#NADIA THREADS » carry yourself or i’ll gut your ass
tornsurvivors · 2 years
Today was exciting for Isabella because it was Nadia’s birthday. She’d had Nadia’s gift already wrapped up, it was in Halloween paper that she’d found at a local craft fair. It was perfect because it reminded Isabella so much of her wife.
She’d been up early making Nadia’s favorite breakfast. Of course she’d told Princess to keep mommy in bed till Isabella was ready. There was a chuckle at the meow that was similar of annoyance. The blonde knew it was also outta love. Nova gave a soft bark letting Isabella she’d help too.
Isabella was softly humming while sipping her coffee when she’d heard Nadia coming down the hallway to the kitchen. There is a pause watching Nadia walk into the Kitchen, a smile taking over Isabella’s face. That’s her wife, the love of her life. Her partner in crime. Her Mortica, to her Gomez.
It’s watching as Nadia was pouring her orange juice. These moments are what warmed Isabella’s heart so moment. These soft moments just for them. No rush and experiencing it together. Softly Isabella’s arms wrapping around Nadia’s waist, while kissing the corner of her mouth.
“Happy birthday Liebe.” Isabella whispered softly kissing along Nadia’s jaw. Another moment as Isabella’s fully enjoying holding Nadia close. “Hmm I have a gift for you after breakfast. Also planned a little outing too. Anything you’d love to do, we can love. Anything.”
( Prompt: Spoil the birthday cat! )
Before she married the love of her life, she wouldn’t have cared for her birthday much. Wouldn’t even have the desire to wake up-- dreading another day with Danny. Her birthday just... simply stopped existing after her family died. She had been so used to that mindset, that when she started to stir after Princess began pawing at her gently and meowing... she naturally tensed. Thinking for a split second, that she was back in that shitty two bedroom apartment in Brooklyn and Danny would come in any minute to yell at her to get up. A trauma like hers just doesn’t go away like that. Even if she had been on the mend ever since she and Isabella became close.  
It only lasted for a split second though.
The tension melted away almost instantly and a bright smile curled her lips, eyes slowly blinking the sleep away and cerulean irises flicked up to meet with orange. “Mm. Danke, mein Herz.”   She whispered, voice still slightly hoarse from slumber as she lifted a hand to run her fingers through the incredibly soft fur-- giving a gentle scratch behind Princess’ ear. Her smile widened at the loud rumble of a purr when the feline just plopped down and curled up on her chest. The warm sensation was almost enough to nudge her back into sleep and she would have if it wasn’t for the smell of her favorite breakfast wafting in the air. 
Omelette, apple-cinnamon pancakes and a special recipe of her father’s homemade hash browns. That woman spoils her so. 
Eventually she got up, not bothering to comb fingers through her hair. She knew she didn’t need to fuss over her looks, not when she’s highly aware of how gorgeous she already is. She also knows for a fact Isabella seems to enjoy the more raw and relaxed side of her--- which she should, because she was the only person who has the privilege of seeing Nadia in such state.
Her absolute favorite part of the morning? This. Just this... the way her wife would pull her close after she gets her cup of orange juice and how sweet Isabella’s kisses are.
She couldn’t stop smiling. 
“Oh? I’d rather let you pamper me and give me all of the gifts you speak of. Just as long you’re with me.” She smirked, turning her head and leaning up just a bit- far enough to press her lips against her Gomez’s into a loving kiss.
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tornsurvivors · 2 years
@tornsavior sent in; 
It was a rather nice day and Isabella wasn’t surprised to find Nadia not anywhere near class. Still she knows she’s gonna have to ask Nadia if she’d wanna work on their project for English.  There’s a pause from the blonde trying to figure out an approach and still  why not be honest. What could possibly happen.
“Can’t say I’m surprised you’re here. Nice out. Rather be here than class. Can’t blame ya. Anywhoo you wanna figure out a plan for this project?” Isabella hummed leaning against the tree watching Nadia.
Honestly... she’d rather be in chemistry class by now. Learning all the dangerous chemicals that could cause an explosion if they were to find each other... by accident. English bored her to tears, regardless of the fact she was surprisingly doing well. The brunette was leaning back against the large tree trunk with her eyes shut and breathing in the fresh air. Days like this were always gorgeous after a storm on the previous night. An eye snapped open when she heard the familiar voice and her muscles that had tensed up instantly at the sound of approaching footsteps, eased off. That eye closed again, because she was relaxed and she gave a soft snort in response.
“I may have an idea or two already, I’m just trying to procrastinate... so I can use the excuse that my cat shredded it.”  Of course, she’s joking. Kind of. Allowing her menace of a furball to destroy the project was tempting, but she wouldn’t do that to Isabella. Not when the girl has become the only person she could trust lately. The blonde was a good friend she wouldn’t deny. 
Especially at this forsaken school, where everyone else seemed so... fucking fake. Almost everyone. The science nerds were alright in her book, aside from Isabella. 
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tornsurvivors · 2 years
@tornsavior​ //  super short nadia starter.
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            ‘Found you.’    The thought echoed in Nadia’s head-- filled with a delight that only her wife could provoke upon the mere sight of her. Pushing the book that Isabella was holding out of the way, she plopped herself right across her lap, wrapped an arm around the back of her wife’s neck and grinned up at the blonde. “My turn for your attention. We still need to discuss what to do for our first wedding anniversary.”  She murmured, blue eyes flicking down to those favorite, delectable pair of lips and gave in to the desire to press a soft kiss to them. 
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tornsurvivors · 2 years
@tornsavior​ sent in; 
“So it’s national cat day Liebe. I was thinking we could spend the day with the big cats, then I can spend the rest of the day pampering you and Princess.” Isabella hums softly kissing Nadia as she pulls her wife into her arms.
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Of course Nadia smiles at this. Maybe more of a grin though. Blue eyes sparkled as she cuddled the big fluff of a Maine Coon against her chest and scratched behind the tomcat’s ear. “And Binx, don’t forget dear Binx here.” She cooed, nose nuzzling into the thick fur that vibrated ever so faintly with the powerful purrs Binx gave. His big paws were kneading her arm, and his fluffy tail swished from where it was tucked under her other arm. Down by their feet, there sat Princess-- being jealous as usual. She hated fighting her boyfriend for Nadia’s attention. Even though they all knew they wouldn’t have to fight much. They’re all spoiled. 
Lovingly so.
“Oh, stop pouting and get up here, you big baby.”  Nadia’s the only one Princess would willingly listen to, most of the time-- as she reached the top of the cat tree where Nadia was situated next to with her wife. Princess hen propped her front paws on Nadia’s shoulder as she leaned in for kisses from her favorite human. “Then again, maybe we’ve spoiled them more than enough.” She laughed lightly, carefree and just... happy. Especially when Princess gave an offended ‘meow’ in answer and pulled back to sit prettily atop the cat tree. Chin up. Almost as if she was saying ‘bitch, please.’
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tornsurvivors · 3 years
@tornsavior​​ sent in;   (scars prompt)
[ BATHE ]  our muses take a shower together and sender looks over receiver’s scars. Nadia & Isabella (after the gala with the dons men)
IT STILL FEELS SURREAL, to be back in reality. The living world. Dying is NEVER fun for Nadia. Not only because it means another one of her nine lives is gone... getting closer to the final one, it’s also because of how entirely detached from reality she feels. Like she isn’t entirely there for a few hours, or even days depending on how severe her death was... like her body is still rebooting. Sorta like being stuck in limbo. Memories would be scattered and sometimes she wouldn’t be able to remember her own name for a while.
This time was different, because she wasn’t alone. She remembers the disturbing WANT to come back as soon she could and stop them from hurting Isabella. It was so urgent and life-altering for Nadia. 
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Fuck, she still could feel the chill of death--- making her shiver after she peeled her blood-stained dress off and let it fall to the floor. She let Isabella help her, and let the blonde near her. Not quite wanting to be alone right now. The first burst of hot water hitting her skin felt glorious and it was waking her up some more. Then there it was.  Pain.   The dull throb. The best thing about pain though? It tells you that you’re still alive. 
To Nadia, it just means THEY don’t win and boy... are they going to be fucking sorry once she’s through with them. 
Nadia can sense Isabella’s eyes roaming over her bare form and for the first time, she just let her defenses fall. She’s too tired to hide her vulnerability, otherwise she’d be pissed off at the fact she’s letting Isabella in. Among many scars scattered here and there on her body, a single new scar stands out--- BRIGHT RED. Over where her heart would be. From a gunshot. Nadia’s not looking at Isabella. Not yet. Head sort of bowed, eyes shut and a hand planted against the wall to hold herself up. 
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tornsurvivors · 3 years
@tornsavior​ sent in;   (randomness is always welcome in my askbox)
It’s quiet in the estate, not many sounds even all the fur babies were just curled in up somewhere warm. Isabella had been reading in front of the fireplace, when she realized that she’d hadn’t seen her wife in awhile. There was a warmth washing over the blonde as her eyes took in Nadia, whom was watching some German show. Isabella knew it was a favorite, and she could keep up for the most part, she usually was more into watching Nadia at peace.
Seeing this as her chance to sneak up on Nadia, Isabella carefully leaned down behind her wife, pressing a kiss against her ear. “Hmm Liebe, you know I don’t think we shared a New Years kiss. Can we fix that please?” Isabella hummed voice soft against Nadia’s ear as Isabella placed kisses upon her jaw.
For someone who isn’t a big fan of winter,  Nadia was taking it well. Could be because she’s HOME again. Could be because she isn’t alone anymore. All the warmth in the world was packed in the pair of strong arms belonging to someone she truly loved. The Shariff Estate also had a fireplace...   so there’s that.   She remembers every single memory shared with her older brother and their parents in that room with the fireplace. The Den. They were also keeping her warm, wrapping around her like a security blanket of some sort and chasing away the remnants of her tragic past OUT THERE. They no longer belong. 
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Just off to her left on the sofa, where Nadia comfortably sat--- legs tucked under her, around her shoulders was her mother’s favorite shawl that she’d always wear during the winter... two furbabies slept.  Princess and the newest addition to the family, Binx. They were curled tightly together, almost looking like a black and orange yin and yang symbol. It was rather surprising at first, because it’d taken a while for Princess to warm up to Binx but here they are--- it makes her smile as she gives a side glance.  The smile remains when Isabella draws near (took you long enough, darling)... oh please, did you really think Nadia wouldn’t expect Isabella to come around at some point?  
With a breathy laugh at her wife’s words, she tilts her head back just enough with a content sigh... absolutely loving the sensation of Isabella’s lips along her jaw. Eyes flutter shut as she melts into the moment.   “Who would I be to say no? Come here.”  She whispers, taking one of Isabella’s hands and tugs on it. Urging the blonde to come around to the front where she could see her wife better. 
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tornsurvivors · 3 years
@tornsavior // the wedding. 
“Today’s the big day... would you believe me if I said I’m nervous as fuck? Because... fuck, I really am. Is this what they call cold feet? I’ve heard people say when you get cold feet, you feel the urge to run away... I don’t feel it. But I am--- what the fuck, I keep rambling.”   The bride let out an exasperated sigh, pinching the bridge of her nose... but then smiled softly as she heard the reassuring meow from Princess. She swears that fur baby is too smart for her own good. When she let her hand fall, her gaze settled on Princess for a moment before it lifted up and towards the tall mirror in front of her.
She almost laughed. Would’ve been out of both amusement and disbelief. 
Never would have she thought she’d see this day come, just looking at herself in a wedding dress. But not just any wedding dress though. It was themed for the big favorite spooky day of hers and Isabella’s. Princess had an orange bow tied around her neck with the wedding rings attached to it, matching the beautiful orange eyes that sparkled like jewels in the sunlight as they looked at Nadia lovingly. 
For a moment, she could FEEL her family standing with Princess. Bruno and her parents. It was heartbreaking for both Nadia and Isabella that their actual families could not be physically there. But they both knew they’re still there spiritually. After all, Halloween is the day where the veil between the world of living and the dead is lifted so they may interact. They had to be there.  While Princess would be physically escorting her down the aisle in a sense, she knows Bruno would be right next to her. 
“Bruder... if I were ever to get married one day, would you walk me down the aisle?”  Nadia was musing out loud, before shoveling a spoonful of their mother’s infamous homemade pumpkin pie into her mouth. She raised a brow as she heard Bruno chuckle and glanced over to the older male, her mouth twisting into this small but playful smile. 
“Ja, I would. So I could have one last chance to threaten whoever it is that stole your heart.... to treat you well or I’ll hunt them down.”  A serious expression took over his face as he spoke low. That time, Nadia laughed and smacked his arm. Bruno’s mouth broke out in a grin.  “Nah, we know I wouldn’t have to. I know you better... you wouldn’t let a fool sneak their way in your heart. Whoever it is, I know they would be good... because you always choose the best.”
Funny how she met the best was through a fool who did, indeed, sneak his way into her heart and nearly took her whole world away cruelly. Strange how fate works.  Nadia had been staring out the window from the bedroom when she heard a knock on the door. It was a priest who had known the family for their whole lives. He had come up to let her know it was time. She smiled at the familiar voice speaking through her native tongue and she responded with her gratitude. The guests had arrived. There weren’t many people. But they were the trusted few that Nadia and Isabella knew well. Among them was a cousin of Nadia’s. Then there was Isabel Hart, and Beth Salinger--- Beth, she met somewhere in Copenhagen when she was out hunting a member of the Elite Hunting Club that had broken their contract. Turns out it was one of the Don’s men. A sick bastard. 
Isabel, on the other hand, was actually an old friend of Isabella’s who she could trust. Probably one of the tallest and most handsome women Nadia had met. But of course, none could beat Isabella in her eyes in the attractive department. 
“Alright... “ She breathed out softly and smiled to Princess, before picking up the bouquet of black roses tinted with red, before standing.  “Let’s get the show on the road, shall we?”  The ring bearer feline responded with a lively meow before sauntering towards the door.
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tornsurvivors · 3 years
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Isabella had been trying to figure out what would be the perfect gift for Nadia this year for her birthday. She knew that Nadia wasn’t big on celebrating but this year was extra special. With the Don being truly gone (good riddance), Isabella knew that she could treat Nadia to a day completely being spoiled. She’d been enjoying the estate, it was completely beautiful, and it truly did feel like home. There’s been times at night when Isabella couldn’t sleep that she’d wander around, never to far from Nadia.
On a trip into town, which Isabella was happy that her German was much better that she could converse with almost not trouble. Something she was excited to share with Nadia later. The former cop had found this quaint little art shop that made photos, hand drawn and they were the most gorgeous things Isabella had seen. After talking to the owner, a very lovely woman, Isabella had pulled up a picture of Nadia and Princess, asking if she could draw this. Knowing how much Nadia would love it.
Isabella of course had left there happy, and excited knowing that in a week she’d have a photo that Nadia would love for her birthday.
It was the morning of Nadia’s birthday, Isabella had made sure that Nadia was sleeping in. She was making some pancakes and waffles with orange juice. The picture had turned out wonderful and the owner even wrapped it up, after including a little mini portrait as well of Isabella cause she was just positive that Nadia would love it. There were many thanks given as Isabella had rushed back to the estate to make sure everything aas perfect. It was the quiet meow of princess followed by Nadia’s soft laugh did Isabella turn around to greet them.
A pause as she smiled, seeing Nadia’s soft smile and her just lost in watching her car be adorable. It was all Nadia deserved and more. Isabella of course pulled Nadia in for a birthday kiss (a tradition of theirs), as her arms wrapped around Nadia.
“Happy birthday Liebe.” Isabella hummed against Nadia’s lips, in no rush to move away from the warmth of Nadia. “So I did make breakfast, and I do have a gift for you if you’d like to open that now. Also I have a trip planned for later. Just you and me and the beach.” Isabella whispered against Nadia’s lips, wanting to shower Nadia in kisses for her birthday. It’s several moments when air is needed does Isabella pull back.
“So darling, what would you love to do first for your birthday? I also forgot Halloween decorating is also an option as well.”
It'll never get old... waking up at home.  Even though Isabella had become her home--- it’s even better being back at the estate with her soon to be wife. In six days they were going to get married!  In the far corner of her old bedroom, hanging on the closet door was her wedding dress. Halloween-themed, of course.  It was a black dress that looked like it was old and a little torn, like it was haunted. Worn by your typical missing bride who had passed away in her dress in the horror movies. She just opted to go with black since it was more fitting for the themed wedding and she sure as fuck wasn’t a virgin anyway. Had she worn the white wedding dress, she wouldn’t be able to keep a straight face.
Blinking a few times, Nadia scrunched her nose up... instinctively smiling when she felt a tiny wet nose and whiskers brushing against her face and pressing. Princess was the best alarm clock for sure. The lively meow told her the usual, the cat’s hungry and wanted her breakfast. Nadia didn’t even consider the fact Princess could also be subtly wishing her a happy birthday. Honestly, she didn’t really realize the day had already arrived till she reached for the cell phone on the night stand and checked it for the time. Then the date.
Oh, yeah. That’s right.
It wasn’t long till the aroma of breakfast cooking reached her and she felt her quiet joy build higher. It told her where Isabella was. Of course, that woman would remember her birthday and spoil her rotten. Sure as fuck not complaining.  You know what’s odd though?  She didn’t have a single nightmare last night like how she normally does. Nadia figured it must be because the Don’s dead, then with the upcoming wedding and her birthday--- her mind must’ve found that slice of peace it deserved.
“Ja, ja. I’m getting up now, you little monster.”  Nadia laughed, shaking her head as she sat up and stretched with a satisfied groan before her gaze fell on the black bombay at the end of the bed, waiting. Impatiently. Could tell by how her tail swished and the slightly narrowed orange eyes. She shivered a little when her bare feet touched the cold hardwood floor. It was rather chilly for an autumn morning, then again... winter was closer here than it would be in the United States. She decided to throw on her sweat pants and a pair of socks, before walking along the bed so Princess could leap up on her shoulder. She then pulled the furball into her arms and cradled her as if she was her baby as they made their way to the kitchen. Princess didn’t mind this time around... purring rather loud. 
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The mornings would always get much more better when Isabella greets her, like how she did just now--- making the smile on Nadia’s face grow and Princess wriggled her way out of the German’s arms, landing on the floor with perfect grace before wandering off to search for bits of food Isabella may have dropped on the floor. She had eyed the gift-wrapped object nearby and she couldn’t help but grin at the mention of opening it first. She’s tempted... but---   “After we eat, ja. I like to keep this tradition my parents and brother used to do on my birthdays. We would usually eat dinner first, then open gifts and have a piece of ice cream cake. But I say we make it our own tradition we eat breakfast first and then open the gifts, of course.”  
She draped her arms over the blonde’s shoulders and pressed soft, loving kisses to the blonde’s lips. “Just let me take in the fact this is real first... then I’d like to eat---”  A loud meow interrupts and Nadia playfully rolled her eyes. “...After I feed this one little furry monster.”  She chuckled and snuck in another kiss before reluctantly prying herself out of Isabella’s warm embrace and headed to the pantry where the cat food was kept. Princess knew well where it was, so she naturally followed after Nadia excitedly. 
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tornsurvivors · 3 years
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( old tags )
NADIA SHARIFF » the crazy german cat NADIA MUSINGS » survival isn’t for cowards NADIA HC » she wore a smile like a loaded gun NADIA AES » bitch that’s my emotional support knife collection NADIA THREADS » carry yourself or i’ll gut your ass NADIA REL » partners in crime ( nadia x isabella ) NADIA REL » what a plot twist you were ( nadia x kristen ) NADIA REL » there is never enough love ( nadia x kristen x nicole )
( updated tags )
𝐍𝐀𝐃𝐈𝐀 𝐒𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐈𝐅𝐅 ][ the crazy german cat 𝐍𝐀𝐃𝐈𝐀 𝐌𝐔𝐒𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 ][ survival isn’t for cowards 𝐍𝐀𝐃𝐈𝐀 𝐇𝐂 ][ she wore a smile like a loaded gun 𝐍𝐀𝐃𝐈𝐀 𝐀𝐄𝐒 ][ bitch that’s my emotional support knife collection 𝐍𝐀𝐃𝐈𝐀 𝐓𝐇𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐒 ][ carry yourself or I’ll gut your ass 𝐍𝐀𝐃𝐈𝐀 𝐑𝐄𝐋: 𝐈𝐒𝐀𝐁𝐄𝐋𝐋𝐀 ][ partners in crime for life 𝐍𝐀𝐃𝐈𝐀 𝐑𝐄𝐋: 𝐊𝐑𝐈𝐒 & 𝐍𝐈𝐂 ][ sometimes it takes three to tango
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tornsurvivors · 2 years
@dontstepinmypuddle //  super short nadia starter.  
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               “I wouldn’t get cocky just yet, boy.”  Lips curled into a small smirk,  blue eyes darkening as they flicked over the strange man and the assassin merely nodded towards the bodies littered across the floor behind her. “Four marks to your two. You owe me a round of shots.” 
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tornsurvivors · 2 years
@tornions​ // super short nadia starter.
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           “I know I’m pretty fucking fantastic to ogle, but could you maybe take a picture? It lasts longer, and I’d like to enjoy my whiskey in peace.”  The were-panther drawled, not even sparing a glance at the vampire as she threw her head back and downed her third shot of Fireball whiskey.
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tornsurvivors · 2 years
@tornarts; Vera. 
The concept of having a mate is still relatively new to Vera in all honesty. But she has to admit there is a certain pull between herself and Nadia. That doesn't mean they don't still butt heads due to being quite stubborn. Sometimes it seemed neither of them were willing to budge when it came to being right.
After a rather long hard day the shifter is nursing a drink thinking sometimes work seriously sucked. It certainly was a thankless job hunting down shit that most did not know existed. Just so people could sleep without being worried. At least the pay was good and she hadn't ruined another jacket. Sometimes Vera had to find some kind of silver lining.
She's almost lost in her own thoughts before sensing a familiar presence and smirking. Only waiting a few moments before moving to face her mate thinking she was truly breathtaking. Quickly downing her drink before getting up and moving somewhere a bit more quiet. Curious if Nadia intentionally made a point to kiss her where anyone could see or not.
"Miss me?"
JA, YOU COULD SAY THAT AGAIN--   as infuriating it was to feel the pull between them,   it wasn’t going away. Period. That alone was enough to further piss off the were-panther.  Nadia had been ANTSY all day long and she could not figure out why. Till Vera came back from a job. The heat within her flared and made her hungrier. It was baffling how long it had taken Nadia to realize she was actually touch-starved. Vera had been gone for some time... so that didn’t help. What’s even more unnerving is that the thought of letting anyone else other than Vera touch her intimately was revolting. 
A low growl rumbled deep inside the were-panther’s chest, while dark blue eyes-- dilated pupils, watched Vera. She could smell her, too.  She decided then: ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. She’ll take what she wants and if Vera decides to pick on her smugly, she’ll make her regret it. So, with that... she strode over and grabbed a fistful of Vera’s shirt collar, yanking her damned attractive mate in for a searing kiss. 
“Shut the fuck up.”  She hissed the answer to the smug question, before pulling Vera flush against her once more. Another kiss, but this time-- she bites down on Vera’s bottom lip hard enough. Almost enough to break skin and draw blood. She then breaks the kiss, whispering low along Vera’s jaw and smirked darkly, “I see you missed me more.” To emphasize, she breathed in deep-- inhaling the scent of her mate’s arousal. She chuckled lightly and pushed Vera away, slowly licking her lips.  “Don’t be too long, or else I’m going to make you fuck yourself.”  And with that, she grabbed Vera’s drink-- downing the rest of it. After leaving the now empty glass on the table, she turned away and sauntered off to their bedroom.
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