#Nancy Barraza
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El deporte de las bochas en el Club y Biblioteca Ramón Santamarina
Viajamos hasta la muy bonita ciudad de Tandil. Allí donde las piedras bailan al son del equilibrio. Y las bochas ruedan al son de la destreza, acá es donde nos detendremos a ver la historia del deporte de las bochas dentro del Club Ramón Santamarina.
El deporte de las bochas es muy añejo, tan añejo que nos remonta hasta el año 5000 AC al antiguo Imperio Egipcio. Luego pasó a las distintas civilizaciones del mediterraneo como las del imperio Griego, Romano y Cartago entre otras, para que después pasará a las distintas regiones del mundo feudal. Donde en algunos reinos fue aceptado y en otros prohibido dado que los campesinos y señores burgueses preferían jugar a las bochas que practicar el clásico tiro al blanco con flechas. Luego las distintas corrientes migratorias lo introdujeron en las tierras del rio de La Plata. De acá pasamos a la década del 60, para situarnos en el Club Ramón Santamarina de la bella ciudad de Tandil. Club fundado el año 1913, pero que comienza a practicar el deporte de las bochas en el año 1960 primeramente para sus asociados y luego para competir en torneos y luego en las respectivas asociaciones de bochas.
Fotografía: Vemos al bochófilo Ángel Tozzetto (Fotografía del libro Club y Biblioteca Ramón Santamarina de Néstor Dipaola)
Gran parte de los datos que están acá fueron encontrados por el periodista Néstor Dipaola, de la ciudad de Tandil, quien realizó un hermoso trabajo en un libro que reúne los 100 años del Club Ramón Santamarina de Tandil. Por lo tanto los créditos de archivo son para este gran periodista y escritor. En el club Santamarina allá por el año 1960, un grupo de asociados se dirige a la Comisión Directiva solicitando autorización para construir una cancha de bochas, en los fondos de la sede social de la calle Hipólito Yrigoyen al 600 de la ciudad de Tandil. Fue el principio del cumplimiento de un gran sueño para un sector importante de asociados, simpatizantes, deportistas de esa actividad. Que venían jugando a las bochas en otras instituciones dado que el club no tenía este espacio deportivo. Mientras en el Club Atlético Boca Juniors el presidente era Alberto J. Armando y el extraordinario jugador de las Bochas Ramón Flores, hacía de las suyas y salía en cuarto lugar en el torneo Argentino de Bochas, organizado por la Federación Argentina de Bochas. Ramón Flores quién había jugado con Cafiero Belardinelli y Juan Bautista Matti entre otras grandes glorias, en varios clubes del país el deporte de las bochas seguía creciendo y se institucionaliza en las entidades deportivas. Así pasó en el Club y Biblioteca Ramón Santamarina.
Fotografía: Vemos al bochófilo Héctor Vidas (Fotografía del libro Club y Biblioteca Ramón Santamarina de Néstor Dipaola)
Así en 1960 en el club tandilense fue como con un gran entusiasmo y cariño por el deporte, Joaquín A. Nuñez, Andrada, Jorge Ruda y Alfredo Adbud cumplieron el sueño de poseer una cancha para tan nobles fines, como sentimos este deportes quienes jugamos a las bochas. Se constituyó una sub-comisión y se incorporaron los primeros valores: Casimiro Gosk, Aberto Ruiz y uno de los mejores deportistas de la época y de la zona el señor Héctor Vidas como nos lo recuerda el periodista Néstor Dipaola de tandil. Más adelante llegaron muchos otros deportistas entre ellos Juan Rivarola, Casimiro Vidas, y muchos más.
Fotografía: Vemos a los bochófilos Juan Rivarola y Casimiro Ridas (Fotografía del libro Club y Biblioteca Ramón Santamarina de Néstor Dipaola)
En el año 1962 se agregó una figura que con el pasar del tiempo daría los mejores triunfos deportivos al club, el señor Ángel Tozzetto, quien consiguió el primer torneo que organizó en la especialidad el Club Ferrocarril Sud de Tandil. Un poco más adelante se agregaron nuevas estrellas al conquistar varias subidas al podio en segundos y tercer puestos. Así llegaron las medallas de plata y bronce a las vitrinas del club. Todas correspondientes a torneos interclubes, pero sabemos que en este noble deportes, las medallas interclubes se computan en el medallero de los títulos. ¿Será esto lo que lo hace un deporte muy diferente a otros? Claro que sí. Esto es uno de los pilares de la sana competencia en la actualidad.
Llegó después el campeonato oficial en la modalidad de Parejas, en donde estaban los deportistas Juan Rivarola y Ángel Tozzetto. En la historia del club además hay varios campeonatos regionales de bochas en su vitrina. A lo largo de los años, la actividad bochófila fue una de las más firmes practicadas por los asociados, en donde practicaban socios de todas las edades. En el libro Club y Biblioteca Ramón Santamarina 1913-2013, de Néstor Dipaola hace mención a los siguientes jugadores bochófilos: Eduardo Fidanza, Pablo Ibarra, José Franceschetti, Isabel Casco de Bellver, Néstor Bellver, Jorge Ruda, Enrique Orellano, Roque Cadona, Nancy Barraza, los hermanos Siani entre otros. Sin duda sería interesante que algún historiador realizará un libro netamente dedicado al objeto de estudio de las bochas en este club.
Ulises Barreiro
#bochas#Las bochas#Ciudad de Tandil#Casimiro Vidas#Ulises Barreiro#Club Ramón Santamarina#Néstor Dipaola#´Angel Tozzetto#Nancy Barraza#Néstor Bellver#Jorge Ruda#Historia de las Bochas#deporte de las bochas#Historia de las bochas en argentina#Enrique Orellano#Juan Rivarola#Pablo Ibarra#Opinión#opinion
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Penny Dreadful: City of Angels
Episode 1: Santa Muerte - Recap and Review
The episode opens with a Mexican standoff (ba dum tsh) between Santa Muerte (Lorenza Izzo) and her “sister” Magda (Natalie Dormer), who seriously has to be roasting under the Southern California sun in that black leather outfit. (Sidenote, how does a Mexican folk spirit/deity have a British woman as a sister? Guess she was adopted.) Anyway, Magda is monologuing, as villains tend to do, saying “All mankind needs to become the monster he truly is, is being told he can.” They go back and forth for a minute, and I was eerily reminded of the movie Constantine that came out many moons ago. Y’know the one, right? Loosely (and I mean loosely) based on the comic character? Played by Keanu Reeves? That was the vibe I go here, with Santa Muerte and Magda making some kind of bet about the “worthiness” of mankind. (I also got strong jealous ex vibes from Magda in this scene, but we’ll see how that goes).
So we start the action by showing a field of Mexican-American laborers working the fields with a little boy sitting on the truck, picking the music they listen to. His father jokes about his choice of music before getting back to work. Now I’ll be the first to admit that everything that played out next was just this side of tone deaf. I understand that Magda is the villain here, and wants to see humanity burn, but having a white woman set fire to a field full of brown people, resulting in several deaths kind of defeats the message they’re trying to send with this show, but I will suspend my disbelief for a little while to see how all of this plays out.
All in all, it was a beautiful shot, as gruesome as it was, with the flames, and then seeing Santa Muerte cradling the boy’s father as he died in the flames all while La Llorona played in the background. The boy tries to save his father, but Santa Muerte uses the Force to push him away, despite not even two minutes earlier claiming she “had no heart for the living”. Must be something special about this boy.
Cut to 1938 and the boy is all grown up. Tiago Vega (Daniel Zovatto) just passed his exam to become a detective, the first Chicano detective in Los Angeles. His Mamá (Adrianna Barraza) prepared him a cake to celebrate the occasion, and we get to meet the rest of La Familia Vega. First there’s Mateo (Johnathan Nieves), who is seriously adorable. Next is Josefina (Jessica Garza), who is the baby of the family. And then finally we get the big brother, Raul (Adam Rodriguez), who “mysteriously” isn’t a part of the main cast.
Anyway, Raul is not happy about his baby brother being a detective, given the Mexican and Mexican-American relations with law enforcement, which... valid. He has a point. But Mamá quickly shuts Raul down when he tries to be a Negative Nancy and they celebrate as a family. Cut to later, and Mamá is walking Tiago to the bus, and they remark about the construction equipment at the end of the street. Here we’re introduced to the main conflict of the story. Their neighborhood is set to be demolished to make way for construction for the Arroyo Seco Parkway, the first of the LA freeways. Mamá remarks about the machines, likening them to animals baring their teeth at her, before Tiago gets on the bus to go to his apartment, because he’s the only member of the family to move away from home.
By the way, I will never complain about the size of my apartment again after seeing how tiny Tiago’s is.
Cut to the next morning, where the phone rings, waking Tiago up, and it’s his new partner on the phone. Congratulations! You get to start two days early with no prep time. Said partner, Detective Lewis Michener, is played by Nathan Lane like you’ve never seen him before. And as an aside, just hearing him drop the F-bomb made my day. The reason they’re starting early is because their was a homicide, and the captain himself called them specifically. The murder is a family of four, dropped in the Los Angeles river bed, their faces painted in Dia De Muertos makeup. Also, there’s a message scrawled nearby in blood (or red paint)
“You take our heart, we take yours.” If you haven’t guessed it by now, the hearts of the four victims had been removed. This all ties back to the Arroyo Seco Parkway and how it’s planned to cut through the heart of the Chicano community. Michener makes the connection as to why they were called, “It’s a spick thing.” (Fair warning, that kind of language, while not super common in this show, isn’t exactly uncommon.)
Elsewhere, Mamá is getting off the bus in a fancy part of town, because she’s a maid to Peter Craft (alum Rory Kinnear), who is a German immigrant with two sons and a wife that looks a little strung out. This scene is pretty filler, but it establishes the dynamic of Craft’s household, with him talking to Mamá before his own wife. He leaves for work, listening to tape recordings in his car as a way to practice on getting rid of his accent to blend in and “be more American” It was kind of adorable.
Back at the police precinct, Tiago got blood on his cuff from the crime scene and MIchener tells him to just throw the shirt out. Que the racist cops who harass Tiago, because the audience needs to understand just how unwelcome a Chicano detective is among his all white peers. The two visit their captain and discover that their four victims are a wealthy family from Beverly Hills, which judging by everyone’s reactions in the scene is a pretty big deal for some reason. There was a horrible moment where the captain says “You have no idea how much I wished those bodies were Mexican” before he realizes who is in the room and adds a halfhearted “No Offense.” I have to say, Tiago has way more patience than I do for shrugging it off. The captain decides that it’s obviously Mexicans behind the murders and Michener suggests pachucos.
Now we’re back with Craft, who is a pediatrician, and his current patient is the son of... Natalie Dormer... but now she’s blonde? Elsa is concerned about her son Frank’s breathing problems and talks with the doctor privately about it, revealing that she’s also a German immigrant, originally from Berlin, “but now we’re in Boyle Heights, with the Jews” (seriously not a fan of how she said that, which I’m guessing is the point, but only time will tell). There’s a moment between the two, with him offering her his handkerchief when she starts crying.
After she leaves, we get one of the most disturbing scenes I’ve ever seen. It takes a lot to unnerve me, but this scene unnerved me. If you’re going into this show blind, let this be the moment when you find out that all the characters played by Natalie Dormer are all Magda, who shapeshifts into other people to further influence the negative emotions of those around her, bringing out the worst in humanity. Well, “Elsa” enters the elevator with her “son” and unbuttons her blouse before placing his head against her stomach. She absorbs him back into herself like some sort of weird reverse-birth, taking him “back to the womb” as it were. It wasn’t overly graphic, but it unnerved me nonetheless.
Back at the doctor’s office, one of his nurses asks what he wants for lunch and he says he’ll be going out. He walks over to his closet and opens it, revealing a Nazi flag and uniform. Abort!
At the city hall there is a meeting of the City Council, or some division of it involving transportation. Its a meeting to discuss the Arroyo Seco Parkway, with almost everyone in attendance being Mexican, led, of course, by Tiago’s older brother Raul. Gotta have that brother-against-brother angle. The guy leading the meeting is some douchebag named Townsend (Michael Gladis).There’s a standoff between him and Raul over this parkway, with Townsend telling them to “go back where they came from”, which Raul responds rather cheekily to the fact that he was born in the Los Angeles County Hospital, same as him.
Raul: “When progress becomes barbarity, it ceases to be in the public interest. We are the public, sir, no matter the color of our skin, and we will not be moved.”
Townsend: “Then you will be pushed.”
Naturally from there it ends in police brutality, with the cops on scene beating Raul with their clubs as they drag him from the city hall, despite it being open to the public. And people wonder why no one likes the police? Although, I do love the fact that they made Raul so well-spoken. Given how they’re presented as poorer, it would have been so easy to fall back on that illiterate Mexican trope, but they shied away from that, and I’m grateful.
After the meeting, Townsend is walking down the hall with Natalie Dormer by his side, this time as a gray-haired, middle-aged woman? Man? It’s unclear at first, until we get a wide shot and we see that she’s wearing a skirt with her masculine suit and tie combo, so definitely a woman. Personally, I would have been okay if this persona - Alex - had been a man, but that’s just me. Anyway, Alex is just feeding this blowhard’s ego, and he equates himself to Mussolini, and then Hitler (ABORT!). The topic turns to more motorways, stuff to keep Townsend in the papers for some unknown purpose.
And we’re back to the Michener and Vega hour, where the two detectives are enjoying their lunch break when we hear drums and look up to see Nazis - I’m sorry, the German-American Bund - walking down the street in full regalia with Craft at their head. Craft gives a big speech about staying out of foreign affairs (it’s 1938 and WWII is just about to start), saying “America First”. Michener is giving them the stink eye and it’s at this point I remembered that he’s Jewish, so odds are he knows full well what the ideology behind the Nazi Party, even if their worst crimes are still ahead of them.
Michener insists they go, with the two heading over to Beverly Hills to investigate the home of the murder victims. Inside there’s a portrait of who I thought was Joseph Smith above the fireplace, which I guess means these people were Mormons. The radio, when turned on, is playing some Radio Evangelist (this is before Televangelism became a thing), and I think the woman preaching is the last member of our cast, Sister Molly (Kerry Bishé). The two investigate the house and determine that the family wasn’t murdered there, though they do discover that the father was one of the guys behind the Arroyo Seco Parkway.
The plot thickens.
Cut to a shadowy meeting at the bluffs between Townsend and Baron von Strucker from the MCU. Ugh, more Nazis. The new Nazi talks to Townsend about getting him the position of Mayor of Los Angeles, to further their own agenda, and warns him that his driver is a Gestapo agent and has been told to shoot Townsend if the meeting does not go their way.
Later that night, we’re in downtown L.A., presumably in a Mexican-American neighborhood where Mateo works. There’s some hanky panky going on in the store where he’s stocking shelves where some random dude and his sister, Josefina, are getting to second base. Mateo puts the kibosh on that quickly, chasing the boy from the store while shouting obscenities, before arguing with this sister, until Mamá shows up and sets them both straight. There’s a poignant moment between mother and son where he remarks about how as a Chicano, his options for the future are limited, that Tiago was the exception, not the rule.
Speaking of Tiago, he shows up to ask about Santa Muerte and if his mother had heard anything about something going on, as he recognized the face paint on the murder victims. It’s revealed that he doesn’t believe in Santa Muerte, though his mother does and remarks about him being “marked”, revealing that he was the little boy from the beginning. We all know that something bigger is going on, but Tiago is unconvinced, and this is the one time we see him and Mamá butt heads. There’s a moment where the two calm down before we get a really cute scene of Tiago dancing with his mother.
That moment slides into a moment between Los Hermanos Vega, which starts nicely but ends up tense and serious, as they talk about the construction of the parkway to begin on Monday, which requires Tiago to be with the police but his brothers will be with the neighborhood. I think they’re taking this brother-against-brother thing a little far.
Mamá is praying to Santa Muerte, begging for help, and Santa Muerte actually shows up, calling Mamá “Old Coyote” (I think). The two argue, with the former mentioning a prophecy and the Vega matriarch begging for any kind of help because she wants to protect her children. After Santa Muerte leaves, Mamá goes to Tiago’s apartment and implores him to try and stop the protest the next day, before chugging his whiskey.
As the episode started, that’s how we end it, with a Mexican standoff, this time between the police and the residents of Belvidere Heights. Tiago hands his gun to Michener and tries to talk down his neighborhood, to avoid bloodshed, facing off directly with his brothers who are at the front of the opposing crowd, but unbeknownst to all of them, Magda is there (in her “true” form) pacing in front of the police. She finds one officer and we see her whispering in his ear, which leads to him firing his gun, killing one of the protesters. Gunfire erupts and chaos ensues, leading to a full blown riot. Magda ends up whispering to Raul next and he takes a gun and starts shooting police officers, eventually aiming his gun at Michener. In a heartbreaking moment, Tiago shoots his own brother to stop him from killing his partner, all while La Llorona is once again playing in the background.
All in all, I’d give the episode an 8/10. It was a great start, introducing most of the key players involved and getting the conflict started right away, but there are still a lot of questions. Also, there were too many Nazis in this for my liking. I understand the point they’re trying to make, being a parallel to today, with Nazis being everywhere and no one batting an eye about it, but it’s still unsettling.
Can’t wait to see how this all turns out.
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MG Awards 2018 | Nominaciones
Película Avengers: Infinity War Call Me By Your Name The Florida Project Hereditary Roma Sueño En Otro Idioma Director Ari Aster | Hereditary Sean Baker | The Florida Project Ernesto Contreras | Sueño En Otro Idioma Alfonso Cuarón | Roma Cristina Gallego, Ciro Guerra | Pájaros de Verano Luca Guadagnino | Call Me By Your Name Actriz Yalitza Aparicio | Roma Toni Collette | Hereditary Maggie Gyllenhaal | The Kindergarten Teacher Sally Hawkins | The Shape of Water Saoirse Ronan | Lady Bird Charlize Theron | Tully Actor Timothée Chalamet | Call Me By Your Name Tom Cruise | Mission: Impossible - Fallout Daniel Day-Lewis | Phantom Thread Colin Farrell | The Killing of a Sacred Deer Brady Jandreau | The Rider Joaquin Phoenix | You Were Never Really Here Actriz de Reparto Hong Chau | Downsizing Mackenzie Davis | Tully Marina de Tavira | Roma Danai Gurira | Black Panther Nicole Kidman | The Killing of a Sacred Deer Laurie Metcalf | Lady Bird Actor de Reparto Josh Brolin | Avengers: Infinity War Willem Dafoe | The Florida Project Armie Hammer | Call Me By Your Name Michael B. Jordan | Black Panther Michael Stuhlbarg | Call Me By Your Name Alex Wolff | Hereditary Guión Original The Killing of a Sacred Deer Lady Bird Pájaros de Verano Roma Sueño En Otro Idioma Tully Guión Adaptado Call Me By Your Name Disobedience Leave No Trace Widows You Were Never Really Here Zama Edición Avengers: Infinity War Call Me By Your Name The Florida Project Mission: Impossible - Fallout Roma Searching Fotografía Call Me By Your Name The Florida Project The Killing of a Sacred Deer Pájaros de Verano Roma Sueño En Otro Idioma Diseño de Producción Black Panther Call Me By Your Name Crazy Rich Asians First Man Roma The Shape of Water Diseño de Vestuario Black Panther Call Me By Your Name Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindewald Pájaros de Verano Phantom Thread The Shape of Water Make-Up & Hairstyling Black Panther Bohemian Rhapsody The Nutcracker and the Four Realms Ocean’s 8 Pájaros de Verano The Shape of Water Efectos Visuales / Especiales Avengers: Infinity War Bumblebee Christopher Robin First Man Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom Mission: Impossible - Fallout Edición de Sonido Annihilation First Man Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom Mission: Impossible - Fallout Roma Sueño En Otro Idioma Mezcla de Sonido Avengers: Infinity War Black Panther First Man Incredibles 2 Mission: Impossible - Fallout Roma Score Bird Box First Man Hereditary Isle of Dogs Phantom Thread You Were Never Really Here Soundtrack Black Panther Bohemian Rhapsody Bumblebee Call Me By Your Name Love, Simon Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse Canción “Alfie’s Song (Not So Typical Love Song)” — Bleachers | Love, Simon “All the Stars” — Kendrick Lamar, SZA | Black Panther “Back to Life” — Hailee Steinfeld | Bumblebee “Canción Zikril” — Denise Gutiérrez | Sueño En Otro Idioma “Home” — Vince Staples | Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse “Mystery of Love” — Sufjan Stevens | Call Me By Your Name “Run For Your Life” — K.Flay | Tomb Raider “Visions of Gideon” — Sufjan Stevens | Call Me By Your Name Poster Bumblebee Call Me By Your Name The Florida Project Isle of Dogs Pájaros de Verano Roma Trailer Black Panther Hereditary Incredibles 2 The Killing of a Sacred Deer Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse Tomb Raider Diseño de Créditos Annihilation Call Me By Your Name Isle of Dogs Rings Roma Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse Película Animada Ana y Bruno The Breadwinner Incredibles 2 Isle of Dogs Ralph Breaks the Internet Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse Off-Screen Performance Josh Brolin | Avengers: Infinity War Bryan Cranston | Isle of Dogs Jim Cummings | Christopher Robin Jake Johnson | Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse Shameik Moore | Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse Ben Whishaw | Paddington 2 Non-Anglo Performance Paula Beer | Frantz Hong Chau | Downsizing Diane Kruger | Aus dem Nichts Daniel Giménez Cacho | Zama Carmiña Martínez | Pájaros de Verano Daniela Vega | Una Mujer Fantástica Performance Mexicano Leonardo Alonso | El Vigilante Yalitza Aparicio | Roma Adriana Barraza | Todo lo Demás Karina Gidi | Los Adioses Eligio Mélendez | Sueño En Otro Idioma Luis Gerardo Méndez | Tiempo Compartido Featured Actor Dianna Agron | Novitiate Ann Dowd | Hereditary Jorge Antonio Guerrero | Roma Keiynan Lonsdale | Love, Simon Mónica Miguel | Sueño En Otro Idioma Sarah Paulson | Bird Box Stunts Avengers: Infinity War Black Panther Maze Runner: The Death Cure Mission: Impossible - Fallout Papillon Tomb Raider Breakthrough Actriz Yalitza Aparicio | Roma Hong Chau | Downsizing Lana Condor | To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before Cynthia Erivo | Widows Esther Garrel | Call Me By Your Name Thomasin McKenzie | Leave No Trace Margaret Qualley | Novitiate Brooklynn Prince | The Florida Project Breakthrough Actor Noah Centineo | To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before Timothée Chalamet | Call Me By Your Name Juan Pablo de Santiago | Sueño En Otro Idioma Harris Dickinson | Beach Rats Daveed Diggs | Blindspotting Brady Jandreau | The Rider Hoze Meléndez | Sueño En Otro Idioma Alex Wolff | Hereditary Rising Filmmaker Ari Aster | Hereditary Maggie Betts | Novitiate Aneesh Chaganty | Searching Sara Colangelo | The Kindergarten Teacher Greta Gerwig | Lady Bird Carlos López Estrada | Blindspotting Diego Ros | El Vigilante Chloé Zhao | The Rider Ensamble Avengers: Infinity War | Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans, Chris Hemsworth, Scarlett Johansson, Mark Ruffalo, Benedict Cumberbatch, Tom Holland, Elizabeth Olsen, Paul Bettany, Chadwick Boseman, Danai Gurira, Letitia Wright, Anthony Mackie, Sebastian Stan, Don Cheadle, Gwyneth Paltrow, Benedict Wong, Tom Hiddleston, Peter Dinklage, Chris Pratt, Dave Bautista, Pom Klementieff, Bradley Cooper, Karen Gillian, Zoe Saldana, y Josh Brolin Black Panther | Chadwick Boseman, Michael B. Jordan, Danai Gurira, Lupita Nyong'o, Letitia Wright, Martin Freeman, Andy Serkis, Daniel Kaluuya, Winston Duke, Sterling K. Brown, Forest Whitaker, y Angela Bassett Call Me By Your Name | Timothée Chalamet, Armie Hammer, Michael Stuhlbarg, Amira Casar, Esther Garrel, Victoire Du Bois, Vanda Capriolo, Peter Spears, y André Aciman Mission: Impossible - Fallout | Tom Cruise, Henry Cavill, Rebecca Ferguson, Michelle Monaghan, Ving Rhames, Simon Pegg, Sean Harris, Vanessa Kirby, Wes Bentley, Frederick Schmidt, Alec Baldwin, y Angela Bassett Roma | Yalitza Aparicio, Marina de Tavira, Diego Cortina Autrey, Carlos Peralta, Daniela Demesa, Marco Graf, Fernando Grediaga, Nancy García García, Jorge Antonio Guerrero, Víctor Manuel Reséndez, y Verónica García Sueño En Otro Idioma | Eligio Meléndez, José Manuel Poncelis, Hoze Meléndez, Juan Pablo de Santiago, Fernando Álvarez Rebeil, Fátima Molina, Nicolasa Ortíz Monasterio, Norma Angélica, y Mónica Miguel Escena Battle On Titan | Avengers: Infinity War The Speech | Call Me By Your Name The Accident | Hereditary Ferris Wheel | Love, Simon Halo Jump | Mission: Impossible - Fallout Nacimiento | Roma Blockbuster Avengers: Infinity War Black Panther Bumblebee Crazy Rich Asians Mission: Impossible - Fallout A Quiet Place Non-Theatrical Release Annihilation Bird Box Leave No Trace Novitiate The Rider To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before Documental Hasta los Dientes Human Flow Jane No Intenso Agora Notes On Blindness Visages Villages Película Mexicana La Negrada Nuestro Tiempo La Región Salvaje Roma Sueño En Otro Idioma El Vigilante Película Iberoamericana Acusada El Ciudadano Ilustre La Noche de 12 Años Pájaros de Verano Una Mujer Fantástica Zama Circuito Independiente Disobedience The Florida Project I Am Not A Witch Pájaros de Verano La Región Salvaje Roma
#Film#Awards#Call Me By Your Name#Roma#Sueño En Otro Idioma#Black Panther#Avengers: Infinity War#Hereditary#Mission: Impossible - Fallout#The Florida Project#Pájaros de Verano#Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse#Nominations#MGA18#MG#Personal#Own Awards
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2006 Movie Awards
Best Picture: Babel Children of Men Dreamgirls The Lives of Others Shortbus HONORABLE MENTION: Pan’s Labyrinth, The History Boys, Notes on a Scandal, Little Miss Sunshine, Letters From Iwo Jima, Little Children, Sherrybaby, The Prestige, Shut Up & Sing, Casino Royale, The Death of Mr. Lazarescu Best Director: Alfonso Cuaron, Children of Men Guillermo del Toro, Pan's Labyrinth Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck, The Lives of Others Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu, Babel John Cameron Mitchell, Shortbus HONORABLE MENTION: Pedro Almodovar, Volver; Martin Campbell, Casino Royale; Bill Condon, Dreamgirls; Laurie Collyer, Sherrybaby; Jonathan Dayton & Valerie Faris, Little Miss Sunshine; Clint Eastwood, Letters From Iwo Jima; Richard Eyre, Notes on a Scandal; Todd Field, Little Children; Paul Greengrass, United 93; Nicholas Hytner, The History Boys; Christopher Nolan, The Prestige Best Actor: Gael Garcia Bernal, The Science of Sleep Leonardo DiCaprio, The Departed Toby Jones, Infamous Ulrich Muhe, The Lives of Others Clive Owen, Children of Men HONORABLE MENTION: Sacha Baron Cohen, Borat; Daniel Craig, Casino Royale; Matt Damon, The Good Shepherd; Paul Dawson, Shortbus; Aaron Eckhart, Thank You for Smoking; Ion Fiscuteanu, The Death of Mr. Lazarescu; Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Brick; Ryan Gosling, Half Nelson; Hugh Jackman, The Fountain; Sebastian Koch, The Lives of Others; Kazunari Ninomiya, Letters From Iwo Jima; Peter O’Toole, Venus; Will Smith, The Pursuit of Happyness; Forest Whitaker, The Last King of Scotland; Patrick Wilson, Little Children Best Actress: Penelope Cruz, Volver Judi Dench, Notes on a Scandal Maggie Gyllenhaal, Sherrybaby Sook-Yin Lee, Shortbus Helen Mirren, The Queen HONORABLE MENTION: Ivana Baquero, Pan’s Labyrinth; Kirsten Dunst, Marie Antoinette; Shareeka Epps, Half Nelson; Anne Hathaway, The Devil Wears Prada; Beyonce Knowles, Dreamgirls; Meryl Streep, The Devil Wears Prada; Naomi Watts, The Painted Veil; Rachel Weisz, The Fountain; Kate Winslet, Little Children Best Supporting Actor: Daniel Craig, Infamous Paul Dano, Little Miss Sunshine Richard Griffiths, The History Boys Eddie Murphy, Dreamgirls Jack Nicholson, The Departed HONORABLE MENTION: Alan Arkin, Little Miss Sunshine; Samuel Barnett, The History Boys; Michael Caine, The Prestige; Steve Carell, Little Miss Sunshine; Robert Downey Jr., A Scanner Darkly; Jackie Earle Haley, Little Children; Ryo Kase, Letters From Iwo Jima; Sergi Lopez, Pan’s Labyrinth; Brad Pitt, Babel; Christopher Plummer, Inside Man; Keith Robinson, Dreamgirls; Jason Schwartzman, Marie Antoinette; Channing Tatum, A Guide to Recognizing Your Saints; Ulrich Tukur, The Lives of Others Best Supporting Actress: Adriana Barraza, Babel Emily Blunt, The Devil Wears Prada Frances de la Tour, The History Boys Jennifer Hudson, Dreamgirls Meryl Streep, A Prairie Home Companion HONORABLE MENTION: Cate Blanchett, Babel; Cate Blanchett, Notes on a Scandal; Abigail Breslin, Little Miss Sunshine; Jill Clayburgh, Running with Scissors; Vera Farmiga, The Departed; Martina Gedeck, The Lives of Others; Luminita Gheorghiu, The Death of Mr. Lazarescu; Rinko Kikuchi, Babel; Mia Kirshner, The Black Dahlia; Carmen Maura, Volver; Frances McDormand, Friends with Money; Catherine O’Hara, For Your Consideration; Anika Noni Rose, Dreamgirls; Emma Thompson, Stranger Than Fiction; Maribel Verdu, Pan’s Labyrinth Best Original Screenplay: Babel - Guillermo Arriaga Little Miss Sunshine - Michael Arndt The Lives of Others - Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck Pan's Labyrinth - Guillermo del Toro Shortbus - John Cameron Mitchell HONORABLE MENTION: The Death of Mr. Lazarescu, The Descent, Half Nelson, Inside Man, A Prairie Home Companion, The Queen, The Science of Sleep, Sherrybaby, Volver Best Adapted Screenplay: Children of Men - David Arata, Alfonso Cuaron, Mark Fergus, Hawk Ostby & Timothy J. Sexton The History Boys - Alan Bennett Letters From Iwo Jima - Paul Haggis & Iris Yamashita Little Children - Todd Field & Tom Perrotta Notes on a Scandal - Patrick Marber HONORABLE MENTION: Art School Confidential, Borat, Casino Royale, The Departed, The Devil Wears Prada, A Guide to Recognizing Your Saints, Infamous, Marie Antoinette, The Prestige, A Scanner Darkly, Thank You for Smoking Best Ensemble: Babel The Departed Dreamgirls The History Boys Shortbus HONORABLE MENTION: Art School Confidential, Bobby, Flags of Our Fathers, The Good Shepherd, A Guide to Recognizing Your Saints, Infamous, Inside Man, Letters From Iwo Jima, Little Miss Sunshine, Notes on a Scandal, A Prairie Home Companion, The Queen, Thank You for Smoking, United 93, Volver Best Limited Performance - Male: Adam Brody, Thank You for Smoking Alan Mandell, Shortbus Bill Nighy, Notes on a Scandal Joe Pesci, The Good Shepherd Martin Sheen, The Departed HONORABLE MENTION: Alec Baldwin, The Departed; Justin Bond, Shortbus; Bobby Cannavale, Fast Food Nation; James Cromwell, The Queen; Sam Elliott, Thank You for Smoking; Michael Gambon, The Good Shepherd; Danny Glover, Dreamgirls; Tony Hale, Stranger Than Fiction; Mark Margolis, The Fountain; Neal McDonough, Flags of Our Fathers; Hinnerk Schonemann, The Lives of Others; Koji Yakusho, Babel Best Limited Performance - Female: Viola Davis, World Trade Center Rosario Dawson, A Guide to Recognizing Your Saints Loretta Devine, Dreamgirls Julianne Moore, Children of Men Fiona Shaw, The Black Dahlia HONORABLE MENTION: Gillian Anderson, The Last King of Scotland; Tammy Blanchard, The Good Shepherd; Meagan Good, Brick; Judith Ivey, Flags of Our Fathers; Julie Kavner, Click; Sharon Leal, Dreamgirls; Gwyneth Paltrow, Infamous; Diana Rigg, The Painted Veil; Phyllis Somerville, Little Children; Sylvia Sims, The Queen; Robin Weigert, The Good German Breakthrough Performance: Ivana Baquero, Pan's Labyrinth Abigail Breslin, Little Miss Sunshine Paul Dawson, Shortbus Jennifer Hudson, Dreamgirls Rinko Kikuchi, Babel HONORABLE MENTION: Claire-Hope Ashitey, Children of Men; Samuel Barnett, The History Boys; Jay Brannan, Shortbus; Presley Chweneyagae, Tsotsi; Melonie Diaz, A Guide to Recognizing Your Saints; Debbie Doebereiner, Bubble; Mark Duplass, The Puffy Chair; Shareeka Epps, Half Nelson; Max Minghella, Art School Confidential; Emily Rios, Quinceanera; Jaden Smith, The Pursuit of Happyness; Jodie Whitaker, Venus Best Film Editing: Babel - Douglas Crise & Stephen Mirrione Children of Men - Alfonso Cuaron & Alex Rodriguez The Lives of Others - Patricia Rommel Shortbus - Brian A. Kates United 93 - Clare Douglas, Richard Pearson & Christopher Rouse HONORABLE MENTION: Bubble, Casino Royale, The Departed, The Descent, Dreamgirls, The Good Shepherd, Infamous, Inside Man, Letters From Iwo Jima, Little Children, Little Miss Sunshine, Pan’s Labyrinth, The Prestige, Shut Up & Sing, Volver Best Cinematography: Babel - Rodrigo Prieto Children of Men - Emmanuel Lubezski The Good Shepherd - Robert Richardson Letters From Iwo Jima - Tom Stern The Lives of Others - Hagen Bodanski HONORABLE MENTION: The Black Dahlia, Bubble, Casino Royale, The Death of Mr. Lazarescu, The Descent, Dreamgirls, Flags of Our Fathers, The Fountain, Inside Man, Marie Antoinette, Pan’s Labyrinth, The Prestige, Shortbus, United 93, Volver Best Original Score: The Fountain - Clint Mansell The Lives of Others - Stephane Moucha & Gabriel Yared Notes on a Scandal - Phillip Glass The Queen - Alexandre Desplat Volver - Alberto Iglesias HONORABLE MENTION: Babel, Brick, The DaVinci Code, The Departed, The Good German, The Illusionist, Letters From Iwo Jima, Little Children, The Painted Veil, Pan’s Labyrinth, United 93 Best Original Song: Dreamgirls - "Listen" - Scott Cutler, Beyonce Knowles, Henry Krieger & Anne Preven Dreamgirls - "Love You I Do" - Siedah Garrett & Henry Krieger Dreamgirls - "Patience" - Henry Krieger & Willie Reale Shortbus - "In the End" - Scott Matthew Shut Up & Sing - "The Neighbor" - Gary Louris, Martie Maguire, Natalie Maines, Emily Robison & Pete Yorn HONORABLE MENTION: Bobby - “Never Gonna Break My Faith”; Cars - “Our Town”; Casino Royale - “You Know My Name”; Happy Feet - “The Song of the Heart”; Shortbus - “Soda Shop”; Stranger Than Fiction - “The Book I Write” Best Art Direction: The Black Dahlia - Dante Ferretti & Elli Griff Dreamgirls - Nancy Haigh & John Myhre Marie Antoinette - K.K. Barrett & Veronique Melery Pan's Labyrinth - Eugenio Caballero & Pilar Revuelta The Prestige - Nathan Crowley & Julie Ochipinti HONORABLE MENTION: Bobby, Casino Royale, Children of Men, The Devil Wears Prada, Flags of Our Fathers, The Good Shepherd, The Illusionist, Infamous, Letters From Iwo Jima, The Lives of Others, The Painted Veil, Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest, The Queen, The Science of Sleep, Volver Best Costume Design: The Devil Wears Prada - Patricia Field Dreamgirls - Sharen Davis Marie Antoinette - Milena Canonero The Painted Veil - Ruth Myers Pan's Labyrinth - Lala Huete HONORABLE MENTION: The Black Dahlia, Bobby, Flags of Our Fathers, The Good Shepherd, The Illusionist, Infamous, Letters From Iwo Jima, The Lives of Others, Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest, A Prairie Home Companion, The Prestige, The Queen, Volver Best Makeup: The Descent Marie Antoinette Pan's Labyrinth Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest The Queen HONORABLE MENTION: The Black Dahlia, Children of Men, Dreamgirls, The Fountain, The Good Shepherd, The Illusionist, Infamous, Letters From Iwo Jima, The Prestige, Saw III, Volver, X-Men: The Last Stand Best Sound Mixing: Casino Royale Children of Men Dreamgirls Letters From Iwo Jima The Lives of Others HONORABLE MENTION: Babel, The Departed, The Descent, Flags of Our Fathers, The Good Shepherd, Inside Man, Little Miss Sunshine, Marie Antoinette, Mission: Impossible III, Pan’s Labyrinth, Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest, A Prairie Home Companion, The Prestige, Shortbus, United 93 Best Sound Editing: Casino Royale Children of Men Letters From Iwo Jima Pan's Labyrinth The Prestige HONORABLE MENTION: Babel, Blood Diamond, The Departed, The Descent, Dreamgirls, Flags of Our Fathers, Inside Man, The Lives of Others, Mission: Impossible III, Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest, Saw III, Superman Returns, United 93, X-Men: The Last Stand Best Visual Effects: Casino Royale Flags of Our Fathers Letters From Iwo Jima Mission: Impossible III Pan's Labyrinth HONORABLE MENTION: Children of Men, The Fountain, Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest, Poseidon, The Science of Sleep, Superman Returns, X-Men: The Last Stand Best Foreign-Language Film: The Death of Mr. Lazarescu - Cristi Puiu The Lives of Others - Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck Pan's Labyrinth - Guillermo del Toro Tsotsi - Gavin Hood Volver - Pedro Almodovar HONORABLE MENTION: Duck Season Best Documentary: Deliver Us From Evil - Amy Berg The Heart of the Game - Ward Serrill Shut Up & Sing - Barbara Kopple & Cecilia Peck Street Fight - Marshall Curry Wordplay - Patrick Creadon HONORABLE MENTION: An Inconvenient Truth, Jackass: Number Two, Jesus Camp, Stagedoor, This Film Is Not Yet Rated Best Animated Film: Flushed Away - David Bowers & Sam Fell Happy Feet - George Miller Monster House - Gil Kenan Over the Hedge - Tim Johnson & Karey Kirkpatrick A Scanner Darkly - Richard Linklater HONORABLE MENTION: Cars Every 2006 Film I've Seen: Ranked
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RBM Pool Party Fashion Show 2017 at Indigo Hotel Fashion Designer : Nancy Contreras Photography: Sebastian Barraza https://www.instagram.com/elpasobeautyofficial/ Makeup: Adenaise Tovar Hair: Iridian Molina and Artemisa Urias Production: Ragazza Bazaar www.ragazzabazaar.com #ragazzabazaar #runwaymodels #elpasomodels #fashionshow #poolparty #designerfashion
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Municipalidad de Catriel -
La Municipalidad te informa https://catriel.wpengine.com/asumio-la-junta-vecinal-b-carod/
Asumió la Junta Vecinal de B° Carod
Asumió la Junta Vecinal de B° Carod
La Municipalidad de Catriel informa a la comunidad que en un acto celebrado ayer en el Centro Comunitario del barrio Carod, asumieron las nuevas autoridades de la Comisión Directiva.
El acto fue presidido por la Presidenta de la Legislatura Municipal Juana Cárdenas y contó con la participación de la Legisladora Provincial Viviana Germanier, Legisladores y Funcionarios Municipales, miembros de la Junta Vecinal y vecinos que se acercaron al acto de asunción de las autoridades.
“Los Centros Comunitarios cumple un rol muy importante en la comunidad, articulando acciones con el gobierno municipal, promoviendo una comunicación fluida de las necesidades y temáticas propias de cada barrio”, expresó en su alocución Viviana Germanier
Integrantes de la nueva Comisión Directiva:
Presidente: Marcela Muñoz
Vicepresidente: María Piñeiro
Secretario: Norma Muñoz
Prosecretario: Yara Montecino
Tesorero: Yanina Rojel
Protesorero: Valeria Ovalle
Vocales Titulares:
1°: Rosa Carrizo
2°: Flavia Rojas
3°: Jacqueline Zimmermann
Vocales Suplentes:
1°: Olga Seguel
2°: Patricia Arrese
3°: Marta Ayamante
Comisión Revisora de Cuentas:
Miembros Titulares – 1°: Jessica Barraza Muñoz– 2°: Nancy Mazzina– 3°: Jorge Plá
Miembros Suplentes – 1°: Martha Catricura– 2°: Mario Moyano– 3°: Lucas Guajardo
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RBM Pool Party Fashion Show 2017 at Indigo Hotel Fashion Designer : Nancy Contreras Photography: Sebastian Barraza https://www.instagram.com/elpasobeautyofficial/ Makeup: Adenaise Tovar Hair: Iridian Molina and Artemisa Urias Production: Ragazza Bazaar www.ragazzabazaar.com #ragazzabazaar #runwaymodels #elpasomodels #fashionshow #poolparty #designerfashion (at Hotel Indigo El Paso Downtown)
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RBM Pool Party Fashion Show 2017 at Indigo Hotel Fashion Designer : Nancy Contreras Photography: Sebastian Barraza https://www.instagram.com/elpasobeautyofficial/ Makeup: Adenaise Tovar Hair: Iridian Molina and Artemisa Urias Production: Ragazza Bazaar www.ragazzabazaar.com #ragazzabazaar #runwaymodels #elpasomodels #fashionshow #poolparty #designerfashion (at Hotel Indigo El Paso Downtown)
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RBM Pool Party Fashion Show 2017 at Indigo Hotel Fashion Designer : Nancy Contreras Photography: Sebastian Barraza https://www.instagram.com/elpasobeautyofficial/ Makeup: Adenaise Tovar Hair: Iridian Molina and Artemisa Urias Production: Ragazza Bazaar www.ragazzabazaar.com #ragazzabazaar #runwaymodels #elpasomodels #fashionshow #poolparty #designerfashion (at Hotel Indigo El Paso Downtown)
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RBM Pool Party Fashion Show 2017 at Indigo Hotel Fashion Designer : Nancy Contreras Photography: Sebastian Barraza https://www.instagram.com/elpasobeautyofficial/ Makeup: Adenaise Tovar Hair: Iridian Molina and Artemisa Urias Production: Ragazza Bazaar www.ragazzabazaar.com #ragazzabazaar #runwaymodels #elpasomodels #fashionshow #poolparty #designerfashion (at Hotel Indigo El Paso Downtown)
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