#Nanami was one of the people tagged and I'd have to slit his throat with his own weapon if he told me he wanted me barefoot and pregnant
i-keepmyideals · 4 months
I'm sure a lot of people have seen that post "Women write like men" or something like that. That person brought up a good point, I think. And now I gotta agree even more because I just had to read with my own eyes the words,
"He wants to see you barefoot and pregnant."
Like, bro, what the fuck. What is this, the early 1900's?? It went from saying your fave wants to make you a housewife, for you to have full autonomy over your time. He wants to receive pictures at work of you with shopping bags in the trunk, or taking a pilates class or volunteering or whatever. And then just...barefoot and pregnant on the porch. Those exact words. The exact words that had been used to say that's all women should be because they should not work or be outside during their "reproductive years." I know people joke about Wikipedia, but there's literally a page on how negative that phrase is and other official works and books talking about it.
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I first heard this phrase from my dad when he was making fun of old timey tv shows and westerns where that's all a lot of wives were good for. He'd mention how that was absolutely ridiculous.
What is wrong with you? I feel like that coulda been worded so much better in the drabble I was reading. And no, my fave wouldn't want to see me pregnant, because I sure as fuck don't wanna be. Obviously there's nothing wrong with being a housewife. Obviously. Maintaining the house can be a fulltime job, tbh. But people need to be aware of their choice of words and how detrimental they can be
Some people really do just write like men
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