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fancast idea: Anya Taylor Joy as Elsa & Lucky Blue Smith as Jack Frost or Jackson Overland when he has brown hair
#lucky blue smith has been draco malfoy to me for AGES but i am 1000% willing to suspend that feeling IN FAVOR OF THIS OPTION THANK YOU NONNY#NONNY THANK YOU UU#therentyoupay ask#therentyoupay anon#jelsa#jelsa fancast#jelsa dreamcast#jack frost fancast#jack frost dreamcast#elsa fancast#elsa dreamcast#I SEE IT I SEE IT I TOTALLY SEE IT#i had never considered anna honestly WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME#jackson overland fancast#jackson overland dreamcast#well i now know who i will be using in literally every future snow globe edit THANK YOU NONNNYYYYYYY
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How did Speedwagon get his automobile that was shown in the manga?
unprompted asks 【always accepting!】
//Hi nonnie! Apologies for this being so late!! irl has been getting in the way a lot, buuuut on the bright side, this is gonna be a long reply, so I hope that makes up for the wait if only a little!! <3 Regarding your question, the simplest of answers is that they got it in a very illegal manner. This means that, yeah, the gang stole it! Additional bit: they specifically went for a steam car. This was due to cost constraints, as the fuel materials for steam automobiles were more affordable than petrol (the latter was considerably more expensive at the time).
((Under a read more for length reasons))
Now, please allow me to explain a little bit of real life facts and history here before we get into the How Did These Funky Criminals Got Their Hands On That Automobile, because it is important to keep in mind these bits of info for the general context of the story. I’m going to keep it as short as possible, promise!:
Automobiles were not very common in Victorian England. It is said that there were merely about a few thousand in existence, for example. Additionally, the newer models tended to be on the pricier side due to them running on petrol (“newer models” as in those being manufactured from the last 15-ish years of the Victorian era and on, which would be 1885-ish to 1901, approx), and so petrol cars were not much of a thing you’d see outside of the highest social classes since only the very very rich could afford shedding money on petrol every time and as often as a car needs it.

In the case of the automobile we see the gang driving around however, well, it turns out that it appears to have a boiler on it, which very likely means the car is a steam car. Steam cars had boilers on them as part of their fuel mechanisms, and they were able to run on different types of fuels too, with coal being one of them. Wood was another, and there were a few more as well. As mentioned before, these were cheaper and way more affordable options than petrol. And, since we’re on the topic of cost-efficiency, it also needs to be said that a steam car was also cheaper on the long run than it would be depending on a horse-drawn coach that required at least one trained horse to move around (two for better performance) + all the maintenance and work that taking proper care of a horse requires. So, definitely, a steam car was the gang’s best bet as they sometimes have to move around the city for their little businesses, and which could be insanely time consuming if you had no means of transportation (since London is pretty big and, if I’m not mistaken, it was also one of the biggest cities -if not the biggest of all- in the world during the Victorian era).
With all this said, let’s now dive into the details behind the origins of the gang’s car!
For starters, they have owned the car for a couple years by the time the main events in PB take place, which is when we first (and last, unfortunately) see it. Basically, they got it somewhere around the year 1885. They had been planning to get a car for a while before that, though, especially for traveling long distances within London and which could be a difficult task or plain out very time consuming if you didn’t own a horse-drawn coach or any other types of vehicles to move around as we discussed before. Omnibuses already existed back then (they were sort of a “double-decker” communal horse-drawn carriage, basically) but, of course, their use was very limited in the sense that they only covered pre-set/determined routes, they didn’t provide any privacy for the passengers as they would all sit right next to each other and kinda crammed during rush hours (privacy is a must for the majority of the gang’s jobs, really, so this was a huge disadvantage). Omnibuses also had limited work schedules and -as far as I know- they didn’t work overnight (which is when criminal activity would be normally the most active). All that on top of the fact that omnibuses charged every passenger a fare per trip, just like present day buses and other public transportations do, all in addition to the very limited (almost completely null) possibilities of “travelling for free” on them due to space limitations. So, in the end, omnibuses weren’t an option either save for very specific instances.
From day one of this idea, their goal was to steal a car rather than legally getting one, this because, well, it is no surprise that it would take them years to be able to afford a car with their income unless they used up to the last shilling they got from their shady businesses (extortion, stealing, “protection”, and so on) and which would inevitably would put them as well as the rest of Speedwagon’s men into serious financial trouble. And even if they did so, it would still take them some time to be able to save enough to afford it, as they don’t have the full amount ready to be shed. One thing that most people in general brush off in favor of romanticizing the Victorian era in general is that, as silly and “obvious” as it may sound: The rich were really rich, while the poor were really poor, and the system was pretty much built to keep things that way (hence the huge gap between social classes), so it was virtually impossible for a poor person to climb up in social status unless they somehow inherited some fortune or married a wealthy person (the latter being something largely frowned upon, as most Victorians were pretty classist, so any rich person marrying someone of a “lesser” status would definitely be looked down upon and given very weird looks at the very very least, all while their partner would be seen as some kind of opportunist and fortune-seeker and would never be seen as “one of them” regardless of how genuine the marriage actually was). Essentially, saving up wasn’t much of an option for the lower classes, which Robert and his gang, the rest of his men, and all of the slums (obvs) were part of.
They didn’t have a target in mind yet at the time the idea was first suggested (adding this bit here, it was also Tattoo the first one to suggest the idea of getting a car). Overall, the idea of getting a car was firmly adopted from the start, but they soon discarded the possibility of stealing a car in London. The reason being that, due to horseless cars being not too common, they would quickly get spotted before they could even customize the car and make it look different enough to pass as a whole different one (yes, carjackings seem to have been way more difficult to successfully pull off back then due to the limited existences of automobiles were overall, especially in England)
And so they put the bullseye on non-Londoners visiting the city instead. Yeah, the idea sounded silly even to them. Having to follow some guy in order to steal their shit and all, but that was the most viable option at the time, really. After some looking around, they eventually found their guy: A man who was basically some rich scum. The kind of rich guy who has a lot of money and who feels like that somehow gives him the right to treat anyone below him like less than garbage (as attested by some of the people they later got their info from), so the gang really didn’t have any qualms in stealing the fuck out of him. Finding his general info was not a very difficult task, especially through Robert’s best and main informant for most of his criminal activities (you’re gonna learn more about in a minute btw >:3).
Their victim didn’t live in London and rarely ever visited the city. His actual residence was located in one of London’s adjacent counties, too. Not too far from the city, but also not too close to it and, thus, making it difficult for anyone (at the time, of course) to trace the car all the way to London if the gang managed to successfully snatch it all the way there without being spotted.
It is also mandatory to mention that both Li and Robert knew how to drive by this point, with Li having learned merely out of curiosity not long ago, and with Robert having learned from a now ex-boyfriend that he had during a weeks long trip he did to France the previous year (as far as I know, steam cars were more common in France than they were in England at the time). Funnily enough, and despite being the one who originally suggested the idea of stealing a car, Tattoo didn’t know how to drive at the time and so he was not an “active” part during the actual heist. The fourth guy in the gang, the one with the funky and colorful hat in the pic (and who was unnamed in the manga and completely left out in the anime >:/ ), while he also didn’t know how to drive back then, he was the main informant I mentioned earlier for this heist and thus a key part on it.
“Small” side note: Even though Funky Hat Lad -who I’ll be referring to as “Lemmy” from here on, as that’s the nickname he has in my headcanons- is (currently) not a side muse on the blog, I consider him part of Robert’s “main” gang, he just doesn’t hang around a lot as the other three do, but he’s still a close friend and a valuable ally to the three. As stated before, he’s also one of Robert’s most important men along with Tattoo and Li. Most of the time acts as an informant for Robert and his men, however, he can also double and take other roles within the gang whenever it’s needed. He isn’t much of a fighter but he’s armed at all times and he definitely won’t hesitate to use his gun or his knife if the situation calls for it. He also occasionally takes part in the “interrogatories” the gang runs whenever they need to forcefully coax information out of an enemy/rival.
Back to our story, once all the information was gathered and confirmed and the gang knew where and when to strike, all they had to do was go to where this guy lived. As mentioned before, this was a 3-man heist: Robert, Li and Lemmy. The former two to do the driving and most of the physical work (as mentioned before, they were aiming for a “stealth hit and run” but they were prepared in case things went wrong and shit got violent as well as in case some technical issue occurred with the car), and the latter to guide them around, find their objective, and leave the town as swiftly as they came and so everything went out as planned. Tattoo stayed back for this one, partly due to him being unable to drive and the heist already having enough people to take care of the violent part if things came down to that, and partly because he was in charge of keeping an eye on Ogre Street and the gang’s businesses while the boss and the others were away. Like, sure, there’s a lot more men and gangs working for Speedwagon outside of his main guys (Tattoo, Li, and Lemmy), but there always has to be someone assuming the position of the boss to make sure things go smoothly. As you can tell when it comes to such a violent and chaotic place like Ogre Street, it’s impossible to leave it completely unsupervised without shit going really wild (usually but not exclusively started by one of the many and smaller rival gangs), so there always has to be someone designated by Speedwagon to keep things under some form of control in his absence.
One of the gang’s specialties, Robert’s more precisely, are break ins. Stealthy break-ins. Paired up with the info Lemmy had gathered, bypassing security at the guy’s mansion was not an issue, and so the heist itself went without much issue (none, actually), as it ended up being what they’d aimed for from the start: A stealth mission. This was the best outcome, especially considering what I mentioned earlier, about the very limited amount of cars in existence back then and how that could complicate things when it came to stealing a car. With that considered, the last thing you’d want would be for your victim not only to realize on the spot that he’s getting robbed, but to also see you and increase your chances of being successfully tracked down by police and which, inevitably, would also very likely end up turning into prison time for all people involved (especially in this case, where their victim was some heartless scum).
They managed to bring the car over to London without any issues. They even picked some linen and other random but innocuous items as they made their hasty way out of town to put on some of the seats and sort of make the car go unnoticed at first glance to any bystanders’ eyes in case they were later asked in some investigation by the police (and which they knew was going to happen at some point, so they had to cover their tracks in any way they could).
Back in London, they immediately went to hide the automobile near one of the gang’s safe houses in the slums (one that had enough space to keep it indoors). Through Robert’s connections and some favors some folks owed to him, they were able to sort of customize the automobile over the course of days/a couple weeks, making enough changes on it so it wasn’t easily recognizable in case they ever crossed paths with it’s now former owner, but also keeping a good balance with those changes as not to make the car stand out from any others around town and attract unwanted attention. So, mostly the upholstery was changed from dark brown to the lighter brown color you see in the manga, as well as the car itself being re-painted from black to a dark shade of grey-ish brown, along with other minor changes. The side-seat you see Lemmy sitting on was added much later, once they were certain any potential police investigations were over and the car was “officially” theirs.
#[warned y'all this was gonna be Long uu]#[hope this was okay nonny!]#[thank you so much for sending this in!!! it was super fun to write and it was also a hc i'd been meaning to flesh out for the longest time#but never really got around to doing it until now]#[so thank you so much for giving me the chance to do just that!!! <3]#[and also thank you so much for your patience!!]#[hope this was worth the wait]#;answered#;stone masks#;headcanon#;long post#;speedwagon withdraws coolly#[also yeah. le/mm/y's name is a mot//orh//ead ref lol]#;basics
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Hey Lola, I hope you won’t mind me asking for some rasberry jam. I was thinking NSFW and for the song to be, “Pretty when you cry” by Lana Del Rey and for the character to be Leon Kennedy.
Please and thank you, have a good day wherever you are!!
𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐍𝐓 hey thank u, nonnie for the request! sorry this took so longg! leon is so lana coded! i love this song and thank uu, u too pookie! <3
nsfw : gn!reader, sub!reader, rough, crying, angst, dacryphilia, comfort.

"you make me feel like your whole world"
leon knows that you'll always be there for him. he knows that sometimes he can't control his emotions, but he also knows that you'll always love him, no matter what.
he'll come home to you stressed and tense. tired from work and he doesn't seem interested in talking it out with you. his mind and body too busy with ache for you, for your warmth, for your tears.
and you yearn for him so. you yearn to please him, to make him feel better, so much better, just like you always do. so you let him use you. you'd let him do anything to you; you know he'll always care for you the way you've cared for him and he knows you don't mind.
"i'll wait for you, babe, that's all i do, babe"
your eyes light up when he approaches you and you jump up to greet him. your gentle voice asking him how his day was and such. but he doesn't answer.
and you know what he wants when he captures your lips in a rough kiss. murmuring between quick breaths for you to take your clothes off. and you do, without hesitation.
he maneuvers your pliant body onto the bed, and you squeak when he hoists your legs over his broad shoulders, nervous wide eyes in anticipation of what he plans for you as he tugs your panties off hurriedly.
"don't come through babe, you never do"
you gasp when he slips into you and your palms find purchase on his shoulders. holding onto him tightly as you try to relax yourself, the stretch is more painful from the lack of foreplay, and suddenly, his hips are snapping against yours.
you whine out from his roughness, the lack of preparation causing you to feel overwhelmed as you urge him to slow down desperately. but your pleas go ignored as he chases his pleasure.
"because i'm pretty when i cry"
tears well up in your doe eyes and your lips wobble as you stare up at him, pleading for him to kiss you or touch you gently. but he's not paying attention to you, and his pace fastens and you turn your head to the side, the tears spilling into the pillow beneath you as you whimper with each harsh thrust.
"fuckk, you're so pretty, aren't ya. look at me, let me see you."
his fingers tilt your jaw, forcing you to look up at him properly through your wet lashes. he smirks when he takes in your messy state, mascara running down your cheeks and your lips desperately pining for his.
but he doesn't kiss you, and after he pulls out to finish on top of you, he apologizes. his touch, now gentle as he pulls you into his arms, wiping your tears away as he coos in you ear.
#꒰ ୨୧ : coqvttes picnic event ꒱#꒰ 🍓 ꒱ — rasberry jam#₊ ⊹ — nonnies#leon kennedy smut#leon kennedy#leon kennedy x reader#leon smut#leon s kennedy#leon resident evil#re2#re4#resident evil 4#resident evil smut#resident evil x reader#resident evil 2#resident evil#leon kennedy x you#leon s kennedy smut#leon s kennedy x reader#leon scott kennedy#leon scott kennedy x reader#leon scott kennedy smut#leon re4#leon re2#leon kennedy angst#leon kennedy drabble#lana del rey
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Hi hi uhm I’m too scared to post this as an actual thing and I’ve already talked to all my friends about this so I thought you’d like to hear about it instead ^_^
I’ve kinda been thinking about wifies line of ‘no two stars in the Minecraft sky touch eachother’ from end barrens and how that relates to what we know from the wifies debunk
Yeah I know wifies technically wasn’t the one to say the line, but instead a hallucination of him from wato’s mind. You can even tell in the way she replies with ‘when I first found that out I got really depressed’ as if she had already heard it before and their brain was just reusing the information to put on wifies. But for a moment I’d like to think that wifies had actually said that to them at some point, and wato’s mind was simply reusing that memory to make the fake wifies seem more real.
TAKING THAT ALL INTO ACCOUNT I think wifies sharing that piece of trivia specifically is so interesting to me because. It doesn’t matter. It’s useless information. Wifies -or, clonefies, rather- was specifically designed to complete challenges and escape prisons for the sake of content creation. Knowing obscure trivia was important to his success, it allowed him to use that information to find his way out easier, to escape, to fulfill the purpose he was created to do. But the ‘no two stars touch eachother’ thing is useless. It doesn’t serve any purpose other than to be an interesting fact. You can’t use that knowledge to your advantage in any way so who even cares? I like to think that we can use this to infer what wifies thinks of himself and the role he plays in this world. His original is dead (to his knowledge). he’s escaped the real prison he hadn’t even known he was trapped in. He no longer has a purpose. Which, in a way, is kind of beautiful. It means he has the freedom to do whatever he wants forever. It means he has nothing to live up to, no one to please (although he still chases this purpose despite that). He can choose to fill his brain up with as much useless trivia as he could possibly want, and no one is there to stop him or correct him or fix him. He’s able to be *himself*, just a lone star in a night sky, existing for only himself.
OHHHHH NONNIE I LOVE YOUR THOUGHTS ABOUT THIS THANK YOU SM FOR SHARING!!!!!!!! the two stars being evilfies and clonefies ohhhhh my god..... i love that line so so much too :((
my interpretation of it WAS that wato saw her and wifies as the stars, and the wifies saying that was like. their subconciouses way of trying to tell them that he wasn't real, bc they cant touch, it was the loneliness seeping through. BUT im stealing wifies actually saying it before now bc that's such a big fuck you to what he was designed for. (the lone star symbolism too oughhhh)
^^ i think another thing wifies was doing to like. have his own stuff for himself was the horror/arg stuff? clonefies being in the ARGs is a very self indulgent hc but he also brings up 'i have no mouth and i must scream' to parrot in one of the uu eps which like. he doesn't have any reason to look into, other than it being something he's interested in. which like its a tad worrying for how hes feeling BUT I THINK ITS GOOD FOR HIM OK
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Hey nymph!! I have a request! (And Its involving hantengus clones.. hehe😈)
Them with a reader that has long hair. Like up to her ANKLESSS. Make it smutty asf lol 🩷
Love uu and ur writing!
I'm actually writing a commission with a reader like that! I hope to have it out soon!! And all the clones get a one on one with her and a gangbang.
Thank you for the love and support dear nonnie!!
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I hope you had a good first days of 2024 <33
seeing the fluffy story of kuroo putting his wife first before yuko make me really want some more angst but of his side too, like I want all of them suffer. Like after that y/n lets kuroo continue having sex with yuko (it makes her feel bad but it also makes her horny) her mental health deteriorates because of how much kuroo neglected her and now she wants a divorce after enduring how kuroo prefers to fuck yuko that her so now kuroo is on his knees crying pathetically begging her not to do it. Because he may love yuko's cunt but he also loves his wife. Sorry, I love it when men are pathetic and beg
hi hi, thank uu ! hope 2024 has been treating u good as well, nonnie ♡
so, in the skeleton of the series, y/n actually gives kuroo permission to continue his affair with yuko. under some conditions, of course. we're gonna see how the dynamic between the three develops and also how kuroo might seem to favor one of them over the other. it's still in the works though. now, about the divorce thing. im gonna be honest and say im not so sure about that because I haven't decided what kind of end I want for them
so far, we're still in the beginning of everything. there's one, maybe two more fics that are part of the prelude, and that'll help us get an insight into how things were before y/n found out about the affair :)
#💌 answered#tnmici.xo#tw.cheating#mm i lied#i fell in the middle of the street and sprained my ankle#:))))) ill break my hip one of these days
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(Please encose your wiring skills onto me PLEASEEE IM ON MY KNEES RN)
Like the way you portrayed baji make me want to isekai myself in there and jump into his big strong arms and give him kithessm Hes sooo yummy, AND IM SO GLAD HES A MAJOR CHARACTER in this fsnfic bc inhste it when fanfics deadas list him but he's only mentioned or not even on there. I NEED baji. NEED him Carnally)
(And please not Emma be the best friend char that's trying to set you up with the main guy like in those early 2000xs fsnfics you see on ff.net. like I love how causally their friendship bc they'll curses each other out but will also do anything for each other. Please im BEGGING you not to kill her off shes too sexy and cunty to due please ill sell my soul)
In short i want to kiss you loads of kisses and are manifesting everything for u to go right!
AW THANK YOUU NONNIE UR SO SWEET <333 emma is neeevverrr getting killed off she’s like the sarah michelle gellar in MY horror fics. & same goes for uu! smooches
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i cant wait to read the next part to not a doctor!! take as much time as u need, love uu 🫶🏻
- not a doctor anon
Hi Nonnie!!
Thank you so much I'm so excited about itttt <3
Not a Doctor
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hey i love you :) hope you know.
love uu thank u nonnie <3 needed this right now
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Your blog is really pretty and it made me happy that you gave us a warning before you changed your blog theme
AWWW NONNIE THANK UU <33 tbh i know that a sudden theme change out of the blue can be kinda disconcerting, and anyways it didnt hurt to let yall know so yeah :3333
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https://open.spotify.com/track/0Dtz6spSgAATlLo4q86GVp?si=841cacf7bb8e40da (( shadow (im breaking down), THIS ONE IS ONE OF MY FAVS NGL 🫶 MY BELOVED ))
https://open.spotify.com/track/3XSCsuqhAqaVoYkYHHFrNC?si=be3b09d544304beb (( you hear yes , I've listened to this one over 450 times , no joke ))
https://open.spotify.com/track/3DYGVZ6wOcGq6UhdiIZ7pG?si=efebe9ffb88648ea (( amor divino , this one is also rlly good .. ))
https://open.spotify.com/track/0Hd3YzI4rBymAY6gh0grRo?si=40753bfe5c7e40d7 (( bad guy , this one's so good too tbh . ))
https://open.spotify.com/track/2axsKqvWo8h7Etzok95RQV?si=739270d6423345fa (( VIXEN MY BELOVED 🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶 ))
https://open.spotify.com/track/7lShco7G2YGzZXc07dw494?si=9c2e0c2db3034ab8 (( soundproof ))
https://open.spotify.com/track/3XzRIxum3FBLgbdw2hRRkV?si=611a67acb8ec4360 (( duck eat duck world , this one is so much better than the other one honestly ))
https://open.spotify.com/track/69j7HErLMwAtvPCtR74tKa?si=632a3b9e0fef4062 (( WORD SALAD I LOVE YOU WORD SALAD 🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶💜💜💜💜💜 ))
https://open.spotify.com/track/3DT2cNy2Rh7O7htQrkuhtE?si=3ddeb76801114db5 (( sweet tooth .. if I had a nickel for every song I liked called sweet tooth I'd have two which isn't a lot but it's weird it happened twice ))
now some cavetown because erm I love them
https://open.spotify.com/track/7aU0FxwwsAwmQ8uGFYLIlu?si=e88e29563e614abb (( pajama pants my beloved .. ))
https://open.spotify.com/track/1zX1emlKkCtKyvw7AtrwBh?si=0537e9a35b674223 (( WISHING WELL FUCK YEAHHHHH 🗣️🗣️ ))
https://open.spotify.com/track/5g5OkvTCap0ici96lntkP3?si=bcd233f673144edd (( devil town - live at hoxton hall ))
https://open.spotify.com/album/7qdwpXcHWL1rlRGxYbkrPl (( little vice , yeag just the entire album .. ))
okay that was a lot sorry
thank you nonnie!!
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Welcome back! I'm glad your okayyy!! The spontaneous trips? Honestly that's so real. I've had those before too.. just laying in bed then getting called to pack up? Aghdhdj
Also other thingy: (Don't want to be a jerk but I'm just checking in on my request.. you replied to my ask saying you would post it before you dissapeared. I'm in no rush! I'm just asking to not sike my myself out 😭😭😭😅😅) (pls forgive me if my spam are annoying 😔 )
✒️ nonnie
HII ✒️ NONNIE AND DW I DONT FIND UR ASKS ANNOYING i just keep them in my.inbox until i have something prepared already BUT ABT UR ASK IM.WORKINF ON IT its just uhm im stuck at some point and i might jusy redo it to make it shorter so I can post it out already but yeahh
also ty for liking my recent art aghhh i honestly think it wasn't on par with mt expectations BUTBUT it might be just my artblock talking anyway THANK UU HEHEH
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hellooooo vegasssss happy sunday!! how are you doing? hope your doing okay :33
what did you do in your weekend? honestly i didnt do that much LMAO, rotting myself in bed while playing hsr (did you know my screen time on star rail was 20 hours… yeahh…)
anywayss!! hope you have a nice week :) looking forward for more contents from uu (love ur recent toji fic btw 🫶🏻🫶🏻) and pls ignore what snow nonnie said <3
im doing good !! i just took a nap but im still so tired. im about to visit some family for a few.
honestly, i was writing mostly. i didn’t have any plans this weekend besides work and i went to this new boba spot with my bf. i have plans today tho 🫨🫨🫨. omg 20 hours ? i bet mine was way worse on genshin i used to be so addicted pls
you too luv !!!! i plan to post later maybe if i don’t forget hehe. and awh thank u 🫶😞 im glad u liked it sobs
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hii, please can i ask wcif skin on the post "can i call you rose?" shes gorgeous!!
hi nonny!!! thank uu sm, love! i answered this here! ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ
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well, happy birthday then!!
i noticed the age change completely on accident bcs i opened up ur blog and saw that u r an aquarius AND an infp and my first thought was that we r literally the same person, followed by: "oh wait, BIRTHDAY RECENTLY OR SOON TO BE" and i wanted to shoot u an ask about birth charts bcs i saw u talk about them a little, but i was too scared (as one is) and then, when i checked ur blog AGAIN, there was the age change!!
aww nonnie thank uu!! did you already have urs or is it yet to come? also pls do shoot asks whenever you like! i can’t promise to be any help since i don’t know too much about birth charts (or anything else lol) but i’ll always try my best for you mwah
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