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gaymer-hag-stan · 5 days ago
So, I finally caught up with our National Final after work.
Overall, I have to say, that while I think this was a downgrade in every way from ZARI, most of the songs were actually better live than in the studio version which I think is a good thing.
This is my final ranking:
1. Evangelia - Vále
2. Klavdia - Αστερομάτα
3. Κωνσταντίνος Χρηστοφόρου & Κώστας Καραφώτης - Παράδεισος
4. Κώστας Αγέρης - Γη Μου
5. Xannova Xan - Play It!
6. Andy Nicolas - Lost My Way
7. Barbz - Sirens
8. Nafsica - Unhurt Me
9. Dinamiss - Odyssey
10. Θάνος Λάμπρου - Free Love
11. Georgina Kalais & John Vlaseros - High Road
12. Rikki - Elevator (Up and Down)
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ihouseucom · 4 years ago
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LA-Based Duo Niiko x SWAE Unveil A Fresh New Single ‘The Answer’ Feat. Nafsica http://dlvr.it/RdsprD
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hotindiemedia · 5 years ago
Nafsica @ Rockwood Music Hall (10 March 2020) from James Lane on Vimeo.
Nafsica @ Rockwood Music Hall (10 March 2020) - hotindiemedia.com
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a2sparis · 5 years ago
FILM. «Notre dame»
Réalisation : Valérie Donzelli. Scénario : Valérie Donzelli et Benjamin Charbit. Directeur de la photo : Lazare Pedron. Musique : Philippe Jakko. Principaux acteurs : Valérie Donzelli, Pierre Deladonchamps, Thomas Scimeca, Bouli Lanners, Virginie Ledoyen, Isabelle Candelier, Philippe Katerine, Claude Perron, Samir Guesmi, Pauline Serieys, Nafsica Labrakos, Benjamin Ewers et Léo Poulet. Durée : 1h29.
Mélange surprenant, mais délicieux, de scènes «réelles» et «irréelles», ce joli film, bien rythmé, est une souriante comédie sentimentale, pleine de fraîcheur, de fantaisie et de charme. Il raconte plusieurs mois, fort agités aux plans professionnel et amoureux, de Maud Crayon, architecte trentenaire, dont une maquette pour une aire de jeux d’une commune de la banlieue parisienne remporte, par une sorte de tour de magie, et parmi un millier d’autres propositions, un grand concours de la Ville de Paris pour la modernisation du parvis de la cathédrale Notre Dame. Malheureusement, le projet de Maud (interprétée par Valérie Donzelli, réalisatrice et coscénariste du film) est vite métamorphosé par les ingénieurs jusqu’à ressembler à... un phallus en érection ! D’où énorme scandale et vive opposition de l’opinion publique. < Dans ce concours d’architecture, Maud se retrouve dans la situation d’une mystificatrice, commente Donzelli. Du coup, elle n’ose rien dire et se laisse marcher sur les pieds, elle n’arrive pas à s’imposer. > Finalement, on s’en doute, le projet «phallique» de Maud ne sera jamais réalisé.
Bien que séparés, Martial, désormais avec Sybille, et Maud continuent à coucher ensemble
Parallèlement, Maud est tiraillée - d’une façon qui, d’ailleurs, traîne un petit peu en longueur - entre deux prétendants : d’une part, Martial, qui, père (immature) de ses deux adolescents, vit désormais une relation amoureuse, plutôt chaotique, avec Sybille, mais tout en continuant de coucher avec Maud ; d’autre part, Bacchus, amour de jeunesse de Maud, qui réapparaît soudain dans sa vie avec le désir de la reconquérir et dont Maud est restée très amoureuse. De manière également parallèle à cette vie sentimentale et professionnelle plutôt compliquée, Maud se retrouve enceinte ; elle voudrait avorter, mais c’est déjà trop tard. Donzelli dit avoir voulu «désacraliser la grossesse», trop souvent présentée, selon elle, comme «un heureux événement». < Je voulais montrer que, au contraire, cela pouvait être un accident de la vie que l’on n’aurait peut-être pas accepté si on s’en était aperçu plus tôt. > Donzelli dit aussi que «ce qui empêche encore plus une femme de tomber amoureuse et, par ailleurs, de quitter définitivement l’homme dont elle est déjà séparée, c’est qu’elle attende un enfant de ce dernier». À la fin du film, malgré la naissance de ce troisième enfant, le couple Maud-Martial se séparera de façon irrévocable, tandis que Maud et Bacchus s’uniront à nouveau. < Maud, une femme qui court mais sans savoir après quoi, est incapable de s’arrêter un moment pour regarder les choses et prendre les décisions qui s’imposeraient pour se rendre la vie plus douce >, estime Donzelli, qui parle même de «névrose». < Maud vit en permanence dans un sentiment de culpabilité, si bien qu’elle donne beaucoup à tout le monde sans réussir à se faire respecter >, ajoute Donzelli. Mais, comme c’est «une vraie force de la nature», Maud réussira, finalement à «s’affirmer». À «se libérer de ses chaînes». < Elle perdra beaucoup avec ce concours d’architecture, poursuit Donzelli. Mais elle gagnera encore plus : sa liberté. >
LA RÉALISATRICE : Valérie Donzelli, née en 1973 à Epinal, également productrice de cinéma, a réalisé à ce jour cinq longs métrages. Le premier, «La Reine des pommes» (2009), a décroché le Prix du public au Festival Premiers Plans d'Angers, tandis que son second long métrage, «La guerre est déclarée» (2010), a reçu, entre autres, plusieurs Césars, dont celui du meilleur film. Comme comédienne, Donzelli a obtenu le Prix Michel-Simon.
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vegard · 7 years ago
Are you looking for a place to stay in Honfleur, France? We spent a week in Alexis’ cottage this summer, and here’s what you need to know about the place.
Because love knows no borders, the entire family went to France for a wedding this summer. After the wedding, we joined the happy couple, and their toddler, in Honfleur by the French North coast. To find a place we – 7 people – could all stay at a reasonable price, we used Airbnb. We decided on Alexis’ cottage, also known as “Nafsica’s cottage”, just outside (1092 Chemin du Petit Saint-Pierre) of the Honfleur city center.
The cottage lies secluded behind a locked gate. A short driveway takes you to the cottage’s parking space, which has room for three cars – four if you’re a bit adventurous. You’ll have access to a huge garden with lots of open space, more than large enough for family football matches. In the garage, you’ll find some games for the kids, and a coal based barbecue grill. Inside the house, Alexis was kind enough to leave us a bottle of wine, and a little food, which was great because we arrived on a Sunday when most stores are closed.
#gallery-0-8 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-8 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 50%; } #gallery-0-8 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-8 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
The cottage sports everything you’ll need: Kitchen, living room, dining room, 5 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms (two with bathtubs and toilets, one with a shower), and 2 separate toilets. The bedrooms will house a total of 7 adults, 1 child, and 2 infants. In short, this place has room for everyone, and then some. It also has high speed wireless internet, because let’s face it, you have to share pictures of your vacation on Facebook.
Sounds like the perfect place, doesn’t it? Well, there’s more.
When you open the front door, you’re greeted by a faint smell of mold. Head left, open the doors to the living room, and it’ll hit you in the face like a sledge hammer. Everything in the living room smells of moist and mold, to the degree that it took me 3 days to get reasonably used to it. Just make sure you don’t bury your head in any of the pillows and inhale deeply. I accidentally did that, and it made me feel dizzy for half an hour.
The problem is even worse on the second floor, where black mold has settled quite comfortably in one of the support beams, and in the wall around it. The roof around the support beam is also sagging a bit. My guess is that the sagging is causing water to leak into the roof structure, and the more it sags, the more water and mold. It’s a bad downwards spiral.
So Alexis’ cottage has a serious mold problem, and I’m glad we didn’t stay there for more than a week. For the people who live there permanently[note]I sort of doubt that anyone does, to be honest.[/note], it’s a serious health hazard.
Neither is the house particularly clean. You’ll find spider webs in most corners, and the showers look like they haven’t been properly cleaned for quite some time. The bathtubs aren’t much better. We gave both of our kids baths in one of the bathtubs during our stay. Running my hand along the inside of the tub, it didn’t slide against the tub’s surface like it would if it was was clean. Instead, it felt like I was touching a surface that was coated with glue.
This is gross when it happens in the bathtub at home. It’s outright disgusting when it’s this obvious your taking a bath in other people’s filth.
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It might be that you don’t mind the mold, and the dirt, and decide that Alexis’ cottage is the place for you to stay. But if you do, make sure you have all your affairs in order before you go to bed at night. Should a fire break out, there’s a good chance you won’t notice until it’s too late. The house’ fire safety equipment consists of one – 1 – smoke detector, which is laying in the stairway. Does it work? I don’t know, because I didn’t have the common sense to actually test it. Neither did I see any fire extinguishers or similar equipment in the house.
On the plus side, all rooms have windows large enough for you to jump out of, should it come to that. Also, the second floor is not terribly high off the ground, so the fall probably won’t kill you. Hopefully, your kids will also manage to get their windows open, and gather the courage to jump.
A bit too harsh?
Maybe I’m the problem. Perhaps my standards are too high. It might be that when I stay at someone’s home, and not in a hotel, I should expect a little dirt, fire hazards, and some fungal spores in the air I breathe. Neither hazardous mold, nor dirty showers and bathtubs are mentioned in any of the English reviews of the cottage on Airbnb. Perhaps these are actually a non-issues for most people?
I’m not trying to scare you away from booking a week at Alexis’ cottage with your family and friends. Consider this a public service: At least now you know what it really looks like inside before you open the front door.
Airbnb Review: Alexis' Cottage, Honfleur, France. Are you looking for a place to stay in Honfleur, France? We spent a week in…
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gottagolisten · 11 years ago
Aiden Jude ft. Nafsica - Tonight (Venz Club Mix)
Guaranteed to get the club/venue/whatever moving, so much energy in this remix.
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gaymer-hag-stan · 5 days ago
Poor Nafsica really said with her whole heart "I think my song will stand out because it's in English and it's message will be understood by everybody."
Oh honey :')
But really, this is genuine proof for the "DonT SinG in EngLiSh" portion of the core fandom that this is what artists who are not necessarily in touch with the scene think about when submitting songs in English or translating them into it after their national finals.
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