#Myfate pt5
littleangel4996 · 5 years
My Fate Pt 5
Summary:  After Michael and (y/n) were knocked out by their attackers, they were both tied up at the moment.
Warning: Meeting Ben Harmon, Interrogation? Kinda and I don't want to spoil more but there is a mention of switching houses.
Michael's P.O.V
My throat felt so dry that I was coughing up the weird taste in my mouth.What did those people knocked us out with?  Last night, all I could remember is what (y/n) said about my grandma. Did she really took her own life because of me? No I have to find out why. Looked at my surroundings, seeing where I'm at and this looks like the Masters bedroom. The walls were painted white with a nice comfy chair and a vanity kinda like (y/n). Oh my God, (Y/N). She's not in the room with me. I tried to call her name out but to no avail.
"(Y/n) please say something. You bastards hurt her I swear I'll make you regret it!!!" 
"Do not worry, we have no attention of hurting her or you". A calm smooth male voice said. I looked to see a man in his early 40s sitting on the chair. But I don't understand, he wasn't there. How the hell he came to the room without me noticing.
Unless…"Are you a ghost?" I asked.
"Yes, yes I am Michael" he chuckled.
"How do you know my name. Did Constance tell you about me. My grandma where is she I must talk to her" he put his hand up to stop me from speaking any further.
"The spirits is in this house can't be seen unless they want to be seen".
"You mean she doesn't want to see me?" 
"I'm sorry Michael" he frowns. I don't blame her. I wouldn't want (y/n) to see me if I ever hurt her. I hold back the tears that threaten to come out
"Who are you?" I question as he stands up and says "Someone who wants to be seen ,someone who wants to help. If you want to change I can show you". Then I let the tears break free. 
"I'm a monster, why would you want to help me?" I cried. He walks up to me as he unties my hands. "Because I can't help to think of you as my son" he stands back giving me space to get up and I rub both of my wrists. "Even though you're not really".  I stand up from the bed to face him. "Since you know my name, I don't know yours".
"I'm Ben Harmon, a psychiatrist. Well used to. And (y/n) is in my daughter's old room, come on" he gestures as I follow him out of the room straight down the other room as he opens the door to reveal (y/n) laying down sleeping like an angel. But I ran to her side making sure she was okay. Ever since she's awoken me from the dead, I can't help but feel this urge to protect her and care for her. Yes she's been the one that's been caring and protecting me but maybe it's my turn I do the caring and protecting for once.I shook her lightly whispering her name. 
(Y/n) P.O.V
"(Y/n), wake up." whispered a soft voice that sounded familiar. When I wake, a beautiful blond blue eyed boy hovers over me with worry in his eyes. Michael.
"Michael!" I got up so fast wrapping my arms around him, burying my face in the crook of his neck. He had this nice welcoming scent on him, like a baby's scent. I don't care I was glad to see Michael ok. I was the first to pull away.
"I was so worried" I cried.
"Are you kidding, I thought badass witches don't get worried" he said squeezing my shoulders. I looked at the corner of my eye to see a man dressed in a navy blue collar and black slacks matching his dress shoes with his brown hair and brown eyes. In protective mode, I got up pulling Michael behind me as I put my hand up having an invisible force pinning him to the wall.
Third person P.O.V
Michael stood up putting his hand on (y/n) arm but she refused to let her guard down. "(Y/n) listen to me, he means us no harm" he pleaded, trying to put her arm down.
"Are you crazy" she snapped. "Him and someone else took us hostage and you want me to stand down? Give me one good fucking reason Mikey!".
"BECAUSE HE CAN HELP ME!!!" (Y/n) turned her attention towards him dropping her arm hearing Ben fall to the floor with a thud. 
"Just please, hear him out." She looks towards the doctor then at Michael. "He better have a good reason" she gritted.
-Time skip- living room
"So let me get this straight" (y/n) said, standing up from the couch next to Michael and Ben Harmon sitting on his chair.
"You can help Michael with his problems and the only fucking way to do that is for us to move in this murderous house full of ghosts?"
The therapist doctor nodded his head. (Y/n) rolled her eyes not believing a word he's saying but she knows he's telling the truth. But she really cannot be angry at the ghost too much because he hasn't killed her or Michael. She knows Michael might need help but she could have called Cordelia but decided against it because (y/n) does not want her sisters to worry. 
"(Y/n)" Michael broke her out of her thoughts.
"It's okay if you do not want to move into this house, we can find other ways to help me" (y/n) rose her hand placing it on his shoulder and said " No, that would be selfish of me. You need to talk to someone that's a professional" she points to Ben then turns her attention to him. 
"Can you really help him" she asked.
"Yes, it's possible. But I can promise you two no one will harm you here and if they try to do anything ,then tell them to go away"
The two living beings looked at each other, looking for any doubts in their eyes. She may regret it she may not but the witch cares for the young man even if she has to move in this house.
Back at the house of constance
"Yes I understand I just bought the place but I just really like the house next door...
(Y/n) P.O.V
Yeah I'm well aware that people have died there... GOD YES I KNOW ABOUT THE FUCKING PLACE NOW CAN YOU OR CANNOT MOVE ME THERE...You can?...Okay good when can we move?...2 days oh perfect thank you have a nice day" I hung up tossing my phone to the couch as I sat down next to Michael who had this look like damn girl.
"How are you today" I asked in a sarcastic way and both started laughing. My God how can my life get more crazier than this.
"Okay so in 2 days we will be able to move into that house".
"Well yeah I heard you when you were hollering at the salesman. I bet you even made his ears bleed" he joked. Then the phone rang on my side as I answered it.
" Hello is this Ms.(Y/n) (Y/l/n)?"
"Yes this is she."
"Oh good this Ms Solomon from the Palmer elementary and I looked over your resume and I must say I am impressed. Would you like to start next week."
"Yes perfect thank you"
"Wonderful I'll see you next week on Monday."
I turned my attention towards Michael with beam.
"I got the job!" (Y/n) exclaimed
Michael's P.O.V
"Oh God that's great!" We wrapped our arms around each other like we did back in murder house. But this time I don't think I want to let go of her embrace. I don't know why but I never felt cared for like my grandma. I honestly don't care about her anymore if she doesn't want to see me that's fine. It may hurt me to say this but it's for the best.  I'm going to be starting a new chapter with (y/n) and I'm glad to see where this journey is heading.
-meanwhile back at murder house
"Look I understand you three are angry but-"
"Are you out of your goddamn mind Ben" Vivian, Tate, and Constance were livid that Ben would talk the girl and the boy to move in a house full of ghosts.
"But nothing, that boy I raised was an abomination and one day he will hurt that girl" constance said after lighting her cigarette.
"Well she's a witch" Ben added. Now everyone wasn't happy except maybe his daughter violet and Moira the maid.Tate was so furious that he had to walk away along with Vivian and Constance but not before she said "I hope to God I know what you're doing" and disappeared.
A/n: Sorry it took me forever I hope you all enjoyed pt 5 and once again I'm sorry.If you liked it pls give it a heart, comment or reblogs😘😘😘😘
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