#Nathan drake imagine
spider-man-199999 · 1 year
The bracelet
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pairing: Nathan Drake x Reader
word count: 3,5 k
warnings: drinking
summary: You meet Nathan while he's working at the bar. He recognizes you and tries to steal your bracelet because he knows you're filthy rich. Instead, you manage to steal his heart.
a/n: This idea originally was supposed to be smut, but I changed my mind. I could make the smut part a part 2 if it's liked enough?
Your black high heels clicked on the floor as you made your way over to the bar. The black dress that tightly hugged your body was making it rather uncomfortable to move and breathe but it certainly did make you look fantastic. Heads were turning to look at you, an emotionless expression on your own face, avoiding eye contact. It was your first night out since the divorce, which made you even more anxious, especially since you deciced to go out alone, no friends, no driver, no bodyguard. After your husband left you, or rather you left him with half of his fortune, which included a hotel to own, you hadn't really been there much, it brought back too many bad memories. But tonight wasn't about the bad memories, it was about forgetting them. So, you sat down in front of the bartender, looking him up and down before he even managed to notice you, placing your bag next you as your hands rested on the bar. He was handsome and young, his dark hair styled nicely. He looked at your hands, staring at the diamond bracelet on your left wrist before his eyes shot up and looked into your own. You smiled at him, crossing your legs on the stool and adjusting your position.
“Aren’t you too pretty to be here alone?” He asked you, placing down the glass he was previously cleaning.
“Aren’t you too handsome to be a bartender?” You asked back casually, earning yourself a raised eyebrow from the man in white shirt and black vest.
“So what will it be tonight? Sex on the beach?”
“Last time I checked the beach was pretty far from here”
He shook his head at you, bitting back a smile.
“A martini would be fine”
“Really? A martini? I can do better than that”
You turned your back to him, resting your elbows on the bar. Looking around the place for a few seconds, taking in the scenery. It was calm and relaxing, piano playing in the background, the soft chatter of people all around, the sounds of the cute bartender moving around behind you. The lights of the crystal chandelier flickering softly. It felt like the 20s, like a scene from "The great Gatsby". Rich people everywhere, expensive drinks, expensive furniture, muffled private conversaions, secret lovers shooting eachother provocative glances. You got almost lost in the moment of calmness, closing your eyes for a second before your nirvana was interrupted by a soft. “Your martini madam”, which made you turn slowly. Your small hand grabbed the tall martini glass, taking a sip from it as you kept staring at the brow-haired boy, a soft smile on your lips. He was way smoother in his movements than you anticipated him to be, you barely even noticed when exactly he took the diamond bracelet off of your wrist. Fascinating, you didn’t expect the night to become so fun so soon. He was one of your own, a smuggler, a man of deception. He went on making drinks for other clients while you stared at him, playing with the olive in your glass. It felt like the bar was a barrier between your two worlds, you knew he probably made minimum wadge without the tip. And there you were, on the other side of the bar, owning half of the hotel, dressed in a Versache dress that was probably worth more than his rent, not a single care in the world but your shattered heart. Guess some were better at deception than others. However, he managed to capture your attention, even if not intended by him.
“I didn’t catch your name” you said as he came near you, playing around with the shaker as he was mixing something up.
“Nate” he replied with a stern voice, poring out the content in a pretty glass and serving it to the person who had ordered. He seemed slightly anxious, like he was avoiding your gaze. Crucial mistake when stealing.
Nate retuned back to you shortly, his body seemed stiff, and he wiped some sweat from his forehead. He worked hard, you could say that, but he mostly looked nervous.
“I assume you already know who I am, since you didn’t ask”
He thought for a second as he looked into your pretty eyes, analysing your face, or rather admiring your features. He cleared his throat after he caught himself staring, breaking the intense eye contact and grabbing a glass to clean.
“I know” he replied shortly, continuing his act of polishing the glass.
Of course he knew who you were, your face was in the newspapers way too often for your own good, along with the change of surname every once in a while. He thought that those tabloids never did you justice now that he had seen you. In the pictures you always seemed gorgeous, but not even nearly as gorgeous as you were under the warm lights of the bar. They called you the “black widow of the upper east side", rumours about your intimate relationships with some of the richest men in New York were spreading like a forest fire. Even if in reality they were nothing more than just fiction, one thing was not, and it was your marriage to the owner of The Ritz-Carlton, the very place he worked at. Nate had heard about the divorce from clients here and there, everyone was talking about how you had managed to set him up into fake cheating on you so you could divorce him. Brilliant move, unfortunately, it was just a rumour. Maybe in your previous marriage you had pulled a stunt or two to get out with as much money as possible, fake accusations, setting up scenes, they were your speciality. But not this time, this time the cheating was very real and very much not your own idea. Maybe that's why this time it hurt so bad, because you actually loved your, now ex, husband. Defeat was something hard to admit for someone with so much pride and confidence as yourself. Nate knew nothing, only gossip.
“Then why did you take my bracelet? It was a gift from my ex husband” you asked, earning yourself a shocked looked for a brief second, before he put on his poker face and looked away. He had a few ways to play his cards in that moment, thoughts calculating the possible outcomes of each one.
“You could’ve lost it” he stated “Do you want me to look around and ask if anyone has found anything?”
You smile at him charmingly, making him blush slightly. You gracefully stood up from your stool, placing your arms on the bar as you hovered closer to him, faces side by side, your cheeks almost touching each other. You whispered in his ear softly, which got Nate’s heart beating so loud he could barely hear your words. While he was busy being nervous your hand travelled down to the pocket of his pants, slipping inside and finding the heavy jewellery that was previously on your wrist. The weight and shape of the bracelet felt familiar between your fingers, I’d worn it countless of times. You took it out, your hand travelling up Nate’s body.
“I have to admit your work is impressive” you said, hand still moving slowly up until you reached his shoulder. You knew he couldn’t feel a thing because your movement was slow enough and far away enough. “But you still have to master the speed of your hands, your touch needs to be like silk, felt only when you want it to be” you continued whispering in his ear.
You knew your mission was successful when he flinched at the touch of the cold diamonds against the bare skin of his neck. You smiled at him and pulled away, shock written all over his pretty face.
“Looks like I found my bracelet!” You giggled happily, clicking it on your wrist as he stared at you.
Nate obviously didn’t know what to say and how to react, he knew that one wrong move would get him fired, possibly arrested and charged with theft. However, your smile suggested otherwise.
“Aw, you’re so cute when you’re scared” you told him, taking a sip from the martini. “Don’t be, I wouldn’t say a word, actually, you can have the bracelet if you want it, I came here and I intended to lose it”
And it was the truth. It was the only gift your dear ex husband ever gave you that was not originally bought for his mistress and passed down to you when she didn’t like the gift. This was the only gift you knew, or at least liked to think that, was ever bought with the intention to be given to you. It hadn’t left your wrist in public since. After the divorce you kept it as a reminder that for a brief moment there actually was a version of you that was loved by your husband, there was a version of you that you were capable of loving someone too. Now it was a token of a broken, dysfunctional marriage, that came crumbling down the second your foot stepped out of the presence of your husband. With a swift motion you took it off, placing the bracelet on the bar. It sparkled almost blindingly under the soft interior light. Nate’s eyes kept travelling from your face to the bracelet and back. He was rested against the bar, unsure of what the right move was. He assumed it was some sort of trick that would get him in a lot of trouble. You smiled reassuringly as his hand reached for the diamond jewlery, taking it and placing it in his pocket again.
"Well, it's not every day that someone tips you with a diamond bracelet" he said, making you giggle softly
''You'll have more use of it than I do, that's for sure'' you told him, finishing up the martini. You took out the olive and ate it, starting to get lost in your sour thoughts about the bracelet and what it symbolised.
"Another drink?" he asked, taking you out of your train of thought
"Maybe another night" you said, feeling overwhelmed enough to want to leave. "All this bracelet talk kind of ruined my mood"
Nathan was undeniably very handsome, and you did come with the idea of not leaving alone but all the memories of your ex came rushing in and was about to turn your night into a nightmare. You took out some money from your purse to pay him from the drink but he stopped you, placing a hand over yours.
"It's on me"
"Aww, a gentleman" you smiled at him "Some lady is going to be very lucky with you"
"Maybe you could be that lady" he winked, shooting you a smile.
You looked at him confused for a split second, starting to laugh softly at his sudden boldness. You got up, collecting your things and straightening out your dress while he watched your every movement.
“You don’t have to be nice to me because I gave you the bracelet”
"I was serious" he stated "How about I pick you up after my shift and lighten up your mood?"
"Pick me up from where exctly?" you asked, almost not believing what he was saying.
"Here, 12:30, lose that dress and put on somethig more comfortable"
You looked at him in disbelief but agreed. As you walked away from the bar you could feel his eyes on you as you ocassionally stopped here and there too greet some people you knew. Maybe this "date" was going to be a nice change of pace. After all of the dating on the upper east side, the luxury restaurants, the balls, the charity events, you had no actual idea what people usually did when they were on normal dates anymore. After not one but two failed marriages, the dating world seemed so distant, so surreal. Frankly you had no intention to pursue anything serious with anymore, let alone a bartender that was your employee.
An hour later you found yourself staring dumfolded at your wardrobe, Nathan's voice kept repeating in your head "wear something comfortable". You mocked his tone aloud as you took out even more clothes to throw on your bed. Was he going to be in his work clothes? How were you supposed to match that up? Finally, you stopped on a blue high-waisted, wide leg jeans and simple black blouse. For a while you were considering black heels but decided to switch them up with some very old platform converse sneakers that you hadn't worn for years. You put on a leather bomber jacket to finish off the look. It felt ridiculous, you hadn't dressed this causal since freshmen year at university, having forgotten you even had those clothes at all. You sighed, shaking your head as you walked out of the door and headed towards the hotel. Unsrprisingly, you got there about 15 minutes late, which got you anxious because Nate could gotten discouraged and left. You looked around, not seeing him and you felt slightly disappointed, but not surprised. The whole situation was so odd to begin with, no wonder it didn’t follow through.
"And I thought you couldn't get more gorgeous" you heard from behind you, turning to be met with Nate's charming smile. He just walked out of the doors of the lobby, probably spotted you from inside.
"I'm sorry for the wait"
"It's alright, it was worth waiting for, come on, I'm starving" he said, taking your hand and leading you somewhere.
You followed him, as you walked the streets of New York hand in hand. He wasn’t in his work clothes, instead he wore a simple grey t-shirt with a leather jacket on top, black jeans and probably his work shoes. He had a backpack on one shoulder, assuming this was where he kept his uniform. The spring air was warm but there we ocassional cold brezzes. You looked around the flashy signs of shops and supermarkets, the monotonous souds of ocassional cars filled your ears, along with the calming sound of his footsteps a little ahead of yours. They say New York is the city that never sleeps and it's true, but despite living there your whole life, you never got to experience it in that way. You didn't really know where Nate was taking you but you didn't care either, too engaged in the scenery. Late night walks were something so foreign and so new, your eyes were shining more than the diamond bracelt that you gave him and he couldn't help but smile at how awed you looked by everything around you.
"You ever been to this side of town?"
"I have no memory of it"
"You're adorable" And that made you blush, hiding in his shoulder. He laughed at how cute you were being, stopping at a 24-hour sandwitch shop.
"Are you hungry?" He asked after the two of you got in
"I guess, it's kind of late though"
"Who cares?"
He ordered for the two of you, finally letting go of your hand so he could pay and grab the two cola bottles he had bought. In a couple of minutes your sandwitches were ready, so Nate guided you to the closest bech in the nearby small park. The park was adorable, it looked more like a sitting area with a playground for children. You really had never been to this side of town before. Nate started eating hungrily and you couldn't help but stare at how he devoured the food in his hands. You chuckled softly before bitting into your own sandwitch. It was warm in your cold hands and tasted way better than it actually looked. It wasn't like you had never eaten sandwitches on a bench before, but it was so long ago you could hardly recall when it really was. It did remind of freshmen year, being out late at night, eating fast food and meeting up with a guy you actually liked and had no intention to manipulate. It was, in a way, nostalgic even. After the two of you were done with your food the silence was finally broken.
"I feel so alive!" Nate exclaimed and startled you, making you jump in your seat. Both of you laughed softly at that.
"I'm glad you're happy and content" you said, rubbing his belly.
He got up from the bench, offering you a hand. You took it, following him up.
"So where are we going?" you asked finally
"You'll see." He said, continuing the walk. You got to an apartment buildind soon enough, he walked you to the alley on the side where the fire escape was.
"Come on, we go up" He told you, helping you get to the ladder. Nate followed closely behind, guiding you to the rooftop.
''I'm so glad I wore pants to this" You said once you reached the top.
"Yeah? Well I'm not" He joked, taking your hand again and walking you towards an area on the rooftop that had pouf chairs and fairly lights.
"It's so pretty" you said once he sat you down. Nate pulled one of the poufs next to yours and threw himself on it.
"Yeah, best part is, you can see the stars"
You looked up, despite the light pollution, you could really see stars and the moon almost clearly.
"You see this constelation there? It kind of looks like a pan?"
You nodded with a giggle at his description, following the arm that was showing you were to look. You scooted over to him, the top of your head touching his.
"That's Ursa Major..." he contionued
"The great bear"
"So you know your constellations?" he shot up, looking at you
"No, just latin"
"Oh in that case you're about to have a blast!"
And you really did have a blast, you sat there for hours listening to him, looking at the stars. It was so romantic that you wanted to melt into the chair and stay there forever. You lost track of time, reality even. It felt like you two were in your own small world on that rooftop and nothing and no one could reach you. Around 3 am the two of you started to get sleepy, cuddled up against eachother. His arm was wrapped around your shoulders, your head rested on his chest. At some point the two of you had decided that moving on one pouf was better. Your eyes were starting to feel heavy while his voice soothed you into sleep.
"Hey" he said softly "Want me to drive you home?"
You nodded sleepishly, getting up after him. He drove you home in his slightly beat-up car, walking you to the door of the building.
"I really had fun tonight" you told him at the door "I really hope that you're not working tomorrow, it's so late"
"I'm glad you had fun, you shouldn't worry about me"
You nodded, kissing his cheek goodnight.
You hadn't had such a great date in a while, which made you think about Nate more in the past few days. How could you not? The pictures of the two of you wandering the streets of New York hand in hand, the headlines wondering who your new "victim" was. Your head would start hurting solely from the idea of putting him in this position. So, you decided it was best to talk to him. That night, you walked into the hotel in your usual attire, but this time the dress was champagne colored.
"Hi Nate" you said as you sat down. He greeted you with his charming smile, wiping the bar in front of you.
"A martini?" He asked, grabbing the bottle
"Actually, a word in private"
He had a puzzled look on his face but followed you to a more private area by the windows. Neiter of you sat down, you were too nervous to adress the topic and he became nervous from your worried state.
"I'm sure you've seen the papers..."
"Oh my god it's about that!" he sighed in relief, placing his handa in his pockets
"What else could it be about?"
"From the way you acted I thought someone died"
"Well, no, I just wanted us to talk about the pictures and say I'm sorry"
"Sorry about what? The way they talk about me?"
"Well, I find it amusing actually"
"I don't people seeing us and thinking that way"
"I don't care about who sees, I like you"
You looked up at him with sadness in your eyes and it seemed like he got the idea you had in mind. He shook his head in disbelief, his hand reaching out to hold your waist and bring you closer.
"You can't be serious"
"I am"
His hand travelled up, cupping your chin.
"I'll have to kiss you now, you know that" he whispered againt your lips. You closed your eyes and waited, his lips pressing softly against yours. You returned the kiss but your hands remained on your clutch, afraid that the whole thing was going to get out of control if you got too touchy.
"I should have kissed you that night" he whispered against your lips
"You should have"
"You'll wait for me right? I'll become rich for you, I promise"
You nodded in response, hugging him tightly, feeling his heartbeat agaisnt yours and the warmth of his body. You could feel his gaze as you walked away, probably the hardest walking-away you had to do in a long while.
The picture of the two of you kissing also made the papers.
A week later Nate left his workplace and you didn't hear a word from him.
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lnfours · 1 year
Can you write anything with Nathan Drake x Reader please please please 🥺🥺🥺
as u wish, nonnie <3 also i’m obsessed w this scene so enjoy
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inbox 💌
you laid on your boyfriends chest, the sunset shining in through the blinds of the window in the hotel room. he had fallen asleep hours ago, but you didn’t complain about it. you two had been on the run looking for the treasure for days, probably weeks at this point, you couldn’t keep track. he deserved his rest, as did you, but you couldn’t sleep. you were restless, too worried about braddock and her men finding where the two of you were.
you let your fingers softly trace over his warm, tan skin as he breathed softly under you. how could someone be so perfect?
you felt him stir awake underneath your touch, your suspicions confirmed when you felt his lips press against the hair on the top of your head. you mentally cursed yourself.
“i didn’t mean to wake you,” you mumbled softly, “go back to sleep.”
he shook his head, “‘sall right, i was starting to wake up anyway.”
you nodded, craning your neck back to look at him. he smiled tiredly at you, leaning forward and kissing you softly yet sweetly. when you had met him, you never would’ve guessed he was the soft, hopeless romantic type. no one did, really. everyone just thought that it was the way he was with you.
after a few minutes of comfortable silence, he spoke up, “when we get back home, what do you think about getting married?”
his question didn’t throw you off guard. the two of you had always talked about getting married ever since you met him, but deciding the two of you would figure it out when the time came.
you had been thinking about it a lot over the past couple weeks while the two of you had been working on this mission. you thought about what life married to nate would be like, a lot like how it is now, just with his last name.
none of it scared you anymore. if anything, it excited you.
you smiled against his chest, “i think you’ll need a ring for that, drake.”
he smiled, “already got it all planned out,” you looked back at him sweetly, “with the gold, i’ll get you a nice ring, maybe we’ll even get lucky and get a nice house for us to start a family in one day. how’s that sound?”
you pressed a kiss to his chest, smiling contently as his hands played with your hair softly, “sounds heavenly, baby.”
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grnherbs · 1 year
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mdni, eighteen plus only.
he looks over at you from across the table, smirking at your comments before looking down and shaking his head.
"don't be such a brat" he says before leaning over and pushing you between him and the table, kissing your neck and smiling as he does. "what do you say we get out of here? before we attract any other attention?"
you look round the bar to see a few people with heads turned and you nod gently at the older man, taking his hand and leading him out the bar.
he pulls you towards an old truck and opens the door for you "why don't we jump to the good part sweetheart? just for you" he chuckles before pushing you into the seat, kissing your neck again and laying you back on the leather.
"you're so fucking pretty" he breathes into your neck and groans, trailing his hands along your waist, holding them there, his thigh settling between your legs, causing you to buck into it and he looks at you, eyes wide "oh? you like that huh?"
you whine and move against his jeans again, hands coming up to grip his nape as you sit up slightly to kiss his jaw.
he picks you up and settles you on his lap “c’mon, you know you want to baby” he holds your hips against his right thigh now, urging you to run yourself up and down his muscled leg, the only separation being your flimsy underwear beneath your summer dress. 
nathan hikes your dress up and his soft eyes meet your own, that playful smile resting upon his features as you start to grind yourself down upon him, a gasp leaving your throat as you do, the denim hitting in all the right places and your head falls to rest in his neck, whining by his ear, causing him to let out that stupid chuckle again, your hands gripping his structured forearms as they come up to squeeze your breasts through your clothes. 
you feel the shiver run down your spine under his watchful gaze, hips moving in circular motions, pressure building on your swollen clit.
he flexed his thigh under you before shaking his head, lifting you up and near growling as he fumbled with his belt, pulling it off and unbuttoning his jeans, lifting his own hips to free himself, underwear coming off in one. 
he was thick and pretty, swollen tip dripping with precum, almost ripping your own underwear in a bid of desperation, merely pulling them to the side, sinking down onto him, whining in unison as you bottomed out on him. 
and god, he almost can’t breathe, there’s nothing in either of your brains except for the feeling of one another, he bucks up into you, you back arching slightly over the steering wheel and wet dripping down his lap, your thighs sandwiching him so flush to the seat he felt stuck and you fiddle with the necklace hanging from him, twisting it in your hands, making him smile.
“f-fuck darlin’, shit” he groans leaning round to bite your collarbone, sucking on the skin there to leave a dark purple mark, one that virtually screams ‘nathan’s slut’, much to his enjoyment. 
his hips kicking up into you, reaching deep inside, biting his lip as you throw your head back, bouncing with encouragement at the overwhelming feeling of his cock. “good girl, you’re so so good for me baby, taking all of me so good”.
he practically lifts you fully off of him before pulling you back down fluidly, a complete control on you, years of exploration evident in the thick muscled arms which lifted you so easily. 
his hand reached down to where your bodies met, nimble fingers now paying attention to your clit, as you gasp out for way to finish, his other hand trails up and down the skin of your thighs “look at my eyes baby, want you to look at me when you cum” he smirks that smile once more and you feel yourself toppling over the edge when you do 
“oh good girl, there you are” he strokes your head, bucking up into you when he reaches his own climax, panting out and wrapping his arms around your waist “fuck, you feel so good baby, squeezing my cock so well” and that was the moment you knew you were drunk for nathan drake. 
he was intoxicating. 
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holyfruitsnax · 2 years
Behind Bars pt.3: Prison Break
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Summary: This is a Nate chapter, escaping prison and finding out for sure that he’s a dad! And sweet Sully moments <3
Pairing: Nathan Drake x Pregnant!Reader
Warnings: Violence, nothing too graphic. Pregnancy, cursing, and of course never proof read babyyy
   The clicking of Nate’s cell doors woke him up the next morning, that and a baton to the side. “M’up...I’m up!” He growled sitting up on his cot rubbing his face. The guard sat Nate’s food tray down with a drink “Yard time today for your block. Be out of here or we’ll come get you. Oh, and try not to piss anyone off this time? I’m tired of coming to save your ass.” The guard snickered. “Vince, you wouldn’t have to come save my ass if you’d just let me kick theirs!” Nate chuckled back at Vince, a guard he’d grown to be fond of, not because he liked cops, but because he’s gullible. “Yeah right Drake. Listen I’m serious.” He nodded watching Nate begin to scarf down his breakfast.
   Vince had stepped away from Nate for a minute to talk to another guard, “Yeah I’ll head that way in a sec, Drake I’ll see you in a bit-” Vince’s eyes darted to the ground where he spotted a loose gum wrapper. Nate stopped chewing to match his “friends” gaze, oh shit he’s picking it up. Vince stiffened seeing looking over the small part of a drawing in his hand “Nathan...What?” He narrowed his eyes towards Nate. “If I told you something...Would you tell anyone? I’m not asking for your help I...entirely. Just some trust.” Nate looked between Vince and the gum wrapper. “Fine.” Vince handed over the wrapper which Nate promptly stuffed away with the rest. So, Nate kept his word and told Vince everything, puzzle pieces, escape routes, nothing left out.
   “Now.” Nate sighed whipping out a shiv he’d made “Since you know, if you decide you won’t keep it to yourself, we’re both going down. If I get caught because of you.” He stepped close to the shaking guard nose to nose “I’ll kill you and spend the time in here I’ve got and more. Happily.” Nate’s words were sharp. Vince nodded frantically “O-Of course, just please don’t fucking kill me!” He yelped, only calming once Nate put his weapon away and eased his stance. “Good. If you’ll excuse me, I’ve gotta go to the yard.” He straitened Vince’s shirt with a smile before walking out. “This guy is nuts...” Vince mumbled, jogging out of Nate’s cell “Hey wait!” He called. Nate stopped to look over his shoulder cocking a brow. “I think I know a way I can help...” Vince whispered making Nate turn to him completely. “Sweet.” He grinned patting a hand on Vince’s shoulder as he led him out to the yard.
    Nate spent some time in the prison yard watching fights break out, bets go down, and guards coming and going. He’d worked his mini map into his memory and Vince had requested to pull Nate from the yard early for a medical check. When the time came and Vince whistled for him, Nate let the guards cuff him so Vince could take him away. It’s happening, he’s actually leaving. Vince cleared his throat gesturing to the bathroom “There’s a duct above the sink.” He held out a screwdriver behind his back as a guard walked past. “Thanks.” Nate pushed the door open, going to close it when Vince’s foot blocked the corner “Are we cool?” He whispered, holding his fist through the gap. As much as Nate was using him right now, he wouldn’t leave the poor guy hanging. “Of course man, the coolest. Now get outta here before you get caught.” Nate sighed fist bumping Vince who then shut the door and left. 
   “Alright.” Nate locked the door and took in the small room “Just gotta climb up here.” He grunted pulling himself up onto the sink so he could unscrew the vent cover. Unfortunately, Nate found himself just a tad too short to just climb right in, he’d have to jump off the tiny ceramic sink. Great. Grabbing the edge of the vent opening Nate jumped and pulled himself up. “You’ve gotta be kidding me-” He huffed watching the sink clang onto the ground and water erupt out of the pipe he’d broken. Banging began on the door soon after, but Nate didn’t stick around, he’d began crawling through the ducts coughing here and there from all the dust. He’d heard the guards bust down the door to the bathroom, and he’d heard them call for a search.
   Sirens tore throughout the prison as inmates were brought back to their cells, whilst Nate made his way further to freedom...Or Falling through a vent. Close enough. “OHHH SHIT!” He shouted surprised by his sudden tumble, clambering up to his feet surrounded by a few guards. As soon as one lunged at Nate it was on, He’d thrown a solid right hook to the guards jaw knocking the man off his feet. Punch after punch was thrown, landing on a guard or Nate. Arms looped their way around Nate’s Neck holding him tight while Nate kicked any other guard who came near him. Struggling for air Nate glanced over at a window ‘Might be the only shot.’ he opened his mouth trying to gather air but found none. Here goes nothing.
   “Agh!” Nate backed up causing the guard holding him to stumble towards the second story window, which Nate tossed them both out of. They both screamed before thudding against the dirt below, Nate’s lungs burning at the sudden breath of cold air they’d received. “Holy-” He patted himself over, now feeling blood dripping from his nose and brow, but he was alive...Couldn’t say the same for the guard he’d landed on. Nate wasted no time getting to his feet and taking off through the open field towards a tree line, shots being fired at him from the watch towers. Slinking away into the dark forest Nate had managed to make it, catching one shot to his side, nothing he couldn’t handle. Now, just to figure out how the hell to get home.
   After some time Nate found a road, of course he’s still in a prison jumpsuit so he stayed low to think of a plan. “Really didn’t think I’d get this far...” He mumbled scanning the small houses across from him. A clothesline hung across, swaying a little in the wind caught Nate’s eye. “Bingo.” He winced hoisting himself out of the ditch. Did this make him a bad person, maybe? He’d just hope it wasn’t someone’s favorite shirt. Nate climbed the fence quietly, snatching a new outfit up for himself. “Could use this to patch myself up a little?” Nate hummed using his old shiv to start a tear on a long sleeve shirt. Once he got the sleeve off, a clinking noise followed by a low growl caused Nate to freeze. Turning towards the noise Nate was met by a- “That’s a big ass dog- AHh good boy!” He smiled backing away from the dog’s pearly whites. “That is a lovely smile you’ve got there! You know I really should be on my way!” He laughed nervously. Just as Nate thought maybe the dog wouldn’t give him away it took off after him barking loudly. “Shit, shit, SHIT!” He yelled jumping the fence worried the giant dog just might jump it too, but the last thing he saw was the lights cut on and Nate was out of there.
   “Y/N! Can you answer the phone?” Sully called to you. “It’s your house! But sure?” You shouted back rolling your eyes whilst picking up Sully’s old ass landline. “Hello?....Oh my- How long has it been since you’ve- I see...No, no I haven’t. Yes of course! Please keep me up to date...yeah..uh huh...” Sully’s head perked up at the conversation, coming closer to you with raised brows. “Yes sir! Alright, buh bye.” You tried to hang up the phone as calmly as possible but Sully knew. “He’s out, isn’t he?” He grinned watching you nod excitedly. “Wait! What if he’s hurt?” You pouted going to pull on your shoes. “He probably is, but Nate’s tough and- Hey, woah, woah, woah slow your roll princess.” Sully snatched your shoes away. “Why? I’m going to look for him!” You frowned trying to get your shoes back. “No, you wanna know how to get him and the rest of us caught? To go fucking looking for him Y/N! Wait for him to call. He knows the landline number, he knows your number alright? He’ll get to a phone, then we go get him. No looking around all day attracting attention to ourselves...Sometimes I forget you’re new to this.” He laughed flipping one of your shoes in his hand.
   “I know, I just hate the feeling that he’s out there, scared or hurt.” You sighed flopping back down onto the couch. “He’s fine, and if he’s not here soon then maybe we’ll go look. But only for a little bit! You know the rules-” “Yeah, yeah. Don’t get caught I got it.” You smiled watching Sully rub his hand across your now very obvious baby bump. “Thank you. I mean still fuck you, for getting Nate into this but...Thank you Victor.” You nudged Sully’s side causing him to smile back at you. “Wow, Government name...” He scoffed jokingly “You’re welcome, but also, thank you for not turning my ass in.” He leaned back with you still rubbing your belly. You’d really become sort of like a daughter to him over the past few months, Nate had already felt like family but this whole thing solidified it. “I love you kid, and you know, actual kid.” He pointed to your middle making you laugh. “We love you too Sully.”
   Meanwhile Nate found himself eating a kind of gross gas station sandwich. “Thirteen eighty five.” The cashier sounded bored as Nate felt around his pockets. Shit, he hadn’t thought this far “Ahhh...Right....” He gulped making the cashier roll their eyes. “Honestly man I don’t get paid enough for it, just take it I don’t care.” They shrugged making Nate blink a few times while finishing his sandwich following it up with a small thank you. Ducking into the restroom with a little extra pep in his step Nate noticed a guy at the urinal who just stared at him as soon as he walked in. “Uh... hey?” He furrowed his brows opting for a urinal a little farther from him. Maybe he knew? “You look rough, but you don’t look rough here.” The guy, who was now obviously drunk smiled gesturing to his face. “Oh! No, I uh. hmm.” Nate found himself having the oddest conversation of his life. “I’m going to see my wife for the first time after- a work trip. I think I’m gonna be a dad.” Nate grinned and zipped up his pants before washing his hands. “Nice man! Hey by the way...” The guy called making Nate turn back to him confused “Nice dick, lucky lady” Fucking weirdo. Nate frowned and left the gas station chalking it up to a weird story he’d tell you and Sully when he got home.
   “Home.” Nate smiled looking up at Sully’s apartment window. He made his way inside using the keys he’d stolen the day he met Sully. All the lights were off when he arrived “Y/N? Sully?” he yelled shuffling through the apartment. Maybe you were asleep? Nate wandered around the apartment opening a few doors, Sully’s room, then your room. Nate’s eyes widened at the little bedside bassinet stood to the side, he scooped up the framed ultrasound on your nightstand. He is a dad. Nate bolted to the room across from yours that he hadn’t checked yet, eyes tearing up at the sight of pale blue walls, a crib, little clothes folded into piles on the softest rug he’d ever felt.
   The front door clicked open followed by laughter, your laughter. Nate practically launched himself into the living room, everyone silent and staring at each other. You almost dropped your cup of ice cream as Nate pulled you into a tight hug, the both of you fighting back tears. “Oh my gosh Nathan.” You smiled hugging him back letting Sully take your ice cream. Nate pulled back only to tug you in for a passionate kiss, trembling hands roaming across your bump. “Normally I’d be mad at the sucking face in the living room but this, it seems justified.” Sully chuckled hugging Nate when he popped up. “You- you’re!” Nate beamed kneeling down pressing his forehead against your belly with a wince from the bullet wound to his side. “I would’ve told you sooner but-” “I know, it’s okay” He hummed peppering kisses across your shirt. “I don’t mean to be that guy, but we can’t stay here...and Nate’s bleeding” Sully cleared his throat and rocked on his heels making you and Nate to look over at him. “I’m thinking Australia? And rubbing alcohol?” He smiled nervously. “What?!” You pulled away from Nate causing him to whimper, letting Sully help him up. You sat him down on a wooden chair and got to work. “Here we go again.” Sully shook his head looking for bags and boxes.
I know I’ve been gone for a bit, just got reallly stuck and busy. This blog really is just for fun but I’m glad so many people like it! Felt the urge to write again so I’ll probably write some more after this one! Everyone has been so, so wonderful <3 I think the next chapter of this will have a little hot and heavy patching up moment in the beginning and probably the baby later on! Sooooo yeah Love Snax - <3
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parkerpeter24 · 2 years
"New Years Eve was supposed to be fun – instead we ended up in a prison cell. This is your fault." with nathan roping the reader into a quick job before they were going to go celebrate new year’s eve and they got caught stealing something
one of my favorite blurbs to write because just like nathan im also a history whore 😳
pairing: nathan drake x reader
winter blurbs 2.0 ❄️ | 2.0 masterlist ❄️
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nathan hated cathedrals. it was a fact that there was an unspoken dispute between him and the nuns. you never knew why because he was oddly silent about his past– and this was the case when you were his best friend. all you knew about him was that he had an older brother who left him in one when they were kids.
you were all he had left now. not your own words, he’d told you so on various occasions.
but when he asked you to accompany on another hiest at santa maria delle grazie. it was 3:54 am when you found yourself holding a torch to help nathan.
“did you know, against the tradition, leonardo da vinci used oil to paint ‘the last supper’ on wet plaster.” the brunette explained as the two of you passed the mural.
“why do all your historical facts surface while we’re stealing stuff.” you rolled your eyes.
“it’s a historical place!” he whisper-yelled at you.
“can we get that cross already?” you sighed.
“it’s not just a cross, it’s a key to one of the greatest lost treasures of all times. when ferdinand magellan set to sail across the world-” twixt all his rambling, his hand wrapped around yours, pulling you over to wherever this ‘key’ was. your heart did a flip even though you told yourself it was just anxiety in case you got caught, “if we found that thing, it would be the best new year’s present ever.”
“nate.” you flashed your torch towards the glass case, signalling to your partner in crime that you found the golden cross.
he rushed the two of you over, already trying to figure out a way to hack the keypad lock to open the case.
what the two of you hadn’t noticed was the presence of a third party– more like a fleet of police officers. apparently one of the nuns at the cathedral had called the cops.
and so what could have been a beginning to the best new year of your lives, turned into a buzzkill. nate paced around the prison cell while you sat in a corner, “it was right in front of us.” nathan complained dejectedly.
“new years eve was supposed to be fun – instead we ended up in a prison cell. this is your fault.” you voiced your thoughts. nate gave you an apologetic look.
“i know. i’m sorry about that.”
you parted the space beside you in attempt to call him to sit with you. he trudged over, sitting beside you with crossed legs, “i guess you could call that a little bit of fun.” you chuckled making him do the same.
the dull yellow of the bulb inside the dungeon and the pale moonlight peeking in from outside lit up nate’s eyes as you stared into them. for a moment you thought he was leaning in, but for all you knew you were being delusional.
you blinked a few times to break out of this trance you’d put yourself in. however, you were proven right– and wrong, respectively– when a pair of soft lips was placed over yours.
nathan’s breath fanned against your cupid’s bow as he moved his lips against yours, sliding a hand behind your neck to pull you closer.
as soon as the two of you parted, a content sigh left nathan’s throat, “i promise to get us out of here before new year, baby.”
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taglist | masterlist ✨
taglist : @httphollands @the-girl-in-the-chair @annathesillyfriend @uwiuwi @spideyspeaches @prancerrparkerr @usergarfields @theglitterymess @quaksonhehe @lowkey-holland @starlight-starks @piscesparker @incorrectsourwolf @wildxwidow @annab-nana @blankspaceblankday @kelieah @arvinsvintage @parkersdahlia @raajali3
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twistnet · 2 years
nsfw alphabet [ nathan drake ]
⋯ WARNINGS ; gn!reader + smut [ oral sex, cum, kinks, masturbation ]
⋯ DISCLAIMER ; if you are under the age of 18, do not interact [ nsfw content under cut ] this content is strictly for those 18+ ; any minors // ageless // blank blogs interacting with this post will be blocked
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a = aftercare [ what they’re like after sex ]
nate is kinda cocky -- not in the sense that he’s leaving you high and dry, but that he’s actually quite proud of himself for reducing you to the mess you are beside him. he’ll definitely tease, maybe chuckle a little at your expense but will eventually get up from whatever the two of you were and find something to clean you up with
or, if a shower is available, that’s the first place he’s hauling you to. not only to get rid of all the sweat and fluids, but there’s the possibility he might get lucky with another round in the shower. all up to you though
b = body part [ their favorite body part of theirs, and also their partner’s ]
himself -- if he just had to pick something, probably his arms. he’s strong, got some rough ass hands from the amount of scaling he does and just overall has a good look to them. sure, most of the time, he covers them up due to the elements of the places he visits, but he does enjoy getting to show off every once in awhile.
you -- say it with me, nathan drake is an ass man. point. blank. period. he loves to grab your ass any chance he can get. whether it be walk by and just grabbing a handful, or pushing a hand into your back pocket. he’s going to do it, you just have to come to accept it
c = cum [ anything to do with cum basically…i’m a disgusting person ]
above all else, nate prefers to come inside of you -- although, if there is a consideration where you may be concerned about a possible pregnancy, then he’ll glad talk about different options with you. even outside of that, if you want him to come anywhere else, just tell him. he gets a kick out of seeing you covered in his come too
d = dirty secret [ pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs ]
if you happen to be with him while he’s searching for something, and get into some trouble or you have to run away from someone chasing you, when the two of you stop, he’s almost as hard as a rock. he’s incredibly turned on by adventure and running around just on adrenaline. he’ll heavy deny that he’s turned on though.
e = experience [ how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing? ]
nate has quite a bit of experience. i want to say that he probably lost his virginity at a young age -- maybe seventeen or eighteen. more so just to get it over with. but with him being so young, and most horny, he’s learned quite a few things about the ins and outs of sex. he’s going to apply some of the things he learned to see what your take is on it. but yeah, he knows what he’s doing.
f = favorite position [ this goes without saying ]
missionary -- nate loves seeing your face, and loves the intimacy of this position because he can look into your eyes and show you all the affection he can possibly give
doggy style -- there are fews time in which nate wants to take in you in this position, usually paired with a fast and rough pace that leaves both of you aching and satified
cowgirl -- just like with the above, while nate enjoys getting to see your face in this position, he has a fascination with see you on top of him. in fact, he love sit so much that any way that he can get you to straddle him, he’ll happily do it
g = goofy [ are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc ]
nathan’s cocky, and likes to remind you of that quite often. he’s got some humor to him, and may crack a joke or two if he’s finding that you may be a little uncomfortable leading up. but he does so with intention of getting you to relax
h = hair [ how well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc ]
nate is pretty well groomed, and tries to keep it that way when he can. obviously when he’s out running around and chasing after artifacts, there isn’t a lot of time for him to do so, but when he’s home, he definitely tries to keep up his appearances
i = intimacy [ how are they during the moment, romantic aspect… ]
nate can be very loving and romantic doing the moment, especially if he’s feeling particularly sweet and caring. overall, nate is just a very lovable person and has no problem showing it to you in many ways
j = jack off [ masturbation headcanon ]
doesn’t feel any particular way about it -- yes, he does jack off occasional, but it isn’t for any reason due to the fact you aren’t available or present. but he also isn’t against it entirely. he just does it if he feels the need to
k = kink [ one or more of their kinks ]
role-play -- nate likes to roleplay, really anything that could come to mind, but he his favorites are rival treasure hunters and as cheesy as it’s gonna sound, pirates
l = location [ favorite places to do the do ]
nate doesn’t really fret about the location, but he does know there is a level of dignity that you hold and he definitely doesn’t want someone walking in on the two of you. any location that has a lockable door is okay with him. of course, if you have a different preference then that’s totally okay, but he’s not overly picking about where the two of you have sex
m = motivation [ what turns them on, gets them going ]
adventure // thrills -- nathan loves a good adventure, but sometimes it just gets him going. and the thrill of running around and barely surviving by the skin of ones teeth is something that makes his blood pump
saving his life -- yeah, you’ve probably saved his life more than once. and he just has to show you how much he appreciates you taking out some dude who was seconds away from shooting him dead
n = no [ something they wouldn’t do, turn offs ]
nothing that will hurt you – physically or mentally, and nothing that will cause humiliation. his worst fear is taking things too far and you getting hurt
o = oral [ preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc ]
giving -- nate loves going down on you, and will do everything in his power to do so if given the chance. he’ll always turn do you going down on him, and would much rather show you the upmost pleasure
receiving -- as stated in the above, he will almost always turn down receiving oral. but if you manage to convince him and it’s something you truly want to do, he definitely won’t turn you down after
p = pace [ are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc. ]
nate bases the pace on the moment of the action. he can be fast and rough if the situation calls for it -- where the two of you need to get some of your frustrations out, or it can be slow and sensual where he takes his time bringing you over the edge 
q = quickie [ their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc. ]
nate is always down for quickies -- and even sometimes calls you to see if you want to join him at work for an ‘early lunch’ before pulling you into a small closet and having his way with you
r = risk [ are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc. ]
he’s always down to experiment, and actually encourages it, if that is something you are willing to do. all he asks is that before you both try anything, that you talk out everything to make sure the both of you are on the same page
s = stamina [ how many rounds can they go for, how long do they last… ]
nate prefers to go for one, drawn out round. giving you everything and hitting all the spots in one go before tapping out. he wants you to feel good, and if you really want to go another round, just give him a few minutes to gather himself and he’ll be ready to go
t = toy [ do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves? ]
while nate doesn’t own any toys himself -- aside from the occasional set of handcuffs, he is a big fa of using toys if that is something you want to do. he’ll happily use just about anything you bring, just show him how to use it on you. and he definitely if always up for toys being use on himself, just talk to him first
u = unfair [ how much do they like to tease ]
he may not look it, but nate can and will be a major tease if he wants to be. while he’s into teasing you during the act, he will endlessly tease you as a build up and tries to see how long you’ll last before you tell him you want to go home. to which he will happily do
v = volume [ how loud they are, what sound they make ]
nate is loud, and will eventually get to a point where you can’t seem to shut him up because you’re making him feel so good. if you find that he’s getting too loud, simply gag him -- either with your underwear or sexual tool and he’ll crumble
w = wild card [ get a random headcanon for the character of your choice ]
nathan likes and enjoys to occasionally be tied up. he’ll let you do whenever you feel like and if he’s in the right headspace. but he likes the idea of being at your mercy in a controlled environment -- more than anything he likes having you on top of him and if letting you tie him up gets you to do just that, he’s all for it
x = x-ray [ let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words ]
five inches in length. grows in thickness the closer you get to the base. flared head, slightly bulbous. has one thick vein that runs along the underside. and is around six inches once full erect
y = yearning [ how high is their sex drive? ]
nate as a fairly medium sex drive. considering that he’s always down to have sex whenever you happen to approach him -- i mean, it is you were are talking about. he’s definitely never going to turn you down. but, there are times when he knows it’s not appropriate and can and will hold himself back
z = zzz [ how quickly they fall asleep afterward ]
nathan’s on the verge of passing out -- mostly because he’s so blissed out, it’s unreal. he does his best to stay up as he doesn’t want to be a total sleaze and fall asleep before making sure you’re okay
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mushrubes · 8 months
Uncharted Masterlist
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↪ Nathan Drake ↩
➵ imagines / series
ੈ♡˳ none yet
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↪ Sam Drake ↩
➵ imagines / series
ੈ♡˳ none yet
⋆ ˚。 ⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。 ⋆⋆ ˚。 ⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。 ⋆⋆ ˚。 ⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。 ⋆
others i am open to writing for : elena, victor, rafe, nadine, chloe
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mxlktxa · 1 year
𝘶𝘯𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘵𝘦𝘥 ☠︎︎
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𝘴𝘢𝘮𝘶𝘦𝘭 𝘮. 𝘥.
untitled 001 (wip)
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𝘯𝘢𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯 𝘮. 𝘥.
untitled 002 (wip)
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fandomnerd9602 · 8 months
Uncharted Territory
Lara Croft x Drake!Reader
For @deafeningsharkslimeempath
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Outside the pub windows was the blurring neon glow of London. Inside, the fire crackled merrily, casting flickering shadows on the worn wooden beams. You nursed a pint of ale, eyes following the curve of Lara's neck as she sipped her tea.
"Lost in the Amazon again, I see," she teased, her lips quirking in a smile. Her braid swung back and forth as she leaned closer, the firelight highlighting the emerald flecks in her eyes.
It wasn't every day you got to share a fire with Lara Croft, world-renowned adventurer and the love of your life. You chuckled, taking a swig of my ale. "Just trying to decipher a cryptic pirate journal Nate unearthed from his latest escapade. Apparently, there's a hidden fortune of Captain Kidd somewhere off the coast of Madagascar."
Lara scoffed, a playful glint in her eye. "Knowing Nate, it's probably buried under a pile of bad puns and empty rum bottles."
You couldn't help but agree. "Sounds about right. Though I wouldn't put it past him to actually stumble upon the loot by sheer dumb luck."
You both fell silent, a comfortable silence settling between the two of you. Dating Lara meant a life far removed from the quiet bookstore job. Her adventures brought danger and excitement. Yet, there was something undeniably thrilling about holding her hand as she recounted tales of dodging booby-trapped temples and outsmarting ruthless mercenaries.
"Are you coming, (Y/N)?" Her voice broke the stillness, her gaze softening. "To Madagascar, I mean."
You hesitated. The thought of Lara facing another treasure hunt alone gnawed at your soul. But you also knew she craved these challenges, that her curiosity and thirst for knowledge were as vital to her as air.
"Not this time, Lara," You give her hand a squeeze, not wanting to let it go. "That's Nate's turf. You know I wouldn't want to steal his thunder."
A flicker of disappointment crossed her face, but she quickly masked it. "Of course," she said, her voice light. "Besides, I don't think that island could handle two Drakes running amok."
"True enough. Though I might send Sully along to keep him out of too much trouble."
Lara laughed, her giggle was the only thing that made your existence feel like it was something. "Do that. And tell him to pack plenty of wisecracks and rum."
The rest of the evening unfolds in a warm haze of conversation and shared laughter. Reminiscing about past adventures, from misadventures exploring lost Mayan temples with Nate to Lara's encounter with a mythical serpent in the Peruvian jungle.
As the fire dwindled to embers, Lara leaned her head against your shoulder. "You know," she whispers in your ear, "the flight to Madagascar doesn't leave until the morning"
"That's still a couple hours away" you gaze meets her.
"I think we can find one or two ways to make the time fly" she gives you a wink. "My flat's not far from here"
"Lead the way" you gather up your supplies and take her arm in yours.
And with that, you and her slip out into the night, your footsteps blend together into the London streets. One little night together, a bit of wine and a whole lot of mischief.
You are (Y/N) Drake, brother of Nathan Drake, and boyfriend to the bravest, most extraordinary woman in all the world.
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peachy-princess777 · 11 days
Imagine this with any guy of your choice
English is my first language and I'm still bad at it so any mistakes that are pointed out will be appreciated ❤️❤️
Warning: smut..um riding, breeding, a praise kink😁that's about it so some vanilla smut
Btw "Y/G/N" means "your guys name","Y/N" means "your name" and "Y/N/N" means "your nickname "❤️
A Taste of Desire
The evening started off with a sizzling atmosphere in the kitchen. Y/G/N, an expert chef in his own right, was busy preparing a romantic dinner for his girlfriend. He meticulously chopped vegetables, his strong fingers skillfully handling the knife, while his mind wandered to the woman he adored. You stood behind him, watching intently, feeling a familiar heat building up between your thighs as you admired the way his muscles flexed under his tight t-shirt. You couldn't keep your hands off this man who had ignited a fire within you.
Your hands trailed down Y/G/N's chest, your touch light and teasing. You loved the way his body tensed in response, sensing his anticipation and desire. Leaning in close, you whispered seductively into his ear, "You know, you look so good when you cook, I would gladly eat you but then the dinner would have to wait." Y/G/N's breath hitched as your warm breath tickled his ear, sending shivers down his spine.
"You're a tease, Y/N," he replied, his voice husky with desire. "But I'm not complaining." He turned around, his eyes locking with yours, and pulled you close for a deep, passionate kiss. Your lips melded together, tongues dancing in a sensual rhythm, tasting and exploring each other with growing hunger.
As the kiss intensified, your hands roamed over Y/G/N's body, mapping every inch of his firm chest and abs. You unbuttoned his shirt, exposing his sculpted torso, and ran your fingers through the light trail of hair that led down to his waistband. Y/G/N's hands were equally busy, sliding under your blouse, caressing the soft skin of your lower back.
"Let's take this somewhere more comfortable," Y/G/N suggested, his voice thick with arousal. He knew the dinner could wait; your hunger for each other was far more urgent.
You made your way to the living room, your lips never parting, hands exploring feverishly. You pushed Y/G/N onto the sofa, climbing on top of him, your skirt riding up your lace-clad thighs. Brian's hands immediately went to your hips, pulling you closer, your groins pressing together through your clothes .
"I want you so bad," you whispered, your breath hot against his neck. You began grinding your hips, your wetness leaving a damp spot on his jeans. Y/G/N groaned, the sensation of your soft, warm body against his hardening cock driving him wild.
With nimble fingers, Y/G/N unhooked your bra, revealing your perfect breasts (because they are perfect). He cupped them, his thumbs brushing over your sensitive nipples, causing you to arch your back and moan with pleasure. "You're so fucking beautiful," he rasped, his eyes dark with desire.
You sat up, straddling his waist, and began unbuttoning his jeans. You wanted to feel his naked skin against yours, to take control and ride him until you both exploded with pleasure. With a quick motion, you freed his rigid cock, stroking it gently, marveling at its thickness and length.
"Fuck, Y/N/N," Y/G/N gasped, his hands gripping your thighs as you positioned yourself above him. "You're killing me."
Slowly, teasingly, you lowered yourself onto his shaft, your walls stretching to accommodate his girth. You bit your lip, savoring the exquisite fullness as you took him inch by inch. Y/G/N eyes were locked on yours, watching you take him in, his hands now on your hips, guiding your movements.
"Ride me, baby," he urged, his voice strained with need.
You began to move, your hips rolling in a slow, sensual rhythm. You lifted yourself almost all the way up, then sank back down, taking him deep inside you, your juices flowing freely, coating his shaft. Y/G/N's eyes rolled back as he felt your tight, wet heat engulfing him, your pussy gripping him like a silken glove.
"Faster, baby," he groaned, his hands squeezing your ass, encouraging you to pick up the pace.
You complied, your breath coming in short gasps as you rode him harder, your breasts bouncing with each thrust. You leaned forward, your nipples brushing against his chest, adding to the overwhelming sensations coursing through your body.
Y/G/N's hands traveled up your body, cupping your breasts, pinching your nipples, sending jolts of pleasure through you. "You feel so good," he whispered, his mouth finding your neck, leaving a trail of kisses and bites.
Your orgasm began to build, your clit rubbing against his pubic bone with every downward stroke. "Oh, Y/G/N, I'm close," you panted, your movements becoming more frantic.
Y/G/N's hands moved to your clit, his thumb rubbing the sensitive bud in firm circles. "Cum for me, baby," he urged, his voice hoarse with desire.
Your body tensed, every muscle tightening as the pleasure spiraled out of control. You cried out, your walls clenching around his shaft as waves of ecstasy washed over you. Y/G/N felt your hot juices gush onto his cock, your pussy pulsating around him, and it was all he could do to hold on.
"I'm gonna cum, Y/N/N," he groaned, his own release building.
You lifted yourself up, then slammed back down, taking him to the root. "Cum inside me," you demanded, your voice raw with passion.
Y/G/N's cock twitched, and with a final, powerful thrust, he emptied himself into you, filling you with his hot seed. You collapsed onto his chest, your sweat-slicked bodies clinging to one another as your hearts pounded in unison.
As your breathing slowed, you smiled, satisfied. "Dinner can wait a little longer, I think."
Y/G/N chuckled, his hands stroking your back. "I think you're right. We can always order takeout later."
And with that, you surrendered to the afterglow, your hunger sated, at least for the moment.
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spider-man-199999 · 1 year
The bracelet pt 2
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pairing: Nathan Drake x Reader
word count: 4,4 K
warnings: 18+; smut; public sex; unpotected sex
summary: You meet Nathan while he's working at the bar. He recognizes you and tries to steal your bracelet because he knows you're filthy rich. Instead, you manage to steal his heart.
Read part 1 here!
a/n: I didn't proof read the smut part but there goes nothing!
A couple of months went by since Nate decided to disappear into thin air. It was such a pitty that it had to end before it even began, which made your already broken heart ache even more. People say the best remedy in such cases is to drown yourself in so much work. That was precisely what you wered trying to do. You spent most of your days in the hotel, deciding the lobby and bar could use a renovation. Not that it looked bad before, but you needed a fresh start with this place. Your ex was not very keen on the idea of change but reluctantly agreed to let you do as you pleased, as long as it would keep you busy. So, two months after the start of this ambitious project, you were standing in the brand-new lobby of The Ritz-Carlton. You did your best to keep the spirit and style of the building but with a few modern touches of technology, which appealed so much more to the guests. The hotel was more busy with events than ever before, weddings, galas, balls, charity events, all because of the work you had but in. Bussiness was really picking up, The Ritz-Carlton had turned in the hottest spot in New York.
Besides the undeniably significant time and effort you had dedicated to the marketing of the place, your personal life seemed like it was put on hold. The paparazzi had been sneaking around town, trying to catch a sight of you doing something mildly interesting. However, they would fail miserably to this task. All of the recent news about you were only in regards of The Ritz-Carlton and event you had organized, praises on your astonishing work. Occasionall pictues of you and some friends clothes shopping would appear here and there but nothing major or scandalous.
At other times, late at night when you were laying in your king-sized bed and staring the ceiling, while the city lights shined through the thin curtians of your bedroom, your mind couldn't help but wander. And somehow it would always end up on Nate. Restlessly wondering what he was doing, where he was. But wherever he was, whatever he was doing, the only place you knew for sure he was never going to leave, was your head. After his departure you didn’t really have any interest in dating, even declining a few date offers from some very wealthy and famous people. Trying to mingle was not necessarily a bad thing, but every time such thoughts popped up in your head, you’d look out the window and see the faint sparkles of the same stars that Nate spent hours talking about. It made you feel nostalgic, knowing no one else could ever take you on a date and make something casual appear so fun. That alone made you give up on the idea of pursuing someone else, at least for the time being.
And while you were busy buraying your head into the piles and piles of demanding and much nessecary work, Nate himself had very different plans. He took the task of becoming wealthy to heart and persused that with the first opportunity that he stumbled upon. That was exactly why he took up Sully's proposal to work together and left. He left for long, but not for good. Now that he had a few dollars in his pocket, he decided it was time to make his advancment towards you showing you his brand new persona. His heart was filled with excitemet and anxiety, he knew he was gone for a long time but he hoped that you had kept your promise and waited for him. He was trying his best to keep up with the news about you, reading every newspaper, magazine, interview. All this time he was thinking of you, dreaming of you. The man wanted to tell you everything, to explain where he went, to watch your fascinated eyes sparkle while he told you the story of his adventure with Sully. So, as soon as he came back to New York, he stated working on his new, expensive image. He changed his wardrobe, his car, he rented out a new place. A whole new man by the looks of it, but not in his heart, not in his feelings for you. He renovated himself the way you were renovating The Ritz-Carlton. So, a month after he came back, a month after all the work, he decided it was finally time to approch you.
The day seemed like any normal day for you, sitting at your desk in the office of the hotel, filling in the upcoming events in the callendar. You checked on the progress of the current agenda - a wedding. You made a few phone calls and after doing the diplomatic work, that took no longer than a couple of hours, you decided to run some personal errands, such as picking up drycleaning and other mundane tasks. You stored most of your personal items in a room in the hotel for covenience, but it did mean that sometimes, like today, you had to leave the place with a few zipper bags full of clothes. The weather was starting to get colder and colder with each day, warm and careless summer nights seemed like only a memory that was sitting close to your heart now. The leaves were starting to change colors but that did not make New York look any less beautiful on your side of town. But the chilly weather meant warmer clothes, and a need to add a lot more layers on your body before walkig outside.Fortunately enough the sweather dress you had on was still going to do the job if you to put a coat on top, which annoyed you to an unbelieveble extent. It just meant more weight on you as you carried the cleaned clothes all the way back to your apartment. Holding the, what felt like an ungodly amount of weight of clothes over you shoulder, you walked out of the building. You were met by a gigantic rose bouquet, probably 50 roses or more, right in front of your face, held up by someone who you couldn't quite see. You shook your head, moving past the person and walking away.
"Hey, hey, Y/N, come on" you heard from behind you, the voice was somehow familiar but you couldn't link it to a face for the first few seconds.
You turned around, freezing in your spot, but not because of the low temperature outside.
"I've been standing here for hours and you won't even say hi" he laughed, moving to hold the bouquet in only one of his arms "You have no idea how many excited screechings I had to go through, followed by disappointed looks. Have I really become this unattractive?"
You were still frozen in your tracks while he went on, trying to process the sight in front of your eyes combined with the information in your brain. Your head felt like it was spinning and everything was somehow like it was in a haze.
"I think you managed to break me" you finally spoke. And it was the truth, the shock had taken over your body. It felt like you were dreaming. Did you accidentally fall asleep in your hotel room? You couldn't really tell.
"Well, I was hoping for more of an excited running into my arms, maybe even shedding a happy tear."
"Nate what the actual hell?"
It finally got through to you. Nathan Drake was standing right there, in front of you, a bouguet of 50 roses in his hands. He was dressed in a black tuxedo that hugged his body perfectly, his dark hair was styled back with gel. He looked even better than you remembered, making your heart beat so fast that you felt like you were going to faint. He laughed softly at your shocked reaction, making a few steps towards you.
"If you're not going to hug me, can I hug you at least?" He asked, wrapping the free arm around your waist and pulling you into his chest.
You wrapped your own free arm around him, your head rested against his body as you closed your eyes. You still couldn't believe he was really there, but the warmth of his torso was proving you otherwise. Hot streams of tears rolled down your cheeks, your emotions prevailing.
"Oh my god is that Dior?" you sniffled softly against his chest once you opened your eyes, them landing on the fabric of his clothes.
"I had to impress you." he shrugged and let go of you, brusbing a tear from your face. "There they are, the trears!" he chuckled.
You shook your head in disbelief, taking a step back from him. You had so many questions to ask, it felt like your head was going to explode, followed by the rest of your body. A cool breeze blew past the two of you, making your hair softly sway to the side while you held eye contact with him. It kind of brought you back into reality, in your dreams it was never cold, just endless summer.
"I have so many things to ask-" you started, but were cut off by the flowers being shoved in your face.
"Take these, my back hurts, I've been carrying them for so long"
"I have 3 bags of drycleaning in my hands, literally" you whined to him, moving the bags to your front and with a swift motion placing them over your forearm.
"Well in such case, why don't we take my car and you can ask anything you'd like?" he offered, reaching in his pocket and taking out the keys to unlock a black Mercedez GL that was parked on the street next to the two of you.
"That's your car?"
"Yes" he replied shortly, opening the back door and placing the roses inside gently.
"Who are you? What did you do to Nate?"
He laughed at your response, taking your bags off of you and putting them in the car as well before he grabbed your hand and pulled you towardws him. Like the gentleman he was, his arm wrapped around your waist before he held the passenger door for you, closing it after you sat inside.
"Can I ask my questions now?" you asked once the two of you drove off in an unknown to you direction.
"You can ask and ruin my very cool bad ass story about how I have money now or..." he said, turning his head towards you with a playful spark in his eyes and and a cheerful smile. "You could wait for us to get where I'm taking you and let me explain everything."
"Yeah I think I preffer asking, actually"
He shook his head and laughed at you, stopping at a red light.
"Okay fine, but you're totally killing the vibe."
"Okay I'll ask only one question now and you can tell me your mindblowing story whenever you think is best."
"We have a deal."
"Fine, then, why didn't you warn me about leaving? It was kind of scary to just have you stop showing up to work one day."
Heavy silence followed after your question echoed into the car. You turned your head to stare at his expression, studying his side profile. You could see his brows furrow while he thought of the answear, one arm let go of the wheel, elbow against the armrest on the car door while he rubbed a finger under his nose, his hand covering his mouth. He kind of seemed nervous.
"Well, honestly it wasn't something I planned to happen, it just did." he said finally.
It was your turn to furrow your brows now, but in utter confusion.
"You make it sound like you were abducted"
"More like recruited? I didn't have the time to find you and explain everything, and it's not like I have your number to call. You wanted to keep things professional between us. And I couldn't even think about explaining anything back then, you know? I wasn't really sure what was going to happen either."
"But it was scary. We didn't know if you were alive or not, you could have gotten into an accident or something, I had no information on you. I made the restaurant manager call you and your phone was turned off, I called in all the hospitals in the region around the hotel and around your apartment for you."
"I didn't know you were so worried."
"I was, I felt horrible and responsible. For a moment I thought about calling the police and tell them you were missing."
"Gosh, you care so much about me? It's almost as if you like me or something?" he joked, trying to break the tense atmosphere.
"Oh my god" you whispered in annoyance, laughing softly at his words.
It was odd, you never imagined yourself actually being into someone like him, someone so different to the men you were used to dating. But there you were, in his car, following him with no direction to wherever he pleased to go. Before you even had time to try and continue this conversation, he parked the car and turned the engine off.
The second you stepped out of the car, you were greeted by the sounds of waves crashing into land and the fresh smell of salt water. It was already late in the evening when Nate picked you up from the hotel, which meant it had gotten cold enough outside to make you shiver, even without the soft breeze that was blowing. You looked around, your attention immediately captured by the flickering lights of the amusement park on Coney Island. Unfortubately for you, who got excited from the thought of riding some of the rides with Nate, even if it meant you would look like crazy people wearing something so formal there, the park was closed and everyone was long gone. Your head turned to look for Nate in confusion, seeing him stand next to you with his hands in his pockets. He reached out a hand for you, taking yours and motioning for him to follow you. And you did, once again, follow him without asking any questions. He lead you towards the beach, an area that was unfamiliar to you. Soon you reached a big bell tent, open and inside there was a set-up simillar to your first date night with him - poof chairs, blankets, fairly lights. He walked you inside, helping you sit on one of the poof chairs and plopping down on one himself. You coudln't lie, it was so thoughtful, so beautiful and romantic. For the second time this cocky, slightly annoying man had left you speechless. You were so mesmerized by the scenery that you didn't even notice him stand and take out a bottle of champage out of somewhere and pour it in two glasses. You took one of them, clicking it with his before taking a sip.
"Nate this is... I don't even know what to say."
"Don't get used to it, it's my apology for leaving the way I did." He sat down next to you
"Well that was anticlimatic"
"I didn't mean it that way." he rolled his eyes, placing the glass on the ground. "I wanted this to be special, we haven't seen each other in so long and in my head this whole thing was going to happen in the summer but plans got delayed."
"Is now the time for you to tell me the amazing story of Nathan Drake's adventure?"
"You bet it is!" he laughed.
And he did tell you everything, about his brother and about Sully. He he went into great detail about everything that he went through in the last few months. And while he was speaking, you were going through every possible emotion you could think of, listening with your jaw practically on the floor. He would laugh at your reactions, copying your face to make fun of you.
"You're awful!" you would whine, hitting his chest playfully
"Oh, I'm awful? Why are you here then?"
"You're lucky, I like awful."
''You know..." he started, taking his glass and finishing the remaining content in it. "The whole time I couldn't really stop thinking about you."
Silence suddnely fell upon the two of you after his words, making your gaze turn from the pleasant view of the outside beach to the more pleasant one, his eyes.
"I thougut about you too" you whispered softly.
"It got the point where I couln't really... get rid of this" he reached for the inside pocket of his tux, taking out the diamond bracelet that you gave him.
It sparkled softly under the soft fairly lights around you. Your eyes stared at his hand, moving rapidly between his face and his palm. You couldn't believe your eyes. No matter how hard you tried, the damn bracelet somehow just wouldn't leave your life. Truthfully, you didn't really know what you were feeling in that moment. You were upset because you wanted to get rid of it at all cost, but in a weird, nostalgic way, you were glad to see it.
"Actually, I had it on me the whole time, to remind me of you." he spoke after he noticed your state.
Suddenly all the negative associations you had with the expensive item melted away and were replaced by the hearthwarming feelings his words brought. He put the bracelet on your wrist, making you shiver with the contact.
"Can I be honest about something?" you asked, your eyes fixed on the diamonds.
He nodded in response, making you look back at him.
"Truly, I've never met anyone so... romantic?"
"After everything you thought THAT was romantic?"
"No, I mean this whole thing. The flowers, the beach, the bracelet. This is more romantic than a proposal, and I've been proposed to... twice."
"The beach was actually a reference to something else." He mumbled before taking a sip from his glass.
It made you think for a second and suddenly the memory of your first intearaction came to the surface, making you blush.
"You dog!" you laughed, looking at him with the side of your eye.
He laughed as well, laying on his side, turning his body in your direction.
"Come here." he said, reffering to his chair.
You did your best to move over to him eleganly, not sure how well it worked out judging by his giggles. Or maybe he was just tipsy from the champagne? You sat down next to him, having him wrap an arm around your shoulders like he did on your first date. Your head rested against his chest while you snuggled up against him, only now realizing how actually cold you were before that. You closed your eyes, listening to the rythmic sound of his heartbeat as your hand rested against his stomach. You couldn't tell how long you sat there like this before you started playing with his tie. He noticed your actions, placing a soft kiss on your forehead before his hand travelled down to your waist, drawing soft circles on it. In the moment of silence, you could hear the sound of waves crashing in the background and it felt so calm, so perfect, even. Nate's hand was now slowly travelling up and down your back, going further down with each movement, until it finally landed on your butt. You giggled into his chest when you felt his hand there, making you look up at him. The both of you stared into each other's eyes for what felt like forever, until his lips finally crashed into yours. The kiss was passionate and long, it tasted like champagne and it was enough to make your head spin, while your hand left the tie alone and moved to his shoulder. His grip on your ass was now harsh and needy, trying to pull your hips closer to his own while he was squeezing. You broke the heated kiss to catch your breaths, suddenly feeling shy because of the butterflies that were going wild to the rythm of your heartbeats. You started kissing his jawline, softly, to hide that fact, your hand loosening the tie around his neck. Nate was quick to get out of his jacket, throwing it on the floor. His hands found their way back to your body, touching and grabbing everything he could. You took off his tie, placing it over your own head. He laughed at your act, pulling you by that same tie now and kissing you hungrily again. This time he was even more passionate, if that were even possible, his tongue danced against yours while his hands grabbed your wast and pulled you over on top of him, making you sit on his lap. Your hands were grabbing his hair, ruining the way he had styled it. After a few minutes of making out, you broke the kiss for air again. Now he looked more like the Nate you remembered, no fancy tuxedo, no tie, just a normal, very handsome guy. You smiled at him, undoing the bottons on his shirt while his hands roamned around your body. Once the shirt was undone and open, you had to bite your lip at the sight of his body. You knew he was toned, you just didn't know he was actually shredded as well. He smiled confidently at your reaction, but you kissed him before he could make the snarky comment you knew was already formed in his head.
You were growing more and more needy for him by the minute and he knew. Truth was, the feeling was mutual. He spent too many nights alone in bed thinking about this, thinking about you, imagining the exact moment your hands would be in his hair, his lips would be on yours. He couldn't help but be impatient, try to push you towardws going further and further into the heat of the moment. And while he was so lost in this timeless dance of your tongues together, the reality of his deepest desire being better than anything he could ever imagine, you had to break the kiss, making him moan with annoyance.
"Can we really do it here?" You asked, out of breath
"What's stopping us?" he asked back, attacking your jaw and neck with his lips.
"Well it's kind of... public?"
"You were the one.... who wanted.... sex on the beach" he said between kisses.
"The cocktail, Nate"
"I suggested the cocktail, you wanted the other thing"
"You really need to learn when to shut up"
"You need to learn how to lose an arguement"
You rolled your eyes at him but kissed him again, your hands undoing his belt and pants. He was smiling through the whole kiss, which made you even more annoyed with his cockiness. Speaking of cock, his was painfully hard, and you could tell by the way it twitched when your hand accidentally brushed against it in the process of unzipping his pants. You wasted no time, your eagerness was matching his and the thrill of someone catching you in the act was sending a type of feeling through your veins that you couldn't remember feeling before. Was it adreanline? Or were you just incredibly turned on? You slipped his member out of the boxers as well, giving it a few strokes with your hand which resulted in a hitched breath, followed by moans from Nate. He wasn't going to waste time either, hand slipping under your dress and pulling your panties to the side so he could touch you as well. The kiss was broken at that point, both of you looking into eachother's eyes. You two knew already there was no need for any foreplay since you were almost dipping on his fingers now and without saying anything, he grabbed your waist ang guided you to hover above him. The poof was a bit too unstable to help you with balancing on your knees but it had to do. Your hand held his dick in place before you slipped down on it slowly, making Nate throw his head back in ecstacy.
"This is so much better than I expected" he said holding you down while you were adjusting to the size.
It didn't take you long, pecking his lips before you started moving your hips in circles while you watched the expression on his face change from sweet and loving to lustful. He helped you move up and down his lenght because your mind was now too preoccupied and overstimulated to have such a complex thought about rythim and movement. It was all him and him only, nothing else in the world existed but this. He pulled your chess to his while you bounced on him, his hands now on your ass to guide you while his moans filled your ear. You weren't holding back on moaning or saying his name either, it simply felt too good to even try. Your hands were touching his muscles while you moved, your lips nibbling and biting on his neck. At some point your nails were digging into the skin of his chest and arms, but your mind was too clouded to even notice that. All you could really feel was the way he stretched your walls, his own hips now moving upwards to be fucking into you. You bit on his shoulder as you felt your walls tightening around him, and from the looks of it, he was feeling that you were close as well. He groaned your name deciding it was a good idea to push your hips down while he slammed himself into you, making you yelp as he hit a spot you didn't know existed. It felt so good you were having doubts it was real. You started screaming his name, feeling yourself finally release onto him while he moaned and moved. His hand travelled up from your ass to your hair, grabbing a handful and pulling you into a very tight hug while he moaned and groaned. You felt him cum inside you just as you were done with your orgams, your body collapsing onto his. You sat like this for a while, panting, hearts wildly beating.
"You have to tell me where you get your clothes dry cleaned, my pants are ruined"
"Jesus Christ, Nathan! I just gave you an orgasm and you're thinking about dry cleaning?"
"Yeah because of that orgasm, my pants are ruined, we orgasmed everywhere!"
You sat up to look at him, your hands on his chest while you shook your head.
"Okay fine. Our second date will be at the dry cleaners."
"Technically this was the second date."
"I hate you, so much."
"Oh, darling, we both know you don't."
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lnfours · 1 year
PLEASE HEAR ME OUT😭 Nate x facesitting
He’s just drunk on how much more intense the sensations are with ur wet pussy almost directly inside his mouth🥺plus the view and sounds of u enjoying yourself while he tonguefucks u into another dimension😭😭😭💀then eventually begging him to at least slow down because he’s been using ur clit as a pacifier for the past 20 minutes and you’re pretty sure another orgasm will have you passing out😩
anon.. i’m speechless. i truly am dead. i need him. need him so bad.
18+ under the cut.
💌 inbox
nate was the kind of guy to always make sure your needs were fulfilled. in the bedroom and in the most soft, romantic ways possible. wether it was making sure you were drinking enough water, or having you climb on top of him after a bad day, he was always happy to help.
today was no different. he could tell you were stressed, so he wanted to help. when he practically begged you to sit on his face, you obviously couldn’t say no.
now, your legs were shaking on either side of his head, hands gripping the headboard. he had been at this for a solid 20 minutes, trying to help you achieve your third orgasm of the night from his mouth.
you moaned softly, his tongue working wonders, as always, “nate.”
he pulled away, “yeah, baby? feel good?”
you nodded, gasping softly as his tongue slipped inside of you. you moaned loudly, his brown eyes meeting yours. the view was damn near enough for you to come right there.
“c’mon, pretty girl,” he licked a stripe back up to your clit, “come for me.”
you threw your head back, his lips tightening over the bud and sucking. you absentmindedly reached down and threaded your hand through his hair, tugging slightly. he moaned into your pussy, working his tongue faster to get you there.
“so close,” you said breathlessly.
he stuck his tongue out flat, grabbing your hips and rocking them back and forth. you moaned out as his hands came up to tug at your nipples.
“ride my face,” he said, “come on, baby. i’ve got you.”
you did as he told you to, rocking back and forth on his mouth, his nose bumping your clit.
you finally felt the feeling in your stomach, your eyes rolling back as you moaned, “i’m gonna come.”
“come for me, honey,” he said, tongue flicking back to your clit, “c’mon.”
you felt your orgasm take through you and you moaned softly, his hands gripping at your hips to keep you situated on his mouth.
you moved from above his face, his lips and chin glistening in the soft light. you felt the wetness pool between your legs once again just at the sight of you all over his face.
he smirked at you, “feeling better?”
you nodded, “much.”
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grnherbs · 1 year
i just wrote part of a thigh riding with older!nate 🤭 but it's not ready yet <3
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alltoowelltom · 2 years
Heyy can i request jealous!Tom seeing reader with someone else and misunderstanding the situation? ❤️❤️
"Tom, why did you tell us Y/N couldn't hang out with us tonight?" asks Harrison, taking a sip of his beer.
"Her best friends just came into town this morning and she's catching up with them." Tom answers.
"So why is she over at the bar with some guy?" Harry wonders.
Tom swears he feels someone punch him in the gut as he follows his friends' line of sight. Sure enough, you're sat at the bar with a slightly taller guy, both of your backs to the boys' usual booth in the corner. You tip your head back laughing and the hurt turns to jealousy in Tom's stomach.
"I- uh-" He falters. "I don't know." he whispers, hanging his head.
"Well why the hell are you just sitting here, mate?" Tuwaine rolls his eyes. "Go up there and get your girl back!"
Tom downs the rest of his drink, scooching out of the booth. He jogs over to the bar, wishing he'd just asked you to stay in with him tonight. Being oblivious would surely be better than this feeling.
"Y/N?" He says quietly. You don't hear him, but the guy you're with notices and nods hello in his direction.
The absolute nerve of this guy!
You turn around, mouth falling open at the sight of Tom.
"Tom!" you say. "What are you doing here, I thought you were all going to Tuwaine's tonight?"
"Clearly," Tom mutters. "We had to get out of the house, 'cause T was just getting more depressed about breaking up with his girlfriend. But I just want to say, I think cheating is one of the worst things you can do to a person. Aside from murder or something-"
"Tom, honey-" you try but he's on a roll now.
"If you didn't want to go out with me anymore I wish you'd just told me." He says sadly and your heart twists.
"TOM!" you intterupt. He blinks at you.
"This is my friend Anthony, remember?"
Now that he's looking closely, Tom realizes he does look a little familiar. And actually he does look a lot like your friend Anthony, he's just dyed his hair a different shade.
"He and Meg arrived this morning, remember?" you continue. "Meg's with us too but she's gone to chat up that girl in the corner," you point and Tom sees your friend Meg chatting with someone else at another table. He also notices the seat next to you, a woman's jacket hanging over the back as if the third member of your group is coming back soon.
"Oh," is all he can say.
"Tom, did you really think I'd cheat on you?" you ask sadly.
He shrugs, avoiding eye contact.
"No. I just, the boys saw you and-"
"What have we said about letting the boys jump to conclusions?" you ask, and Tom chuckles, wrapping an arm around your seated figure and pressing a kiss to the top of your head.
"I'm really sorry, okay? Sometimes I just can't belive you'd want to be mine and I get a little crazy." Tom admits.
You wrap your own arm around him, squeezing his waist to show he's forgiven and looking around him to glare at the boys who look guilty, seeing the situation was not what they originally thought.
"I only wanna be yours, honey."
tysm for reading ! if you enjoyed please consider reblogging <3
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teecupangel · 5 months
*gets through the fireplace* Bonjour! Desmond in the Uncharted games! Because I find it funny if he would meet Nathan, thanks to them having the same VA. Adios! *uses the smoke bomb and runs*
So, for this one, we’re going for the Uncharted series is part of the AC series because plot bunny just hit me right at the face.
And yes.
Nathan Drake is absolutely a descendant of the Auditore-Kenway line. (Spoilers to the Uncharted series), it’s heavily implied Nate isn’t really related to Francis Drake and we’ll make use of that setup.
The church Nate grew up in was actually a front of the Brotherhood. His family doesn’t have ties with the Brotherhood, not really, but Sam did learn of the Brotherhood during his stay in the orphanage and is recruited.
Now, Sam isn’t exactly loyal to the Creed. More often than not, he was more in it to get the skills necessary to survive. He kept it a secret from Nate though because he didn’t want him dealing with anything related to the Templars and the Assassins. To keep Nate away from the Templars and the Assassins, Sam tells Nate that they’re last name is Drake.
Samuel Morgan was an Assassin.
Sam Drake was Nathan Drake’s older brother.
So things happened…
Nate meets Sully while Sam was in prison (an undercover mission for the Brotherhood).
Later on, Nate joins Sam in adventuring but Sam keeps any thing connected to the Assassins and the Brotherhood away from Nate.
Sam is an Assassin who is only known by very few other Assassins but Nate has some inkling that something fishy was going on, he just wasn’t sure what it was.
There were specific artifacts that Sam wanted and was okay parting with more lucrative stuff just to get it.
But then…
They teamed up with Rafe…
Sam supposedly died…
Even in the eyes of the Brotherhood.
And that is how Samuel Morgan died and Sam Drake survived the Great Purge that would happen two years from his apparent death.
So we have different points in Uncharted that we can catapult Desmond to.
2008 – A 21 year old Desmond is employed by Elena Fisher as her cameraman as they join Nathan Drake in finding Francis Drake’s coffin. This ends with them being part of the whole quest for El Dorado (the corpse of which is an Isu that contracted some kind of deadly virus that is severely dangerous to humans but Desmond and Nate have immunity due to their Isu genes). In this one, Nate actually acts more like an older big brother to Desmond and Elena joked about how they sound a lot alike.
2010 – A 23 year old Desmond gets roped into Chloe and Harry’s plan with Nate because he’s been fired from Bad Weather due to an altercation and has been sidelining as a thief using the training he received from the Farm. He also may or may not have had a fling with Harry Flynn (according to Chloe) and Nate is absolutely questioning Desmond’s taste.
2012 – Desmond escaped Abstergo before the Assassins got him and he is absolutely suffering from Altaïr’s Bleeding Effect. It’s by chance that he is in Yemen at the same time Nate and Sully are there to meet up with Elena. Maybe you can even add in that Desmond used to be Elena’s cameraman for a bit. Anyway, he joins the group because he feels like he knows the Atlantis of Sands that they are looking for. To be more exact… his Bleed of Altaïr knows of it.
2015 – Desmond survived the Solar Flare and has been working for the Brotherhood. He’s tasked with looking into a man named Sam Drake because he sounded a lot like the late Samuel Morgan and they needed to check if he is (1) alive and (2) faked his own death because he was a Templar mole like Daniel Cross. He gets roped into the search of Avery’s treasure and ends up Bleeding as Edward more than once because Edward knows a bit about this supposed treasure.
And, just to be clear, Nate does not have the exact same ancestors as Desmond. He’s Haytham Kenway’s descendant from a fling he had in England so they have the same ancestors from the Auditore-Kenway line until Haytham Kenway.
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dangerousdan-dan · 8 days
i know you didnt reblog that post but im curious, top 10 characters of all time!!
Hiiii!!! I'm always happy to rant about all the characters I keep in special jars xD
(The list isn't in any specific order because I honestly don't think I could choose just ONE favorite above the rest)
1. Daud from Dishonored: he's a total piece of shit, a pathetic magic man full of death and guilt and I love him, which means I want to stab him with a fork
2. Billie Lurk from Dishonored: she's also full of guilt (most of my faves are lol). Billie is so damn cool and she can have a little murder, as a treat. Her toxic father/daughter dynamic with Daud drives me insane (she also needs to stab him with a fork, tbh)
3. Hadrian Blackwater from the Riyria series: a gentle giant with an equally giant sword. A total sweetheart (also filled with guilt... what a surprise), but also very much the most lethal man in the room.
4. Cassandra Cain from DC comics: did I mention guilt??? And redemption???? I love her so, so much. She's so important to me.
5. Damian Wayne from DC comics: I'm sure by now you're already tired of me repeating "guilt and redemption". Anyway, he's my little boy and he deserves all the pets.
6. Selina Kyle from DC comics: MY QUEEN. MY GODDESS. She could slap me and I would thank her. She could empty my wallet and I would offer my bank information as well. She could...
7. Viktor from Arcane: I can't begin to describe how I feel about Viktor. I relate to him a normal amount.
8. Éowyn from LOTR: the badass shieldmaiden or Rohan, so full of bravery and compassion and love.
9. Bilbo Baggins from The Hobbit: the epitome of "yeah I'll do it but I'll complain the whole time". Every time Bilbo thinks about how much he misses his sofa and his books I mutter a little "same, dude". He's just like me fr.
10. Inej Ghafa from Six of Crows: amazing, breathtaking, wonderful, badass, the world doesn't deserve her but she deserves her own pirate ship so she can hunt down all the assholes who hurt her and others <3
11. The Uncanny X-Men: I had to mention them as a bonus, okay? I tried to pick just one character of that era of X-Men (my favorite lineup of the team), but I genuinely couldn't. I love them all so much (except you, Charles Xavier. You can go eat dirt)
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