m0r1bund · 10 days
pakk attack
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hey remember NAKAQUOI! . or the tower . well. here ya go.
NAKAQUOI! is my hidden bestiary of pakaquoia, or funnie little guys that haunt people who wear masks. once in a blue moon i remember it exists and i think to myself ohhhhh. time for another guy.
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1ore · 10 months
the thing about me is i love making a series of types of guys. a bestiary of guys, even.
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1ore · 2 years
me, minding my own business trying to do work:
me @ me: convert the tower into a pakaquoia. justification: solves the enchantment and too-human characteristics abutting TWWM canon. its free NAKAQUOI! update. sequesters him away as a bestiary concept so you dont feel weirdly bad about not interacting with him. most importantly he could canonically kidnap any character in morb in his stupid Howl’s Moving Castle-ass tower
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m0r1bund · 5 years
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NAKAQUOI! has updated with a new entry.
New to NAKAQUOI? Read on about these weirdos here.
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m0r1bund · 6 years
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NAKAQUOI! is a tiny, tiny chronicle of odd-fellow spirits that haunt those who wear masks, as well as a love letter to bestiaries and other alternative forms of storytelling.
And it’s got these goobers:
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I invite you to browse the entries or read more about them here.
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m0r1bund · 5 years
updating nakaquoi for the first time in almost 2 years
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m0r1bund · 6 years
I tend to “set it and forget it” when it comes to my longform projects. Now that they’re all mirrored on m0r1bund, I thought I might make a list of them here, just in case the new folks don’t know they exist.
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RANSOM is a ~20k word bout written in the fine tradition of a piece of fanfiction. It’s a joyride through the 24 hours that deadeye Brun spends staging her own kidnapping, alongside Handsome Idiot Who Shows Up and Ruins Everything, Sinuk Vauntariaq.
Begin reading RANSOM
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The Woods is a standalone short story (~2k words) logging the expeditions of a wayward monk into a predatory woods.
Begin reading The Woods
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NAKAQUOI! is a tiny, tiny chronicle of odd-fellow spirits that haunt those who wear masks, as well as a love letter to bestiaries and other alternative forms of storytelling.
View NAKAQUOI! entries
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Ghost River is a little story about the Agua Fria river here in Arizona. It’s also a story about things that were, getting lost, and reckoning with a canyon that really, really doesn’t want you to be there. Written for Those Who Went Missing.
Begin reading Ghost River
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m0r1bund · 6 years
Also-- Since I’ve become patently fed up with using tumblr to host NAKAQUOI! and Ghost River, I’m thinking about discontinuing their respective blogs and hosting these works solely on my site. But before I do that, I wanna know if any of you have trouble using the new site, or if tumblr is preferential to you.
(the new NAKAQUOI! site) (the new Ghost River site)
(fwiw I will continue making “X has updated!” posts here. I will also continue posting pages to dA, given thats where TWWM lives and I’ve never had any problems hosting there.)
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m0r1bund · 6 years
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[Image: A retrospective of this year’s visual art and otherwise. Individual pieces by month are enclosed below!]
Last year I thought to share the song Up & Up by Coldplay for the new year. This year, I think I'll do Miracles (Someone Special)
2018 was full of insurmountable grief and pain for the world... I feel like I should front with that, because the very reason this was a formative year for me is in spite of that suffering. We're all still here, and that fills me with a healthy dose of piss and vinegar. I hope you have found ways to thrive despite it all.
In any case. Somehow, I:
Completed a 2-month internship, working with monarch and queen butterflies in a restored river. I realized I need to find a way to do this for a living post-haste, while there are still systems to preserve and restore places such as these, and wild lands to protect.
Returned to college.
Joined Those Who Went Missing and started the... webcomic(?) Ghost River.
Wrote RANSOM, which at the time I did not realize was a single installment in a much, much larger project. I've since doubled the wordcount, but that's about a third the size of the story I want to tell. (Don't cross your fingers for a 2019 release. I write at a glacial pace.)
It was a good year, but I want that to be a radical kind of good and not a complacent kind of good. Here's hoping for 2019. Much love.
The individual pieces for each month are linked below.
January ◆ February ◆ March ◆ April ◆ May ◆ June ◆ July ◆ August ◆ September ◆ October ◆ November ◆ December
2010 art summary thumbnails
2011 art summary thumbnails
2012 art summary thumbnails [ + folder ]
2013 art summary post
2014 art summary post
2015 art summary post
2016 art summary post
2017 art summary post
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m0r1bund · 6 years
Also, to the anon who gave me that good bit of critique on nakaquoi-- Thank you! My favourite things to read are emotionally frank, straightforward, and punchy, but I often find myself at odds with figuring out how to articulate myself that way. This is an ongoing point of improvement for me.
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