#NYC Tree Trimming
the-epic-hiram-lows · 2 months
ignoring all visual staples in the comic and show... if you were tasked with wardrobe for riverdale, which aesthetics would you pull from?
This is difficult, but I love it. For the sake of sanity, I am going to maintain color-coding to some extent. Also, please read my explanations and look at the pictures, because they both add a lot of context.
I will probably only get to one or two characters in this post, but if this gets a good enough reception I will happily continue the series.
Veronica Lodge
For Veronica... I would basically scrap the entire thing and start over new. I want to see a business-savvy teenager, sure, but I also want to see a former Hermes-toting NYC socialite who knows how to party. How do you marry those two concepts? The outfits do not all need to 100% represent every aspect of her, but her wardrobe should.
Though Riverdale (the show) fully embraces camp, Veronica's outfits should always look somewhat effortless. We should get the impression that her wardrobe is endless, and wardrobe is second nature, though it doesn't have to be tasteful. She would embrace a high-low aesthetic fairly often (think: perfectly undone waves and a white tee with a vintage Chanel skirt, or pair of black ankle boots with a delicate lace number and pearls.)
Veronica is a trendsetter and early adapter because she has her finger on the pulse. There is no excuse for these tired PDA mom looks. Here are aesthetics I would pull from when styling her:
Clueless/90s Academia Prep Revival
This is a girl who name-dropped Cruel Intentions! She knows these references. These looks are not only chic and young, but they scream 'old money' while also fitting into the Riverdale 50s academia undertones. We get to keep Veronica's signature stuffiness- but with the addition of casual pieces, a sense of novelty, and lots of upper thigh, we get a youthful, refined, sexy aesthetic. Unfortunately, most of the examples I used are not in the desired color palette, and many of them are cheapo material, but let's use our imaginations.
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Click for more!
Y2k Socialite/It Girl
I want to see the glitz and glam! Veronica is the kind of girl who's had the $1k sundae at Serendipity 3's more than once, just for the hell of it. Where is the fun?! My immediate thought was Paris Hilton's famous 21st birthday look with the silver dress. Ignoring how she accessorized it, this would be a perfect reference (however inappropriate it would be in a school scene.) I want details like sheers, sequins, glitter, maribou trims, etc. The colors would be more subdued here- washed out metallics and neutrals, mostly. There are ample ways to make this more 'wearable,' but maybe sometimes Party Mode Veronica is too much.
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Mob Wife
I know, I know. I was going for minimalism up top! Effortless! What happened? Well, what happened is this is Riverdale, and Veronica is Veronica. All characters in Riverdale are subject to extreme lifestyle changes- and, often, seemingly contradictory traits. In Riverdale, you are only one arc or setting change from a different aesthetic. Veronica is both the daughter of a mobster who tries really, really hard and (should be) the cool fashion girl among her peers. She wears many hats. I am just trying to make sure they're all stylish. Veronica should have a chameleonic quality to her. We should get the impression there are several Veronicas, all of whom had a wardrobe ready for whatever the occasion du jour is. A heist? Dinner with a crime family? Church with daddy? She has the tools necessary for all of these occasions, even if her wardrobe looks a bit contrived. In other words, Veronica didn't just fall out of a coconut tree. She exists in the context of all in which she lives, and what came before her. With this aesthetic, we get to have fun with some European and femme fatale influences.
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Business Bitch
This is where Veronica as we know her gets to shine- it is the closest thing to her actual Riverdale aesthetic, but cuntier. You'll see all of the above come together here, as it is the fourth quadrant of her personality. Though this iteration of Veronica would be heavy on the black and white, high contrast thing she already has going (which I love!) there is plenty of room for color... even if the examples I pulled say otherwise.
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dcbbw · 1 year
WIP Wednesday 5.24.23
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Hi, tumblrs! It’s still Wednesday where I am, and I have two WIPs to share. It’s two new ideas that somehow cut the line and demanded I write something out.
One was supposed to be my submission for #WorldWhiskeyDay, although it may be better suited for Halloween; not Fingers … I had the idea, but no cohesive thoughts have made an appearance yet. Although knowing me, this will probably post Halloween 2024.
The other is yet another take on the Applewood scandal. This is what, my third or fourth one?
And just to put us all on the same page and keep my brain on track, top priorities during writing time over the holiday weekend are: NYC AU, Waiting Room, and these two stories. The MC lunch ask is still floating around in my head as well and thoughts on a companion piece to Cocktail.
Anyways, excerpts are below the cut. As usual, everything is in a rough draft and final, published version may differ. Hope you like it!
Middle of Nowhere (tentative tile)
Song Inspo: Death Letter, Johnny Farmer, Organized Noize
The house sits on a bluff in the middle of nowhere overlooking a large, lazy river, as it has for the past century and a half. It’s almost picturesque, gleaming white clapboard covered with blue sky and bathed in early spring sunlight. Freshly mown grass is interspersed with wildflowers; pussy willows surround the bases of moss-covered trees.
The house has no postal address; it sits on Highway 62 East at Marker 129, in the unincorporated hamlet of Tannerton, equidistant between two bigger towns; not larger … bigger. Fifteen miles to the east is Potter’s Farm where residents and visitors enjoy the movie theater, gourmet Chinese food, a public library, and shopping at big box stores. Fifteen miles to the west is Easton, home to blue collar businesses, public parks and a hiking trail, and long stretches of road filled with fast-food chains, pizzerias, an ice-cream parlor, and a combination barber shop/hair salon.
The house sits empty as it has for the past five years; rumor, legend, and lore say the domicile is haunted, the land it sits on the site of brutal and unnecessary massacres. History tells of previous occupants who met grisly ends, or simply vanished as if the house’s walls and floorboards had swallowed them alive. There is no way to separate fact from fiction. Tannerton’s population is zero; the once-bustling waterway town is no more, save for the house.
Any eyewitnesses to the horrors of the house are the disappeared.
Except for two.  
The realtor stands on the front of the house’s wraparound porch, her blue eyes taking in the slow-rolling waves of the Acheron River. In Greek mythology, the River of Acheron was known as the River of Woe and was one of five rivers that led to Hell. As far as the woman knew, no one in this godforsaken corner of the world is aware of that interesting tidbit.
But she is. Her husband is, as he should. He named the river.
She is adjusting the long sleeves of her beige linen dress when her husband joins her on the veranda.
“Is everything ready?” she asks as she turns to face him. The realtor is an older woman, but her face gives no indication of that. Her skin is smooth and unlined even devoid of cosmetics, her sapphire-blue eyes clear and alert, her mouth a cupid’s bow with pale-pink tinted lips.
Her glossy brown hair is still long and wavy, but silver liberally threads her tresses. Her hands are liver-spotted and knotty with veins; her fingers are gnarled, the brittle nails yellowed with age. She tells anyone foolish enough to ask she suffers from arthritis.
“Is everything ready?” she asks, her tone distant as if her thoughts are otherwise occupied.
The man nods stiffly. He is tall and trim; like his wife, his appearance is youthful despite his graying hair. Unlike his wife, his hands and fingers were neither aged nor disfigured.
“It is. They’ll be arriving soon, it may be best to set out the refreshments.”
She nods absently as she scans the front yard. The setting is charming, inviting. A frisson of excited energy courses through her body at the thought of selling the house. There’s a buyer; a younger couple looking to escape the three C’s of a growing city: crime, clubs, congestion. Today is the final walkthrough. The house has sat empty too long; the whiskey untouched even longer.
Annabelle Beaumont walks around her husband to pull the screen door open. “Come, Barthelemy; we have to make sure the Walkers feel right at home when they arrive.”
Come on, come on, come on home
Song Inspo: Delusional World Champion, Jean Dawson
Tariq Keriakos stared in puzzlement between his room door and Bastien Lykel, who stood in front of it barring the minor noble’s entry.
“There was a flood?” Tariq repeated stupidly.
The head of the King’s Guard nodded affirmatively. “A pipe burst while the hunt was going on. None of your belongings were harmed; maintenance noticed it almost immediately, but at the moment your quarters are without water.”
“Just my room?”
“Yes, m’Lord. The damage was contained in a timely manner, but we are awaiting parts to arrive. To avoid further inconvenience, another room has been secured for you. It’s Room 4 South.”
“South wing? Isn’t that where the suitors are housed?” Tariq questioned while Bastien pressed a key into his palm.
The sentry was briefly taken aback; the housing arrangement for the visitors at Applewood wasn’t a secret per se, but it wasn’t common knowledge. Bastien quickly recovered.
“It is; given that this is the last night, and all rooms have private baths, I do not foresee an issue.”
Tariq exhaled a long breath. The time at Applewood had been exhausting, this day more than usual. Between Lady Penelope passing him letters from Lady Riley, the horse ride to and from the Ruins, and now his room unavailable to him, Tariq was pretty much done.
“Fine. But my clothing? My toiletries?”
“Already moved and set up in your new quarters,” Bastien assured him.
With a resigned nod, Tariq made his way from the east wing, thinking only of a hot shower and a long sleep.
In the south wing, Riley Brooks, the suitor from America, sat at the vanity in her room re-thinking and possibly regretting every life choice that led to her being in Cordonia.
Tagging:  @jared2612 @ao719 @marietrinmimi @queenjilian @indiacater @kingliam2019 @bebepac @liamxs-world @mom2000aggie @liamrhysstalker2020 @twinkleallnight @umccall71 @superharriet @busywoman @gabesmommie1130 @tessa-liam @beezm @gardeningourmet @lovingchoices14 @mainstreetreader @angelasscribbles @lady-calypso @emkay512 @princessleac1 @charlotteg234  @alj4890 @yourfavaquarius111 @motorcitymademadame @queenmiarys @walkerdrakewalker​ @choicesficwriterscreations​
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thisismynyc · 11 months
I don't talk here much, but this is pretty near and dear to my heart. Despite owning and managing about 14% of NYC's land, NYC Parks makes less than 1% of the city's budget. When Mayor Adams took office, he promised to bring Parks to 1%, and yet now NYC Parks is facing another round of budget cuts.
This means cuts to playgrounds, to summer programs, to our natural areas, our street trees, our tree trimmings, our holiday events, and so, so much more.
If you can take a moment to sign this, I'd be incredibly grateful.
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museemagazine · 2 years
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Topiary House © Marc Balet @galleriacadoro #NYC | Opened Dec. 8, 2022 Ca D’Oro Gallery presents Marc Balet- marcbalet, NFT NOW. Included among the works is Topiary House. A 3 dimensional model built to depict Marc’s ironic take on society’s mania for environmental architecture. In this 4 room house (bedroom here) everything grows out of four trees which form a thick, lush canopy of vegetation. Bedspreads are watered, pillows are trimmed. The #NFT is an animated version, with sound, of the original piece.
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masterroofers · 2 months
Keep Your Roof Strong: Simple Tips for Homeowners in Brooklyn and Queens
Hello to all the homeowners in Brooklyn and Queens! We all want a home that feels safe and secure, right? One of the biggest heroes in keeping your home protected is your roof. It blocks out the rain, keeps the cold out, and even helps you save on those energy bills. Let's go through some straightforward advice on how to keep your roof in top condition and why it's vital to pay attention to it.
Why Worry About Your Roof?
Imagine wearing a jacket with holes in it on a snowy day; you’d get pretty cold, wouldn’t you? The same idea applies to your home if your roof has issues. Here’s what a good roof does for you:
No Leaks: A solid roof means no water dripping into your house, which can cause damage to your walls, ceiling, and even your health.
Lower Energy Bills: If your roof is in great shape, it keeps your home warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer, which means using less energy overall.
Better Home Value: A home with a well-maintained roof is more attractive to buyers if you ever decide to sell.
Peace of Mind: Knowing your roof is in good condition lets you rest easy, especially during those notorious NYC storms.
How to Take Care of Your Roof
Taking care of your roof doesn’t have to be complicated. Here are a few simple steps you can follow:
Visual Inspections: Make it a habit to look at your roof from the ground a couple of times a year or after any severe weather. Check for missing shingles, visible wear, or any sagging.
Keep Gutters Clear: Blocked gutters can lead to water backing up and damaging your roof. Cleaning your gutters regularly helps prevent this.
Trim Overhanging Branches: Trees near your home can be lovely, but they can also pose a risk to your roof. Keep branches trimmed back so they don’t rub against your roof or drop debris that can accumulate.
Watch for Moss and Mold: These can damage roofing materials over time. If you notice any green or black patches, it might be time to get your roof cleaned or checked by a professional.
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When to Call the Professionals
Some roof issues need a professional touch. Here’s when to call in the experts:
Significant Damage: If your roof has extensive damage or if you notice several areas need repair, it’s best to get professional help.
Persistent Leaks: If you’ve noticed ongoing issues with leaks, a roofing professional can help identify the underlying problems and fix them.
Regular Maintenance: Having a professional do an annual check-up on your roof can help catch issues early and save you money and stress in the long run.
Why Trust Us With Your Roof?
If you’re in Brooklyn or Queens and need roof services, here’s why we should be your first call:
Local Experience: We know the specific challenges roofs face in these boroughs and have years of experience dealing with them.
Clear Communication: We explain all our processes and findings clearly, so you always know what’s happening with your roof.
Reliability: We’re known for our dependability and high-quality work, ensuring each job is done right.
Conclusion: Keeping Your Roof Ready
Your roof is a crucial part of your home’s defense system against the weather. With a little attention and timely care, it can continue to function at its best, keeping your home safe and comfortable. Whether you need a quick fix or a complete overhaul, remember, we’re here to help keep your roof strong and your home secure.
Feel free to reach out if you notice any issues or if it’s time for that yearly roof check-up. Let’s keep your home protected together!
Find Master Roofers on Google Map and Cities mentioned Below:
Master Roofers
Address: 7826 Parsons Blvd, Queens, NY 11366, United States
Contact Number: +17189570313
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mysterymirrors · 2 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Vintage Fossil Floral Canvas/Leather Crossbody.
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treesoldiersclarence · 4 months
Is it Illegal to Cut Down a Tree in NYC?
Welcome to the lush green landscapes of Clarence, NY, where trees stand tall as guardians of nature’s beauty. In this vibrant community, tree trimming is not just a chore but a vital practice to ensure the health and safety of our arboreal companions. Read more.
Phone- (716) 320-7799 Email- [email protected] Address- 9887 Lapp Rd Clarence Center NY 14032
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The Importance of Proper Tree Maintenance in Urban Areas
Trees are beautiful and provide valuable shade, but they can also pose potential risks if not properly maintained. Keeping an eye out for any red flags and working with a local arborist can prevent damage, injuries and property loss and may even help you avoid costly insurance claims. A professional arborist can help with a wide range of issues, from pruning dead or diseased limbs to addressing structural problems. The arborist will carefully evaluate the health of a tree and develop a game plan to preserve its longevity. In urban areas, trees face different environmental assaults than those in natural forest settings. In addition to high winds and frequent snow storms, these trees are often in close proximity to buildings and power lines, which require extra care to maintain safety and integrity. Regular inspections of your tree’s health, including its trunk and root system, are essential to preserving your tree’s longevity. When you notice changes, such as rapid discoloration or stunted growth, it is best to call in a certified arborist right away. An arborist will be able to diagnose the problem and prescribe corrective measures before it escalates into a bigger issue that could endanger lives or cause significant property damage. Newly planted trees require proper anchoring and regular vigilance to establish strong roots and avoid becoming top heavy. When planting, a certified arborist can ensure that the soil is loose enough for proper root development and that the anchor cables are tightened appropriately. The arborist can also identify nutrient deficiencies and recommend the appropriate fertilizer application to encourage deep root penetration. If you have a young tree on your property, consider adding mulch around the base of its trunk to retain moisture and reduce erosion. Mulch can help the soil retain nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. It can also deter weeds, which can compete with the tree for nutrients and water. The City’s cable and utility companies, such as Con Edison, regularly trim City-owned trees in the right of way to keep them at safe distances from overhead power lines. In the event that a private tree is growing too close to power lines, it is the owner’s responsibility to notify Con Edison. Experts skilled in tree pruning in NYC take into consideration the architectural harmony of urban landscapes when sculpting their work. These professionals not only keep trees healthy and safe, they elevate their visual appeal and the beauty of the surrounding neighborhood. via https://litchfieldtreeservices1.wordpress.com/2024/05/08/the-importance-of-proper-tree-maintenance-in-urban-areas/
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theninjasanctuary · 7 months
Still feeling overwhelmed with work, and not making enough progress, but I have managed to book hotels in NYC and New Haven, and sent an email request to book flights. It's going to be expensive, and the boyf is probably not coming along - plenty of company from colleagues though, hopefully. I will admit that if the cat wasn't in the picture, I would push the boyf to join, he'd only have to pay for his flight - and we could split that, even -, all the rooms are covered, but admittedly the flight ticket itself is expensive (close to 900 with no checked luggage), we don't have a cat sitter (I'd have to impose on my mother and brother to come feed him), and he'd be miserable with boredom, lack of cuddles and no balcony access, and June is lovely at home with plenty of things to do.
Skype meeting on Monday + prepping paperwork and class, had a good class on Tuesday + lots of emails & paperwork at the office later, a good workout on Wednesday, got to stay in and catch up on sleep and chores on Thursday, and on Friday, got a massage. No gardening this weekend due to rain and snow (stayed at home, cleaned a lot and did some laundry). There are still plenty of apple trees and loads of other things to trim, but am hoping that an early start means we'll get most of it done by the start of summer. And my chili peppers have sprouted in numbers that might overpower mom's greenhouse, and I've transferred them to bigger cardboard pots already.
Got a Sellpy order placed in throes of PMS (I think), the main item was a pair of designer sunglasses, which are cool but need a look in daylight to decide if they're actually flattering (aviators, but large-ish in an attention seeking way), 2 pairs of casualish trousers and a knit top I'll return because it's too transparent and clingy, most unflattering.
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arnoldstrees02 · 7 months
Arnoldo’s Tree Maintenance Services
Arnoldo’s Tree Maintenance Services
Elevating Landscaping Standards in Bronx and Queens County with Arnoldo’s Tree Service
Welcome to Arnoldo’s Tree Service, where our commitment to excellence is reflected in every blade of grass and every leaf on the trees. Serving Bronx, NY, Queens County, NY, and neighbouring areas, we're dedicated to crafting breathtaking landscapes that stand out in the neighbourhood.
For more details on our products and services, please feel free to visit us at: Tree Removal Services Brooklyn, Tree Removal Services in Brooklyn, Commercial Tree Removal Services Brooklyn, Tree Service in Brooklyn & Tree Removal in Brooklyn.
Please feel free to visit us at: http://arnoldstreeservice.com/
With a focus on quality and customer satisfaction, we offer a comprehensive range of lawn care and tree services tailored to meet your specific needs. Whether you're dreaming of a lush, green lawn or seeking expert tree care solutions, we have the expertise and passion to bring your vision to life.
Our lawn maintenance services are designed to keep your lawn looking its best year-round. From core aeration and overseeding to dethatching and power raking, we employ proven techniques to promote healthy growth and enhance the overall appearance of your lawn. Our application of fungicides and insecticides ensures that your lawn remains disease-free and pest-resistant, allowing you to enjoy a vibrant outdoor space with peace of mind.
For over 23 years, we've been the trusted choice for high-quality lawn care in the NYC boroughs. Our dedication to excellence is evident in every aspect of our work, from meticulous attention to detail to prompt and reliable service. Whether you're a homeowner or a business owner, you can count on us to deliver superior results that exceed your expectations.
In addition to our lawn care services, we're proud to offer professional tree services to residential and commercial clients alike. From tree pruning and trimming to tree removal and stump grinding, we have the knowledge and expertise to keep your trees healthy, vibrant, and beautiful.
At Arnoldo’s Tree Service, we understand the importance of maintaining the natural beauty of Bronx, Queens County, and the surrounding areas. That's why we're committed to providing the highest quality tree services available, ensuring that the trees in our communities thrive for generations to come.
Whether you're in need of lawn care, tree services, or both, Arnoldo’s Tree Service is here to help. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and discover why we're the preferred choice for landscaping services in Bronx and Queens County. Let us help you elevate the beauty of your outdoor space!
For more details on our products and services, please feel free to visit us at: Tree Removal Services Brooklyn, Tree Removal Services in Brooklyn, Commercial Tree Removal Services Brooklyn, Tree Service in Brooklyn & Tree Removal in Brooklyn.
Please feel free to visit us at: http://arnoldstreeservice.com/
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climbingdutchmanvic · 8 months
What Is Arborist Consulting?
What Is Arborist Consulting? https://ift.tt/eZ5Rvm7 Arborist Consulting is the practice of evaluating and providing tree advice. Trees are an important part of our environment, but they can pose a risk to homes and businesses in developed areas. An arborist consults with clients, contractors and consultants to ensure that trees remain protected during construction projects. The most common service provided by arborists is pruning, a technique used to trim or shape the branches of a tree. This helps direct the tree’s growth, as well as remove unhealthy or unwanted branches. Another service provided by tree arborists is deep root fertilization, which uses a special blend of nutrients to help struggling trees. In addition to these services, tree arborists can provide a variety of other consultations. For example, if you are planning a building project and are required to fill out a Department of Buildings New Building or Alteration Type I or II, an arborist can act as a liaison with NYC Parks and ensure that the proposed work does not affect any existing trees. Finding the right consulting arborists for your needs can be difficult. However, there are trusted agencies that offer a database of certified professionals with years of experience. Be sure to choose an independent arborist who does not also offer contracting work, as this could create a conflict of interest.
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iantimony · 10 months
somehow? tuesday again
what a week! i literally just woke up at 1pm which, lol, F to my attempts to un-jetlag my sleep schedule
listening: almost done with partizan 20! if i finish...at least one episode a day i can theoretically finish it by new years so actually that is still theoretically achievable. theoretically. i have a lot of boring knitting to do for [redacted] holiday gift and podcast is the perfect accompaniment.
reading: reread a few tgcf chapters again for a different arc. just chillin
playing: pokego continues to consume
watching: youtube! i was so exhausted yesterday from my post-travel malaise that i felt physically ill so i spent the day on the couch. (i feel fine today tho, yay)
safiya nygaard: cross-country train and robot makeover - i want to take a cross-country amtrak sooo bad now. i met a man on the trolley car last week in san fran who was a retired nat geo photographer from paris, he had just taken a train from toronto to vancouver with his wife and was about to do one from the san fran area to NYC. i was like >:o so when this video came up in my recommended i was fully mentally primed for train mode.
drew gooden: how much more star wars do we need? - yeah. yeah.
tiffany ferg: nostalgia bait and child star confessionals
mina le: clean beauty, clothes are worse now, hats
nerdforge: wizard set backdrop - literally wild i love her so much
i did not finish not even emily's "main character syndrome" (got bored) and poetic justice's "white liberal paradox" (realized i did not want serious videos at that moment)
making: i realize last week that i didn't actually write a description for those photos lolll. i finally was able to trim those bowls! made one into a cat yarn bowl!
for this week, TRAGICALLY, my dragon mug came out of the kiln and i hate it :( i used an unfamiliar brown underglaze as the background and it looks sooooo bad im so bummed. my little tree teacup came out cute at least and i definitely want to do more carve-out-from-underglaze style stuff for sure. there's definitely a fancy italian name for that which is escaping me at the moment.
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also made a little gavle goat holiday card stamp, excited to make a bunch more to give out with presents or mail to people :3
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misc: many little tasks to do but so relieved that i am out of conferencezone. desperately need to do some cleaning and organizing this week. and figure out which pottery objects from this semester are going to become gifts. now that work is basically done for the year i need to start thinking more about my secret samol as well :3
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Property Maintenance 101: Tips for Keeping Your Investment in Top Shape
Investing in property is a significant commitment, and like any investment, it requires diligent care and maintenance to ensure its long-term value and functionality. Whether you're a property owner, landlord, or property manager, proactive property maintenance is essential for preserving your investment. Onboarding a rental management company in NYC can significantly benefit you. This blog will explore property maintenance tips to help you keep your real estate asset in shape.
HVAC System Maintenance Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems are critical in property comfort. Schedule annual HVAC system inspections and maintenance by a qualified technician. Replace air filters regularly to improve air quality and maintain system efficiency.
Prioritize Safety Measures Safety should be a top priority in property maintenance. Ensure that smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors are installed and functioning correctly. Opting for companies that offer renting property management services in NYC will help you keep a regular check on fire extinguishers and emergency exits. Consider installing security systems and motion-sensor lighting to enhance property security.
Regular Inspections One of the cornerstones of adequate property maintenance is conducting regular inspections. Schedule routine inspections to assess the condition of your property, identify potential issues, and address them promptly. Reviews should cover the property's interior and exterior, including structural elements, plumbing, electrical systems, and appliances.
Create A Maintenance Schedule Maintaining a maintenance schedule is essential to staying organized and completing tasks on time. Your plan should include recurring maintenance tasks, such as HVAC system servicing, gutter cleaning, landscaping, and occasional or seasonal tasks like roof inspections and winterizing.
Plumbing & Electrical Checks Inspect plumbing and electrical systems for any signs of leaks, corrosion, or wear and tear. Address plumbing issues promptly to prevent water damage and ensure electrical systems are up to code and safe for occupants.
Roofs & Gutters Property managers near me regularly inspect the roof for missing or damaged shingles, leaks, or signs of deterioration. Clean and maintain gutters to prevent water buildup and potential damage to the property's foundation.
Landscaping & Exterior Maintenance Curb appeal matters and a well-maintained exterior enhances the property's aesthetics and contributes to its overall value. Regularly trim trees, bushes, and shrubs. Keep walkways clear and debris-free, and repair any cracks or damage to driveways and sidewalks.
Tenant Communication Open communication with tenants is essential if you are a landlord or property manager. Encourage tenants to report any maintenance issues promptly. Establish clear procedures for submitting maintenance requests and ensure that these requests are addressed promptly.
Budget For Maintenance Property management companies near me will create a budget for property maintenance expenses. Having a dedicated fund for maintenance ensures that you can cover the costs of repairs and improvements as they arise, preventing financial strain.
Professional Help While property owners or managers can handle many maintenance tasks, some may require professional expertise. For complex issues or significant renovations, don't hesitate to enlist the help of qualified contractors, technicians, and specialists.
Property maintenance is about preserving your investment's aesthetics and safeguarding its functionality, safety, and long-term value. Property owners and managers can ensure that their real estate investments remain in top shape for years by following these property maintenance tips and staying proactive. Remember, effective maintenance protects your investment and its appeal to tenants and potential buyers, making it a win-win for everyone involved Belgium Management LLC is a rental property management in New York that can help you assist your investment property. Their charges are nominal, and they specialize in managing 1-2-3 family homes. Book an appointment with them to learn more. Original Source - https://belgiummanagementllc12.blogspot.com/2023/09/property-maintenance-101-tips-for.html 
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divergent-one-1984 · 1 year
Organized Crime Ring in Astoria, NY, in a neighborhood under the jurisdiction of 114th PRECINCT and in apartment buildings managed by CENTRAL ASTORIA, LLC. I have been the victim of TARGETED COMMUNITY HARASSMENT SINCE SUMMER 2016 because of my race and gender, I am an African American woman (because of a rumor / gossip mill started by staff at NYC DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION while I was employed there from 2014 to 2016 I was made the victim of WORKPLACE MOBBING and TARGETED PSYCHOLOGICALHARASSMENT & TORTURE / EMOTIONAL ABUSE. Due to the illegal access and leaking of private, personal, confidential information by wiretapping / cloning / hacking of personal devices, accounts and illegal surveillance in my residence, etc. This includes leaking of confidential medical information (HPV diagnosis in 2008 (strains that can cause CERVICAL CANCER and an ABORTION I had in 2004) - VIDEO OF ONGOING NOISE HARASSMENT - SATURDAY, JULY 8, 2023
Video of staff who maintain the landscape (cut grass and shrubbery) around the apartments.
At exactly 8:39 AM after I just finished applying lotion to the relative's body I am caregiver for and I was about to dress them. At this exact moment a staff member starts cutting / trimming or blowing grass directly under my relative's bedroom window.
As I walked through apartment to close windows from the noise the staff member who in the video had been walking in the opposite direction, was now walking in the same direction as me through the apartment as I closed the windows.
ILLEGAL SURVEILLANCE would only be able to coordinate action like this. All of my curtains in the apartment are shut so you could not know what room I was in or what I was doing or how / in what direction I was moving inside my apartment unless their is video and audio access to the inside of my apartment.
39 has a meaning, for the purposes of NUMBER HARASSMENT (I will go into more details in subsequent posts regarding the different harassment techniques) 39 is the age I was when my life was ruined by staff members at NYC DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION.
The age where a group of people at the NYC DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION decided to throw my life and essentially me away like garbage (see previous post of STREET THEATER shenanigans that went on this morning at around 6:30AM)
I am sitting in my bedroom as I post and this staff person is directly under my window with the noise. These people were just here last week. They don't seem to cut any of the other greenery besides the grass, trees, and shrubbery under my windows.
In addition to the HATE CRIME element to the ongoing stalking and harassment there is a RELIGIOUS Zealotry / Nuttery / Judgmental / FUNDAMENTALISM / EXTREMISM element to my daily harassment as I am being harassed by mostly MUSLIM and LATINO people. Based on facts / my observation, I would estimate that 9 out of 10 people harassing me on a daily basis are MUSLIM or LATINO, with MUSLIMS ranking number 1 (the majority being MEN and BOYS), MUSLIMS who appear to be from MIDDLE EASTERN / ARAB countries and countries on the ASIAN continent, such as BANGLADESH and PAKISTAN where the majority of the demographic is MUSLIM) I am STALKED and HARASSED by WOMEN and GIRLS as well (again mostly MUSLIM.and LATINO, however in lower numbers, seems to be a HARASSMENT CAMPAIGN led by MEN and BOYS, with their female counterparts ,associates, family members, etc assisting. All of the tenants in my apartment building are involved in HARASSING ME DAILY mostly with NOISE HARASSMENT / SLEEP DEPRIVATION especially the 3 apartments surrounding my apartment. 2 of the apartments are occupied by MUSLIM TENANTS and the 3rd apartment is occupied by LATINO TENANTS. The 3 tenants surrounding my apartment engage in DAILY NOISE HARASSMENT for obvious reasons, since our apartments share multiple walls they are the logical choice to engage in a daily NOISE HARASSMENT / SLEEP DEPRIVATION campaign because they have direct access to bang / pound / stomp / scratch on walls and ceilings (I live on the first floor), etc. In order for them to do the realtime harassment, they have to also have VISUAL and / or AUDIO access to my RESIDENCE, as well as access to my PERSONAL INTERNET / DEVICES. These GROUP STALKERS / ABUSERS / HARASSERS / DOMESTIC TERRORISTS HAVE BEEN HARASSING ME SINCE SUMMER 2016 TO FORCE ME OUT OF THE COMMUNITY (for no legitimate reason).
SUMMER 2016 - ASTORIA, NY - TARGETED COMMUNITY HARASSMENT BEGINS (I noticed it was mostly MUSLIM people harassing me) Due to UNPROVOKED and UNWARRANTED HATE, RACISM, MISOGYNY and RELIGIOUS EXTREMISM, brought on by ILLEGAL ACCESS to and LEAKING OF PRIVATE, PERSONAL, CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION and a CHARACTER ASSASSINATION / SLANDER / RUMOR / GOSSIP MILL / SMEAR CAMPAIGN waged against me by NYC GOVERNMENT agency STAFF MEMBERS while I was employed at NYC DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION from 2014 to 2016 I began being harassed in my neighborhood in ASTORIA, NY and other places I would travel to (in and outside) of NYC in SUMMER 2016.
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theavenuebox · 2 years
There’s no way you won’t feel the holiday spirit in NYC! The city pulls all the ...
There’s no way you won’t feel the holiday spirit in NYC! The city pulls all the …
There’s no way you won’t feel the holiday spirit in NYC! The city pulls all the stops when it comes to celebrating Christmas and NYE. You can see Christmas trees and trimmings everywhere, as well as all the parties and the music around the city! Check out our top picks for the week! Source
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bigappletreeservice · 2 years
Address: 277 Park Ave, New York City, NY 10172
Phone: 516-908-9149
Website: https://www.treeremoval-newyorkcity.com/
The Best New York City Tree Removal. Our team of experienced NYC Tree Removal contractors professionals can handle any size project. We can tackle anything from tree trimming to stump removal; we have the skills and experience to do it all. Not only are we the top tree trimmers has to offer, we guarantee to be on time, courteous, and professional! Removing a tree or trimming a tree has never been easier. Call the Tree Stump Removal New York locals depend on to get the job done!
Business Hours: M-F 8am-8pm, Sat 8am-4pm
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