#Narita (kamen rider)
pulaasul · 7 months
Riders in Kombat - Parka vs. Mummy - 1
Earth’s Kamen Riders were all leading their respective lives as they saw fit after a year of fighting enemies on a weekly or daily basis, when strange creatures began appearing and attacking indiscriminately.
or Mortal Kombat karakters fight Kamen Riders.
A/N: A self-indulgent idea that sprung from the question of “Who wins in a fight, Raiden, god of Thunder or Kamen Rider Gaim?”
This time its Kamen Rider Ghost vs. Ermac.
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Special shoutout to @dangerouscommiesubversive for answering some anons who asked about Mortal Kombat vs Kamen Rider related questions (its my cousin, the other user of this blog).
Takeru was just enjoying the company of his childhood friends and the good people he met inside the Ganma world. He and Aria were simply talking when a disheveled Narita suddenly disrupted the peaceful gathering.
"Takeru, weird monsters are attacking the temple!" Narita exclaimed.
Alain looked at his sister as if asking for permission.
"Go," Aria nodded. "You four need to protect Earth and its people."
"I will hold down the fort while you're gone."
"Takeru, let's go."
"Okay, Makoto-niichan."
Indeed, as soon as Takeru and the others exited the Daitenkuu temple, it was surrounded by hordes of monsters. They all had horns and weapons in their hands.
If not for the force field that Takeru regularly puts around the temple, he knew that the temple was going to be overrun.
"What's going on?" Kanon questioned.
"This happened a few hours ago," Akari reported. "These invaders know nothing of the world and communications are still online."
"Has anyone contacted?" Makoto asked.
"Hina-chan has contacted me if we can place Kisaragi-san's school in the temple," Akari informed. "Although the most important people that needed to be safeguarded were Kisaragi-san and his clubmates, considering the information they have, according to Hina-chan's brother."
"Where's Onari and Shibuya?" Takeru questioned.
"Onari accompanied Shibuya when the latter wanted to visit his mom, and it led to them discovering what was happening in the city," Akari sighed. "Shibuya's tending to his mother while Onari went back to the city to check in with Onodera-san, his family, and Narita's family."
"Where is he now?"
"He just arrived with Onodera-san and his family and Narita's family."
"The temple can't handle more people to get evacuated here." Kanon grimly noted.
"As things stand, I think the Gamma world is the safest place for a lot of people." Alain spoke up.
"But we can't place all of them there," Akari shook her head. "We'd be imposing on you."
"I think even the Helheim forest is safer than here…" Takeru trailed off as he saw a few military personnel just got dragged off by a winged creature.
"Oh my god!"
Suddenly a policeman was flying towards them, head first.
"No," Takeru frowned. "Narita, Akari, head to the Gamma world, now!"
"Just do it!" Takeru exclaimed. "You need to grab everyone and hurry there, I'm dismissing the force field," He explained. "Makoto-niichan, Alain, prepare to catch."
"I'll escort them." Kanon volunteered before transforming into a rider wearing a pink parka.
"I'll leave them to you, Kanon-chan."
"Leave it to me."
Kanon, Akari, and Narita rushed inside grabbing the civilians and monks of the temple, and hurried to the basement door as Takeru dismissed the force field.
As soon as the force field was dismissed, Makoto caught the flying policeman and hurried him towards the basement so that he can escape as Alain and Takeru fought off the horned monsters that were attempting to invade the temple's grounds.
Both Takeru and Alain transformed into Ghost and Necrom respectively as they held off the invading army using any means necessary, all ending in explosions.
Suddenly a mummified humanoid floated onto the temple's grounds and was using the monsters themselves as projectiles towards Takeru and Alain, all of whom were deflected by their respective weapons.
"The emperor will have your souls."
"No one can have Takeru's soul," several parkas emerged from Takeru's belt buckle and covered him as black humanoid figures filled the parka's opening. "His soul is his alone!" The one wearing the red parka stepped forward.
Takeru stood up as he stood beside the being identified as Musashi.
"You, you fight like us, a being fighting with souls." The mummified being identified their opponent. "However it matters not, We have the might of a million souls."
Takeru was taken aback by the declaration. He not only was shocked by the declaration but also because he'd just seen the vast number of souls within the mummified warrior.
"Takeru?" Alain kicked a monster to the temple's walls.
"How- Why?!" Takeru questioned, anguished at what he discovered.
"We are simply a construct by the emperor, a fusion of a million souls who perished in the emperor's wars." Ermac declared. "And you will share their fate."
"I don't think so, Ermac." Takeru growled as all the parkas shed their figures and returned to Takeru's belt.
Ermac threw their monster allies to Takeru before he rushed towards the parka rider and palmed his chest, throwing him to the temple's wall.
"Himiko, lend me your strength, Henshin" Takeru prayed as he transformed and donned the pink parka and began moving gracefully.
Takeru evaded each of Ermac's strikes, by using Himiko's precognitive abilities. He was able to strike the mummified being with his naginata before kicking him outside of the temple grounds.
Unbeknownst to Takeru, a lot of Ermac's allies, particularly those who were used as projectiles, managed to fight Alain to a standstill. As a result some of them had been able to sneak up onto Kamen Rider Ghost and prepared to attack.
"Takeru loo-" Alain was cut off from yelling the full warning as he got overwhelmed by the number of monsters he was fighting.
Takeru, unfortunately, noticed Alain's words too late and wasn't able to guard himself from the incoming swords that were about to strike him.
Luckily, before the swords were able to make contact with Kamen Rider Ghost, the Kamen Rider Specter siblings managed to kick them away from Takeru, sparing him from the attack.
"Thank you, Makoto-niichan, Kanon-chan." Takeru expressed his gratitude.
"It's not like you to be snuck up on, Takeru." Makoto frowned.
"I was fighting someone who has a lot of souls in them," Takeru admitted.
"A lot of souls in them?" Kanon asked.
"It's like the eyecons, only this one had a million souls inside them," Takeru tried his best to explain things about his opponent. "I had just kicked them out of the temple's grounds when those two snuck up on me."
"I see." Makoto nodded. "Then let's clean up."
The four ghost-themed riders made quick work of the remaining monsters before they converged at the center to assess the damage to the temple.
"This is going to take some time to repair and rebuild," Takeru admitted. "I'm just glad that Akari and the others are safe."
"We can always help, Takeru." Alain offered.
"And I thank you fo-whoah!"
Takeru was cut off from expressing his gratitude when he was involuntarily levitated before getting slammed to the walls and to the ground.
"We were wrong to underestimate someone who fights like us," Ermac floated back inside the temple's grounds. "We will not make the same mistake."
"Takeru!" Makoto ran towards his best friend and stood in front of him, donning a fighting stance." "Is this the one?"
"Yeah, they're like an eyecon." Takeru winced as he got up from the ground. "Only thing is that they have a million of souls instead of just one."
"From what I've seen, they don't use the souls inside them to fight like we do." Alain pointed out.
"Let's do this." Kanon nodded.
Takeru passed to Kanon Himiko's eyecon as he placed another eyecon into his belt and donned a red parka.
Kanon was now wearing a pinker parka than the one she was wearing earlier.
Alain was now wearing a parka with green and white instead of the green-black parka he had earlier.
Makoto replaced his black and blue parka with a purple one.
All four Riders attacked Ermac simultaneously. Alain used the pens on his shoulders to attack the mummified warrior from afar, all of which were deflected by an invisible force.
Takeru and Makoto rushed towards Ermac with their respective weapons, Ghost's two swords, and Specter's rod, and attacked the construct with a number of strikes and slashes, most of which were dodged or deflected by an invisible force.
Kanon was the only fighter successful in hitting the mummified warrior with her attacks. She was able to use Himiko's precognitive abilities and was able to make her attacks connect to the construct that she knew her enemy would leave unguarded.
"We tire of this charade."
Ermac exclaimed as they released a shockwave, knocking everyone and everything over. They gestured their hands in Alain, Kanon's, and Makoto's direction and telepathically lifted them.
Fearing for the worst, Takeru equipped himself with the golden Driver he had on hand and transformed into a golden version of his suit but with red accents and without a parka.
Transforming into Grateful damashii caused the other three riders to lose their parkas leaving them bare, with just their undersuits.
"Houdini!" Takeru immediately summoned Makoto's blue motorcycle from out of nowhere. "Save Makoto-niichan and the others."
The motorcycle unfurled and used its chains to grab hold of Makoto and the others before he safely deposited them on the ground.
Takeru then summoned Specter's rod and his sword to his person and rushed towards the mummified warrior. He let out a number of attacks, some of them hit his opponent, some missed, but he didn't let up the pressure.
Takeru realized that this construct needed to be dealt with soon, or else something worse than the Gammaizers would wreak havoc on the world.
Ermac was no slouch in a fight either. They easily matched Takeru's pace and managed to defend themselves from the number of physical attacks coming their way. They were wrong to underestimate this young warrior. He also bears the souls of past warriors with him.
Takeru nodded as he noticed that Ermac was near the temple's entrance. He threw his weapons before flying to the air, intending to do his finisher.
"Grateful Omega Drive."
As Takeru descended, he heard a voice.
Takeru soon found himself in a green void, surrounded by a myriad of souls. He took notice of two of them, one had this regal air in them.
The other was a bald shirtless man, who had this power in him.
"Welcome, young warrior," The shirtless man greeted. "I am Kung Lao, I was once a warrior for Earthrealm in order to stop Shao Kahn from invading our realm but after my first victory, I was defeated." The man narrated.
"And I am Jerrod, I was once a king of another realm, that fell under Shao Kahn's invasion." The regal soul added.
"We are afraid that this is no mere invasion, young warrior," Kung Lao stated somberly. "Our realms come from another universe."
"Emperor Shao Kahn grew frustrated that he has been unable to conquer Earthrealm, due to my wife's sacrifice,"
"And our stubbornness." Kung Lao added.
"And Earthrealm's tenacity, he opted to search for other worlds, other universes where he claims he'll have better luck invading."
"Why does he want to conquer?"
"His greed for power, young warrior," Jerrod answered. "He fashions himself as this great ruler who everyone should bow to."
"How did he travel to another universe?" Takeru couldn't help but ask.
"Other universes have made contact with our universe before, young warrior," Jerrod answered. "He sought to replicate those events in which we have made contact with another universe, and he succeeded."
"And without the elder gods in his way, the emperor sought to invade your Earthrealm immediately" Kung Lao supplied.
"The elder gods would not lift a finger, they see this universe outside of their jurisdiction."
Takeru was speechless, he tried to form a response with the knowledge he had discovered, but nothing would come out of his mouth.
"We understand your disgust, young warrior," Jerrod offered. "The elder gods did not lift a finger even as they spelled my queen to do their bidding, kill me, and invade my realm of Edenia."
"The elder gods wouldn't have lifted a finger when they tried to invade my universe's Earthrealm, if not for Raiden, our Earthrealm's defender god." Kung Lao admitted.
"Now let us tell you of our vessel's powers."
Takeru soon found himself, still descending at Ermac but Ermac was able to summon a green-tinted shield, soul energy, from what he had heard from Kung Lao and Jerrod.
Ermac summoned another shockwave from their person and blew Takeru away from them. They then teleported behind Takeru, who was about to be slammed to a wall, and kicked him.
Takeru heard Kung Lao's voice, as he flew towards the temple's wall, he risked drawing an eye in the air and seemingly forced it towards the mummified warrior.
A green orb was expelled out of Ermac as a small object fell from the sky and sucked the green orb in.
Takeru hit the wall, prompting him to see a yellow square with a myriad of symbols in the sky.
"Young warrior, are you okay?"
Takeru looked towards the person who rushed to him and he saw Alain, although the King of the Gamma world was dressed differently than his usual green and white ensemble.
Alain was wearing a sleeveless parka that exposed parts of his torso and a red headband that was tied to his forehead.
"Alain-sama?" Kanon asked, also untransformed.
"I'm not Alain-sama, I'm Kung Lao."
"Alain, that's the name of the person you're possessing," Makoto informed, also untransformed. "May we ask where you came from?"
"He's one of the souls Ermac had." Takeru struggled to stand.
"Sit down, Takeru, let me handle the emperor's construct." Kung Lao offered.
"No," Takeru denied the offer. "You just got freed from the prison that was Ermac, I don't know if he has the ability to pull you back in."
"I was wondering why you haven't used the Mugen Damashii." Makoto voiced out.
"I underestimated the enemy," Takeru admitted. "But no longer."
Takeru re-equipped the belt he had earlier on his person materialized a white trinket on his hand and placed it on his belt.
"Chou Kaigan! Mugen!"
Takeru's whole being transformed into a warrior in white everything. His suit from before turned white as Takeru himself donned a white parka.
As soon as the transformation was done, Kamen Rider Ghost rushed toward Ermac and pelted the mummified warrior with a lot of punches and kicks, some of which were blocked, dodged, or deflected.
Ermac soon kept up with Takeru's pace and was able to trade even blows against the white Rider.
It came to a point where Takeru and Ermac kicked each other's chests, and forced each other backward, undoing the monk's transformation and revealing his bruised and bleeding face and tattered clothes, whereas, Ermac was only knocked down and soon teleported away from where they lied.
Everyone rushed towards Takeru but before they could even ask the monk on how he was, he was raised by a yellow spotlight.
As he flew upwards, he saw a few monsters destroying some property then he saw a certain memory.
Three men were being led to a portal that led to a white castle, which suspiciously looked a lot like the Himeji castle in Osaka. He saw where the three men were being led to and were unceremoniously pushed into cells.
When Takeru came to, he felt that a strong barrier was erected around the temple's grounds, and this included the cemetery. He knew that his father's soul was safe inside the Toucan Boost eyecon, but he couldn't say the same for the other souls.
Takeru shook his head as he got up and noticed that he was inside the temple, surrounded by Akari and the others.
Doctor Hojo, alongside Officer Tomari, was also inside the temple.
"Good, you're awake."
"What did the great eye say?" The old man sage questioned.
"They noticed the new threat, they figured we could make use of the eyecons once more," Takeru reported. "Hence they will be here so that we can make use of the eyecons whenever necessary."
"Just like what you did to Kung Lao's soul, earlier." Alain showed the Kung Lao eyecon he was holding.
"Does Ermac have that ability?" Makoto frowned.
"No, but someone above him in rank does." Takeru closed his eyes. "While I was battling Ermac earlier, I made contact with two of the souls that were trapped inside, Kung Lao and someone named Jerrod." He admitted. "They told me everything about these monsters that are invading our planet and how we need all the help we can get."
"Speaking of help, no one has been able to get a hold of any sentai team," Emu reported. "Not even the most recent teams, the Kiramagers or the DonBrothers, can be contacted."
"That's worrying." Shinnosuke frowned.
"The barrier around the temple is strong, I asked the assistance of the great eye to erect one around the temple, so that it won't breach the Gamma world and we have a base of operations."
"The Kamen Rider Club, alongside Kisaragi, would be evacuated here if that's alright," Shinnosuke asked. "I do not want to know what these invaders are going to use the power of cosmic energy if they get their hands on it."
"It's alright," Takeru nodded. "At the very least the Mugen Damashii is attuned to me and no one else."
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kamenwriter · 1 year
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Goodies from Japan.
I’ve never been able to get into the Ultraman series but the guy who created the visual look of the classic show, Tohl Narita, is an amazing artist.
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*sees spoilers* yeah okay i am doing the Vamp!au for the Geats ot4 if Takahashi Yuya is intent on crushing me personally I will make it my mission to be as annoying as possible
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kaijutokunerd · 3 years
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jade-lop · 4 years
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tokusatsugirlsfans · 4 years
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atsutajuru · 5 years
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idk the stats say otherwise
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tokupedia · 5 years
Guests flying to Japan will be greeted by a display featuring some of the nation’s superheroes at Narita Airport. The Rider display features the first Riders of all three eras, Ichigo, Kuuga and Zero-One!
Hopefully, the Rider display will stay up long enough to greet Team USA when they arrive for the Olympics in Tokyo next year!
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standbymegauloader · 6 years
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cipi127 · 6 years
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This Halloween night
Who you gonna call~?
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kamen rider ghost, since ur rewatching?
❤ Favorite guy: If you asked me a few months ago I would have said Alain, and maybe that’ll be true again by the time I finish this rewatch, but MAN I have found a new favourite character in Takeru rewatching this show. His vibe... his love for his friends and the lengths he goes to... the fucking toucon boost debut episode portraying so much depth... he’s wonderful
❤ Favorite girl: And I’m also loving Akari so much too damn. She’s actually just so fucking cool and her friendship with Takeru is way better than I remember
❤ Favorite Pairing: I think Alain and Makoto should have a date. Just a little one. A small one
❤ Least Favorite Character: I was never fond of Igor especially because of how he got paired off with Akari. I guess we’ll see what I think this time. Tumblr is quickly making me hate Javert through no fault of his own
❤ who’s most like me: Shibuya and Narita. I just hang around in the background and help sometimes and occasionally say a weird thing and i may or may not have henshined into a train man when i was ten
❤ most attractive: god I wish I looked like Akari
❤ three more characters that I like: Alain obviously, Onari, Kanon
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AO3 Fic Meme
Was tagged by @rosemirmir and this is gonna be soooooo skewed
Rules: Go to your AO3 account and find the following:
What ratings do you write most of your fics under?
Teen And Up Audiences (477)
What are your top three fandoms?
僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga) (69)
越佐大橋シリーズ | Etsusa Bridge Series - Narita Ryohgo (67)
仮面ライダーギーツ | Kamen Rider Geats (51)
What is the top character you write about?
Midoriya Izuku (55)
What are your top three pairings?
Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku (44)
Inui Hayato/Kugi Seiichi (33)
Azuma Michinaga/Kurama Neon/Sakurai Keiwa/Ukiyo Ace (29)
What are the top three additional tags?
Polyamory (95)
Canon-Typical Violence (61)
Implied Sexual Content (59)
Does any of this surprise you?
Nah. I had a big BNHA phase and it's still floating around there, but I do very much plan on catching up with Etsusa Bridge, it WILL be my Nr1 again I swear to god
And then the Geats illness kicked in so uhhhhhh yeah.
I'm tagging uhhh @flaim-ita @backupmiyuko @insertimaginativenamehere and whoever wants to do it toodaloo
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ampersandra · 4 years
narita from kamen rider ghost in his nc state jacket kinda day
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jade-lop · 5 years
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Power Rangers and Kamen Rider a murals on way to gate *sigh* miss you already Japan #powerrangers #kamenrider #kawaii #tokyo #japan (at Narita International Airport) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8ktmCmAlQX/?igshid=1ad11k428cxej
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tokuconnect · 6 years
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With the first half of the Gaim Chapter aired, it has been announced that a few familiar faces will be returning for the next part of Kamen Rider Zi-O. Returning for the Ghost Chapter, episodes 13 and 14, are Shun Nishime (Takeru Tenkuuji / Kamen Rider Ghost), Takuya Mizoguchi (Shibuya Hachioji) and Reo Kanshuji (Narita). 
During an encounter with Another Ghost, Takeru Tenkuuji spots Sougo fighting and yells "Kamen Rider!". Sougo is then captured by Takeru, and his associates, and taken to the Daitenku Temple. As the "Mysterious Phenomena Research Institute", Takeru, Shibuya, and Narita explain that they were investigating Another Ghost. However, they mixed up Kamen Rider Zi-O and Another Ghost, which led to them capturing Sougo by mistake.
Why does Takeru, who should have already lost his memories of being Kamen Rider Ghost, know about Kamen Riders?
In addition, Ryosuke Yamamoto (Makoto Fukami / Kamen Rider Spectre) will reprise his role in episode 14, airing on December 9th.
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