#NMH Fatality
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evarace · 1 year ago
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Insane Fatality
So uh, I made fake FNF GIF with Father and Player from Need More Heat. Hello people from server if you found this post. Need More Heat
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akashicpoint · 2 years ago
Are the only suda games you've played was NMH? If not, what others have you played?
Nope! With how much I ramble about them though you would think so tho LOL. The other GHM games I've played besides NMH series are:
Killer is Dead
Let it Die
Fatal Frame 4 (although that's more adjacent to GHM, but I still count it)
Lollipop Chainsaw
I'm about to get started playing through The Silver Case, F.S.R., and The 25th Ward soon as well!
and I've also watched playthroughs of games I either never got to own or just...too lazy to emulate, those games being:
Twilight Syndrome
Moonlight Syndrome (will rewatch when new translations come out)
Michigan: Report from Hell
Shadows of the Damned
Frog minutes (lol)
BLOOD+ One Night Kiss
I do want to continue to play or watch through more games done by GHM, like the Samurai Champloo game and the like! Thank you for your question (and sorry I took five years to reply :' ) )
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genkooii · 4 years ago
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       (Don’t repost  / remove the caption or use without permission).
Here's my final @ghmzine v2 pieces! I drew Michigan: report from Hell and for a collaboration with a writer on an essay about the NMH 1 overworld. I also made a sticker for Ruka from fatal frame 4. Thanks to everyones support on the zine!
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sweetfatale · 6 years ago
timeline events and shenanigans
This is more for my reference (since I got a few dates wrong sorry) but here’s a sort of timeline of relevant events and details in the No More Heroes/Sudaverse that Bad Girl may reference. I’ll be adding to it as time goes on and my girlfriend and I find more details and info. Note that I’ve played NMH1 and 2, but for everything else I’m baby and watched videos or read about them so I might be missing stuff. I’m also always up to discuss this or plot with these in mind! (ask and IMs are always open)
No More Heroes 1
Takes place in 2007.
Santa Destroy is an anarchy in southern California with its own currency (LB$), military (L.B. Army), and flag.
The UAA is founded by Sylvia Christel, started as a con job.
K-Entertainment is an assassination agency with an advertising agency as its front, where only high ranking assassins can get high paying assassination gigs. 
In Badman Strikes Back, Badman gets Greco to reveal to him that he kidnapped and tortured Bad Girl to near death with an electric chair sometime before the events of NMH1, attempting to mold her into a powerful killer, which Badman had a similar experience with, without “messing up her pretty face.” She came out of it traumatized (obviously), but with a need to kill and hurt others with her newfound power. According to him, it was her idea to join the UAA.
Sylvia and Bad Girl are implied to have a sexual relationship (at the very least) with official art where they are hugging, near kissing and lounging around in their underwear together. If not that, they’ve at least met before.
Bad Girl has a “secret base” in the Santa Destroy baseball stadium’s basement, complete with a chiller7 brand mini-fridge, an old TV, sitting area and a liquor cabinet. There’s also a conveyor belt that leads cloned men (likely criminals) strapped in leather from a cloning machine for her batting practice, and a pit of bodies right underneath it.
Makes sense she has her base there, her father having been on their baseball team way back when.
Travis had to pay 500,000 LB$ to fight her as part of the stipulation fee, but she picked the stadium. Members of the Santa Destroy Warriors baseball team (or clones who are dressed in their uniforms) fight him on the upper level, before he is allowed to enter the basement.
She fights Travis, who ultimately forfeits their fight. Travis wins by default, Bad Girl bleeding out and dying due to being impaled by his beam katana.
Bad Girl has had her manager, Greco, record all her fights and assassinations and send them to her father, seeking his approval. Badman watches the videos and is aware she’s involved in the assassination world, but never attempts to contact or find her.
Later in TSA, it’s revealed that Greco recorded her death and sent it to her father (apparently at her request) which sparks his want of revenge.
No More Heroes 2
Takes place in 2010, 3 years after NMH1.
The UAA evolves into a legit agency, taking over K-Entertainment basically, and the assassin ranks go public.
Assassins are all regarded as celebrities and their deaths are entertainment. They even have branding deals and sponsorships, and their contracts are now similar to modeling and acting agencies’.
Akashic Points are explained as portals/intradimensional gates/supernatural gateways leading to “isolated regions”, such as a Prison Island, Graveyard (a forest/graveyard area that’s basically a horror film setting), Housing Complex (a city in eternal sunset/twilight), and the Forest of Bewilderment.
Travis Strikes Again/TSA
Takes place in 2017.
With TSA’s Japan being so damaged in some areas, it’s implied the k7 ending where World War 3 happens is a reality. It would have happened in 2013.
Confirmed that assassinations and assassin battles were streamed via pay per view and dark web red rooms even after the UAA is dismantled in NMH2.
Aliens, superheroes, demons, psychic vampires, and Dracula are all confirmed to be real.
Superheroes apparently have their own rankings and are able to find crime to fight via an app(?), the Villain Autosearch System.
Found by Dan Smith (part of the Smith syndicate in killer7) after selling him out, Badman is given a chance to avenge his daughter with Travis’ location and a Death Ball to start him out with, after which he’ll likely be killed.
Badman finds Travis in a trailer in the Texan wilderness, intent on carrying out his 10 year long revenge plot (thanks dad). He’s come to kill Travis and to resurrect his daughter with the Death Drive MK-II video game console, which is said to grant any wish if you beat all its games. While fighting, they’re both sucked into the console and forced to start playing.
The US government has repurposed cloning technology to create a sort of 3D printer with the Death Drive MK-II and a “mother” machine (Death Drive AAA) to create copies of soldiers, weapons and anything else. Dr Juvenile planted bugs in its programming, preventing it from working. Her lover, Klark, warns Travis of clearing the games on the Death Drive MK-II, since it will reset the mother machine and clear it of bugs. 
As said by Klark, “The controllers for the DDMKII are loaded with a horrible gimmick. They read the player’s personal data at the DNA level, and create clones with increased abilities and power, for the purpose of creating powerful clone soldiers. These clone soldiers are installed with a special AI, turning them into murderous weapons. If the hardware could be sold all over the world, then data can also be gathered from around the globe.” So far, Travis, Shinobu, Badman and Bad Girl have all played the Death Drive and have contributed their DNA unknowingly. 
Travis and Badman clear all the games and the Death Drive AAA is reawakened and ready to be used. While Travis has the chance to destroy the mother machine at CIA headquarters when he travels there with an experimental Death Ball, he instead takes a detour and is able to talk to Jacket (Hotline Miami) and his mask personas, as well as Beard. Nothing really comes of this besides a connection with Jacket, and the Death Drive AAA is still operational post TSA and ready to create murderous clones. 
After beating the six games, the Death Balls are all gathered and summon a tiger god. Travis (being the protag) gets to make the wish, and wishes for Bad Girl to be resurrected. One of the Death Balls are found out to be a fake during the wish and she comes back as a dog.
Badman is determined to bring her back as a human, though admits he likes having her alive at least and her being a dog reminds him of when she was a baby. In the Bubblegum Fatale DLC the real Death Ball is found, fulfilling the wish and turning Bad Girl into a human. 
Bad Girl fights all the Death Drive game bosses (besides Juvenile), being able to talk to some one on one. Silver Face, a pro football star who killed all his girlfriends and went on the lamb, is unfortunately who she talks to the most and tries to relate to her before being killed. Ultimately, she rejects his attempts at “bonding.”
Between games, Travis, Shinobu, Badman and Bad Girl all hang around the campsite and trailer. Bad Girl drinks Travis’ beer and sits in his chair and calls him a fuckface. 
Misc (other games in the same universe that are canon in NMH)
Shadows of the Damned, Lollipop Chainsaw, killer7, Killer is Dead, Let it Die, The Silver Case, Flower, Sun and Rain, etc. happen around the same timeline. Hotline Miami is also in the same universe, but it’s unclear on the exact timeline.
San Romero (Lollipop Chainsaw) is upstate of Santa Destroy.
In Killer is Dead, the moon is inhabited (with royalty even), and in TSA mars is starting to be inhabited by clones. With two pretty major celestial bodies being inhabited (so far), space travel and exploration is possible as well as colonization. Also there are aliens already, so. 
“In killer7’s alternate take on the 21st century, all the nations of the world have signed a peace treaty disarming all nuclear weapons, banning international flight and perhaps worst of all, shutting down the internet. While much of the world is at peace, a violent terrorist group appears between the fracturing relationship between the United States and Japan, pulling the strings of some of Japan’s world leaders.” It’s reasonable to deduce that Santa Destroy became an anarchy as a result of the treaty and the encroaching WWIII.
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butchstalinist · 7 years ago
Rules: Answer the questions and tag 20 blogs to get to know them better
I was tagged by @floralgaysthetic , :000
Nickname: Meiomi (May-Oh-Me), Sainte, Nomi, Nyoom
Gender: femme fatale
Star Sign: cancer sun // leo rising
Height: 5′8
Time: 5:10 PM
Birthday: July 9 !
Favorite Bands: NMH, Dark Dark Dark, Velvet Underground, White Stripes, Fleetwood Mac, ABBA
Solo Artists: Paul Baribeau, Regina Spektor, Anais Mitchell, Sharon Needles, Lady Gaga, Kimya Dawson, Björk, Daniel Johnston, etc..
Song Stuck In My Head: Andy Warhol is Dead by Sharon Needles and Strawberry by Paul Baribeau
Last Show Watched: Pokémon (I’m on S3)
When did I create my blog: probs around 2012 mayb ??
What do I post: whatever doesn’t make me anxious
Last Thing I Googled: Katzenjammer Chords
Do you have any other blogs: I have saved urls and one sideblog mainly for more triggering stuff when I’m feeling bad
Do you get asks?: yeah but not like, a lot
Why did you choose your url: I am the moon and I sing so idk moonvevo
Following Blogs: around 1000 I guess ??
Followers: 1.5k I think ??? I’m not checking
Favorite Colors: RED !
Average hours of sleep: not much
Lucky Number: 7
Instruments: Guitar, ukulele, piano, voice (?), omnichord, autoharp, some banjo, tiny bit of violin, and screaming
What am I wearing: literally some basic Pajamas that are black
How many blankets do I sleep with: 0-1 in the summer, 1-2 + heating pad in the winter
Dream Job: makeup artist/writer/performance artist/musician/goat impersonator
Dream Trip: either Venice with someone who loves me and treats me nice (hi Marcy) or Chernobyl !!!
Nationality: kirby……….
Favorite Song now: Blue Moon by (Marcy who’s it by I can’t remember) my girlfriend sings it so it’s by her.
I tag only @far-from-empyrean cause she’s my gf and I love her…
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g4zdtechtv · 6 years ago
Cinematech's Trailer Park - TSA: NMH (Switch)
Bubblegum Fatale.
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evarace · 1 year ago
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The Witness
"It's your fault. If you did not die, this would've not happen to them."
Found out late that Need More Heat has UGC event, and I did bonus quest, but Freshcut does not detect the UGC badges for 12 hours. Anyway, I like the game. Also if you're from NMH server, hello, you found out my Roblox display name lol Need More Heat
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