#Mushroom Farm Humidification
opstechsanjana · 2 days
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Manufacturer Greenhouse Misting And Fogging System in Africa
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ctrltech · 3 months
Steam Humidifiers for Diverse Commercial Needs and Superior Humidity Solutions.
Optimize your operations with our high-performance commercial humidifiers, perfect for greenhouses, aquariums, tobacco storage, and more. Unlike a dehumidifier, our system maintains the ideal humidity levels for healthy plant growth, aquatic environments, and product preservation. Enhance your productivity and ensure the best conditions for your specific needs with our reliable and efficient humidification solutions. #CommercialHumidifier #Humidifier #Humidity #Dehumidifier #Ctrltech4u https://www.ctrltechnologies.com/dehumidifier/humidifier.php
A commercial steam humidifier is an excellent solution for environments requiring precise humidity control, such as mushroom farming, tobacco storage, zoos, and food processing facilities. Air humidifiers generate clean, sterilized warm mist, ensuring the air remains free from contaminants while maintaining optimal moisture levels. In mushroom farming, they provide the necessary humidity for optimal growth and yield. For tobacco storage, they help preserve the quality and prevent drying. In zoos, they create comfortable habitats for various animals by replicating their natural environments. In food processing, they maintain product quality and extend shelf life by preventing dehydration and spoilage. These humidifiers are reliable, efficient, and designed to handle the demanding needs of commercial applications.
Our advanced ultrasonic humidifiers optimize humidity control in mushroom farming, tobacco storage, zoos, and food processing.
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mistcooling-us · 5 months
Mistcooling - Misting Fan | Misting Cooling Systems | Misting Nozzles | Pool Cooler | Patio Misting System
Manufacturer and seller of Mistcooling Systems, Misting Nozzles, Misting Pumps, and Specialized applications of misting systems. Our Misting Systems are made for Industrial, Commercial, and Residential Misting applications. Mistcooling pumps, rated at 1500 psi and 1000 psi provide the best misting systems. Our misting system applications include greenhouse humidification, data center cooling, theme parks cooling, rail tracks cooling, 4d Theater misting effect, roof cooling, mushroom farming.
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sinangoral2017-blog · 7 years
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[06.15.17] today, i had the privilege of visiting the family-owned mushroom cultivation farm, oyama no taishō, which has been perfecting the art of shiitake mushroom farming for over 24 years. i’m still a little flushed and surprised that they allowed for someone like me to come to their farm, but i’m not questioning it. let me walk you through the organization of events prior to my visit, as well as the farming day, itself.
i had really been struggling with their website, since it is completely in japanese. thus, finding any contact information provided quite difficult. over the several days i have been in japan, i asked as many japanese natives as i could on how to navigate the website. surprisingly, it wasn’t any hostel worker who got me through, but some random girl on the street urging people to come into the made-famous ‘maid cafes.’ i don’t even want to get into what i think about those places, but if you want to look it up, check this out. 
in either case, this sweetheart named yuna helped me decipher the site, and i was able to email the farm. within hours, an equally friendly lady named takako emailed me back with broken, albeit discernible english. after basic introductions and several back and forth emails, my research intent became clear to her (as clear as ‘building materials using mushrooms’ would be lololol) and we gained an understanding of expectations from one another. i was invited to the farm, and she even suggested that they pick me up from the train station. google maps only showed a 1.3 km walk, but she insisted. i obliged, and set towards haneda.
well, boy was i grateful for their pickup. the 1.3 km drive, in the minitruck, took over 20 minutes. the farm happens to be on a severe incline, and the winding roads to go up to it present daunting cliff overhangs. the same stuff from the movies. no joke. 
a young man named takashi picked me up. we couldn’t really speak to one another in light of the language barrier, but he seemed to exude a lot of excitement. as i later found out, it was pretty rare for people to ‘randomly come through to the farm.’ in retrospect, i must have been the most bizarre visitor to see them. 
once we got to the farm, takashi introduced me to takako, her mother, and her father. i met some cute cats (whose names i cannot remember), and then takashi took me of a tour of the facility. 
the farm has several ‘houses’ that house prepared logs, dropped off by a partner logging company. these logs stack either vertically or horizontally. temperature and humidity are meticulously controlled in these houses. as takashi explained to me, ideal humidity levels never go over 80%, and temperature never exceeds 90 degrees. 
the logs continually cycle through misting (humidification), heating, cooling, and flushing (in cold water baths)to expand and contract. any log can spawn several generations of shiitake mushrooms, but can only continue for this cycle for up to three years. 
takashi also explained that there are several benefits to horizontal and/or vertical growth. none of these benefits affect taste per se. rather, they affect the aesthetic quality of the mushrooms and their directional growth. you can see, for example, that all the shiitake which have blossomed out of the vertical logs arch upwards. depending on the consumption method (i.e. grilling, frying, etc), this affect might be more desirable. 
you might be asking yourself: ‘okay, these logs are prepared, cycled through, and nurtured. but how do they give birth to mushrooms?’ good question. throughout the three to four hours i spent on the farm, i had the same underlying question pestering me. though i should’ve asked earlier, takashi explained towards the end of the day the two ways in which they can implant mushroom spores into the wood - both of which accomplish the same thing, but do so with different speeds.
the first involves a gun resembling a drill punches a hemispherical cavity into the log. after this space has been excavated, a tool resembling a pneumatic nail gun fills this cavity with a paste, which is also provided by a partnering company. though we got confused with one another when i asked about what kind of ‘paste’ this was, i have a pretty good idea from my own research that this paste was mostly fungus/spore based - a mycelium paste, of sorts. i would’ve uploaded an image of the canister, but i’ll spare you, since i’m not sure if any of my readers know japanese. 
the second method does exactly what i just explained, and in the same order, but through automation. the huge (and beautiful... drool) machine resembling a diesel tank engine does just this. takashi powered this up for me and showed how a log enters into the machine’s claws, gets ‘stamped,’ turned, stamped again, and then filled. one log can be covered in +/- 20 dimples in around 15 seconds. pretty efficient, pretty japanese.
we then picked my favorite mushrooms and grilled them for lunch. no sauces other than soy sauce to top them off, yet they were the most delicious vegetables i’ve eaten in a while. they still reeked of that fresh dirt smell - sort of akin to a recent rain. combined with the smokey coals of the grill, to me, the mushrooms needed no other taste. sure beats organic trader joes mushrooms.
though none of my research (at least at this point... ~ massages beard inquisitively ~) is interested in the taste qualities of mushrooms as they relate to architecture, the experiences i gained at this farm are invaluable to me and my research process. one thing that utterly failed in my previous mycelium experiments was the actual cultivation of the mushrooms in an efficient way. though the farm specializes in shiitake, specifically, i’m sure that i can adapt the insight i gained towards my own work.
now that my visit to oyama no taishō has come to a close, i plan to continue down south along the east jr line. tomorrow morning, i’ll leave for hamamatsu if i cannot stop in shizuouka beforehand to take photographs of mount fuji (the town offers some pretty spectacular views, i hear), but i also worry that the weather will not allow me. it has been especially foggy and rainy here, so i might have to skip out. nonetheless, i’ll be in nagoya by tomorrow night, and plan to stay there for a couple of days.
from nagoya, i’ll head down to kyoto and osaka and soak those cities up for a few days. i’m planning to travel to tottori on june 21st, because i was finally able to secure a meeting and tour with the tottori mycological institute. i probably shouldn’t even start writing about that yet because this post has gotten too lengthy, but let it be known that i am inexplicably pumped to somehow get a foot in a door, there. 
after all of this, i’ll be slowly returning back to tokyo because i secured some visits and tours of some non-architectural ‘museums’ of sorts. more on this later... but those of you who know me and my side obsessions with tuner culture might be able to guess what comes out of japan. hint: ~ jdm ~
i don’t think that i’ve expressed this at any point in this blog, but something peculiar happened to me when i was on the subway, still in tokyo. i mention it only because it might help explain why i am so in awe of japanese culture, and why i respect the diligence and discipline of the country’s work ethic.
i happened to get off at the same station as a well-dressed man in a suit at around 9:30 or 10:00 at night. he was carrying a briefcase and sporting some kind of expensive watch. his shoes were shiny, and his walk upbeat. he sped up, and i lost sight of him. but i remembered the back of his head distinctly, because he had this iconic mole on the left side of his neck. i have a thing for moles.
nonetheless, some minutes later, i took a wrong turn in the subway system and ended up in a small alley tunnel. i ran into my businessman friend, again. he had just finished changing out of his suit, shielded away in this alleyway, with thousands of people rushing by, oblivious to his existence. realizing i was invading in on his privacy, i turned around - he never noticed me, because he had his back to me. but i happened to catch a glimpse of his mole to clarify his identity, as well as his new attire. it was a navy blue worker’s uni-suit with indiscernible writing on it. written in english, however, was ‘crane operator.’ 
it then dawned on me how hard working people are here. businessman by day, and crane operator by night, this guy was working his life away. suddenly, studio life became irrelevant. so did my coffee job. thoughi wasn’t necessarily looking up to him in awe, i just couldn’t believe how someone could juggle so much, from such seemingly different sectors.
it’s in this way that i am intrigued by japanese culture - specifically by its workforce. people use the train to catch shut eye. most aren’t on their phones to socialize, but get work done. it’s unlike anything i’ve ever seen.
also, a lot of people have blackberry phones here. honestly, that’s the easiest way to my heart.
and, to conclude, a brief aside - thank you so much to all of you who have reached out and connected with me to provide feedback on or encourage my writing of this blog. that people are actually reading this makes me really happy. keep the questions and inquiries coming - and thank you!
oh, and for any of you nerds who want to learn more about traditional mushroom cultivation, check out this pdf from the university of vermont. 
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Mushroom farming made easy with Mushroom Machines
Mushroom farming is turning into a very profitable business within the recent times. the number of revenue that's sensible and with the proper reasonably promoting and farming ways the earnings may be excellent. the sole issue you would like is that the correct technology and also the correct channel to achieve dead set the purchasers. For the mushroom farmers Mushroom Machines avails all types of technical school and help they need. Right from their machineries to practice everything is roofed.        
The machinery half is that the foremost important once it involves mushroom farming. If you don’t have the proper quite tools, then it'll be a grueling and problematic task to grow the mushrooms. Mushroom Machines takes care of that spare its state of the art machineries for production of mushroom.
To begin with it's the Mushroom Plant Setup. This unit controls the three parts greenhouse emission concentration, humidity system and mushroom chamber ventilation. the primary half mechanically adjusts the greenhouse emission level within the mushroom growing chamber associate degreed creates an optimum growing atmosphere for the mushroom. consequent half controls the humidness level of the chamber and showing intelligence sets the humidification and also the dehumidification operation within the chamber. The ventilating system ensures that the air within the mushroom chamber is clean because it works like associate degree filter for it.
Machinery that's used is that the Shed Construction machine. This machinery is used for the aim of loading of the straw in an easy manner, pasteurisation, acquisition, spawning and bag filling. The advantage of this machine it's fully automatic right from the method of pasteurisation until bag filling. It lowers the probabilities of infection since it pasteurizes before the bag filling and it saves time since it's fully automatic. there's less quantity of man power thanks to this method therefore it's price effective in addition. 2 individuals ar quite enough to load the straw and operate this machine.
Post Harvesting Equipment is another valuable machine for the ranchers. Typically the clam mushroom must be dried in open daylight or warmed air. Be that as it may, it brings about low quality mushroom with broken closures. Be that as it may, the utilization of this machine precludes it. It keeps up the nature of the mushroom, utilizes ideal temperature for drying the mushrooms and it is quick and simple to work too. It goes away gigantic volume of inside brief time.
Summary :
The use of Mushroom Machines will save lot of your time, energy and will increase the assembly worth further. you'll be able to grow large volume of mushrooms with these machineries than what you'll be able to grow in an exceedingly typical method. because the production will increase it will link up with the demand of the folks and additionally augment the margin of profit of the farmer. thus these machineries square measure very a boon for the mushroom farmers.
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Let’s Grow Some Healthy Mushrooms
From the frying pan of a chef to the laboratory of a doctor, mushrooms are widely famous for its nutritional and medicinal values. The healthy mushrooms that we get today are the result of the hard work, caring, and most importantly upgraded techniques of farms. Earth’s tongue leads us to the way to cultivate mushrooms by following different methods and using efficient kits. Based on Earth’s Tongue review, growing mushrooms have never been easier. We just need to follow the guidelines given by them. The helping hand The fifteen year experienced mushroom research company Earth’s Tongue is popular for its mushroom spores. People appreciate them for their contaminant resistant syringes of 20 ml and genuine eco-friendly products. They ensure the free replacements of their defective products. They have upgraded themselves with latest technologies to filter the air and sterilize the jars before using. They avoid any kind of unhealthy short cut process. The mushrooms they produce are mainly served as gourmet, in laboratories for therapeutic purposes. The spores and toxics are used only for the microscopic researches in colleges. They also offer one innovative creation- “deep freeze” which is helpful in chilling winter and extreme heat of summer. The facilities given to all According to Earth’s Tongue Review they provide edible healthy mushrooms to all. They can equip you with upgraded laboratory tools. Mushroom growing kits are also featured by them. Spawning bags for filtering, Preparation of substrate, seeds, grains are also in list. Spore prints to clean dark mushrooms are provided by them. They supply technically advanced tools to cultivate mushrooms. Apart from all these, based on Earth’s Tongue Review, they share their knowledge of cultivation and technique with millions of people. They start from the basic- Inoculating them in a jar, Grow chamber set up, Exchange of air, Humidification, Birthday cakes, Preserving and dying, Picking up mushrooms.
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opstechsanjana · 3 months
Manufacturer Greenhouse Misting And Fogging System in Africa
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