bl-bam-beyond · 1 year
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Episode 7
Nan (WATTIKORN PERMSUBHIRUN aka KIAK) can't seem to hold a grudge against Phu (KITTIKUN TANSUHAS aka KUN) for his transgressions.
In Episode 5 Nan learns Phu lied about his whereabouts for the last 10 years. Furious Nan says he never wants to see Phu again.
In Episode 6 Nan goes to see Phu for the sake of his career as Ken wants Phu to be the Devonte Presenter again only to discover Phu has run again. Yet this time Nan goes after him. Even though Phu hasn't been answering or returning his calls, but he answered Dina's call giving Nan his location.
In Episode 7 Nan and Phu are riding the ice cream cart like when they were children in middle school. And feeding one another as Nan has decided to help Phu market the coffee farm as Phu is clueless to how to do it. Which makes no sense as Phu studied Advertising/Marketing with Nan at university and according to Nan himself without Phu he wouldn't have graduated.
Spoiler Alert: Episode 8 has the return of Khunkao (if you watched the mini series, he's the Thai guy that Nan confused for Phu in Melbourne)
A hint was dropped that Phu and Khunkao may have a surprising connection.
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