#Nairi St. Bree
bitzsims · 1 year
After getting River’s number to keep in contact, Nairi decided to get on the ball and work out. Which is kind of hard to do when you’re not in the best of shape…
Too bad she found out the hard way.
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bitzsims · 1 year
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September 5
Watching one of her favorite romance movies for the millionth time. Being married is definitely on this woman’s bucket list.
After watching it, Nairi decides to take a nice nap, not having anything else planned this weekend.
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bitzsims · 1 year
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Nairi looked down at her phone. As much as she so badly wanted to stay and spend as much time with River as possible, it was starting to get late and she needed to get home to see if the plumbers were done. Also she needed to grade papers for work the next day. 
I’m not going to take much more of your time, handsome. I have to head home.
You’re not taking my time. I’m beginning to like when you visit.
Well, I’m sure catching a naked woman was the last thing on your list and the last thing you wanted to see. 
Nairi chuckled and looked away to the side blushing in embarrassment, only to have River bring her eyes back to meet his with his hand under her chin. 
I didn’t see anything I didn’t want to, Nairi…
Heat threatened to explode her cheeks out of existence, but this time she welcomed it. 
Then, I guess that worked out for the both of us. 
Feeling like she was really ready to leave, River leaned forward to kiss her forehead.
Don’t be a stranger, Nai. My home is your home. 
See how the evening went for the two of them...
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bitzsims · 1 year
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The water at the beach is chilled but not too cold and after a few shivers to get used to the temperature, Nairi starts to wade out from the shallows. Her eyes glance all over the bay; no one’s in sight because they’re all in their homes at this time of night. Another glance to the left gives her a glimpse at one of the nearby house boats. 
Wait…is that who she thinks it is? 
There’s no mistaking the camouflaged uniform, the dog tags and the glasses. Smiling at the thought of the water balloon fight she had with the soldier before, Nairi chuckles before ducking under the small waves.
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bitzsims · 1 year
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He’s a busy boy, that soldier…but he has enough time during lunch break for some fun with the newest resident of the desert oasis.
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As soon as she sees River, Nairi can’t help but feel a rush of happiness in her heart at the fact that he really came! She waves him over to where she’s standing near the water balloon area. River’s mouth curves into a smile and after giving her a quick embrace, he raises his eyebrow looking around at what area they were at.
“I just got here. You already trying to start a fight with me, sweets?”
Nairi gives a shrug. “Just some nice friendly combative fun. Why? You scared of a little water, River?”
River’s eyes crinkles at the corners and he barks out a laugh, patting his dog tags.
“I was in the Navy before, Boo. Water and I are best friends.” His gray blue eyes look up at Nairi’s hairstyle. “But you…you might want to put a shower cap over your hair though.”
Nairi gasps, already protective of her hair. “OH…it’s like that?”
Without another word, Nairi picks up a red balloon from a nearby bucket and stands ready behind her side of the battlefield.
“Bring it then!”
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bitzsims · 1 year
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It’s LEISURE DAY! Roller skating, water balloon fights, face painting and good fatty food like funnel cakes!
Nai isn’t going to let it go by either without experiencing everything there is to offer. But it’s no fun being a festival by yourself.
Guess who she’s calling? 
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bitzsims · 2 years
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A promise kept.
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bitzsims · 1 year
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Nairi’s eyes slowly opens hearing her cell phone ringing non-stop on her coffee table. This nap seemed so short even though she had fallen asleep an hour and a half ago. As soon as she sees that it was River calling, however, she gets up quickly and answers.
Nairi: Hey, River. Everything okay?
River: Hey there, Nai! I’m just hanging out at the park. Do you want to join me? It’s a nice evening but a bit lonely here with just me and Navi. We could use your company.
Nairi’s heart soars. Ever since the incident in River’s shower- where Nairi thought that River wouldn’t want anything to do with her afterward- he started calling her more often.
She doesn’t want to think that it was just because he saw her naked body; that she could be possibly his next booty call. No, she prefers to think that it was because he was starting to fall for her a little too. She’s definitely falling for him and his gorgeous husky.
Nairi: Yeah, sure! I can come down there. I’ll be to you guys in about fifteen minutes.
River: Sweet. See you soon, beautiful.
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bitzsims · 1 year
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Nairi hurried and redressed, before rushing downstairs to where a still red faced River was filling his dog’s bowl with food. The next few moments were awkward and quiet. Something Nairi wasn’t comfortable with.
River beat her to the punch facing her and staring at her with intense blue eyes.
“I’m sorry, sweetheart. I’m not a pervert you know…I just wanted to make sure you were okay. I didn’t want you to not have shampoo or anything like that.”
Nairi smiled soft at his chivalry.
“I don’t think you’re a pervert, River. Thank you for thinking about me.” 
River looked for relaxed at her words, smiling soft as well.
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bitzsims · 1 year
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River sat quiet downstairs on his couch, all too aware that there was possibly a naked woman in his bathroom. Navi stared at him from where she was laying on the floor and her eyes moved as he got up scratching the back of his head.
Maybe…I wonder if she needs anything like shampoo.
Nairi had just finished with the refreshing shower and even though she used the Axe soap that River had available it was better than nothing. As soon as she opened the door to the shower and stepped one foot out, she froze in alarm as the door to the bathroom opened and River’s head popped in.
“Nairi, I…oh…shit…”
Time stopped for the both of them and after his mouth immediately dropped, all River could register was the smooth silky skin illuminated by light of the bathroom, water droplets streamed down said skin between her full breasts and curves that he almost reached out to touch.
Nairi saw the heat so very apparent in his eyes and her cheeks exploded in color as she rushed and reached for a nearby towel.
River blinked and then blushed himself, covering his eyes and backing toward out the door again.
“I’m sorry! I just wanted to make sure you didn’t need anything. Sorry! Bye.”
The door closed.
This is what River accidentally got a glimpse of...
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bitzsims · 1 year
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Nairi starts to talk then starts to ramble about the heat and the spa and all the while her heart thumps wildly. After a few more moments, River then clears his throat as if asking her to get on with the point. 
“Basically…I wanted to ask you if I could use your shower. Would that be okay with you, River? It's just I don't know anybody else here really."
River’s eyes widen at her question, his eyes quickly scanning her body up and down before meeting her own again. Nairi takes that as a no and she backs up; not wanting to weird him out even more than she is.
“You know what…I’ll just go home and wait it out. The plumbers will be probably done soon.”
River’s strong hand reaches out and grabs Nairi’s before she can turn and walk away.  His smile is soft.
“Hold on, Nairi. Usually when people ask a question, you have to give them time to answer, right?”
“If you need to freshen up, I don’t mind it. Just so you know, I don’t have any feminine soap or products up there. I’m a bachelor. You understand.”
Nairi smiles wide with relief. 
“Yes! I do understand and I can’t thank you enough.”
River opened the door to his house. “Then sure, come on in. Bathroom is upstairs.”
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bitzsims · 1 year
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River comes to the door and blinks seeing who was there, before opening up and walking outside.
“Hey, Nai. Wh…What’s up?”
Nairi could tell by the look in the soldier’s eyes that he was questioning how she knew his residence and she quickly started speaking. “Hey, River. Um…I had saw you here at your house the other night when I was swimming in the bay.”
“All right…”
“I promise I’m not a stalker or anything like that. It’s just…just…”
River’s silent for a bit but then he gives her a smile. That same smile relaxes her nerves and she shrugs, not knowing what else to say to explain. She figures she didn’t need to.
Calm down, Nairi. It’s all good. What can I help you with, honey?
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bitzsims · 1 year
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Nairi sits down on one of the benches at the spa and debates her options. She can go back home and wait in all her funky aroma or she’s going to have to use somebody else’s shower. Being a clean freak answered for her so she then thought on where to go.
She has a good friend named Graceland who works with her as another first-grade teacher, but she doesn’t want to make things awkward at work.
Nairi then knows who she wants to ask and quickly finds herself at River’s house. The sea water next to his houseboat has calm and quiet waves with the occasional gull calling out into the sky. Nairi reaches out and knocks; her mind drifting soon after. Will the soldier even consider letting her in just to freshen up? Will he think she was a stalker for even finding his place? Now that she thinks about it, he hasn’t been friends that long with her either. But…
She’s here already. There was only one way to find out if this will work out.
Nairi raises her hand and knocks gentle like on the glass of his front door again. The wait afterward is absolute torture.
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bitzsims · 1 year
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While humming a delightful tune to herself, Nairi walks up to the Sunspot Spa, ready to feel refreshed on this early Saturday morning. It’s very hot; that humid kind of hot and already, Nairi can feel sweat just trailing down her back and legs. UGH.
There’s no way she could go home and take a shower, though because there were plumbers currently replacing her shower and fixing the sink so at the time Nairi has come here to pamper herself.
All she needs to do was just walk through the doors…however…
“CLOSED?! On a Saturday?” Nairi exclaims in disbelief.
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bitzsims · 1 year
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She’s such a sap. Watching romantic movies all day is her thing. 
Which makes sense cause she’s a Hopeless Romantic.
Keep dreaming that dream wedding, baby girl. 
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bitzsims · 1 year
St Bree Legacy Comeback
Those of you who have been with me from the beginning already know that my heart belongs to Nairi and River from my first ever legacy. They were the start of my sims 3 storytelling journey and through them I had the most fun in the game I've had ever.
Sadly I stopped updating them and then computer issues happened now I'm on a whole other computer with really no urge to download sims 3 back onto it with a whole bunch of sims 3 cc. Sooo...
I'm going to follow @wonderpetals lead and continue their story in sims 4 and just to make sure I'm on track, I'm going to reblog their sims 3 posts until where I stopped.
I can't wait to see where this takes me and the two sims I care about so much!
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