#NMJ declared defeat in the which brother can out-perv the other war when NHS was thirteen
robininthelabyrinth · 4 years
Does NMJ survive in your JYL/NHS AU? What does he think of JYL with his little brother?
NMJ has known about NHS’s long list of kinks for a very long time, and not just because he has to pay the bills for all the porn NHS buys. NHS is not a shy younger brother, even if NMJ sometimes (often?) wishes he was.
(NMJ was still the one who sat with him and helped him pack away all the cheap porn with instructions that he use it for trade, advice on how to best go about it. He knows his brother’s strengths, and he worried about him.)
Finding out that JYL is also into those particular kinks - because NHS just flat out tells him, because damnit when you score big you need to boast about it - is...somewhat more of a surprise, given how meek and sweet and nice and (let’s be real) kind of uninterest she always came off as, but NMJ hasn’t had years of experience in resting-rage-face blankness for nothing. 
It’s fine. He’s just going to set up the single most advantageous marriage that NHS could have possibly entered into (barring personally marrying JZX himself), piss off JGS and the rest of the Jin sect, and he’s not going to spend one minute thinking about anything more than that.
of course, then the rumors about the two of them banging JZX start and he’s just - done, okay?
he doesn’t want to know
he NEVER wanted to know
it’s fine
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