#My OC!
latentillusion · 11 months
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happy birthday, ginoza!
ft. saya's attempt at piping dime. 😂 the flowers are also part of his gift. forget-me-nots. 🥹 (yes, she did think of hanakotoba when picking them out. and yes, she got seeds so he can grow them himself too!)
my darling, my inspiration, the bestest boy!! i hope your life is always filled with laughter and happiness. 🥹 ginoza has been one of my all-time favorite characters for a decade now. just as we've been there with gino through all of his ups and downs, gino's been there for me too. I LOVE THIS CUTIE SO MUCH!!
i've been waiting for WEEKS to share this mini comic(?). @catyypss you are AMAZING!! saya looks so adorable. gino's smile is so precious!! one of my favorite commissions from you!!!!!!!
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hostess-of-horror · 7 months
Dahlia has been updated!
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@minnesotamedic186 @mimizzin @randomrabbidramblings @bramble-scramble @pastelprince18 @deezeyrabbidy @color-cacophony @oniblogsdaily @mothstache @paletteprime @hostdoozy @puzzleddonkey @majorpepperidge
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avotuli · 1 year
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evilpeanut888666 · 3 months
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His name is H E N R Y 😈😈
He works at Home Depot with his gay bestie- I mean coworker hulio (totally not gay for eachother.)
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the-horde-archive · 2 days
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OC-tober day two! Annette (any/all) is my newest oc, a small changeling child with tourrette's like I do. She's very anxious, but aspires to be a photographer and artist when he's older ✨
Prompt list under the cut!
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knifecatss · 5 months
Mind if I leave a script here? Alrighty, thanks!
Marie Merry - my oc
Barnaby B. Beagle
Barnaby: “Heya pal- gal.” He raises his paw to wave
Marie: “Oh! Hello Barnaby!” She spoke with a big smile while picking out fresh vegetables at Howdy’s
A small smug smile walked onto Barnaby’s face
Barnaby: “So, Mary”
An annoyed sigh came out of Marie, she sets down her veggies into her basket
Marie: “As i’ve said before.. My name is not ‘Mary’ it’s ‘Marie’, very big difference!”
Barnaby: “Sure sure.” He raised his paws in defense “Whatever you say, Mary.”
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redhead0004 · 5 months
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Drawing made February 19, 2022 My object oc Firework He's a bit of a menace lol
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dulcua · 6 months
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archer !!
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averagefungus · 10 months
No help from either side.
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A commission I received from @bubblewonderabyss, depicting my Apex Gal, Meatloaf, fretting over her choice of clothing for an event! The devil says edge, to cut even a knife itself if pointed your way, while the angel claims a dress and fancy clothes. Both she likes, neither she can decide on. What event could it be? I know, but I’ll let you wonder! This is the first piece I’ve ever commissioned, and it’s absolutely gorgeous. Thank you so much! (And his commissions are still open if you’d like a piece for yourself this holiday season!)
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latentillusion · 4 months
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Let's fill each other's empty spaces. I'll comfort you on a dazzling spring day.
another beautiful commission from the lovely @catyypss 💜 despite the allergies, spring is my favorite time of year. i love seeing all of the flowers! so, i wanted gino and saya to enjoy them too.
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ladymdc · 1 month
7 8 18 26 (for any of them!)
Thanks for the ask buddy! This was a lovely surprise uwu. My Trevelyan had the most effort put into her. Evelyn was my first real foray into writing & OC building, so I'm going to choose her going into this one!
7. if they had to choose one person most important to them, who would that be?
It would be her twin brother, Ezmond. He's dies in my canon worldstate when the circles fell (he became a templar to stay with his sister & protect her) but he'd still be the most important person to her, even in death.
8. who do they hate the most, and do they have an arch-nemesis?
I don't think she really hates anyone. Dislike abound, sure. But the only thing she'd truly hate beyond reason is the whole "holy symbol"/dehumanizing approach on being the Inquisitor. It would make her feel isolated in a different way than the circles, & Evelyn would hate that she escaped, but not really, if that makes sense.
18. do they have any irrational fears?
Spiders because I like the whole fear demons take on the shape of what you fear in game. But honestly, bugs in general.
26. do they get a happy ending?
I guess this remains to be seen with DA4 LOL. But overall Evelyn does at the end of DAI. My idea of what that looks like has changed some since I wrote my og work for her, but her return in Veilguard be very begrudging no matter what.
A couple of my fav pieces of Evelyn for ✨visual effect✨: one & two
Feel free to send me a DA worldstate ask!
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lilbluebastard · 9 months
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It’s funny……
Althought I don’t have art for her first design , Savannah was originally a horny vampire woman……then a demon that possesses Anderson
Now to this tiny petite girl, who died on her wedding day, and admires Anderson because he’s a kind loving father and he kinda had the same face shape as her ex-husband…. 👀
Also I’m bored and ima explain her abilities
-she can have a faded form and even a solid form! (It doesn’t take up a lot of energy)
-weak telekinesis
-she can fly/levitate
-healing abilities
Not a ability but shes very slippery
-appears from her book (which is usually found in Anderson’s trench coat of mystery or somewhere near Anderson)
- she can drain life from vampires and other monster, beasts…….she can drain human life but she finds the human life to be like a delicate flower……even the slightest touch or movement could possibly hurt or kill it
She……a lil dumb but can outsmart even the smartest of men/woman
She’s seen as a mother figure to the children of the orphanage , singing them lullaby’s and even reading telling them old tales and stories
Yay enjoy or whatever! Idk ;-;
Second piece by @/cry-ptidd
Third piece by @/unknownlemoneater
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ihatesocialmedia45 · 1 month
Chapter 9: Hey Jude
Go Go Seven Therapy Session!!
it's not filler!! It's a character study!! Shut up!!
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The Seven sat in a circle on the floor facing each other, the therapist of the session sitting in a chair behind them, notepad in hand. She looked around, ensuring that they were all present. Deep was picking at a scab on the back of his hand, while A-Train was staring longingly out the window, craning his neck to catch a glimpse of a blimp that flew by, his face plastered on the side. Maeve sat with her knees up, looking sourly at Sage, while Sage stared coolly back, eyes betraying nothing. Noir sat silently, a notepad of his own in his hand. Starlight sat, prim and proper, legs folded neatly and her hands in her lap, the picture of compliance. Firecracker placed a hand on Deep's arm, tutting at him to stop picking. Homelander (and the woman, A-Train noted with an eyeroll) sat at eye-level with the therapist, Homelander floating above the the rest with her settled in his lap. She'd cooed when he'd done it, as if she was impressed, A-Train thought in disgust. So they were letting groupies into the Tower now... this place had gone downhill, in a major way.
The therapist peered down at the group from beneath her bifocals and cleared her throat. "Alright, everyone. Thank you for all making the effort to attend this session. I understand that it isn't easy to take this first step, but you're all here - and I'm grateful for the time you're giving me. It's not just that I'm giving you my time, to listen - but that you're giving me yours, to be heard." The Seven shifted, uncomfortable with the sentiment. Deep looked around, a mischievous smile lighting up his face. "No problem, Ma'am. I woke up, totally prepared to bail on this, but then I thought," he snarked, putting on an expression of mock thoughtfulness, clenching a fist, "Stan is forcing me to be here. I can't miss it."
Instantly, the group erupted into mocking laughter, even Homelander, Deep noted with pride, the quiet sound of their derision filling up the room. The therapist nodded, nonplussed, though her eyes now carried a faint sharpness that wasn't there before. "Thank you, Kevin. I notice that you often keep to yourself, unless there's an opportunity to play the comedian. Do you think that this act of defiance endears you to the group, or serves to boost your self-esteem in some way? Your friends laugh now... but does that ever stop them from making light of your bond with your octopus friend?"
Instantly, the room hushed. Deep sputtered, face growing red. "That's - that - I..." The therapist looked him over, eyebrow raised faintly, before writing something in her notepad and looking the group over once more. "I'd like for us all to treat this session with the seriousness it deserves - the seriousness you all deserve. I get paid either way. Whether or not you show up genuinely doesn't impact me... it only hurts you." That being said, the group looked around, vaguely unsettled at the therapist's stand, almost chagrined. The therapist sat up straighter. "With that being said, I'd like for us all to go around the circle, introducing ourselves. My name... is Dr. Therese Rangel. I'm a double board certified clinical psychologist, and my scope of work includes those who struggle with complex trauma, psychological disorders, drug dependency, and especially the unique struggles of the Super Abled grappling with fame. In short, I was specifically chosen to work this case due to this skillset - and I'd like to let you all know that there is nothing you can tell me that will shock me, or disgust me, or frighten me. I've worked with Supes for a very, very long time." She gestured to the rest of the group, giving them the floor.
Starlight looked around, sensing the direction this meeting would go. They'd tried insolence - but Rangel had shut that down right away. It was clear what they were planning next - waiting her out until the 45 minutes were over, then leaving victorious. But as she caught the conspiratorial looks in her teammates' eyes, she couldn't help the wave of frustration that overtook her. The Seven was a mess; they were nothing like the heroes she'd fantasized about fighting alongside in Des Moines... it had been three months since she made that fateful walk into the Tower - and they'd instantly disappointed. On her first day, she recalled bitterly, Deep had snuck an anglerfish in her tub, A-Train had snagged her order from the café three times before she could grab it, and Firecracker had snuck up behind her, snapping and scaring her with the loud pop of fire in her ears. Sage had talked down to her for thirty minutes about her itinerary, cutting her off when she'd tried to explain that she knew what it was, and when she'd finally broken down in the bathroom, Maeve had offered her a wadded up ball of tissue, before telling her that this soft attitude would only have her back on the first plane to Iowa before she could say press junket. And Homelander... the thought made her lower her head. Homelander had ignored her all week, until she'd managed to complete her first real save, to which he gave her a curt, "Good work, newbie," smirking when she lit up at the first positive attention she'd received since arriving. She took a deep breath, ignoring A-Train's eye roll.
"My name... is Annie January. I'm from Des Moines, Iowa, and I joined the Seven three months ago... because I wanted... I wanted..." she stopped then, feeling the judgmental looks of her teammates. Dr. Rangel waved her on gently. "You wanted..." Starlight felt herself shrink under the Seven's scrutiny, but she nodded and pressed on.
"I wanted... to help people," she said, voice stronger now. From the corner of her eye, she watched Maeve stiffen. "I wanted... to do something about the state of the city, the world. Before The Seven... all I could do was stop drunk drivers in Des Moines, and practice my lines for those stupid pageants... but I couldn't even stop a cop from beating up on a homeless person, or save a girl who I knew was being trafficked. I felt this... disgust, for myself, for other Supes, for just watching, and doing nothing. And so, when I got the chance... I was actually grateful to be here. To be able to make a difference. But now..." she sighed, eyes downcast. Maeve broke into a slow round of applause, eyes venomous. 
"Everyone, give Annie a hand! Even in therapy, she finds a way to make her intro about how shitty we all are..." the rest of the Seven joined in, A-Train clapping Deep on the back and snickering as Starlight's face fell. Dr. Rangel leaned in, eyes hawkish under her impassive gaze.
"And why does that upset you, Maeve? That Annie came to The Seven with the goal of changing things for the better? I didn't hear her say that she thought less of any of you - just that her goal was to help."
Maeve froze slightly, eyes trained on Dr. Rangel. "She didn't need to say she looked down on us - we can all feel it, all the time. Going on saves with her is miserable. She won't just go by the script; she has to pull some wild card move, like when she held up traffic for an hour giving some boy CPR, or making us stay late at the opening of that animal shelter until twenty dogs had been adopted." Maeve turned to face Starlight with a withering look. "That was a kill shelter, by the way. You held us up for two hours, and 100 dogs got put down, anyway."
A-Train spoke up now, eyes somber. "Yeah... and she's always trying to preach at us when we do follow the script, like she knows something we don't. I've been in the Seven for five years - the shit that makes her cry herself to sleep? Isn't even a blip on the radar. And the thing that really pisses me off is, if you really wanted to be hero, you wouldn't have come to work here. You'd be in Congress, making the laws we have to follow. She's just as fame-hungry as the rest of us, but she won't admit it. No, not even that - she tries to shame us for it."
The Seven nodded their agreement, murmuring their distaste for Annie, until Dr. Rangel held up a hand. "Thank you, A-Train. I'd like to take a moment to acknowledge what was just said: that if Annie genuinely wanted to make a change, she'd take up a seat in Congress. And certainly, the thought has its merits. Lawmakers have the ultimate power in the land, to shape our standards for what is right in the eyes of the law, and to correct those who step outside of its bounds." Annie hung her head; so even Dr. Rangel was against her, now. She thought about flying back home before the next meeting, and avoiding her. 
"But... I'd like to introduce this point to the group. Annie could have worked her way into Congress - but she chose to train, and temper herself, into someone who could fight alongside those she deemed real heroes. I'd like to ask.. is your discontent with her truly out of anger for her sanctimonious attitude... or are you punishing her for believing in you?"
The group fell into a moody silence now, all avoiding each others' gazes. Dr. Rangel wrote in her notepad, the scratch of the pen soft in the tense room. The Seven shared bitter looks, some aimed at Annie, others aimed at each other. Finally, Deep raised his hand, avoiding their gazes, and looking at Rangel. He cleared his throat.
"My name... is Kevin Moskowitz. I'm from Long Beach, California, I've been in the Seven for five years...and... I talk to fish," he finished quietly, ducking his head. Dr. Rangel wrote for a second, then clicked her pen. "What kind of fish?" she asked him. The group snorted - but she held up her hand, gesturing for Deep to continue.
"Well... all of them. Angelfish, sugar fish, flounders, guppies.. sharks. Sharks are my favorite," Deep said bashfully. Firecracker gave him an encouraging smile and squeezed his hand. "I'm actually really good friends with the ranchu goldfish at the front downstairs, even though they're a little stuck up." Rangel gave him a soft smile, and Deep answered with a shy one of his own. Then, she looked towards the rest of the group.
"You all find it very easy to bully Kevin, because his powers differ from yours. He doesn't have super-speed, he isn't the smartest person in the world..." Sage snorted. Dr. Rangel let the sound carry, and watched as the Seven turned their gaze on her, until she cleared her throat and looked away, uncomfortable at being put on the spot.
"But, I see something deeper, if you'll mind the pun, in your collective disdain for him, something that I believe is symptomatic of an underlying issue. Could it be possible that you all treat Kevin with the same derision as you do Annie... because his powers suggest a certain empathy for living creatures? Kevin talks to these fish, forms bonds with them - something you all seem to struggle with, even with humans. Could it be... that you turn him into the butt of your jokes, because you resent his ability to care for life forms you deem to be beneath you?"
Suddenly, the group heard the scratching of another pen - Noir's. Everyone watched in quiet surprise as he wrote painstakingly, the movements of his pen slow and deliberate. The room seemed to hold its breath as he made his debut to the therapy session, and Deep's face flushed as he held up his pad. He'd drawn a school of fish, seven of them, childish smiles on their faces, and underneath, he'd written a short message:
Deep makes me feel heard. 
Starlight let out a small murmur, touched. Dr. Rangel nodded.
"I'm glad to hear that, Noir. I noticed that, though you are present in the events the Seven hosts, or are called to... you don't often have the opportunity to express yourself, or get your opinions across," she started. Sage gave her a dismissive look. "He can't talk," she said, deadpan. This time, though, nobody laughed. Deep bristled.
"That's not his fault," he interjected hotly. Starlight nodded, narrowing her eyes. Dr. Rangel turned to Sage now; Sage felt her stomach drop. She was too smart for therapy, she'd argued with Stan when he'd insisted that she join the rest of the Seven. It wouldn't work. And maybe that was the case... but Rangel wasn't going to let her sit on the sidelines, making her snarky little comments. No, she thought, annoyed, that was her job, wasn't it?
"I noticed that you've been quiet as well, Sage. I understand that you are the smartest human in the world - and so it would make sense that, to you, therapy would be as useless as... Deep, buying a snorkel, or A-Train taking a bus. You can solve your own issues by virtue of your own mind - and so why bother attending? But I have to say... this session offers you an opportunity to have something you might not otherwise get in normal circumstances."
"And what is that?" Sage asked dryly. Dr. Rangel smiled.
"The undivided attention of your teammates. I notice that you often feel the need to assert your position as smartest in the room... but this isn't new information to anyone in the Seven. Is this repetition a means of solidifying this idea in their heads... or yours?"
The room watched Sage grapple with this veiled barb, her face working as she tried to come up with a retort that would undercut the way Rangel had pierced her. Who the hell did she think she was? Sage narrowed her eyes, turning her attention onto the therapist.
"I think... that you are playing a dangerous game, trying to crack open the minds of people who could turn you into ground beef. Nobody cares that you're double board certified. Nobody cares about how many Supes you've worked with. We all know this is a just a mind game from Stan, trying to mold us into the perfect heroes, even though he's the reason most of us are the way we are." She couldn't help the outburst; the way this doctor was picking at her insides... it was like her brain was on red alert, instantly shutting down. This therapy session was for them - for Homelander, really, who was playing with the woman's hair, whispering in her ear and watching her giggle - not her.
The therapist nodded. "Again... there's the need to undermine my practice, my time working with other heroes. And I hope you'll forgive the observation... but you'd said that these heroes here could end my life violently, if they so choose. I won't disagree with you - but I will point out... you can't 'turn me into ground beef', as you'd said. There's a focus here, on the behaviors and supposed knowledge of the rest of the Seven, which implicitly ties you to them... while neglecting to examine yourself under that same critical lens. I wonder... could it be that you're intellectualizing this session in an attempt to subtly align yourself with your teammates, without actually having to state this goal directly?"
Sage stewed, watching as the Seven witnessed Rangel dig into her, blood boiling. She crossed her arms and held her peace, though she planned to go directly to Stan after this meeting and demand a new therapist. There was a hum of static energy in the room, everyone's eyes on her - and she broke the silence with a petulant, "Fuck you," under her breath, to which Homelander responded with a hearty laugh, breaking the tension. Dr. Rangel shifted her gaze to him. Homelander fixed her with a dark glare. 
"No," he said, a note of finality in his voice. Dr. Rangel raised her brows and opened her mouth, as though to press him anyway - but Maeve, seeing the tightening of his jaw, shot her hand into the air, stopping the train wreck before it could happen.
"My name is Maggie Shaw!" she exclaimed, slowly lowering her hand. The Seven turned to face her.
"I'm... Maggie Shaw...I'm from Modesto, California. I joined the Seven five years ago, like everyone else. Skill set... super strength, durability,  hearing, tolerance - and shut up," she interjected, glaring at Homelander's teasing look. "That's low-hanging fruit." She steadied herself, before continuing.
"My name is Maggie Shaw, and I..." 
But the words wouldn't come; Maeve wrestled with her brain, trying to find something that would cut to the heart of them, but avoid exposing herself - something that would affect them the way Noir had, with that stupid drawing... she felt a pang of envy for the mute Supe then; he could be as open and mushy as he wanted, and nobody ever gave him shit. Maybe it was because he just didn't care what they thought. Maybe it was his silent aura of menace. Maeve grimaced, sighed, and lifted her head, staring Dr. Rangel in the eye.
"I think therapy is a waste of the taxpayer's money."
Homelander laughed again. "Hear, hear!" he saluted her.
Dr. Rangel let his teasing go on uninterrupted, Maeve noted gratefully. As much as the therapist annoyed her, she really would hate to clean her off the ceiling after she'd pushed Homelander one time too many. Dr. Rangel paused, and wrote for a long while, letting Maggie's words reverberate. Maeve shifted, uncomfortable, the sound crawling under her skin. Finally, Rangel stopped writing and looked up, a smile on her face.
"And what would you have the taxpayers' money be delegated to?"
Ooh, get her ass, A-Train thought, leaning in. But before Maeve could answer, a buzzer rang out above them, the red light hung over the door blaring brightly. Dr. Rangel stood, and gave the Seven a polite bow.  "Well... that's our time, I suppose," she said, gathering her bag. "Our next session will be next week, at the same time, same location. I'd like to thank you all, for attending, and I hope to see you again."
Slowly, the Seven rose to their feet and filed out the door. Starlight lingered behind, watching them go; A-Train was there - and then he wasn't. Noir slipped through a vent in the ceiling, just as quickly. Deep slunk toward the door, the hint of a smile on his face as he talked to Firecracker; Maeve walked stiffly, shoulder-checking Sage, who absorbed the blow with her chin high, and Homelander ghosted out of the room, still cross-legged, the woman hanging onto him by the neck, letting out a peal of laughter.
Starlight looked into Dr. Rangel's face; her eyes were piercing, but not unkind. The silver spectacles that hung from her delicate chain glinted, even in the fluorescent lighting, and Starlight saw a vision of Stan then, that same silver bite in his glasses. 
"I just want to thank you, for this," she started tentatively. "It was nice to, even for a moment, talk about why I joined... and to not be mocked across the board for once." Dr. Rangel smiled at her, this time a current of warmth gracing her features.
"I think it was very brave of you to say, Annie. I watched the opening of that shelter you'd hosted on the news. It was refreshing."
Starlight felt the urge to throw her arms around the woman, the hot prick of tears sudden in her eyes. She sniffled, embarrassed. 
"Thank you. I... I really did mean to save every animal in that shelter." She sighed, feeling a bit lighter. "Thank you," she said again, making her way to the door.
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iseeyousleepatnight · 3 months
1. The worst dream.
After what seemed like hours he started to walk towards me, then getting faster, and faster, and faster, he was sprinting but it seemed like he wasn’t moving it was scaring me. Like he would be released from the grasp of the cold stale and nasty air to start walking towards me and kill me.
But he never did.
Instead I had woken back up in my bed I was sweating, my bed was warm and I felt like I was high on a fever that a doctor couldn’t understand.
I sat there for a long moment, not knowing if I should move or not until I finally did opening my door and walking out of my room I felt uneasy as I walked down the hallway it felt longer then usual but since I was walking looking at my feet I couldn’t know, I didn’t have the energy to look up and see.
Finally I had came to a halt *there was no way the hallway was this long… after walking for what felt like ten minutes I should of been on my balcony by now if I had* so I slowly looked up only to see my hallway, but the more I look the more foggy and demented it looks
Then as I look down again my eye caught something, a man, with large eyes and thin hair he looked naked with hair on his shoulders and unbathed she just didn’t know what to do. Then she noticed it
It was under her floor bored.
Looking back down the hallway she was at her kitchen and then she heard a slam looking back to where the floor bored was she saw it was dusty with dirt around it, she didn’t know to know another second heading straight to the kitchen her phone which she had forgotten about was on the counter and she picked it up struggling to remember her password she had finally got it open and called the police.
1:56 AM.
She was outside with the police she was crying and yelling not even knowing what she was doing she couldn’t remember so why bother? “Do something! I swear I saw it! It was looking straight at me! With its wide eyes! And… and… and… brown… no black… just a lot of hair!” She kept telling them
After for what seemed like ages they had finally dig up something, something she didn’t like the sound of.
Two dead body’s both heaving lots of hair and mold on them and for how hot it was under her house they were wet with water from the humidity.
“Ma’am, may we talk with you?”
The police man had grabbed her shoulder to try and divert her attention from the body’s while they took them away he had some papers in his hands and was trying to talk with her about something “what! Why were they there! Who put them there! What… why… just why…”
She kept asking herself but the police man had stopped her and kept talking while tears were threatening to spill out as he talked “we heard you have some illnesses and maybe you should seclude a meeting with a therapist to try and see if that could help?”
"Sure... That could work..."
She nodded looking back over her shoulder her eyes widening as everything around her eyesight faded, the only thing she saw was making her freeze.
The same man under the floorboards was standing in the woods holding skin of some humans the two man she thought, before it started to walk away slowly fading into the dark.
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ghostly-writers · 6 months
I've decided to do a couple of redesigns of my Oc Ray from Monster Hunting au and I would like your opinions on it and which one you would like me to write about!
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the-horde-archive · 8 days
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jessica rabbit
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