#NECNews NECSocialMedia
demetragiblin · 6 years
Tumblr Post 2 Week 6
Does this journalist appeal to you because you are a digital immigrant or a digital native? Why?
It actually appeals to me because I can agree to disagree with Tomi Lahren. I am a digital immigrant, however, the only news I actually watch on television is WGN morning news as I get ready for work which is a wonderful credible new source full of factual information about what is going on in the world. Tomi is very opinionated and sometimes can seem extremely rude or mean when it comes to describing people that she doesn’t agree with. Tomi does put factual information out into society and she is basically marketing herself and promoting herself by how she speaks and comes off to others. I sparked an interest in her after reading an article and watching an interview she did about being fired from her network TheBlaze. She was fired for speaking her mind about how she feels about abortion being pro-choice. I am not saying I support abortion - but on the other hand, if you are sexually assaulted by a family member, father, son, brother, I think the woman should have the right to whether she wants to have that child or not.
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Include the number of followers the journalist has on Twitter. Based on the number of followers, do you think the journalist has a lot of online influence? Do you think the journalist is savvy on social media? If so, why? If not, why?
Tomi Lahren has 1.1M followers. I absolutely do believe she has a lot of online influence, especially with young millennials. I do think she is very savvy on social media. She is extremely blunt and in your face type of woman. I believe this is what draws people to her! She says what she means and means what she says. Tomi is humble as well and if she makes a mistake or gives false information she will correct herself to everyone!
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Does this journalist help market their news organization online?
Of course, she markets herself. She is currently working for Fox News and she is constantly posting about Fox News in her social media accounts and alerts people when she will be on the air and what she will be talking about!
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dariennezielinski · 7 years
For the discussion, I chose Stephen Colbert, News Comedian Extraordinaire!
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I definitely believe he speaks to me as a digital native. Stephen Colbert finds a way to fight through the static noise of constant political shenanigans, and makes them fun, engaging, and informational. 
Stephen Colbert plugs his show, The late Show, through various social media platforms such as  Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. On Twitter, he has 13.2 Million followers (that is 13,200,000, aka a whole bunch of people!), and has a wide impact and influence on my generations beliefs and public values. Many of my friends share his comedic take on current issues on Facebook and Twitter. I trust his opinion and also find a lot of his as my own as well. I know I am not the only one, as attested by his millions of followers. 
Stephen Colbert knows what he is doing and does it well. Bravo!
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fulltiltworld · 6 years
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Analyzing Barbara Walters social impact online: Before social media went digital, Barbara Walters became one of the first respected and highest paid female journalist in TV broadcast and radio. Barbara’s reputation for real life one on one interviews has granted her to speak with presidents, foreign leaders as well as dictators, which many well respected journalist were unable to do. Barbara had a distinct voice which involves a slight lisp, the camera angle always appeared to have a soft filter type image when showing her speaking. I believe this was done to displayed her feminine tone to be more appealing to the viewers. Barbara’s long career has led her to popularity following 20/20 to the TV show The View. As Barbara’s career changed with time, so did her interaction with social impact. In the past, journalist would have to wait for the TV ratings or sales of journal materials results in notoriety, be it good or bad. Now with social media, results and popularity are instantaneous. I believe Barbara’s global reputation has greatly impacted the program The View, with approximately her 1.57 Million followers on social media Twitter site. The instant posting of events and topics involving her journalistic interviews has also caused her a recent negative impact involving a Corey Feldman interview which had resurfaced due to the sexual implication involving Harvey Weinstein, which Corey Feldman had been criticized by Walters. It appears Walters has been less noticeable regarding social appearances and interacting with the public. I believe instead of her becoming less interactive, she should keep her fan base of 1.57 million more involved, possibly to encourage her to be active again. Yes, at some point we all have to retire, but do not go out on a negative note. Barbara Walters, such an amazing career, and inspirational forerunner for many female journalists that followed her. One of a kind.
#NECNews, #NECSocialmedia, @SCOTTTILTON7
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