#Muses: Marv Banner
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He awkwardly sat down in the lobby. His feet moving back and forth.
The green haired mutant stood out, mostly because of his green hair . Or because he looked like he could sink into his purple hoodie .
Her look shaken, confused and lost . He jumped when someone sat down next to to him and stared to speak.
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Muse List
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Updated 9/5/2023
Bucky Barnes Aiden Stark (oc) Clint Barton Jason Todd ( Dc/MCu) Kate Bishop Loki Marv Banner (Oc ) Stephen Strange Steven Grant Steve Rogers Thor Tony Stark Xander (oc ) Yelena
Sam Rowena Bobby Adam Jack
Our Flag Meant Death
Harry Potter
Harry James Potter
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When I'm... it...it's not completely me. It's like I'm inside something controlling it, but it has control, too.
Marv Banner
penn by @writingonthecloudz
Son of Betty and Bruce, he was hidden from his dad because of the hulk. now he's 16, his father doesn't know who he is.. and his powers.. are changing everything.
Also his mother was blip... When is his life ever normal?!?
Part of Multi Muse Account, Indie, MCU
Tag, Headcannons
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Stark Spangled Banner

Ch 11: A Turkey Called Marv
Summary: Nat, Clint, Evans, Lawson and the rest of her SHIELD team throw Katie a leaving party once news of her resignation spreads across the Triskellion before Katie and Steve head to New York to spend their first Thanksgiving as a couple with Tony, Pepper and Bruce.
Paring: Steve Rogers x OFC Katie Stark
Warnings: None for this chap, bar a bit of bad language and teeth rotting fluff
A/N: Accompanying One Shot- The Life Of Marv.
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. I do not own any characters in this series bar Katie Stark and the other OCs. By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer.
Chapter 10
Stark Spangled Banner Masterlist // Main Masterlist
November 2013
News of Katie’s spectacular resignation spread like wildfire through the Triskellion. Evans, Lawson, Natasha and Clint had all been pretty upset but had understood when she had explained why she was doing it, even if Natasha didn’t necessarily agree. They had no intention of letting her go quietly, however, and the team took it upon themselves to organise a small Leaving do at Lori’s which was in full swing. Background music was playing, food had arrived and the drinks were flowing. Steve was talking to Lawson, Rumlow and Evans by the bar, leaning against it, an easy smile on his face as Katie stood with Clint and Natasha a bit further down the bar as Clint was talking to them about his latest home improvement plan.
“So I thought about putting in a pool.” Clint mused, “Now the kids are bigger I thought it might be nice to have one. Maybe even a pool house round it for bad weather.”
“How ambitious.” Nat quirked an eyebrow.
Clint grinned. “That’s my middle name.”
“Really?” Katie asked. “I always thought it was Robert.”
“What?” Clint looked at her as Nat snorted out a laugh. "Francis. Why would you think its Robert?“
Katie shrugged "You look like a Bob.”
“Wait… so it’s not Ambitious?” Nat asked, winking at Katie. “How boring.”
Katie nodded, draining her glass. "Bob would have been better.”
"Right,” Clint started, pulling himself taller. “I hate both of you.”
The girls laughed and Nat turned to Katie. “So what’s in the pipeline for you now Nova?” “I have no idea.” Katie shrugged and she didn’t. “I guess I’ll just get more involved in the family business.”
“You gonna move to New York?” Clint asked. She shook her head. “Probably spend a bit more time there but, I’m not moving back.”
“Nah, she can’t leave lover boy.” Natasha looked at Clint and Katie rolled her eyes. Truth is Nat had hit the nail on the head. No way was she leaving Steve in DC to move back to the tower. Although they had only been together seven months she had spent over a year of her life being ‘with him’ one way or another and the thought of him not being there terrified her.
“You know, to be fair Nat, they’ve been going out a while now. Things are probably starting to cool off.” Clint teased “Oh trust me, there’s no problems in that department.” Katie sniggered, looking over to where Steve was stood.
“And would you look at that. I’m out of alcohol…” Nat said, suddenly “And so is Stark.”
“There’s a bar over there,” Clint pointed
“Cheers…”Natasha took Katie’s glass and handed it to him along with her own. Clint shook his head taking the glasses with a sigh.
“So… now he’s gone…” Nat glanced over at Steve then back to Katie “Gimme details…”
“Details on what?”
“Throw me a bone here Stark. I’m working on a dry spell.”
“Why are you so obsessed with my sex life?” Katie groaned. “You’re constantly trying to get me to talk about it.”
“Hey, look, up until a few months ago I was convinced he was a virgin.”
“Well then you’re a dumbass.” Katie smirked “Like I said, he’s Captain America, had girls throwing themselves at him back in the day.” “So he was until the serum?”
“I never said that.” Katie flushed.
“You’re such a shit liar.”
“Can we change the subject?”
“Ok, answer me one question and then I’ll drop it.” Nat pressed.
“What?” Katie snapped with an air of playful frustration. If she was honest, it was quite nice to have a girlfriend to chat to about these kind of secrets.
“Did the serum enhance…everything?” Nat wiggled her eyebrows.
Katie glanced over at Steve and smirked before she looked back at her. Fuck it.
“Well if it didn’t, I’ve no idea how he managed to stay upright before.” she smirked "I’m a lucky woman”
The red head threw back her head in a dirty laugh, a laugh that Katie had never heard from her before and it made her snigger at the sight of the normally composed assassin letting loose.
“What I miss?” Clint asked as he reappeared, handing them their drinks.
“I’ll explain when you’re older…” Nat said, patting his chest fondly.
The next two weeks flashed by and before they knew it, it was the morning before thanksgiving and they were at the Tower in New York. Last year Katie and Steve had spent Thanksgiving as friends. This year they were spending it as lovers, and Katie was also excited to be spending it with Tony, although she would never admit that out loud.
Steve was also looking forward to it as well. Tony had mellowed to him somewhat over the past few months, especially when he had found out Steve was supporting Katie’s decision to quit SHIELD and not trying to stop her as he had original thought the Captain would. He was also looking forward to Katie’s damned fine cooking as well. Despite the fact that Tony had offered to cater in as Pepper was away until the very last minute, his girl had insisted on cooking it herself, especially now she had plenty of time on her hands.
As such, Steve and Tony had left her in the kitchen area of the main living quarters at midday to head down to the lab to discuss some further upgrades to the Tower. When they left Katie had been surrounded by bags of flour and ingredients, and when Steve returned he found her at just gone 5:30 surrounded by 3 pies (one apple, one pumpkin and one blackberry) pans of vegetables prepped ready for the and a turkey in the oven ready for JARVIS to turn on in the morning. She was stood at the sink, gently humming, the kitchen now clean and the smell of her baking making his mouth water.
“What are you doing Soldier?” Katie asked, jumping a little as Steve’s arms came around her sides, reaching for the sink, effectively trapping her between the counter and his body.
He laid his chin on her shoulder. “The dishes,”
“I’m only leaving the pie dish to soak.” She informed him, turning her head to give him a quick kiss. “The rest are going in the Dishwasher.”
“Oh because God forbid her majesty would actually wash a dish.” He teased and she rolled her eyes.
“You don’t wash them much either. How many brushes did you break last week?”
“The plastic is bad quality.” Steve pouted.
“Nothing to do with your ridiculously large hands being too rough.” “You weren’t complaining last night.” He grinned, lips warm against her neck as he gently nipped under her ear. Katie squirmed a little and then swatted him in the face with the dishtowel, and he laughed out loud.
“Seriously though Doll face, are you nearly done? You’ve been in here all afternoon. You do know we’re not eating till 3 tomorrow, right?” His hands squeezed her hips and she tossed the dishcloth down and turned to face him, her hands sliding up his chest to his shoulders.
“Yeah but the more I do now, the less I have to do tomorrow, and let’s face it, it’s not like I have anything else to do, on account of being an unemployed bum.” She shrugged making Steve laugh again. “Plus, I just want everything to be, you know…right.” she shrugged, and she did.
“It’s a dinner.”
“It’s Thanksgiving” She corrected him.
“Yeah, and last years was pretty cool, remember?”
“Yeah but…” she trailed off, biting her lip. Steve knew that look well enough now to know there was more to this.
“What?” He probed gently.
“Nothing, just, well I never had a boyfriend over for Thanksgiving before. Or Christmas come to think of it.”
Steve smiled “I like being your first…” Katie grinned. The whole ‘I like being your first’ thing had started off by her saying it to Steve but they’d fast come to realise that they actually both had a world of inexperience between them when it came to relationships, and it was nice that they could be each other’s firsts in a lot of ways. “Honey, tomorrow is gonna be great.” He assured, tipping her face up to look at his “Don’t sweat it.”
“Did you seriously just say don’t sweat it?” she sniggered.
Steve groaned “I told you I spent the afternoon with your brother…”
She giggled and leaned up to catch his lips in a soft kiss.
“Getting kinda tired of catching you two making out in a kitchen!” Tony chose that time to waltz in and open the fridge door, pointing to them as he did so. “You got your own floor, piss off and go use it.” ******
Katie woke the next morning to find Steve’s side of the bed empty and cold. It wasn’t unusual for him to be up earlier than her, she knew he would either be out running, in the gym or making coffee. She climbed out of bed and walked to the blinds of the bedroom, instructing JARVIS to open them, the AI being one of the many perks about being 'home’. The New York skyline stretched below her and as she glanced down she saw the people gathered on the sidewalks, attention turned to the streets, obviously waiting for the Thanksgiving Parade. She had asked Steve if he wanted to go and watch it in person but he had said he would prefer to stay in and watch from the tower as he didn’t fancy getting mobbed in the street. Being recognised by one person every so often was fine but in those crowds if one person spotted him then it would spread like wildfire. Besides, as he had pointed out, her floor had an awesome view so they could watch out of the window with a drink. Katie frowned as suddenly a large brown turkey shaped balloon floated in front of her eyes. The parade wasn’t supposed to start until nine and that meant by the time it made its way to the Avengers tower it would be… she turned and glanced at the click and gave a yelp. She had slept in until Ten.
Steve heard her before he saw her, not that he needed super hearing to hear the loud yell of "how fucking late?” coming from the bedroom. Grinning to himself he turned back to the griddle on the island of the kitchen, flipping a pancake with one hand and drinking a coffee with the other. “Why didn’t you wake me?” Katie grumbled to him as she leaned in the kitchen doorway, taking him in for a moment. He was freshly showered, dressed in a loose grey t-shirt and sweats, hair still a bit damp and spiked up in a way that made her smile. “Because you were up early yesterday and I thought I’d make you breakfast for a change.” He shrugged as she wrapped her arms around his waist, pressing her face into the back of his shoulder. The smell of his shower gel mixed with the smell of the pancake mix, made her nuzzle her nose into him to inhale deeply. “You smell good.” She eventually spoke again. “Good to know.” A grin tugged at the corners of his lips at the fact she was still clinging to him. “I just saw a giant inflatable Turkey.” Her hands dropped and slid under his T-shirt, gently rubbing at his stomach. “What?” Steve paused. “The parade”
Steve smiled. “You know when I was a kid, the parade was the best part of Thanksgiving.” “Yeah?” she mumbled, her cheek still pressed to his shoulder.
“Yeah. Me and Bucky used to come into Manhattan with his family and my ma if she wasn’t working and stuff ourselves on popcorn and warm mixed nuts” He smiled to himself at the memory. They always picked out their favourite balloons, ate until they thought they would burst, and made Rebecca, Bucky’s younger sister laugh till she cried by pretending they were in the marching bands. But once the war started, the parade had ended. He had never realized that they started it up again until Tony and Katie had mentioned it last night as they had sat eating takeout. Part of him had wanted to go to the street to watch it but after seeing that morning how crowded it had been on his run he was happy to watch it from the comfort of Katie’s floor. He turned to face her for first time that day, her arms still round his waist. Her hair was pulled up into a pony tail, face fresh, eyes bright and she was, as ever, in one of his shirts and not a lot else. He leaned forward to give her a quick kiss and when he moved away, she quickly closed the space to give him another, letting her lips linger on his for a second. “I’ll burn the pancakes.” He murmured and she grinned, pulling away. “I’ll make fresh coffee.” She pat his chest and turned to the machine. “Hey JAR…Hit me with some Christmas tunes, buddy” “The usual Miss Stark?” “As long as it has the Pogues on…” “Wouldn’t dream of not doing” the AI replied and then the apartment was flooded with the sounds of ‘Fairy Tale of New York.’ “It’s November.” Steve turned to look at her, but she simply grinned to herself and turned around, singing to him. He couldn’t help but laugh, he knew from last year that Christmas for her started at Thanksgiving and ended on New Year’s Day. Plus the fact that the previous year she had spent Christmas day fighting a bunch of exploding super soldiers meant that she was going to enjoy this year as much as possible. He shook his head, a low chuckle escaping before he turned back to his pancakes. They dragged the cushions off the couch and ate breakfast sat by the huge floor to ceiling windows of the penthouse, Katie sat between Steve’s legs as they both watched the parade. Suddenly, a large green balloon floated by the window and Katie gave a loud squeal when she saw what it was. A Hulk float. An amused smile spread across her lips as she watched the balloon bob in front of the window, twisting to the sides in the air as it wrestled with the wind. “Oh my God!” Katie giggled again, gently tapping Steve’s right calf but he had already spotted it. A massive shield was coming out, followed by Iron Man’s mask, Thor’s hammer, a bow and arrow, Natasha’s Red Widow symbol and her own Nova star. She turned to look at him, a little smile was tugging at the corners of his mouth and when he met her eyes the smile broke out across his features. Laughing in disbelief, he shook his head, turning his attention back look at the shield float bounce down the street. “That’s pretty cool.” He allowed himself a slightly smug and amazed sigh, and it was. If anyone had told him all those years ago that one day he would feature in the Macy’s Thanksgiving parade he would have told them that they were mad. Yet there it was. He found himself smiling as he thought about how his ma and Bucky would have reacted. When they had finished eating, Katie leaned back into him a little more, slouching so that her knees were bent and her feet rested on the bottom of the window. His arms reached round her neck, and he kissed the back of her head as they continued to watch the floats, the gentle sound of Bing Crosby “White Christmas” now playing through the room, the two of them simply enjoying the closeness of one another. ***** Eventually it was time to head downstairs and join Tony, Bruce and Pepper for their dinner. Katie and Pepper left the men to it and finished off the prep before calling them all to the table. As was tradition, as ‘head of the house’ Tony carved the turkey with his usual, trademark drama and they took it in turns to give a few things they were thankful for. Tony was thankful for his friends, family and a decent brand of scotch he had in the cupboard for later, Pepper was thankful for being so fortunate and being surrounded by people she loved, Bruce was thankful for being welcomed into their family home, not just for today but since he had taken up residency just after the Chitauri Battle, and Katie was thankful for being in the presence of people she cared for, and for the last year being so much better than the previous twelve months. She shot a wink at Steve as she said that and he beamed before he realised they were waiting for him.
"Okay, well…” He cleared his throat. “I guess I’m thankful for being given a second chance, being welcomed by you all…and for, err, you.” He grinned at Katie who gave him a playful roll of the eyes but the flush on her cheeks told him she had understood.
“Awww.” Pepper smiled, as Tony made a gagging noise which resulted in Katie throwing a carrot at him. He pointed at her, frowning.
“No food fights on my floor, Kiddo.” He said sternly and she simply raised an eyebrow at him, taking a sip of her wine.
The food was good, not that anyone expected anything else. Both Tony and Banner managed two servings whilst Steve made it through three. And then there was the pie. Steve scoffed down a piece of each, whilst everyone else could only face one, but no one cared. And he found himself secretly pleased that there was enough left for him to scoff later on.
“I’m so glad I wore leggings.” Pepper sighted, leaning back and massaging her stomach.
“Tell me about it.” Katie moaned. “I’m so glad this denims have an elasticated waist.” She pulled at the middle of her long maroon peplum style top. “Think I’m having a food baby.”
“Yeah, I gotta hand it to you Kiddo…” Tony leaned back in his chair, undoing the top button of his pants and massaging his stomach “That was absolutely awesome.“
Steve’s hand dropped to his girl’s leg under the table and he gave her knee a little squeeze as she reached for her wine glass, before he moving his arm to drop it round the back of her chair. "I certainly prefer the Turkey dead and cooked anyway” Tony added and Katie groaned. “Are you ever gonna let me live that down?” She looked at him. “No” he shook his head. “What’s this?” Steve asked, setting his glass down. “Did she not tell you about the time she brought home a live Turkey one year? Katie sighed as Steve sat up, turning to her, smirking "No…” “I was seventeen and going through a meat is murder phase.” She waved away the comment with her hands. “I was in the way home and saw him. He was the only one left in the farmyard so I liberated him” “By liberated she means stole.” Tony quipped, standing up to retrieve two more bottled of Rijoca from the wet bar as laughs rang round the table. “No one came looking for him.” She shrugged. “Marv lived a happy life for five years in our back garden” “Marv?” Bruce looked at her, a smile creeping across his face. “After the character from Home Alone.” She replied simply
“You had a turkey called Marv?” The scientist deadpanned and she nodded.
“He was a great pet. Used to chase Tony around” “The bird was a fucking menace.” Tony frowned, topping everyone’s glass up. Settling back into his chair, Katie noticed Pepper giving him a look and he started suddenly as if he was remembering something. He leaned forward and looked at Katie. "So I know we don’t do Thanksgiving gifts kiddo but I was thinking yesterday about something you said to me once, about having a vision for a publishing company.”
Katie stole a look at Steve who simply shrugged. It was true, when she had first graduated she had thought about setting up a publishing company, but one that dealt with unknown writers. Her favourite books in the world were the Harry Potter series and during her degree she had been lucky enough to attend a small seminar held by JK Rowling, who had openly discussed her life before becoming a famous author. She had been a single mother, struggling to make ends meet, and even after she had written the books it took her years to get a deal, being rejected by four different publishers before Bloomsbury (a small, independent group) took a chance on her and it paid off for both of them. Katie loved the rags to riches story and since then had always harboured a desire to do the same thing for other authors but it had never really been much more than a pipe dream.
“It was an idea I once had.” She shrugged, looking at Tony. “Then things went a bit crazy.” “Well… how about we make it a bit more than an idea?” Pepper said. “What?” Katie frowned, looking at Pepper, then he brother who nodded. “I want you to put a proper proposal together, business plan, mood and story board that type of thing.” He said, waving his hand in that Tony-esque manner “Then we’re gonna look at what we need to set it up and take it to the board. Run it as a Ltd company under the Parent company of Stark Industries, but you’ll be the Managing Director.” “I…, I can’t run a business!” She stammered. “Didn’t you run the UK branch of SI for a while?” Bruce looked at her, smiling. “That was different.” She pressed. “Why?” Steve asked. “Shut up Steven.” She shot without even looking at him.
There were a few chuckles round the table before Tony continued. “Look, you don’t need to work.” He shrugged. “You have enough capitol behind you plus the revenue from the business as it to live your life out as an IT girl, but we both know you’ll end up killing someone if you get bored, and that’s likely to be Cap seeing as you see him most so this is for him as much as you.” “Thanks Tony.” Steve tipped his glass to the Inventor who winked. Katie pondered. It really had been a dream of hers since leaving Uni, putting her degree and passion into her work and she would be lying if she said the thought didn’t excite her but it was a hell of a big commitment, and what if it all failed?
“I’ll help you.” Pepper smiled at Katie who was biting her lip. "I’ll proof read the proposal and I’ll be there every step of the way whilst you set up.” She leaned back in her chair. "The week before Christmas there’s another board meeting. I suggest we use that to pitch the idea.”
“I think this could be a great opportunity for you and Stark Industries.” Tony looked at Katie. “And you’ll get full autonomy over it all, I promise.” This was amazing. She looked at Steve who nodded encouragingly. “What is it you keep saying to me? You’ll never know until you try?” he smiled at her. She took a deep breath and looked around the table before throwing caution to the wind and letting out a huge grin. “Ok. Fuck it. Let’s do it.” **** After another half an hour or so of chatter, and a bottle of champagne to celebrate Katie’s agreement to the business idea, everyone chipped in to clear the table before retiring to the plush living area of Tony and Pepper’s floor for more drinks and chat. Then the alcohol really did began to flow, Steve and Tony moving onto the scotch, the soldier watching as everyone around him descended into that well recognised drunken haze. And then out came ‘Drawing Without Dignity’, a game Steve had never played before which was really rather vulgar, but he couldn’t help but enjoy it. The game fast slid into chaos which was to be expected with an extremely competitive Super Soldier who had a natural advantage as he could actually draw, an equally competitive billionaire and a normally mild mannered scientist who also was quite cutthroat when it came to winning it turned out.
Pepper and Katie spent most of the time sniggering at the bickering men, and at the point when they were laughing that much when it was their go, the three boys got so frustrated they banned them from playing. For that, the next time Steve asked Katie what one of the more risqué sayings meant (he had cringed at a fair few of them over the course of the evening) she lied to sabotage him earning her a full on Captain glare. “That was a pretty shitty thing to do.” He grumbled at her as Tony and Bruce were both howling with laughter. “Not my fault Captain Badass doesn’t know what Rimming is!” Katie shot back, wiping away her tears. Steve had to bite back his own laugh at the ridiculous nickname, instead he fixed her with another glare which she returned with a simple shrug of her shoulders. The game ended, and Steve and Tony called it a draw, which was probably the easiest thing to do since Pepper had stopped taking count and tallying towards the end. It was now well after ten pm and Steve looked around the room as Tony stood up, a little unsteady on his feet, teetering back over to the bar.
“I think maybe we’ve had enough.” Pepper hiccupped slightly looked at Tony who had been reaching for another bottle of liquor, wheeled round slightly too fast causing him to stumble into the bar.
Katie cackled as Tony looked at Pepper “Shut up Mom.” he grabbed another bottle of scotch in one hand and the open bottle of Krug the girls were drinking in the other. He walked carefully over towards the sofa, as he dropped down into it heavily, handing the champagne to Katie who was on the floor in between Steve’s legs, her back resting against the sofa. She took it and poured herself and Pepper a glass, quite pleased that she didn’t spill any.
“You know he…he can’t get drunk!” Tony handed Bruce a now full glass, pointing to Steve.
“That’s sad.” Bruce surmised, taking a sip of his drink before Tony sat bolt upright, and pointed at the scientist.
“Hey, I wonder if Hulk can get drunk?”
“That’s an…that’s an…ex…exper-expediment I don’t think we should do.” Bruce shook his head, hiccups punctuating his speech.
“Absolutely not.” Steve shook his head as Katie cackled.
“But it would be for science purposes.” Tony pressed
Bruce wrinkled his nose and shook his head “No Code Green.” “Spoil sport.” Tony sniffed
They stayed for another hour or so, until Pepper fell asleep. Katie’s cheeks were flushed pink and when she asked for a bottle of water Steve knew it was time to go. After asking Tony if he needed help clearing anything up, which he declined stating housekeeping would be in at some point tomorrow to deal with it, Steve stood up, surprised to find he actually felt a little bit of a head-rush. Ok, so maybe the three bottles of scotch they’d managed to go through had had a little effect after all, but he felt the fizziness ebbing away as he pulled Katie to her feet and she grinned up at him.
“Wanna carry me Soldier?” she asked.
He arched an eyebrow and in one swoop had her over his shoulder, causing her to shriek with laughter as she clutched at his navy blue cardigan jacket.
“Night!” She waved from her upside down position. Tony and Bruce waved distractedly from where they were now trying to mix some form of cocktail at the bar.
“You can put me down now.” Katie patted Steve on his back as they boarded the elevator. “Steve…”
He smirked to himself, ignoring her giggles and protests, swatting lightly at her ass, and didn’t put her down until they reached the bedroom where he tossed her onto the bed and set about showing her exactly how thankful for her he was
******* If you want to read more about Marv the Turkey, check out the One shot: The Life Of Marv. As with all SSB One Shots, they don’t need to be read to understand the main story...consider them tasty little side dishes.
Chapter 12 Part 1
**Original Posting**
#stark spangled banner#steve rogers#steve rogers fanfiction#steve rogers x ofc#steve rogers x original female character#katie stark#chris evans#chris evans characters#mcu#mcu fanfic
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Fantastic Four Vol 1 #202
Thur Aug 29 2019 [11:35 PM] Wack'd: So this issue opens with the arrival of Tony Stark! [11:35 PM] Wack'd: He's real mad they made him pay their cab fare! [11:35 PM] Wack'd: Yeah, I'm just kidding, he's here to look into why the Baxter went nuts in #201 [11:38 PM] Wack'd: He smashes through a window and that's all it takes to provoke a superhero brawl these days I guess [11:38 PM] maxwellelvis: Oh right, this must still be back when he was pretending Iron Man was a guy who worked for him. [11:39 PM] maxwellelvis: Man, "Demon in the Bottle" IS still a ways off, isn't it? [11:39 PM] Bocaj: I want an issue of Iron Man that’s just a montage of all the times people have told someone to bill Tony Stark [11:39 PM] Wack'd: Look, it's not like he can't afford it [11:39 PM] Bocaj: Yes [11:39 PM] Bocaj: That’s why it’s funny [11:39 PM] Bocaj: If everyone were billing spider man it’d be sad [11:40 PM] Wack'd: True [11:40 PM] Wack'd: Credit to Janice Cohen for some surprisingly dynamic colors
[11:41 PM] Bocaj: (There was actually an issue of avengers where some lawyers from the Maria stark foundation had to come by and question some of the “bill it to Tony Stark!” charges the Avengers were making) [11:41 PM] Wack'd: No credit to Marv Wolfman for what has to be the quickest Sue's force fields have ever been rendered useless [11:41 PM] Bocaj: (Including two quinjets on the same day) [11:42 PM] Bocaj: Dammit wolfman [11:42 PM] Wack'd: So uh [11:42 PM] Wack'd: Apparently this is not just the playful playfighting the Four are known for [11:43 PM] Wack'd: Uh
[11:43 PM] Wack'd: Uuuuuuhhhhhh
[11:44 PM] maxwellelvis: Umm... [11:44 PM] maxwellelvis: First off, I'm pretty sure Collins was kidding, Reed. [11:44 PM] maxwellelvis: I don't think he expected you to actually strap rockets to your suite. [11:44 PM] Wack'd: I guess it makes sense Collins would think shooting these top five floors into space would be a good idea if he never expected to make money on them without the Four living there [11:45 PM] maxwellelvis: Anyways, this is looking really bad for Iron Man because he doesn't even have an AI to blame for this. [11:46 PM] Wack'd: Wait, Stark hasn't told you guys about his secret identity?
[11:46 PM] Wack'd: Jerk! Reed and Sue invited you to their wedding! [11:47 PM] maxwellelvis: He told nobody about this until his personal demons forced his hand. [11:47 PM] maxwellelvis: That's how Rhodey got started being a superhero; [11:47 PM] Wack'd: I'd been assuming superhero quid-pro-quo with everyone besides Spider-Man, honestly [11:47 PM] maxwellelvis: he filled in as Iron Man while Tony was battling his inner demons. [11:47 PM] Bocaj: It’s honestly weird how long Tony had a secret identity [11:47 PM] Wack'd: Don't the Avengers all live together in a fucking mansion? [11:47 PM] Bocaj: Yes [11:48 PM] maxwellelvis: The ones Iron Man was originally part of didn't. [11:48 PM] Wack'd: Do they just never take their costumes off? [11:48 PM] maxwellelvis: That's probably changed since then, though. [11:48 PM] Bocaj: Half of the avengers don’t bother with secret identities [11:48 PM] Wack'd: Reed explicitly refers to Iron Man as an Avenger in this issue btw [11:49 PM] Bocaj: When Beast joined and revealed he was Hank McCoy Thor was like whoa buddy you don’t got to reveal that and Beast was like my dude I’m a blue furry man [11:49 PM] maxwellelvis: The Wasp has never bothered with any sort of mask, so that means Ant-Man's identity was kind of an open secret. [11:49 PM] maxwellelvis: Thor kept his identity secret, as did Iron Man. [11:49 PM] maxwellelvis: Nobody knew that the Hulk was Dr. David Banner except for Rick in those days. [11:49 PM] Bocaj: The two of them revealed their id’s when they rejoined post kooky quartet [11:49 PM] Wack'd: Alright so [11:49 PM] Wack'd: Moving on [11:49 PM] Bocaj: That’s when they stopped bothering with the secret [11:50 PM] Bocaj: Ok [11:50 PM] maxwellelvis: And Cap... well, the first time the Avengers found Cap, he wasn't wearing his mask. [11:50 PM] Wack'd:
[11:50 PM] Wack'd: I dig Tony's look here [11:50 PM] Wack'd: Dunno why [11:50 PM] Bocaj: Yeah tony why don’t you go get iron man [11:50 PM] Wack'd: This is the second time Tony's shown up and I've been like "fuck that's a good look" [11:50 PM] maxwellelvis: "I'm skeptical that you can, yet intrigued that you may." [11:51 PM] Wack'd: Also I like that he's wearing a red suit jacket with a gold striped tie [11:51 PM] Wack'd: Subtle [11:51 PM] Bocaj: He’s a classy subtle man [11:51 PM] Bocaj: Or some of these words anyway [11:51 PM] maxwellelvis: There seems to have been a misjudgment in how much eyebrow to give him in this panel [11:51 PM] maxwellelvis: he looks like a strategically shaved caveman wearing Tony Stark's clothes. [11:51 PM] Wack'd: So anyway Tony goes to do a quick change while musing on the possibility of an imposter [11:52 PM] Wack'd: No one really makes anything of the fact that if Iron Man is Tony's bodyguard, they should probably be in close proximity most of the time [11:52 PM] Wack'd: Any bodyguard you need to go find is doing kind of a shitty job! [11:52 PM] maxwellelvis: It's his eyebrows, they make his brow look bigger for some reason. [11:53 PM] Bocaj: That’s a good point wack’d [11:53 PM] Bocaj: By all standards Iron Man is a shitty bodyguard to the outside world’s perspective [11:53 PM] Wack'd: So the Four and Iron Man head back to the Baxter to sort this out [11:54 PM] Wack'd: A smooth recovery
[11:54 PM] Bocaj: Does Reed know? [11:54 PM] Bocaj: That’s the kind of thing someone would say if they knew [11:54 PM] maxwellelvis: Reed's the sort who'd take a cover story like Stark's at face value [11:55 PM] Wack'd: Earlier I assumed that Iron Man was showing up to do the IT work from 201, but knowing what I know now it seems to be obviously inaccurate that it would be Iron Man doing that and not Stark [11:55 PM] Wack'd: Secret identities sure do make life confusing [11:55 PM] Bocaj: Tony as Iron Man uses that “yeah I pick up a lot from Stark” line a lot [11:56 PM] Bocaj: Nobody ever catches on, except Thor [11:56 PM] maxwellelvis: The one guy who isn't a supersceintist. [11:56 PM] Wack'd: The easiest way to learn supergenius-level engineering: spend all your time as a bodyguard paying attention to what they're doing! [11:56 PM] Wack'd: It's not like there's other things you should be paying attention to when you're guarding a man's life! [11:56 PM] Bocaj: Sure that sounds legit [11:57 PM] Wack'd: God this is the world's worst cover story on every conceivable level [11:57 PM] maxwellelvis: That's how we lost 14 Hank and Deans. When he wasn't busy growing that ridiculous... [11:57 PM] Bocaj: It is geez [11:57 PM] Wack'd: Brock was just so busy learning science [11:57 PM] Bocaj: I’m now super glad that mcu Iron Man was like “hey fuck that actually” [11:58 PM] Wack'd: So they find the Baxter on an island in the Atlantic [11:58 PM] Bocaj: HOW [11:58 PM] Wack'd: I mean I'd assume it has a set landing point far away from civilization, since it's an emergency measure [11:58 PM] Wack'd: But Reed specifically mentions that they had to use a signal tracker to find it, which raises a lot of questions [11:59 PM] Wack'd: Maybe the Iron Man impersonator put it there [12:00 AM] Wack'd: Man the late 70s really love their Inspector Gadget style villain teases
[12:00 AM] Wack'd: The square dialogue bubbles are a clue but also Quasimodo's on the cover, so [12:00 AM] Bocaj: Kurt Busiek pulled one where a villain sitting like this watching the heroes was being watched by a villain doing this [12:00 AM] maxwellelvis: What ever happened to the good old-fashioned cloak? [12:01 AM] maxwellelvis: @Bocaj Dammit, Scrier, get outta here. [12:01 AM] maxwellelvis: @Wack'd I see. So I guess it's a good thing you rarely show the covers, then. [12:01 AM] Bocaj: I think it was Kang watching Ultron watching the Avengers [12:03 AM] Wack'd: So uh quick recap: [12:03 AM] Wack'd: Last time we saw Quasimodo he was turned to stone by Norrin Radd since he couldn't handle being turned into a human [12:04 AM] Wack'd: He's apparently had stuff happened in other books since which I'm sure he'll recap for us [12:05 AM] Wack'd: Okay so apparently he got turned back into a robot, then Hawkeye paralyzed him, during which time he fucking...astral projected???
[12:06 AM] Wack'd: So uh [12:06 AM] Wack'd: He's back on Earth now [12:06 AM] Wack'd: For some reason [12:06 AM] Wack'd: And has a decoy Iron Man because his body can't move [12:06 AM] Wack'd: And he's convinced that in order to go back to the stars he hast to destroy the Fantastic Four [12:07 AM] Wack'd: For some reasom [12:07 AM] Wack'd: Oh okay he was syphoning power from the Baxter, hence all the nonsense in 201 [12:07 AM] Wack'd: And with that power he can move again [12:08 AM] Wack'd: And he has to destroy the team because, well, they're pissed at him and are going to try and stop him [12:08 AM] Wack'd: I don't get why they can't just give him the energy he needs so he can go back to space [12:08 AM] Wack'd: Like, if they can play nice with Mole Man, surely this is no issue [12:10 AM] Bocaj: Spite [12:10 AM] Wack'd: Aw, okay. In the scuffle he manages to steal the Four's rocket [12:10 AM] Wack'd: A happy ending! Kinda!
[12:10 AM] Wack'd: He's not in the next issue and there's no indication that anyone's going to go after him so [12:11 AM] Wack'd: I don't know how they got a rocket to begin with but they can probably just build another one
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OC List! Date updated: 11/20/24
Aiden Stark= Mutant Younger brother of Tony Stark. Can change into Wolf at will. Fc: Tyler Hoechlin Find Here
Marv Banner Fc: Ryan Potter Son of Bruce Banner and Betty Ross. Didn’t know about Bruce till he was 16 and now wants to find out more about him. Also you know has ability to shape shift into any animal.. but is green. Find here:
Xander Fc: Jensen Ackles
Before Steve, Before Isaac before Bucky.. There was experiment to see if it really worked. Enter Xander.. The Experiment. The Serum it worked. But way to well. But Experiments are not important. At least he wasn't. So he faded into the background. Helping clean up messys. And now the Avengers existed.. Well this would shake things up.
Find here
Fin ( Fintan ) Palmer
Every universe is different, and in one. Christine Palmer and Stephen Strange adopt a kid. Stephen disappears leaving Christine to look after kid who grew up. Turns out even Super heros need a babysitter. Enter Fin.
FC: Joe Keery Find here:
Max ( Maxine ) Potts
Niece of Pepper Potts. Mutant with telekinetic powers, that she has trouble with. Goes to school with Peter Parker. Fc: Sophia Lills
Find it Here
Ricki Fury
Adopted son of Nick Fury. Ricki was found at Hydra based, with power to copy other powers. Sense than he was treated and trained by Fury, now works as Former Agent of Shield
Fc: Milo Ventimiglia
Castor River, a janitor that works at avenger tower. College age, and a mutant. He doesn't really speak much or talk about his powers. infact he is the only one who knows about it. Well till .. avengers found out. Fc: Jason Ralph
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#Muse: Aiden Stark#oc rp#marvel rp#spn rp#Muses: Marv Banner#avengers rp#superhero rp#mutant rp#super soilder rp
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Starter for @redheadarcher Marv was a lot of things, but fact he was at the Avenger tower, and standing in the lobby with note in hand was more than nerve wrecking. He nervously rubbed his hands together, wishing that his hoodie could swallow him whole. It seem better than actually going up to his own father, and saying Hey Dad.. But still, he knew that he was safe, at least he didn't have to see The General again. His mind was to distracted, and before he could react, he was sure that either Security would kick him out or worse. But as he turned, the words didn't come out. His eyes widden and let out a noise. " You're...." he muttered eyes wide as a dinnerplate.
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Marv Banner: Oh just so you know, it's very muggy outside Bruce Banner: Bruce Banner: Marv Banner, I swear, if I step outside and all of our mugs are on the front lawn... Marv Banner: *Sips coffee from bowl*
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The Green haired teen sat on stool in the avengers kitchen, eating a cold sllece of Pizza whist reading a book. He didn't belong here...
It was his first time at the Tower, and Javis let him .. confusing.
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The green tiger growled, his ears moving back. Sure it was normal tiger but he had no idea who the other was. The Mutant step back, its yellow eyes zeroing on the other. It didn't attack, but it was warning.
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How many Superheros are actually in New york? Marv didn't know. The Teen spent most of time praticing what to say to his father. And the other half. Using his powers for good. The large green tiger growled , its eyes narrowed at the criminal. Stealing wasn't good, and seem like the other was to scared to say anything. It whimpered threw the backpack down. After the person left. Marv changed into his human self and grabbed the bag. Thankfully the clothes his mother made, worked for him. it blended, making it so he didn't need to change, while using his powers. He turned around running after the other. " Hey" he said reaching your muse. " This belongs to you right" he asked trying his best to have new york accent.
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Muses List
Last Updated: 2/16/2025
Feel Free to Send Muses or Memes or anything <3
Bruce Banner Asexual
Yelena Belova ( Aro Ace )
Bucky Barnes
Clint Barton
Peter Parker
Aiden Stark
Marv Banner
Ned Leeds
Stephen Strange
Steven Grant
Gwen Stacy
Peter Quill
Thor Odinson
Sharon Carter
Norah Osborn ( Female Norman )
Layla El-Faouly
Kamala Kahn ( Ms Marvel )
Kid Loki
TVA Agent Clara Oswin
Jane Foster
Baron Zemo
Agatha Harkness
Johnny Storm
Jennifer Walters
Fintan Palemer
Teen * Billy Mamixoff
Tommy Mamixoff Judah Lewis
Rio Vidal
Marv Banner
Viv Stark
Lila Barton
Michelle Jones
No Way Home Parker
Au Natasha
Sam Wilson
James Rhodes
Amos - ( Paranormal Investigator)
Bruce Wayne ace
Jason Todd Barnes
Our Flag Means Death:
Stede Bonnett
Edward Teach
Anne Bonny
Naia Mermaid
Wee John
Wicked , Wizard of Oz
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MCU Muse list
Bruce Banner Asexual
Yelena Belova ( Aro Ace )
Bucky Barnes
Clint Barton
Peter Parker
Aiden Stark
Marv Banner
Ned Leeds
Stephen Strange
Steven Grant
Gwen Stacy
Peter Quill
Thor Odinson
Sharon Carter
Norah Osborn ( Female Norman )
Layla El-Faouly
Kamala Kahn ( Ms Marvel )
Kid Loki
TVA Agent Clara Oswin
Jane Foster
Baron Zemo
Agatha Harkness
Johnny Storm
Jennifer Walters
Fintan Palemer
Teen * Billy Mamixoff
Tommy Mamixoff Judah Lewis
Rio Vidal
Marv Banner
Viv Stark
Liila Barton
Michelle Jones
No Way Home Parker
Natasha AU
Sam Wilson
James Rhodes
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Marv Banner found himself standing in front of tall building. The Paper he had found before his mom was blip.. it was one of his dad. Bruce Banner. Someone he heard about but never met. He also had feeling. Sense his powers started to get worse... Like time he hope he didn't break into a farm to eat chicken as a tiger.... or when he turned into snake accidently. Marv Banner was many things.. but not really human. His Mother called it shape shifting but to never use it. But Marv didn't know where she was anymore. Now he was alone. hoping his father would have answers. If he could get into the building of course.
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Marv Banner Head cannons
Shape shifter but always green
His Middle name is Bruce
He loves Pizza and Video Games
His favorite Avenger besides Bruce is Antman
Didn't meant his dad till he was 16 who didn't no he existed
He calls his Grandfather Ross Grumpy Pants
He can speak Spanish, French, and German
Loves Science
Over Achiever
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Happy Fathers Day.. I'm Your Son
Marv was sitting against the wall. He watched as people walked passed no really looking at him. And that's when he spotted him. He knew what his dad looked like. He knew little bit about him. That he had power. That he was smart, and he was avenger. He looked kind.. and smart. But anxiety building up his chest was a lot. And as he managed to walk towards his father, he felt the weight of the world. Standing there for moment he notice Bruce looking at him confused. " Aren't you little young to be intern" he asked confused. Marv took breathe.. and pulled out his birth certificate with out any words he gave it to Bruce looked event more confused.
'Surprise.. happy fathers day'
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