#NDA Saga Cadet Life
born2battle · 4 years
NDA Saga~ Fabulous Fourth Term
The Spring Term commenced in Jan 1969. We felt elated to grow in seniority while three of us were appointed as Corporals. I was really happy with this recognition of my achievements. As Corporals we had to take the responsibilities as Vice Captains for various competitions. As Fourth Termors, we looked forward to certain privileges such as visit Pune on liberty twice a month, learning individual sports such as Tennis & Squash and playing indoor Games in the squadron Ante- room.
  We always remember Maj Darshan Singh ( fondly called Dhaka Singh) who was the Physical Training Officer. His presence at the PT & Gymnasium complex, Swimming Pool & various Sports Grounds was always inspiring. He was assisted by a team of highly qualified NCO instructors referred as PT ‘Saabs’. They ensured that the cadets passed the mandatory tests in each Term & motivated them to attain higher standards from good to excellent. The best of the best performers were awarded PT Blue~ an embroidered Badge which had to be displayed on the NDA blazer.
  Jumping from the 10m board in the Swimming Pool was a compulsory test. There were few instances of cadets who feared doing this test. As usual, Dhaka Singh would chase such cadets right up to the diving board & push them down till they qualified this test voluntarily. In Athletics competition, he made us participate compulsorily in all events of the Decathlon, irrespective of the level of proficiency. The dedication of PT ‘Saabs’ for progressively improving our Physical Fitness was indeed remarkable!!
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  Greater stress was led on Weapon Training during the Fourth Term. WT ‘Ustaads’ taught us skills for handling various weapons such as Rifles, Carbines and Light Machine Guns. Firing practices were conducted at the long range to achieve the target.... “Ek Goli, Ek Dushman”. The Ustaads introduced us to basic battle drills & field craft as well. Map Reading & Navigation exercises were conducted in close proximity of the campus by the Divisional Officers. The stage was set for Camp Rover which was held on a hilly feature approximately 40 kms away for a duration of five days. We had to set up the camp by pitching bivouacs & dug trenches around the camp site. 
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  On each night, patrolling and navigation exercises were practised while day time was devoted to battle drills. On an average, we could barely rest for 4 hrs every night. On the last night, we had the Josh Run Competition which involved a cross country race of 40 kms wearing FSMO. It  was a test of endurance, physical & mental toughness & Squadron spirit. The race terminated early morning at the Bombay Stadium where we received refreshing Nimbu Pani & Cold Coffee. Echo Squadron bagged the Third Position even after physically lifting one of our course mates who got injured in the last stretch. We felt satisfied that we applied the concept of "Never leave a Comrade behind”. 
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  Equitation Training continued under the coaching of professional riding Ustaads during the Third & Fourth Term. By now, I had gained enough confidence to control any horse regardless of its peculiar behaviour. Consequently, I found it easier to qualify in the mandatory tests of Lane Jumping & Obstacle Course. The expert riders were trained further for Tent Pegging & Show Jumping events. They represented the NDA Team in various competitions & won various laurels. The Ustaads really deserve all the credit for these achievements.
  Academic Sessions were conducted as per the well laid out curriculum which had stood the test of time. We always looked forward to foreign language classes since we were learning a new language allotted in the Third Term. I certainly faced initial difficulty in learning Arabic since the script had to be read & written backwards. Professor Ali had a novel approach in teaching us step by step, the basic reading, writing & speaking skills. He initiated the concept of foreign language dinner on a monthly basis in the Cadets Mess. It gave the students an opportunity to communicate in Arabic.
  Military History was introduced as a subject in Fourth Term. It was interesting to learn about the history of First World War, Second World War, Indo~ Pak War of 1947-48, Sino~Indian War of 1962 & Indo~ Pak war of 1965. Simultaneously, we were allotted team projects for personality study of military leaders of these campaigns. We had to devote our spare time for carrying out research for these projects in the Vyas Library. Team presentations were carried out centrally thereby further refining our communication skills.
  Club activities were conducted on every Wed & Sat. I chose to be a member of Sailing & Rowing Club at the picturesque Peacock Bay. It was indeed a challenge to learn the basic technique of Sailing. There were several occasions where we toppled over into the Khadakwasla Lake. However, Rowing was much simpler & enjoyable. The cycle ride up to the Peacock Bay & back was very enthralling. It was very pleasing to observe the presence of beautiful deer, notorious monkeys & graceful peacocks astride the entire road up to the Bay.
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  In the last week, we had the Squadron Social to bid farewell to the Sixth Term Eagles. The responsibility for planning & organising this function was assigned to my Course. Then followed the Commandant’s Dinner Night in the Cadets Mess. I was awarded several Book Prizes & the coveted Academic Torch which had to be displayed on the uniform as a symbol of academic excellence. Variety Entertainment Program was memorable specially due to a musical mime set to the tune of “Yaadein” which summarised the journey of the three year journey of the 36th course.
  Ever since the foundation of NDA, it  has been established that a Cadet during his soujourn at the NDA, holds many impressions close to his heart. By merging his identity with his course mates & senior/ junior cadets of his Squadron, he gains the solace of a Herd, the power of a Team & the leverage of a Group. This special attribute is based on the foundation of the NDA Honor Code. To quote....”I believe that a Cadet must be loyal, trustful, trustworthy, honest and forthright under all circumstances. I will not lie, cheat or steal nor will I mislead or deceive anyone. I undertake to faithfully live up to this Code and to continuously encourage my comrades to do so.” Unquote.
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born2battle · 4 years
NDA Saga -- Strenuous Second Term
The Spring Term commenced after a break of one month. I returned duly  refreshed after spending the vacation at Belgaum where my father was posted. In this period I availed the Army facilities to improve my skills of rope climbing, mat excercises and vaulting horse. As second termers we commenced our routine brimming with confidence & a feeling of seniority. We hoped to get at least a few priviledges as we had learnt the tricks of the trade in our First Term.
 On 16th Jan, NDA Day(Foundation Day) was celebrated with full gusto & enthusiasm in Bombay Stadium. Academic classes & outdoor training demanded higher standards than before. New subjects under a new set of ‘Ustaads’ began in the field of Weapon Training, Map Reading & Equitation. Although, we had passed the mandatory swimming tests of the First Term, the targets for the Second Term were Breast Stroke, Back Stroke & 10 m jump as well. Our seniors made us practice the style for both these Strokes after dinner on the Parade Ground in front of the Squadron --- An amusing experience to be cherished!! 
  Novices Boxing was a one time event only for the Second Term. We had to endure the compulsory Boxing bouts with our coursemates irrespective of our Boxing skills. Of course, there was Inter Squadron Boxing Competition as well. The other sports competitions during the Term were Hockey, Volleyball and Swimming & Water Polo. Each of these events had Six Teams thereby enabling participation by atleast half the Squadron. The Cross Country & Athletics Competitions had 100% participation. It was expected that we improve our performance in each Term. It continued to be the responsibilty of the senior cadets to act as inspirational guides and coaches. The ultimate aim was to be‘Faster, Higher & Stronger’ in accordance with the Motto of the Olympics. The quotation by Arthur Wellesley holds good’ The battle of Waterloo was won on the playing fields of Eton.’
  Just before the mid-term break, Camp Green Horn was conducted for a duration of four days. It was the first occasion when the Second Termers were introduced to ‘camp life’ which was a welcome change fraom the hectic schedule in the NDA campus. We practised a variety of activities such as Tent pitching, Map reading, Night navigation & Endurance marches both by day & night. On the penultimate day we enjoyed the warmth of the campfire, especially the Tipsy pudding after a sumptous dinner. Next morning, was the ‘JOSH Run’ from the campsite to NDA over a distance of 30kms. It was indeed a test of endurance since the run was in FSMO( Field Service Marching Order) -- Simply termed Combat dress with a Rifle. My squadron won the Trophy & the consequent compliments we got in the squadron announced that “38 Eagles” had indeed arrived on the scene.
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  Equitation Training which began in the Second Term was an unforgettable experience. Most of us did have experience of pony rides earlier  but horse riding in NDA was a different kettle of fish. NDA boasted of very well bred & disciplined horses who were a treat to behold. The horses would respond to the commands of the Ustaads but not of the cadets. It was ironic that during the training, while the cadets got scolding from the Ustaads the horses always got ”Shaabash Ghoda” from the cadets. I initially found it difficult to mount the horse since the horse meant for me would always show dissent considering me to be an unsuitable rider. Invariabaly I would get stuck in a kangaroo posture implying one leg in the stirrup and the other on the ground. The Ustaad would finally come to my rescue & the horse would obey.
  It was one fateful day when I could succeed mounting the horse on my first attempt & felt confident that I could control the horse during the ride with the Ustaad leading all of us in one line. Just as he ordered ‘Trot - Canter - Gallop’ in a sequence, I  realised that my saddle had come loose. As an instant reaction I tried to stop, dismount & rectify the problem. On seeing my plight, the Ustaad ordered the entire ride to stop. Meanwhile, my horse took off towards the Gol Market throwing me off the saddle. I heard the Ustaad screaming “ Cadet, Ghode ko pakdo aur vapis laao.” I was in no condition to even react due to the fall. All I remember was that  I was rushed to the MH (Military Hospital) by an ambulance. It was discovered that my right arm had multiple fractures. I was discharged the next day with my right arm in plaster.  This condition resulted in several problems & benefits. The problems were difficulty in performing routine tasks,& taking notes in my academic classes. I was unable to cycle & had to march/ run throughout the day. The benefits were exemption from all outdoor training & the help generously offered by my coursemates. Moreover,due the sympathy factor,  I was excused from all forms of ragging and formal punishments until removal of plaster after three weeks. 
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  Thereafter, we had the semester exam & preparations for various activities pertaining to the Passing Out Parade commenced. We were looking forward to participation in the Parade for the first time. It demanded lots of hardwork & practices on the famous Drill Square (more about it in next Blog). Simultaneously, I had to undergo extensive practice for the Battle Drills demo and Show Jumping scheduled in the Bombay Stadium. Another major event was Commandant’s Dinner Night in the Cadet’s Mess during which prizes were awarded for Academic excellence for each term. I was indeed surprised to receive the book prizes for standing first in my course in three subjects. Finally, after an impressive passing out parade, 34th course bid farewell to the tune of “Auld Lang Syne” and joined the famous ex- NDA Club!!!
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born2battle · 4 years
NDA Saga~ Spectacular Sixth Term
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  The commencement of the Spring Term in Jan 1970 heralded our final Term. The feeling of being a Sixth Termer cannot be described adequately since it has to be experienced. Afterall, NDA was in our DNA. I was privileged to be appointed as Squadron Cadet Captain while five of my coursemates were appointed as: Divisional Cadet Captains, Cadet Sergeant Major & Cadet Quartermaster Sergeant. All six of us constituted the core Team of leadership of Echo Squadron & reported to the academy one week prior before the beginning of the Term.
   As Sixth Termers, we looked forward  to some more privileges such as a reserved corner at the Dining Table in the Cadets Mess, exemption from the morning Muster Parade, permission to visit Pune on all Sundays & holidays etc. However, the most important privilege was to replace the sticker of DLTGH (Days Left To Go Home) by DLTPO (Days Left To Pass Out). Alongside privileges came the responsibilities. In my personal role as the Team Leader, I had to motivate the entire Echo Squadron towards pursuit of excellence. It gave us great pleasure to take the initiative, evolve plans & implement them to attain the overall goals.
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  In the Sixth Term, practical training in service subjects was stressed upon. Army cadets refined their skills for handling & firing of weapons, basic battle drills & tactics at platoon level. Naval Cadets  practised finer details of seamanship. Air Force cadets practised gliding at the gliderdrome. In addition, central lectures we conducted on jointmanship giving examples from previous battles. We had to give group presentations about winners of gallantry awards( Param Vir Chakra, Maha Vir Chakra & Ashoka Chakra), which proved to be source of inspiration. Bayonet fighting competition was conducted at the end of the capsule of service subjects. I was among the top 24 cadets who were awarded the ‘Bayonet’,which had to be displayed on the uniform.
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  Meanwhile, the tempo of academic sessions also picked up with a view to complete the Syllabus & the final exam before Camp TORNA. We had to submit several projects & assignments & give presentations on area studies. Personally, I had to double my efforts towards studies to improve my record of academic achievements.
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  After the mid- Term break, Camp TORNA was conducted in the vicinity of Torna Fort. This fort is located 65kms from NDA & has a special historical significance as it was the first fort captured by Shivaji Maharaj at the age of 16. The camp was conducted as an interesting two sided mock battle over 5 days. Six Squadrons(A to F) represented the Defender while the remaining six Squadrons(G to L) represented the Attacker. The traditional campfire, a sumptuous dinner & the favourite Tipsy Pudding which was a specialty of the Cadets Mess, signalled a farewell from camp life. Next followed, the Josh Run back to the Academy which was another gruelling test of endurance. On termination of this Cross country race of 65 kms wearing FSMO, we were immediately tested in marksmanship competition. My Squadron secured Third position in this camp which proved to be tougher in comparison to  Camp Greenhorn ( Second Term ) & Camp Rover ( Fourth Term ).
    On return,we realised that DLTPO had reduced to 30.It evoked mixed feelings of elation as well as sorrow since we were in the last month, of the last Term of our NDA saga.The Academy had taught us so much in the process of out transformation.I wish to summarise the key learnings --- in fact, the life lessons in retrospect.PT constantly improved physical fitness while Drill instilled discipline.Swimming & Riding honed our skills & built up our courage.We developed our table manners & etiquettes in the Cadets Mess.System of ragging & punishments strengthened our resilience.Periodic rewards & recognition were morale boosting factors.Outdoor training and Camps enhanced our confidence as well as endurance.All the activities in a tight daily routine followed in each Term taught us the techniques of Time mgmt & Stress mgmt.
     Most important factor was the conducive environment & the cadets of the Eagle family which made us feel at home --- always and every time!! It helped in nurturing the Squadron spirit & building ever lasting bonds.We experienced the value addition of this camaraderie as an ex-NDA throughout our career in the Armed Forces and even after retirement !!! It is amazing as to how all ex- NDAs create a symbiotic relationship in just one dialogue ----- Ex NDA? Which Course? Which Squadron?
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   Yet another monument in NDA which is a symbol of reverence is the Hut of Remembrance.It is situated behind the Sudan Block & is respected as the ‘Holiest of the Holy’. It enshrines the spirit of those NDA Alumni who made the supreme sacrifice in the highest traditions of the Armed Forces. Interestingly, the Hut was constructed through Shramdaan by cadets of 10th to 17th Courses.It was formally inaugurated  on 01 Jun 1957.
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   Rehearsals for POP & related activities began with the usual gusto. We felt sentimental with each passing day as we reflected on the days gone by. We were surely going to remember all the ups and downs during our nostalgic innings at the Cradle of Military Leadership. The Academy Dinner Night set the ball rolling when I was awarded several book prizes & yet another academic Torch.
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 Next evening we had a poignant farewell from Echo Squadron Each one of us spoke briefly & conveyed our gratitude to all our professors, instructors, Ustaads & the administrative staff. In the end, I exhorted the cadets from 39th to 43rd Course to carry forward the legacy. I concluded with a message “Deep within my heart I hear an Echo~ Echo yesterday, Echo Today, Echo Tomorrow & in fact, Echo forever....” Next morning, we assembled at the Hut of Remembrance & paid homage to the martyrs in a sombre wreath laying ceremony. None of us could even visualise that some of us would have their names inscribed on the Roll of Honour displayed inside the Hut !!
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  We welcomed our parents who had started arriving since morning. They had been invited to attend all ceremonies commencing two days prior to the POP. Their stay had been organised in the Cadets cabins by vacating one Squadron per Battalion. This gave the parents a feel of staying as a Cadet, in a facility which we still relate as our Home.The first event was the Parents Dinner in the Cadets Mess. It was an opportunity for social interaction between the Parents & the Instructors of the Academy who shaped our future. Commandant of the Academy gave his congratulatory message and compliments to all cadets of the 38th Course. It proved to be yet another nostalgic evening. 
   Next morning, we escorted our Parents to the Bombay Stadium to witness the PT & Equestrian events, Motorcycle display & a magnificent Para drop demo. This was followed by a guided tour of the entire Campus which reminded us of our cycle tour in the First Term to familiarise us with each & every nook and corner of the Academy. In the evening, we enjoyed the Variety Entertainment Program in Habibullah Hall. A musical mime on the theme “Yaadein” was the grand finale of the Show.It reflected on our journey down the memory lane !!
   06 Jun 1970... the D Day finally arrived. It was the much awaited day of the POP, a day which would always be cherished by the 38th Course & a day when we would get the prestigious designation of an ex NDA !!! We assembled at the QM Fort well in time before the commencement of the Parade.Meanwhile, the Parents & other guests were seated in designated enclosures to witness the POP. The Parade marched onto the hallowed Drill Square to the tune of “Sare Jahan se Accha” & formed up to await the arrival of the Chief Guest. Air Chief Marshal P C Lal who was the Chief Guest arrived upto the Drill Square in a horse drawn carriage, as per the tradition. He took the ceremonial salute from the Quarter Deck & reviewed the Parade in an open jeep. This was followed by the main march past around the periphery of the Drill Square. Thereafter, was the much awaited moment for me as well as my parents... the Awards Ceremony. I was privileged to be awarded the President’s Silver Medal for being first in the order of merit. I am certain my parents gave me a standing ovation with moist eyes at that moment while the spectators applauded all the medal winners.
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    Thereafter, the Chief Guest gave his farewell address. Then began the solemn final march past to the traditional tune of Auld Lang Syne. With a heavy heart, my course marched onto the Quarter Deck, saluted the National Flag on top of the mast & bid farewell to the prestigious NDA.Magnificent fly past overhead & the cadets of 43rd Course on the mast, wished us the final Au Revoir !!! Finally, with Diligence, Determination & Devotion, we felt blessed on achieving our Dream. We looked forward to achieving our final Goal, in respective training institutions, next year. However, we can never forget that NDA is in our DNA. I am and will always be proud of being an ex NDA/ 38th Course/ Echo Squadron !!!
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born2battle · 4 years
NDA Saga --- Memories of the Orientation Capsule
01 Jul 1967 was yet another milestone when I began my innings as a cadet of the 38th Course at the prestigious NDA. It will be relevant to mention that our Course comprised 250 cadets selected out of total 2 lakh aspirants who appeared in the UPSC Entrance Exam.The selection percentage was tougher than even IITs / IIMs!! As per the Joining Instructions, I reported at Poona Railway Station in the Batch slotted between 8 & 9 AM on 01 Jul.We were really surprised with the welcome at the Reception Centre. Soon, we boarded the allotted NDA buses & the convoy duly accompanied by JCOs in each bus left for NDA.We had a brief halt just before entering the Pashan Gate and got a birds eye view of the NDA Campus which would be our” Home” for the next three years. The grand view of the majestic Sudan Block in the midst of the scenic Campus was really mesmerising.
We drove along the main road observing with awe various facilities as well as the wild life enroute. We finally reached the Cadets Mess where we were accorded another grand reception.Allotment of Squadron & the Roll number was done after meticulous scrutiny of our documents.I was assigned Echo Squadron & Roll number 7484 ---- which was my identity not only for the duration of training at the NDA but also later in life. Thus.I was born in the” Cradle of Leadership.”We had to move on foot , with our bag and baggage, to respective squadrons.Each squadron ( hostel ) had accommodation for 120 cadets based on single occupancy. In addition,separate cabins were earmarked for laundry, extra luggage & the Tea room. The ground floor had the central lobby, the Ante- room & the Squadron office.Cabins had been earmarked for all 20 of us who were allotted Echo Squadron. My cabin was on the second floor. We had to carry our luggage to our cabins ourselves ( elevators not provided ). This challenge was overcome by pooling efforts within the first termers.
Senior cadet appointments on each floor took charge & ordered us to settle down quickly in respective cabins, change into formal dress and reach in time for our first meal in the Cadets Mess.The ambience of the Cadets Mess, the quality of food & the nature of service was indeed an awesome experience.In the afternoon, we went to collect our cycles from the MT Park, which itself was 5 km away.On returning to the Squadron, we were sent for the next activity --- a haircut of the NDA pattern, which would be a regular feature every month.We were again assembled in another formal dress & marched upto the Auditorium for the English movie screened on every Saturday.Then, followed the dinner in the Cadets Mess after which we had the Roll call in the Squadron before Lights Out.We dozed off instantly enjoying the comfort of an exclusive Cabin!!
At the beginning of the second day, the entire 38th Course assembled in sports dress alongwith the cycles, in front of each Squadron to proceed for NDA darshan. The senior Cadet appointments accompanied each squad for a cycle tour along the Periphery Road. We were shown the AFTT, ATT & the NTT areas for training on Service subjects.
We were also familiarized with the facilities astride the Trishul Marg namely; The Gymnasium, Swimming Pool, Bombay Stadium, The Science Block, The Drill Square, The Library, Habibullah Hall and culminating in Sudan Block. Finally we returned to our respective squadrons covering a distance of ~40 Kms. After lunch we completed medical exam at the Military Hospital and measurements for various types of uniforms. In the evening we went for the Hindi movie (every Sunday event) which was again a source of compulsory entertainment. 
On the third day, we assembled at the Ashoka Pillar for a practice run of two miles from Ashoka Pillar to Kondhwa gate and back. Needless to say most of us failed the test. After breakfast we had a session of continuous briefings in the Squadron Ante-room. The Squadron commander and the 3 divisional officers, our local guardians of Echo Squadron briefed us extensively about - The calendar of events, salient aspects of each event, the curriculum and the assessment policy, the daily routine and most importantly the customs and traditions of the Academy. This was followed by more strict dose of briefings by senior cadet appointments covering, Do’s and Dont’s, Table manners and etiquette's, Dress code and finally the policy for formal and informal punishments. We were advised to find out and assimilate the history of the NDA in order to respond to any questions from any senior at any time. We were cautioned that this has to be done ASAP since the senior cadets will be returning after the vacation the next day. It was perhaps an indirect hint indicating the beginning of our toughing up schedule popularly called ‘Ragging’. At the end of the day each one of us drew strength from two slogans pasted on the mirror of the dressing table in each cabin; TTSP (This Too Shall Pass) and DLTGH (Days Left to Go Home). 
Brief history about NDA to follow in next Blog! 
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