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Dormir boca abajo: supone peligros para la salud?
Dormir boca abajo puede ser una posición cómoda para algunas personas, pero por norma general, no es buena posición para dormir por múltiples razones. A continuación, discutiremos por qué dormir boca abajo puede ser malo para la salud.
Dolor de cuello y espalda: Dormir boca abajo puede ejercer tensión en el cuello y la columna vertebral, lo que puede causar dolor de cuello y espalda. Al dormir boca abajo, la cabeza se vira cara un lado, lo que puede forzar los músculos del cuello y causar dolor. Además de esto, esta posición puede aplanar la curva natural de la columna vertebral, lo que también puede ocasionar dolor de espalda.
Presión en el pecho: Dormir boca abajo puede ejercer presión en el pecho, lo que puede complicar la respiración y provocar malestar. Si tienes problemas respiratorios, como asma o apnea del sueño, dormir boca abajo puede empeorar estos inconvenientes.
Arrugas faciales: Dormir boca abajo asimismo puede ocasionar arrugas faciales debido a la presión incesante en la cara a lo largo de la noche. Esto puede hacer que parezcas más viejo y puede ser especialmente conflictivo si ya tienes arrugas o líneas finas.
Inconvenientes digestivos: Dormir boca abajo puede acrecentar el riesgo de inconvenientes digestibles como el reflujo gastroesofágico (ERGE) o acidez estomacal. Al dormir boca abajo, el ácido del estómago puede Ir al sitio web subir hacia el esófago, lo que puede causar ardor estomacal y malestar.
Mala postura: Dormir boca abajo asimismo puede afectar la postura del cuerpo. Al dormir en esta posición, se puede crear una postura curva y encorvada, lo que puede llevar a problemas de espalda y columna vertebral a largo plazo.
Para resumir, dormir boca abajo puede tener efectos negativos en la salud a corto y largo plazo. Si esta es tu posición de sueño preferida, considera mudar de situación para evitar los problemas de salud citados previamente. Una buena opción alternativa es dormir de lado, lo cual puede asistir a prevenir estos inconvenientes y mejorar la calidad del sueño. Si tienes problemas de sueño persistentes o dolor crónico, es recomendable preguntar a un médico o a un especialista en sueño para conseguir consejos adicionales.
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Dormir bien y sus beneficios contra la mala circulación
¿Te despertaste con dolor de espalda o cuello? ¿Tiene inconvenientes con su circulación sanguínea y esto le provoca el entumecimiento de manos e hinchazón de pies? Si la contestación a una de las preguntas es sí, entonces debe considerar si duerme en la situación adecuada, pues la posición influye no solo en su sueño, sino más bien asimismo en su salud y, en particular, en su circulación sanguínea. Pero, ¿De qué manera dormir para mejorar la circulación sanguínea y qué posiciones debe evitar?
La mejor posición para dormir
En la posición boca arriba, la espalda, el cuello y, lo más esencial, la columna tiene una situación natural. Aparte del hecho de que esta es la posición más adecuada para la espalda, los hombros, la columna vertebral y el cuello, asimismo es la mejor si padece de mala circulación sanguínea. Elija una almohada como la almohada cervical New Pilow 360 que le permita dormir con la cabeza tenuemente más alta que el colchón y acompáñela con una almohada bajo las pantorrillas.
Dormir boca arriba también previene la acumulación de líquido, lo que previene los pies y manos entumecidas al despertar en la mañana y le garantizan un sueño placentero y reparador de la energía perdida para un mejor desempeño en el trabajo y con la familia.
Para aquellos que duermen boca arriba, es ideal una almohada de pluma natural ya que es cómoda y el relleno se mueve fácilmente, adaptándose a la manera de su cuerpo y dependiendo de su posición.
La segunda mejor posición
Si no puede dormir boca arriba, la alternativa saludable es dormir a un lado. Esta situación resguarda su cuello y espalda, pues ayuda a que su columna se Haga clic para saber más mantenga erguida. Si tiene problemas respiratorios, es una situación que lo favorecerá, ya que facilita la respiración durante el sueño. Para las personas que tienen problemas con el reflujo gástrico, también es una buenísima situación para aliviar los síntomas.
Para las mujeres embarazadas, no obstante, esta es la mejor posición para dormir. Las mujeres embarazadas deben dormir de un lado, porque en esta situación la circulación sanguínea es mejor, no hay presión en el medio, como sucede si duermes boca arriba.
La almohada ideal para quienes duermen de un lado es el látex o la espuma. Es una almohada suave, que no deja que la cabeza se quede bajísima. También puede escoger una almohada de espuma viscoelástica, que tomará alguna forma dependiendo de de qué manera duerma sobre ella. Si prefiere algo natural, aún puede elegir una almohada hecha de plumas y plumón.
Si desea lograr la mayor eficiencia del sueño al dormir de lado, también se recomienda utilizar una almohada especial entre las piernas, bien sea entre los muslos o entre las rodillas, lo que sostiene al cuerpo alineado a pesar de la altura de los hombros o el tamaño de la almohada.
Situaciones poco saludables
Algunas personas duermen en posición fetal. Es una situación poco saludable para el cuerpo, pues cuando el cuerpo está doblado, la columna no se encuentra en una posición natural. Además, cuando se duerme doblado, es más difícil respirar apropiadamente y, debido a que tocar la almohada con la cara, no es una situación recomendada para las personas preocupadas por las arrugas.
Respecto a la almohada, para la posición del embrión se recomienda exactamente el mismo género de almohada que para la posición de un lado.
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Descansar con dolor cervical: soluciones para calmar el dolor
Dormir en con dolor de cervicales no tiene por qué ser una experiencia desgastante. Con la elección conveniente de almohada, una postura adecuada durante el sueño, ejercicios de estiramiento y fortalecimiento y técnicas de administración del agobio, es posible aliviar el dolor y progresar la calidad del sueño.
Necesitas conocer una guía amplia sobre las técnicas ideales para dormir y reposar de verdad. Una vez que comiences a disfrutar de un descanso profundo, puedes sentir un cambio radical y positivo sobre tu salud, este beneficio no tiene comparación alguna, y depende de ti.
Dormir apropiadamente y quitar el dolor de cervical
Es importante preguntar con un médico o un terapeuta si el dolor de cervicales persiste o empeora. Debido a que, puede ser un indicativo de una afección que requiere tratamiento médico, mientras dediques más atención a tu salud, e incorpores una buena medida como la New Pillow 360, puedes sentirte bien.
En todo caso, con un enfoque integral y una combinación de soluciones físicas y sicológicas, es posible aliviar el dolor de cervicales y prosperar la calidad de vida. Porque dormir bien es esencial para tener una vida sana y productiva, es el mejor modo de recobrar tu energía al 100 por cien .
Si sientes algunas dificultades para conciliar el sueño y mantener un sueño profundo y reparador. Puedes probar técnicas y hábitos de higiene del sueño que te dejan prosperar la calidad del sueño, mientras pongas de parte tuya y tengas suficiente empeño por revertir tus malos hábitos es posible.
El uso de una almohada cervical es útil para reducir el dolor y la tensión en el cuello y la cabeza. Esto mejora la comodidad durante la noche, lo cual se traduce en una mayor relajación, ese tipo de reposo es el que necesitas para tener fuerzas al siguiente día, y no limitarte por el dolor.
Descubre cómo dormir mejor para aliviar el dolor de forma definitiva
Una de las actividades que mejores resultados trae es mantener un horario de sueño regular. Mientras que vayas a la cama y te despiertes a exactamente la misma hora todos los días ayuda a regular el reloj interno del cuerpo y a progresar la calidad del sueño, crea una rutina de descanso favorable.
Otro género de comportamiento Haga clic aquí para obtener más información es evitar la cafeína y el alcohol antes de dormir. Es esencial pues estas substancias pueden interferir con el sueño y ocasionar despertares nocturnos, junto con la realización de ejercicio diario, para reducir la ansiedad y el estrés, lo que mejora la calidad del sueño.
El ambiente asimismo cuenta, así que debes crear un entorno favorezco para el sueño, como lo es una habitación fresca, oscura y silenciosa. Mientras tengas un ambiente relajante y favorable para el sueño, es más sencillo que no tengas inquietudes al descansar, lo que debes buscar es la relajación.
Prueba múltiples técnicas como la meditación, la respiración controlada y para finalizar la lectura ya antes de dormir pueden asistir a calmar la mente y relajar el cuerpo. Todo esto forma parte de la higiene del sueño, si cubres estos detalles y usas la almohada cervical, vas a mudar tu vida.
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Hoy queremos analizar con vosotros la historia que hay detrás de nuestra almohada NP 360. Las ventajas que posee y porque decidimos crearla. Como bien se sabe, para que una persona esté al 100% no puede estar durante mucho tiempo teniendo problemas de sueño. El descanso saludable le permite obtener un impulso de energía, buen […]
La entrada LA HISTORIA QUE HAY DETRAS DE NUESTRA ALMOHADA NP360 se publicó primero en New Pillow 360.
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The 23 Best Things to See and Do in Hong Kong
Posted: 04/23/20 | April 23rd, 2020
Hong Kong is one of the most densely-packed cities in the world. It’s a vibrant, towering, eclectic city that’s bursting at the seams with people, food, activities, and history.
It’s one of my favorite cities in the world.
Home to over 7 million people, Hong Kong is comprised of over 260 islands. It’s is a fast-paced city with world-class food, a lively nightlife, energetic night markets, and plenty of spaces to escape to when you need to relax.
Whenever I visit Asia, I make sure to stop in for a visit. I never get tired of spending time here — and I’m sure you won’t either!
To help you plan your trip, here are my favorite 23 things to see and do in Hong Kong.
1. Take a Free Walking Tour
The first thing I do when I arrive at a new destination is take a free walking tour. They give me the lay of the land, show me the main sites, and give me access to a knowledgeable local who can answer all my questions.
There are two companies that offer comprehensive free walking tours in Hong Kong:
Hong Kong Free Walk
Hong Kong Free Tours
Both offer multiple tours and have competent, knowledgeable local guides. Just make sure you tip your guide at the end!
2. See the Street Markets in Mong Kok
Located on Kowloon, Mong Kok is a winding area of narrow streets known for its markets. To really get a sense of the city, some here and soak up the frenetic atmosphere, see the sights, and bask in the organized chaos of Hong Kong. If you’re looking for inexpensive souvenirs be sure to check out the Ladies Market (it has lots of bargain clothing, accessories, and souvenirs) and the Temple Street Night Market (which is more of a flea market). Even if you don’t plan on buying anything, you should still visit some of the markets. You’ll get a much deeper feel for the city and there is lots of great people-watching here too.
Tung Choi St, Mong Kok, Hong Kong and Temple St, Jordan, Hong Kong. The markets are open every day, starting around noon and closing in the late evening (times vary).
3. Ride the Star Ferry
While you’ll likely need to ride the Star Ferry just to get around, it also makes for a fun activity in and of itself. You’ll be able to see the city and its towering skyline from a new perspective — all for just 2.70 HKD. It’s one of my favorite activities (and it’s cheap too!).
Star Ferry Pier, Kowloon Point, Tsim Sha Tsui, +852 2367 7065, kowloonstarferry.com. The ferry runs from 6:30am-11:30pm every day, though they occur less frequently on weekends and holidays. Tickets are 2.70 HDK, while a 4-day pass will cost 27.50 HKD.
4. Visit the Hong Kong Museum of History
One of the best ways to learn about a place and its people is to learn about its past. The Hong Kong Museum of History provides an excellent overview of Hong Kong’s long and complex history, with exhibits on archaeology, social history, ethnography, natural history, and more. It’s a huge museum so allow 2–4 hours if you want to see it all. Even if you’re not a history buff like me, it’s worth a visit to develop a better understanding of the city, its people, and its culture.
100 Chatham Road South, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, +852 2724 9042, hk.history.museum. Open Wednesday-Monday from 10am-6pm (7pm on weekends). Admission is 10 HKD (free on Wednesdays) and there is an audio tour available for 10 HKD.
5. Take in the View from Victoria Peak
For the best view of the city (especially at night), visit Victoria Peak (usually just called “the peak”). It’s Hong Kong Island’s largest mountain, standing at 1,700 feet tall. You can hike to the top (which is exhausting, especially in the heat) or ride a funicular. At the top, you’ll be rewarded with a stunning 180-degree view of the skyline, Victoria Harbor, Kowloon, and the surrounding hills. It’s the best view of the city.
No.1 Lugard Road, +852 2849 7654, thepeak.com.hk. Open daily from 7am-10pm. A return trip with entry to the sky terrace is 99 HKD per person.
6. Walk the Tsim Sha Tsui Promenade
To get a feel for the city, spend some time strolling along the Tsim Sha Tsui waterfront. You can take in the towering skyline of Hong Kong Island and see the Avenue of Stars (which is Hong Kong’s version of Hollywood’s “Walk of Fame” in Los Angeles). There are tons of shops and restaurants here as well. At night, a large outdoor market serving traditional Cantonese food as well as knockoffs and souvenirs takes over the area. A lot of the city’s museums are nearby too.
Salisbury Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon (next to the Star Ferry pier). Open 24/7. Admission is free.
7. Enjoy Kowloon Park
To relax and soak up the sun, head to Kowloon Park. It’s a massive green space that spans over 13 hectares (32 acres) and is home to some relaxing Chinese gardens, ponds where you can feed ducks and other birds, an aviary, a fitness center, swimming pool, and lots of space to relax and watch the city go by. When the weather gets too hot (and it will!) come here to chill out in the shade. It’s one of the best places to people-watch in the city.
22 Austin Rd, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, +852 2724 3344, lcsd.gov.hk. Open daily from 5am-12am. Admission is free.
8. Visit the Dr. Sun Yat-sen Museum
This museum is devoted to Dr. Sun Yat-sen, a revolutionary, politician, physician, and philosopher who devoted his life to overthrowing the Qing Dynasty (China’s last imperial dynasty). He’s one of the few figures beloved in Hong Kong, Taiwan, and mainland China alike (there are memorials to him in both Taiwan and mainland China as well). The museum provides a comprehensive overview of his life, his career, and Hong Kong’s vital role in the reform movements of the late 19th and early 20th centuries that shaped China as we know it today.
7 Castle Road, Mid-Levels, Central, +852 2367 6373, hk.drsunyatsen.museum. Open Monday–Wednesday and Friday from 10am–6pm and Saturday–Sunday from 10am–7pm (closed Thursdays). Admission is free.
9. Rent a Junk Boat
Junk boats — those classic boats with the large sail you see in any movie about Hong Kong — are an iconic part of Hong Kong. These traditional ships have been around since the 2nd century (the name possibly derives from chuán, the Chinese word for “ship”).
Today, you can sail around on a half-day or full-day trip. You can rent a private boat with a large group of friends (12–60 people) with packages that range from bring-everything-yourself to all-inclusive. You can also join a group tour and pay per person if you’re traveling solo. Here are some recommended companies that offer affordable tours:
Island Junks – They have a couple cruise options, costing around 650 HKD per person.
Saffron Cruises – If you have a large group (20-30 people), this is the best option for you. A charter will cost between 9,500-19,000 HKD.
Hong Kong Junks – This is the classic party boat experience, usually for younger travelers. Budget options available.
10. Visit the Hong Kong Heritage Museum
This museum is a nice follow-up to the history museum. Its focus is on both Hong Kong’s history as well as its art. There’s a comprehensive exhibit about the New Territories (the least-populated area of Hong Kong) and there’s also an opera house for cultural performances. Overall, the museum provides an insightful overview of the city’s culture and art scene. It’s located near Sha Tin Park and the Shing Mun River, a picturesque section of the city.
1 Man Lam Rd, Sha Tin, New Territories, +852 2180 8188, heritagemuseum.gov.hk. Open Wednesday-Sunday from 10am-6pm (7pm on weekends). Admission is free.
11. Ngong Ping 360
Ngong Ping 360 is a gondola that stretches over 5.7km (3.5 miles) from Tung Chung across the bay toward the airport and then onward to Lantau Island. The ride takes around 25 minutes and offers a panoramic view of the entire city and harbor.
You’ll arrive at Ngong Ping Village, which is super touristy (there are lots of tacky souvenir shops and carnivalesque performances) but still fun. Don’t miss the nearby Po Lin Monastery (a Buddhist monastery founded in 1906) and Tian Tan, a 34-meter bronze Buddha statue that sits on the top of the island’s peak.
11 Tat Tung Road, Tung Chung, Lantau Island, +852 3666 0606, np360.com. Open 10am-6pm on weekdays and 9am-6:30pm on weekends on holidays. A round-trip adult ticket for the cable car is 235 HKD for a standard cabin and 315 HKD for a crystal cabin (a cable car with a glass-bottom floor).
12. Take a Food Tour
Hong Kong is a foodie city — it’s why I love to visit whenever I’m in the area. There are over 10,000 restaurants here so you can find pretty much any sort of food you’re looking for.
With so many options, though, it can be easy to get overwhelmed. That’s why I suggest taking a food tour to help you get the lay of the culinary land. The following food tour companies offer the best value tours:
Bigfoot Tours
Eating Adventures
Little Adventure in Hong Kong
Hong Kong Foodie Tasting Tours
13. Take a Day Trip to Macau
Macau is considered the “Las Vegas of Asia” and is a huge gambling mecca. It’s just 50-75 minutes away from Hong Kong by boat and makes for a fun day trip. The city, which is a Special Administrative Region in China (similar to Hong Kong), was originally a Portuguese colony and trading post. From 1557-1887 it was governed by Portual and was a vital trading port.
Today, the city is full of modern casinos and offers an interesting mix of Chinese and Portuguese culture. Even if you’re not a big gambler, it’s still a unique place to visit and explore for a day.
14. Walk the Ping Shan Heritage Trail
This trail is located in the New Territories (the city’s less-visited northern district). Opened in 1993, it passes 14 different historic buildings, including some that are over 700 years old. You’ll get to see some of the most important ancient sights of the Tang clan (one of the 5 main clans of the New Territories).
The trail takes around 2-3 hours to walk and includes the walled Hakka village of Tsang Tai Uk, the Fu Shin Street Traditional Bazaar, Che Kung Temple, Man Mo Temple, the Temple of Ten Thousand Buddhas, and much more. Just keep in mind that not all of the historic buildings are open to the public.
This region of Hong Kong is skipped by most visitors so the trail is often quiet. It’s a welcome break from the go-go-go atmosphere of the city’s core.
Ping Shan Trail: Sheung Cheung Wai, Yuen Long District, +852 2617 1959, lcsd.gov.hk.
15. Visit the Hong Kong Museum of Art
Located on the Tsim Sha Tsui waterfront, this museum is focused on promoting local art while highlighting the city’s artistic past. The museum, which opened in 1962, has over 17,000 items including Chinese ceramics, terra cotta, rhinoceros horns, Chinese paintings, and contemporary art by local artists. It has around a dozen different exhibitions as well as pieces dating back to the neolithic period. It’s sort of like a mix between an art museum and a Ripley’s Believe It or Not.
Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong, +852 2721 0116. Open Friday-Wednesday from 10am-5pm. Admission is 10 HKD.
16. Experience the Nightlife at Lan Kwai Fong
LKF is the main nightlife and party spot in the city. It’s also the main expat district too and the area is full of bars, clubs, and shisha bars. Drinks are cheap and the nights out are wild. The streets get crowded and it gets rowdy, but if you want to see the city’s wild side then this is where you need to be. It’s especially wild on Halloween and New Year’s Eve.
Some places worth checking out to get your night started are:
001 Speakeasy
Ce La Vi
The Brickhouse
Dragon I
17. Have Fun at Disneyland
If you really want to play tourist and get in touch with your inner child, head to Disneyland. The park has over 36 attractions, including favorites like the spinning teacups and Jungle Cruise. Located on Lantau Island, you can reach the park in just 20 minutes by car. It’s super easy to get to (you can take public transportation there as well in around 45 minutes). They also have a nightly fireworks show at 9pm.
Admission is 619 HKD for anyone over 12. For children under 12, admission is 458 HKD. Prices are cheaper for multi-day visits.
18. Take a Cooking Class
If you love the food here and want to learn more about it (and learn how to make it yourself), take a cooking class. You’ll not only get to eat some delicious food but you can visit a local market and learn exactly how to make your favorite dishes so you can cook them when you get home.
Some companies offering fun and affordable cooking classes are:
Yum Cha
The Mixing Bowl
The Little Kitchen Cookery Studio
Prices will vary depending on the class. Expect to spend around 550-750 HKD per person.
19. Go Hiking
There’s no question that Hong Kong is a densely-packed city. If you find yourself looking to escape the crowds, there are plenty of scenic hiking trails nearby where you can stretch your legs. Here are a few suggestions to get you started:
Po Toi – Located on Po Toi Island, this is a quiet circular hike that lasts around 3 hours. It’s very laid back and you’ll see lots of neat rock formations.
Sunset Peak – This is the third-highest peak in Hong Kong. Located on Lantau Island, it’s a challenging hike that takes around 3.5 hours and offers some amazing views (especially at sunset). The trail begins right at Mui Wo on Lantau Island.
Ap Lei Chau to Ap Lei Pai – A challenging coastal hike with steep sections that leads you to Mount Johnston Lighthouse. Takes 2-3 hours and starts near the Lei Tung MTR station.
Lung Ha Wan Country Trail – A family-friendly scenic hike that stretches from Clear Water Bay Second Beach to Lung Ha Wan. It takes between 2-3 hours.
Tung O Ancient Trail – This is a long trail between Tung Chung and Tai O on Lantau Island. It’s almost 15km long and takes 5 hours to hike.
20. Explore Lamma Island
Lamma Island (also called “Pok Liu Chau” or “Pok Liu”) is a quiet island that not many people visit — even though it’s the third-largest island in Hong Kong! There are only a few thousand residents here and no cars are allowed.
Additionally, there are no buildings over three-stories high so it has a much different feel than the rest of the city. It’s cheaper and more laid back than the rest of Hong Kong, so the island attracts young people, artists, expats, and musicians. There are lots of hiking trails here too, as well as some nice beaches to relax on (don’t miss Lo So Shing Beach).
21. Visit the Hong Kong Space Museum
This museum is located on the Tsim Sha Tsui Promenade inside a huge egg-shaped building (it’s a really odd building). But, while the building is peculiar, the museum itself is both fun and insightful (it’s a good choice if you’re traveling with kids). It’s home to astronomy exhibits, a digital planetarium, interactive shows in their Omnimax theatre, and lots of hands-on exhibitions. It’s definitely one of the most interesting museums in the city.
10 Salisbury Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, +852 2721 0226, lcsd.gov.hk/CE/museum/space. Open Monday, Wednesday-Friday from 1pm–9pm and Saturday–Sunday from 10am–9pm (closed Tuesdays). Admission is 24 HKD.
22. Catch a Festival
No matter what time of the year you’re visiting, chances are there will be a festival or major cultural event taking place (there is usually something going on each month). Here are some of the most popular festivals and events in the city:
Chinese (Lunar) New Year – Held in January, the Chinese New Year lights up the city with color and flowers. There is a huge parade through the Tsim Sha Tsui area with tons of incredible floats, acrobats, Chinese dragons, dancers, and more.
Hong Kong International Film Festival – If you’re a movie buff, don’t miss this festival in March. There are always amazing new films (200+ films are screened each year) and there are lots of meet-and-greets and events to attend.
Hong Kong Dragon Boat Carnival (Tuen Ng Festival) – Held in June, this is a lively festival that takes over the waterfront. Over 4,000 boats compete and there are tons of parties that take place over the three-day event.
Hungry Ghost Festival – This traditional Taoist/Buddhist festival is held every September and involves all kinds of religious ceremonies to help ease the suffering of lingering spirits.
New Year’s Eve – Much like in New York City, Hong Kong hosts a massive New Year’s Eve celebration that brings out tens of thousands of people. The city is bursting at the seams and it’s a non-stop party to ring in the new year.
23. Hit the Beach
There are actually a ton of beaches around Hong Kong. We think of the city as this overbuilt metropolis but out in the New Territories, there’s a lot of great hikes, wilderness, and beaches! Here are some of my favorite beaches in Hong Kong to visit:
Clear Water Bay Second Beach – Sandy beach away from the city (but accessible by public transportation). Water is relatively clean (which is rare around Hong Kong).
Lower Cheung Sha Beach – One of the prettiest beaches in Hong Kong and also the longest. Offers clean sand, washroom facilities, and some cafes nearby.
Hap Mun Bay Beach – Located near Sai Kung on Sharp Island, Hap Mun Bay Beach (also known as Half Moon beach) is consistently ranked as one of the cleanest beaches in Hong Kong. It gets busy on the weekend though so arrive early
Long Ke Wan – This beach is more remote, but is worth the effort (CNN said it’s one of the best beaches in the world). Since it’s remote, you’ll need to bring everything you need with you, including food and water.
With so much to see, do, and eat, it should be clear by now why Hong Kong is one of my favorite cities to visit. It’s a lively, jarring metropolis that overloads the senses in the best of ways. But it also has lots to see and do away from the crowds too.
It’s safe, clean, and offers visitors a unique blend of east and west. In a nutshell, Hong Kong is a city that doesn’t disappoint.
Book Your Trip to Hong Kong: Logistical Tips and Tricks
Book Your Flight Find a cheap flight to Hong Kong by using Skyscanner or Momondo. They are my two favorite search engines. Start with Momondo.
Book Your Accommodation You can book your hostel in Hong Kong with Hostelworld as they have the largest inventory. If you want to stay elsewhere, use Booking.com as they consistently return the cheapest rates. Some of my favorite places to stay are:
Hong Kong Hostel
Rainbow Lodge
Homy Inn
For even more places to stay in Hong Kong, check out my post on my favorite hostels in the city. It has an even more detailed list.
Don’t Forget Travel Insurance Travel insurance will protect you against illness, injury, theft, and cancellations. I never ever go on a trip without it. I’ve been using World Nomads for ten years. You should too.
Need Some Gear? Check out our resource page for the best companies to use!
Want More Information on Hong Kong? Be sure to visit our robust destination guide on Hong Kong for even more planning tips!
Photo credit: 5 – Cycling Man, 9 – travelwayoflife, 11 – Jennifer Morrow, 12 – ncburton
The post The 23 Best Things to See and Do in Hong Kong appeared first on Nomadic Matt's Travel Site.
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Hong Kong Itinerary: What to Do in 4 Days
Updated: 07/27/2018 | July 27th, 2018
Hong Kong. Its name inspires visions of a chaotic, jam packed city with soaring skyscrapers, thick smog, endless noodle stands, big finance, and wild nights out. It’s one of my top five favorite cities in the world, and I relish any chance to visit. The fast pace creates a sense of permanent change, and the crowds, multiculturalism, and food keep me continuously coming back. Oh, the food! I could sit bent over a noodle bowl all day long!
Hong Kong is a busy city of eight million inhabitants with one of the biggest hub airports in the world. It can be overwhelming for many visitors, especially those not used to crowded places. And, with so much to do here, one can scratch one’s head about where to start in order get the most out of the trip.
This four-day Hong Kong itinerary will help you organize your trip, steer you off the beaten path, and show you why Hong Kong is one of the most on-the-go cities in the world.
What Do in Hong Kong: Day 1
The Hong Kong Museum of History In order to understand a place, you must first understand its past. This museum lets you do just that. It provides an excellent overview of Hong Kong’s long and complex past. There are exhibits relating to the archaeology, social history, ethnography, and natural history of the region. It’s big, so allow about 2–4 hours for your visit. Admission is 10 HKD (free on Wednesdays) and there is an audio tour available for 10 HKD.
100 Chatham Road South, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, +852 2724 9042, hk.history.museum. Open daily from 10am-6pm (7pm on weekends).
Walk through Kowloon Park Head to Kowloon Island’s gigantic park that features a swimming pool, a fitness center, little ponds where you can watch ducks and other swimming birds, a Chinese garden, an aviary, and plenty of rest areas where you can relax to escape the oppressive Hong Kong heat. It’s one of the best places to people-watch in the city.
22 Austin Rd, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, +852 2724 3344, lcsd.gov.hk. Open daily from 5am-12am and admission is free.
The street markets in Mong Kok This area of Hong Kong has the largest and busiest markets in which to soak up the frenetic atmosphere, sights, and sounds of Hong Kong. The crowds and sellers really exemplify Hong Kong’s on-the-move essence. The two best markets for inexpensive souvenirs are the Ladies Market (bargain clothing, accessories, and souvenirs) and the Temple Street Night Market (flea market). The markets of Mong Kok are best reached by the Hong Kong MTR subway system, stations Yau Ma Tei, Mong Kok, and Prince Edward on the Tsuen Wan (red) line
Tung Choi St, Mong Kok, Hong Kong and Temple St, Jordan, Hong Kong. The markets are open every day, starting around noon and closing in the late evening (times vary).
Tsim Sha Tsui Promenade — Stroll along the Tsim Sha Tsui waterfront and take in the breathtaking skyline view of Hong Kong Island. While you’re here, make sure to visit the Avenue of Stars, Hong Kong’s answer to the Hollywood “Walk of Fame,” where you can see the stars of Chinese and Western film alike. There are shops, restaurants, and, at night, a large outdoor market serving traditional Cantonese food alongside knockoffs and souvenirs. Come ready to haggle.
Salisbury Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon (next to the Star Ferry pier). Open 24/7.
Take the Star Ferry The best way to get across the harbor from Kowloon Island to Hong Kong Island is via the Star Ferry, which showcases a fantastic view of the city skyline for only 2.70 HKD. It’s one of my favorite activities.
Star Ferry Pier, Kowloon Point, Tsim Sha Tsui, +852 2367 7065, Kowloonstarferry.com. The ferry runs from 6:30am-11:30pm every day, though they occur less frequently on weekends and holidays. Single tickets are 2.70 HDK, while a 4-day pass will cost around 27.50 HKD.
What Do in Hong Kong: Day 2
Ride Ngong Ping 360 This cable car runs a little over 3.5 miles, from Tung Chung across the bay toward the airport and then onward to Lantau Island, where you can visit the Po Lin Monastery. The cable car gives you a panoramic view of the airport, harbor, and entire city before it travels through the surrounding mountains. The ride lasts about 25 minutes. Lantau Island is a bit touristy, but the ride and monastery provide worthwhile views of the city and little islands that dot Hong Kong.
11 Tat Tung Road, Tung Chung, Lantau Island, +852 3666 0606, np360.com. Open 10am-6pm on weekdays and 9am-6:30pm on weekends on holidays. A round-trip adult ticket for the cable car is 210 HKD for a standard cabin and 290 HKD for a crystal cabin (a cable car with a glass bottom floor).
Take a food tour — After the morning on the cable car and enjoying a killer view of Hong Kong, spend lunchtime taking a food tour. Hong Kong is a food-filled city (there are over 10,000 restaurants here!) and you’ll find a diverse range from around the world. Without help, you’ll never find all the hidden local favorites. The following three companies offer the best value tours:
Bigfoot Tours – They offer private small-group food tours, usually lasting around 4 hours. 650-2,200 HKD depending on how many people.
Little Adventure in Hong Kong – Little Adventures offers street food tours, Cantonese cuisine tours, fine dining tours, and craft beer and cocktail tours. There is literally something for everyone!
Hong Kong Foodie Tasting Tours – Four tours are available here, depending on what you’re looking to sample. All tasting are included in the price, which will be between 750-900 HDK per person.
Rent a junk boat Junk boats — those classic boats with the large sail you see in any movie about Hong Kong — a fun way to sail around the harbor on full-day and half-day trips. You can rent a boat with a large group of friends (15 or so people) or join a group trip. Here are some recommended companies that offer affordable tours:
Island Junks – They have a couple cruise options, costing around 650 HKD per person. You can also charter your own if you’ve got the money!
Saffron Cruises – This is a great option if you can put together a large group of 20-30 people, as a charter will cost 9,000-18,500 HKD.
Hong Kong Junks – This is more of the classic party boat experience, with options for all budgets.
What Do in Hong Kong: Day 3
Walk the Ping Shan Heritage Trail Located in the New Territories (the city’s less visited northern district), this trail will lead you past some of the most important ancient sights of the Tang clan: the walled Hakka village of Tsang Tai Uk, the Fu Shin Street Traditional Bazaar, Che Kung Temple, Man Mo Temple, and the Temple of Ten Thousand Buddhas. Just be aware that not all of the historic buildings on the trail are open to the public.
Another option is the Lung Yeuk Tau Heritage Trail. It begins at the Taoist temple complex of Fung Ying Seen Koon and passes the walled villages of Ma Wat Wai and Lo Wai before ending at the 18th-century Tang Chung Ling Ancestral Hall.
This part of Hong Kong is often skipped by tourists, and the trails, meandering through the city’s more rural region, are quiet and a welcome break from the giant metropolis of the downtown area.
Ping Shan Trail: Sheung Cheung Wai, Yuen Long District, +852 2617 1959, lcsd.gov.hk. Lung Yeuk Tau Trail: 66 Pak Wo Rd, Fanling, Hong Kong, +852 2669 9186.
Hong Kong Heritage Museum This museum showcases the city’s history and love of art. There’s a large exhibit about the New Territories and an opera house for performances. It fills in some of the blanks left from the Hong Kong History Museum and gives you a look at the artistic culture of the city. It’s also located near the beautiful Sha Tin Park and Shing Mun River, making the surrounding area just as interesting as the museum!
1 Man Lam Rd, Sha Tin, New Territories, +852 2180 8188, heritagemuseum.gov.hk. Open every day but Tuesday from 10am-6pm (7pm on weekends).
Che Kung Temple Just down the road from the Heritage Museum, this temple is dedicated to Che Kung, a general during the Southern Song Dynasty (1127–1279) in ancient China. The temple complex here is always filled with people, so be prepared for crowds. The traditional architecture and intricate sculptures make this worth visiting after you see the Heritage Museum.
Che Kung Miu Road, +852 2691 1733, ctc.org.hk. Open daily from 7am-6pm.
What Do in Hong Kong: Day 4
The Peak Tram This tram takes you to the top of the Peak, Hong Kong Island’s largest mountain, at 1,700 feet. You ride a funicular to the top where you enjoy spectacular 180-degree views of the skyscrapers of Victoria Harbor, Kowloon, and the surrounding hills. It’s the best view of the city.
No.1 Lugard Road, +852 2849 7654, thepeak.com.hk. You can take a return trip for 52 HKD or a return trip with entry to the sky terrace for 99 HKD per person.
Hong Kong Museum of Art- CLOSED FOR RENOVATIONS UNTIL 2019 This museum is a fascinating and intriguing place that exhibits Chinese ceramics, terra cotta, rhinoceros horns, and Chinese paintings, as well as contemporary art produced by Hong Kong artists. It’s part art museum, part Ripley’s Believe It or Not.
Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong, +852 2721 0116. Open from 9am-6pm everyday but Saturday.
Experience the nightlife at Lan Kwai Fong LKF is the main nightlife and party area in Hong Kong and is filled with tons of bars, clubs, shisha (water pipes), and cheap drinks. Nights out here are wild — the street is always crowded, people get very drunk, and shots get handed out like candy. It’s rowdy, but if you want to see Hong Kong’s wilder side, this is the place to do it.
Other Things to See and Do in Hong Kong
Day trip to Macau — The gambling mecca of Macau is a short boat ride away. For 150 HKD, the 60-75–minute boat ride from Hong Kong’s ferry terminal will take you to this former Portuguese colony, where you can wander gigantic modern casinos, stroll historic streets lined with Portuguese-inspired houses, and dine on egg tarts, a famous local specialty.
Take a cooking class — Hong Kong is full of food. Why not learn how to cook some of it? This Hong Kong expat website has a list of 20 schools offering classes!
Go hiking — Hong Kong may be a densely packed city, but there is also scenic hiking in the outer mountains and islands. There are a lot of trails (especially in the undeveloped parts of the New Territories). This link to the Hong Kong tourism board lists all the trails.
Visit Disneyland — If you’re on a family trip, or if you’re a backpacker in touch with your inner child, head to Disneyland. Hang out with Mickey Mouse and shake hands with sea creatures.
*** In a city of eight million people, there are countless things to see and do. One could fill weeks exploring Hong Kong’s many islands, markets, restaurants, sights, and nightlife and still not see it all. Though impossible to condense a city so vast into four-days, this Hong Kong itinerary will help you experience the most Hong Kong has to offer in a short period of time!
NEXT STEP —- > Click here to get my in-depth insider’s guidebook to Hong Kong and plan the ultimate visit there!
Get the In-Depth Budget Guide to Hong Kong!
Want to plan the perfect trip to Hong Kong? Check out my comprehensive guide to Hong Kong written for budget travelers like yourself! It cuts out the fluff found in other guides and gets straight to the practical information you need to travel and save money in one of the most beautiful, and exciting in the world. You’ll find suggested itineraries tips budgets, ways to save money, on and off the beaten path things to see and do, and my favorite non-touristy restaurants, markets, and bars, and much more!! Click here to learn more and get started.
Book Your Trip to Hong Kong: Logistical Tips and Tricks
Book Your Flight Find a cheap flight to Hong Kong by using Skyscanner or Momondo. They are my two favorite search engines. Start with Momondo.
Book Your Accommodation You can book your hostel in Hong Kong with Hostelworld. If you want to stay elsewhere, use Booking.com as they consistently return the cheapest rates. (Here’s the proof.)
Don’t Forget Travel Insurance Travel insurance will protect you against illness, injury, theft, and cancellations. I never ever go on a trip without it. I’ve been using World Nomads for ten years. You should too.
Need Some Gear? Check out our resource page for the best companies to use!
Want More Information on Hong Kong? Be sure to visit our robust destination guide on Hong Kong for even more planning tips!
The post Hong Kong Itinerary: What to Do in 4 Days appeared first on Nomadic Matt's Travel Site.
source https://www.nomadicmatt.com/travel-blogs/four-days-in-hong-kong/
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