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bloghrexach · 9 months ago
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💥 … as you can read, it seems that this is directed at the UK and their ‘Brexit’. Yet, as I read it, I can extrapolate the same thoughts to the countries in Central and South America — there are many people leaving their countries to come to the USA. Why? — because the USA has messed up ‘their’ countries!!
By: NatashaK., from LinkedIn …
“Next time you vote Brexit because of the "migrant situation".
Next time you hear someone say "go back to your country"
Next time you see a tabloid stirr animosity by suggesting the country has gone to sh*t because of all the refugees or imigrants.
Remember, most of them didn't choose to be here. Most of them are here because they didn't have a choice. Most of them are here because your country is probably bom*ing their country.
Via @nevine_el … 💥 … #refugeesupport …
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bunnyearswebstuff-blog · 6 years ago
DIY Your Own Candy Hearts by Killing These Majestic Sugar Elves
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If you're like most Americans, you're probably devastated by the news that Necco, the company that brings us little candy hearts with messages like "Be Mine" and "I'm Yours," won't be making their signature product this year for the first time since 1886. Fortunately for the part of you that loves the taste of things like sand and sawdust, we here at Bunny Ears know the closely-guarded secret that has propped up the industry for decades: They're actually the dehydrated hearts of the Sugar Elf people, a race of tiny saccharine fey living right under our noses. Corporate America has been mercilessly slaughtering their people for decades, and now, you can too! Read the full article
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n-o-t-h-i-n-g-n-a-d-a · 7 years ago
É incrível ,né?
É incrível como a vida é.Nós pensamos muito no futuro,o que queremos ser ou o que não queremos ser. É incrível como evoluímos tão rápido,mesmo você achando que não mudou nada algum pensamento ou algo em você mudou/evoluiu. Hoje você ainda tem o mesmo pensamento de ontem? Eu por exemplo não tenho!  É incrível,né? É incrível nossa capacidade de planejarmos não nos apaixonar por tal pessoa e acabamos nos apaixonando,as vezes muito mais além do que esperamos. É incrível quando estamos tristes e encontramos o conforto em alguém,um ‘‘porto seguro’‘ que nos conforta. É incrível como ele(a) te olha né? É incrível como ele(a) te faz sentir né? É incrível sentir todo esse amor que você tem para dar não caber dentro de você e isso chega a transbordar ,né? Você consegue se sentir incrível? Não?! Mas sinta! Você é muito mais que Incrivel!!!!
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bunnyearswebstuff-blog · 6 years ago
Conquer Your Kid's Fear of the Dark by Criticizing Them All Day
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Yes, it makes sense that your vulnerable child would fear the dark, given that human eyesight is not good at identifying threats in poorly lit situations. Yes, your child is small and new to this world, and probably feels afraid of a lot of things. Yes, your child may have an overactive imagination causing them to populate the shadows with legions of terror that your stodgy adult brain can't begin to comprehend. However, you didn't go through all this trouble just to have a crybaby offspring who can't handle a little darkness. Read the full article
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bunnyearswebstuff-blog · 6 years ago
Tips for Throwing a Great Christmas Party Despite the Ongoing Mass Extinction
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You've been hearing for years about the Holocene extinction; that is, the plummeting biodiversity levels of our critically warming planet. The question on your mind is obviously, how am I going to throw my annual holiday soiree if the Earth becomes an ecologically barren hellscape? Read on for some helpful tips on how to throw a great Christmas bash under these difficult conditions, while tactfully overlooking the man-made mass extinction happening this very minute!   Read the full article
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