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egophiliac · 11 months ago
hiii im sure you’ve answered this before but in regards to your twst x Pokémon, how do you choose which Pokémon go give to the cast?? really curious since your choices are unique :O
unique in a good way, I hope? 😅 (jk jk I haven't come across too many pokemon AUs, so I was going in without preconceptions, I guess!) I was sorta aiming somewhere between doing, like, a full AU with internal consistency and everything, and just picking entirely based on theme/character, so maybe that's why! basically I just set some arbitrary rules (no legendaries/no repeats/evo stages based on year) and then went on ~vibes~. a couple were also suggestions (thank you guys!) and last-minute decisions, so it was a bit of a delightful mess of ideas!
my one regret is that I should have given Riddle a Togedemaru after all. ...you know what, he can have one now, why not
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cometblaster2070 · 2 months ago
so basically mamoru chiba aka tuxedo mask is just a version of batman where bruce wayne decided to finish med school in this essay I will-
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geothewriter · 4 months ago
Zutara Week 2024 - Festive
This year I partnered up with the legendary @demaparbat-hp for this prompt response. Please check out her corresponding post and artwork! I am literally still so shaken by the incredible artwork that goes along with this story! No, seriously, this is absolutely incredible! Give her praise!
Y'all, this is the fluffiest thing I've ever written. Enjoy!
Zuko decided to make the next Winter Solstice memorable after his and Katara's first one together lacked a certain magic.
On their first Winter Solstice together, Zuko shared a simple dinner with Katara in the Palace. Foods from her home mingled with spiced Fire Nation dishes, filling the table with a plethora of vibrant colors. He tried his best to find all of the best ingredients, and while she smiled, there was a vacancy in her eyes when she looked across the spread. Just the two of them. She assured him that she loved the thought and the food was exquisite. Perhaps too much so, he added in his head. It was made with perfection, not love. The kitchens were incapable of adding that ingredient. He knew what was missing. He knew what he couldn’t fix that night. Everyone had been so busy in that first year that there wasn’t a chance for friends. He was the Fire Lord and was busy, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t take some time away from the world’s affairs for someone who gave him his world. Even as the meal ended and they retired for the night, he began plotting. It wouldn’t be easy. No, compared to his normal responsibilities, the plan that rapidly formed that night was doomed without the most meticulous preparations. Luckily he knew just the person to contact and swore on his honor that he’d write a letter to Sokka the next morning. Early? Yes. Without reason? No. Even starting this soon he knew it was likely that everything may only line up more than a year from now. He hoped Katara was patient. He’d try.
Continue reading on AO3!
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heyclickadee · 10 months ago
So. I’m. Haunted by the lighting and posing on the CX-2 poster, haunted by the fact that no one will straight up say that Tech is dead or that he wasn’t CX-2, wondering if the CX-Tech plot wasn’t dropped after all, and hoping against hope that they’re putting this man through the wringer so they can pull him out and give him the happiest possible ending. CX-2 had BETTER be in the next series and he had better be Tech, because I need this to make sense. I mean, I’ll buy that the spear symbolically killed the CX-2 persona. I’ll buy, “Oh, he had to be Crosshair’s shadow in the last third of this series but we had to foreshadow him being Tech in the next one.” “The damage you sustained on Skako Minor all of your behavioral modifications,” coming back around. I’ll buy someone surviving that in the GFFA because they can in the real world (warning for a picture of a real life injury in the link). I’ll even buy that the electricity didn’t kill him because the boulders and the waterfall definitely should have (and it’s Star Wars). I really do not care about plausible survivability. I just want the story to make sense and for Tech to get back to his family.
Anyway all I’m saying is why release a poster that’s going to fuel speculation about a guy whose face we never see after the series is done and out? If you actually dropped that plot, why not change the poster? Or just not release it? Why do this? What is the purpose of this?? Because if the purpose was to drive me, specifically, insane, then congratulations, Lucasfilm! Mission accomplished.
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capitalisticveins · 3 months ago
okay but if the next ba was hatefucking between Porter and Treasure I wouldnt be mad js sayin😒
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eclectic-sassycoweyes · 5 months ago
Carlos feeling so uninspired he’s inspired to save his marriage from the potential of whatever That is
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cruciology · 1 year ago
My most random ship has got to be Sansa/Podrick. I’m right about this I know in my heart of hearts he would treat her right.
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maranull · 3 months ago
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i did a meme
unedited pic for funnier people under the cut:
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elwayken · 5 months ago
Save me Hannibal x The Phantom Of The Opera au.
I could go in depth about this
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pinkwinesupernovas · 6 months ago
2026 is my year I PROMISE!!!
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nicemare · 5 months ago
Fuck top/Bottom discourse! Are they Ernie or Bert???
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If this has been done before, I'm sorry, but @arcadianblue involuntarily prompted me to this xD
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weebatron9000 · 2 years ago
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pumpumpuli · 1 year ago
Let me write a cozy romance with a mind flayer. LET ME WRITE A COZY ROMANCE RP WITH A MIND FLAYER! We got fucking Omeluum now proving how adorable they can be let me WRITE A CHILL MIND FLAYER CHARACTER INTO A ROMANCE, AAAAAA!
It'd be about a mind flayer hiding in a big city with Disguise Self as it tries to find a cure, and it falls in love with a mage that owns an alchemy shop. The moral of the plot would be "scary things are deserving of love too."
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unwelcome-tagalong · 1 year ago
*david duchovny voice* what are dragons??
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hamburgrr · 2 years ago
I need to draw the rise cast as dragons right the fuck now
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