#Mutual Fund Assets Market size
dollar-and-sense · 1 year
Investment strategies and portfolio management
Discover the importance of diversifying your investment portfolio to minimize risk and maximize returns. Learn how to implement effective diversification strategies to achieve long-term financial success.
Discover the importance of diversifying your investment portfolio to minimize risk and maximize returns. Learn how to implement effective diversification strategies to achieve long-term financial success.   Welcome to this comprehensive guide on investment portfolio diversification, an essential element of personal finance and investing. In this article, we will delve deep into the importance…
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trading-appz · 11 months
Diversifying Your Investments: A Guide to Balancing Midcap and SIP (Systematic Investment Plan) Mutual Funds
Many investors focus their portfolios heavily on large cap stocks while ignoring midcap and small cap companies. However, diversifying your holdings across market capitalizations can provide greater growth opportunities and balance risk. Combining midcap funds with an SIP mutual fund (Systematic Investment Plan) allows you to spread your assets efficiently.
Midcap mutual funds invest in mid-sized companies that offer higher growth potential than large caps that are already well established. Though midcaps carry higher volatility, the long-term growth can outweigh short-term fluctuations. A well-managed midcap fund invested in over 50 companies can mitigate the risk through diversification. Midcap funds have delivered nearly 14% annual returns over the last decade, outperforming large cap funds.
Rather than trying to hand-pick midcap stocks, investing through a mutual fund scheme allows you to gain exposure managed by an experienced fund manager. They can identify fast-growing companies across sectors before they gain wider attention. A SIP plan spreads your investment out steadily in the fund through small periodic contributions rather than a lump sum. This lets you take advantage of rupee cost averaging and reduces the impact of market ups and downs.
SIP plans start with minimal amounts like ₹500 per month so you can begin without a large capital pool. The enforced saving discipline will help you accumulate a corpus over time without worrying about market timing. SIP instalments can be automated directly from your account, making investing completely hassle-free. As your savings grow, you can increase the SIP amount.
A prudent approach is to allocate about 30% of your portfolio to midcap funds through SIP, with the balance in large cap funds. This allows you to benefit from midcap growth while limiting risk through diversification. Avoid investing in just one midcap fund. Spread your investment across 2-3 funds from different fund houses to diversify fund manager risk.
Review and rebalance your portfolio at least annually to maintain your target allocation. As your midcap funds grow, part of those gains can be booked periodically and shifted to large cap funds. This ensures you lock in some gains and maintain your original asset allocation.
Rather than chasing the hot new IPO or small caps, a disciplined SIP plan in diversified midcap funds can help grow your wealth steadily. Focus on long term metrics like rolling returns rather than short term NAV changes. With patience and consistency, your SIP portfolio will reap the benefits of midcap investing.
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nicklloydnow · 1 year
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“Still the arrangement is bringing new attention to the company’s scale and ubiquity. “It’s impossible to think of BlackRock without thinking of them as a fourth branch of government,” says William Birdthistle, a professor at the Chicago-Kent College of Law who studies the fund industry.
There’s probably no other financial institution that brings to the table what BlackRock does. It’s experienced in running large portfolios on behalf of others. It’s ubiquitous in markets for everything from passive, index-linked products to hands-on mutual funds, with $6.5 trillion in assets under management as of March 31. It’s the largest issuer of ETFs, which act like mutual funds but trade on an exchange. It actively manages more than $625 billion in bond funds for pension plans and other institutional clients. Almost anyone looking to buy a diverse portfolio quickly would consider BlackRock—and the Fed did the same. In a virtual hearing of the Senate Banking Committee on May 19, Fed Chairman Jerome Powell said BlackRock was hired for its expertise and “it was done very quickly due to the urgency” of the matter.
Beyond money management, BlackRock’s software platform, Aladdin, appealed to the Fed. The program evaluates risk for clients that include governments, insurers, and rival wealth managers, monitoring more than $20 trillion in assets. (Bloomberg LP, the parent company of Bloomberg News, sells financial software that competes with Aladdin.)
BlackRock has ascended to speed-dial status among Washington officialdom in part through shrewd business maneuvering. It scooped up Barclays Global Investors, including its iShares ETF division, in the fallout from the 2008 crisis. That gave BlackRock a stronghold in low-cost index funds, transforming it into the world’s largest asset manager almost overnight—and supercharging more than a decade of growth.
At the same time, the money manager built a powerful advocacy arm. Its sphere of influence reaches beyond the central bank to lawmakers, presidents, and government agency heads from both political parties, though its hiring leans Democratic. Bloomberg found only a handful of current BlackRock executives who came out of the George W. Bush administration, but more than a dozen Barack Obama alumni. These include Obama’s national security adviser, senior adviser for climate policy, the former Federal Reserve vice chairman he appointed, and numerous White House, Treasury, and Fed economists.
BlackRock, however, was handed three Fed assignments without any competitive process—though the Fed plans to rebid the contracts once the programs are in full swing. BlackRock will manage portfolios of corporate bonds and debt ETFs. It will do the same for newly issued bonds—sometimes acting as the sole buyer—and for up to 25% of bank-syndicated loans. And it will purchase commercial mortgage-backed securities from quasi-government agencies such as Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
BlackRock could reap as much as $48 million a year in fees for its Fed work, according to a Bloomberg analysis. That’s no windfall, especially in relation to its $4.5 billion in earnings last year. But it may further cement the money manager’s ties with policymakers. On May 12, BlackRock began the first stage of these programs when it began buying ETFs.
As with technology companies Facebook Inc. and Alphabet Inc., BlackRock’s growth raises questions over how big and useful a company can become before its size poses a risk. The firm has long argued that, unlike banks, it’s not making investments for itself with tons of borrowed money. Watching over large sums of money for clients doesn’t make its business a threat to the broader financial system.
With its latest assignment, that argument could be harder to make, says Graham Steele, director of the Corporations and Society Initiative at the Stanford Graduate School of Business. “They are so intertwined in the market and government that it’s a really interesting tangle of conflicts,” says Steele, who formerly worked at the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco. “In the advocacy community there’s an opinion that asset managers, and this one in particular, need greater oversight.”
Already there are growing worries about the power of BlackRock, Vanguard Group Inc., and State Street, often called the Big Three because they hold about 80% of all indexed money. That raises concerns about how they wield their voting power as shareholders and has even drawn attention from antitrust officials.
And then there are the potential conflicts. One arm of BlackRock knows what the Fed is buying, while other parts of the business participating in credit markets could benefit from that knowledge. To avoid conflicts, “there are stringent information barriers in place,” says the BlackRock spokesman. BlackRock employees working on the Fed programs must segregate their operations from all other units, including trading, brokerage, and sales. The fee waiver on ETFs helps avoid the appearance of self-dealing.
But BlackRock’s contract with the Fed also acknowledges that senior executives “may sit atop of the information barrier” and “have access to confidential information on one side of a wall while carrying out duties on the other side.” Staff working on the Fed programs must go through a cooling-off period before moving to jobs on the corporate side, but it would last only two weeks.
Birdthistle, the Chicago-Kent law professor, suggests the Fed could have made its process more competitive by allocating some of its funds for buying corporate credit to a group of asset managers from the outset, instead of just one. “It raises the question: Why did all the money have to go to one company?” he asks. “I get why BlackRock would be on the list, but I don’t understand why it would be the only one on the list.””
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sandraps · 8 hours
Investment Solutions in Dubai
Investment solutions refer to a range of financial strategies, products, and services designed to help individuals and businesses grow and manage their assets. These solutions are tailored to align with the investor's goals, risk tolerance, and financial situation. They can include various asset classes such as stocks, bonds, real estate, mutual funds, and alternative investments like private equity or hedge funds.
Why Invest in Dubai?
1. Robust Economy
Dubai’s economy is one of the most diversified in the region, moving beyond oil dependency to sectors like tourism, aviation, and real estate. The government has implemented various initiatives to boost economic growth, including the Dubai Economic Agenda (D33), which aims to double the size of Dubai’s economy by 2033.
2. Strategic Location
Situated at the crossroads of Europe, Asia, and Africa, Dubai offers unparalleled access to some of the world’s fastest-growing markets. This strategic location allows businesses to tap into a vast customer base, making it an ideal choice for international trade and investment.
3. Tax Benefits
One of the most appealing aspects of investing in Dubai is its tax regime. The UAE has no personal income tax, and corporate taxes are minimal in many sectors, which significantly enhances the profitability of investments. This tax-friendly environment is particularly attractive for foreign investors.
Dubai presents a wealth of investment solutions that cater to various preferences and risk appetites. With its robust economy, strategic location, and favorable tax environment, the city continues to attract global investors seeking lucrative opportunities.
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anytimeinvest · 1 day
Are Portfolio Management Services in Delhi Better Than Mutual Funds?
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When it comes to investing, many people wonder whether portfolio management services in Delhi a better option than mutual funds. Both financial tools help individuals grow their money, but they work in different ways and cater to different types of investors. In this article, we’ll look at the key differences between the two to help you decide which one might be the right fit for you. Understanding Mutual Funds
A mutual fund is an investment vehicle where a large number of people pool their money together. A professional fund manager then invests this money into a mix of stocks, bonds, or other securities. The idea is simple: by investing in mutual funds, you spread your risk across various assets. This way, even if one stock performs poorly, others might make up for the loss.
For most individuals, mutual funds investment plans in Delhi are a popular choice because they’re easy to understand and don’t require active involvement. You don’t need to constantly monitor the market because the fund manager takes care of that. You can start with a small amount and still diversify your investments. The cost to invest is also quite low, making mutual funds suitable for beginners or those looking for a hands-off approach. What are Portfolio Management Services (PMS)?
On the other hand, PMS cater to individuals with a higher net worth. With PMS, the investments are more personalized. A portfolio manager designs an investment strategy that is customized to your financial goals, risk tolerance, and investment horizon. Unlike mutual funds, PMS accounts offer a direct investment in stocks or bonds, and the portfolio is uniquely tailored for each investor.
PMS typically requires a higher initial investment compared to mutual funds. However, it provides investors with more control and transparency over where their money is being invested. The portfolio manager works closely with you, providing detailed reports and discussing changes based on market conditions. This personalized approach can potentially offer higher returns, but it also involves more risk.
Comparing Costs
One important difference between mutual funds and PMS is the cost. Mutual funds have a lower cost structure. You might only have to pay a small management fee and other minor expenses. With PMS, the costs can be higher because of the customized service and active management involved. The portfolio manager might charge a fee based on the amount of money under management or a percentage of the profits generated.
For those who are just starting their investment journey or prefer a cost-effective approach, mutual funds are a more economical option. However, if you are an experienced investor with a larger sum to invest, and you prefer more control and personalized attention, PMS might be more appealing. Which Option Is Better for You?
There’s no one-size-fits-all answer to this question. If you’re someone who prefers a simpler, lower-cost investment option that doesn’t require much involvement, mutual funds could be the way to go. They offer a diversified portfolio with minimal effort on your part and can suit a wide range of financial goals.
However, if you have more funds to invest and want a strategy that’s specifically designed for your financial situation, portfolio management services might be a better fit. With PMS, you get a personalized touch, and there’s a greater chance of higher returns—though the risk is also higher.
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aaryablogs · 7 days
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manjushreeblogs · 7 days
All about Alternative Investment Fund
An Alternative Investment Fund, or AIF, is a confidentially pooled investment vehicle developed or incorporated in India that collects assets from expert investors, whether Indian or global, for investing in line with a defined investment policy for the welfare of its investors. AIFs can be formed or incorporated as a corporation, trust, or other legal entity (including limited liability partnerships). The SEBI (Mutual Funds) Laws of 1996, the SEBI (Collective Investment Schemes) Laws of 1999, or any other Board regulations governing fund management do not apply to AIF.
Everything to Know about Alternative Investment Fund (AIF)
The term “alternative investment fund”, refers to the collection of pooled investment funds that infuse in venture capital, private equity, hedge funds, managed futures, and other types of investments. We can also say that an AIF is a type of investment distinct from traditional investment options such as stocks, bonds, and other debt securities.
The Securities and Exchange Board of India’s Regulation Act, 2012 defines an Alternative Investment Fund (SEBI). AIFs can form as a corporation, a trust, or a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP).
Generally, high-net-worth people and organizations engage in Alternative Commitment Funds since, unlike Mutual Funds, they need a large initial investment.
Types of Alternative Investment Fund (AIF)
This category includes funds that invest in start-ups, small and medium-sized firms (SMEs), and new businesses with strong growth potential and is socially and economically viable. Because these ideas have various effects on the economy. With the terms of job and growth generation, the government encourages the plan of investment. These funds have proved a lifeline for already-successful firms in need of funding. Take a look at the many kinds of AIFs.
1. Venture Capital Fund (VCF)
Venture Capital Funds invest in high-growth start-ups that are experiencing cash constraints in the early stages of their business and require capital to develop or expand their operations. Because it is difficult for new firms and entrepreneurs to get funds through the financial markets, Venture Capital Funds have become the most popular option for their funding needs.
They invest in a variety of businesses based on their company characteristics, asset size, and product development stage. Venture capital funds, unlike mutual funds and hedge funds, concentrate on early-stage investments. Each investor receives a proportional share in the firm that the VCF has invested in, based on their investment.
2. Infrastructure Fund (IF)
The fund invests in public assets like road and rail infrastructure, airports, and communication assets, among other things. Investors that are positive about future infrastructure growth can participate in the fund since the infrastructure industry has high entry barriers and little competition.
Infrastructure Fund investors might expect a mix of capital growth and dividend income as a result of their investment. When an Infrastructure Fund invests in initiatives that are socially acceptable and practical, the government may offer tax incentives.
3. Angel Fund
This is a sort of Venture Capital fund in which fund managers combine money from a number of “angel” investors to invest in early-stage firms. Investors receive dividends when new enterprises become profitable.
Units are distributed to angel investors in the case of Angel Funds. An “angel investor” is a person who wishes to invest in an angel fund and adds business management knowledge to the table, therefore assisting the company in its growth. Because of their growing uncertainties, these investors usually invest in companies that aren’t sponsored by conventional venture capital funds.
4. Social Venture Fund
Socially responsible investment has spawned the Social Venture Fund (SVF), which invests in firms with a strong social consciousness and a desire to have a positive impact on society. These businesses are focused on producing money while also addressing environmental and social challenges. Despite the fact that it is a philanthropic investment, one may expect a return because the companies will still generate money.
5. Private Equity (PE) Fund
PE funds invest in private firms that aren’t publicly traded with stakeholders. Because the unlisted and unauthorized private enterprises are unable to raise cash with PE funds for help.
Categories of AIF
Category I
AIFs that invest in start-ups or social enterprise funds, infrastructure funds, SME funds, and so on are classified as Category I AIF. For the government or regulators, they are frequently deemed socially or economically viable.
Category II
Funds that do not use leverage or borrow for any reason other than to cover operational needs that do not fall under Categories I or III. This is where Private Equity Funds usually fall.
Category III
Funds that engage in a variety of or complex trading techniques, such as investing in listed or unlisted derivatives, fall into Category III. Hedge funds are typically included in this category. Open-ended funds are classified as Category III AIFs whereas closed-ended funds are classified as Category I and II AIFs.
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nismc59 · 8 days
What Are the Benefits of Taking a Trading Course in Delhi?
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In the vibrant financial landscape of Delhi, the quest for financial growth and investment opportunities has led many individuals to explore trading in the stock market. However, the complexities and risks associated with trading necessitate a robust educational foundation. The National Institute of Stock Market Courses (NISMC) in Delhi offers specialized trading courses designed to equip individuals with the skills and knowledge needed to excel in the financial markets. This article delves into the numerous benefits of enrolling in a Trading courses in Delhi at NISMC, highlighting how such education can transform your trading career.
1. Thorough Understanding of Financial Markets
One of the primary benefits of taking a trading course at NISMC is acquiring a comprehensive understanding of financial markets. The stock market operates on intricate principles and structures that can be overwhelming without proper guidance.
Market Structure and Functioning: Gain insights into how financial markets operate, including the roles of various participants such as brokers, traders, and regulators. Learn about major stock exchanges like the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) and the National Stock Exchange (NSE), and understand the processes involved in trading and settlement.
Financial Instruments: Explore different financial instruments, including stocks, bonds, derivatives, commodities, and mutual funds. Each instrument has its characteristics, risks, and potential returns, which are crucial for making informed trading decisions.
Market Participants: Understand the roles of different market participants, including institutional investors, retail investors, market makers, and regulators. This knowledge helps in understanding market dynamics and the impact of various participants on price movements.
A solid understanding of these concepts lays the foundation for making well-informed trading decisions and navigating the complexities of financial markets effectively.
2. Expert Risk Management Techniques
Risk management is a cornerstone of successful trading. A trading course at NISMC provides essential risk management strategies to help you protect your investments and minimize potential losses.
Risk Assessment: Learn how to assess the risk associated with different trades and investments. Understanding risk factors helps you make informed decisions and avoid high-risk situations.
Stop-Loss and Take-Profit Orders: Gain proficiency in using stop-loss and take-profit orders to automatically exit trades when specific conditions are met, thereby managing risk and locking in profits.
Position Sizing: Understand the principles of position sizing to determine the appropriate amount of capital to allocate to each trade based on your overall portfolio and risk tolerance.
Diversification: Learn how to diversify your investments across different asset classes and sectors to spread risk and reduce the impact of adverse market movements.
Mastering these risk management techniques helps ensure that your trading activities are balanced and that your capital is safeguarded against significant losses.
3. Advanced Technical Analysis Skills
Technical analysis is a vital skill for traders who focus on short-term price movements and trends. NISMC’s trading courses provide in-depth training in technical analysis.
Chart Patterns: Learn to recognize various chart patterns such as head and shoulders, double tops and bottoms, and flags. These patterns can provide insights into potential price movements and trends.
Technical Indicators: Gain expertise in using technical indicators like Moving Averages (MA), Relative Strength Index (RSI), Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD), and Bollinger Bands. These indicators help in analyzing market trends, momentum, and volatility.
Trend Analysis: Understand how to identify and analyze market trends, including uptrends, downtrends, and sideways movements. Learn strategies for trading with the trend and identifying potential reversals.
By developing advanced technical analysis skills, you can make informed decisions based on price data and market trends, enhancing your ability to execute successful trades.
4. In-Depth Fundamental Analysis
Fundamental analysis involves evaluating the intrinsic value of a company based on financial and economic factors. NISMC’s courses offer comprehensive training in fundamental analysis.
Financial Statements: Learn how to interpret key financial statements, including the balance sheet, income statement, and cash flow statement. These statements provide insights into a company’s financial health and performance.
Valuation Metrics: Study various valuation metrics such as Price-to-Earnings (P/E) ratio, Price-to-Book (P/B) ratio, and Dividend Yield to assess whether a stock is undervalued or overvalued.
Economic Indicators: Understand how macroeconomic factors, such as inflation rates, interest rates, and GDP growth, influence stock prices and market conditions.
Industry and Sector Analysis: Explore how to analyze industry and sector trends to make informed investment decisions based on the broader economic environment.
Proficiency in fundamental analysis enables you to select stocks and investments based on their intrinsic value and long-term potential, supporting informed decision-making.
5. Practical Experience and Hands-On Learning
One of the most significant advantages of taking a trading course at NISMC is the practical experience and hands-on learning opportunities provided.
Live Trading Simulations: Participate in simulated trading environments where you can apply theoretical knowledge to real-time scenarios. This hands-on practice helps you gain confidence and experience without risking actual money.
Trading Platforms: Gain familiarity with various trading platforms and tools used in the industry, enhancing your ability to execute trades efficiently and effectively.
Case Studies: Analyze real-world case studies to understand how trading strategies are applied in different market conditions and scenarios.
Practical experience bridges the gap between theoretical concepts and real-world application, helping you develop the skills necessary for successful trading.
6. Personalized Instruction and Expert Mentorship
NISMC provides personalized instruction and mentorship, which are crucial for effective learning and career development.
Experienced Instructors: Learn from industry experts with extensive experience in trading and financial markets. Their insights and real-world knowledge offer valuable perspectives and guidance.
Customized Feedback: Receive individualized feedback on your trading strategies and decisions, helping you identify strengths and areas for improvement.
Career Guidance: Benefit from career advice and support from instructors and mentors, including tips on job opportunities, certifications, and professional development.
Personalized instruction and mentorship ensure that you receive tailored guidance and support, enhancing your learning experience and career prospects.
7. Development of Discipline and Emotional Control
Successful trading requires discipline and emotional control. A structured trading course helps you develop these essential traits.
Trading Plan: Learn how to create and follow a well-defined trading plan that outlines your strategies, goals, and risk management rules. A disciplined approach helps you stay focused and avoid impulsive decisions.
Emotional Control: Develop techniques to manage emotions such as fear and greed, which can impact trading decisions and lead to poor outcomes.
Patience and Consistency: Cultivate the patience and consistency required to adhere to your trading plan and execute strategies effectively over time.
Enhancing your discipline and emotional control improves your ability to make rational decisions and maintain a consistent trading approach.
8. Customization Based on Individual Goals
NISMC offers a range of courses tailored to different trading styles and objectives, allowing you to focus on areas that align with your personal goals.
Day Trading: For those interested in short-term trading, specialized courses cover day trading techniques and strategies for capitalizing on intraday price movements.
Swing Trading: Courses on swing trading focus on medium-term trading strategies, teaching you how to capture price movements over several days or weeks.
Long-Term Investing: Long-term investing courses emphasize fundamental analysis and value investing strategies for building a robust investment portfolio.
Algorithmic Trading: Advanced courses in algorithmic trading teach you how to develop and implement trading algorithms for automated trading strategies.
By choosing a course that matches your trading style and objectives, you can tailor your learning experience to meet your specific needs.
9. Networking Opportunities
Enrolling in a trading course at NISMC provides valuable networking opportunities within the financial industry.
Industry Events: Participate in workshops, seminars, and guest lectures featuring industry experts. These events offer opportunities to learn from professionals and connect with peers.
Peer Interactions: Engage with fellow students who share your interests and goals, fostering connections that can lead to collaborations or job opportunities.
Professional Connections: Build relationships with instructors and industry professionals who can provide career advice and support.
Networking enhances your learning experience and opens doors to new opportunities and insights in the financial sector.
10. Career Advancement and Professional Development
Completing a trading course from NISMC can significantly enhance your career prospects and professional development in the financial industry.
Certification: Obtain certification upon course completion, which adds credibility to your resume and demonstrates your commitment to professional growth.
Job Placement Assistance: Benefit from job placement services that connect you with potential employers and job opportunities in trading and finance.
Industry Recognition: Gain recognition from a reputable institution, which can enhance your profile and increase your chances of securing desirable positions.
A well-regarded certification and career assistance can boost your chances of landing a job and advancing in the competitive field of finance.
Enrolling in a trading course in Delhi, particularly at the National Institute of Stock Market Courses (NISMC), offers a multitude of benefits that can significantly impact your trading career. From gaining a thorough understanding of financial markets and mastering risk management to developing technical and fundamental analysis skills, obtaining practical experience, and receiving expert mentorship, the advantages are substantial. Additionally, the opportunity to enhance your discipline, tailor your learning experience, network with industry professionals, and advance your career further underscores the value of investing in a structured trading course. With the right education and training, you can confidently navigate the complexities of the stock market and work towards achieving your financial goals.
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portugaltimesnow · 3 years
When Jonathan Bock Joined Barings, He Promised to Make BDCs Investor-Friendly. So Far, So Good.
Barings BDC’s planned acquisition of Sierra Income will turn a product infamous for being unfriendly to shareholders into one of the best.
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In his previous job as a research analyst at Wells Fargo, Jonathan Bock, CFO of Barings BDC, loudly pushed for transparency, lower fees, and better practices at business development companies. Now he’s helping turn one of the worst BDCs into one of the best.
BDCs, which are essentially mutual funds that lend money to small and medium-size businesses, have grown from an obscure backwater to a fast-growing slice of private credit filled with offerings from the biggest names in asset management. In an environment in which the Federal Reserve has kept interest rates low for years, investors hungry for higher yields began to flock to these products. Bock, who joined Barings in 2018 after a dozen years as a sell-side research analyst, and who is also a managing director in the Barings Global Private Finance Group, helped fuel the growth of the sector by becoming a sometimes feared advocate for shareholders and relentlessly pushing for better standards with his quarterly Wells Fargo BDC Scorecard.
But it’s still a sector in need of improvement — at least for shareholders.
Last week, the bar was raised when Barings BDC said it would buy Sierra Income Corp. Sierra’s adviser is Medley Management, which has been at the center of a multiyear saga involving shareholder lawsuits, public critiques, and brazen conflicts of interest. Medley Management is now in bankruptcy.
Not only is the sale to Barings bringing the Sierra chapter of the Medley drama to an end, but shareholders of Sierra, a private BDC, will get protections rarely offered to investors. Barings BDC is part of $382 billion-in-assets investment manager Barings — itself owned by insurance company MassMutual.
Bock explained that Barings BDC is providing a $100 million credit support agreement, under which parent Barings LLC will take the first loss up to that amount for 10 years. Barings BDC is the only manager to offer such protection, according to the company and several third-party sources. It is also making a $100 million cash payment (from Barings LLC) to Sierra shareholders as part of a deal valued at nearly $624 million.
Legendary investor Leon Cooperman, founder of hedge fund Omega Advisors, put the Barings-Sierra deal in the context of where the BDC market is moving. The market has been penalizing firms that operate for the benefit of managers, not shareholders. These BDCs, along with others, have ended up trading at a discount to net asset value. This means that private BDCs won’t be able to go public, locking shareholders into the illiquid vehicles.
“The market made a judgement. This is the right thing to do,” Cooperman told Institutional Investor.
Shareholder-friendly moves also attract capital from the biggest pensions, endowments, foundations, and other institutions.
“You have to be shareholder-friendly if you want to attract capital. The deal makes sense. They bought it right, meaning they’re buying back stock at a discount to NAV and not issuing new stock and not diluting anybody. The game is over, whether it’s REITs, MLPs, or BDCs. It only works when stock sells at a premium to NAV,” said Cooperman.
In another rare move, Barings BDC is increasing the hurdle rate, essentially raising the bar before the manager earns incentive fees. The rate will go from 8 to 8.25 percent — the highest in the industry — before the manager earns the 20 percent incentive fee.
In late May, the board of Sierra Income said it would look at strategic alternatives for the company. That kicked off a process in which asset managers were given an opportunity to take a look at the portfolio, which is primarily made up of bank club deals offering a healthy yield.
“Let’s face it. It’s always nice when BDC boards, and the industry for that matter, think more about what they can do for the shareholders, [rather than] simply what they can get away with. This transaction takes alignment one step higher in the industry,” said Bock.
“It may take a while, and progress is never a straight line, but capital eventually moves the right way.”
The deal with Barings closes a long period of uncertainty for shareholders in the Sierra BDC.
The saga of Medley Management began in earnest in 2017, when Brook and Seth Taube, the brothers who owned the majority of Medley Management, attempted to sell the advisor after years of generating subpar returns. After failing to get the price they wanted, Medley ultimately proposed an uber-complicated deal in which the shareholders of Medley Capital Corp., the BDC it advised, would buy the management company.
As part of the deal, Sierra — retail investors who rarely vote their shares — would merge with Medley Capital. The combined BDC would buy Medley Management at a far higher price — a 100 percent premium to its stock price at the time — than any firm had offered when the Taube twins were actively shopping it around. Even though the deal led to a proxy fight, public recriminations against Medley by activist shareholders, a Delaware trial that Medley lost, and a new search for an alternative, the transaction was ultimately approved by the board and shareholders in 2019. However, the Securities and Exchange Commission never gave its approval. Instead, the SEC issued Wells Notices to Medley Management, informing them that it was launching an investigation into the firm.
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zfundsofficial · 9 days
Best SIP Plans for ₹1000 Per Month: Start Small, Grow Big
Starting a SIP for ₹1000 per month may seem like a small step, but it’s a powerful way to build long-term wealth. Funds like Axis Bluechip, Mirae Asset Emerging Bluechip, and SBI Small Cap offer different risk-return profiles to suit every type of investor. By staying committed and investing regularly, you can achieve your financial goals with ease, no matter how small your initial contribution.
1. Axis Bluechip Fund
Category: Large Cap Axis Bluechip Fund is one of the top-performing large-cap mutual funds, focusing on investing in well-established companies with strong financial health. It offers relatively lower risk and steady returns, making it ideal for conservative investors. The fund’s consistent performance and sound management make it a reliable option for long-term wealth creation.
Key Benefits:
Strong portfolio of large-cap companies
Lower risk compared to mid or small-cap funds
Suitable for long-term wealth building
2. Mirae Asset Emerging Bluechip Fund
Category: Large & Mid-Cap Mirae Asset Emerging Bluechip Fund is an excellent choice for investors looking for a mix of stability and growth. It invests in both large and mid-cap stocks, giving you the potential for higher returns while balancing the risk. Though it’s slightly more aggressive, the fund has a solid track record of delivering superior returns over the long term.
Key Benefits:
Balanced risk with exposure to large and mid-cap stocks
High potential for returns
Suitable for long-term investors with moderate risk tolerance
3. SBI Small Cap Fund
Category: Small Cap If you have a higher risk appetite and want to invest in companies with high growth potential, the SBI Small Cap Fund could be the right fit. This fund focuses on small-cap stocks, which can offer significant upside in the long run. However, small-cap funds are volatile and better suited for those willing to ride out market fluctuations.
Key Benefits:
Potential for high returns in the long term
Exposure to small-cap companies with growth opportunities
Ideal for aggressive investors
4. ICICI Prudential Equity & Debt Fund
Category: Hybrid (Equity-Oriented) For investors seeking a balanced approach, the ICICI Prudential Equity & Debt Fund offers the best of both worlds. This hybrid fund invests in both equities and debt, reducing the overall risk while still providing the potential for growth. It’s ideal for investors who prefer stability but also want equity exposure for higher returns.
Key Benefits:
Balanced risk with equity and debt exposure
Stability combined with growth potential
Suitable for conservative to moderate investors
5. HDFC Mid-Cap Opportunities Fund
Category: Mid-Cap HDFC Mid-Cap Opportunities Fund is a popular choice among investors looking for exposure to mid-sized companies with strong growth potential. It is a moderately risky option, offering higher returns than large-cap funds but with less volatility than small-cap funds.
Key Benefits:
High growth potential with mid-cap stocks
Moderate risk level
Suitable for long-term investors with a moderate risk appetite
Why Invest in SIPs?
Disciplined Investing: SIP plan help in building a disciplined approach to investing by making small, regular contributions.
Power of Compounding: Even small investments can grow significantly over time due to the power of compounding.
Rupee-Cost Averaging: Investing regularly helps average out the purchase cost, reducing the impact of market volatility.
Flexibility: SIPs are flexible, allowing you to increase or decrease your investment amount as per your financial situation.
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Bajaj Housing Finance IPO: Check Price, GMP, Guidelines, Quota, Issue Size
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Bajaj Housing Finance IPO much-anticipated is set to open for public subscription on Monday, September 9. On the previous Friday, the company raised Rs 1,758 crore from anchor investors. The IPO, which totals Rs 6,560 crore, has a price band set between Rs 66 to Rs 70 per share.    Important IPO Dates The IPO will open on September 9 and close on Wednesday, September 11. The allotment of shares is expected to be finalized by September 12, with the listing scheduled on both BSE and NSE on September 16.    IPO Quota Allocation The IPO quota is divided into different investor categories: - 50% is reserved for qualified institutional buyers (QIBs) - 35% for retail investors - 15% for high-net-worth individuals (HNIs)   Additionally, Rs 500 crore worth of shares are reserved for the shareholder quota, available to eligible shareholders of Bajaj Finance Limited and Bajaj Finserv Limited as of the Red Herring Prospectus date (August 30, 2024). Only bids at or above the issue price will be considered.    Price Band and Issue Size The price band for the Rs 6,560 crore IPO has been fixed between Rs 66 and Rs 70 per share. This includes a fresh issue of equity shares worth Rs 3,560 crore and an offer for sale (OFS) of Rs 3,000 crore by the parent company, Bajaj Finance.    Gray Market Premium (GMP) for Bajaj Housing Finance IPO Market watchers report that the unlisted shares of Bajaj Housing Finance Ltd are trading at a Rs 50 premium in the gray market, indicating a 71.43% expected public benefit over the issue price. The gray market premium is driven by market sentiment and may fluctuate.    Analysts' Recommendations Analysts are generally optimistic about the IPO. Anand Rathi has given a 'buy' recommendation, citing the Rs 7,000 crore fundraising as a catalyst for Bajaj Finance's (BAF) stock performance. The brokerage notes Bajaj Housing Finance’s higher return on equity (RoE) and return on assets (RoA), which justify premium valuations.   On the other hand, InCred Equities has issued a 'hold' recommendation, acknowledging that while Bajaj Housing Finance trades at a higher multiple compared to peers like LIC Housing Finance (1.2x) and PNB Housing (1.7x), it still finds the stock attractive due to 30% CAGR AUM growth, solid asset quality, and a strong tech platform.    More on Anchor Investors Prominent anchor investors include the Government of Singapore, Abu Dhabi Investment Authority, Fidelity, Morgan Stanley, and other major institutions like HDFC Mutual Fund, SBI Life Insurance, ICICI Prudential Life Insurance, and Goldman Sachs. A total of 25.11 crore equity shares have been allocated to 104 companies at Rs 70 per share, bringing the anchor investment total to Rs 1,758 crore.    IPO Objectives and Regulatory Compliance The IPO has been launched in compliance with Reserve Bank of India (RBI) regulations, requiring top-tier non-banking financial companies (NBFCs) to be listed by September 2025. Proceeds from the fresh issue will be used to expand the capital base to meet future business needs.    Company Background Bajaj Housing Finance has been registered with the National Housing Bank since September 2015, offering a range of financial solutions, including home loans, property loans, and developer financing. For the fiscal year 2023-2024, the company reported a net profit of Rs 1,731 crore, marking a 38% increase over the previous year.    Lead Managers and Recent Listings Lead book managers for the IPO include Kotak Mahindra Capital, BofA Securities India, SBI Capital Markets, Goldman Sachs (India) Securities, and JM Financial. Recently, other housing finance companies like Aadhar Housing Finance and India Shelter Finance have also listed on the stock market. Read the full article
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lisakapoorblogs · 22 days
Mutual Funds Explained: The Meaning Behind Common Investment Terms
Mutual funds are a good way to build wealth. However, mutual fund terms must be understood to make informed decisions. Investors use SIP calculators to estimate Systematic Investment Plan returns. We will define mutual fund investment terms in this article so you understand how they affect your investments.
Let's start with mutual funds meaning. Mutual funds invest money from multiple investors in a diversified portfolio of stocks, bonds, and other securities. Professional fund managers choose which securities to buy or sell to maximise investor returns. Every mutual fund investor owns shares, which are part of the fund's holdings.
Common Investment Terms in Mutual Funds
Net Asset Value (NAV): The NAV represents the per-unit value of a mutual fund. It is calculated by dividing the total value of the fund’s assets minus liabilities by the number of units outstanding. The NAV changes daily based on the market value of the fund’s assets. Understanding NAV is crucial because it helps investors determine the value of their investment in the mutual fund.
Expense Ratio: The expense ratio is the annual fee that mutual funds charge their investors to cover management fees, administrative costs, and other expenses. It is expressed as a percentage of the fund's average assets under management. A lower expense ratio means more of your investment goes towards generating returns, making it an important factor to consider when choosing a mutual fund.
Exit Load: An exit load is a fee charged by mutual funds when an investor exits or redeems their units before a specified period. This fee is typically used to discourage short-term trading and to protect the interests of long-term investors. Understanding the exit load structure is important as it can affect your overall returns, especially if you plan to redeem your investment early.
Systematic Investment Plan (SIP): SIP is a method of investing in mutual funds where an investor invests a fixed amount at regular intervals, such as monthly or quarterly. SIPs allow investors to benefit from rupee cost averaging, where they buy more units when prices are low and fewer units when prices are high. This approach helps in mitigating market volatility and building a disciplined investment habit.
Asset Under Management (AUM): AUM refers to the total market value of the assets that a mutual fund manages on behalf of its investors. It is an indicator of the fund’s size and popularity. A larger AUM often implies that the fund is trusted by many investors, but it is also essential to evaluate the fund’s performance and strategy.
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How Does Model Portfolio Work in Mutual Fund Software for Distributors?
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Investors need to visualize how their investments will perform before they commit. Without a clear picture of potential outcomes, many investors hesitate to invest with Mutual Fund Distributors (MFDs). This is where the concept of a model portfolio becomes essential.
Challenges MFDs Face in Convincing Investors
Lack of Visualization: Investors often struggle to understand how different investment strategies will impact their financial goals.
Trust Issues: Convincing clients that a particular investment strategy is suitable for them can be difficult without tangible examples.
Varied Risk Profiles: Every investor has a unique risk tolerance, making it challenging to recommend a one-size-fits-all portfolio.
Complexity of Options: The wide array of available mutual funds can overwhelm investors, leading to indecision.
Introducing Model Portfolio in Mutual Fund Software
Mutual fund software for distributors by REDVision Technologies offers a solution to these challenges through a powerful tool known as the Model Portfolio. This feature allows MFDs to create and present sample portfolios tailored to different risk profiles, helping investors see how their money could grow over time.
Step 1: Create a Model Portfolio
The first step in utilizing the model portfolio feature is to create portfolios based on various risk profiles and investment objectives. MFDs can:
Diversify Investments: Include a mix of asset classes such as equities, bonds in mutual funds to align with different risk appetites.
Tailor Strategies: Design portfolios with different strategies, such as growth-focused or income-generating, to meet diverse client needs.
Provide Examples: Showcase how these portfolios have historically performed or how they are projected to perform under different market conditions.
Step 2: View, Edit, or Delete Model Portfolios
After creating model portfolios, MFDs have the flexibility to:
View: Quickly access any model portfolio to present it to clients during discussions.
Edit: Make adjustments to portfolios in response to changing market conditions, updated financial goals, or client preferences.
Delete: Remove outdated or underperforming portfolios to keep the offerings relevant and effective.
This ongoing flexibility ensures that MFDs can continuously adapt and refine their investment strategies to provide the best possible recommendations to their clients.
Step 3: Generate Personalized Investment Plans
Once the model portfolios are in place, MFDs can use them to create personalized investment plans for individual clients. This process involves:
Customization: Tailoring the model portfolio to match the specific financial goals, risk tolerance, and time horizon of each client.
Detailed Projections: Provide clients with projections of expected returns, risk levels, and the potential growth of their investments.
Clear Communication: Explaining the reasoning behind each recommendation, helping clients understand how the portfolio aligns with their long-term financial objectives.
Mutual fund software, with its model portfolio feature, is a game-changer for MFDs. By enabling investors to see the potential of their investments clearly, MFDs can build stronger relationships and drive better outcomes for both their clients and their businesses.
The ease of managing multiple portfolios, coupled with the ability to tailor and adjust them as needed, frees up MFDs to focus on revenue-generating activities and long-term business growth.
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qwertydded · 28 days
Compounding and Diversification Strategies for Financial Success
Compounding and Diversification Strategies for Financial Success
In the investing world two most popular quotes every investor comes across is ‘Don’t put all the eggs in one basket’, and ‘Compounding is the eighth wonder of the world, he who understands it earns it, and who doesn’t, pays it’.
The first quote is about diversification, a key risk management technique. It is an investing strategy of that helps manages the risk in your portfolio, by spreading the investments across multiple asset classes. This way, even if one investment underperforms, it is offset by gains of another investment in the portfolio.
The second quote is obviously about the power of compounding. In compounding, you can earn returns on your previously generated returns, multiplying your money over a period of time. This way, you can accumulate more wealth at the end of a certain tenure.
Diversification and the power of compounding are two very important strategies in investing, and if used correctly, they can help build wealth by managing the risk in the portfolio.
Diversification strategies
Through diversification you can manage the risk in your portfolio by spreading the risk across multiple investments. You can meet your diversification goal through multiple ways. Following are some of different diversification strategies used by investors. 
Asset class diversification
In asset class diversification, you can spread your portfolio risk by investing across different asset classes like equity, debt, gold, real estate, currency, and commodities. Ideally, hybrid mutual funds can help achieve asset class diversification to reduce risk in your mutual fund portfolio as they invest in both equity and debt instruments.
Industry diversification
Industry diversification is a strategy within asset class diversification, where the focus is on investing in different industries of the economy. The market has different sectors, such as healthcare, retail, telecom, IT, automobile, and renewable energy. Since industries move in cycles, when one industry is in the expanding stage, the other might be in the contracting stage. By spreading your investment across various industries, you can offset the losses of one industry with the gains of another industry. In mutual funds, there are diversified equity funds that invest in various industries across different market capitalisations.
Geographical diversification
Another diversification strategy is spreading the investments across multiple countries or regions to mitigate the risk of a single geography. By following the geographical diversification strategy, you can tap into the growth potential of different regions by managing the portfolio risk. In mutual funds, there are global funds, fund of funds and international mutual funds that give you access to international stocks and securities across developed and emerging markets.
Marketcap diversification
Marketcap diversification is a pure equity investment strategy where you can invest in companies across different sizes, namely, large-cap, mid-cap, and small-cap companies. Different companies of different sizes perform differently in different market conditions. By investing in companies across different market capitalisations, you can create a balanced portfolio that can weather market fluctuations more effectively. Mutual funds, multi-cap funds, and flexi-cap funds help achieve market cap diversification.
Compounding strategies
Compounding simply means earning interest on interest. The role of compounding is to create a snowball effect, through which your money will be multiplied to accumulate huge wealth in the long term. Following are some of the different compounding strategies that you can use to generate wealth through mutual funds.
Start early
One of the reasons why the power of compounding works like magic is tenure. The longer the tenure, the higher will be the returns. If you start investing at an early age, you can accumulate a huge corpus after a long tenure.
For example, if you start investing for your retirement at the age of 21, you will have 39 years until you retire, assuming you retire at the age of 60. You can use a SIP calculator to see how much you can accumulate if you invest Rs 5,000 a month at 12% interest for 39 years. An investment of just Rs 23.4 lakhs can create a corpus of Rs 5.26 crores.
However, if you start investing the same amount when you turn 55 and plan to retire at 60, then you will only have five years until retirement, and you can accumulate only Rs 4.12 lakhs in 5 years. Hence, you can take complete advantage of the power of Thby starting your investing journey early.
Mutual fund SIP
Systematic Investment Plan (SIP) is an investing technique where you can invest small amount of money regularly over a period of time to accumulate a huge corpus at the end of an investment tenure. By following the SIP route, you can inculcate financial discipline, invest in a hassle-free way by automating investments, and benefit from rupee-cost averaging. Moreover, SIP and compounding are the magic formula for generating long term wealth through mutual funds.
SIP Top up
While the SIP route can help you benefit from investing a small amount of money to accumulate a huge corpus, the SIP top-up will help you beat inflation and reach your financial goals faster. SIP top-up is a method of increasing your investment amount every year to ensure your investment is able to generate inflation-beating returns. Moreover, a SIP top-up magnifies the power of compounding. As the investment increases, so do your returns, accelerating the growth of the overall investment corpus.
Be patient
One last strategy that allows you to make the most of compounding is to be patient with your investments. Compounding works the best only in the long term. Don’t panic seeing the short term market fluctuations, continue to keep investing to benefit from rupee cost averaging. In the long term, all market fluctuations will smoothen out and your investment will grow helping you achieve all your financial goals.
An ideal mix of diversification and compounding strategies can help you make the most of your investments in mutual funds and achieve financial freedom and security in the long run. However, remember that proper market research is necessary to invest in mutual funds. Make sure you take the advice of a financial expert to invest in the best mutual funds that align with your financial goals and risk tolerance levels. 
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oawa12 · 1 month
Private Wealth Management with OAWA: A Personalized Approach to Financial Success
In today's complex financial landscape, managing wealth effectively requires more than just basic financial knowledge. It demands a strategic approach, tailored advice, and a deep understanding of market dynamics. This is where OAWA, a premier private wealth management firm, comes into play. With a commitment to delivering personalized financial solutions, OAWA stands out as a trusted partner for individuals and families looking to secure their financial future.
The OAWA Difference
At OAWA, the focus is on building long-term relationships with clients. The firm understands that each client has unique financial goals, risk tolerance, Private Wealth Management Firm. This is why OAWA offers customized wealth management strategies designed to meet the specific needs of each client.
Unlike many larger financial institutions that often take a one-size-fits-all approach, OAWA prides itself on offering personalized service. The firm’s team of experienced advisors takes the time to get to know each client personally, understanding their financial aspirations and challenges. This close relationship allows OAWA to develop tailored strategies that align with the client's objectives, whether it's growing wealth, preserving capital, or planning for retirement.
Comprehensive Wealth Management Services
OAWA offers a wide range of services to help clients manage and grow their wealth. These services include:
Investment Management: OAWA’s investment management services are designed to optimize returns while managing risk. The firm’s advisors use a disciplined approach to asset allocation, selecting investments that align with the client’s financial goals and risk tolerance. Whether it's stocks, bonds, mutual funds, or alternative investments, OAWA provides expert guidance to help clients make informed decisions.
Financial Planning: Comprehensive financial planning is at the heart of OAWA’s approach. The firm’s advisors work closely with clients to develop a detailed financial plan that addresses all aspects of their financial life. This includes retirement planning, tax planning, estate planning, and more. By taking a holistic view of the client's financial situation, OAWA helps ensure that all elements of their financial life are working together to achieve their goals.
Retirement Planning: Planning for retirement is a critical aspect of wealth management. OAWA helps clients develop a retirement plan that ensures they can enjoy their golden years without financial worry. The firm takes into account factors such as expected expenses, lifestyle goals, and potential risks, creating a plan that provides peace of mind and financial security.
Estate Planning: Preserving wealth for future generations is a key concern for many clients. OAWA offers estate planning services that help clients structure their estate in a way that minimizes taxes and ensures their assets are distributed according to their wishes. This includes setting up trusts, drafting wills, and planning for the transfer of wealth to heirs.
Tax Planning: Efficient tax planning is essential for wealth preservation. OAWA’s advisors are well-versed in the latest tax laws and regulations, helping clients minimize their tax burden and maximize their wealth. The firm provides strategies for tax-efficient investing, charitable giving, and other tax-related matters.
A Client-Centric Philosophy
OAWA’s success is built on a client-centric philosophy. The firm believes that trust and transparency are the foundation of any successful financial relationship. OAWA is committed to maintaining the highest standards of integrity and professionalism, ensuring that clients feel confident and secure in their financial decisions.
The firm’s advisors are not only experts in their field but also passionate about helping clients achieve their financial goals. They take a proactive approach, regularly reviewing and adjusting strategies to ensure they remain aligned with the client’s objectives. Whether navigating market fluctuations or life changes, OAWA’s advisors are there to provide guidance and support every step of the way.
Embracing Innovation
In addition to its personalized service, OAWA embraces the latest financial technology to enhance its offerings. The firm utilizes advanced portfolio management tools, financial planning software, and secure online platforms to provide clients with real-time access to their financial information. This commitment to innovation allows OAWA to deliver a seamless and efficient wealth management experience. Best NSE Academy Brochure
OAWA is more than just a wealth management firm; it is a partner in your financial journey. With a personalized approach, comprehensive services, and a commitment to excellence, OAWA helps clients navigate the complexities of wealth management with confidence. Whether you’re looking to grow your wealth, plan for retirement, or secure your family’s financial future, OAWA is here to guide you every step of the way.
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aaryablogs · 10 days
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