#My girlfriend won't admit it but she def ships Supercorp
supergirlspurgatory · 7 years
Re-watching Supergirl with my Girlfriend
Things that she’s saying
“Supergirl is just an old-fashioned sort of girl”
“Did Alex just throw away the smoke detector? That’s not safe”
In reference to ‘Yeah because I can fly’ “Ohhhhhhhhhhh.”
“He took pizza with him.”
“From now on I’m taking the stairs.”
“Lena Luthor has a good heart.”
“How does she know how to work on earth, she hasn’t been on earth yet.” Talking about Rhea
“Oh snap” In reference to the kidnapper saying he knows Kara is Supergirl.
“I’m with Kara on this, doing it the hard way, there is a chance of people dying. She needs to fly in and knock people out. We need to stop catering to pasies. In the old days we would have just cut off his hand and been done with it. I would cut cut off his hand...”
“IN A WORLD OF HURT. Because she will get out.”
“The difference between Kara and I is, I would have forgotten that dudes name by now.” (The kidnapper’s dad’s name)
“How does Maggie keep just walking into the DEO, isn't it a secret government agency?”
“Do you know why it’s fun that she’s in this shoe?” (talking about Rhea again) *Whispers* “Because she was Lois in Lois and Clark.”
“Careful she killed her husband”
“Oh no she didn’t, that is Lena’s best friend.”
“She is totall not going to share everything.” Air quotes and funny voice “I’m and alien”
“Noooo she’s a back stabber, oh wait she stabbed him in the front, she's a tummy stabber.”
“He is sooo not FBI”
“She smashed the table, do you think it’s made of rubber? Like to make it look real?”
“Oh, he had relations.”
“Yeahhhh” Under her voice when Kara throws Rick across the room. “Oh she’s going to kick your butr, you might as well bend over right now.”
“DO IT, give him a new haircut” When Kara’s eyes went red.
“You have x-ray vision Kara, go fly over the city with your x-ray vision.”
“You know what that reminded me of ‘We toys can see everything’.”
“No you didn’t, nobody was there, she did it in private. All you saw was the burning car.”
“The always say put two and two together, but obviously if it took that long, the equation was a little harder than that.”
“Yeah, because they’re doing this sort of stuff in Jr High.”
“Kara needs to accidentally step on his toes, because they’ll flatten.” Then she slapped her hands together and madesquishing noise.
“She is far more intelligent than I anticipated, not like book smarts because that’s obvious, but like now she has street cred.” After Lena uses the Alien detection device on Rhea.
Under her breath, “Getmos is Gwatameno Bay....that’s totally J’onn.”
“She’s going to MCGyver the crap out of that thing. WHAT IS SHE DOING? AHHHHH WHY IS SHE DOING THAT? “When Alex cuts her tracker out with the credit card. “You can’t plant the chip in there. THat does suck. Yeah and those wires connect perfectly into that thing.”
“That look...disdain.” IN reference to the look Maggie gives Rick when she’s going to leave the room.
“I hope you can swim...she’s a secret agent of course she can swim”
“She’s got to be there right?...don’t answer me.”
“Use your credit card it worked last time.” I asked for what. She said, “it doesn’t matter it worked.”
“Kara has very big arms, she looks like a girl I played basketball against once.”
“Literally, she is a little bit bigger than her.”
“haha she’s going to a closet....hey pun not intended.”
“Would you call her by her first name once in her life? You are not on a softball team.” 
“Name her gertrude? What is she russian?”
“Oh Snap, her comes Mon-El’s mama, mama El.” “That’s right, get out of Lena’s office.”
“But really how does she know all this stuff about Earth, she’s only been around for like a week?”
“Lena, I don’t have time for you.” Pretending to be Kara when Lena is calling.
“No everything is not okay. My sister has been kidnapped. I need you to come hug me”
“Like I said fly over and Xray it... a fly by shooting if you will.”
“I’d have blamed myself too.”
“Break your father free? What is she, superman. You’re confused sir, Supergirl is the blonde one.”
“you’re missing the point pal.” Sing song voice. “Murdereer.
“I Like that she’s taken off her shoes and her socks, I mean if you’re going to take off your shoes, may as well take off your socks too.
“Now she’s taking her pants off, WOAH!!!! She’s making a floaty with her pants. She wears boxers like you. That’s definately where she wears her guns.”
“Maggie’s gone rogue.”
“Maggie letting the bad guy out is not a good idea.”
“Oh my.” (The tech) “She totes got that from the aliens.”
“Maybeeee not the best thing to have done with your life, you know, raising a bad guy.”
“Oh snap, have you been a good father today?” When Kara was giving her speech.
“That was a quick 4 hours.”
“Hello, go punch it.” Before Kara goes and punches the glass
“Give her the kiss of life.”
“Oh nevermind, she’s breathing.”
“Just hold her.”
“How did she get there as fast as Kara” I told her Kara flew her. “Kisses, sisters before misters, thanks for the ride, dueces.”
“Awww that so cute. Finally you used her first name.”
“Punch him Punch him in the face. Kick him kick him in the little boys.”
“YESSS!!!!!!!” little kid voice “oh my nose.”
“No you guys need to talk about it. DON”T JUST MAKE BRUNCH PLANS LENA.”
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