#My first work in this fandom
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A Very ϛ̢́͆ι͐́ͭꝲ͊̆ͮꝲ̻̼Уͫ̍̂ Boi
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omgahgase · 2 years
for the last of us girlies who want more HAPPY ellie and joel, i give you this 🫶
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acacia-may · 4 months
How Much You Wanna Risk? (Sukka (ATLA) Hurt/Comfort Fic)
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“It’s…risky falling in love during a war...”
After seeing the Ember Island Players’ production of “The Boy in the Iceberg,” Sokka finally fully opens up to Suki about Yue, and, in turn, they share some truths about their own relationship.
Sokka x Suki Hurt/Comfort. Past Sokka x Yue is mentioned.
Word Count: 2,016. Rated G. (Warnings: ATLA spoilers. Some discussion of death & grief)
Link to work on AO3. Full Text Below The Cut.
A/N: The title is taken from a line in the song “Something Just Like This” by The Chainsmokers & Coldplay which has always made me think of Sukka!
Thank you for reading!
“Hey…uh…you guys go on ahead,” said Sokka with a nonchalant shrug of his shoulders. “We’ll catch up to you.”
Suki tilted her head. As they had made their way back from the Ember Island Players’ theater, she had noticed Sokka shuffling his feet and purposely slowing down—creating distance between them and their companions, but she wasn’t sure the rest of their friends had noticed until he had told them to go on ahead. It seemed they were all far too preoccupied with other things after having been left disgruntled and otherwise soured by that…performance, for lack of a better term. No one had had much to say on their walk back to Fire Lord Ozai’s vacation home where they had been staying, and they had none of their usual teasing remarks, snarky quips, or protests to Sokka’s request they leave the two of them behind alone.
After the others had gone, Sokka nudged her towards the beach—his arm still draped around her shoulder, pulling her against his side. “Is it okay if we talk for a little bit?”
“You want to talk? I thought you just wanted to go make out somewhere,” she dryly bantered with a teasing laugh. When he didn’t banter back, crack a joke, laugh teasingly, or even really smile at her, Suki swallowed hard. She watched as his mouth twitched just barely in the corners, and her brow furrowed. He hadn’t seemed as upset about the play as the others, but maybe it had really gotten to him, too…
Her expression softened, and she affectionately nestled her head against the crook of his neck. “Yeah, we can talk.”
As Sokka pulled away from her to stake out a spot on the beach, he smiled, but it was tempered, metered, so unlike his usual bright ear-to-ear grins. Something twisted in the pit of her stomach. He was honestly starting to worry her a little, but she didn’t think now was the time to voice that—at least not yet. It would probably be best to listen to whatever he had to say first. If something was bothering him, he was probably planning on telling her…or at least she hoped he was. She liked to think they had that kind of relationship, but just for added reassurance she said, “You can always talk to me about anything, you know?”
Taking a seat beside her, Sokka nodded, but he stared wistfully out at the full moon. “After tonight, I just felt like I owed you an explanation…”
“For what?”
Sokka sighed. “Me ‘making out with the moon spirit.’”
With a shake of her head, Suki huffed as he paraphrased the quip she had made earlier. “Is this about that ridiculous play?” She resisted the urge to roll her eyes. “You know I was just giving you a hard time. I don’t think you actually made out with the moon.”
She chuckled lightly but stopped abruptly when he didn’t join in aside from letting out a heavier breath than normal. Usually in moments like these, Sokka would have been the one trying to lighten the mood by making her laugh—not the other way around. It felt…off this way.
After a somewhat uncomfortable pause, Suki swallowed hard then added, a bit unsurely, “But uh…if you did, it wouldn’t actually bother me, you know? I was really just teasing you.” She shrugged but sighed. She wasn’t sure what kind of response he was looking for from her. He couldn’t possibly think she was genuinely upset about this, could he?
He turned to her with a smile, but something sad in his eyes gave her pause, and immediately made her apologize, “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be. I…should’ve told you before, but I uh…I actually did kiss the moon spirit.” As a flush of deep red appeared on his cheeks, he tilted his head at her with a somewhat helpless smile before he scratched the back of his neck. “It’s not like I didn’t tell you because it’s some big secret or anything. I mean, I even told Zuko about it.”
“Really?” Suki interjected before she could stop herself, and Sokka let out a light chuckle.
“Yeah…it was kinda…awkward.” He paused, chuckling again, before he swallowed. “It’s not something that’s easy for me to talk about but…I wasn’t trying to hide it on purpose. Honestly, I even kind of tried to tell you about it before—back at the Serpent’s Pass, remember? But I guess I didn’t realize you didn’t actually know the whole story until you said that thing about me kissing Yue—er…uh…the moon spirit, earlier.”  
Suki’s heart ached as she remembered back to that deeply vulnerable moment they had shared at the Serpent’s Pass. Sokka had opened up to her about how he hadn’t been able to protect someone he cared about. His pain had been palpable. She would never forget it. He hadn’t told her many details, but he hadn’t needed to. She could feel how much and how deeply he had cared about the person he lost and how hard it had been for him to try to move forward when he had felt like it was his fault that his loved one had passed away. She had tried to be sympathetic and  understanding, but she had never felt it was her place to pry so she hadn’t asked any follow-up questions, especially since Sokka himself had never brought it up to her again.
She sighed heavily—something guilty coiling and twisting in the pit of her stomach and she apologized again, “I’m sorry. I would have never teased you earlier if I had known—”
“No, I—” he cut her off. “It’s okay. I know you wouldn’t have. That’s not the problem I just…” He stopped—taking a deep breath, and Suki placed a comforting hand on his shoulder.
“You can tell me if you want to talk about it, but you don’t need to explain yourself to me. It’s really none of my business, and it doesn’t change anything.”
Sokka nodded, but he turned to her—taking her hand and meeting her eyes with something bittersweet but determined in them. “I want you to know.”
With a reassuring nod, Suki gave his hand a gentle squeeze, and he told her the whole story. From the first time he had seen Yue and been so immediately smitten that he had almost fallen into the frigid water of the Northern Water Tribe’s canal system to him awkwardly fumbling his way through asking her if she’d like “to do an activity” to being so engrossed in talking to her that he had actually fallen into the frigid water of the Northern Water Tribe’s canal system to the heartbreak of learning she was already promised in an arranged marriage and, ultimately, to the grief of losing her as she sacrificed herself to become the moon spirit and save her people.
“I held her as she died…” he said—his voice wavering, quiet and uneven as if no matter much how much time had passed the weight of those words would always break something in him. “I felt like it was all my fault…because I couldn’t protect her.”
Suki’s heart ached for him—for the heart-wrenching hitch in his voice and for the glistening mist in the corners of his eyes. For everything he had been through and how much he had suffered. For how much he had loved Yue, and for how much Suki now loved him.
“It wasn’t your fault, Sokka,” she said, wrapping her arms around him and pulling him close until he pressed his chin to her shoulder.
After a long, heavy pause, he pulled away from her. “I know that now,” he sighed. “But that doesn’t change the way I feel.”
“You still care about her.” It wasn’t a question.
Sokka turned to stare out at the full moon again—bright and shining in the sky as its reflection rippled in the water. He sighed, but he nodded. “I think I always will…at least in some way. And I think I’ll always feel a little guilty too—like there was something more I could have done, like I could’ve protected her if I had just been a little stronger.”
Suki swallowed hard. She wasn’t sure if it was her place to say this, but the words slipped out of her mouth before she could stop them, “I don’t think she expected you to protect her. She sounds like such a brave and strong person. Making a sacrifice like that…she protected the people she loved.” Suki paused and turned to meet his eyes. “She protected you.”
Sokka took a deep breath. He stared out at reflection of the moon in the water as sand ran through his fingers. Suki was about to apologize for overstepping, for saying the wrong thing, but a smile twitched in the corners of Sokka’s mouth and he conceded, “You’re right…”
“That’s what we do for people we love,” said Suki—a certain flush in her cheeks as she tilted her head towards him. “We want to protect them.”
With a bittersweet nod, Sokka sighed again—shrugging his shoulders conciliatorily with a light, somewhat helpless chuckle. “Everyone I love is so strong. No matter how strong I try to be, it always comes down to them protecting me in the end.”
“Sokka—” she began to say as she placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder, but she stopped abruptly as she watched a slight, bittersweet smile spread across his face in the moonlight.
“I know they don’t need me to protect them. I know you don’t need me either,” he admitted, cutting her off as he reached out to press his palm to her cheek. “But even if you don’t need me to protect you…that doesn’t mean that I don’t want to.”
He shrugged his shoulders but turned away. As he dropped his hand from her face, she reached out her own hand to him and pressed her palm to his cheek, gently tracing patterns on it with her thumb until he finally turned to look at her again.
“Sokka…I might not need you to protect me, but that doesn’t mean I don’t need you. I do need you”—she took his hand—“right here, by my side. We can fight together—protect each other.” She paused, and something warm spread through her chest as a gentle smile tugged at the corners of her mouth. “Fan and sword, right?”
Her smile widened as she saw that her repetition of the team name Sokka often playfully used for them had finally earned a smile from him. Something softened in his eyes, and he wrapped his arms around her—pulling her into a tight hug. “Right…” he whispered. She could feel his hands clutching onto her, gentle but protective as he pulled her against his chest—pressing his cheek against hers and burying his nose in her hair. His warm breath brushed up against her skin, and he whispered almost directly into her ear, “I just…I don’t want to lose you too. It’s…risky falling in love during a war.”
She could feel his shoulders stiffen, and he began to fidget as if he hadn’t really meant to say that aloud. Those weren’t words they had never spoken to each other. The implication of them was a line that they had never crossed before. But…what he said was honest—vulnerable, and his sincerity made her cheeks grow warm.
She tightened her grip around him—pulled him closer and pressed her chin to his shoulder as she ran her hand through the hair at the base of his neck. “I think loving someone is always a risk…There’s so much we can’t control and so much to lose, but”—the slightest hint of a smile tugged at the corners of her mouth—“what we have to gain…is worth the risk.”
At these words, he pulled away from her just enough to finally meet her eyes. His face lit up with a bright, beaming smile as he gently cupped her face in his hands, leaned in, and kissed her.
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theyoake · 1 year
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bug man,, love him 🐛
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protectbatson · 1 year
Cupid is so Dumb
Obito finally gets the role of his career as the villain of one of Konoha's biggest TV productions, when a rumor about infidelity hits the media and threatens not only his friendship with Rin Nohara, but also his possibility of having his feelings reciprocated by his role partner and current crush, Kakashi Hatake.
where obito is in love with his role partner from the biggest action series on tv konoha but everything spirals when a rumor hits the media.
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Words: 2,008
Chapters: 1/5, Language: English
Fandoms: Naruto
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M, Multi
Characters: Uchiha Obito, Uchiha Madara, Nohara Rin, Hatake Kakashi
Relationships: Hatake Kakashi/Uchiha Obito, Uchiha Madara & Uchiha ObitoNohara Rin & Uchiha Obito, Hatake Kakashi & Maito Gai | Might Guy, Mitarashi Anko/Nohara Rin
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Actors, Alternative Dai-nana-han | Team 7 (Naruto), Misunderstandings, Nohara Rin Lives, One-Sided Nohara Rin/Uchiha Obito, Medic Nohara Rin, Uchiha Obito Needs a Hug, Uchiha Obito-centric, Bisexual Disaster Uchiha Obito, Gay Disaster Hatake Kakashi, My First Work in This Fandom, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, i have no idea what to put here anymore i think, i don't plan to write smut here but who knows, Boys In Love, Boys Kissing, if I remember anything later I'll update these tags here, yeah Naruto is a television show here, Good Uchiha Obito, Good Hatake Kakashi
read it on the AO3 here
read it in PT/BR at: Spirit Fanfiction
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autumnsup · 1 year
So I wrote a thing that's been rattling around in my brain for a few weeks... my first Velvet Goldmine fic ever! Arthur Stuart is probably the character I feel the most connected to, so most of the story is shown through his eyes, with a couple NSFW moments. Not sure if I will keep going in this vein, but I had fun with trying my hand at writing some of the characters, including the mysterious brooch of Wildean origin. Special mention goes to @mangle-my-mind and @moonage-xx-daydream , whose fic inspired me to write my own. 💖
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booknerd28 · 1 year
Comfort: Part One Azriel x Elain
A/n: Hi!! This is the first fanfic I’ve written and I’ve been reading so damn much of it I was very inspired to write some of my own so here we go! Be nice to me please!! I want to write more of this (and include the most smut and fluff) so its a series now because I got carried away lol
Includes: soft!Azriel discussions of feeling invisible and like nobody knows the real you. mostly fluff and a little bit of Elain angst. Mentions of grief and slight ACOWAR spoilers. He calls her sweetheart and comforts her and it warms my cold dead heart 💃 also I didn’t proof read this so I can guarantee nothing is misspelled but I can’t guarantee the grammar is perfect 🤪 ENJOY!!!
Holy shit
I stop dead as I spot Elain standing on the bridge that runs over the Sidra staring down at the river like shes looking for answers she can only find in the sparkling waters. No one is usually up as late as me so when I decided to walk through Velaris I didn’t expect to find anyone especially Elain in the streets. I was walking to stand in the exact spot Elain is standing to be alone and think and was so absorbed by my thoughts I didn’t even notice her standing there until one of my shadows screamed it at me. I debate just turning around and leaving but she looks so sad I can’t bear to turn away and leave her alone.
So I walk up to the bridge and stand next to her trying to think of something to say when she startles at my presence. “Oh! Hello Azriel” she says seeming to snap out of a trance.
I wonder what had her looking so solemn a moment ago what was running through her mind and I debate asking when she again says “I didn’t expect anyone to find me here” she says subdued as if shes saying it more to herself than to me.
I scramble for something to say. Damn it I should’ve walked away I cant comfort her anymore than I can comfort myself which isn’t at all. So I settle on something simple because it was too late to walk away. “Hi Elain, I didn’t either” I stumbled over the words like an absolute idiot.
She looked at me with that shining hair and those gorgeous eyes which were alarmingly red as if she’d been crying rendering me even more speechless than I already was. I open and close my mouth like a dying fish and then quickly look to the lake so hide the flush of embarrassment I could feel rising to my cheeks.
We’re quiet for a long moment after that until she quietly asks “Do you ever feel invisible?” I turn my head to her surprised at the question and I think on it. My entire life I wanted to be invisible welcomed it even because it meant that I was safe but nowadays it felt more like a prison than a comfort so I nodded.
I notice her eyes burning holes into my cheek so I turn my head to look at her to see tears in her eyes. I instinctively opened my arms to her hoping to offer any sort of comfort I could even if I didn’t exactly know what was bothering her so much. She walks into them burying her face in the crook of my neck while I stroke her hair savoring her warm soft skin against me.
I had had a crush on Elain for months but never acted on it because she had enough going on and I didn’t want to push her among other things. Her body starts vibrating with quiet muffled sobs and my heart breaks. I would hunt down whatever or whoever caused her such pain and take my sweet sweet time butchering them/destroying it.
Softly I ask, “Sweetheart, whats wrong?” she doesn’t respond simply tightening her arms around me. “Who do I need to kill?” I asked lightly trying to get her to laugh. Im rewarded with a small huff of breath and then a couple second later she pulls away just enough to look up at me with those gorgeous brown eyes and sighs, resting her head on my chest.
I continue stroking her hair waiting until shes ready to share whats bothering her. “I-I sometimes feel as if…”she shakes her head “never mind” she says pulling away farther. “I don’t want to dump anything onto you” I shake my head pulling her back in needing to hold her for as long as I can “No, please tell me” I plead softly.
She closes her eyes takes a deep breath then says “I sometimes feel like im not really alive, like im floating along and just surviving. Today I went to visit my dads grave and it just hit me that I’ll never be able to talk to him again and that im all alone in this world now” I frown “you’re not alone. You have Feyre and Nesta and me and Rhys and Cassian would do anything to protect you too” I refute. She shakes her head “I feel like Feyre and Nesta don’t really see me though. They see this meek quiet kind girl when I don’t feel like thats who I am anymore. I love my sisters but I don’t think they know the real me. I don’t think anyone does”
I frown even deeper I worried she felt like this ever since I noticed her hands tighten into fists when Feyre and Nesta said her powers we’re not to be used unless it was the last resort. “What do you want to do about it?” I asked diplomatically. If she needs help letting them know how she feels I will gladly take that weight of her shoulders.
“I think… I think I want to let them know I don’t appreciate being treated like im fragile” she says determination coloring her voice. I nod and pull her closer kissing her head. “Do you want my help telling them that?” I tentatively question. She shakes her head strongly in my arms. I release her so I can see her face, wipe away her tears and say “Thats my girl”. The prettiest smile blooms on her face and I grin, kissing her forehead. I swing my arm around her shoulders and start walking off the bridge kissing the side of her head. “Lets go get some sleep and then you can put them in their place sweetheart” I joke, she punches my arm and chuckles her face lightening like the sun thats just starting to crest the horizon.
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lys-9-10 · 10 months
“Y-you were gone—it took you again—I couldn’t see you—Michael”—
“Shhh.” Michael brings a hand up to Jeremy’s hair and gently cards his fingers through the short waves. “It’s okay. I’m here. You’re here. You’re good, Jer.” 
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Die Heilige Sinfonie
It's almost cake time? Could say we're cutting it fine.
(You're NOT ready)
(Weak, unsteady)
(Is it petty?)
(Let me set this real...)
(You done lost it)
(Victim? No shit)
(Yet you claim I)
(Don't know how you feel?!)
Oh... It's Iggy. That's where he ran off? I wonder what for? The others are probably worried about 'em.
"You... What was all that about?" Best not make it weird 'til he inevitably snaps.
"Bahahahaha! Nothin' a human should know! Seriously, nothing to worry about!" He's... bad at lying. Or is he only good at lying when it's not important to him?
"I'm unconvinced. If it really were nothing, you wouldn't have shooshed out your brothers and sister like that. And not to mention you storming out like that... Is childhood really that embarrassing?"
"Again, Sil-chan... IT'S. NO. THING. Now shaddup about it!" Blegh... "Sil-chan"...
"Aw... Now I'm curious. Wait, don't tell me... This is about your... attitude changes, yeah?"
"My WHAT?! When did ya hear about that?! Ahahaha!" Now that was a more nervous laugh. He's cracking. I KNOW IT.
"Heh... I had a hunch you did. Don't think that because I used to never leave my room, that I didn't know anything."
"Oh really? Like what?" You're pushing your luck, Iggy. But if you insist...
"Lot's, actually... Let's see... Morton knowing how to bake, Ludwig not liking cats, Larry owning porn magazines, Lemmy wanting to express sadism in battle like the others, Roy viewing Wendy as his biggest weakness, Wendy not knowing how to swim... And you being-"
"Shove it already, Sil-chan! I told you to shut up about it!" Oh hey! He's actually pissed off at me! That's good!
"If you're that mad at me, you wouldn't be using that nickname. Though, I really don't see what's got you so ticked at me an' my curiosity. Is it really that bad?"
"..." Heh. Was only a matter of time before I got him to shut up. It's really that simple.
"As I thought. Hahahaha! ...Tell you what, though. We could strike a deal for this information." I told you I'm now curious.
"What's in it to you?" He snapped at me rather quickly. This anger radiating off of him... I like it. But I have one more wish... Will you cry for me, please?
"I do love my secrets... And for a dear friend's secrets? Mm! Delectable! Tell me... What do you think about letting me ask my questions... in exchange for tight lips on this? We could reach a mutual agreement... IF the feeling is mutual."
"Nope! No chance!" *sigh*
"As expected... Well, what do you suggest as favor? In exchange for this, I mean? I'm trying to help you, you know..."
"Fine! Tell me what's YOUR biiiiiiig secret?!"
"Hmph... Fine. Let's see... MY personality change didn't come from a day, either. Do you know that I'm also an accomplished explorer? Yes... One such treasure at the end of these excursions is what gave me this brand. It was a mask that reverses the wearer's personality for a day... But I hated being your laughing stock... Why, I was too shy, enough where all of you would make fun of me. So I provided some adjustments to it... lo and behold." Sounds like I was just pulling that outta my ass, but it's true. Heh...
"Really?! I DON'T BELIEVE YOU!" Oh my... Yelling already? That's what I like to see...
"Listen...  May I clarify and remind you that I'm interested in learning partially because YOU'RE so guarded for it, and because I legitimately WORRY what happened to you?"
"EVERYONE WORRIES YOU IDIOT!!" Woah. "Everyone's ALWAYS wonderin' 'What happened to you?', but they never EVER stop 'n think that they're part of the problem! Help you I'll help you I'll help you... Everyone says that, so WHY couldn't they help me?!" I... wasn't aware of this half of 'em.
"What's goin' on over there??" Oh god, that can't be Lemmy... WHY NOW?!
"Phew! Iggy I was worried about you! Why'd you-Oh hey Silvy-lady."
"We're in the middle of something here... Do you mind?"
"Well... What WERE you doing?" Fuck.
"Well..." Iggy you bastard! Keep your mouth shut! He thus brought the little one to tell him what happened last until now. "Really?" Yes Lemmy. Correct answer. Ugh!
You people are SO protective of each other it makes me sick! Why can't someone be violently protective to me too? Boring boring boring!
*bzzt* *klunk klunk* 
"Okay then... Silver." Flatly using my first name only... Ehe. "What do you think the secret is?"
"Hmm... Your dearly devoted little brother's room elephant is... How he was just too shy and pathetic as a child, am I right?" Again, I can hardly fathom why you two insist on keeping this a secret?
Lemmy was just stumped. Never saw his shocked look before. Iggy, meanwhile, was just... blank-faced. No anger, no bitterness, no sorrow, just... perfect stoicism. Hey... Maybe now my questions can be answered...! Oh man, this is really gettin' me excited!
"Couldn't you have guessed? Maybe you knew..." Nope, never mind.
"Never mind him... Come closer, be nice, and answer me, please... Just why are you so protective on this...?" Press up against your target. Look for any gaps in discomfort among participants.
"Honestly... Why the hell are you so interested in me...? It's so embarrassing, ya know? Hahaha..."
"I just know you're gonna falter... Heyyyy... How 'bout ya answer this question~?"
"You said no one cared 'bout you enough for that problem... Yet Lemmy seemed to know. 'Course, knowing and caring are two distinct things... So tell me... Does your little buddy care~? He's someone... so he counts under everyone...!"
"Of course... This doesn't follow if you were thinking of... something else. Were you and I thinking of the same thing...? Or maybe... You were thinking of... something else ENTIRELY~!"
"...Aw. You broke my neck. I'll have to fix that later... How could you do a thing like that? How could you do a thing like that? How could you do a thing like that? How could you do a thing like that?" Make your way back to your target. Get. Out. Of. My. Way.
"*shove* When I was just trying to help your brother. When I was just trying to help your brother. When I was just trying to help your brother. When I was just trying to help your brother. When I was just trying to help your brother. When I was just trying to help your brother. I thought we were friends." And again, we meet our target.
"Listen, retard... If you're gonna be like that... Then I have ways of making you talk, Ignatius~ Your siblings are over there... yeah? How would you feel... if you had your nasty secret ratted out to the others...? That's gonna be your fate of mockery, if my guess is right. So why don't you just hurry up and tell me?! Why are you so into keeping this a secret anyhow?" His face was shadowed. He was facing downward, he was quaking a bit. That'll teach 'em...
"Go an' tell 'em... Do what ya want... Just LEAVE ME OUTTA THIS...!"
"hEY-! IGGY SLOW DOWN!!! COME BACK!" Again... What? Just like that... Voice cracked, and BAM! He ran outta here! He's FAST.
"Well... Can't really say I told you so-"
"Why couldn't you have just stayed out of this...? Or at least told ME something." I wasn't really mad, per see. Okay, I was a little mad. But no one has kept a secret away from Silver and LIVED. She's intelligent and charming enough to find it out.
"A secret stays a secret! What else was I gonna do?"
"Keep quiet about this? All I saw was him storming out of the fancy kitchen. Never the conversation content that was the tipping point."
"Uh... Sorry about the neck."
I just ignored him.
"Aren't you curious on why his childhood embarrasses him so...?"
"...I mean, I wouldn't hate knowing-"
"See? I'll wring him outta the secret if it's the LAST thing I do here..." Off to the castle indoors! I have a camera to see! Run run run! Ehe.
Why did I say okie doki to this?
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: The Cleaning Lady (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Thony De La Rosa & Nadia Morales, Minor or Background Relationship(s), Arman Morales/Nadia Morales Characters: Thony De La Rosa, Nadia Morales Additional Tags: Female Friendship, Uneasy Allies, Implied/Referenced Character Death, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Episode: s03e01 Arman, Implied/Referenced Abuse, Past Abuse, My First Work in This Fandom Summary:
When Arman disappears, Thony forges an uneasy alliance with Nadia and reveals some things about her own history.
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enyter · 1 year
Heyo, I know I don’t post much, but I strangly gained a burst of confidence and posted on AO3 for the first time ever... so... you know... I would deeply appriciate if you would check it out <3  
Fandom: The Forest (Video Game), Sons of the Forest (Video Game) Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Characters: Mutants - Character, Original Characters Additional Tags: Horror, Survival Horror, Survival, Mutants, POV First Person, Teamwork, Blood and Violence, Gore, Original Character(s), Original Player Characters, Brutality, Not Beta Read, My First Work in This Fandom, My First AO3 Post, The Forest-like AU
The marketplace is abuzz with the hushed conversations of billionaires, each stall offering unique and exotic wares. However, my curiosity swiftly gives way to a growing sense of unease as I stumble upon a collection of humanoid creatures, perhaps the result of unsettling experiments. I pass them fast, and try to ignore this discovery, till a blood-curdling screech fills the air...
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vulpixsworld · 1 year
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Hopefully coming soon this summer! My first fanfic story!!!!
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acacia-may · 1 year
Faulty Wires and Empty Spaces [YTTD Fanfic]
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Description: Finding Kai sparks a malfunction in Ranger's AI, drudging up a puzzling memory of two brothers and leaving Ranger questioning whether there really is a certain break in his circuitry--faulty wires misfiring into empty spaces. Could there really be something...missing?
Genre: Heavy Angst, Tragedy, Extremely Dark Themes, Family Angst, Problematic/Complicated Fictional Sibling Relationship, Childhood Trauma, Some Sibling Hurt/Comfort in a Flashback but This Story Is Mostly Hurt With Very Little Comfort, Mid-Canon, Possibly(?) Canon Divergent, Character Study, Dark Character, Tragic Character, Unreliable Narrator, No Happy Endings.
Platonic Relationships: Rio Ranger & Kai Satou. Kai & Sei (*cries*).
Characters: Rio Ranger (POV Character). Kai Satou. Sei.
Rating: T for Language and Extremely Dark Themes (Please see "Warnings" below for more details).
Warnings: Language. Character Death. Implied/Referenced Suicide. Implied/Referenced Character Death. Implied/Referenced Murder. Implied/Referenced Death Game. Implied/Referenced Child Abuse. Childhood Trauma. Blood and Injury. No depicted graphic violence but many references to it. RANGER is the POV character (Seriously. The POV character is a deranged sociopathic murder doll. An extremely tragic deranged and sociopathic murder doll and one of my favorite villains of all time, but still... Goes without saying this is a DARK story. Please proceed with caution, friends). Mid-Canon. Possibly(?) Canon Divergent. Pain and Suffering. No Happy Endings. MAJOR SPOILERS for Chapter 2 and the Kai Minisode.
Word Count: 2338
Link to original post on AO3. Please do not repost to another site, but reblogs, likes, and comments are appreciated. Thank you!
Note: Many thanks to @repo-net the great for generously offering to read the draft of this story and for providing very helpful notes and feedback as well as the confidence to actually post this. (I couldn't have done it with you!) Another special word of thanks to my sister who played YTTD with me and who loves Kai very, very much--this story is dedicated to her. 💕
Story below the cut. Thank you so much for reading!
Click. The snaps of the hairclip are clasped around my hair now. Without a mirror, I can’t tell exactly how it looks, but I pinned it to the exact same spot as that dead human so it must look just as good in my hair as it did in his. Better actually, seeing as he looked pretty pathetic. They always do—especially when they’re dead. 
My head tilts as I stand over the body. There are small tears all over the clothes from those mechanical leeches. Death by exsanguination is fun, sure, but messy and… 
My hands quickly shuffle through my expression cards. Frustration. The etched face glares down at those ripped clothes. Blood stains are fine. I’ve no problem with those. They add character. And besides, Safalin can always clean it off if I want. But tears and rips? Nothing doing! Guess, the hairpin’s all I’ll get out of this one. 
With a huff and shrug of my shoulders, I switch expressions until my mouth is all cutesy like a little kitten that makes you want to throw up. Luckily there’s another one with clothes intact from the looks of it. Some cheeky bastard Miley couldn’t shut up about because he had the audacity to off himself or something. Where’s the fun in that? 
My hands twitch—shuffling through mouths again until I’m grinning down at the second body. Not so cheeky now that he’s lying face down in his own blood. All that fake bravado and resistance only got him so much, huh? Humans are so stupid. Such pathetic and worthless creatures. Though this one’s not completely worthless, I suppose. At least his clothes aren’t all ripped up, and what’s that tied around his waist? 
I flip the body. 
It’s an apron. 
My hands stop, and my head tilts curiously at the corpse. Have I seen this person somewhere before? 
Sparks of electricity interrupt my train of thought. A malfunction perhaps? Faulty wiring? No good. 
My vision goes suddenly blurry. There’s a whirring sound—a pounding and sparking sensation of misfiring circuitry. 
I forget to change my expression. What is it right now? And what should it be? A grin? A frown? A—? 
My head throbs. I have no choice but to stop thinking. All that’s left is the deafening whirring sound. The spinning room. Electric impulses to nowhere but a dark empty space. Broken wires. And a noise—a…a voice… You… You protected me. 
I clutch my hair in clumps. My hands curling around that hairpin. Stop it. Dad will be so angry when he finds out about this. I’m his prized doll. His favorite— 
The whirring finally stops. I can see something now. A…A dark crammed room. A cot in the corner. Two shadowy figures. 
“What are you doing here, dumbass?” grunts the figure on the cot slowly coming into focus. He is curled around his stomach—wrapped with bandages soaked red with blood. Pathetic. Humans are always so easily injured.  
“Sei, you’re okay.” The other figure has an expression not unlike the one many humans have right before they’re filled with crushing despair—as if they truly believe something better is waiting for them out there. I’ve seen it plenty of times, but there’s something especially familiar about this one. Have I seen this face before? Is this—? 
I stop. That person…that boy. It’s that body with the apron. 
I clutch my head as that whirring noise starts again. Electric sparks fire off into nowhere. I’ll have to talk to Safalin about this faulty wiring before Dad finds out. 
“Yeah, I’m fine,” huffs the other figure, Sei, I guess. Humans and their stupid names I suppose. 
“You’ve been unconscious for two days. I thought you were…” 
Sei huffs and runs a hand through his matted orange hair. “It’s going to take more than a stupid stab wound to kill me, Kai.” He frowns—blinking at Kai with narrowed amber eyes. I think about reaching for one of my own expressions, but I can’t seem to move. What is this bullshit? Why does this tiny, weak human look so much like…? 
“It was a deep wound,” argues Kai though his face and voice betray no emotions. “I asked Father to get you stitches. He eventually agreed. They were kind of crude though, so I’ve been trying to keep the wound clean.” 
Sei frowns again. More sparks. More wires. I can hear his voice even though his mouth doesn’t move: “I bet Father would’ve made sure you got stitches, Kai.” My mouth twitches. He’s jealous of the little dumbass. Of course, he is. Humans are so predictable. 
“You’ve always been Father’s favorite.” I hear Sei clear as day—that envy, that bitterness in his voice despite him not speaking any words at all. Can I read minds now? Not bad for a malfunction. Maybe I’ll keep that—if it’s not connected to that damn whirring sound and those shocks from live wires firing off into empty space, that is. There’s that throbbing in my head again. Clearly the circuit is interrupted or something. 
“I was worried the wound might go septic so I’ve been replacing the bandages,” Kai says aloud. I guess I can’t read his mind, though I wouldn’t be surprised if it was just empty. He seems like the type. “I’ve also been making soup, but you haven’t been able to eat anything…” 
“You made soup? Are you trying to poison me?” quips Sei, quirking an eyebrow. My head aches. 
“No.” Kai blinks before fumbling around for a bowl and holding it out to Sei. Show off, I hear Sei think. My head whirls again. Can I only read Sei’s mind? And why in the hell does he look so much like—? 
“Look at you, Kai,” Sei’s speaking voice cuts me off. Kai holds out a spoonful of soup to him, and as Sei reaches for it, he writhes in pain—coiling around that wound in his stomach in a way that’s clearly imperceptible to Kai but… I glance down at my hand clutching that exact spot on my own body on some kind of reflex. I can almost feel that wound throbbing in my side. What the hell? “You’re basically a house husband now. All you’re missing is an apron.”  
Apron? My head tilts. Didn’t that body have an…? 
That infernal whirring noise cuts off my thoughts. This has to be the strangest malfunction in history. Am I somehow seeing that cheeky dumbass’s life flashing before his eyes? 
No. Something immediately clicks somewhere amidst the misfiring wires. Not Kai. Sei. This is Sei’s memory. 
My head spins, and I start to lose my balance. I can’t believe it has taken me so long to realize it. No wonder that pathetic little human looks so much like me. He must have been the basis for my AI. 
Unable to reach for my expression cards, my own mouth curves into a frown. I am definitely malfunctioning. I’m a perfected version of a human—the superior Sei, I suppose you could say. I shouldn’t see his memories like this so why—? 
“You think so?” asks Kai, cutting me off. I can’t remember what he and Sei were even talking about, but Sei must have found it amusing seeing as he snorted a dry chuckle. 
“Yeah, but you don’t need to do anything else. I’m fine now.” 
My head burns with the sparks of live wires in busted circuitry again. What the hell’s going on? 
“What’d you even want to take care of me for anyway?” he snaps jerking away from Kai. He slumps over, and his whole body seems to twist around his injury. The dumbass human. That wound is probably throbbing with pain from the sudden movement, and my own side pangs—as if I can feel the sting of his wounds just like I can feel his jealousy. His frustration. His anger. His… His… 
My head tilts, and I blink at him. There is something else there, but I don’t have a clue what it is. Before I can even begin to think of it, however, I hear those same words from when I first started malfunctioning. 
“You…You protected me.” 
Sei huffs. “Why would I do that, airhead?”
“You protected me,” Kai repeats matter-of-factly. “You didn’t have to, and if you hadn’t, you wouldn’t have been injured.” 
“I just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Nothing doing,” Sei insists, but his words are laced with indignance and—fear? What could he possibly be afraid of?  
Kai just blinks at him—for far too long, in my opinion, and then he says exactly the kind of dumbass comment you’d expect from a human: “Thank you, Sei.” 
As I wait for Sei to rage or argue or tell him off, my head starts throbbing again marking the return of that unbearable whirring noise. 
“Forget about it,” Sei grunts. “We’re even now—since you looked after me or whatever. Don’t make this a big deal.” 
Kai shakes his head—the infuriating little bastard, but I don’t pick up on much anger or frustration from Sei. Stupid human… 
“It’s not about getting even, Sei. I didn’t take care of you for that.” 
“Then why…?” Sei only mumbles, but Kai must have understood. He meets his eyes.  
“Because we’re brothers.” 
Immediately, Sei rolls over on the cot so he’s facing away from Kai, his brother apparently though they don’t look a thing alike. He groans clutching his wound which he must’ve forgotten about for a moment. Tears well in his eyes—the pathetic little human. Their tolerance for pain is always so low. But it’s strange… I don’t feel much of that pang in my side this time. 
My brow furrows. Sei must be utterly tortured by his wound given how red and puffy his eyes suddenly became. How agonizingly painful it must be. I wonder why I don’t feel it anymore—I don’t feel anything of his anymore. No anger. No inferiority. No fear. No jealousy. He’s feeling—my head throbs again—something else? Something more? Something deeper…?  
Those sparks of electricity dart through my mind as it whirls and pounds—probably trying to complete its busted-up circuit but winding up dead in empty space. Empty space? 
“Sei?” asks Kai rushing over to the other side of the cot. When he sees Sei’s bloodshot eyes, his own eyes widen. 
Huffing, Sei covers his face with his hands. “Dammit, Kai!” 
“I didn’t want you to see that,” I can hear his thoughts clear as day. “I didn’t want you to know…” 
Know? Know what? 
Kai blinks at him for a long time. My head spins. Sei wipes his eyes. Broken wires fire at random—sparks flying everywhere as if they’re darting into dark and empty corners of my mind I didn’t know I had. What? 
Bullshit! If I’m following his brain patterns mine should be even better than his—not filled with faulty wires and empty spaces.
“Kai!” Sei’s startled gasp distracts me once again from my own malfunctioning mind. Kai has his arms draped around him. I shake my head. What a stupid thing—especially seeing as he’ll probably just end up bumping, poking, or aggravating that injury. Sei, however, doesn’t seem to care. His whole, tense body seems to relax as he shifts in his seat so he can wrap an arm around Kai shoulders. 
I hear Sei’s thoughts loud, clear, and determined as his brother grips onto him tightly and pulls him close. “I’d do it again—if that’s what it took to protect you.” 
That whirring noise. That pounding in my head. The little sparks and burns of misfired electric currents. If I could move, I would clutch my aching head, but I can’t move. I can barely even think. I can only watch, growing more and more painfully aware of a glaring break in my malfunctioning circuit—of my faulty wires and empty spaces. 
I clench my fist. Does Sei have something…I don’t? 
Surely not. After all, I am his perfected version—his superior version. Dad’s greatest creation. There’s nothing a filthy, worthless human could have that I don’t already possess in its most perfect form. 
But then—what? What is he—? 
“I’m just… I’m glad you’re okay…” Sei mumbles quickly before pulling away from Kai as I wrack my brain with bits and pieces of unanswered questions. Feeling those electric currents in dark synapses to nowhere—as if something is…missing. 
Faulty wires. Empty spaces. 
Something burns in my mind. Am I really that…broken? 
My head pounds and so does my circuitry—pulsing with rage as I grit my teeth, clench my fists, then tear and swipe at the memory. I shouldn’t have dark and empty corners. I shouldn’t have busted up circuits or faulty wiring. My circuitry is perfect. My programming is perfect. I am perfect. Superior to this flawed prototype. I am not broken! 
I rip that worthless human’s memory apart until it’s as torn and bedraggled as the clothes on the body of the Sacrifice. Now that even the phantom of that memory is in shreds, I can see that body and its ripped up clothes again—weak, pathetic, and useless, slumped over in a worthless dead heap. Just like Kai’s. 
I tower over what’s left of him—staring at it until I can see nothing else. Nothing except his long, matted strands of hair, his pale, sallow skin, and wrinkled, bloodstained apron. My head throbs and burns with live wires of broken circuits. I can still hear his voice.  You…You protected me. 
I pound at my head with clenched fists. Tugging at clumps of my hair. Pulling at that hairpin until…it all finally ends. 
My head tilts as I stare down at his body. I shuffle through my expression cards until I’m grinning once again. No more faulty wires. No more empty spaces. 
With a swift flourish, I take his apron. It’s mine now. 
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zosanbrainrot · 1 year
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zosantober day 12 - spicy
mandatory supplies stop
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i-am-bella-donna · 1 year
House of Horrors
Story Summary:
Katya was excited to move into an apartment with Derwin and Amber. Raine was out of town, so this was an opportunity for her and her friends to prove their capabilities as responsible adults. Of course, maybe they should not have started their debut into adulthood by moving into a dangerously haunted apartment. Rule #1: Always lock the front door.
Pairings: Familial Raine x BATs
Word Count: 2,651
A/N: This is both my first attempt at writing horror and my first attempt at writing fanfiction for The Owl House. I really hope you like it.
The sun was hanging low in the sky by the time Katya had finally shut and locked the apartment door behind her.
Derwin and Amber set the last of their boxes on the floor and collapsed like puppets with their strings cut as Katya stumbled over to the counter, her hands supporting most of her weight as she leaned over it. The three of them had begun the move-in several hours ago, not even taking a break to eat—Katya would be more surprised if they did not look dead on their feet.
With a heavy sigh, she surveyed their new apartment and, at last, broke into a weary smile. The condition was not perfect, but it was significantly better than any of them had expected to find within their budget.
Besides—Katya was fortunate enough to be renting an apartment with her two best friends.
She finally had a home. A family.
A few loose floorboards and stained walls were nothing in comparison.
“Any word from Raine?” Amber spoke up, breaking the comfortable silence. She peeled her arm away from her face and shifted into a more comfortable position on her chair.
Derwin did not open his eyes, sitting on the ground with his back against the wall. “Nothing since their last letter. But I already gave them our address, so any new messages will be sent here.”
Raine and a few other high-ranking members of the Bard Coven were spending a few weeks at the Toes for “official coven business.” Although Raine had been tight-lipped on the details of their trip—which Katya understood, as much as she hated the secrecy—they had apologized profusely for not being able to help the trio with move-in, and promised to come visit as soon as they were back in town.
But it was no issue.
As much as the three of them relied on Raine, they were still adults in their own right. Katya was mostly confident in her ability to take care of herself, and she knew the same was true of Derwin and Amber. This apartment was a chance for them to prove it.
What was the worst that could happen?
Rule #1: Always lock the front door.
Regardless of the time of day.
Regardless of who else is present.
Regardless of how soon you plan to leave.
When you enter the apartment, lock the door behind you.
The building was previously owned by Oracles.
Derwin, ever the voice of reason, had pointed out the obvious red flags of suspiciously cheap rent and a distinct lack of neighbors. However, Katya and Amber pointed out their even more obvious lack of money and subsequent inability to be picky in choosing an apartment.
And so the trio moved in.
They knew the building was inhabited by spirits—ghosts, ghouls, and others. But that was not entirely uncommon in Bonesborough—there had to be another reason why no one else dared to enter the building. A reason why the former tenants had disappeared without a trace, and even their landlord avoided the place like a plague.
They were expecting the situation to be uncomfortable.
But this was not what they had signed up for.
Closing the front door is useless on its own.
The first time, it was an accident. Amber swore she shut the door behind her—Derwin said the wind must have blown it open, and Katya teased her about forgetting to close it and lying to cover her tracks.
Still, it was no matter of concern. They were the only people in the building. Just shut the door again. No issue. Right?
One mistake was far from the end of the world.
But it was not just one mistake.
The door is a piece of wood. How can it possibly keep away spirits, who are not bound by the laws of nature? Even if the building appears empty, invisible intruders are present and waiting to make their way inside every nook and cranny.
As soon as you find yourself complacent, you will hear the door crack open.
Katya was in the kitchen the next time it happened. She was sitting cross-legged on the counter, tapping the back of her pen rhythmically against her notebook, when she heard it. The door opened with a creak, slow and steady, and footsteps filled the air.
She spoke without looking up. “Hey, Amber. You’re back early.”
The footsteps continued. There was no response. No click of the door being shut.
But Katya thought nothing of it. Why would she? “How was your day?”
The footsteps stopped at the edge of the kitchen, replaced by the sound of labored breathing. Katya blinked at the page as the distinct sensation of being watched settled over her.
“Amber?” she called, finally glancing up. “Are you…”
She froze.
Her notebook and pen hit the floor with a clatter.
Katya screamed.
They never forgot to lock the door again.
Rule #2: Never let go of the house keys.
House keys follow the usual party rules for drinks.
If you put down your drink, consider it sabotaged.
If you put down your keys, consider them cursed.
Despite their mischievous natures—with the exception of Derwin, who was a model of good behavior—the three young witches were surprisingly careful with their house keys. Amber attached her key ring to the Scroll that she rarely put down, and Katya kept hers on a chain around her wrist.
Even more surprisingly, Derwin was the first to actually set down his keys.
Not in his pocket. Not in his backpack.
On the dining room table.
He set his keys on the table while he cleaned a cooking explosion in the kitchen, because why would he need his keys right now?
He set his keys on the table for five minutes, because what could possibly go wrong in five simple minutes?
He set his keys on the table, because what was wrong with that? It was his home. Home was supposed to be safe.
Why bother with locking the door if the keys are in the open, where anyone can take them?
At first, Derwin did not notice anything wrong.
Five minutes passed.
Amber and Katya arrived home, an armful of groceries in tow. They shut the door behind them. Locked it—a new but already strong habit.
Another ten minutes.
Finally, the lock clicked.
Katya and Derwin did not pick up on the faint sound. Amber barely twitched.
But all of them heard the door creak as it opened. All three of them heard the footsteps.
The keys can only be used once by uninvited guests—immediately afterward, they disintegrate in the keyhole.
The shattering of glass filled the air.
When silence fell at last, Amber set a reminder to replace half of their groceries in the morning, her fingers shaking almost too badly to type on her Scroll.
But once is enough.
By some miracle, they were able to avoid permanent damage. Their landlord was even generous enough to provide a new key without extra charge—although her demeanor made the three suspect that she had expected this outcome.
They were not sure how to react to that possibility.
The next day, Derwin went out and bought them all lanyards for their keys. Just to be safe.
Rule #3: Stay in a bedroom at night.
The bedroom does not have to be yours. The bathroom—or even a closet—will also suffice.
Between Katya and Amber, their apartment was surprisingly active at night.
As a bat demon, Amber was usually awake for several hours after dark, passing out just hours before sunrise.
As a vampire, Katya was the opposite, usually falling asleep before sunset and waking up after midnight.
Still, both girls stayed in their rooms by habit—a habit that would end up being their saving grace.
In the middle of the night, being out in the open is dangerous.
It started off small. A horrifying glimpse of a silhouette on the way back from the bathroom. A terrifying flash of a monstrous face while getting a drink of water.
Both girls initially thought they were seeing nonsense. They were on edge after recent events—of course their imaginations were running wild.
Besides—everything they saw was silent.
If it made no noise, how could it be real?
If you truly have to leave your room at night, carrying a weapon is advised.
Amber was the first to be ambushed—she was only lucky it had taken as long as it did. She was on a trip back from the bathroom when she walked a little too close to one of the figures.
So slowly she almost failed to notice, their head turned to face her. Their eyes were bulging and bloodshot, blood leaking from their mouth like drool and razor claws reaching toward her.
Amber yelped and jumped back…
The spirits you encounter will show you no mercy.
…but not fast enough.
The claws closed around her arm.
Her cry of pain had Katya and Derwin running.
You will have to fight back.
The three of them all slept in Katya’s room that night.
And no matter what you see or experience, be sure to trust your mind.
You are awake. This battle is not a dream. And the consequences are very real.
The gashes were still there when they woke up.
Rule #4: Never draw runes with water.
Setting runes is always useful as a secondary protective measure.
While they are no replacement for locking the front door and holding onto your keys, runes are a great way to minimize possible damage.
“Are you sure this will work?” Amber asked hesitantly. She had been unusually subdued after her encounter a few nights ago. Not only had she refused to be in the hallway alone after dark, but she found herself sleeping on the floor in Katya’s room, too afraid to even be embarrassed.
“It has to work,” Katya reassured her friend, fiddling with the key bracelet around her wrist. “This was the best book on runes I could find.”
Runes are usually considered an outdated form of magic. While some people still use and study runes, even more consider them to be unnecessary or even dangerous. They say that the use of runes comes dangerously close to mixing magic—clearly against the will of the Titan.
Schools no longer teach the art of setting runes, so many do not learn that the material used to draw a rune is just as important as the rune itself.
Derwin and Amber held their breaths as Katya used water to draw the first rune on the door. A beat passed. Another.
The basin of water hit the ground with a splash and a clatter.
For some reason, it was boiling when it made contact with their skin.
It is always better to forgo drawing runes than to risk drawing them with water.
This time, Amber was the first to snap out of her stupor and chuck a bottle of apple blood at Katya.
The doors and windows were all warded with apple blood by the end of the day.
Rule #5: Check the freshness of your food before you eat.
Do not eat rotting food. It should be common sense. Right?
Amber groaned and tossed the box of boo-berries into the trash.
If something is old and moldy, do not eat it.
Katya narrowed her eyes in suspicion as she opened the smilk carton, only to find the liquid inside already curdling.
Sometimes, you will be unlucky enough to find new food already rotting in its container.
Do not eat it, no matter how fresh or tempting it may seem.
Derwin stumbled back in shock as the fresh slices of meat shriveled up in the pan. They turned gray before his very eyes, a putrid stench beginning to fill the air.
In this apartment, the food might even rot as you cook it.
This is normal.
Do not eat it, either.
Rule #6: Ignore the disembodied laughter.
Disembodied laughter is actually quite harmless.
With the three friends being bards, disembodied laughter was the scariest discovery of their new home.
How dangerous can a little noise be?
As powerful as Bard Magic can be, the cackling that filled their apartment was surprisingly benign. Derwin was the first to realize that, horrifying as it may sound, it would be the easiest threat to deal with.
Just ignore any side effects of the laughter. You know—slamming doors, levitating objects, and flickering lights.
Ignore all of it. If you are nervous, leave the apartment. If you are terrified, leave the building.
The three of them had grown familiar with the way their apartment operated. They no longer even panicked at the laughter—instead, they walked out of the building and returned a few hours later.
Everything will be fine.
Rule #7: Never let the water run cold.
This rule has obvious exceptions—for example, the water temperature of the sink does not matter.
Katya was taking a shower when it happened.
Amber had showered just minutes before, and Derwin had done the same before Amber, so Katya was unsurprised when the hot water ran out. After all—this was the first instance of the trio taking consecutive showers, and while their supply of hot water had always seemed endless, it was bound to run out eventually
Katya was fully prepared to shower in cold water.
But showers and baths are a different story entirely.
She was not prepared for the water to thicken, rising like abomination matter and wrapping around her ankles and wrists.
When the water runs cold, well…you do not want to find out.
By the time Amber managed to break down the door, blood was mixing with the icy water as it swirled down the drain.
They really needed to resupply their first-aid kit.
Rule #8: Ignore the shadows.
Many people claim to see dark shadows in the corners of old houses.
At this point, the trio was not even surprised to find motionless silhouettes watching them from hidden spots in the apartment.
Pay it no mind.
Like with the disembodied laughter, they ignored any suspicious shadows—continued moving, talking, and working as though nothing was there.
Shadows only hurt you if you meet their eyes.
Rule #9: Never stay home alone.
There is no official reason not to be at home by yourself.
But can you honestly imagine staying alone in this house of horrors?
“…Which is why we now use the buddy system!” Katya finished with a smile, gesturing to the last point on her list. “And there you have it—the list of rules for our apartment!”
Beside her, Amber was grinning like a madwoman. Derwin sent her a supportive smile from his place behind Raine, holding up his Scroll with a message typed for her to see. Good job.
Katya gave Derwin a nod and turned back to Raine, straightening as she eagerly awaited their reply.
Finally, Raine gave a heavy sigh and pinched the bridge of their nose.
“All right. You three aren’t staying here.”
The three young witches jolted in unison, their expressions filled with varying degrees of shock and confusion. They shared an expression of confusion before Derwin spoke up. “Why not?”
Raine surveyed their apprentices, incredulous. “Can you honestly tell me you feel safe in this apartment?” Without waiting for a reply, they continued with surprising authority, “You can stay with me for now, and I’ll help you find a decent—and safe—place within your price range. But for now, pack your bags.”
“C’mon,” Amber whined, crossing her arms and giving Raine a pleading look. “What’s the worst that could happen?”
As if on cue, a cupboard door slammed open and hit Katya in the back. She toppled forward with a yelp, and Raine lunged, barely managing to catch her before she hit the floor.
“Are you okay?” they asked, setting her back on her feet and giving her a concerned once-over.
There was a long pause before Katya sighed. “We can be ready in ten minutes.”
A/N: The format of this story was experimental—I just wanted to write a rules horror story (if you have never heard of rules horror, I highly advise you to look it up). Also, I am curious to know what you thought about it. Was it easy to read? Hard? Interesting? Boring?
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This has been sitting in my drafts
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