Megan.25.lesbian.Montana.Single I’m obsessed with SuperGirl and Wynonna Earp. SuperCorp.SuperCat.SuperLane.AgentReignWayHaught.WynAught.
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Good afternoon to this film poster and this film poster only
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elizabeth swan and will turner are actually SO romance in the first movie and not enough people acknowledged this because the early 2000s were the age of the edgelords who only valued jack sparrow’s moral ambiguity and that is the TRUTH
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If you ever have the time: a fic devoted to Lena being obsessed with how perfect Kara’s hair is. Hair porn fic
There are blogs dedicated to Kara’s hair. YouTube streams. Tutorials. Twitter accounts. Endless instagram feeds of windswept flyaways, sunkissed highlights, and champagne curls.
But Lena’s willing to bet that Kara’s hair fan club hasn’t experienced the micro trauma of meeting Supergirl in person. Her hair is three dimensional in sight, touch, and smell. The latter, in particular, is ruinous. None of them have been pressed up against her, Kara’s arms under their legs, their face tucked away into the warm sanctuary of her neck. They can’t grasp the kind of salon grade, downright devastating scent that flows out of that hair, soft as the caress of the clouds they fly through.
Lena’s not even sure how to describe it. Ultra-rich shea butter? Olive or avcoado oil? Plant essences? What ingredients even create that kind of depth, tone, and shine?
Lena is no stranger to hair. She can braid. She does glossy high ponytails, coiffed buns, cascading waves, and straight parts. Her hair routine is just as rigid as her work schedule. She’s intimately familiar with gels and oils and six part conditioning routines. She normally schedules blowouts at 6 am in the morning. Her bathroom pantry is color coded.
So, that’s where the questions come in. Having known her well for years, she wonders... when does Kara find the time? What shampoo and conditioners does she use? Does she super speed through her routine? Is her hair sun enhanced too? Can it be cut with normal scissors?
It eats away at her.
Maybe Lena cracks.
Kara’s sitting there on her couch one afternoon, polishing off her lunch, licking absently at a finger (the anguish Lena has to deal with.) Her hair is up in a ponytail, and Lena understands why. Her hair is the most Super thing about her alter ego, and it must be normalized, controlled, and tamped down.
But it’s when Kara reaches up to tighten it that her biceps flex, and a madness descends over Lena. At her angle near the water pitcher, she can see the back of Kara’s neck, the wisps at her temple, the hair on her arms glinting in the light from the window. The halo of blonde contrasted with the blue of her eyes is like a sunrise over the ocean.
It’s too much.
She finds herself behind Kara, the scissors from her desk drawer in her hand. She’s thinking (madly) that this is for science. She will discover the secrets of such perfection for general public well-being. It’s for the greater good, a better world--
“What’re you doing?” Kara turns, sees Lena hovering there like a murderer.
Lena goes for broke.
“Cutting a lock of your hair.”
Kara’s eyebrows pinch. “Why?”
“For science?”
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I got this tattoo a couple of weeks ago. My cousin is an apprenticing artist and she did it for me. I’m so happy with it. I got it for Supergirl. Because I obviously love supergirl. But also because the show, the comic books, and the fanfiction, all of it, got me through I really rough time in my life a few years ago. I was depressed and suicidal. But one of the things that kept me going was knowing there’d be a new episode I wouldn’t get to watch if, a new comic book I would get to look at, or a new chapter in a fanfiction I wouldn’t get to read, if I killed myself.
I’m doing better now, but I’m still a huge fan. But I’m just crazy thankful that I had Supergirl at that time in my life. And I’m super thankful to be a part of the community and fandom.
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So I’m watching Criminal Minds, from the start to the finish.
And we ship Emily and JJ, right????
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“‘I still love the people I’ve loved, even if I cross the street to avoid them.”
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I haven't posted on this account in AGES.
A few years back, around the time that the Supergirl and Wynonna Earp shows started gaining traction, I opened a whole new account, new email address, the whole 9 yards, it is, @supergirlspurgatory. I did that because I didn’t feel like I was doing this blog justice by primarily posting and reblogging content for those shows. This blog was always about talking about me, talking about my life as a young woman coming into the world and thusly coming out of the closet and coming to terms with my sexuality as a lesbian.
Over the last several years while I’ve been neglecting JustAKnightInShiningWhatever, I’ve grown and changed as a person, a lot. I’ve found love, I’ve lost love, I’ve broken hearts, I’ve had my heart broken, and most recently, I’ve had an incredible woman come into my life who I have fallen hard for and who accepted me despite my bent and broken soul, and has managed to heal my heart. Now, I just want to say, the last 11 months that she has been in my life, they have been a journey, an incredible voyage. I’ve learned so much, I’ve grown so much, I’ve become acquainted with what true happiness is. I am finally at a point in my life, where even when I go through tough times, I can’t help but thank the heavens for the beautiful life I have been gifted.
Now, all that being said, as I write this, at 6.30 AM on Friday, the 17th, of April, 2020, the world has fallen into turmoil and chaos. I think we were all hopeful that 2020 was going to be a new, beautiful, and amazing chapter in our lives. Now, I’m not saying it isn’t, or in the very least, it doesn’t still have the potential to be. But as it stands now, things are difficult. The world is overrun by a pandemic that I don’t think the majority of us saw coming. The United States is being ran by a president who doesn’t seem to know what he’s doing, and I believe the majority of us are still wondering, how he managed to get elected into office. Many of us are ill, many of us have lost our jobs, many of those who are still working, are having to do so from home, and those who are still able to go to work, are risking their lives everyday, as they could be exposed to the virus at any time.
Personally, I was laid off from my job. The first job, I think that I have ever truly enjoyed, with a team that I loved and miss dearly. Before being laid off, I had a close call with the virus. I had many of the symptoms in mid-March, and had to fight to get tested. Fortunately, the test came back negative. But I was still required to quarantine for a full two weeks. As of today, I have been home for 33 days. I was lucky, and was able to see the special girl in my life, right before I got sick. But I have not seen her since, because she lives 7 hours away, and lives on her family ranch with her mom, who is immunocompromised. This is the longest we have gone without seeing each other since meeting. It’s hard, I miss her desperately, but we’re doing what we need to do, to not only protect ourselves but to protect our loved ones as well.
As the pandemic continues, the days get longer and lonelier. I find it more and more difficult, each day, to find things to keep my mind busy. I’ve had to stop following the news because it just gives me more and more anxiety and fills me with more and more fear. I choose instead to rely on my family and friends who I am in regular contact with, for daily updates on the important things and I avoid all the rest.
But I have read and heard a few amazing things in this time. I’ve heard that the hole in the ozone layer is getting smaller and at a rate quicker than we’ve ever seen. Large cities across the world, like Los Angeles, New York, Hong Kong, Tokyo, and many others, are seeing huge improvements in their air quality and pollution levels are incredibly low. I read an article about thousands of sea turtles laying eggs on a beach that they hadn’t done much laying on in many years because of pollution, littering, and human interference. Companies like General Motors, Ford, and Dyson have switched their factories around so they can start producing respirators to help with the mass shortages that hospitals in the United States are facing. Many clothing companies have halted production and started instead, making face masks, to help protect not only health care workers, but also the general public, who still have to go out for work and groceries. This is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the amazing stories that I’ve heard and I hope to continue to hear more.
I think that it is important, to look for these positives right now. It’s all about finding the small things in each day to bring you joy. Reach out to an old friend that you haven’t spoken to for a while, and have a phone call or video chat to catch up. Make your favorite meal to enjoy. If you’re at home with family, friends, or roommates, take some time to learn something new about them. Pull out a board game, from the back closet, and play it together. Read that book that you’ve been putting off. Watch a new movie that sparks your interest or watch your favorite movie again. Go through your closet and put together a pile of clothing to donate to your local thrift store. Get online and do some research on a topic that’s always interested you. Make an effort to learn something new.
The world is going through a tough time right now. Please, please, please, try to find things to bring you at least little happiness, everyday.
On that note, I’m going to end this post. I hope it brings at least one person some sort of comfort. I’m going to make an effort to post regularly on this page from now on. So you’ll be hearing from me.
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bold of male reviewers to assume we care about their opinion on Captain Marvel
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I used to always say I didn’t want to be with a girl who had a dog before she had me because she would 100% love the dog more.
My girlfriend has a dog that she’s had since he was a puppy, that’s 12 now.
She one hundo percent loves the dog more than me.
But I’m laying in her bed, spooning this giant yellow lab while she does ranch chores because I don’t feel good.
And I, one hundo percent, love this dog more than I love her. And I love her more than I thought I was capable of loving someone. So I guess I’m saying it’s okay.
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imagine being a normal citizen of arendelle. you’re just minding your goddamn business when the queen plunges your kingdom into eternal winter, very nearly killing you. she then somehow recovers from that absolute PR nightmare by building a cool ice rink. then three years later you’re forced to evacuate because that bitch decided to Awaken The Spirits of the Enchanted Forest and you almost die AGAIN when the kingdom almost floods– but wait, she saves the day! so it’s Fine!
then she hands the kingdom over to her normal well-adjusted sister and peaces out to the scandinavian wilderness to become a full-time forest cryptid. she can occasionally be spotted riding her magical water horse across the sea like lesbian jesus. you have no idea what the fuck just happened. you’re just trying to sell some lutefisk. how do you explain this to your children
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this tiktok is the danvers sisters send tweet
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Today, I’m going to play a delicate game of, how drunk can I secretly get without anyone noticing.
Because for the first time in like 10 years, I’m going to family Thanksgiving.
Since the last time I’ve been to a family gathering like this, a lot had happened,
1. I came out as a giant Dyke.
2. It has come to light that my brother sexually molested me for many years in my adolescence, but we don’t acknowledge that.
3. That same brother has been in and out of jail and is currently doing his third stint in rehab for his meth habit.
4. My dad married the worst woman in the world who keeps him from the family.
5. My grandpa passed away leading to my cousin trying to make a super casual hostile takeover of the family farm and ranch.
There’s gonna be a lot going on today with a lot of drama and I just am not excited.
Ohhhhh and did I mention that I’ve spent the last 6 months playing chicken with my grandma, because she knows that I’m seeing someone and I know that she knows that I’m seeing someone, and she knows that I know that she knows. But both of us refuse to bring it up in our bi-weekly phone conversations. But, someone, namely one of my many cousins is bound to bring it up today and I’m not going to be able to keep myself from absolutely gushing about this girl because I am in LOVE and I’m gonna marry her.
Also.....there is absolutely not cell phone service or internet connection where I’m going.
Pray for me or whatever.
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spinoff prequel from supergirl that focuses on a young lena luthor solving crime and whatnot as a teenager but its just katie mcgrath w curly hair trying to play a convincing 14 year old and the show is called lena luthor: teenaged sleuther
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