#Nagatha Christie about this
vorcotec · 7 years
so uh... just.. wanted 2 put this out here for aides verse, because i think i had multiple people interested in writing a persephone-type character:
it’s still jane rachel we’re talking about. there are going to be NO manipulative or kidnap or non-consent elements in their relationship. NONE. if your persephone came down to hades and was like “wow this sucks, i wanna go home,” aides would let her go. if your persephone met this Extremely Tall Edvard-Munch’s-The-Scream-Looking Lady and went “wow, hell no” aides would leave her alone.
aides has a preoccupation with boundaries which i’ve touched on in multiple places but it doesn’t just derive from the boundary between life and death. hades is associated with the erinyes, the furies who come to avenge unlawful death, and with the swearing of oaths. i personally get STRONG vibes of an association with the boundary between just and unjust acts--not in the sense of deciding which is which, but in the sense of bringing down the fcking hammer when explicitly unjust actions are taken (according to divine law, e.g. a situation that would call for the intervention of the furies, or according to the terms of an oath which has been broken).
aides? would see the kidnap of persephone as an unjust act. in the original myth it’s seemingly less unjust because hades has permission from zeus (eugh and ew and gross and ugh), but aides is, again, a different character from hades and, being a woman albeit with certain kingly attributes, has different ideas about whose permission matters. kidnapping a wife for herself would be against pretty much everything she believes in.
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suckitsurveys · 8 years
I’m gunna rip my eyeballs out of my sockets.
01. Do you currently have any medicine in your bag / purse / etc? If so, what kind? I do. I have Tums and birth control in my purse.
02. What do you like on your pasta / noodles? Sauce, butter, grated cheese, etc.? My dad’s pasta sauce. And sometimes just butter.
03. Ultimately, do you believe nature controls man or that man controls nature? Explain. Both.
04. Do you think it’s wrong to put yourself before others? In what sort of situations? Nope. I am the most important person in my life.
05. Do you know someone who is so charming, they could get away with anything, and then do? Yeah. Except I don’t think they are charming at all.
06. Have you ever known someone who seemed to have time for their significant other, but no one else? Have you ever acted this way? Whatever.
07. In school, are / were you ever reluctant to ask questions? What about to answer questions? For what reasons? I hate this survey I don’t wanna do it anymore.
08. Are any of your friend’s, parent’s, or sibling’s name in a song you know? What song? My sister is literally named after Corrina Corrina, which is a folk song.
09. Have you ever read any novels by Agatha Christie? If so, which ones? Did you enjoy them? Do you generally enjoy mystery books? NAGATHA CHRISTIE.
10. Are most of your clothes baggy or tight? Which do you prefer? A little on the baggy side.
11. Are you weary of displaying signs of affection for your significant other around adults? Why or why not? I mean, we don’t over do it by any means.
12. Who was the last person you carpooled with? Where did you go? I don’t really carpool with anyone.
13. Have you ever had red velvet cake or carrot cake? Have you ever made either of those? I have had both and made neither.
14. Who is the most ungrateful person you know? What makes them this way? Ugh, I want to say my brother in law but it’s more pretentiousness than ungratefulness.
15. Are you good at guessing? What types of things are you good at guessing at? I don’t know.
16. Has your favorite band / artist ever toured Europe? Maybe?
17. Who was the last person you heard from that you were surprised to hear from? Was this a pleasant surprise? A childhood friend recently added me on Facebook. It wasn’t a total surprise because another childhood friend‘s mother who I am friends with on Facebook tagged us in a picture from the 90′s of the three of us together.
18. Don’t you just love french fries with melted cheese on top? You could have just said cheese fries?? Is there a person on this earth who doesn’t like cheese fries???????
19. What is your favorite take out food to get? What do you usually order? Sushi or Thai. With sushi I usually change it up with the rolls I get. With Thai I either get Pad See Iew or Massamun curry.
20. Is the room you’re in carpeted or is it a hard wood floor? Are there any rugs? Carpeted, so no rugs necessary.
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