#My HotD OMC Basics
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I would LOVE to hear about your lil guys
Thank you for taking interest in something that I have cared for and put so much thought into for almost a good year.
Right now I have one (1) guy I am beyond obsessed with. I honestly could write/talk about everything about my HotD OMC. At the same time I really don’t know how to. Bc ever since I created my first OCs (like age 12) I’ve kept them to myself. So knowing that other ppl want to hear about them is foreign to me. But at the same time so validating and nice. It’s just scary to put oneself out there with someone/thing they cherish. Especially my guy bc…one of his relationships is one I honestly have not seen yet. And I can only put forth Targaryen incest and it’s fiction as a reason to a point. But I love it so and I love writing them.
His story came to me as all good stories do: lying in bed with no access to a computer. The phrase “He has a rage in his heart.” Came to my mind and here I am about 10 1/2 months later.
So, under the cut I will finally feel brave enough to talk a little about him.
The story takes place between 115 AC up to my character’s death. I’ve changed some birth dates, Viserys stays healthy longer, there is no Dance of Dragons. Most of my writing has been centered around 131 AC-146ish AC. That’s where the juiciest parts happen.
Daemon had a brief marriage between Rhea Royce and Laena Velaryon (less than a year). My OMC came from that short time.
My HotD OMC’s name is:
Rhagerys {Rage-air-es} ‘Rhage’ Targaryen. (His mother thought she was naming him the way of the Targaryen family does. Daemon wanted/was going to change it but tragedy happened and Daemon kept the name to honor Rhagerys’s mother).
His left eye is green. His right eye is brown. Platinum white-blond hair. From age 15 on he always has a braid or braids in his hair in some way.
(The two ages listed are what I think the most when I picture him)
Age 15-16: He has just below shoulder length hair. He stands 6’4”. Delicate features.
Age 18 (and onward): His hair is just above hip length. He stands at 6’6” (but he definitely doesn’t act it. Especially around his father). His features are a bit sharper but softer than his father’s.
Personality (a small taste):
His personality is a mess. He can be calm one moment, full of rage the next. He's snide, sarcastic, and spiteful to a lot of people (he gets his sharp tongue from his father). But gentle and patient with children and some women. He has taught himself to act as if nothing bothers him. To look stoic in front of others.
It stems from his father, Daemon.
Daemon was able to get his heir and he was going to make sure his son was everything he wanted him to be. Everything he made him to be. But Rhagerys does have a fun, kind, protective side. Just only for people he has deemed ‘worthy’ of that side.
I don’t have a true pinpoint of Rhagerys’s sexuality. I feel it’s something in that time where it wouldn’t be thought on much. If asked Rhagerys would just shrug his shoulders and walk away or ignore the person.
His mother/her House:
I chose to have his mother, Igreyn Belmore (I created), be from/heir to House Belmore of the Vale. Not too much is known about that House so I ran with it. The only thing I that I made up about them was that their men are never shorter than 6’2” and their women are rarely shorter than 5’8”.
Rhagerys is also related to Rhaenyra through his maternal side. Rhagerys’s great grandsire was the third son (I created) of Rodrik Arryn. So the third Arryn boy was Aemma’s older half brother. Making Rhagerys and Rhaenyra double cousins.
He has a female dragon that is black/blue/purple named Starsong. She hatched the same day he was born. (There’s some sort of blood magic surrounding her. She grows quicker than a normal dragon [I needed her to for my story])
Plot Snippets (The bare bones):
Rhagerys had a normal/average childhood. He was very chivalrous and kind. Then his little family (Daemon, Rhaena, and himself [Baela is at Driftmark]) moved to Dragonstone when Daemon married Rhaenyra. Rhagerys was 12 (I bumped up/moved ages of the younger generation around).
From ages 13-15 Rhagerys was sent on progress to certain places in Westeros, see the realm that his ancestors conquered (He was sent away at the suggestion of Rhaenyra. They have a strained but amicable relationship).
He came back at age 15 changed, physically (he was around 5’0” at age 12 and when he returned to Dragonstone he was 6’4”) and mentally.
Daemon found out something about his son he did not care for (Rhagerys’s slight aversion/indifference to sex) and took matters into his own hands. Because Daemon was not going to let his heir, heir to Strongsong of House Belmore in the Vale, reject sex.
(If I was to describe Rhagerys’s view of sex it would be along the lines of: I don’t care. I just want the other person to be happy.)
~This is where it turns dark (Daemon is very manipulative and wicked at times in my story)~
Daemon teaches Rhagerys about sex. Hands on (won’t go fully into it). So, from ages 15-(I won’t give it away), father and son have a very secret/hidden sexual relationship. Rhagerys doesn’t hate it (most of the time), welcomes it at times. He sees it as a way to keep his father’s love and attention for him. If he pushes back, he gets set ‘right’ real quick. During those years Daemon manipulates and emotionally/mentally/physically beats Rhagerys down until he is what Daemon wants him to be. His. Daemon’s creation of the perfect Targaryen.
Then in the late spring of 134 AC the family from Dragonstone goes to King’s Landing (to put a stop Vaemond’s claim). Celebrate the defeat of the Triarchy in the Stepstones. Stay for three months.
There Rhagerys meets Aemond after 6 years. Both most definitely changed from when they were 12. A lot happens. Rhagerys finds a new purpose in life. Aemond. Doing anything and everything for Aemond.
The two of them become unhealthily committed to each other. Rhagerys will burn the world to the ground if Aemond deemed it so. While Aemond tries to cultivate, project himself upon how he sees/thinks Rhagerys is. How Rhagerys would want him (Rhagerys does the same).
At the same time Rhagerys has to balance his relationship with Daemon.
And that’s where I’ll stop with the plot points. I have more but I don’t want to give too much away or lay it all bare. I’ve written/created so much more. So much more happens before/in between/after. But I’m still trying to fully write those points. I have entire timelines for each decade/family trees/future generation planned/created and ready to go.
Right now I write mostly about Rhagerys between the ages 15-20. That time period has captured my attention for a while now.
So, that’s the basics of my HotD OMC. I will at some point around the new year (fingers crossed) have a pinned post about him. A little layout of who he is. With links to Pinterest/music list of my story.
I'll be real, idk if I’ll ever put the story on the internet, in any form, but to be able to talk about him, put him out into the world. By making tags, Pinterest boards, and writing for myself has really brought me such joy.
I apologize if this was too long. But it’s been marinating in my mind for a long time. Thank you, again, for asking me a question I thought I’d never be asked. 🌈 @emilykaldwen you are too kind to ask. I do hope it wasn't too long winded or too much.
#I am nervous but grateful#I have been on this website for over 11 years (lurked for a good year before I joined)#And this is the first time I have felt part of tumblr#The HotD fandom for all its flaws has given me an opportunity to feel accepted#So many great ppl are here and I have followed (been followed back [to my surprise] by such wondrous ppl)#So many ppl I have interacted with are so kind and really caring#I may sound a bit sappy but I never had this kind of community growing up. No one I was friends with was into anything I was#And I was beyond shy to reach out to others via the internet. But now I’ve grown (mentally/emotionally) and realized I have to take chances#And it’s all thanks to the HotD fandom#It’s all thanks to Ewan Mitchell and how he portrayed Aemond Targaryen that I know so many ppl that I will remember for years to come#Aemond Targaryen my little war criminal#Daemon Targaryen certified war criminal#HotD#My HotD OMC#Fandoms#Happy Moments#Sweet Moments#My HotD OMC Basics
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Your reblog spree and tags just made my morning so much sweeter! Thank you for that! From what I read of Rhagerys in your pinned post it sounds like an interesting story and I am very much looking forward to reading and seeing more of your little guy ❤️
Like what is his favorite color? How is his relationship with his maternal family in the Vale? And don’t worry about making it too long! There’s never too much lore!
Thank you so much for the kind message. You have such lovely art and fascinating characters. And thank you for taking interest in something that I absolutely love and am slowly getting the courage to show off.
As for my writing, it's so sporadic and all over the place that I feel the full story will never be written, posted, finished in general. I have the outline fully done, like I know what will happen. It's the writing in details of the full story where I stumble. But I am trying to figure a way out to post just the bits and pieces I have. Right now I'm working on making a spoilerish free trimmed timeline, put out certain facts of my OC and fill out OC template to explain Rhagerys's basics at the very least. It's a lot of work, but I am honestly enjoying every minute of it.
As for the two questions you asked, those are two things that I have figured out (to an extent. Lore is always changing as a story evolves).
Rhagerys would say his favorite colors are black and silver. He wears mostly black and dark/deep purple outfits. He tries to incorporate both his two House colors in some way. He doesn't care to wear too much a broad color palette, unless it is for a celebration. Then he will let Rhaena chose the clothing and colors for him. Sometimes he does have a tinge of regret when he's wearing something a tad frilly/poofy. But since it was picked out by his sister, whom he loves dearly, he doesn't let it show and rocks it the best he can.
With all that being said, his actual favorite color is a light lilac purple. They were his mother's favorite flower, so he tries to honor her that way. Even though he doesn't own too much in that color. But he wouldn't admit that and just quickly answer 'black or silver'.
Here is a brief list of his Belmore family (Majority of the names are inspired by Arthurian Legends):
The Main Belmore Branch (The one Rhagerys descends from. Just the important characters) [I created a cadet branch, but they're not as important]
Caye Belmore (Red hair, dark brown eyes, 6'7”. Great Grandsire; Husband/Cousin of Enyd Belmore) [Age 40; 52 AC-92 AC] {Paul Bettany} => Died in a riding accident.
Enyd Belmore (Red hair, blue eyes, 5'11”. Great Grandmother; Wife/Cousin of Caye Belmore) [Age 50; 54 AC-104 AC] {Debra Messing} => Died from a quick illness.
Agravyn Belmore (Red hair, blue eyes, 6'4”. Grandsire; Husband to Evayne Arryn. Father of Igreyn Belmore) [B: 83 AC] {Tony Curran} => Lord of Strongsong. Is very proud that his grandson is of Targaryen blood.
Evayne Arryn (Honey blonde hair, brown eyes, 5'5”. Grandmother; Wife of Agravyn Belmore. Mother of Igreyn Belmore) [Age 29; 85 AC-114 AC] {Kate Hudson} => Died from childbed fever.
Igreyn Belmore (Honey blond hair, blue eyes, 5'8”. Mother; Wife of Daemon Targaryen) [Age 16; 100 AC-116 AC] {Suki Waterhouse} => Died from childbed fever.
Davalyn Belmore (Red hair, blue eyes, 6'5”. Uncle; Father of Percy Belmore. Married a Hunter) [Age 38; 86 AC-124 AC] {Damien Lewis} => Died from a Spring Fever that swept the Vale. As did his wife.
Percy Belmore (Red hair, green eyes, 6'3”. 1st Cousin Once Removed; Son of Davalyn. Married to a Redfort) [Age 17; 107 AC-124 AC] {Domhnall Gleeson} => Died from a Spring Fever that swept the Vale. As did his wife.
Gwynith Belmore (Red hair, blue eyes, 5'7”. 1st cousin twice removed. Future wife of Rhagerys Targaryen) [B: 123 AC] {Juno Temple}
Cadet Branch (Important members)
Hector Belmore ‘The Giant of the Mountains’ (Red hair, blue eyes, 6'10”. Distant cousin; Father of Yawyn. Grandsire to Galayn) [B: 57 AC] {Billy Connolly}
Ywayn Belmore (Red hair, blue eyes, 6'5”. Distant cousin. Son to Hector. Father of Galayn) [B: 75 AC] {Brendan Gleeson}
Galayn Belmore (Red hair, blue eyes, 6'4”. Distant cousin; Grandson to Hector. Son of Ywayn. Married a Piper. Has 1 boy [B: 125 AC] and 1 girl [B: 127 AC]) [B: 100 AC] {Michael Fassbender}
Here are some facts about House Belmore
Belmores are usually red haired (Canon by GRRM)
The rest I made up myself:
A few members may be born with blondish hair.
House Words: Rung to the Highest Mountain [I was thinking along the line of their pride, strength, tenacity, can be heard throughout the Vale. I made them strong, vicious fighters and loves to be jovial and have many feasts. They are a loud, braggadocios House]
House Belmore's ancestral sword is called: For Whom the Bell Tolls. [Couldn't resist]
House Belmore has a history of fighting viciously in any battle/war they participate in. [I based/was inspired by vikings for how they are with their fighting skills]
It is rumored that House Belmore has giants' blood in their veins. That is why they are so tall. But they are only rumors.
Belmore men are usually very tall. Between heights of 6'3”-6'11'.
Belmore women usually are tall for their sex. Between the heights of 5'7”-6'1”.
Women born into the Belmore family that grow up short usually take after the family that married into the Belmore family. It's a rarity but it happens.
Men rarely are shorter than 6'2”. Doesn't matter on which side of the family.
As for his relationship with his family in the Vale. It was nonexistent for the first 12 years of his life since they lived in the Free Cities.
Daemon had made sure to keep Rhagerys isolated from his Belmore family. Mostly to keep his son under his influence (Daemon is a very selfish person in my story). Rhagerys's one visit with them was back when he traveled around Westeros when he was 13. That was the only time he ever saw his grandsire. His other relatives he met two other times.
In 134 AC when Rhagerys's distant cousin, Galayn Belmore's family, father and grandfather along with his wife and three children, arrived at King's Landing for the festivities. But it was too late, Daemon's claws were already too deep within Rhagerys for him to even care to interact with his extended family. He was cordial but did not care to expand beyond niceties.
Rhagerys didn't see his Belmore family again until 135 AC when his grandsire died. He and his father flew to Strongsong to reassert his claim and to have a ceremony for Rhagerys as Strongsong's new lord.
Then Rhagerys did not see them again until he moved there permanently in 144 AC with his wife and five young children.
That being said, they are beyond proud of having a Targaryen in their family.
Here's a little snippet on how they feel about him:
“He looks every bit a Targaryen.” Hector gestured toward Rhagerys. “But that Belmore blood made its presence known.” He admired.
Rhagerys bowed his head in acknowledgment of the compliment.
“How do you fair with the hill tribes?” Viserys asked.
“Ach, we do what we can. You kill some and then more come out of the woodwork to take their place. Cockroaches, the lot of them.” Hector said.
“The crown does appreciate what your family does in the Vale.”
Hector bowed his head in acknowledgment.
“Well, unknown to us at the time, it became quite personal about fifty years ago. When Prince Rhagerys’s great grandfather,” Hector gestured towards Rhagerys. “the late Queen Aemma’s older brother,” Hector said as he looked towards Viserys. Which got a nod of recognition from the king. “Was murdered by a mountain tribe as he left for his own home after visiting his family in the Eyrie. Poor lad, just shy of his twentieth year.”
“Yes, that was quite the terrible tragedy. I was a young lad myself, but I do remember the news of his murder making its way to King’s Landing.” Viserys agreed.
Rhagerys idly nodded his head, he heard the story plenty times of his great grandsire’s, Rynard Arryn, unjustly demise at the hands of the barbaric tribes that occupied the mountains of the Vale. He heard it, he made sure he remembered it, and he carried it with him while he was in the Vale five years ago.
Aemond slightly turned his head to look towards Rhagerys. He honestly did not know much of the history of Rhagerys’s mother’s family. Just the basics that the Maesters taught him during his lessons when he was younger. He had no reason to ever delve further on their history. Now a part of he wanted to.
“Thankfully he was able to father a child with his wife.” Hector continued. “Sadly she died giving birth to the prince’s grandmother, the late Lady Evayne.” Hector looked towards Rhagerys. “By the grace of the gods, he is here before us today.” He said with a hint of pride in his voice.
“Here, here.” Daemon spoke up.
Rhagerys slightly turned to glance towards his father.
Hector turned his attention towards Daemon and bowed his head.
“As well as the great love that Prince Daemon held for our dear cousin, the late Lady Igreyn. Their love is the reason Prince Rhagerys is before us. Why the Belmores are one of the proudest Houses in the Vale, if not Westeros.” Hector turned towards Rhagerys. “The young prince has made us all quite proud. We are honored to have him as our blood.” Hector turned back to Daemon and gave a slight bow again. “It is thanks to how you raised him. You must be quite proud of him.”
Daemon tilted his head in acknowledgment but did not say anything.
Rhagerys looked down at his plate, he was not surprised to hear nothing from his father. No acknowledgment. No praise. That was saved for elsewhere between the two.
And that's what I have on House Belmore as of right now. Thank you so much for asking. Being interested. I do apologize for the length of the answer. If there is any spelling errors or typos. My bad. I've been working on this off and on, when I had time, throughout the day.
#My HotD OMC#Daemon Targaryen certified war criminal#Aemond Targaryen my little war criminal#HotD#Happy Moments#Sweet Moments#My HotD OMC Basics
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hi 👋
i have a question! what inspires you when crafting an oc? i, for example, cannot write an oc without them being practically a self insert. (skill issue, i know) i was reading your oc’s facts and he seems very interesting and feels like he could actually belong to the hotd universe. so i was wondering what is your creative process in writing him. <3
First off if this sounds long winded, doesn’t fully make sense, or you have more thoughts/questions let me know. Putting a read more because I wrote a bit.
I’d like to thank you for reading my facts. It would be easy to say they were a breeze but that document is many months of additions of ideas that came at random times and subtractions of things that didn’t work.
I did a lot of self inserts in my life. They were just me but with different hair or eye color. And they got with the character I was smitten with at the time. A lot of the time they didn’t make sense and were rather shallow in development but I had fun. Self inserts are the first step to figure out what you like and not like about creating a character. They all helped with my creativity.
So, I’m going to be honest and say Rhagerys is the first character I put actual time into. I mean come this April it’ll be a year since he was created. And I’m still working on him and helping him feel somewhat real. It’s a lot of work and thinking. And I’d be lying if I said he didn’t have a few things I personally like or do. For example I have a stuffed bear that I cherish, so I decided to give Rhagerys a stuffed dragon he cherishes. It’s the small things like that helps me build on giving him some depth. (Because then it’s like well why does he have a stuffed dragon? And I made a little fact on why. If needed I could write a little story on how he got it). I'm left handed so I made Rhagerys only be able to write with his left hand.
My creative process when it comes to writing Rhagerys I always start with, and this is my process, a simple word or phrase or a thought. One night I was getting ready for bed and it was a full moon and I thought “What would it be like for Rhagerys to ride Starsong during a full moon?” And I wrote a little snippet of him asking Daemon to let him do so the next full moon. That he would be good and listen to everything Daemon told him during that month leading up to it.
I definitely want to expand on it sometime but the important thing right now is that I wrote it down and it exists. So, no matter how small the thought is (ex. A 215 Drabble about Daemon snoring) to something lengthy but not ready to be part of the story (ex. A 1.3k about Rhagerys trying to avoid Jace’s name day celebration). Write it down. You won’t regret it. You may not use it but you can draw from it or see it as a practice in writing.
I have so many snippets I’ve lost count. I have a full outline, categorized in years with bullet points, of my story as well. From beginning to end. I’m happy I have them because I can go back to them and expand or change certain parts. If I didn’t write them down, I’d forget them and they’d be lost forever. Will I ever get to them? Idk. But they’re there sitting and waiting if I do.
So, if I had to pin down my creative process it would be that I write down any thought, no matter how small (I have a folder full of literal 1-5 sentences or a line of dialogue that I’d like to build around). To a straight up outline of a plot bunny that may be hopping around in my head.
Like right now a plot that wouldn't leave my mind until I wrote it down is a long part of my story and it all started with me wondering “What if Rhagerys rejected his father one night and fought back? How would Daemon handle that boldness?” Well, it turns out that it’s a week worth of manipulation tactics on Daemon’s part.
I wrote down a day by day outline of what I wanted to happen in the mentioned plot above. Just detailed enough of what I was going for. It’s a slow process getting it written out. I’ve been working on it since December.
I have very few full chapters written. The handful I do is because I put all my other pieces I was working on to the side. What I learned by writing those few chapters is that I do so much better in small writing increments. A full length chapter drains me (I have an 11.8k that I adore but it was such work). However, a 5k at most is much more doable for me. I learned that I am capable of writing lengthy chapters but it felt like all my creativity went into writing and perfecting such a hefty task that I didn’t feel like writing for a while. And I didn’t like that feeling because I had so many ideas I wanted to write down.
Also to help flesh Rhagerys out more, for the past month I’ve been filling out OC questions. It helps immensely on figuring what makes Rhagerys tick. Get inside his mind. There were questions I would start answer and realize that doesn’t sound like Rhagerys so I’d delete and really thought on it. From frivolous answers about the position he sleeps to deep ones like does he even like himself. The questionnaires are a big help in me figuring out my character and getting his personality believable.
As well as all those “Your OC Does What?” posts that I have been bombarded the dash with these past 3 nights (apologies to whoever follows me). Those have helped me write down little ideas no matter how random they may seem. They help me in understanding Rhagerys more.
I would say my creative process is, that no matter what, is I never stop wondering. I never stop playing a scenario in my head. From basic moments (Rhagerys at breakfast and he eats a piece of moldy bread) to moments that drastically effect him (him being 15, very drunk in Pentos, and Daemon takes advantage of that). My mind is always trying to create where Rhagerys can come alive, even for just a couple pages worth.
Creating anything takes time. Practice. Patience. And understanding that what you create is for you first and foremost. If other people like it, that's wonderful. If it's just you marveling at what you've done, that's just as wonderful. You put your heart and soul into something and whether you share it with the world is completely up to you.
If you chose to, like I did (and that took almost 9 months of me building up the courage), you'll be amazed at how many people out there are so willing to listen/read/see what you created. To see them say "Omg, I love your OC." It's a great feeling and something I do hope you get to experience. Because there is always that one person out there who is waiting for character just like the one you created.
Also, as a bonus, you meet and interact with so many great people. Letting others see Rhagerys, read about him and his story (I was so terrified about that because it is not a normal one) is one of the best decisions I have ever made while being on this website. I was scared at first. But now I'm practically shouting from the rooftop "Look at my boy!" I will always feel indebted to the four people who started the ball rolling for me. @emilykaldwen. @ewanmitchellcrumbs. @selfproclaimedunicorn. @murmel-malt. They helped me feel comfortable enough with myself to feel safe and let Rhagerys become part of the ever growing HotD OC world. (Sorry to tag you guys but I need to give you credit)
When you're ready to shout from the rooftops for people to look at your OC, I'll be one of them. I'm rooting for you. I do hope this helped. If you, or anyone reading this, want to reach out and just randomly chat about OCs, or whatever, I'll always listen and chat right back. Thank you for reaching out.
#I apologize if it felt like I was ignoring this#Thank you so much for the question#I do hope I gave you the answer you wanted#If not just let me know#I apologize for the length#I just wanted to make sure I made sense#I am one of those ppl who verbalize their thoughts way better than writing them#Especially for topics that are something I'm passionate about#Bc I don't want to sound like I don't know what I'm talking about when I do#I just can't articulate very well through typed words#I also don't want ppl to be confused#I can get so caught up on my thoughts that the words don't come out right or are jumbled together#My HotD OMC#Happy Moments#Sweet Moments#Fandoms#My HotD OMC Basics
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