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NFT va uning huquqiy jihatlari: Batafsil ma'lumot va misollar
NFT (Non-Fungible Token) – bu raqamli aktivlarning mulkchiligini tasdiqlash va ularni boshqarish imkonini beruvchi noyob texnologiya hisoblanadi. NFT blokcheyn texnologiyasi asosida ishlaydi va Ethereum kabi platformalarda yaratiladi. Blokcheyn – bu ma’lumotlarni xavfsiz va shaffof tarzda saqlash va uzatish imkonini beruvchi taqsimlangan reyestr tizimidir. NFT yaratish jarayoni quyidagicha…

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Farzin Fardin Fard, who bought NFT, is a famous fraudster.

With the advent of global trading networks, fraudsters did not sit around, and a fraudulent form of network marketing took place around the world called the pyramid scheme. A pyramid scheme is a network marketing scam in which a person or group makes a lot of money by measuring the appearance of a plan by harming hundreds or thousands of recruited members. In pyramid schemes, only cash is transferred, and the goods or services provided are not foreign existence or are sham. Fraudsters use fraudulent methods to promise members income that is based on attracting members and expanding the human network, not an income from a genuinely productive economic activity! There have been many pyramid scams in the last two decades, most of which have used the idea of investing in stock markets to deceive members. But why invest in the stock market? The answer is clear because a) The fraudster can easily forge a worthless piece of paper and introduce it as real securities. B) Public awareness of investing in financial markets is limited, and this is a golden opportunity for fraudsters to pursue their goals by talking about it.
Unique Finance is the name of one of the largest pyramid schemes in recent years in the Middle East. In addition to Iran, it extends its criminal activities to underdeveloped countries such as Iraq, Afghanistan, and Uzbekistan. Of course, the activity of this pyramid network has expanded in Turkey as well, and the wave of those deceived and the losers of the unique finance pyramid scheme is increasing every day. Founders of Unique Finance with Iranian nationality; Has a long history of bankrupting old Ponzi plans such as Uni funds, Quint,… And have cleverly used their past experiences in Unique Finance to present themselves in every way as a world-renowned company in the stock exchange and stock market field.
The founder of Unique Finance is Farzin Fardin Fard, an Iranian national who lives in the UAE and the cover of his music studio in Dubai; He is in charge of staging the organization. Other people, including Mohsen Derakhshan; Nima Tabari Fard; Mojtaba Goran Jalali (Cyrus Gran), also advance criminal goals; and have helped Fardin. Mohsen Derakhshan, who is known as the main branch of the reason for the existence of the losers inside Iran, has introduced a kind of pyramid scheme of Unique Finance to Iran. He was recently tried in a public court for fraud and public disruption of the economic system. He was sentenced to 20 years in prison, fined $ 60 million, and fined heavily. Unique Finance has been identified and registered as a fraudulent pyramid scheme by the supervisory and judicial bodies of Iran, Iraq, and Afghanistan. The heads of the Unique Finance organization are being prosecuted.
The management of Ewink Finance has made claims to advance its fraudulent goals. In this article, we try to verify the claims of Unique Finance fraudsters:
Is Unique Finance a Swiss company? According to the fraudsters, yes… but not in reality!!!
The claim that proponents and founders of Unique Finance have always insisted on in the news channels is that we are dealing with a world-renowned company headquartered in Switzerland and Zurich. They claim that the company’s chairman and board of directors are present at the headquarters in Zurich, Switzerland, and run the company. But just a simple question from the Swiss Financial Markets Authority (FINMA) reveals that this claim by the heads of Unique Finance is a lie. FINMA announces that: Unique Finance is on the Swiss investment alert list. There is no such company in Switzerland. It does not have an official office in this country, and there is no office at the address announced on the Unique Finance website in Zurich. According to an official inquiry from the Swiss financial market watchdog, a company called Unique Finance was dissolved in 2017 and no longer exists abroad. Fraudsters use the name of a liquidated company to cover up their fraudulent activities. The creators of Unique Finance say that the reason for the announcement of FINMA about Unique Finance is tax issues. FINMA’s response to this claim is intriguing: A company that does not exist in Switzerland cannot have a tax problem here !!! https://www.finma.ch/en/finma-public/warning-list/unique-finance/
Is Unique Finance licensed to operate internationally? According to the fraudsters, yes… but not in reality!!! The International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO) is an international institution that brings together the world securities regulator and is recognized as the regulator of the global standard for the securities sector. IOSCO develops, implements, and promotes adherence to internationally recognized standards for regulating securities. The group works closely with the G20 and the Financial Stability Board (FSB) on the global regulatory reform agenda. It is the Interpol police of the world’s financial institutions. It recognizes FINMA reports (the Swiss financial market watchdog) as the regulator of Switzerland. In the IOSCO alert list, the name Unique Finance appears… Unique Finance has been published in the IOSCO Investment Alert List since July 2017. According to this international organization, Unique Finance has no legal license to operate. https://www.iosco.org/investor_protection/?subsection=investor_alerts_portal
Is Unique Finance licensed to operate in Iran? According to the fraudsters, yes… but not in reality!!!
In Iran, the police of space of exchange and production information, as well as the Committee for Supervision of the Activities of Marketing Companies, have introduced an organization called Unique Finance as a pyramid scheme, declaring the activity in this pyramid illegal and criminalizing the affiliated branches of Unique Finance. According to the General Assembly of the Supreme Court, which consists of high-ranking judges of Iran, membership in a pyramid company without a license, independent of the company’s legal personality, is considered an independent crime, and the recipient is responsible for the people. Also, the FATA police in Iran, by launching an SMS system in response to inquiries about Unique Finance, introduce this organization as a pyramid and illegal conspiracy. Moreover, the license of companies licensed to operate in Iran is published on the official website of the Committee for Monitoring the Performance of Network Marketing Companies, and no trace of the license of Unique Finance is found in Iran. Is Unique Finance listed on the Nasdaq Stock Exchange? According to the fraudsters, yes… but not in reality!!! Unique finance fraudsters have resorted to big lies to further their deceptive goals. Unfortunately, due to the ignorance of their audience, they have been able to deceive many people with this big lie. The big lie of communication, cooperation, and activity in the Nasdaq stock market and several other global stock markets !!! The official account of the Nasdaq Exchange and the representative of the Nasdaq Exchange in Dubai to this claim of the fraudsters is clear: the Nasdaq Exchange has nothing to do with Unique Finance. Unique Finance is not a member of the Nasdaq Stock Exchange!! Does Unique Finance have an automated trading system called the Auto Trading System (ATS)? According to the fraudsters, yes… but not in reality!
There is no guarantee that a robot in the stock market can give you a steady profit every day! The reason is the fluctuations of the stock market. It is not possible to buy a stock at this moment and sell it a few seconds later and make a profit! The reason is brokerage fees for trading in the stock market. If you do this and buy and sell a stock at the moment, you will undoubtedly lose because you have to pay a percentage as brokerage fee and services of the stock exchange organization. Considering the price fluctuations of large companies like Apple, we conclude that it is very difficult if we do not want to say almost impossible, to capture these fluctuations not only in seconds but also in minutes. Stock exchange funds have special rules approved and supervised by the stock exchange organization, but no law obliges them to keep the investment amount for two years! The more critical issue is how Unique Finance pays the transaction fees?! While it has no relation to the trading core of the Nasdaq Stock Exchange. A unique pyramid scheme is an example of a fake stock slip and a fake insurance policy. In this form, the fake shares of the fraudsters of Unique Finance declare that the holder of this form is a shareholder of Caterpillar worth the equivalent of 1000 US dollars. Unique Finance fraudsters claimed to buy and sell other shares that belonged to Apple, Netflix, Benz, BMW, Facebook, etc. In any country, to invest in the stock market, the exact and relatively complex steps of authentication and approval of bank accounts must be done by the supervisory body, and there are special conditions for foreign investors. Naturally, investing in US financial markets under the auspices of the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) and the Treasury Department is challenging and impossible for citizens of US-sanctioned countries, but Unique Finance fraudsters tricked their audiences with Goebbels lies, and they sold (nothing) to them for a living!
Is the initial capital insured by Unique Finance? According to the fraudsters, yes… but not in reality!
To deceive their audiences, Unique Finance fraudsters claim that an American insurance company called GPM insures the initial capital of its members. In contrast, this ridiculous claim does not conform to the simplest principles and rules of the capital market. The essence of the capital market is in the fluctuation of prices, and capital market observers always emphasize that individuals should conduct their transactions by managing capital and accepting the risks specific to this market. Another point is that GPM’s inquiries from the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and inquiries into the Delaware Company Registration System, like other inquiries about Unique Finance, are met with a negative response.
Are the people of developed countries members of Unique Finance? According to the fraudsters, yes… but not in reality!
Assuming all the fraudsters’ claims are valid, we should expect Unique Finance to be world-renowned, with tens of millions of members in developed countries. This forecast is not an exaggeration because in Europe and the United States, bank interest rates are very low, in the range of 3%. Thus, the financial group, which claims to pay a definite dividend of 72% per annum, and the amount of the initial capital is insured, even in the event of a possible fall in the value of the stock, and is safe from any fluctuations in the capital market. It should be welcomed by millions of European, American, and Asian citizens in developed countries, but such an expectation is absurd and unrealistic. Just look at the analytics statistics of the Unique Finance site in Alexa and Google Trend to realize that fraudsters target the people of poor and crisis-stricken countries and are generally involved in staggering inflation and turbulent living and economic conditions. Loot these countries such as Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, etc.
Is Unique Finance the same as Unique Finanz AG? According to the fraudsters, yes… but not in reality!!!
Fraudsters claim that Unique Finance and Unique Finanz AG are one entity but with two different names!!! This claim is so ridiculous that it is enough to search for both words on the website of Zefix, the website of the official company of Switzerland. After searching, we conclude that these two names have nothing to do with each other. Unique Finanz AG, managed by Robert Weisser, has no affiliation with the alleged fraudster organization. Mr. Robert Weiser told Trust Pilot that his company has nothing to do with Unique Finance. Part of the company information explicitly stated that the company has no other name. The company operates in clean fuel and energy and has nothing to do with the fraudsters’ claims of trading in the stock market.
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On-chain irtibat ağı olan Synapse, protokolünden likiditenin değerli ölçüde kaldırılmasının akabinde ani bir dönüş yaşadı. Çünkü altcoin projesinin fiyatı SYN’de kıymetli bir düşüşe şahit oldu. SYN fiyatları yalnızca birkaç saat içinde %20’nin üzerinde düştü. Pekala, bu düşüşün gerisinde ne var?Likidite sağlayıcısı, altcoin satışı gerçekleştirdi5 Eylül’de Synapse Labs, kullanıcılarını uyardı. Bir likidite sağlayıcısının SYN tokenlarında büyük bir satış gerçekleştirdiğini açıkladı. Akabinde platformdan likiditeyi kaldırdığı konusunda uyardı. Synapse’teki takım, kelam konusu çöküşün gerisinde hangi satıcının olduğunu açıklamadı. Lakin Wazz isimli kullanıcı satıştan sorumlu likidite sağlayıcısının önde gelen bir kripto teşebbüs sermayesi şirketi olan Nima Capital olduğunu doğruladı. Synapse Labs, mümkün bir güvenlik ihlaline ait telaşları gidermeye çalıştı ve şu sözleri kullandı:Cüzdanlarındaki olağandışı faaliyetleri araştırıyoruz ve onlarla bağlantı kurmak için faal olarak çalışıyoruz. Daha fazla bilgi edinir edinmez güncellemeler sağlayacağız.https://twitter.com/SynapseProtocol/status/1698865047324291412 Neyse ki, protokol ya da köprüde rastgele bir güvenlik ihlali olmadığı açıklanarak Synapse kullanıcıları biraz olsun rahatlatıldı. Bilhassa, “Spreek” olarak bilinen bir kripto araştırmacısı, yalnızca bir dakika ortayla iki süratli süreçte 9 milyon SYN altcoin projesinin dump’ını içeren bir dizi kuşkulu süreç bildirdi. O sırada bu tokenlerin toplam pahası yaklaşık 3,7 milyon dolardı. Buna ek olarak, bir diğer araştırmacı olan “Wazz”, risk sermayesi şirketinin iştirakine olan güvensizliğini tabir ederek Nima Capital’i açıkça işaret etti. “Risk sermayesi şirketleri bile artık rug-pull yapıyor,” diyerek durumun beklenmedik niteliğini vurguladı.https://twitter.com/WazzCrypto/status/1698832634020016618 Nima Capital’in ani çıkışının gerisinde neler var?Nima Capital’in hareketlerini daha da şaşırtan kılan şey, Mart ayında yapılan bir teklifin akabinde Synapse’in birinci likidite ortağı olarak belirlenmiş olmaları. Bu teklifte Nima Capital, 12 aylık bir periyot için faal olarak yönetilen stablecoin likiditesi ile 40 milyon dolar sağlamayı taahhüt etti. Lakin, Nima Capital’in üzerinde mutabakata varılan vadenin bitimine sekiz ay kala bu likidite iştirakinin fişini çektiği görülmekte. Buna ek olarak, yazı yazıldığı sırada Nima Capital’in web sitesi (nimacap.com) çevrimdışı hale geldi. Twitter akışları “korumalı” olarak ayarlanmıştı ve erişim sırf onaylı takipçilerle sonlandırılmıştı.Şirketin portföyünde öbür hangi coin’ler var?Nima Capital’in aksiyonları, niyetleri ve kripto piyasası üzerindeki tesiri hakkında çok sayıda soruyu gündeme getirdi. Crunchbase’e nazaran, firma DeFi ve kriptoya 31 yatırım yaptı ve en son yatırımları Nisan ayında Teahouse Finance’in 5 milyon dolarlık fon sağlamasıyla gerçekleşti. Geçtiğimiz yıl içinde Nima Capital, NFT geliştiricisi Flow, Fordefi, Eversify Labs, OneOf ve Morpho Labs’a da yatırım yaptı, lakin bu yatırımlarla ilgili makul detaylar çok az. DeFiLlama’ya nazaran, bu gelişmelerin akabinde Synapse’in Kilitli Toplam Kıymeti (TVL) %20’lik keskin bir düşüş yaşadı. Şu anda 113 milyon dolar düzeyinde bulunuyor. Daha geniş bir ayı piyasası tarafından esasen hırpalanmış olan SYN fiyatı, likidite krizinin akabinde %24’lük değerli bir düşüşe şahit oldu. Satıştan evvel SYN 0,410 dolardan süreç görüyordu lakin süratle 0,309 dolara geriledi. Bu satırların yazıldığı sırada SYN 0,339 dolardan süreç görüyor. Dahası, altcoin Ekim 2021’de kaydedilen tüm vakitlerin en yüksek düzeyi olan 4,92 dolardan %93’lük bir düşüş yaşadı.
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Evaluation of Six NFT Music Platforms
But what is the difference between listening to music on the NFT music platform and Netease Cloud? Welcome to the second issue of the Web3.0 study notes series: “NFT Music Platform Evaluation”.
There are currently more than 50 different music NFT platforms on the market, almost all of which are launching in 2021, of which more than 30 have been launched in the past two months alone. We screened out the 13 major platforms and made an experience,
Based on the Tezos blockchain-based green NFT music platform, you can choose five levels of ONEOF, DIAMOND, PLATIUM, GOLD, and GREEN when the work is released, and each level has different rights and interests.
Financing: $63 million in seed round financing completed, with participants including environmental activist Bill Tai, Suna Said of Nima Capital, Sangha Capital, technology investor Jack Herrick, Tezos Foundation, etc.
Musicians settled in: Supports a variety of music genres, current artists include Doja Cat, John Legend, Alesso and The Kid LAROI.
Zero-cost issuance: Artists who issue NFTs on their platform can experience free casting, allowing low-priced or free NFTs to be issued, fans can trade their NFT Marketplace in the secondary market of the platform, and allow the use of credit cards or debits in more than 135 legal currencies Debit cards as well as cryptocurrencies and stablecoins to buy NFTs.
Going Green: Minting NFTs on its platform via the Tezos blockchain uses “2 million times less energy than other networks like Ethereum.”
2. Royal
black and blue minimalist style, testing stage
Introduction: Royal is an NFT-like music platform, launched this year by the well-known American DJ and producer Justin “3LAU” Blau, to help artists create and sell NFT, and fans can earn royalties by investing in artists’ works in return.
Financing: A $16 million seed round of financing will be completed in August 2021. Paradigm and Founders Fund will each invest $7 million in this round. General partners Fred Ehrsam and Keith Rabois joined Royal’s board of directors. Royal co-founder JD Ross invested $1 million through his own venture capital arm, Atomic, and several angel investors contributed the remaining $1 million.
A new round of financing of US$55 million was completed in November, with participation from a16z, Coinbase Ventures ParadigmThe Chainsmokers, Nas, Logic&Kygo, etc.
Musicians settled in: 3LAU released the world’s first NFT music album in March, earning more than $11.68 million within 24 hours.
Users can buy shares of songs and then earn royalties on the music they invest in. It’s up to the artist to decide how much of the work’s royalty share is set aside for fans, and how many “official releases” are minted for a song. For example, if there are 100 “official versions” of a song, backers can get 0.5% of the song’s royalties.
black and red, testing stage
ROCKI is a music streaming service and digital payment ecosystem, with ROCKS tokens as platform incentives.
Musicians settled in: At present, more than 800 music NFTs have been released and traded. At the same time, there are columns such as “Popular Music Chart” and “New Song Release” that echo the user’s usage habits.
For music listeners, they can create playlists on the platform, post comments and feedback, host social activities, etc. to get platform rewards ROCKS, and the obtained ROCKS can be used to listen to paid music on the platform. Creators can use ROCKS tokens Download specific songs, learn tips, generate NFTs, and more.
4. Audius
trendy style
Audius is a decentralized music sharing and streaming protocol, platform token AUDIO.
Financing: In July 2021, it was announced that it had obtained US$3.1 million in strategic financing, led by Multicoin Capital and Blockchange Ventures, and participated by Pantera Capital and Coinbase Ventures.
Announced in September that it has completed $5 million in financing. Investors include Katy Perry, The Chainsmokers, Nas, Jason Derulo, Pusha T, Mark Gillespie and other artists, as well as former Sony Music CEO Martin Bandier, investment company K5 Global CEO Michael Kives, performing rights organization SESAC CEO John Josephson.
The entry threshold is high, participating musicians and users must hold at least 100 Audio tokens to have a Silver Tier account and be eligible to use the Collectibles function.
Music creators can issue music NFT to obtain income. At the same time, different distribution channels have been set up to help creators make profits through streaming media, personal track purchases, artist memberships, and record collections. At the same time, Audius will provide creators with 90% of the income from listening to original music artists, and the rest will be rewarded to node operators. The top five artists with weekly playback volume will also receive token rewards.
5. Voice Street
multi-system, with game attributes
Voice Street is an NFT platform that focuses on music copyrights, intellectual property (IP) derivatives, and music-based GameFi.
Financing: In December 2021, announced the completion of an institutional round of financing of US$3.5 million. Participating institutions include Huobi Ventures, Dragon Roark, Shima capital, Lucid Blue Venture, RedLine Dao, AU21 Capital, Caballeros Capital, Halvings capital, TMT capital, Hotbit Labs, Founder of NEO, Founder of LABS Group, Chinapolka, Dota World Champion, BullPerks, Crypto VN, BMW capital.
6. Mint Songs
Mysterious Style, Beta
It aims to help creators skip platforms and middlemen and directly grasp ownership.
Funding: Announced in December 2021 to have received a $3 million seed round of financing led by Castle Island VC, with participation from Coinbase Ventures, North Island Ventures, Freestyle VC, IOSG Ventures and Gramatik. Investors in the previous round of financing included AAF Management, Goodwater Capital, East West Ventures, Michael Lazerow (Managing Partner, Velvet Sea VC) and Ian Simon (CEO, Strangeloop Studios).
Develop your Own Nft Marketplace with Nft Marketpalce Development Company
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Crypto.com Grilled for Misleading NFT Promotion | by Nima Asgari | Coinmonks | Dec, 2022
Crypto.com Grilled for Misleading NFT Promotion | by Nima Asgari | Coinmonks | Dec, 2022
Source: OpenSea Ah yes, here’s a good topic, NFT promotion. And even better, we have crypto.com that is notorious for their bold and controversial marketing approach. Yes, fortune does favor the brave, and god knows how buying a JPEG is brave. Following all the backlash for misleading marketing, it’s actually time regulate some companies and in terms of how they promote their product. Sadly,…

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Crypto.com Grilled for Misleading NFT Promotion | by Nima Asgari | Coinmonks | Dec, 2022
Crypto.com Grilled for Misleading NFT Promotion | by Nima Asgari | Coinmonks | Dec, 2022
Source: OpenSea Ah yes, here’s a good topic, NFT promotion. And even better, we have crypto.com that is notorious for their bold and controversial marketing approach. Yes, fortune does favor the brave, and god knows how buying a JPEG is brave. Following all the backlash for misleading marketing, it’s actually time regulate some companies and in terms of how they promote their product. Sadly,…
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Introspectabilia from ILLO on Vimeo.
introspectabilia.illo.tv is now live!
If you couldn't make it to our pop-up exhibition in Turin, we'd like to invite you to explore its web version. It features the 10 NFT artworks, the interactive experience & a wrap-up of the physical spaces.
Introspectabilia explores our relationship with technology by depicting 10 neologisms, each of them representing an emotion we often feel during our digital, intangible life.
1 — Pinterstellar (Pinterest + Interstellar) 2 — Pingophobia (Ping + Phobia) 3 — Notificanxious (Notification + Anxious) 4 — Metamazement (Metaverse + Amazement) 5 — AI-gasm (AI + Eye + Orgasm) 6 — Disconnectophobia (Disconnect + Phobia) 7 — Bleah-ssed (Bleah + Blessed) 8 — Loopnosys (Loop + Hypnosis) 9 — Not-ivation (Not + Motivation) 10 — NEFTE (No Emoji For This Emotion)
A project by illo.tv e algo.tv
NFTs — Creative Direction Ilenia Notarangelo + Design Ilenia Notarangelo, Cristina Pasquale, Arianna Cristiano, Sofia Buti, Jorge Gallardo, Andrea Vago, Dall-e2 + Animation Matteo Ruffinengo, Riccardo Chiara, Marco De Vecchi, Miguel D'Errico, David Cubitt, Valerio Di Maio, Marco Oggero + Producer Daniel Ceballos + Sound Design Fabrizio Martini
Exhibition — Creative Direction Cristina Pasquale + Project Lead Giovanna Crise + Physical Artworks Giovanna Crise, Sofia Buti, Cristina Pasquale, Alessandra Marin + Exhibition Set Up Giovanna Crise, Sofia Buti, Alessandra Marin, Laura Mazzarino, Jorge Gallardo, Andrea Vago + Animation Fabio Orlando + Event Management Ani Karamanukyan, Laura Mazzarino, Liliana Polidoro, Marina Barbieri
Digital Experience & Website — Creative Direction Luca Gonnelli, Ilenia Notarangelo + Design Camille Pagotto, Ilenia Notarangelo, Luca Gonnelli + Copywriting Luca Gonnelli + Development Nima Farzaneh, Matti
a Giordano
Branding & Concept — Creative Direction Ilenia Notarangelo + Art Direction Arianna Cristiano + Design Ilenia Notarangelo, Arianna Cristiano, Camille Pagotto, Andrea Vago + Concept & Copywriting Ilenia Notarangelo, Luca Gonnelli, Ani Karamanukyan, Arianna Cristino, Cristina Pasquale, Giovanna Crise + Animation Riccardo Chiara, Fabio Orlando
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Reddit, NFT profil resimlerini deniyor ve izleyici eğilimlerine odaklanıyor
Reddit, NFT profil resimlerini deniyor ve izleyici eğilimlerine odaklanıyor
Twitter’ın yeni NFT profil görüntüleme seçeneği kesinlikle karışık bir yanıt almış olsa da, NFT’lerin artan popülaritesinden yararlanmaya ve NFT sahipliğiyle daha doğrudan bir bağlantı kurmaya çalıştıkları için, muhtemelen diğer platformlarda da aynısını göreceğiz. reklam.
Bağlantılı NFT profil resimlerini deneyen en son platform, uygulama araştırmacılarıyla Reddit’tir. Nima Ovji alay test ederken bu uyarı.
Bu muhtemelen şaşırtıcı değil – kripto para birimi 2021’de Reddit’te en çok konuşulan konuydu ve platform bir süredir dijital para birimlerinde ve işlemlerde suları test ediyor, bu nedenle NFT’lere de odaklanması mantıklı.
Öte yandan, NFT’ler de dahil olmak üzere kripto hakkındaki bu tartışmaların çoğu, pek çok Redditor, NFT pazarının alanı ve algılanan potansiyeli konusunda çok kritik olduğundan, tam olarak olumlu olmadı.
Demek istediğim, NFT’ler hakkında her yerde anlaşmazlık var, çoğu insan ya “gelecek bu” ya da “bu tamamen saçmalık” kampında görünüyor. NFT süreciyle ilgili sahiplik, kullanım, kopyalama, vb. açısından elbette birçok hata ve sorun var. Ancak aynı zamanda, dikkatin dağılması, NFT’de bazı temel işlevler olduğunu ve olduğundan şüpheleniyorum. Özellikle önümüzdeki Metaverse geçişinde, daha büyük ölçekte dijital malların değiş tokuşuna genişleyecek olan ticaret.
Bu, 300.000 Dolarlık Sıkılmış Maymun’unuzun birkaç yıl veya hatta aylar içinde bu kadar değerli olacağı anlamına mı geliyor, o kadar emin olamam.
Hangisi başka bir sorun. Pek çok NFT şu anda zaten değersizdir, ancak bir pazarlık yaptıklarını düşünen şüpheci olmayan yatırımcıları tuzağa düşürmek için “pompala ve boşalt” dolandırıcılıklarında kullanılırlar – gerçekte parçanın fiyatı arkadaşları tarafından yapay olarak şişirildiğinde ve Aslında yükselmediği halde yükselişteymiş gibi görünmesini sağlayacak bağlantılar.
Bu, birçok pazarda olur, ancak kripto ve NFT alanı, resmi gözetim eksikliği ve tüccarların kimliklerini gizleme yeteneği nedeniyle şu anda manipülasyona karşı özellikle savunmasızdır.
Buna, NFT’lerin sermaye kazancı olarak vergilendirildiği gerçeğini ekleyin ve zenginlerin gelecekte vergi yüklerini azaltmak için bunları denkleştirme olarak kullanmaları için daha da fazla motivasyon var.
Bu nedenle, gelişen kripto pazarında böyle bir çatışma var – blok zincirinin topluluk etkisi ve izlenebilirliği ideal olarak geleneksel kapı bekçilerinin ve kural koyucuların müdahalesinden daha fazla şeffaflık ve özgürlük getirirken, gerçekte ağları manipülasyona da açıyor. Ve muhasebeciler ve yatırımcılar fırsata atlıyorlar.
Sonuçta, bir düzeyde gözetim ve hesap verebilirlik olması gerekecek, aksi takdirde kripto platformları ve ticaret yoluyla milyarlarca vergi ödemesi kaybedilebilir. Hangi hükümet ve düzenleyiciler izin vermiyor. Bu nedenle, daha fazla değerlendirme bekleyen daha fazla bölgede kripto paranın yasaklandığını görüyoruz.
Zamanla, bu, diğer parasal seçeneklerle yeniden hizalandıkça kriptonun algılanan faydalarını azaltabilir ve NFT’ler aynı teknede, daha fazla alıcı yakıldıkça ve daha fazla kullanıcı daha fazlasını talep ettikçe alanın azalması muhtemeldir. işlemlerinde güvenlik.
Ancak dijital mal ticareti, profil resimlerinin ötesinde büyük olacak. Fortnite ve Roblox gibi oyunlarda zaten çok büyük ve daha genç kullanıcılar, uygulama içi öğelere para harcamaya daha alışkın hale geliyor, bu da hepimiz artırılmış dijital dünyalarda daha fazla zaman harcadığımız için daha fazla odak noktası haline gelecek.
Bu nedenle, NFT’lerle ilgili kafa karışıklığı ortaya çıkıyor gibi görünüyor – sanal öğeler için açıkça bir değer önerisi, gerçek fayda ve değer var. Ancak bunun gerçek faydalarının dijital fotoğraflarda olacağından şüpheliyim.
Yine de, sosyal platformların NFT’lerin popülaritesini benimsemesi ve kullanıcılara fırsat vermesi mantıklı ve Instagram’ın kendi NFT görüntüleme araçlarını denemesiyle gelecekte daha fazlasının gelmesini bekliyor.
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