#NO BC if you bleach your hair and you don't like it for some reason
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sergle · 2 years ago
Why is black a High Commitment Color?
That's something I'd award to literally anything lighter than your original color, which requires you to remove your skin, uh, I mean, bleach your hair first.
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nikatyler · 1 year ago
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missed his lighter hair era a bit
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pomplalamoose · 1 year ago
ok girlie your hcs are too sad (/j), what about dilf luke where A) he was never married, and B) doesn't have a kid bc he was just too busy to ever settle down? aka he has no trauma 👀 i imagine he'd still be very reserved and hard to get to know, but he'd be more willing to devote himself to you fully bc he'd have no trauma holding him back
Omggg anon don't come for me like that💀
(you're absolutely correct and I have nothing to say in my defense except that going into this AU I didn't have a plan at all, like I literally just looked at pictures of Mark Hamill and went "okay so how would an older Luke act and, most importantly, how do I want him to be perceived? Like what do I think is really hot?"
And then I giggled whenever I came up with something new and that was pretty much it until I realized nobody fucking acts like that without a very good reason and Luke would literally neverrrr and because I still wanted Dilf!Luke to have some of the loveable elements of Luke, I made up his super tragic backstory which, while not excusing his behavior, at least explains it and then I took what I had and put him in situations and it kinda went off the rails from there lol)
I really like your more positive approach though and taking your suggestions into consideration I can definitely see an alternative version of Dilf!Luke taking shape!
Have some of my headcanons off the top of my head in no particular order <3 (quick disclaimer though: I completely left my "original" Dilf!Luke behind in order to let ideas come more freely, so it's basically a completely new version of his I'm talking about)
• he's tan, like really tan
• when the sun hits his skin it glows golden with it
• so does his sun bleached hair
• he loves to travel and spends lots of his free time doing just that
• he speaks many languages; not all of them fluently but enough to communicate his needs
• he feels like he can never rest unless he has discovered all there is to discover on this earth
• he admires nature's beauty and could talk about it endlessly
• he's ridiculously fit for his age and always actively doing something, he can never sit still
• one of his favorite things to do in warmer countries is to go wind surfing
• he isn't that happy about it but people flock towards him whether he wants them to or not
• many admire his talents and his looks, most of all though, his whole being
• it's really hard for him to go anywhere without literal strangers seeking to spend time in his presence, to get to know him
• accordingly he has friends in every part of the world and while these friendships are mostly surface level, really, he has a home wherever he goes
• despite being well known there's not much others really know about him
• I think they'd project on him a lot, viewing him as whatever they think matches best until their perception is warped and they're blind to who he really is as a person
• he doesn't mind though, maybe even prefers it this way (LISTEN I still need him to be mysterious and hard to get in some way, unavailable men are so hot I said what I said)
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orionangeline · 26 days ago
I'm going to complain on Tumblr while I procrastinate an unpleasant task (that I'm complaining about)feel free to read and say to yourself girl you live like this
So! I rent an apartment and my youngest sibling (17) lives with me, for reasons. I'm 24, btw. We both have ADHD and depression (his is worse than mine, though, and he has to take medication). These are important context to give background on how wholly fucked our chores can get. I work full time and he's dropped out of school this year and is aiming for his GED (he says) so in theory since he's at least home more than me he's supposed to do the daily type chores... Dishes (in the dishwasher), vacuum, litter box (two cats), take out trash, keep his room clean
I pay the bills, do the shopping, do the cooking, do the laundry, and often on my days off I try to do whatever general stuff I can
But yeah stuff gets forgotten sometimes it's whatever but I swear to God this boy is like the mold messiah or something?? Like don't leave dishes in your room until they mold. If that's a thing you struggle with don't bring dishes that can mold into your room! Like a few times when you're struggling, we've all been there, but you gotta build workarounds fr. All of my silverware is in there. And the kitchen sink! Also moldy! All the time! Half of my days off are spent just un molding my sink 😭
and he doesn't take the trash out very frequently (like the bag out of the can. He always just puts the bag by the door and I have to take them to the dumpster when I get fed up) so now half my day is going to be un molding my trashcan bc I don't know WHAT happened in there but it's a foul moldy trash juice now. I'm this close to throwing away the whole thing ngl like I don't have much money to replace it but I mean it's pretty bad.
I've put the whole trashcan in my bathtub (which I'll also have to spend time decontaminating now) but honestly my nose is really sensitive and I just. Dont want to do something this gross that I shouldn't have had to? I mean he's 17 I know I need to double check he's doing his chores but my guy. Why did you let it get this bad without saying anything. Ugh I pulled the trash bag out of the can and it had a brown film clinging to it.
The can has a pretty tight fitting lid, so I didn't notice the smell until I opened it, but by then I was committed. Now I'm less committed ngl. Its a good trashcan that doesn't deserve what happened and I want to rescue it except like. 😭 Its Gross 🤢 I can tie a bandana around my face to help a little but it's strong and also I'll have to hose it out then like reach my arm in there??? To scrub? I have bleach but bleach doesn't kill mold, and I only have a little container of vinegar (apple cider vinegar). I'm talking myself out of and into this task. Someone kill me before I have to decide what to do.
And I'm on my period. And little brother is apparently having a rough day (from when I texted about his atrocious load the dishwasher abilities)so I can't call and complain about the trashcan. And technically it's not his job. I mean it seems like it would be part of the whole thing but not technically I guess.
And like I already did a lot of stuff today and I have cramps and a headache and I just wanna watch kdrama with my heatpad
Throwing out the trashcan is probably a cop out. And I've had to do this before with pots and pans and Tupperware and it's honestly like. If it wasn't as bad I'd just make him do it when he gets home from our aunts house (where he offered to do chores (bc her (40yo) husband (like 70yo) died)) but making him clean it feels like idk child cruelty or something. Some sort of abuse. So I should throw it out. But then we won't have a trashcan. But we shouldn't have one if we can't take care of it? But the dumpster is on the other side of the complex and it's cold out and the trashcan is heavy and stinky. But I need to shower tonight bc I have work tomorrow and I can't shower after 6pm (it's 2:30pm) or my hair won't dry by bedtime. So whatever I do I need to start it within like an hour.
Basically kill me now
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koiiiji · 11 months ago
Heey. I'm not the anon who sent that Wooin x reader request with strict parents, but I think I understand their line of thinking.
People with strict parents may end up becoming dependent teenagers/adults. Because depending on the level, the parents can be controlling, not letting their child make their own choices and thus affecting their development as they grow up.
Furthermore, depending on the person financial situation they may end up becoming dependent on their parents to maintain an income, especially in places/countries where job opportunities are scarce/complicated to obtain.
It can also happen that the person has a very strong emotional attachment to their parents, making them feel indebted to them, that is, even if they are already adults, they submit themselves to what their parents say/order because of this feeling of debt.
I hope I helped to clarify a little. Have a good day/afternoon/night. (And sorry for my messy english, it's not my first language)
helllo!! so i really would like to answer to this post with voice message to fully convey all the emotions, and i tried to film the video but i end up with thought it would look like a yapping…
so straight to the point. yes, i totally agree with everything you wrote, i feel like myself is low key trapped at financial point - bc i used to grow up with strict parents (my father) as well - but thankfully not fully…
simple reason why i didn’t answered on previous anon ask is that it wasn’t specified🥹 like strict parents is understandable, but at what point, like how far it may go? they strict that they don’t let you hang out with someone, or make you study hardly, or they just don’t like the fact you having a boy(friend?). i may be overthinker and stuff, but i genuinely just running out of ideas for wooin and joker bc a lot of people asking for them (which is understandable)
ahh also!! i didn’t understand that line bc as i said my father was and still is strict, but in my case it turned into a protest. like you don’t like that i would change something in me? boom, lip filler, 2 huge tattoos, bleached hair, piercings and discolored eyebrows… you like to control over my life and where and at what time i hang out? boom i moved thousands kilometers away… stuff like this, like the strictness of my parents gave rise to a protest in my case, and i just don't understand how parents control can prevent meetings with a person you love (yes i ran away from home to meet the one few times) … i hope i explained it quite well hahaha
plus wooin in his 23-25 i think, and it may be just me and culture where i grow up, but i think at this age people already can separate from parents, at least for one of mentioned by you points. but again!! it may be just me!!🥹🥹
and don’t worry, your eng is perfect!! its also not my first language so we are good☝🏻🤓
so i guess we need to set new rule here to add at least some details for your request, so it would be easier for me to catch up on your mood, it would help me to write more and you would be satisfied with fics and that they accurate enough!!
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barbieaiden · 1 year ago
its still very early on so im sorry if im misconstruing some things abt them but i loove all the tidbits of whatever fucked up thing tristan and kas have going on <3 yes they hate each others guts yes they're kissing. yes he fantasizes about killing him regularly and yes he's the only person he considers an equal why do you ask :) they run a cult together bc fun couple activities during the apocalypse amiright. one of them is actively becoming zombie jesus and he also glows really cool!!! even as separate entities they seem so interesting, like the one who kills ppl that slightly inconvenience him is more redeemable than the other?? and the other one thinks he's god!!!! can you tell i lov stories that deal with godhood and divinity, fake or otherwise!! just dhjfhfd your mind, you know? i am compelled by all things you create and eagerly await seeing kas die a second (third?) time. maybe his hair will turn black this time lmao. much love!!! (don't be shy drop the goddess lore <3) p.s. what are your pronouns 😭
aaaaah thank you so much for the ask i love this so much lmao, very good summary of kas and tristan tbh. now i really want to see kas in other hair colors!!! poor kassie used up all the bleach in the city and now has to dye his hair blue or something lmao
also if i start talking about the goddess lore i will write a really long essay that contradicts itself a million times lmao but i will talk about it more eventually it ties into the whole kas thinks he's becoming a god thing (kas actually has very valid reasons for believing this like. a big part of it is just him thinking he's the most important person on earth in general. but he does have actual genuine arguments (tristan of course doesn't believe him regardless)) it's a lot
re: pronouns you can use he/him but it doesn't matter that much to me lmao
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progeniterror · 1 year ago
okay since i'm on my bullshit and people seem at least intellectually interested in the idea here's what i've got for tatum prescott-loomis:
sidney opts to keep the baby despite everything really bc she's just so sick of death and she hopes this can be like, a silver lining and such you know?
for max chaos we use my base set up for billy-- just enough about the end is changes to put some reasonable doubt on him being the killer but you know..... you know....... but it does mean he's alive and well to demand access to the kid and Be Insane (derogatory) with sidney about this. the kid is a factor in why on EARTH they'd go to the same college considering everything.
tatum is about 2ish when scream 2 happens. gets kidnapped on the night of the Big Climax by grandma who plans to kill sidney, take the kid and recoop her image by being like "the good grandmother". Deeply Cursed. tatum doesn't super remember all this outside of it being a Core Memory and an underlying mental vibe that plants fears in her.
scream 3, tatum 2 is about 4 and living with her mom in the middle of fucking nowhere. sometimes she lives with dad or he comes and stays with them. it's very insane. sid and billy are both maniacs about safety considering everything tho for different reasons. she's with sidney for the chase scene on the set which is what really puts the fear of god into her. didn't need to see the knife to know he was Evil Bad bc the Core Memory vibes had kicked in lol. for like basically all of scream 3 tho she's pm off screen except for that one bit since you know.... she's fucking 4. that was just bad luck and timing.
Gets shown stab at a sleepover she was invited to EXPLICITLY so the other girls could bully her with this and the whole "your dad's an axe murderer thing" it's honestly so fucking unhinge and experience she doesn't even feel attacked. like when a burn is so bad you don't feel it. mostly just doesn't recover from seeing people pretending to be her parents bone. the mom came in around then and mclost it on the kids and she Went Home. Haunting.
she DOES get the occasional shit at school about who her parents are. this IS a thing.
sid and billy with the most ACCURSED joint custody set up. his wife is the real GOAT here in managing all this drama lol.
scream 4, she's roughly jill's age, a few years younger i think? but like An Teen™. Bleached her hair for a buffy costume for halloween which billy FUCKING HATES SOOOOOO BAD. but sets her up to be marked as "the tatum" of the "remake" jill and charlie are making. went with her mom on the woodsboro book signing trip to visit relatives, see her hometown etc. Mistake. Billy is also here but for his dad's funeral which tatum also probably attends i guess since that's her grandpa rip. ends up brawling with jill at the end to protect her mom. is likely the one who kills her in the hospital too. tells jill to eat shit bc if ANYONE is gonna be the protag of the remake it's THE FRANCHISE BABY. likely after having had some convo at SOME point in the film bit in the hospital or earlier with her dad about killing and you know Just Doing It bc Fuck Em.
Likely has had at least one ghostface solo run. like a ghostface or 2 who gunned for her EXPLICITLY between 4 and 5. by this point she's just really come to accept this is just How Her Life Is and does like martial arts, self defense, weapons training etc. like just full on laurie stro.de/becky mode and prepares to be attacked at any time. naturally she survives this ghostface attack. mom horrified and glad she's safe dad proud about how beast mode she went. tatum just wants a nap.
in her 20s has a go bag that includes a bullet proof vest. basically has her own variation of the "ghostface fit" for when this shit goes down, which is a black track suit with white details. goes for this bc it's made for exercise and gives her some baggyness to obfuscate the vest. kinda makes her look like a prick but hey, it works. yes she has THOUGHT A LOT ABOUT WHAT TO DO WHEN GHOSTFACES CROP UP. IT'S AN EVER PRESENT FEAR IN HER LIFE. AND SHE'S CONSISTENTLY PROVEN TO BE VALID IN HER PARANOIA.
scream 5 and 6. basically kinda go the same as usual but there's EVEN MORE FAMILY DRAMA since she's there and billy's alive and sam's sam. tatum likes sam a lot and has no issues with her but it does cause the first real serious blow out between her and billy. the murder??? she could get past that (insane statement) but cHeAtInG oN mOm?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!1/!??!?!?!? WHAT THE FUCK DAD!!!!!!! 6 includes them reconciling and joining forces to beat the baileys to death with rocks alongside sam and tara. you know family bonding shit.
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andthebubbles · 2 years ago
heartstopper 2x05-08 (yeah i decided to finish watching it tonight)
heartstopper 2x05
uhhh so nick and charlie just ran off from the louvre without telling the teachers? hahahahahaaha
darcy!!! grrrrr
as much as i don't care for tao and elle's storyline, it was nice when they finally (? i can't remember if they kissed before this) fucking kissed
ben continues to be annoying
not much to say, really
heartstopper 2x06
sooo the teacher thing is kinda awkward bc like... just... offering to share a single bed like sorta outta nowhere? skjfngkfjg okay well whatever
yay nick finally said it/came out
darcyyyy <3
why the hell was ben at the party and why was he let in when harry wasn't, i thought everyone hated him, and it's not like he seemed to have any friends at the party anyway, he was just standing around and then he made a fuss in the truth or dare game
truth or dare btw when it involves peer pressure like that sucks
i like tao and elle a lot better now that they're together. they're really cute. esp when they kicked charlie out of the toilet even though he needed to pee lol
i know i said the teacher thing was a bit weird but i meant, more like how it seems to be beginning... you'd think two adults who work together would do it a bit more carefully in case it goes pear-shaped?? also i kinda like mr farouk when he hasn't got a stick up his arse lol, and ajayi is fine ofc
aaah nearly forgot to mention: nick's dad is a fucking dickkkk. absent fathers make me so mad
kinda feeling for isaac here. i also don't like kissing people, it's gross, and people put suchhh importance on kissing... is it meant to feel good or...? all it is is just saliva-ey and wet and gross and sometimes you can even smell the saliva which is ew
heartstopper 2x07
okay before i forget to say it, omg why didn't charlie block ben ages ago on insta
i had already seen charlie's speech to ben on tumblr a few days ago so it didn't get me as pumped (it was very good though) but
NICK'S speech at the dinner table SKSJDNFKNGKFJGN THAT got me pumped (for two broad reasons: 1. yeah why care/who gives a fuck when your dad doesn't give a fuck about you, 2. re your dad seeing you twice a year or some shit like that... so i have an aunt who lives in one country, and her husband lives in the neighbouring country, and they probably only see each other like twice a year, and they're not divorced, and like, what the FUCK are you guys doing; my mum told me she used to (or still does) get really sad about it, so, you know, that thing with nick and his dad really hit hard, even though it's not affecting me personally; i'm just so mad at that dickhead uncle)
also i love tori so much, i so wanted her to stab her fork straight down on david's arm instead of just using her fingers. and then i wanted her to play some major prank on david when she was in the bathroom, like how matilda changed her dad's ... hair product thing into bleach
darcy aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah (yeah my mum makes a fuss if i wanna wear a suit too :( ) (she looks gorgeous in a suit btw)
isaac is really going through it huh... like, the bit at the mall/shopping area
(btw so... the UK has sixth form-specific schools? heccc)
heartstopper 2x08
that last scene with nick and charlie!! jdkjgnfkjgkjk
and tara and darcy!!! i felt sorry for tara when she was at the prom but then you also know that darcy's going through some serious shit and... yeah. her home life is awful!! where did she go that night after the prom? i hope tara's parents let her stay over foreverrrr
is tori aroace as well? if we is... could we just have an ace person in s3 if there's an s3...
i detecttt imogen/sahar lol
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gemharvest · 1 year ago
Nickname: Literally whatever someone wants to call me (as long as it's respectful). I have had people call me "guro" as a shortened way of saying my art username so uhhh take that LOL.
Height: ~5'6"
Favorite School Subject: This is so cliche of me but it was, of course, art. It was almost band but the mental illinios made me have a very love/ hate relationship with it by the end, and also an honorable mention to my Spanish class.
Something I Want to Learn: 3D modeling & animation would be really cool to learn I'm just sitting on my hands with it. I also kinda wanna practice singing but that shit Ain't Happening until I'm moved out and on my own. /lh
Favorite Quote: Serious ones are so hard for me to pull up guhhhhhh.. Tie between the lyrics "You are a thief and a murderer too/ Stole the face that you wear from a craven Baboon/ Cos you did to her and you did it to him/ And you did it before and you'll do it again" from "Spring/Sun/Winter/Dread" by Everything Everything and the lyrics "Know that your life is more frightening than writing a song/ It's an action of fractions you're passing along/ And these oceans of emotion will crash once they hit the shore (I promise you)" from "Fragments" by an Unkindness. Actually a lot of Fragments could go here. Shoutout to trauma. /j Buuuuttt a funny one? Chills reading out "Michiel later describes this spider as being the size of a full grown pizza". Also Waldermite going "Why are you blue?" is funny as hell I have to fight myself not to quote it.
Favorite Food: It rotates a lot depending on what I'm in the mood for/ what I've had a lot of lately but as of nowwwwwww focking hamburgers. Not a favorite but shoutout to the fact that I've been craving a runza so bad for the like. past month.
Favorite Place: Sitting in the car still parked in my work parking lot after I have just clocked out. Very hyper-specific in location and the reason why but shrugs I need to get out more so this is the only answer I got. The Omaha Henry Doorly Zoo is cool tho. I like going to the zoo as the rare vacation we get. 👍
What Can't I Leave My House Without: I also need my glasses LOL. I also need my phone and my wallet on me; earbuds and a sketchbook (w/ tools ofc) as well depending on what I'm going out to do. Been bringing plush friends to places lately as well but that's not rlly a necessity.
Last Song I Listened To: Gotta be honest I had to listen to the songs I picked for the quote question. That said that's a boring answer; the last song I listened to before those was "Californication" by Red Hot Chili Peppers.
Identitiy: TME fat agender lesbian it/its-user & (kitty) therian & dubious irl of a couple characters but I don't wanna talk abt it (there's stuff I gotta figure out but I have a job so idrc about that rn /reference).
Eye Color: I usually just simplify it as green bc man every time I think abt it I get less confident in how I describe it. I thiiink it's closest to a grey-green (grey on the outer ring and green around the pupil) but it's hard telling the difference between blue and grey eye colors sometimes. bleh
Hair Color: Naturally brown; I like to bleach the long part of it to be blonde though.
Something I Collect: 1998 Furbies!
Favorite Movie: Heathers (1998) mayyyybbeeee. Hyperfixation bias wants me to say the FNaF movie but I think I like Heathers more objectively.
Favorite Song: [I need everyone to listen to this] but being serious uhhhhh. Man is it lame for me to say it's the The Living Tombstone remix of JT Music's "Join Us for a Bite"? Have not been able to shake it for months now.
Favorite Book: I remember really liking The Great Gatsby so I'm gonna answer that. I wish I read more thoughh.
Zodiac Sign: Aquarius
Languages: English but I have retained enough from Spanish class to be able to make some stuff out. Not fluent in it at all though; I need to keep up the study but I'm lazy abt it.
Full Name: You're not getting that. Karl "Sho" "Crust" "Schmidt" gemharvest is the closest you can have. "gemharvest" can be replaced with barnmates and guromaws as well but the url here is gemharvest so.
Tattoos/ Piercings: None atm but I'd like to get both eventually. Parents are disapproving of tattoos so I probably wont get any 'til I'm moved out but piercings might come sooner rather than later. Who knows!
I'm sorry you can put me down but I'm not tagging anybody; I don't got anybody I'd feel comfortable throwing this at. That said, if anyone has read this all and wants to do it feel free to reblog off of me idc.
Hello will. i was tagged by the ever wonderful @isopodhours so here we go tag game time
Nickname: mifs and assorted variants
Height: 5'10
Favorite school subject: art
Something I want to learn: ugmmmmm. how to knit better
Favorite quote: i like the lyrics "ivory towers and plastic flowers" from elo's The Way Life's Meant To Be. from the album time
Favorite food: that snack mix that has pretzels, cheetos, and mini nacho cheese doritos and harvest cheddar sunchips in it.
Favorite place: This gay ass city rochester everyone should visit theres gonna be a total solar eclipse here in april
What can't I leave my house without: i havent left the house in a month so i dont fucking know
Last song I listened to: millennium anthem 2000 new years eve
Identity: fat genderfluid bi butch. Fursona haver. collector of little things
Eye color: baby cow brown or whatever
Hair color: also brown
Something I collect: maneki neko as well as Regular cat chotchkes
Favorite movie: sighs loudly. the brave little toaster. always has been and always will be
Favorite song: no idea but probably something by either elo or red vox
Favorite book: i cant say the name of it or i will be swarmed but the name is similar to "goon omelet"
Zodiac sign: cancer. crab
Languages: english
Full name: mifs "raspberryjamrock" "blackmarketjoy" "pikpikpop" pyrovisionary. im not putting my real ass name on here
Tattoos/piercings: my ears are pierced but i dont have Any fun earrings yet aside from ones that make it look like theres screws going through my ears. i need to get ones that look like floppy disks or fish or something one of these days
theres no way in hell im tagging 20 people. so ill tag the bastards i know well. You have my blessing to do this wighout me tagging you directly go do it
@biracy @pkbeamgamma @feintenstein
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muertawrites · 3 years ago
I learned a bit about metal subtypes because I was bored and while Eddie likes trash metal and they don’t generally wear makeup and nail polish. I can see reader putting on eye makeup and nail polish on him for funsies. He complains the entire time but in reality he LOVES the attention and care you put into it, how close you are to him and gentle. How you have to hover over, what if you accidentally tripped and fell on top of him? Oops how’d that happen 🤷🏽‍♀️
i, personally, would hire myself as a stylist for the band. none of them asked me. none of them even wanted me. but i'm blowing the lead guitarist and have an abundance of halloween accessories so they can't get rid of me.
lmao honestly tho he would like the attention, they all would. hyping them up before gigs, making them look like their heroes, they would eat it up.
convincing eddie to wear a button up shirt for a gig would be a hard sell. but you have a vision, and it's one of naked chests and heavy chains and pure, hot, gruesome sex. so you wrestle him into it and only close less than half the buttons, showing off his "cool tatties" god i cringe at him sometimes and slapping on a chain (with your name on it) to go with his signature guitar pick.
if that didn't knock everyone in the front row up, the way you ratted his hair into a perfect mess definitely did.
nail polish he definitely digs. he's horrible at doing it himself because he has zero patience, but he loves letting you do it because "idk man it's just magic how you get it to work" (your trick is to use acrylic paint and quick dry clear coat so he doesn't have to wait around. this is also my trick bc i am also not patient.) also likes the excuse to hold your hand and pet your hair and give you very sloppy, intrusive neck kisses while he has you close.
eyeliner and other makeup however? he's not into it. don't let the hair fool you - he's a manly man. plus he's very energetic, and he gets super sweaty during gigs, and he doesn't want any of those cancerous chemicals getting into his eyes ("eddie you smoke fucking cigarettes don't talk to me about 'cancerous chemicals' ")
the one time you convinced him to let you put eyeliner on him he hated it. pouted the whole time, flinched when the pencil got close to his eye, took one look in the mirror and made you remove it. the only reason he even agreed to let you do it was because you sat on his lap while you did.
no matter how many times you tell him it's tacky, eddie wears t-shirts for his own band while performing. he actually does it just to annoy you now. for one gig he convinced the entire band to wear their t-shirts on stage and could not stop laughing during the set at how pissed you looked. he thinks you're so CUTE when you're peeved at him <3
speaking of t-shirts, you love to make homemade ones for him. you punk them out, spray painting stenciled letters with bleach and making strategic cuts that you mend together with safety pins. his favorite shirts are the one you made that says "security" across the front (a-la hayley williams of paramore) and the one that says "groupie". even when he's dressing the part, he's gotta be a goof.
eddie bitches constantly about your wardrobe direction but honestly he loves when you make a fuss over him. most of his complaints are playful, just to tug at your strings a little bit.
the one thing you don't let him do is perform completely shirtless. the groupies are already vicious and, despite eddie only having eyes for you (he has literally walked past groupies trying to flirt with him in order to get to you, man's whipped), you want to keep some of him for yourself. (he kind of prefers it anyway, since he's actually pretty self conscious of his body. he's still got a lil baby fat around his stomach that he doesn't like anyone but you to see.)
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incubum · 3 years ago
ARE YOU DOWN TO WRITE FOR LIP??? i would LOVE a chubby punk pierced-out transmasc reader with Lip helping him study during his college era or possibly help dye his hair. (I know this is a recurring theme for you, but bonus points if Lip feels weird about it bc he doesn't usually like guys)
SFW/fluff, transmasc reader, s4ish lip
ao3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/40714239
notes: I'M SORRY IT'S SO SHORT, and i'm super sorry if it's OOC, i have seen parts of later seasons but i'm only officially mid-s1
"so, how exactly am i supposed to do this?" lip raised his eyebrow at you, fidgeting with the latex gloves he had picked up off the desk in front of the two of you. there was a hint of a smile in his voice; being entrusted with somebody's hair was a big responsibility.
it was late at night, and you were sat in the desk chair of his dorm room, in nothing but a binder and pajama shorts. you had apologized to him about being shirtless, but he definitely understood why you wouldn't want him to fuck up and get semi-permanent hair dye on your shirt. you could only trust him so much.
"i mixed it for you, just...put the gloves on and glob it on." you chuckled, shaking your head a little bit.
"glob it on?"
"well, no, don't glob it. make sure all my hair is covered in it."
he hummed from behind you, and you heard the snap of the gloves as he pulled each one onto his hands and reached for the bowl of dye on the desk that you had already mixed for him. your hair was already bleached, you had managed to do that yourself, but you told lip that you were way more worried you would miss a spot or two when it came to the color. it took some convincing, something about how he wasn't into all that shit, but he eventually agreed.
lip kept to himself that he was just playing hard-to-get; you were one of his closest friends in college. he would dye his own hair some crazy neon color for you if you had a good reason. 
"so am i supposed to, like...act like i'm washing your hair with it?" lip had already dipped his hand into the bowl, emerging with a big fat scoop of the thick dye on the tips of his fingers as he awaited your response.
"i mean, i guess. that's one way to put it."
he hummed again, and plopped the glob of cold dye on your head, causing you to gasp at the temperature and him to giggle at your reaction. he reached back into the bowl and applied a little more, then sat it down on the desk.
"like this?" lip was massaging the product into your scalp with the tips of his fingers, and a hum of approval fell from your lips, eyes fluttering closed and head leaning back as far as it could go without touching the headrest of the office chair you were sitting in.
"dude, that kind'a feels magical." you laughed, as did he, and he swore he heard you whine when he stopped what he was doing to apply more dye. he kind of liked it; he figured it was in a fucked up, sadistic kind of way. there was basically no other reason for him to like the way your lips formed a moan or a whine. 
"smells good." he commented, finally smoothing it all down against your scalp, "think i'm done, though." 
"thanks, man." 
lip admired his work as he disposed of the gloves.
"when do we wash it out?" he pondered, and leaned over your shoulder to see what you were doing on your phone. he got his answer when he realized that you were setting a timer. 
you had asked him days ago to help out with some of your courses, so he suggested that. he loved how eager you were to try and understand the things he was helping you with.
sat on the bed next to each other, lip's gaze was hardly focused on the textbook in your lap, and he kept sneaking glances up at your face. he didn't know what it was about you recently, but he found himself entranced by you. he felt that, the closer you got, the more his heart wrenched and bounced and twisted in his chest over mundane situations he was in with you. especially when you were alone like this.
he stared at your face a little too long, and as you explained to him that you did not quite understand how to do what your textbook was trying to get you to do and that you needed a visual aid with most math-based subjects, your words soon ran together and eventually muted themselves entirely.
"is there somethin' on my face?" 
your eyes were wide and your face was dusted with pink when he snapped out of his thoughts.
"oh, no, your, uh...your nose ring is crooked." 
lip reached out a hand, placed it on your cheek and used his thumb to bump the ring back into the right place. his heart thumped in his chest at the way your cheek felt warm on his fingertips, and your eyes scanned his face all over. 
in every other situation he had been in like this, it ended in a make-out session. so, he mulled it over for a moment and went with what felt right; what felt right, was leaning in and slotting his lips against yours, moving his hand down to the side of your neck and resting the other one at the dip of your waist, right where the hem of your binder stopped. 
lip pulled away before you did, face flushed and avoiding eye contact the second it was over. 
"fuck. i'm sorry." he muttered. he tried to stand up, but your hand around his wrist stopped him.
"wait, what—" you looked up at him with big eyes, and he felt his heart melt in his chest like it had been doing every other time he laid eyes on you lately, "what was that about." 
"i don't know." 
"i didn't know you liked guys."
"...i didn't, either." 
lip looked down at his hands, and contemplated his entire existence for a moment. he was not fucking gay. 
he didn't realize that he had said that out loud until you laughed a little and responded, "you're obviously not, like, all the way gay."
there was a short silence, a tense one; it wasn't uncomfortable, but there was something behind it. when lip looked back up, you were still looking at him. your eyes captured him and it was like his body went on autopilot when his hand met the side of your neck again and pulled you in for another kiss. this one was less testy, and more needy. it was desperate, and he pushed his body weight into yours, causing you to lean back a little.
you were more receptive than he expected; after all, he didn't even know for sure that you liked guys. he suspected it, but he never asked. it just didn't seem important. he would be lying if he said that he was a willing witness when he found out that you were trans. 
oh, god, it was so important now, though. it was important because his hand was creeping underneath the hem of your binder and yours was tangled in his hair. it was important because your tongue was getting to know every one of his teeth inside his mouth. 
lip's hand migrated from your collarbone to the back of your still-dye-covered head, uncaring and apathetic towards the sliminess of your locks or the fact that his hand would be a different color for the next week. 
he had just moaned into your mouth and disposed of the textbook in your lap when the alarm on your phone went off. 
"god, fuck." he groaned, pulling away and haphazardly wiping his dye-covered hand on the sheets next to you. 
you both laughed it off when you started on your way to the bathroom, but lip's heart wrenched every time he looked down at his hands during class, or caught a glimpse of his stained bedsheets when he had a pretty girl in his bed for the night.
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ryndicate · 2 years ago
Bleach spoilers?? I guess? I don't know if any of it affects the plot at all bc i haven't read the manga so I'm just gonna put it under a readmore. It's only me ranting about some hotties that might never get screentime bc I don't know if the writer is gonna expand on them at all. They are history for the show.
Watch me obsess over the original gotei 13 and create the personalities that they didn't give us for these 3 men.
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I am down on my knees for them, not even Shunsui or Daddy Kurosaki got me down this bad.
Keep in mind this is all my imagination. The wiki page I found for them gives you mouse sized scraps for info. If the manga revokes any of this, TELL MEEE. But until then these men will live in my mind like thisss.
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Guy on the left is Shihōin Chika. To me this man looks like a lady killer. Literally and figuratively. Would fuck you as soon as he'd kill you. Attachment issues, couldn't even spell commitment with a knife to his throat. But dangerously possessive. If he decides you're his, your opinion no longer holds any weight. Settle in, and suck up like your life depends on it because it just might.
Middle is Obana Danjirō. Control issues, hides behind one bored expression and the occasional condescending smirk. If you don't let him lead, he's not around. Period. Manipulative, cunning, makes you feel like the center of his world, as long as you do what he says. And if you don't, he'll be quick to replace you. He is both the honey and the spider, luring you in with something sweet and punishing you for your baser instinct. But like a silly little bug, you will never be able to resist, falling into the same trap over and over again.
And finally on the right is Otagawa Furuoki. (Apologies for the shitty quality, they didn't even get their own wiki page, this is how little we got for these men). This man is hiding in the fucking background of the official art, so I just knowww this man is a lazy, intelligent shit. Connoisseur of naps, shirking work, and shows up late to everything. Wants an emotional connection, but he's gone when you wake up every time. He can only handle sweet devotion in small doses, if you get too heavy handed with your affection, he's smoke in the wind. You'll have to seek him out, or he'll find a reason not to bother. Pretty, pretty, pretty man, but stupid where it counts. He'll make you want to tear your hair out, but in the same heartbeat you'll want to hold him close and never let go.
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I swear I will end up writing for these men. They've made me unwell with nothing but a picture.
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jbreenr · 4 years ago
Talk Me Out Of It –Bucky Barnes
Pairing: tfatws!bucky barnes × reader
Summary: partying was not your idea of fun... until someone convinced you to stay for one more drink. (Here's the second part)
Word count: 3.7k
Warning: brief talk about sex, mention of a burn scar (is that a warning? I don't know, I'm gonna put it anyway), but none, other than that.
A/N: i'm beer drunk, it's raining outside and i just walked three blocks to get some churros while daydreaming about this so… enjoy, i guess. and tell me why i shouldn't write when i'm not in my five senses. also, let me know if you'd like a smutty second part bc im thinking of something. Lack of vocabulary and grammatical mistakes abound. *apologizes in español*.
Inspired by talk me out of it –Olivia Holt.
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ᴹʸ ᵍⁱᶠ
“This is ridiculous.” You spat as you eyed up and down your reflection in the mirror. “I look ridiculous.”
“What are you saying?” your friend stood up from the bed and went to stand behind you. “You look hot. ‘Hot’ is good.”
“I don’t want to look hot, Angie. I don't want to go to that stupid reunion, in the first place.”
Angie spent most of her free time these last weeks trying to convince you to go to the annual high school meeting with her. You had missed the last… Well, all of them. And there was a legit reason why: you had way more important things to do on a friday night than failing to reconnect with old classmates (of which you had already forgotten most names) like, watching a Criminal Minds marathon choking on popcorn or scrolling through social media procrastinating the gradings of the exams you were supposed to have ready for monday morning, for example.
“C’mon! You said you’d do me this favor and I’d help you find someone to fix your pipeline.”
“No, you said that if I did this for you, you’d convince Trevor to fix it for free.”
Angie hugged you from behind and placed her chin on your shoulder, pouting and giving you her best puppy eyes. “Just because my fiance has the soul of a bricklayer doesn't mean that he also is a plumber.”
“Fine, fine! I’ll tell him.” She raised her hands in surrender. “But I can’t assure you that he’d do a good job. To have the soul and to have the skills are two different things.”
“Why am I going? Isn’t Trevor supposed to go as your date?” He was technically not invited since he was from another generation of students.
Your friend walked to her closet, opened the sliding door and took two pairs of heels.
“He is, but he and Nate are really good friends and every time he appears, Trev goes to get a beer with him and the gang,” She imitated Trevor’s voice, making you laugh. “And leaves me to deal with Jessica and her bragging about all her trips and the expensive shit her boyfriend in turn buys for her.” Before you could say something, she added, “And I need you there to keep me from tearing up the hair extensions off her bleached head.”
The idea of Angie starting a fight with one of the most odious people on Earth played in your head, thoughts of your friend slowly losing patience and blowing smoke out of her ears had you biting your inner cheeks to prevent you from bursting into laughter. Mostly, because she didn’t have it in her to hurt a fly.
“I'll go.” You affirmed, rolling your eyes at your friend's triumphant yes. She stretched out her arms, heels in hand and looked at you, then the shoes, then you again. “But don't believe I'll get in the way if you decide to break Jessica's new nose with the edge of a table.”
“Deal!” She handed you the white stilettos –that matched the thigh dress that was suspiciously your size–, wearing the biggest smile on her face. “We'll have so much fun; we can try Andrew’s weird ways of getting drunk, bet on who makes a fool of themselves the fastest and, who knows? Maybe you’ll finally get Ryan Morgan’s attention and have some in the bathroom of the club.” She winked at you.
“Ew! Shut up!” You laughed it off, not wanting her to start the teasing she used back in the day when it came to your youth crush.
“I’m only saying that you haven’t had sex in what? Eight months? It is time for you to go out, to talk to other adults besides your students' parents and me. Believe me, with that dress and a smile, you could drive anyone crazy.”
You blushed and tried to play it off with a joke. “Alright, stop flirting with me or I’m telling your soon-to-be husband.”
“Meh,” She downplayed the matter with an exaggerated grin. “He knows he’ll always be number two in my heart.”
As she finished the sentence, the horn of Trevor’s BMW sounded repeatedly from outside, urging you to hurry up and scaring Angie to the point she swore he listened to her.
Sighing, you took your small purse and walked towards the entrance.
“Let’s get you someone to bang tonight.” She said as she closed the door.
“I still can’t believe you convinced me to come.” There had been only five minutes since they entered the bar and Bucky’s grumpiness was already making Sam regret the decision of bringing the super soldier with him.
“It’s not that bad!” Sam nodded his head to the bartender as a greeting and showed him two fingers, asking for drinks. His usual, apparently. “Remember what your therapist said? You need to make a new friend. What better place than a party to do that? It’ll be easy.” he leaned against the bar and took the glass of whiskey, sipping from it.
Of course Bucky remembered what his therapist said. It was the only thing he had been thinking of for a whole week.
”There are still not many contacts on your phone, James.” The woman wearing a blue shirt and a plain grey skirt sitting across from him said as she checked Bucky’s phone for the fourth time in two months.
The first time she did, she found out that Bucky was not answering Sam’s texts on his old flip phone and she scolded him for that; the second time, she scrolled through a couple of messages between them on the screen of his new smartphone; the third time was not so different from the second; this time, she decided to do something about it.
“I'll give you a mission,” She returned the barely personalized device to Bucky, and took her notebook to write something down. “next week you have to bring me at least two more numbers...”
“I know what you’re doing, Doc, and it’s not gonna work.” He put his phone in his pocket and adjusted his position on the couch. “But, eight for the effort... Oh, really?” he protested when her pen came in contact with the paper again accompanied with a tired look on her face.
“Two numbers.” She said as the clock struck eleven, telling them that their session was over. Bucky stood up and waved goodbye to her. “And they better be real, James!” She shouted from her seat as he closed the door behind him.
Dr. Raynor was being a little too optimistic by thinking that Bucky could start new friendships out of nowhere as if he was the same Bucky Barnes the 40’s knew. More than a mission, it was a challenge.
During a quick visit to Sam’s apartment, he managed to get Sarah's number from his phone without him noticing, but he couldn’t find someone else to add to the list, which reduced things to only one more number.
“I wouldn't be so sure about it.” He affirmed, looking away in search of a potential new friend.
Soon after you arrived at the beach club, you found out there was good and bad news: Neither Nate nor Ryan were going to show up tonight. Honestly, you didn’t know which news was which. In line with Angie, it was good that Nate was not there, that way, she’d have Trevor all for herself, and it was bad that Ryan wouldn’t see you slaying –as she previously described– in her lent dress. On the other hand, you knew that thanks to Nate’s absence, your friends would not pay attention to you all night, leaving you alone, but you were relieved that Ryan didn’t attend as well, that saved you from having an awkward moment with Angie trying to make you two hook up.
If you were asked, you wouldn’t admit it, but the place was nice; fake torches were placed all around the dark wooden floor, illuminating the space, along with some light series hanging here and there, walls with tall windows and a glass ceiling allowed the –not so prominent but beautiful– natural light inside, small tables in front of low sofas were strategically positioned on the sides, and a colorful dance floor was saturated with people dancing to the beat of loud music.
“Angie! You came!” Jessica’s whistle-like voice greeted your friend. “Oh, God! Y/N? What are you doing here?” Her exaggerated enthusiasm, the hug she gave you and your forced smile reminded you why you preferred to stay home, eating junk food, instead of interacting with those people. “I thought you’d be nerding as you’ve been doing ever since we graduated.” The lack of tact of her assumption had you almost taking a step forward, you were only stopped by Angie’s hand on yours.
“We’re gonna go find a table but uhm, we’ll see you in a minute, yeah?” Her self-control in those kinds of situations always surprised you.
Saying her goodbyes, she dragged you to the tables near the dance floor, Trevor following behind.
The place was crowded, people walking in every direction, chatting in the line for the restroom or just chilling and singing along to the song currently playing.
When Angie found an empty table, she practically threw herself on top of it to keep a young couple from taking it. Four chairs rounded the table and even though you did your best to sit between your friends, they found a way to be on each other, sandwiching you.
Ten agonizingly slow minutes later, you decided that if you were going to put up with all the cheesiness of theirs, you’d at least take advantage of the alcohol to make it more bearable.
“You guys!” You called, breaking the spell they were in and making them look at you. “I’m getting a drink, you want anything?”
You mentally wrote their order and walked towards the bar. A few people were there, some occupying chairs and others only waiting for their drinks. You spotted a space big enough to make yourself visible to the guy behind the bar.
“What can I get you?” He politely asked you while shaking a silver recipient and pouring the liquid in a cup. After telling him the complicated cocktail Angie asked for, the specifications of Trevor’s special drink and deciding for a simple beer for yourself, he invited you to have a seat so you wouldn’t wait standing.
Chin in hand, legs crossed and a yawn said that your drinks were supposed to be ready a while ago. One of the guys sitting next to you had left his friend’s side to go dancing with a girl, came back and then went to the dancefloor again. At least, he was having fun. The other guy’s back was facing you, his elbow rested on the bar and from your peripheral sight you saw the screen of his phone unlocking and then turning black repeatedly.
Huffing, he went to put his phone in the pocket of his jacket, but the movement of his arm pushed a glass of liquor off the bar and straight to your thigh.
“Damn it!” you spat when the cold liquid made contact with your skin.
Your words brought more attention than you intended. The guy’s (who turned to you with an intrigued expression that fast morphed into a worried one) included.
“I’m so sorry.” he apologized, taking a bunch of napkins and doing his best to dry your leg without touching you that much.
“Angie is gonna kill me!” snatching the napkins from him, you rubbed the growing wet patch in the dress, in hopes of making the yellowish stain disappear. “She's gonna bury me in the woods and then plant a tree near the grave to compensate for the life she took.”
“What?” he asked with a little laugh as he saw you struggling to take the little remains of paper off the dress.
“This thing is hers and Lord protects whoever dares to damage her new wardrobe. I don’t want to deal with an angry Angie ever again. She's the personification of an angel, but even the devil used to be one.” not looking up, you answered.
“And, where’s Angie?” He handed you another napkin.
“The pretty five feet blonde with a blue strapless over there.” You pointed in her general direction, not taking your eyes out of your current task.
“You mean the girl that’s practically eating that guy alive?” Taken aback, you looked at him for the first time that night; Blue eyes reflecting the color of the lights you were under, a short beard framing a plump pink smile, dog tags hanging on a chain around his neck, black t-shirt and leather jacket accentuating his obviously worked body, and a pair of gloves covering both his hands. How was he not melting in those clothes? You had no idea.
After the eternal seconds you drowned in his beauty, you turned to look for your friend, only to find her doing exactly what the stranger said she was doing. Her and Trevor were in the middle of an intense make out session, all thoughts of their upcoming drinks, seemingly forgotten.
“Well, I’m still not taking any risks.” Leaving the ball of napkins you made on the table, you said, “If she yells at me for this, I won’t hesitate to blame you.” The severity in your warning intrigued Bucky. He was not sure if you were being serious or not.
He opened his mouth to respond but was interrupted when the bartender approached you. “An apple, orange and mint Margarita with an itty-bitty tiny bit of cinnamon,” he repeated the way you described Angie's drink. “the weirdest mix I’ve ever done, and a Corona.” he opened the bottle for you and left it to rest on top of a piece of paper.
You took your wallet out to pay for them but a gloved hand stopped you.
“Allow me. To make up for Angie’s dress.” He tilted his head and gave the bartender some cash, not waiting for your authorization. The guy turned from your face to the stranger's a couple of times and with a sigh, walked away to keep working.
“You’ll have to buy more than these to make up for Angie’s absurdly expensive dress.” You laughed while balancing the drinks in your hands, successfully keeping them steady enough for their content not to drop. The piece of paper took off from the bottle and fell to the ground.
You were prepared to leave, but he stopped you for the second time that night.
“How many more?” You couldn’t decipher if he was genuinely asking, mocking you, or being flirty. Your eyes traveled to your friends, who were most likely trying to beat the record of the longest kiss ever performed. The stranger bent down to pick the paper up and quickly eyed it. “They won’t miss you for a couple more minutes.”
You contemplated the situation: you could either go back to those lovebirds, to uncomfortably third wheel them and end up drunk on Trevor's strange vodka, curaçao, white and dark rum mix or, sit again and do all the small talk thing with this guy until his friend came back.
Even though you were mentally prepared for the first option, you put the drinks down and sat crossing your legs.
“Yeah, they're gonna be fine without me.” you affirmed, and it was not only because you spotted Jessica making her way towards them.
Bucky did his best not to look too excited when you decided to stay, maybe his most complicated mission was not going to be that complicated after all.
“I haven’t introduced myself.” He smiled showing his perfectly white teeth. “I’m Bucky.” His right arm rested on the bar and his hand was ready to shake yours.
The politeness of his voice and the little smile he gave you made you giggle. Your palm came in contact with the rough material of his glove as you told him your name.
“I think this is yours.” He placed the piece of paper in front of you.
“It is?” Incredulous, you took it. In black ink were written the name and number of who you thought was the bartender. “Oh, it is.”
“You should be used to it.” Considering how pretty you are, he completed the sentence in his mind.
”Pff, totally. That's the fifth tonight.” You said as you folded the paper and put it in your purse. The statement had him raising his brows in surprise. How was it possible that someone gets five numbers in a night and he can't even get one? “I'm kidding!” You clarified when you saw his expression. “No one ever talks to me. They usually think I have a resting bitch face.”
“He didn’t.”
Various colors danced on his face thanks to the lightning of the room and you only wished to have the red on yours, so he wouldn’t see the inevitable blush on your cheeks.
“He was an exception.”
Trevor’s drink was just as strong as you thought it would be, but Bucky didn’t even blink when he took a sip. Still, you suggested to settle on a bottle of tequila and two shot glasses.
Time flew; you were having so much fun conversing with him, finding out that people didn’t get close to him as well helped you stop feeling like you couldn’t act normal around him, the story of what his therapist asked him to do almost made you spit your drink, and your random babbling with nonexistent words in song lyrics in the middle of a sentence had him cackling every time.
Coming down from your laughter caused by something he said about his friend Yori starting fights out of nowhere, you refilled your glasses.
His fingers took the neck of his shirt and moved it back and forth, as to shake off the suffocating heat he was probably feeling.
“Why don’t you take that off? I boil just by looking at you.” For the look he was giving, you were sure he saw the loading bar processing your words drawn on your forehead. “Maybe that was not the right way to say it.”
“It’s… complicated.” He simply answered, suddenly shy and apparently uncomfortable.
“A poorly done tattoo?” You couldn’t stop yourself from asking, the alcohol already taking effect.
He took a sip of his beer to give him time to answer. “Something like that.”
By the way he said that, you figured it was a more delicate topic than the name of an ex or a distorted face drawn on his bicep.
“Well, I once had a student, she had this huge burn scar on her leg and she hated it, like, legitimately hated it.” Your eyes were glued on him, but he could see by the softness of your face that you were immersed in the memories, so he let you talk. “She would wear tights under her uniform even if it was hot outside.” You had your glass in hand and close to your mouth, but you didn’t drink.”One day I asked her why she did that and she answered ‘Because I don’t want them to think I’m a monster.’” Your expression was sad now, almost as much as Bucky’s. Not knowing, you had put into words the way he had been feeling about himself for the longest time.
“How did you respond to that?” He held his breath, almost afraid of what you were going to say.
Snapping out of your mind, you opened your mouth to answer.
“Hey, sweetie!” Angie’s voice cut you off. “We waited for our drinks.” Your raised brow told her that you didn’t believe a word she was saying. “Anyway, we’re leaving now. Jessica wants to play this stupid game where we remember the emarassing things we did in eight grade and I don’t want her laughing at the thought of me falling off a chair in the lab. You coming?”
“Told you not to interrupt them.” Trevor scolded her as he approached the group, but hugged her in an affectionate way.
“I had to make sure she didn't need backup.” You rolled your eyes but internally (and sarcastically) thanked her for worrying about you.
“It’s ok, but uhm, I’m down for one more drink.” You glanced expectantly at Bucky, wanting him to say that he was too.
He looked around, in search of his friend and huffed. “I think Sam forgot about me, so I don’t really have anything else to do.”
The smile on his lips said that he didn't want to do anything else.
Neither Bucky nor you noticed, but Angie and Trevor shared a look of complicity. Your friend's next words, charged with joy.
“Well then, we’ll get going. Have fun and be safe.” The swiftness of her change of mood when she looked at Bucky was impressive. “You better take care of her.” She pointed at him with a finger, and he understood why you were so worried about her reaction regarding the dress. “I’ll see you tomorrow, girl.” She leaned to hug you and whispered in your ear “He’s hot.”
“Angela!” Your face felt like a tomato. “Just, take her away from here, would you?” You asked Trevor, who saluted you and threw his fiancee on his shoulder, making you laugh.
“It’s the truth and you know it!” She shouted from above the music.
“I'm really sorry about her. She's not even drunk.”
Bucky's amusement was evident, it was the first time he felt that way ever since he visited Sam and his family in Louisiana, and your sweet embarrassment only intensified his happiness.
“I'll pour you another drink to make up for her.” Taking the bottle and filling his glass, you declared.
Suddenly, you felt in a déjà vu, in an upside down reality when he said his next words. “You'll have to pour more than one to make up for her.”
Your smile mirrored Bucky's when you asked “How many more?”
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somecunttookmyurl · 3 years ago
what has your experience been with washing out different colors of directions hair dye? bc i used it to dye my hair purple last autumn and it washed out green, which was one of the reasons i decided to buzz all my hair off but now im growing it out and while i definitely got rid of the impulse to buzz all my hair off, i still wanna dye my hair again. so to keep me growing out my hair (its been *hard* bc it can make me dysphoric af but i want to have long hair again so i just have to suffer i guess) i promised myself i would get to dye my hair rainbow when its chin length. problem is i dont know what hair dye to get. so yeah what colors have you had and how did they wash out?
the only other one ive used was one of the green ones? because i used to run several colours of green through my hair but the rest were manic panic
all semi permanent dye clings to my hair like shit to a shovel if ive bleached it first (if i don't then 90% of the time it simply doesn't take at all). it fades, eventually, but NEVER actually washes out. i would only dye it every 6 months and regardless what green dyes were in it it never stopped being green
so. not sure my experience is representative of normal human beings. i have EDS and the fucky collagen sure Does Some Things with haircare
id recommend googling "[colour] faded" because probably people have taken photos
but also a lot of how a colour washes out will depend not only on your natural colour but anything else that was layered underneath. like. my hair was dyed black (permanent) in october but over the pre existing green and when i bleached it this morning it did, in fact, go a bit green still.
shit on a shovel.
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spaceseinensam · 4 years ago
BNHA Chapter 305/306 spoilers,
Be warned
Also longer post, sorry
Look, I'm as shocked as everybody else that the leaks for 306 show Deku straight up leaving Hero Academia™, that his classmates get a letter and nothing else, that this probably means we're getting a Deku centric arc now and also very likely a time skip that'll show the progress of Deku and 1-A (now hopefully with Shinsou in it) over their separated times, and believe me, I'm screaming.
At the end of Chapter 305, when Deku is still in the Mind Jedi Council of Former OFA Users©, after they tested Deku on his will, they turn around and are like "now let's show you what your other future quirks hold" and we get shown the two mysterious former users as close as we've never seen them before
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Am I the only one excited about this??? Like BRUH, we made theories for months about these two and I know there was nothing big revealed about them (and probably won't be for a long time), but they're not just silhouettes anymore! Anyone?!
And now let's dive into them: the one on the right in the picture above is pretty much Bakugou. Like, there's no way around saying it, he just looks exactly like an older version of Bakugou, just look at his full body shots:
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He even has the gauntlets, like guys, come on! Of course that doesn't mean he is Bakugou, or even the time travel adult version of Bakugou from my favorite bnha theory "BAK U GO", it just means that he is someone that very strongly resembles Bakugou, at least appearance wise (from the back), which holds potential for Deku seeing him as such and lots of drama. Though I personally would go absolutely crazy for future-past OFA holder Bakugou with a completely insane time travel plot, I'm also excited to see Horikoshi just lean into that resemblance, bc you can bet Deku notices that the former user looks like his childhood bully friend.
The other one is a bit more tricky. From the silhouettes a while back people deduced that it could potentially be Kirishima (which I was 10000% percent on board with bc EXCUSE ME BAKUGOU AND KIRISHIMA GO TIME TRAVELING HEYOOO) but now the body reveal™ of the user just added more confusion to the question of who he is/was/resembles and why he was kept as a shilouette as well.
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His full body shot doesn't show any strong resemblance to anyone I could think of, he looks like a pretty average hero to be honest.
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Another closeup of him during the chapter shows that the things on his shoulders people interpreted as Kirishima's wheel thingies back in shilouette only days, are actually tubes of some sort? Pipes maybe? Though that doesn't entirely destroy the theory of it potentially being Kirishima, it's a huge difference to what he looks like now.
Speaking of that: I know Horikoshi likes to be inconsistent with hair colors and BNHA characters are notorious for dying their hair to look different (looking at Dabi here), but look at the hair and hair colors on the two. The Bakugou resembling one basically has Bakugou's exact hair style, but it's colored with the grey tone Horikoshi usually uses for brown or other not-too-dark-haircolors, but not Bakugou's blonde, which is personally throwing me for a loop. The other former user on the other hand has no grey tone coloring on his hair, so it's most likely meant to be blonde or white or just a very light color in general. This could set in stone it's not Kirishima in any way, bc Kirishima has dyed red hair (usually represented through dark grey tones in the manga) or originally black hair, unless he super-bleached it before going time-traveling.
But overall, I'm just here breaking my head in two thinking of who the non-Bakugou-looking former user could be or resemble or represent. Why was he kept as a shilouette? We still don't know who they are at all, but at least for the Bakugou-looking one there are a few reasons why he was kept in shadows up to now, both on the side of the former users and storytelling-wise: strong resemblance to one of Deku's closest friends thus potential for Deku trusting him too much/trusting him not at all/Deku being scared and overthinking, potential of him being Bakugou in some way (BAK U GO theorists represent), just the general coolness of someone looking like Bakugou among the former users. But the other one? Someone with a spiky pony tail and little pipes on his shoulders? Someone with a headband? Who is he???
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hematomes · 3 years ago
morning ced!
I'll have washing machine heart stuck in my head now for the rest of the day</3 mitski's one of my top favs so picking a song is hard,,, probably first love/late spring (also hits too close to home, and was The song that really got me hooked)
im sorry about your uncle:( im glad you have moved past the grief though and can reminisce with peace in your heart. tbh i never know what to say in these cases. can i just give you a hug?🥺
my morning is not going too well, see i suspect that something happened in my stepmom's family (her father is really old and had to get hospitalized a couple months ago, he's back home now but...). usually when shit happens they, you know, tell me. instead now the past couple of days both her and my father have been irritable, and my stepmom has snapped at me both times we've interacted in the meantime (once yesterday and once this morning), for like super trivial reasons (like not saying goodmorning before asking her to put extra water in the kettle she was about to plug in). sigh anyways, sorry for ranting. it's just so frustrating bc i don't know what's going on, and my father knows im prone to overthinking and he's doing nothing to help (in fact he's making it worse).
in other news, i got my hair dyed by a friend the day before yesterday. bleach kinda went wrong but end result could've been worse. the process was fucking wild. let's just say we needed more time than we calculated, and i had to walk home with my other 2 friends with my head wrapped in plastic wrap and covered by a plastic bag. as my outfit was black pants, black big ass coat (with my blue Hair Dye Tshirt underneath), and a bucket hat to hide my head, i can only be grateful it was raining (and 12:30am) and no one was around.
ill be sending the poem in a bit<3 im excited to hear your thoughts hehe
zjdkz sorry about that, love <3 i listened to it and,,, woo mitski really has some amazing songs
AAH NO SORRY it wasn't meant to be like awkward/sad i really love april even more actually, it might sound weird but it makes me think of him? so yeah idk, i don't see that as something sad anymore. it's been almost ten years, so <333
erf yeah i see, it does seem stiff. have you tried bringing it up? it can be hard but usually it's rewarding, unless they really want to hide it and just dismiss it.... which i hope they don't do
oooh what color? 👁️ i always admire ppl who dye their hair at home (but if im not mistaken it's super expensive in a hair salon so, understandable actually), it seems so frightening. i have the perfect excuse not to dye mine lol, 4A coily hair are not to be messed with
zjdkzks i can almost picture it, y'all must have looked amazing 😭
also!!! i read the poem and damn,,, im not exactly sure how to give like constructive feedback because im mostly just a bit stricken? like. i don't even know how to put words on what it made me feel. it was cozy, yet a bit somber? and vague (/pos), open to interpretation - and im not used to this kind of freedom, so i don't know what to make of it. truly an experience!
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