#ND made him actually fun to mess with in jak 3
As someone that has dark jak as my favorite form of jak finds the whole concept of "dark jak" interesting, seeing how it's just so... unused in jak 2, story wise AND gameplay wise just hurts.
Story wise, literally the ONLY times the dark form pops up is when daxter first finds jak in prison, and in the cutscene before the kor fight.
Gameplay wise, it's useless without its area clearing abilities. You just save up a bunch of dark eco, and when you have enough, you can't even get out of dark form once you activate it, you HAVE to stay in it until you run out of dark eco. There's no changes to your attacks too, other than your punches locking onto enemies.
They could've done some cool shit with it but naughty dog was like "Nah, im'ma do my own thing."
You know what they could've done to make the whole "dark form" a bigger part of the game?
Have jak struggle to keep it hidden. Not only in story cutscenes, but in gameplay too.
Yes, he may be an eco channeler, but this is dark eco he's dealing with, it's unstable and unpredictable, you never know what will happen with it.
Just imagine, during gameplay.
If you decide to just save your dark eco when you have enough to go dark jak, overtime, there can be a random chance where jak just automatically goes dark without your input.
The chances increase the longer you go without using dark jak.
Only differences I think there could be from if you manually went dark is that you just can't control jak for the time this happens, he'll attack anything nearby, metal head, guard, or citizen.
Of course, when you don't have anymore dark eco, you regain control of jak. But, you're left with half health, since I can imagine holding back all that dark eco for so long can cause harm to jak.
Basically a way to encourage the player to use it more or end up having the game use it for them.
Now Imagine, story wise.
I can imagine in moments where praxis or errol are present, considering the fact that these two are responsible for putting jak through... whatever he went through in the dark warrior program, of course, he'd hold a grudge against the both of them. Whenever one of these two are present, jak would get a little mad just by their presence, which would cause the dark eco to act up.
Praxis and errol aren't really effected by it, since with the whole dark warrior program, that's what they've been wanting from him.
When it comes to anyone else though, yeah, he'd try to hide it.
The dark form would only just... slip out as jak would actually put in effort to keep it at bay.
Of course, jak would learn to control it and not really care about hiding it at the end of jak 2 and for pretty much the entirety of 3, Yada Yada Yada.
Thank you all for listening to my insane ramblings about some guy from a 2003 Playstation 2 game.
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