot geführt hatte. Die Öffentlichkeit war fassungslos und die Spekulationen begannen. Vielleicht hatte der oder die Glückliche den Schein einfach verlegt oder verloren? Oder war es gar ein Betrug?
Letztendlich meldete sich niemand, um den Gewinn geltend zu machen. Nach Ablauf der Frist zur Abholung des Gewinns wurde das Geld in einen Fond für wohltätige Zwecke überführt. Es ist schade, dass der oder die Gewinnerin nicht von ihrem Glück erfahren hat und somit nicht in den Genuss des Lebens im Überfluss kommen konnte.
Der Fall dient als Erinnerung daran, wie wichtig es ist, seine Lottoscheine regelmäßig zu überprüfen und die Fristen zur Gewinnabholung im Blick zu behalten. Denn sonst kann es passieren, dass man seinen Lottogewinn unverschuldet versäumt – so wie es im Jahr 2022 geschehen ist.
Im Jahr 2022 gab es einen Lottogewinn, der nicht eingelöst wurde. Für viele Lottofans war dies eine große Überraschung und eine verpasste Gelegenheit, ihr Leben mit einem großen Geldgewinn zu verändern. Der nicht eingelöste Lottogewinn sorgte landesweit für Aufsehen und führte zu zahlreichen Spekulationen darüber, wer der glückliche Gewinner sein könnte.
Die genauen Gründe für das Nicht-Einlösen des Lottogewinns sind noch immer unklar. Es wird vermutet, dass der Gewinner entweder nichts von seinem Glück erfahren hat oder aus persönlichen Gründen den Gewinn nicht beanspruchen wollte. Es ist auch möglich, dass der Lottoschein verloren gegangen ist oder der Gewinner einfach vergessen hat, ihn einzulösen.
Ein nicht eingelöster Lottogewinn ist keinesfalls eine häufige Erscheinung. Die meisten Lottospieler sind äußerst aufgeregt, wenn sie erfahren, dass sie gewonnen haben, und lassen sich den Gewinn nicht entgehen. Doch manchmal passieren solche Missgeschicke, und es kommt vor, dass ein Gewinner seinen Lottogewinn nicht einlöst.
Für den nicht eingelösten Lottogewinner bedeutet dies eine verpasste Chance auf finanzielle Freiheit und die Möglichkeit, lang ersehnte Träume zu verwirklichen. Der Gewinn hätte dem glücklichen Lottospieler ermöglicht, Schulden abzuzahlen, ein neues Haus zu kaufen, in den Ruhestand zu gehen oder sich einfach ein Luxusleben zu gönnen.
Der nicht eingelöste Lottogewinn dient auch als Mahnung für alle Lottospieler, ihre Tickets sorgfältig aufzubewahren und regelmäßig zu überprüfen, ob sie gewonnen haben. Es wäre wirklich tragisch, einen Lottogewinn zu erzielen und dann die Gelegenheit zu verpassen, ihn einzulösen.
Insgesamt zeigt der nicht eingelöste Lottogewinn 2022, wie unberechenbar das Glück sein kann und wie wichtig es ist, den Moment zu nutzen, wenn er kommt. Es bleibt zu hoffen, dass der Gewinner eines Tages von seinem nicht eingelösten Lottogewinn erfährt und die Möglichkeit erhält, sein Leben zum Besseren zu verändern.
Vergessener Lottogewinn 2022
Ein vergessener Lottogewinn kann eine tragische Angelegenheit sein, besonders wenn es um eine beträchtliche Summe Geld geht. Im Jahr 2022 gab es einen solchen Fall, der landesweit für Aufsehen sorgte. Ein glücklicher Gewinner hatte den richtigen Lottoschein gekauft und die Gewinnzahlen korrekt vorhergesagt, aber aufgrund eines bedauerlichen Fehlers vergessen, seinen Preis einzulösen.
Der unglückliche Vorfall ereignete sich in einer kleinen Stadt, wo ein Einwohner den Lottogewinn nicht rechtzeitig abholte. Als die Frist verstrich, ohne dass der Gewinner erschien, wurde der Jackpot annulliert und das Geld ging zurück in den Topf für zukünftige Preise. Es ist schwer vorstellbar, wie jemand eine so große Geldsumme vergessen konnte, aber manchmal passieren solche Dinge. Vielleicht lag es am Stress des Alltags oder einfach an menschlicher Vergesslichkeit.
Als die Nachricht von dem vergessenen Lottogewinn die Medien erreichte, war die Aufregung groß. Viele Menschen bedauerten den glücklosen Gewinner und spekulierten über seine möglichen Reaktionen, als er von seinem kostspieligen Fehler erfuhr. Es bleibt jedoch unklar, ob der Pechvogel überhaupt von seinem Gewinn wusste und die Gelegenheit verpasste, ein Leben in Wohlstand zu führen.
Dieses Beispiel erinnert uns daran, wie wichtig es ist, unsere Lottoeinsätze stets im Blick zu behalten. Es wäre doch schade, eine solche Chance auf finanzielle Freiheit zu verpassen. Oftmals sind die Gewinne der einzelnen Ziehungen beträchtlich und können das Leben der Gewinner von Grund auf verändern. Es ist daher ratsam, die Gewinnzahlen zu überprüfen und den Gewinnschein sicher aufzubewahren, um einen vergessenen Lottogewinn zu vermeiden.
Wir können nur hoffen, dass der glücklose Gewinner aus dem Jahr 2022 seine Lektion gelernt und in der Zukunft mehr Glück haben wird. Es bleibt zu hoffen, dass andere Menschen von diesem Vorfall lernen und sicherstellen, dass sie ihre Gewinne rechtzeitig abholen, um ein solch bedauerliches Missgeschick zu vermeiden. Die Chance auf einen Lottogewinn ist schließlich etwas, das wir nicht leichtfertig verschenken sollten.
In der Zwischenzeit können wir gespannt auf die nächsten Lottoziehungen warten und vielleicht selbst unsere Glückszahlen wählen. Vielleicht werden auch wir eines Tages die Gelegenheit haben, einen vergessenen Lottogewinn zu verhindern und unser eigenes Leben zu bereichern. Man sollte niemals aufhören zu träumen, denn das Glück kann jederzeit zuschlagen.
Lotterieschein nicht abgeholt 2022
Es ist immer aufregend, einen Lotterieschein zu kaufen und die Möglichkeit zu haben, mit ein wenig Glück ein Vermögen zu gewinnen. Jedes Jahr gibt es Millionen von Menschen, die in der Hoffnung auf den großen Gewinn ihre Scheine abgeben. Doch was passiert, wenn jemand vergisst, seinen Lotterieschein abzuholen? Genau darüber möchte ich in diesem Artikel sprechen.
Im Jahr 2022 gibt es einige Faktoren, die dazu führen könnten, dass ein Lotterieschein nicht abgeholt wird. Der erste Grund könnte schlichtweg Vergesslichkeit sein. Im hektischen Alltag kann es leicht passieren, dass man den Kauf eines Lotteriescheins völlig vergisst oder den Schein nach dem Ziehungstag nicht einlöst.
Ein weiterer Grund könnte sein, dass der Schein verloren geht oder beschädigt wird. In manchen Fällen versteckt sich der Gewinnschein irgendwo in der Geldbörse oder in einer anderen Tasche und wird erst nach langer Zeit wiederentdeckt. In anderen Fällen kann es aber auch passieren, dass der Schein versehentlich weggeworfen wird oder durch äußere Einflüsse wie Feuchtigkeit oder Hitze beschädigt wird.
Was passiert nun, wenn ein Lotterieschein nicht abgeholt wird? Grundsätzlich verfällt der Anspruch auf einen Gewinn nach einer bestimmten Frist. Diese Frist kann je nach Lotterie unterschiedlich sein und ist in den Teilnahmebedingungen festgelegt. In den meisten Fällen hat man jedoch einige Wochen oder Monate Zeit, um seinen Gewinn geltend zu machen.
Es ist wichtig zu betonen, dass es sich bei der Nichtabholung eines Gewinns um eine sehr seltene Ausnahme handelt. Die meisten Lotteriespieler sind gut darüber informiert, wann und wo sie ihren Gewinn einlösen können. Die Lotto-Organisationen geben außerdem meist große Anstrengungen, um die Gewinner zu informieren und ihren Anspruch geltend zu machen.
Insgesamt kann man sagen, dass es zwar ärgerlich ist, wenn man vergisst seinen Lotterieschein abzuholen, aber dass dies zum Glück nur selten vorkommt. Es lohnt sich daher immer, den Schein sorgfältig aufzubewahren und ihn rechtzeitig gegen einen potenziellen Gewinn einzulösen.
Falls Sie also das nächste Mal einen Lotterieschein kaufen und an einer Ziehung teilnehmen, vergessen Sie nicht, Ihren Schein rechtzeitig abzuholen - wer weiß, vielleicht sind Sie der nächste glückliche Gewinner!
Gewinnanspruch verpasst 2022: Ein ärgerliches Missgeschick
Es gibt nichts Frustrierenderes, als etwas zu verpassen, insbesondere wenn es um potenzielle Gewinne geht. Es ist ein allzu bekanntes Gefühl, wenn man später erfährt, dass man einen Gewinnanspruch verpasst hat. Mit dem neuen Jahr 2022 vor der Tür ist es wichtig, aufmerksam zu bleiben und sicherzustellen, dass man keine Gelegenheit zum Gewinnen verpasst.
Die Ursachen für einen verpassten Gewinnanspruch können unterschiedlich sein. Zum Beispiel könnte eine fehlerhafte Kommunikation oder eine nicht rechtzeitige Benachrichtigung über den Gewinn verantwortlich sein. Manchmal kann es auch daran liegen, dass man schlichtweg nicht aufmerksam genug war oder die Einsendefrist verpasst hat.
Um sicherzustellen, dass man keine Gewinnansprüche verpasst, gibt es einige wichtige Schritte, die man befolgen sollte. Zunächst einmal sollte man immer genau auf die Teilnahmebedingungen achten und sicherstellen, dass man die erforderlichen Schritte unternimmt, um seinen Gewinnanspruch geltend zu machen. Es ist auch ratsam, regelmäßig seine E-Mails und Posteingänge zu überprüfen, da Gewinnbenachrichtigungen oft per E-Mail oder Post versendet werden.
Des Weiteren sollte man vermeiden, betrügerischen Gewinnbenachrichtigungen aufzusitzen. Man sollte niemals Geld oder persönliche Informationen an unbekannte Absender weitergeben, die behaupten, dass man einen großen Gewinn erzielt hat. Seriöse Gewinnspiele und Wettbewerbe fordern keine Zahlungen oder sensible Daten vor der Preisvergabe an.
Ein verpasster Gewinnanspruch kann äußerst ärgerlich sein, insbesondere wenn es sich um eine attraktive Belohnung handelt. Indem man jedoch wachsam bleibt, die Teilnahmebedingungen genau liest und rechtzeitig seine Ansprüche geltend macht, kann man sicherstellen, dass man die Chance auf mögliche Gewinne nicht verpasst. Nutzen Sie also das Jahr 2022 als Gelegenheit, um an aufregenden Gewinnspielen und Wettbewerben teilzunehmen und möglicherweise großartige Preise zu gewinnen.
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mycryptosuite · 1 year
Saturday National Confirmed Two Sure For 24/06/2023
Saturday National Confirmed Two Sure For 24/06/2023 Today Saturday National Confirmed Two Sure for you guys are ready and we at Abc Naija Lotto are very sure our National lotto banker will drop live on today’s lotto draw. Lotto vendor one banker National – live banker for today National facebook, Here are the best two sure and banker for National draw on 03 November 2022. National 2sure lotto…
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francelottoresults · 2 years
France Lotto results: Monday 26 December 2022 Results
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The latest France Lotto Results have been released, for Monday 26 December 2022. Welcome to all the France lotto Players. We know that you are anxiously waiting for the Latest Results. The latest France Lotto Results have been released and can be found below. We make sure and strive to have the website updated with the Latest Results. France Lotto Draw takes place every Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday at 9 PM South African Time. Times may vary, please make sure to bookmark this site for future updates. FRANCE LOTTO RESULTS MAIN DRAW 06 23 32 48 49 04 PLUS DRAW 14 17 23 41 42
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FRANCE LOTTO RESULTS France Lotto is a national lottery run by Francaise des Jeux. The lotto is also referred to as "Toto" and it's one of the most popular lotteries in the country. It was founded in 1986. The funds that are raised from the lottery go to education, sport, and culture in France. HOW DO I INCREASE MY ODDS OF WINNING? The odds to win the French Lotto are not affected by what type of numbers you choose. When playing the French Lotto, it doesn't matter if you choose your own numbers or if someone else does it for you. The only consideration is that all the chosen numbers are different. Read the full article
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My tracklist of shows (and festivals) I have attended including: artists, venues, and ticket prices. If you seen any of your favourite artists in this list, my DM's are always open to fangirl together :)
2014 - One Direction + 5 Seconds Of Summer - ArenA Amsterdam - €85
2015 - De Jeugd Van Tegenwoordig + Passenger + Christine & The Queens + Ellie Goulding + Black Box Revelation + Bastille + Major Lazer - Pukkelpop (1 day) - €90
2015 - Fall Out Boy + Charley Marley - Forest National - €37
2015 - Oscar and the Wolf + Raving George - Sportpaleis - €45
2016 - Daan + Emma Bale + Zornik + K's Choice - Genk On Stage (1 day) - free
2016 - The Van Jets + Bring Me The Horizon + Black Box Revelation + The Offspring + Rammstein - Rock Werchter (1 day) - €100
2016 - Panic! At The Disco + Tigertown - Ancienne Belgique - €29
2017 - Green Day - Forest National - €55
2017 - Coldplay + AlunaGeorge - King Baudouin Stadium - €81
2017 - Het Zesde Metaal + Mark Lanegan + Prophets Of Rage + Imagine Dragons + Arcade Fire + Kings Of Leon - Rock Werchter (1 day) - €100
2018 - Harry Styles - Sportpaleis - €71
2018 - Fall Out Boy + Against the Current - Forest National - €39
2018 - Tom Walker + The Kooks + Air Traffic + Snow Patrol + Franz Ferdinand + The Killers - Rock Werchter (1 day) - €105
2018 - Triggerfinger + Mark Lanegan + Faces On TV + Portland - Rock Herk (1 day) - €40
2019 - Twenty One Pilots + The Regrettes - Palais 12 - €54
2019 - Panic! At The Disco - Lotto Arena - €39
2019 - Airways + The Maine - Kavka Zappa - €19
2019 - Set It Off + Vukovi - Kavka Oudaan - €17
2019 - Kurt Vile + Weezer + Bring Me The Horizon + Our Last Night + The Cure - Rock Werchter (1 day) - €110
2019 - Gruppo Di Pawlowski + dEUS + Warhola + Novastar + The Van Jets - Rock Herk (1 day) - €40
2019 - I Don't Know How But They Found Me + Billie Eilish + A Day To Remember + Anderson. Paak + Prophets Of Rage + Twenty One Pilots - Pukkelpop (1 day) - €100
2020 - The Maine + Stand Atlantic - Kavka Oudaan - €20
2020 - Melanie Martinez - Ancienne Belgique - €42
2022 - Franz Ferdinand + Pip Blom - Cirque Royal - €43
2022 - 5 Seconds Of Summer + Hinds (VIP) - Palais 12 - €152
2022 - dEUS + Rhea + The Sore Losers + Mogwai + The Vaccines + De Jeugd Van Tegenwoordig + Ramkot + School is Cool + Portland + Noordkaap - Rock Herk (2 days) - €66
2022 - Rammstein + Duo Abélard - Park De Nieuwe Koers - €89
2022 - Whispering Sons + The Vaccines + Kings Of Leon - Lokerse Feesten (1 day) - €60
2022 - Jason Isbell & The 400 Unit - De Roma - €24 (free)
2022 - Set It Off + Weathers (VIP) - Kavka Zappa - €94
2023 - Maneskin - Forest National - €65
2023 - Core Festival (1 day) - €80 (free)
2023 - Pretenders - De Roma - €35 (free)
2023 - Harry Styles - Werchter - €95
2023 - Rock Werchter (4 days) - €292
2023 - The Vaccines - Cactusfestival (1 day) - €68
2023 - Blur - Lokerse Feesten (1 day) - €70
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gendecoder · 2 years
Decode #30
Ironic and funny they mention the movie Tsotsi which translates to 'criminal'
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The article is posted on 5 November 2022, 178 days after her birthday
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Or 178th day of her age, she's currently 41, the 13th prime number. You could say she's in her 42nd year of life
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Lottery = 74 (LCH Kabbalah)
Terry Pheto = 47 (Septenary)
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Interesting overlap between the emphasized phrase and the group she allegedly stole from
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Notice also the respective values of 99 and 117. She is currently 41 years old, 41 the 13th prime number. When you write out the number 13 as a word, 'thirteen' it equates to 99 and 117
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onenettvchannel · 2 years
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BREAKING OVERNIGHT: Western, Central and Eastern Visayas areas hits the Grand Lotto 6/55 Jackpot with a Lottery Heist of PHP236M using the Elementary Multiplication Math Table [#RadyoBanderaEXCLUSIVE]
DUMAGUETE, NEGROS ORIENTAL -- The Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office (PCSO), a government-owned lottery in Mandaluyong, National Capital Region had now been hit the Jackpot prize of Grand Lotto 6/55 worth PHP236,091,188.40 (U$D4,015,053.84) Saturday night (October 1st, 2022) excluding tax pursuant to 20% under the Republic Act #10963 or Tax Reform for Acceleration and Inclusion known as TRAIN law.
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433 winners in our country's nation, including all the Visayas key area groups which are now listed overnight are the following: *Aklan (3), Antique and Capiz (1), Iloilo (10) & Negros Occidental (3) for the Western Visayas region. *Cebu (14), Bohol (4) & Negros Oriental (5) for the Central Visayas region. and *Western Samar, Biliran and Southern Leyte (1), Eastern Samar (2) & mainland Leyte (7) for the Eastern Visayas region.
Overall as final, only 53 out of 433 winners (12.24% per regional population) per all regions of the Visayas which can be split equally for PHP28,897,997.72 (U$D491,462.54) per winning combination of 09-45-36-27-18-54 in any particular order. It's a historic record breaking winning combination ends with a simplicity secret of Elementary Multiplication Math Table (EMMT).
In a tweeted post from the ABS-CBN Data Analytics head named Edson Guido and a video YouTuber named Nico David... The odds of 6 out of 55 winning numbers per multiples of 9, you'll get 1 out of 28,989,675 or 0.000003%. One YouTuber tells us exclusively to Radyo Bandera via YouTube LIVE, you are more likely as repetitive to be killed by a lightning strike thrice or maybe more. Even as much slightly worse, you will be invited in advance per backstage VIP pass to meet Robbert van de "Hardwell" Corput at the Ultra Music Festival or Tomorrowland, who was headlining thru the main stage to play in future events with a newest and exclusive Electronic Dance Music (EDM) single with a music selection of your own choice.
Others from the highest ranking in Metro Manila (151), Cavite (34) and Rizal (22) with a splitted individual prize of PHP112,865,764.68 (U$D1,919,485.80) as according to ONE News. Consolation prizes for the 2nd placer worth PHP100,000 for 331 winners (U$D1,700.70), 3rd placer worth PHP1,500 for 2,491 (U$D25.51) and the last 4th placer ends to PHP60 (U$D1.02). That's a lot of scientific lottery math per big win!
Former News Director of DYYD-FM 106.3mhz's Yes! The Best: Dumaguete and a current News Editor of ABS-CBN News named Raffy Iphraim Cabristante, the Philippine senator named Aquilino "Koko" Pimentel II will be investigated for a gaming activity to file a resolution at the senate hearing. Pimentel said, is to ensure the agency's integrity and protect millions of Filipino bettors, following the said result which can be called "strange and unusual".
Unlike any other lotteries in the United States of America for example, instead of 1 winner or more during a press conference Sunday afternoon (Manila local time) before the 2pm lottery draw as PCSO General Manager named Mel Robles in a statement, "We have found nothing wrong. In fact, we're pleased that a lot of people won, especially with Christmas nearing", he said.
The PCSO maintains lotto is a game of chance and there is no human intervention in choosing the said winning numbers. There is no room for error as of this writing of it: "PCSO assures every Filipino, whether you are playing the lotto or not that the conduct and result of every draw are very transparent and of the utmost integrity. One thing is certain, if you will not play the lotto, you will not have a chance to win and help the government and the country".
Grand Lotto 6/55 will be reset on Monday (October 3rd, 2022) to PHP29,700,000 (U$D505,102.04) and it will be drawn every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday nights. Those who have won the jackpot are asked to validate their winning tickets and 2 valid ID's to the PCSO's main office in Shaw Boulevard, Mandaluyong City, National Capital Region. All expense paid airport trip from the Visayas to Metro Manila is also a plus. Winning unclaimed ticket is valid for only a year or later forfeited and takes home separately to PHP545,245.24 (U$D9,272.90).
Negrosanons and the rest of the Visayas region can now enjoy to secure your future in a super huge multi-millionaire, along with your trusted financial experts and a lawyer first that can change your life forever for now.
Congratulations to all the 433 jackpot winners of Grand Lotto 6/55!!!
SOURCE: *https://www.facebook.com/100069066345193/posts/1457080784798329 [Referenced FB LIVE Video from the PCSO GOV] *https://lawphil.net/statutes/repacts/ra2017/ra_10963_2017.html *https://www.facebook.com/385030801902812/posts/1506619169743964 [Referenced FB News Article from ONE News] *https://www.facebook.com/100069066345193/posts/421852110126997 [Referenced FB Image Post from PCSO GOV] *https://www.mathsisfun.com/tables.html [Referenced EMMT from the MathIsFun website] *https://www.pcso.gov.ph/pcsofiles/cotejos/2022/10/cotejo20221001.jpg [Referenced Detailed Sheet from the PCSO website] *https://twitter.com/EdsonCGuido/status/1576219816100212737 [Referenced Tweeted Post from Edson Guido] *https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T80WSkrik7c [Referenced YT Video from Nico David (skip the timestamp of 15m1s)] *https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hardwell *https://news.abs-cbn.com/news/10/02/22/senators-eye-probe-into-suspicious-lotto-results [Referenced News Article #1 from ABS-CBN News] *https://www.facebook.com/100015222016326/posts/822162532470539 [Referenced FB LIVE VIDEO from a Press Conference via PC-SO] *https://www.manilatimes.net/2022/10/03/news/national/nothing-wrong-with-lotto-draw/1860693 [Referenced News Article #2f from The Manila Times] and *https://www.pcso.gov.ph/Games/Lotto/GrandLotto655.aspx
-- OneNETnews Team
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yesdanielblisslove · 2 years
Soccer Shirts Still Famous Notwithstanding Credit Crunch
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Soccer shirts are presently one of the most famous active apparel things on the planet and this is absolutely down to the huge and steadily expanding prominence of the game. Soccer truly has turned into the main upheld sport on the planet which has expanded fans interest in various soccer pullovers. Each group has essentially a home and away pullover yet many frequently have a third shirt, generally utilized for playing in some kind of rivalry like the Bosses Association.
Most fans purchase no less than one of the pullovers for their club now and again getting the name and number of their #1 players on the rear of their shirt, or to be sure their own custom name and number. What has been expanding however is the interest in your groups as well as different groups shirts from around the world, with Prevalence soccer pullovers specifically being exceptionally famous right now to a great extent because of the notoriety of players like Cristiano Ronaldo and Fernando Torres. Find more information maillots ol 2022
The top groups on the planet typically change their pullovers either consistently or like clockwork implying that the plans are continuously evolving. Quite possibly of the greatest change we have seen throughout recent years is the move towards engineered materials for making pullovers. Soccer shirts had recently been made of cotton however this adhered to players when they started to perspire so new materials have been created for the pullovers that cause them to ingest less dampness which makes it more agreeable to wear while playing soccer.
Significant global rivalries like the World Cup are major games on the soccer schedule and allow fans the opportunity to help their country. Worldwide soccer shirts are extremely famous all through the rivalries as it permits fans to show their help for their nation or their number one player.
The top football shirt producers on the planet are Nike, Adidas, Umbro and Panther however an ever increasing number of makers are beginning to come on the scene generally eminently the like of Lotto and Canterbury have started to get themselves a traction on the lookout.
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louistomlinsoncouk · 3 years
Headline Wembley Arena Show Announced For April 2022
New Postponed World Tour Dates Confirmed For Spring 2022
Louis Tomlinson today announces that he is partnering with BMG to release his second album globally.
Recording is already underway for the record, and Louis joins a roster at BMG that includes KSI, Craig David, Richard Ashcroft, The Prodigy and Kylie Minogue.
Louis says: "I’m very excited to start the next part of my journey with BMG.”
Jamie Nelson VP A&R at BMG UK says: "We are delighted to welcome Louis to BMG. He is already busy working on new music, and we are excited to join him on the next phase of his extraordinary career."
Louis also announces today the first wave of new 2022 dates for his postponed World Tour in UK, Europe, USA and Australia, including a brand new date at London's Wembley Arena. This show replaces Louis's two sold out London shows at The Roundhouse, and tickets will be transferred to the new venue.
Louis's first show at Wembley Arena will take place on April 22nd 2022, and extra tickets for the gig go on sale on Friday 14th May at 9am BST.
After postponing his 2020 world tour due to the Covid-19 pandemic, Louis will now finally get back on the road with his first solo tour, which is already completely sold out. The new dates are listed below. Further international rescheduled dates will be announced at a later date.
Last year, Louis released his million selling smash debut solo album 'Walls' which hit Top 3 in the UK and Top 10 in the USA. A lyrically personal album that proved he had found his feet as a solo artist, the album produced a clutch of acclaimed singles including the emotive first release Two of Us, the raucous Kill My Mind, the reflective We Made It.
In 2019 Louis headlined the Coca-Cola music festival in Madrid to an audience of 25,000 people, and performed to 65,000 fans at Premios Telehit in the Foro Sol stadium in Mexico City. Louis picked up the Best Song Award at the 2019 Teen Choice Awards for 'Two Of Us', which has so far hit over 100 million streams on Spotify alone.
In 2018 Louis won an iHeart Award for 'Best Solo Breakout', and an EMA Award for 'Best UK & Ireland Act' in 2017. He was ranked No.5 on Billboard’s emerging artists of 2018 and has over 60 million combined followers on social media. Last year he won 'Artist Of The Summer' in Philly radio station 96.5 TDY's annual awards.
In December 2020, Louis hosted one of the biggest live stream concert events of 2020, selling over 160,000 tickets to fans in over 100 countries and raising funds for several important charities. As a member of One Direction, Louis has sold over 100 million records. Overall Louis’ solo music has garnered over a BILLION streams.
Louis Tomlinson Tour Dates 2022
1st Feb South Side Ballroom, Dallas, TX
2nd Feb ACL Live at The Moody Theater, Austin, TX - SOLD OUT
3rd Feb Bayou Music Center, Houston, TX - SOLD OUT
5th Feb The Pageant, St Louis, MO - SOLD OUT
7th Feb Coca-Cola Roxy, Atlanta, GA - SOLD OUT
8th Feb Ryman Auditorium, Nashville, TN - SOLD OUT
10th Feb Hammerstein Ballroom, New York, NY - SOLD OUT
11th Feb Hammerstein Ballroom, New York, NY - SOLD OUT
12th Feb The Anthem, Washington DC - SOLD OUT
14th Feb Stage AE, Pittsburgh, PA - SOLD OUT
15th Feb The Met, Philadelphia, PA - SOLD OUT
17th Feb House Of Blues Boston, Boston, MA - SOLD OUT
19th Feb REBEL, Toronto, ON - SOLD OUT
20th Feb The Fillmore, Detroit, MI - SOLD OUT
21st Feb Murat Theatre at Old National Centre, Indianapolis, IN - SOLD OUT
23rd Feb The Chicago Theatre, Chicago, IL - SOLD OUT
24th Feb The Fillmore Minneapolis, Minneapolis, MN - SOLD OUT
26th Feb Uptown, Kansas City, MO - NEW SHOW
28th Feb Fillmore Auditorium, Denver, CO
1st Mar UCUU Center, Orem, UT - NEW VENUE
3rd Mar Paramount Theatre, Seattle, WA - SOLD OUT
4th Mar Roseland, Portland, OR - NEW VENUE - SOLD OUT
6th Mar Orpheum, Vancouver, BC - SOLD OUT
7th Mar Roseland, Portland, OR - NEW SHOW
10th Mar Fox Theatre, Oakland, CA - SOLD OUT
12th Mar Performance Venue at Hollywood Park, Los Angeles, CA - NEW SHOW
23rd Mar Valsheimilið, Reykjavik, Iceland
25th Mar Arenan Fryshuset, Stockholm, Sweden - SOLD OUT
27th Mar Spektrum, Oslo, Norway - NEW VENUE
28th Mar Forum Black Box, Copenhagen, Denmark – NEW SHOW
30th Mar Columbiahalle, Berlin, Germany - SOLD OUT
31st Mar Forum Karlin, Prague, Czech Republic - SOLD OUT
2nd Apr AFAS Live, Amsterdam, Netherlands - SOLD OUT
3rd Apr Palladium, Cologne, Germany – NEW SHOW
5th Apr L’Olympia, Paris, France - SOLD OUT
6th Apr L’Olympia, Paris, France - SOLD OUT
8th Apr Lorenzini District, Milan, Italy - NEW VENUE
9th Apr Halle 622, Zurich, Switzerland - SOLD OUT
11th Apr Gasometer, Vienna, Austria - SOLD OUT
13th Apr Torwar Hall, Warsaw, Poland – NEW VENUE  
14th Apr MTP5, Poznan, Poland – NEW SHOW
16th Apr Lotto Arena, Antwerp, Belgium – NEW SHOW
18th Apr O2 Academy Glasgow, Glasgow, UK – SOLD OUT
19th Apr O2 Apollo, Manchester, UK – SOLD OUT
20th Apr O2 Apollo, Manchester, UK – NEW SHOW
22nd Apr SSE Arena Wembley, London, UK – NEW VENUE
23rd Apr Doncaster Dome, Doncaster, UK – SOLD OUT
20th Jul Fortitude Hall, Brisbane, Australia – NEW SHOW
22nd Jul Hordern Pavilion, Sydney, Australia – SOLD OUT
25th Jul Margaret Court Arena, Melbourne, Australia – NEW VENUE
29th Jul HBF Stadium, Perth, Australia – NEW SHOW
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mycryptosuite · 2 years
Plan For National Unfailing Banker Today 12/11/2022
Plan For National Unfailing Banker Today 12/11/2022
Plan For National Unfailing Banker Today 12/11/2022 Plan for national unfailing banker – Saturday national lotto banker, live banker for today national facebook with the best lotto banker for today. Ghana lotto national their free banker – Here are the best two sure and banker for National draw on 12 November 2022. Banker for today friday national – live banker for today friday bonanza with no…
View On WordPress
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ivankatramp · 2 years
The Lotto Royale is a two-day performance event, curated and hosted by the Club for Performance Art Gallery and T.E.N.T members Ivanka Tramp, Layton Lachman, Caroline Neill Alexander and Camila Malenchini.
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(above: Duncan Routh) 
During the 12th and 13th of August 2022, over 30 artists will shared performances, practices, stories, treasured souvenirs and much more in intimate one-on-one encounters, created for individual audience members to experience.
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(above: Kiana Rezvani)
Documentation and editing by Ethan Folk
Supported by the NATIONAL PERFORMANCE NETWORK - STEPPING OUT, funded by the Minister of State for Culture and Media within the framework of the initiative NEUSTART KULTUR. Assistance Program for Dance.
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(above: Kalil Bat)
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francelottoresults · 2 years
France Lotto results: Saturday 24 December 2022 Results
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The latest France Lotto Results have been released, for Saturday 24 December 2022. Welcome to all the France lotto Players. We know that you are anxiously waiting for the Latest Results. The latest France Lotto Results have been released and can be found below. We make sure and strive to have the website updated with the Latest Results. France Lotto Draw takes place every Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday at 9 PM South African Time. Times may vary, please make sure to bookmark this site for future updates. FRANCE LOTTO RESULTS MAIN DRAW 06 12 41 46 47 06 PLUS DRAW 24 27 30 36 37
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FRANCE LOTTO RESULTS France Lotto is a national lottery run by Francaise des Jeux. The lotto is also referred to as "Toto" and it's one of the most popular lotteries in the country. It was founded in 1986. The funds that are raised from the lottery go to education, sport, and culture in France. HOW DO I INCREASE MY ODDS OF WINNING? The odds to win the French Lotto are not affected by what type of numbers you choose. When playing the French Lotto, it doesn't matter if you choose your own numbers or if someone else does it for you. The only consideration is that all the chosen numbers are different. Read the full article
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uk49sresultsworld · 2 years
UK49s Lunchtime Predictions for September 4 2022
UK49s LunchTime Today
A warm welcome to all the UK49s gamers of South Africa and the UK. Scroll down and you may find the cutting-edge authentic consequences wide variety drawn these days.
The maximum international-famous game, that is absolutely one-of-a-kind from other general games which might be played all around the global. This game has no longer strict policies or regulations to play. each bookmaker has its very own policies for the UK49s game. due to its specific style of gambling it isn't simplest well-known in the uk however additionally in other nations of the arena. proper news for the players that UK49s results are drawn two times every day. you may double your earnings with the aid of trying your good fortune in each draws. The modern day results are often posted on this website. the first draw of the day is published at 12:49 pm daily, that's referred to as lunchtime. Uk49s Lunchtime results For nowadays is announce now. you may take a look at 49s Lunchtime effects 2022. we replace all consequences on an pressing basis. draws take place at 12:forty nine pm (uk time).
Lunchtime outcomes Are as Follows:
49s LunchTime result is Announce Now. We replace regularly all outcomes that are keeping 12:forty nine PM (uk). The whole standards for gambling the sport are similar to for Teatime outcomes. We update all outcomes live for our customers. And congratulations to the winners.
How UK49S Lunchtime Lottery Predictions works?
distinct network stocks distinctive schemes and heck, even software program are the usage of nowadays. they could get you to the proper course or can make you run in circles of losing handiest to be chasing in the direction of the tail of winning.
phrase of advice – keep away from any schema of preference made by a person, although counseled by using your near colleagues. Don’t bother with copying approaches, but calculations can work in some cases.
a few customers pick their uk lotto numbers absolutely at random, and this is referred to as a blind shot. both you hit or a large pass over. human beings take their birth dates, dying dates of famous human beings, and whatnot, which is random and obscure. Do not get deceived via such thoughts that appearance happy but absolutely aren't.
The consequence of selecting numbers with the aid of your side and closing faithful on uk 49s predictions doesn’t have an effect on the Teatime draw(uk 49s night end result). The simplest factor that works is the potential to pick out desirable mixtures of numbers that other humans forget. See even in odds so that it will lead to the greater prize amount
49s Lunchtime Predictions for September 4 2022
Hot numbers with high possibility : 17, 26, 47
Cold numbers with low possibility: 8, 27
47 is UK49s overall highest drawn number
Other numbers to consider:
Number/Numbers not drawn in the last 10 days for both lunchtime and teatime:
26 33 37 44 46
Possible Pairs: 3 46, 33 44, 35 46,  37
What are the lunchtime consequences numbers?
those end result numbers rectangular measure within the kind of digits. these numbers rectangular degree comparable numbers which you simply also can realize in your lottery price ticket. once you get a lottery fee ticket. a few variety goes to be displayed in your lottery price tag you’ll match them from the result to searching for out in case you won the price. You want to look at out together with your lottery tickets. The numbers on the lottery price tag square degree installed numbers you could’t use any style of approaches once it entails mealtime lottery. but, you’ll healthy the amount of numerous on line systems and take a look at your results.
you might listen that each day brings a brand new fashion of lottery game and mealtime consequences rectangular degree one among of them. in case your luck is with you’ll win low charges on a daily basis.
Method checking united kingdom 49S outcomes
I’m right here to manual you at the technique of checking Lunch Time results. The manner to visualize your result’s terribly clean to visualize your range on your lottery price ticket and so healthy this variety from any respectable website. underneath is the entire system that could allow you to are looking for out your fortunate variety.
• every usa has definitely distinctive codes, therefore check your code in step with your us of a, like metropolis, eire, the huge apple ar 49, forty seven, and 59.
• after you’ve were given the code, you’ll in shape your codes with the effects. outcomes are displayed on the web sites every day, and you’ll see in case you’ve were given gained or now not.
The lottery can function twice every day so as which you’ll test your good fortune double every day. • you’ll play this sport on the fundamental regulations of 49s through biding your appearance and workplaces if you’ve got lost your coins, consequently you’ve got a preference to pay thru the issue that you’ve were given bided.
This process can will let you grasp the standards of this sport and allow you to grasp what lunch length consequences.
warm & bloodless Balls For Lunchtime consequences?
bloodless balls are the numbers that are Drawn some times. those hot and cold Balls are based totally at the previous 4 weeks’ draw. proper mixture of united kingdom 49s lunchtime triumphing Numbers So, here I m going to percentage the trick that i take advantage of to play. Don’t think about luck don’t rely on the wide variety generator; simply focus for your own recreation. just choose up the right combination of numbers that regularly neglected by using different human beings.
ultimately, we hope this facts approximately uk lunchtime results these days may be very beneficial for you. if you want to reinforce your threat of winning then purchase a lottery price ticket and bounce into the imminent UK49s outcomes.
if you are a lotto lover, you may test right here uk49s lunchtime results in this web site as countrywide outcomes are drawn. eventually, we hope you have enjoyed this helpful submit. I want you the best of luck.
united kingdom Lunchtime effects 2022?
at the net, there are various on-line web sites that you simply will use to check your outcomes. most of the people notion that it’s legitimate to apply a software program machine for lunchtime consequences. but some things it’s not a first rate plan to apply the software program system as soon as it entails the lunch period end result.
The software program gadget can be a rip-off, consequently test that to attend to whereas checking the end result on-line.
Hot Balls  and cold Balls
warm balls are the ones numbers that are repeated maximum of the time in previous attracts. you could pick up those numbers on the time of creating pairs. And bloodless numbers are uncommon in past outcomes. if you need to check hot and bloodless balls, here.. We update hot and cold numbers regularly for every
upcoming draw.
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klineblog · 2 years
Soccer Jerseys Still Popular Despite Credit Crunch
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Soccer shirts are currently one of the most well known athletic apparel things on the planet and this is absolutely down to the gigantic and always expanding notoriety of the game. Soccer truly has turned into the main upheld sport on the planet which has expanded fans interest in various soccer pullovers. Each group has essentially a home and away pullover however many frequently have a third shirt, typically utilized for playing in some kind of contest like the Champions League.
Most fans purchase something like one of the shirts for their club in some cases getting the name and number of their #1 players on the rear of their pullover, or to be sure their own custom name and number. What has been expanding however is the interest in your groups as well as different groups pullovers from around the world, with Premiership soccer shirts specifically being extremely famous right now to a great extent because of the popularity of players like Cristiano Ronaldo and Fernando Torres. Go to the website maillot om 2022
The top groups on the planet for the most part change their shirts either consistently or at regular intervals implying that the plans are continuously evolving. Perhaps of the greatest change we have seen throughout the course of recent years is the move towards engineered materials for making shirts. Soccer shirts had recently been made of cotton however this adhered to players when they started to perspire so new materials have been created for the pullovers that cause them to retain less dampness which makes it more agreeable to wear while playing soccer.
Significant global rivalries like the World Cup are major games on the soccer schedule and allow fans the opportunity to help their country. Global soccer pullovers are exceptionally famous all through the rivalries as it permits fans to show their help for their nation or their number one player.
The top football shirt producers on the planet are Nike, Adidas, Umbro and Puma yet an ever increasing number of makers are beginning to come on the scene generally quite the like of Lotto and Canterbury have started to snatch themselves a traction on the lookout.
With the soccer season simply completing we are going to get to the season when the new shirts are getting delivered. A great deal of the new soccer pullovers will be accessible for pre-request right now with the authority delivery date prone to be towards the finish of June for most shirts.
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yesdanielblisslove · 2 years
Soccer Pullovers Still Famous Notwithstanding Credit Crunch
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Soccer shirts are currently one of the most well known active apparel things on the planet and this is absolutely down to the enormous and consistently expanding notoriety of the game. Soccer truly has turned into the main upheld sport on the planet which has expanded fans interest in various soccer shirts. Each group has basically a home and away pullover yet many frequently have a third shirt, normally utilized for playing in some kind of contest like the Bosses Association.
Most fans purchase somewhere around one of the pullovers for their club now and again getting the name and number of their #1 players on the rear of their shirt, or without a doubt their own custom name and number. What has been expanding however is the interest in your groups as well as different groups shirts from around the world, with Prevalence soccer pullovers specifically being exceptionally famous right now generally because of the acclaim of players like Cristiano Ronaldo and Fernando Torres. Find more information maillots ol 2022
The top groups on the planet as a rule change their pullovers either consistently or like clockwork implying that the plans are continuously evolving. Perhaps of the greatest change we have seen throughout the course of recent years is the move towards engineered materials for making pullovers. Soccer pullovers had recently been made of cotton yet this adhered to players when they started to perspire so new materials have been produced for the shirts that cause them to ingest less dampness which makes it more agreeable to wear while playing soccer.
Significant global rivalries like the World Cup are major games on the soccer schedule and allow fans the opportunity to help their country. Global soccer shirts are exceptionally famous all through the rivalries as it permits fans to show their help for their nation or their #1 player.
The top football pullover makers on the planet are Nike, Adidas, Umbro and Panther yet an ever increasing number of producers are beginning to come on the scene generally outstandingly the like of Lotto and Canterbury have started to get themselves a traction on the lookout.
With the soccer season simply completing we are going to get to the season when the new pullovers are getting delivered. A great deal of the new soccer pullovers will be accessible for pre-request right now with the authority delivery date liable to be towards the finish of June for most shirts.
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onenettvchannel · 2 years
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FALSE: A Lone Bettor in Qatar wins a 6/42 Jackpot Prize of PCSO, not in Rizal City
TAYTAY, RIZAL -- A lone bettor bagged the PHP12.5M jackpot of a National Lotto 6/42 draw who was recently claimed via the Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office (PCSO). The winning combination matches all the 6 numbers of 6/42 is 18-34-33-39-11-36 for PHP12,537,017.20 (QAR828,827.84).
The ticket was purchased in Taytay town of Rizal but actually, he is originated from overseas online.
Here at OneNETnews, we debunk that the lottery myth have cracked a story code than a faker, in partnership with Tegna Inc. and WPMT-TV’s FOX 43: Central Pennsylvania.
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Our sources gathered the following: *PCSO GOV's YouTube Channel and *TheLotter's News Article site
A source tells us to OneNETnews, along with our research team that the lone bettor is actually from Qatar. His odds crushed out and strike it rich for 1 in 5 million.
A lottery agency called TheLotter who was first discovered personally last February 2022 after one employee bought a regular ticket to be relayed in Rizal City and forward thru the said company itself to a lone bettor.
Qatari bettor can claim the check at the PCSO main office in Shaw Boulevard, Mandaluyong at the National Capital Region in our country upon presentation of the winning ticket and 2 government-issued identification cards. Lotto winnings of more than PHP10,000 (QAR661.10) shall be subject to a 20% tax under the Republic Act #10963 or the Tax Reform for Acceleration and Inclusion law of 2017. Prizes not claimed within a year shall be automatically forfeited and goes into charity projects instead, as the Philippine News Agency mistakenly reported.
So in conclusion, it is misleading and unacceptable. NO. The claims of Rizaleño bettor secretly disguised overseas as a Qatari national.
The jackpot prize of 6/42 National Lottery draw of PCSO has now been reset to nearly PHP6M. Qatar officials have congratulated to him in making history of a Philippine lottery draws online.
SOURCE: *https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rWxrYwrLedY [Referenced YT Video #1 from PCSO GOV - skip to 44m29s for the final results] *https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pDj-cm3AaJg [Referenced YT Video #2f from PCSO GOV - skip to 24m30s for the winner announcement] *https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1169115 [Referenced News Article #1 from the PH News Agency] *https://www.thelotter.com/philippines-lotto-winner/ [Referenced News Article #2f from TheLotter] and *https://www.lawphil.net/statutes/repacts/ra2017/ra_10963_2017.html
-- OneNETnews Team
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