#Namae wa Tsuke Rarenai Ken
blue-scorpion-king · 6 years
Another self-insert thing, but less silly
=Self-Insert recently new Captain of the 4th Division of the Gotei 13 (Bleach)/Cosplay idea even=
Name & Title: 4th Division Captain Kodi Hando (Cody Hand).
Position: Captain of the 4th Division, which has the specialty of being a medical, supplying, & janitorial division. Lieutenant: Kiyone Kotetsu, younger sister of former lieutenant Isane. -Due to the retirement of both former Captain Unohana (Not dead), former Lieutenant Isane, and Kiyone not feeling ready to be a Captain replacement at all, 15 years after the Thousand Blood War with the Quincies & Yhwach Bach, I choose to be the replacement, even with the council might already have me in mind to be the new Captain.
And I still feel like a greenhorn Gotei Division Captain after 5 years.
Age: 159 years old (Born on September 12, 1864). Birthplace: Irvine, California, for the first 5 years of my life, before being moved to the North, to the state of Illinois, U.S.A. 1st death date: September 28th, 1888, due to tuberculosis that did not carry over to the afterlife. Height: 5'9". Weight: 160-170 pound range, due to the training I had in the past to become an seated officer within the 4th division, where I was once in the 130-140 weight range.
Hair color: Brown, down to my neck.
Eye color: Hazel, behind my oval shaped, orange colored glasses, with straight ends.
-Has both a mustache, a beard, and side-burns too. An snaggletooth on the left side of my top gums too.
-The shitagi (Under-clothing), the 4 hakama-hino (straps for the hakama, or pants/skirt), and tabi/socks are all orange in color, while the thick wrapping around my hands, & under my socks, due to Muay Boran training, the inside of my captain haori, the waraji/straw rope sandals, and the bottom designs of the haori, are colored puce (Dusky pink), which is the 4th Division's color.
-Swordsmanship: Experts are highly skilled in using their Zanpakuto while sealed or in its Shikai. Most lieutenants are experts, since they must know Shikai and have mastered it to a degree, in order to be promoted. -Kido: Experts possess considerable knowledge of Kido and its various forms. Can use mid-level spells to great effect even without incantation, though they generally use incantations for higher-level spells to ensure maximum power. Most lieutenants and captains possess this level of skill. -Shunpo/Flash Step: Experts are considerably fast, and can maintain high speed movements for extended periods of time. While not as fast as a master, they can keep up quite effectively. Some holding the title are faster than others, but, nonetheless, their application of the technique is highly advanced.
Fourukaa: The straight, double-edged katana sword that is considered an 'trouble child', when Ichibē Hyōsube of the Zero Divison created my zanpakuto, which has an 'outsider’ garuda demon spirit inside it, making it ‘cursed’ in the eyes of Soul Society (Legendary bird, or bird-like being, from Hindu/Buddhist/Jain myth). 
[An zanpakuto version of my main OC’s, Earl Zolubu’s, cursed vantablack katana]
With 9 names, changing from one to the other as the views on this sword changed over time, from the first days of completion, during the sudden 'possession’ of the sword, to long after it was given to me when I became a 3rd seat of the 4th Division.
Aoi Mizu no Yamanoha (“Blue Water Mountain Edge”)/Hiya Ame ni sono Shisha no Kuni, or Shisha, for short (“Cold Rain in the Land of the Dead”)/Shouhisha Kuro Katsuryoku (“Consumed By Black Vigor”)/Warui Hana, or Warui Ringo (“Bad Blossom”, or “Bad Apple”)/Namae wa Tsuke Rarenai Ken (“The Sword That Shall Not Be Named”)/Kuro Taaru No Sebun Chakura no Hasu (“Black Tar of the Seven Chakra Lotuses”)/Hi to Taiyou (“Fire And Sun”)/Garuuda (Garuda)/Fourukaa (“Forcalor”, an water/air fallen angel-demon of Hell, or “Fall Mother”)
Zanpakuto Spirit - Basically it is a trouble child 'demon' Garuda entity inside Fourukaa. Mischievous, doesn’t want to conform to rules, and wants to consume shadows since it is always starving.
Sealed - A 'unorthodox' katana, with a normal blue-gray copper/steel alloy blade, with dark copper blue crow feather hardening line/hamon design on the blade itself. Entire katana length: 38 inches long, -That is said that every single part of this 'unorthodox’ katana to have been soaked with crushed lotus flower juice, mixed with juices of 7 different crushed foods; red Daikon (“Radish”), Unshu Mikan (“Citrus/orange”), yellow-colored Gohan (“Rice”), Tsukemono (“Cabbage”), Ao Ringo (“Blue Apple”), Budou (“Grapes”), & Ierouseji (“Yellow Sage”), symbolizing the 7 Chakras, the blood of an dying asura, and the blood of an buddha at an almost eternal slumber, while it was forged and put together for religious purposes, which makes an very exquisite smell, even mixed in with the blood of enemies and duel opponents. Blade length: 28.0 inches long. Weight: 43 pounds (43/Shizan in Japanese can literally mean “Stillbirth”, which is a part of a superstition that room 43 in the maternity section of a hospital should be avoided). No sori/curvature at all. Width of the base: 4 inches wide. Width of the Yokote (Line between the tip and the rest of the blade’s 'sheet’): 37mm. Thickness of the base: 2500 mm/2.5 inches. Thickness of the rest of the blade: 2000 mm/2.0 inches. Length of the Nakago (Tang of the sword): 23.36 cm/9.2 inches. Tsuba width: 14 inches by 10 inches. The dark brownish green Habaki design is of an snorting, angry horse, with an fiery bright orange mane, clamping to the base of the blade with its mouth, the rest coming out of its mouth to throat. The Tsuba (Guard) design is shaped like an mountain, with a blue 'peak’, or the bottom of the Habuki, with the carvings of 2 grinning baboon monkeys, with purple fur, dark pink skin, & long tails, making the rest of the tsuba. The Fuchi (Collar) design is of an grey & orange whale in red (Bagklock) sea water, covered in the crater-riddled rock of the 4 (Bagklock) moons, with an big mouth that is shaped like an hole, with a black 'abyss’. The menuki (Tsuka ornament) design is a brownish-green dragon with 14 tendril-like tongues and 2 cyclops-like eyes. 7 'sealing’ Mekugis (Handle pins). Squared Tsuka (Handle) length: 10.0 inches. The Bloodgood maple wood tsuka is scarlet red in color and the pink Same-kawa (Wrapping), in an heart-shaped snake scale pattern, makes the pattern of an silhouette of a buck deer’s head. The Shitodome ('Before-pommel’ if you will) & Kashira (Pommel) design is of a blackish crow, with a purple hue, that has six straight wings, three heads, and three legs, the 2 (Bagklock) suns behind it, casting its shadow, with the end of the Kashira shaped like an wolf’s head, that looks similar to the ruler of Area 2 of the Gourmet World, one of the 8 Kings, “Wolf King” Guiness. The cobalt saya’s design (Scabbard), made out of reinforced cherry blossom tree wood, is that the koiguchi (Saya’s 'mouth’) is shaped differently than other katanas, made out of an red oni/ogre’s canine tooth, while it is shaped like an grinning red oni (Similar in looks to Toriko’s Red Gourmet Devil), along with the kojiri, or the end of the saya, being made out of a blue oni’s canine tooth, while it is shaped like a grinning blue oni (Similar in looks to Toriko’s blue Gourmet Devil). The right side of the saya is decorated with the design of the ten heads of the Ramayana asura villain, Ravana (Ravu~aana in Japanese), expect with one being an skull, with tiger-like canines, in the far, far bottom of the saya, while the other side has the different colored lotus flowers representing the 7 Chakras and at the ends of the saya, cut by the coil, are the green-haired, pale skinned Buddha, with eyes barely open, and an blue skinned, black haired Asura. & The sageo (Cord) is light gray in color.
Shikai - "Saku, Warui Ringo" (”Bloom, Bad Apple”) Special Abilities - Much of my sword's blade becomes vantablack, with 99% of light being absorbed, not reflected, *directly* becomes linked to one’s 7 Chakras, add watery effects to the very air from each movement, like swinging & thrusting, while having visible whirling, & waving, air around the blade, REALLY wants to shed blood, and to absorb both the 'light’ of its owner’s opponent’s soul and their shadow when slain, little by little with each successful strike, until just 1.4% of the soul & shadow remains.
"Daitai Pasu #1 [Ichi]: Hidoi Unmei" (Alternate Path #1: Knee-deep in Doom) This 'path' of my Shikai has my blade in flames, in the hydrogen-lit shape, made out of shadows, but also being like made out of flowing liquid, where I can shoot out three fiery tornadoes at once, which each are as big as the little Yachiru, which brings the effects of a staggering & seemingly uncontrollable twitching inducement for 1 minute, & absorb 1/2 of the moisture of an opponent’s body, and of a object, if a hit is successful, and bursts of light from the vantablack blade to envelope my strikes, punches, & kicks before cooling down, before my reiatsu gets low enough to where I need to charge back up. "Daitai Pasu #2 [Ni]: Tamashi no Jishin" (Alternate Path #2: Quake of the Soul) This other 'path' of my Shikai has the air around my sword to get watery and electrified at the same time, where I can breathe in an ton of 'hellish' air and breathe out an gust out of my mouth and nose, with an misty effect, catch the force of an attack, or projectile, that is not ordinary or indirect, charge through my reiatsu, while having to stay still, for 26 seconds, and then, hit back with an more ‘wrathful’ version of my opponent’s attack, & charge up my hits to directly bring an 'baleful' 'percussive' blow to the soul, not the physical body.
Bankai - “Kuro Taaru No Sebun Chakura no Hasu” (Black Tar of the Seven Chakra Lotuses). The first time I went Bankai, during Taisho/the Captain Proficiency Test, my body gave out right there. Even with a vague recollection, witnesses and the other Captains say that my skin got pale white, with black tar-like streaks all over my body and my eye sockets got blackened as well, like corpse paint (Black metal face paint), and my heart rate was lowered to an shocking 32 beats per minute. Though I did achieve Bankai, and passed the test, becoming captain, I was hospitalized for 5 straight weeks. Just laying on a hospital bed, having to be the captain while there and trust my division to make sure things sure decently, at least, until I was released in a clean bill of health.
Bankai theme song: "Dunkelheit", by Burzum (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DPyOhP1GTRQ).
=An simple Bankai that has my sword unleash an vanta-black liquid tar, makes my skin go pale white, with black tar-like streaks all over my body and my eye sockets got blackened as well, like corpse paint, makes my hair go long and a bit more unruly, my heart rate is lowered to 32 beats per minute, and become unnaturally calm (Similar to Unohana when she goes Bankai).
Time limit: 7 minutes before my heart rate and my body goes back to normal, with fatigue & body backlash up the ASS.
Here is what happens when I land a successful big strike at an opponent and the black tar goes into the wound, not like a paper cut or a very small wound, in 'stages'*, with a very small time gap, while my open hand is in one of 7 hand signs, or mudras, and their bodies reacting to that. 1-"Ne O Taberu" (Eating Away the Roots): This attack causes the body to fire pain to every single nerve, snout just gushes out of the nose (*1), every single muscle to contract and loose to the beat of the heart, emotions, as liquids, along with toxins & even piss, are gagged for them to vomit them out of their system (*2), the bones inside the body to rattle, all of the waste inside the arse & bladder suddenly aches to be released (*3), & the brain reacting via unlocking all of the suppressed feelings & memories of grief & loss, so the person would have to face them, without any lies. The one hand sign during this part of my Bankai=Rutosapoto (Muladhara): The tips of my thumb and index finger touching. 2-"Shouhisha Kuro Katsuryoku" (Consumed By Black Vigor): This Bankai part causes the mouth, and tongue, to shake uncontrollably, teeth to twirl sharply at an diagonal position, before going back in place (*1), to exploit all of the tastes the person ever had, convulsing the tongue in the process, the penis & testicles twisting and non-twisting by itself (*2), and the brain bringing out the emotions of affection & no pity, along with all of the memories that has those emotions, for the person to face, with no lies. The one hand sign during this part of my Bankai=Jibun no Besu (Svadhishthana): The entire hand is straightened out, open palm. 3-"Hi to Taiyou" (Fire And Sun): This causes the target’s body to suddenly get the stomach to vomit out all of the semen stored in the testicle, down to the last drop, taste to 'disappear’ from the tongue for 4 seconds, after the vomiting stops (*1), the eyes to empty out all of the tears it has, until it is all gone, all of the gunk inside the navel to shot out like an geyser (*2), and the brain brings out all memories of the person’s moments of disdain & unfound suspicion to be faced, with no lies. The one hand sign during this part of my Bankai=Hoseki Toshi (Manipura): The straightened fingers all point away from me diagonally, while the thumb curling to a hook. 4-"Yuki Bitokeji" (Organic Beating Cage): Causes 4 second long blindness, completely blackness (*1), the eyes to get H.R. Giger-esque hallucinations for 1 minute (*2), and then their brain showing who they really are inside, with no lies. The one hand sign during this part of my Bankai=Fuanteina (Anahata): The tips of the right index finger and right thumb are touching, while also touching the center of my chest. 5-"Hiya Ame ni sono Shisha no Kuni", or "Shisha", for short (Cold Rain in the Land of the Dead): This 5th part of my Bankai causes the heart to twist, stretch, and contract by itself, sweat just pouring through every single pore (*1), the heart to skip 2 beats every 7 seconds for 2 minutes (*2), and all memories of lust (once more), fraud, indecision, & longing for repentance, being released within the brain, with no lies. The one hand sign during this part of my Bankai=Tokuni Junsuina (Vishuddha): Spreading my fingers and letting the thumb curl to being hook-like, while pulling it slightly up, close to my palm. 6-"Aoi Mizu no Yamanoha" (Blue Water Mountain Edge): #6 'level' causes the body to go numb of touch, the skin turning pale white, the heart beating at an abnormally slow rate, between 27 and 30 beats per minute, for 30 seconds, like in my Bankai state (*1), to massively exhale and inhale a massive amount of air on its own for 1 minute (*2), and the brain releasing all memories of one’s hopes, anxiety, desires, or longings, & desire for impartiality for them to face head on. The one hand sign during this part of my Bankai=San-ban Me (Ajna): The middle finger are straight, pointing forward. The other fingers are curled. The thumb point towards me too. & 7-"Garuuda" (Garuda): This 7th and last part of my Bankai causes an third eye socket to form on the forehead of my opponent, but underneath the skin, with it covering the whole socket, with an full eye inside, for 1 minute, before unforming (*1), to feel 'too much’ pleasure (*2), and the brain is open for 'unseen’ spirits, the spirit of my Zanpakuto, and the reiatsu of anyone, to go and look into their brain as much as they wish for 1 minute, with no resistance due to the reiatsu nodes in the brain and head being temporarily blocked. The one hand sign during this part of my Bankai=Sen Hanabira (Sahasrara): Letting the ring finger extend outwards.
(A big reference to the 15 mudras that my main, Earl Zolubu, has, that causes the same effects, but through a stun to the soul, and consumed a big chunk of his inner aura if he uses even just one mudra.)
Sword style, besides improvisation: Shikko-sha no Yoshiki ("Executioner's Style") [What Ogami Itto, the 'Lone Wolf', from "Lone Wolf & Cub", uses]. Martial art style, besides improvisation and the anatomy part of medical training: Muay Chaiya, the southern Muay Boran style, & western Boxing from my previous life in 1860's to 1880's America.
-Apple trees are grown within the division, grown from seeds imported from the mortal world, especially the green Granny Smith apples.
-Hobbies: Writing, being on my computer, games, anime, manga, other types of fiction, liking & listening to different types of music, like metal, rock, classical, blues, and others, mustering up the gall to like my job & uphold my duty as a Captain, at least, Vtubers/Virtual Youtubers, like Hololive & VShojo, and crafts.
And also likes porn/hentai & females with big asses, even though big breasts bearing women are fine too.
Goals: Hopefully get my very first crossover fanfic book series completed, ‘The Blue Scorpion King Sagas’, set in the Bleach-less Bagklock Universe, with a lot more planned, and maintain my position as an Captain of the 4th Division. -One of several captains with a legit computer, ain't that experienced as a Captain yet, I will admit right out of the gate, lets more people from different walks of life into my Division, and is the only American within the Gotei 13. 
I think.
4th Division's 20 Seats:
1st/Captain: Kodi Hando/Cody Hand. 2nd/Lieutenant: Kiyone Kotetsu. Zanpakuto: "Shuiro Kaki Odan Suru Kuro Fuyu" (Vermilion Summertime crossing over with Black Wintertime). The Zanpakuto spirit of Shuiro Kaki Odan suru Kuro Fuyu is unknown at this point. Sealed form: An double-edged katana, with that being one of the only 3 'unorthodox' things about it, the other being the tsuba/handguard size and its baskethilt. Entire katana length: 32.9 inches long. Blade length: 25.6 inches long. Length of the Nakago (Tang of the sword): 15.7 cm/6.2 inches. Tsuba width: 27 inches by 23 inches. The Tsuba (Guard) design is shaped like a turtle's octagonal shell, while having an octogonal turtle shell shaped baskethilt over one half of the handle, both black in color. 2 Mekugis (Handle pins). Squared Tsuka (Handle) length: 7.3 inches. The tsuka is Puce (Dusky Pink) in color and the vermilion Same-kawa (Wrapping), in an hawk feather pattern, makes the pattern of an silhouette of a octagon. The Kashira (Pommel) design is shaped like an hawk’s head. The saya’s (Scabbard) is 2-way colored in a spiralling way, made out of vermilion & black. & the Sageo (Cord) is light red in color.
Shikai: "Keishiki u, Kaki Taka Kosa Shita Fuyu no Kame" (Form Up, Summer Hawk Crossed Winter Turtle). When Kiyone's zanpakuto becomes unsealed, it splits into seven, forming an naginata polearm, an octagonal shield, a puce colored helmet, 2 puce colored gauntlets, & 2 puce colored greaves. The naginata's tsuba's width is 34 inches by 30 inches, shaped like an full black metal basket, like the sealed zanpakuto's baskethilt, the vermilion colored tsuka is 6 feet, 2 inches long, as a part of the naginata's entire length being 8 feet, 3 inches/254 cm long, and the pommel remains the same with its hawk head design, expect that it is fiery and scowling now. The black shield, 6 feet wide, 6 feet tall, has vermilion-colored brushed Kanji, one Kanji above the other, the smaller Kanji are of the bigger numbers, the bigger of the smaller numbers, while having 8 pairs of numbers; 143/144 (百四十三/百四十四), 149/160 (百四十九/百六十), 161/344 (百六十一/三百四十四), 203/255 (二百三/二百五十五), 192/213 (百九十二/二百十三), 135/338 (百三十五/三百三十八), 79/308 (七十九/三百八), & 58/318 (五十八/三百十八), all around, clockwise, the front of it. The inside of the shield has the puce colored Kanji of eight 'natures'; Sky/Sora (空), Marsh/Numachi (沼地), Fire/Kasai (火災), Thunder/Kaminari (雷), Wind/Kaze (風), Water/Mizu (水), Mountain/Yama (山), & Earth/Tsuchi (土), counterclock wise, all around. The gauntlets are bishamon-gote, or forearm armor, with brass knuckles, with four stubs on each gauntlet, the helmet is an cabasset namban-kabuto, and the greaves are bishamon-sune-ate, or foreleg armor. Special abilities: The naginata is embedded with a simple wildfire-like heat, which surges to whatever Kiyone strikes, along with simple high octane, electrified wind-like force to the attacks, and being able to harm shadows of enemies. But, nothing else regarding shadows. Kiyone's shield is embedded with a simple coldness that goes to whoever strikes at it, can shrink down to 2.5 feet wide, 2.5 feet tall, as well as get charged up with a opponent's attack and repel them back after 4 seconds. The gauntlets & greaves can 'sanding’ up the knuckles and palms of Kiyone’s hands for opponents like water/liquid manipulators, or get wet with actual water for opponents like sand/dust manipulators, and is embedded with more grip to pick up & crush rock, soil, & stone. Also, her skin is embedded with an iron-like 'coating’, 1.5 times more than her own normal skin in her non-Shikai state. -Kiyone also throws & spins both the shikai naginata and shield. Bankai: "San sen ni hyaku Bosatsu-te Kosaten Kaki to Fuyu" (3200 Bodhisattva Hands Crossing Summer & Winter) Kiyone does not want its existence to be really known, so she wouldn't have to worry about the possibly notion of her being a extremely burdened captain in her future and is settled on being a lieutenant. She will go Bankai if she has no other choice though.
To activate this bankai, besides calling its name, Kiyone first had to put her Shuiro Kaki Odan Suru Kuro Fuyu, in shikai naginata form, on her lap, while sitting down, or horizontal on the ground while standing up, put her shield on her back, do a routine of 16 hand signs in quick succession, within 357.8 milliseconds, or 0.3578 seconds; The tips of the thumb and index fingers touching (Lam), Left hand on top and the right at bottom, interlocked, as the extended pinky fingers touch at the tips (Kuma [Bear]), Hands on the lap, palms up, on top of each other, with the left hand underneath the right one, the left palm touching the back of the fingers of the right hand, & the tips of the thumbs touching gently (Vam), the hands are interlocked, with the thumbs side by side (Hebi [Snake]), straightening the fingers, joining at the tops, where they are all pointing away from her, while crossing the thumbs, left over right (Ram), the middle and pinky fingers are straight, the tips touching, while the rest are not and the thumbs are inside the hands (Kyoi [Phoenix]), letting the tips of her index fingers and thumbs touch (Yam), Like the Unicorn hand sign/mudra, expect for all of the fingers interlock, without the hand palms touching at all, and the thumbs are pointing upwards (Ondori [Rooster]), crossing the fingers on the inside of her hands, without the thumbs, letting the thumbs touch at the tops, and pulling them slightly up (Ham), the left thumb on top of the right one, the first three set of fingers interlocking, & the straight pink fingers' tips touching while pointing forward (Ryu [Dragon]), the middle fingers are straight and touching at the tops, pointing forward, with the other fingers bended and touching at the upper two phalanges, while the thumbs point towards Kiyone and touch at the tops (Aum), the right hand is on top of the palm of the left hand, while the left thumb on the back of the right hand, inbetween the pinky and ring finger (Saru [Monkey]), besides the index fingers touching at the tips, rest of the fingers, curled by the 2nd joint, are on top of one another, the palms of the hands not touching at all, while the thumbs are curled (Ikkakuju [Unicorn]), letting the ring fingers point up, touching at their tops, while crossing the rest of the fingers, with the left thumb underneath the right (Ng), the hands are pointing downwards, with one hand open and the other having fingers curled by the 2nd finger joint, but not the knuckle, with the thumbs side by side of each other (Shishi [Lion]), & ending it at the hands interlocked, the left thumb on top of the right thumb (Om); Thus, the Bankai becomes fully active.
After a split second of a reiatsu burst, and the shield becoming an literal octagonal turtle shell that encases her whole torso & back, an 67 foot tall vermilion colored steel statue of a sitting female Bodhisattva, wearing an kasaya/kesa robe made out of cloth and hawk feathers, mimicking Kiyone's movements, and having 3200 arms, with black hands, 1600 of them wielding a naginata, & the other 1600 of them being empty, all around in an concentric matter, 360 degrees behind the statue, in an hexadecagonal, or 16-gonal, fashion, with an inner octagon inside that, which an set of 2800 arms would be connected by forearm & bicep cuffs, leaving only 200 hands wielding naginatas & 200 empty, open hands, 400 in total, depending on which 'Circle Animal Methods' (Based around the Yin Style Baquazhang (Circle Walking) martial art) are being used. The statue itself also has 8 faces; The main one being of an lion, two more being on the sides of the head (Bear, right, & Monkey, left), two more on top of the head (Rooster, left, & Dragon, right), one on the forehead (Snake), and last 2 on the middle of each side of the collar area (Phoenix, right, & Unicorn, left).Kiyone though, first has do the Om hand sign/mudra and then strike at her opponent every time she splits her hands apart from the mudra.
"Yunikon to Jishin o Hikiokosu Hidzume no Chijo no Ha" (Earthly Blades of Unicorns & Quake-causing Striking Hooves)
Linked element to the fury of this 'level' of Kiyone's shocking bankai: Earth.
=Attack methods, to add to the attack name: "-: ????" (????), "-: ????" (????), "-: ????" (????), "-: ????" (????), "-: ????" (????), "-: ????" (????), "-: ????" (????), & "-: ????" (????).
"Kuma to Yama no Suberi Tsume no Yama o Yaburu Chuto" (Mountain-Breaking Polearms of Bears & Mud Sliding Paws)
Linked element to the fury of this 'level' of Kiyone's shocking bankai: Mountain Metal Ore.
=Attack methods, to add to the attack name: "-: Isogu" (Rushing), "-: Shinto Suru" (Penetrating), "-: Tettai" (Withdrawing), "-: Hakobu" (Carrying), "-: Katamuku" (Leaning), "-: Shokkingu" (Shocking), "-: Ubuge" (Soft), & "-: Ika" (Following).
"Hebi no Shita o Karitotte Mizu o Utsu Sutoraiku" (Reaping Blade Tongues of Snakes & Water-imploding Strikes)
Linked element to the fury of this 'level' of Kiyone's shocking bankai: Water.
=Attack methods, to add to the attack name: "-: Kata" (Shoulder), "-: Hiji" (Elbow), "-: Hiza" (Knee), "-: Hippu" (Hip), "-: Kensaku" (Searching), "-: Temochi" (Holding), "-: Hokatsu" (Entrapping), & "-: Shoaku" (Grasping).
"Kaze no Arashi no Gen'in to naru Fenikkusu to Pamu no Shugeki no Karitori Taron" (Mowing Talons of Phoenixes & Palm Thrusts That Causes Wind Storms)
Linked element to the fury of this 'level' of Kiyone's shocking bankai: Wind.
=Attack methods, to add to the attack name: "-: Yokeru" (Dodging), "-: Kakucho Suru" (Extending), "-: Choppingu" (Chopping), "-: Shokkingu" (Shocking), "-: Henkan Suru" (Transforming), "-: Jokyo Suru" (Removing), "-: Karu" (Curling In), & "-: Sasu" (Stabbing).
"Ryu' Hamono no Ibuki to Sora no te no Ibuki" (Dragons' Breath of Bladed Polearms & Thunderous Empty Hands)
Linked element to the fury of this 'level' of Kiyone's shocking bankai: Thunder.
=Attack methods, to add to the attack name: "-: Oshite" (Pushing), "-: Takameru" (Lifting), "-: Hakobu" (Carrying), "-: Sendo" (Leading), "-: Ugoku" (Moving), "-: Hokaku" (Capturing), "-: Choppingu" (Chopping), & "-: Hairu" (Entering).
"Ondori no ha to Hageshi te no Joka" (Bladed Beaks of Roosters & Fiery Hands of Purification)
Linked element to the fury of this 'level' of Kiyone's shocking bankai: Fire.
=Attack methods, to add to the attack name: "-: Yokeru" (Dodging), "-: Kakucho Suru" (Extending), "-: Shifuto" (Shifting), "-: Shiriagari" (Rising), "-: Hairu" (Entering), "-: Muchiuchi" (Whipping), "-: Isogu" (Rushing), & "-: Senshi" (Piercing).
"Saru no Te Furuu Naginatas Ekitai-ko no Numa" (Monkey Hands Wielding Reaping Swords & Marsh of Liquid Steel)
Linked element to the fury of this 'level' of Kiyone's shocking bankai: Liquid Metal.
=Attack methods, to add to the attack name: "-: Mage" (Bending), "-: Fumu" (Stomping), "-: Tobihaneru" (Springing), "-: Hippu" (Hip), "-: Choppingu" (Chopping), "-: Yureru" (Swinging), "-: Musubi" (Ending), & "-: Sutanpingu" (Stamping).
& "Naginata Raionzu to Kumo no Kiba sanzen ni hyaku Ton" (Reaping Sword Fangs of Lions & Clouds That Weigh 3200 Tons)
Linked element to the fury of this 'level' of Kiyone's shocking bankai: Metal Gas Cloud.
=Attack methods, to add to the attack name: "-: Haku" (Sweeping), "-: Tachi" (Cutting), "-: Choppingu" (Chopping), "-: Fukkingu" (Hooking), "-: Shokkingu" (Shocking), "-: Burokkingu" (Blocking), "-: Oshu" (Seizing), & "-: Shoaku" (Grasping).
Relative speed of each strike from each arm of this Bankai: 800.3 mph/0.3578 seconds.
-She chants a Japanese Buddhist opening chant/kai kyo ge (https://youtu.be/YuRp2zoKd2s?t=496 [8:16 to 12:04]), a mantra of purification/sho sai myo kichijo darani (https://youtu.be/YuRp2zoKd2s?t=1908 [31:48 to 35:33]), and a final prayer/ekomon (https://youtu.be/YuRp2zoKd2s?t=2270 [37:50 to 46:44]) which does not really add to her Bankai, expect that she does it in her state of mind while having her Bankai activated, reflecting that she Buddhism a bit more seriously than many other Shinigami, including her own fellow Seated Officers and her Captain, me.
3rd: Yasochika Iemura. Co-3rd: Hanataro Yamada. 4th: Chiaki Nanami (Former Ultimate Gamer while was alive). 5th: Kaito Momota (Former Ultimate Astronaut while was alive). 6th: Chisa Yukizome (Former Ultimate Housekeeper while was alive). 7th: Sakura Oogami (Former Ultimate Martial Artist while was alive). 8th: Harunobu Ogido. 9th: Chihiro Fujisaki (Former Ultimate Programmer while was alive). 10th: Kiyotaka Ishimaru (Former Ultimate Moral Compass while was alive). 11th: Hifumi Yamada (Former Ultimate Doujin-ka (Fanwork Creator) while was alive). 12th: Kaede Akamatsu (Former Ultimate Pianist while was alive). 13th: Angie Yonaga (Former Ultimate Artist while was alive). 14th: Miu Iruma (Former Ultimate Mechanic while was alive). 15th: Rantaro Amani (Former Ultimate Survivor while was alive). 16th: Tenko Chabashira (Former Ultimate Aikido Master while was alive). 17th: Leon Kuwata (Former Ultimate Baseball Star while was alive). 18th: ???? & 19th: Aoga.
=Relief Teams leaders=    1st Relief Teams = Yasochika Iemura (leader), Harunobu Ogido (co-leader)    2nd Relief Teams = Chisa Yukizome (leader)    3rd Relief Teams = Kiyotaka Ishimaru (leader)    4th Relief Teams = Rantaro Amani (leader)    5th Relief Teams = Kaito Momota (leader)    6th Relief Teams = Miu Iruma (leader)    7th Relief Teams = Angie Yonaga (leader)    8th Relief Teams = Sakura Oogami (leader)    9th Relief Teams = Aoga (leader)    10th Relief Teams = Kaede Akamatsu (leader)    11th Relief Teams = Leon Kuwata (leader)    12th Relief Teams = Chiaki Nanami (leader)    13th Relief Teams = Hifumi Yamada (leader)    14th Relief Teams = Hanataro Yamada (leader)
[Might have a couple of updates in the near-future]
~The Bat~
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blue-scorpion-king · 6 years
Fourukaa, aka 8 other names -Earl Zolubu’s 3rd  sword-
*Earl's 3rd and most recent sword= Fourukaa: The straight, double-edged katana sword that was supposed to be the 13th Saijo O Wazamono, but got affected with an curse to obtain an 'outsider' garuda demon spirit (Legendary bird, or bird-like being, from Hindu/Buddhist/Jain myth). With 9 names, changing from one to the other as the views on this sword changed over time, from before the curse, the time of maybe the katana going a bit beyond the line of acceptable swords, during the sudden 'possession' of the sword, to long after it was not to be make the number of the Saijo O Wazamono grade swords from 12 to 13. Aoi Mizu no Yamanoha ("Blue Water Mountain Edge")/Hiya Ame ni sono Shisha no Kuni, or Shisha, for short ("Cold Rain in the Land of the Dead")/Shouhisha Kuro Katsuryoku ("Consumed By Black Vigor")/Warui Hana, or Warui Ringo ("Bad Blossom", or "Bad Apple")/Namae wa Tsuke Rarenai Ken ("The Sword That Shall Not Be Named")/Kuro Taaru No Sebun Chakura no Hasu ("Black Tar of the Seven Chakra Lotuses")/Hi to Taiyou ("Fire And Sun")/Garuuda (Garuda)/Fourukaa ("Forcalor", an water/air fallen angel-demon of Hell, or "Fall Mother") How Earl earned this extremely high grade, but cursed sword: Back in 2038, 8 years ago from 2046, During his trek to get back home after events that got Earl & one of his best friends, Meruem, to escape the prison, Impel Down, in Bagklock Earth's (One Piece) equator, on one of the last islands on that journey, Wano Kui, things went nutty mcgee when Earl found a small, small 'lake', that had an air-tight wooden coffin for an cursed sword, Fourukaa, one of 9 names, that was once considered to become the 13th out of the Saijo O Wazamono grade swords, and buried by those of the blue snow tipped mountain-dwelling Hikui Tomo Senotakai/Hi-tomo-takai ("Short & Tall") clan. Feeling that such a sword, even if cursed, shouldn't really go to waste, buried underwater, it wouldn't have to bother future generations of Wano, if it is not on Wano soil anymore, & that he can tame the demon inside the katana blade, Earl went to the clan to ask if he can earn the sword after a duel, which he expected to meet resistance on the idea to even consider opening the coffin. But, after much convincing, on one condition, Earl would have Fourukaa in his possession, as a swordsman, after attempting to defeat Yama-inshou of the Midori Oni Yuki (Earth Elemental Sword Style), with 2 swords, one blade is an odachi and the other is an wakizashi, who is the strongest and fastest, despite his 4'0" height, in combat on top of Mt. Aoi Yuki, in front of the graves of the samurai who choose to be buried under the tip of the mountain, under the blue snow. It was a grueling, blood-shedding duel between Earl and Yama-inshou, with more and more nobles walking to the short, snowy mountain, where Earl had to uncap his first three power caps to be on equal ground, before delivering one final blunt strike, both hands on the blade, the baskethilt to Yama-inshou's forehead like an hammer, and knocking him out, fair and square. After that, after earning Fourukaa by the lakeside, Zolubu had to watch , with an expression of grimace and yet, acceptance, that Yama' would be willingly to accept his dishonor and smiles at Earl for being a true warrior, even as an outsider. Yet another face and name Earl would never forget. From there, after the other events in Wano Kui, 8 years later, Earl had the sword with the 'demonic problem bird', Fourukaa, ever since, hanging beneath Lanza, and managed to get a grip on the sword's curse mostly. Entire katana length: 42 inches long, -That is said that every single part of this 'unorthodox' katana to have been soaked with crushed lotus flower juice, mixed with juices of 7 different crushed foods; red Daikon ("Radish"), Unshu Mikan ("Citrus/orange"), yellow-colored Gohan ("Rice"), Tsukemono ("Cabbage"), Ao Ringo ("Blue Apple"), Budou ("Grapes"), & Ierouseji ("Yellow Sage"), symbolizing the 7 Chakras, the blood of an dying asura, and the blood of an buddha at an almost eternal slumber, while it was forged and put together for religious purposes, which makes an very exquisite smell, even mixed in with the blood of enemies and duel opponents. Blade length: 28.0 inches long. Originally a normal blue-gray copper/steel alloy blade, before the Garuda's curse changed it to mostly a vantablack blade, with dark copper blue crow feather hardening line/hamon design on the blade itself. Weight: 43 pounds (43/Shizan in Japanese can literally mean "Stillbirth", which is a part of a superstition that room 43 in the maternity section of a hospital should be avoided). No sori/curvature at all. Width of the base: 4 inches wide. Width of the Yokote (Line between the tip and the rest of the blade's 'sheet'): 37mm. Thickness of the base: 2500 mm/2.5 inches. Thickness of the rest of the blade: 2000 mm/2.0 inches. Length of the Nakago (Tang of the sword): 23.36 cm/9.2 inches. Tsuba width: 14 inches by 10 inches. The dark brownish green Habaki design is of an snorting, angry horse, with an fiery bright orange mane, clamping to the base of the blade with its mouth, the rest coming out of its mouth to throat. The Tsuba (Guard) design is shaped like an mountain, with a blue 'peak', or the bottom of the Habuki, with the carvings of 2 grinning baboon monkeys, with purple fur, dark pink skin, & long tails, making the rest of the tsuba. The Fuchi (Collar) design is of an grey & orange whale in red (Bagklock) sea water, covered in the crater-riddled rock of the 3 (Bagklock) moons, with an big mouth that is shaped like an hole, with a black 'abyss'. The menuki (Tsuka ornament) design is a brownish-green dragon with 14 tendril-like tongues and 2 cyclops-like eyes. 7 'sealing' Mekugis (Handle pins). Squared Tsuka (Handle) length: 14.0 inches. The Bloodgood maple wood tsuka is scarlet red in color and the pink Same-kawa (Wrapping), in an heart-shaped snake scale pattern, makes the pattern of an silhouette of a buck deer's head. The Shitodome ('Before-pommel' if you will) & Kashira (Pommel) design is of a blackish crow, with a purple hue, that has six straight wings, three heads, and three legs, the 2 (Bagklock) suns behind it, casting its shadow, with the end of the Kashira shaped like an wolf's head, that looks similar to the ruler of Area 2 of the Gourmet World, one of the 8 Kings, "Wolf King" Guiness. The cobalt saya's design (Scabbard), made out of reinforced cherry blossom tree wood, is that the koiguchi (Saya's 'mouth') is shaped differently than other katanas, made out of an red oni/ogre's canine tooth, while it is shaped like an grinning red oni (Similar in looks to Toriko's Red Gourmet Devil), along with the kojiri, or the end of the saya, being made out of a blue oni's canine tooth, while it is shaped like a grinning blue oni (Similar in looks to Toriko's blue Gourmet Devil). The right side of the saya is decorated with the design of the ten heads of the Ramayana asura villain, Ravana (Ravu~aana in Japanese), expect with one being an skull, with tiger-like canines, in the far, far bottom of the saya, while the other side has the different colored lotus flowers representing the 7 Chakras and at the ends of the saya, cut by the coil, are the green-haired, pale skinned Buddha, with eyes barely open, and an blue skinned, black haired Asura. & The sageo (Cord) is light gray in color. The nature of this sword's curse is to change much of the sword to vantablack, thus having 99.965% of light be absorbed, not reflected, *directly* becomes linked to one's 7 Chakras, add watery effects to the very air from each movement, like swinging & thrusting, while having visible whirling, & waving, air around the blade, REALLY wants to shed blood, and to absorb both the 'light' of its owner's opponent's soul and their shadow when slain, little by little with each successful strike, until just 1.4% of the soul & shadow remains. Theme song: "Bad Apple!!", an extremely famous Touhou arcade game song.
Earl Zolubu on Four: [“Fourukaa is a problem demon bird to deal with at times. But, I can use it enough to keep it right on the path of my thrusts and swings. It is a cursed honor, maybe. But, it is a honor to wield such a sword like this indeed.”]
~The Bat~
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