#Named her Chelsie
sexologii · 2 months
Tucker know he crazy 😭
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fetchphillips · 2 days
Rubina: Have there been other Chelsies?
Chelsie: Yeah but they're usually spelled different
Rubina: I meant on the show
Chelsie: Oh... I don't think so
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bklynmusicnerd · 8 days
Listen, there was a version of this season where Makensy comped her ass off in the name of dull ass Matt instead of villainous church girl Chelsie.
So, as meh as things might seem now, they could have been so much worse.
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rodspace · 29 days
Leah on the feeds calling Tucker Mr. Derogatory Terms and Chelsie backing her up talking about how she protected his character and his name only further confirming what’s being said about everyone’s favorite “Unproblematic” white man if you asked me.
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charlixcxashtray · 6 days
chelsie on feeds saying she wants to name her future daughter "ocean rose"
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thewingedwolf · 3 months
power seems to be stressing angela the fuck out i’m worried about her
matt never stops talking my god
mj is losing her mind already
despite having no power, cedric and chelsie have managed to get into alliances that may protect them this week
quinn and joseph seem very well insulated
everyone’s being careful about naming alliances for now
kenney might catch a stray this week
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blanketingg · 25 days
the thing with leah is i too would devolve into a childish mess if basically every single other person i was stuck with was villianizing me to a degree way out of proportion from my actual sins in the game (which is why i could never go on this show) but the longer you isolate the longer you allow chelsie to control the narrative against you (same as what happened when t’kimo hid for a day after the cedric flip). only way to change that is to talk to people you may feel some type of way about right now. i also think it’s a bit fruitless to try to go at chelsie through mj while chelsie still holds the power and influence in the house (despite mj being her longest, personally second strongest connection). it may seem counter-intuitive but i think she needs to start from the outside in with rubina and kimo and along with quinn try to have earnest conversations with them (no yapping in circles! leah! leah! no yapping!) about the extent to which chelsie tarnished her name. then work her way back to the chelsie loyalists once she’s let the gossip and retells cook a bit and see if an anti-chelsie sentiment is easier to get off the ground.
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She does SEO with every freaking royals and even Chelsy Davy. It’s impossible to search Charlotte Casiraghi for example without being flooded by images of megs. It’s so fucking annoying.
Yep, even Tamara Falco gets Meghan content attached to her, which probably drives her wild because she’s using the same strategy to associate her name to Diana and Kate but she mostly gets Meghan. That’s how it works.
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princesssarisa · 23 days
There are more meanings of Barbie characters' names?
I'll go through the whole list of Barbie's family and friends from Wikipedia for all the characters I didn't list before.
Barbie's family members
George (her father): "Farmer."
Margaret (her mother): "Pearl."
Tutti (her discontinued sister): An Italian word that means "all" – best known in the US from "tutti frutti" ("all fruits"), a term for mixture of chopped candied fruits or for sweets with a mixed fruit flavor. For Barbie's sister, it must be a nickname.
Francie (her cousin): Short for Frances, meaning "Frenchwoman."
Jazzie (another cousin): Jazz is a style of music; the slang term "jazzy" means bright, colorful, and showy, like the music. It could also be a nickname for Jasmine. It's obviously a nickname, at any rate.
Kirsten (another cousin): "Christian."
Lulu (another cousin): Probably short for Louise or Louisa, meaning "famous in battle," or for Lucinda or Lucia, meaning "light," or for Lucille, meaning "little light."
Millicent (her aunt): "Strong in work" or "unceasing strength."
Adele (another aunt): "Noble."
Female friends (she's had so many!)
Raquelle: "Ewe."
Grace: Self-evident.
Stacey: Derived from Anastasia, meaning "resurrection," or from Eustacia, meaning "fruitful."
P.J.: Unknown; we'd need to know what her initials stand for.
Steffie: Short for Stephanie, meaning "crown" or "wreath."
Cara: "Beloved."
Whitney: "White island."
Miko: "Delicious" or "entertaining."
Kira: "Young" or "black."
Becky: Short for Rebecca, meaning "tie" or "snare."
Kayla: Derived from Catherine, meaning "far off" or "pure."
Lea: "Weary."
Jamie: "Heel-grabber" or "supplanter."
Kelley: "Bright-headed."
Devon: "Calf" or "fawn."
Tracy: "Warlike" or "fierce."
Nia: "Bright" or "purpose."
Viky: Short for Victoria, meaning "victory."
Tara Lynn: Tara means "elevated place" or "star"; Lynn means "lake."
Lara: "Citadel."
Drew: Originally a male name derived from Andrew, meaning "manly."
Melody: Self-evident.
Simone: "Listening."
Shannen: A variant of Shannon, the name of a river in Ireland, which probably comes from a root word meaning "old" or "ancient."
Maiko: "Child in a linen robe" or "dancing child."
Harper: "Harp maker."
Renee: "Reborn."
Daisy: "Daisy flower," of course.
Tia: "Aunt."
Courtney: "Short nose."
Desiree: "Desired."
Ling: "Spirit" or "bell."
Dee Dee: Unknown; originally a nickname for anyone whose name started with D.
Dana: "God is my judge" or "wise."
Diva: A term for a singing star (especially an arrogant one), from the Italian word for "goddess." Obviously a nickname.
Tori: Short for Victoria, meaning "victory."
Susie: Short for Susan, meaning "lily."
Nichelle: A cross between Nicole, meaning "victory of the people," and Michelle, meaning "Who is like God?"
Marissa: "Of the sea."
Ana: "Grace" or "favor."
Gabbie: Short for Gabriella, meaning "God is my strength."
Chelsie: "Chalk wharf."
Marie: "Bitter," "drop of the sea," or "beloved."
Mari: "Truth," among other possible meanings.
Mariko: "Child of truth" or "jasmine child," among other possible meanings.
Isla: "Island."
Male friends
Blaine: "Yellow."
Derek: "Ruler of the people."
Curtis: "Courteous."
Todd: "Fox."
Steven: "Crown" or "wreath."
Kurt: "Brave counsel."
Ryan: "Little king."
Barbie's younger siblings have lots of friends too, but I'd be here all day if I tried to look up their names' meanings too.
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randomestfandoms-ocs · 7 months
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The Brice Family ✤ Centre Stage
Antonio "Tony" Motta-Brice & Keegan Brice (dads; mid 40s) Carter Brice (31) Kaia Brice & Malia Brice (28/29) Mateo Brice (19) Carla Vasquez-Brice (15) Maci & Chelsie Brice (13) Zane Brice (12) Ava Brice (6)
Ages are based on season 1, all of them are adopted (Chelsie & Zane are full siblings, parents put them up for adoption when Zane was an infant), and Tony & Keegan adopt Beth at the end of season 1
As the only one who remembers her bio parents (she was 5 when they died, Carla survived a car accident and they didn't), Carla chose to hyphenate her last name to honour them and gets very annoyed when people only call her by one of them
Carter Brice is the same age as Josh St James and they've been friends for most of their lives, and Kaia & Malia Brice were high school friends of Amelie Kline, Lindsay Wright, and Franny Fabray
Carla has spent her life doing community theatre with both Josh and Shelby Corcoran and they're both part of the family, she also considers Jesse to be an honorary extra sibling, and there is always an extra bed at the Brice house for anyone who might need it, their children's friends are all considered family
After The Incident™, Carla's dads seriously discussed moving out of Lima, but that would have also involved moving four children 11 and under, so instead Carla asked if she could move in with her uncle Al and favourite cousin Sugar, and she lived with them until Al and his wife (Kamilah Motta) decided to get a divorce, which led her to finally returning to her dads and siblings for her sophomore year of high school
Tag List: @airwolf92 – want to be added?
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Also to the anons that sent messages about Chelsy, although most of them were polite ( 🖕to those name calling), I'm not wading into the bullshit media response of ~H is still in love with her/he blames the media for the split/how does Meghan feel~
He's mentioning her because it's relevant to that time period in his life, the stories written and the impact of the attention & distrust. He has said she has a family now and finds this distressing as does he, so let's not add to it. It's his case, and maybe a general encouragement to read the court transcripts yourself rather than the media select quotes or spin pieces about it...
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froggods · 16 days
i havent watched the eviction yet but im still thinking about leahs renom and how stupid it is. if you *want* to get chelsie out, which is why you were trying to put her and t'kor on the block... why didnt you just name chelsie as the renom.... you would have the votes to send her out (kimo, t'kor, angela vs makensy, cam) like. make it make sense ?
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siritheneo · 20 days
Does anyone else name their instruments? I named my marimba Wretched Beast, but I call her Chelsie for short.
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This guy is obsessed with Chelsy. She’s clearly the one who got away and he blames the press for their breakup instead of his own behavior and actions. Accountability, thy name is not Harry.
Got news for ya, Harry. If one person is mean to you, they’re the asshole. If everyone is mean to you, you’re the asshole.
I said it after Spare. Chelsy is the one who got away, he's never gotten over her, and he regrets not walking away for a more private life with her.
The irony is that if he'd walked away back then for a "normal" life with Chelsy, he'd 1: be happy and 2: have all the priviledges as a royal he so wants now.
He wanted his cake and to eat it, too, and now he doesn't have any cake at all.
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oddogoblino · 4 months
So I just had a dream where, essentially, trying to find an artist's art tag for what I bought a sticker of sent me into a strange world where the people there thought they were dogs.
Dream rambling under cut
Like, I was looking for some sticker the artist drew because, in the dream, a friend asked what I'd bought from them so i looked for it because i didnt remember, and suddenly I was in a field and had no clue where I was.
And this short girl with curly hair and her taller best friend with straight hair ended up talking to me and leading me around, asking what kind of dog I was because i didnt look familiar nor like everyone else. The curly haired girl was a chihuahua and the straight haired girl was I think a German shepherd. "Everyone's a dog here!" The chihuahua girl was named Chelsie and the German shepherd girl was named Alana.
They were still very excited, confused, and welcoming to me as they showed me around. They dressed and looked like people but just weren't 100% human looking for some reason. They didn't have like- dog ears or anything, they looked human but like- not- entirely??? I think it was their hands, their hands looked like paws somewhat with fur and claws for nails and darker skin on their palms.
And I'm just wandering around trying to get used to this small town of sorts that they set up in an abandoned amusement park, mainly just walking around, and I meet two other dogs. A tall (compared to me..), muscular man with blonde, messy hair and his unwilling roommate(?) who was an older man with black , graying, cleanly styled hair. I think they were implied to be a golden retriever and a i'll assume a chocolate Labrador given how I remember his hair looking. I think their names were Alex and Ricko.
The blonde man just asks inappropriate questions upon being met, so I ran off to avoid him, and he later sulked and asked his friend why he "can't get bitches like you can" (which is really funny to me-) and the older guy reminisces about when he was younger and was the heartthrob of the town. He was a musician & singer too. He was implied to still have incredible pull but he didn't feel he was as handsome or anything as he once was.
The dream moved on to me with the girls and we're chatting and Chelsie accidentally spilt her friend's snacks on the bed so we were just awkwardly there as Alana began to vacuum them up, the other having left bc she didn't like the noise and me trying to nervously pick out some of the chips(?) that were missed. I remember Alana ended up talking to me about "knowing I don't really seemed to care for them" and how she'd kinda felt I was looking down on them for being dogs after we'd spent the day hanging out & them hunting animals with me tagging along. It was such an awkward moment in the dream, because how do you explain you just haven't figured out how/processed you ended up here to begin with? But we'd talked it out and got on better terms. I went to my new home or sorts after saying goodbye since it was late out.
My home was like- an abandoned apartment that I was given the uh...honor ...ig of fixing up so I could comfortably live there. A gang of dog people ended up hearing about me though and kept trying to break in the next morning while I was away to "see what kind of person I was". They used a literal actual cat to try and sneak them in because they hoped it'd unlock the doors for them or show them another way of how to get in. Cat refused and instead messed with them. Tho I remember I had subtle cat imagery in my room along with things from fandoms i like, which might've indicated I was/was becoming a literal cat person paired with the girl thinking I was looking down on them when I wasn't.
I think the dream ended with me walking back home, not knowing there was a gang of dogs trying to get into my apartment.
So yeah I had a weird dream, just wanted to type it down before I forgot.
Oh also, everything about the world I'd seen looked kinda abandoned. The dogs lived in abandoned houses that clearly had been human houses before, there were broken cars that were rusty and not used for years, grass was overgrowing in places it didn't before, the night was pitch black if not for all the stars and moon lighting the place, the amusement/Waterpark stuff the people I found lived in were all unused and moldy/rusty. They figured out how to make foods I knew of because well- recipes n such they found around. They had farms and such for all of this. Never once saw chocolate or grapes around any food I'd see in the dreams though.
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saintmeghanmarkle · 9 months
Is she on the Epstein List? by u/Winter-South-7448
Is she on the Epstein List? This appeared on my twitter feed, speculation about the identify of the person John Doe 107 (a female) on Epstein's list and who has asked for a 30 day stay to provide evidence to the court that she is at risk of harm if her name is released.​https://ift.tt/1qfnb9M to HRH Princess Chelsy @MrMrsHenryWales post link: https://ift.tt/JtizfPL author: Winter-South-7448 submitted: January 03, 2024 at 11:25PM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit
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