#Muse: Bremerton
nevermindtheweights · 2 months
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Gyaru gal who makes her neet bestie mega obese and unhealthy~
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helluvaslut · 1 year
Closed rp with @rwbysworld
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“Man today’s match was intense. So glad it’s over.” Bremerton sighed in relief as she laid on top of the lockeroom bench. The sweat on her chest made her shirt  see through. 
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gainprincess · 2 years
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“Alright, ladies, I know the other naval base has access to our comm channels, Who sent it?”
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doughyduo · 2 years
Bremmy gives a big hug to a random muse! Do not struggle... accept the love of the lovable booba gal
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Jade is getting smothered by the taller girl, but…she’s fine with that. So, she’s going to softly wrap her arms around Bremerton in response.
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pullyourwaifu · 2 years
As long as Bremerton makes a steady appearance on this blog, we're good!
OOC Yeah she's one of the more popular shipgirls so she's definitely staying.
I'm thinking of no more than thirty shipgirls, plus the other muses.
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isitmadness · 4 years
A Handsome Stranger
story summary: Driving 1,300 miles in a truck with a complete stranger. This will be fine. This was what desperation will get you. Desperation and something akin to love-at-first-sight.
chapter summary: Ben and Cody feel lots of things for each other. The sunset and karaoke helps.
relationships: Cody/Obi-Wan Kenobi
words: 5.9k
a/n: I liked the idea of these two idiots on a road trip in an AU/modern setting, so I wrote one. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  Also, I decided to go back and post chapters 3 & 4, too, I don’t really know why...this is my favorite chapter though. 
Read it on ao3
Part 1: A Handsome Stranger at the Airport
Part 2: The Handsome Strangers Talk
Part 3: The Handsome Strangers Take a Detour
Part 4:  A Handsome Stranger Does Karaoke
After leaving Muir Woods, Cody and Ben decided to take the 101, drive until they were too tired, and see where they ended up. Ben didn’t realize how uninteresting parts of northern California could be, but at least the company and conversation were interesting and kept Ben’s attention easily. This time they ran the gamut of deeper subjects, but attempted to avoid the elephant in the room. Until they just couldn’t anymore.
“So…” Cody started carefully. “Quin, huh?”
Ben scrubbed a hand over his face. He anticipated that question and yet he still wasn’t ready. “That went nothing at all like I expected, quite honestly.”
“What did you expect after two years?” It was a little more direct than perhaps Cody intended, but well, the question was out there now. Ben sighed. “I didn’t, um...I--”
“No, no, it’s all right, Cody,” Ben interrupted. “Quin and I were friends for so long before, I just...figured...it’d be back to the way it was before. And that was perhaps very naive of me.” Ben was quiet for a moment before he spoke again. “I truly am sorry for dragging you along and just sort of leaving you there.”
Cody gave him a small smile, “Well I got to talk to Depa at least.” He didn’t tell Ben that he learned some new and interesting things about himself. That perhaps he wanted Ben to stick around a bit longer.
“I learned some new things about myself though.” Ben interrupted Cody’s train of thought and once again he found himself worried that Ben could actually read his mind. “And as I said before, I gained some closure. So, I think it was worth it in the end.”
What Ben couldn’t tell Cody was that he already felt something for Cody that he never did with Quinlan - a certain camaraderie and an odd sense that maybe in another life they worked side-by-side in mutual trust. Quinlan would be his friend again, and he still loved him as such, but he and Ben were just too different in important ways. And he very much wanted Cody to stay in his life even when they reached Seattle.
“How’s your booboo, by the way?” Cody decided instead to change the subject.
Ben chuckled and reached up, ghosting two fingers over the bandage, “Well, I think it’s healing despite not receiving a kiss to make it all better.” He squeezed his eyes shut, realizing immediately how awkward he made it. He really had a knack for that.
All Ben got in return was “hmmm.”
“Yeah, I should probably stop talking,” Ben finally said with a nervous laugh.
“You can’t though, I’m nowhere close to tired and we need to make up for some time lost. Remember when you said ‘Seattle isn’t exactly next door to San Diego’?” Ben groaned and threw his head back against the cab wall. That at least made Cody smile.
Ben narrowed his eyes, “How dare you throw my words back in my face. I don’t say things out loud for them to be used against me later when convenient.”
Cody laughed, “Well, I have some news for you, Ben...Seattle really isn’t next door to San Diego. You were right.”
Later, Ben found himself driving again as the 101 took them back oceanside around Eureka. He found it to be one of the more picturesque parts of their trip. With the sun slowly making its descent towards the horizon, it was all Ben could do to not pull over and just stop, sit on some beach, and watch.
“So, we’re not going to make it to Oregon tonight, are we?” Ben asked.
“No, I don’t think so. I think it's too far...someone had to waste so much time with an ex-boyfriend." Cody very pointedly did not look at Ben, but Ben could still appreciate the playfulness.
"I told you detouring in San Francisco was a mistake but you wouldn't listen!" Cody turned to look at Ben who merely winked.
Oh no. Ben was flirting again. Cody hated it because it made his inside twist in knots. But he also secretly loved it and hoped Ben would never stop. He finally narrowed his eyes and looked at his companion. “You want to stop again, don’t you?”
Ben acted incredulous for about two seconds under Cody’s withering stare. “I don’t… what-- what gives you that idea?”
Cody chuckled, “I just had a feeling.”
They went around a bend in the road and Ben was suddenly silhouetted against the sunset, the orange evening light making his hair redder than ever. Cody’s mouth was suddenly very dry.
Ben turned and smiled, “Well, I guess you should trust your gut since you were right.” He found Cody staring, but couldn’t quite comprehend the look on his face. “Is there something on my face?”
Cody shook his head a little too vehemently. “No, no, it’s nothing...I was just, uh, watching the sunset on the ocean.”
“Funny you should mention that…” Ben smiled again. “That’s the reason why I wanted to stop.” Cody hesitated. "Another chance to stretch our legs before the final push?"
Cody had to admit that Ben was good. He would have stopped anyway, but at least Ben gave him an actual compelling reason. “Oh, all right,” Cody relented. How could he say no?
They found a pull-off with quick access to the ocean at Clam Beach, and lucky for them, it was mostly abandoned. They took off their jackets, sweaters, shoes and socks, left them in the truck, then rolled up their pants legs and walked out on the beach. They walked around, stretched their legs, and searched for seashells. Ben finally walked out into the ocean, running back and forth whenever the tide came in, and Cody watched with affection. He had to keep telling himself that within a day or so, they would reach Bremerton, part, and he would probably never see Ben again.
So he decided to enjoy the moment while it lasted. He took his own touristy photos of the sunset and his companion.
Cody decided to finally sit and Ben joined him a few minutes later, looking flushed and truly the happiest Cody had seen him yet. He plopped down on the sand, smiling. “I know the day isn’t over yet, but this is probably one of the best days I’ve had in a really long time.”
Cody looked at him, “Me, too.”
“Even despite the San Francisco detour?” Ben nudged him with his elbow.
Cody finally smiled, “Yes, Ben, even with the detour.”
In the direct sunlight, Ben noticed that Cody’s lovely brown eyes almost seemed to glow amber. He pulled out his phone and opened the camera, “If you don’t mind, I’d like to commemorate it, but also this will give me proof to send to Anakin...you know, to let him know you haven’t killed me yet.” At this Cody laughed.
“Weren’t you supposed to be the killer in this scenario?”
“Yes, you’re right, but Anakin doesn’t know that.” Cody sucked in a quick breath as Ben leaned in closely. He was so close now he could feel the man’s body heat through his thermal shirt. Ben held his phone out in front of them, and they both managed to smile for a quick series of photos. “Also, apparently Padme wanted to know what you looked like, but I think it was really Anakin.” Ben grinned as he flicked through the photos quickly to make sure they came out okay.
Cody scoffed, “Right, right...blame it on the wife.” He had wondered briefly if Ben hadn’t just wanted the photo for himself, but then decided he was reading too much into it. And when he saw Ben typing out the message to Anakin, it was decided. He cleared his throat, "So, anyway, I'm not really sure what we're going to do about a hotel. I'm not familiar with the area we’re in or where we will be in an hour or two."
“Well, lucky for us my phone still has power, so let's see what I can find."
As they hunched over Ben’s phone, he found he couldn’t have asked for a more perfect ending to the day than sitting shoulder-to-shoulder in the sand with Cody, listening to the crashing of the waves as the sun dipped below the horizon.
They finally settled on another picturesque-looking town only an hour and a half away called Crescent City where they would stop for the night.
Cody and Ben stood in front of the truck and took in the property. It sat right on the ocean, and though the sun had vanished beyond the horizon, they could still see the view was incredible. The motel on the other hand....well, the view was still nice.
"At least the sign says 'vacancy,'" Cody pointed out.
"Except because I think Norman Bates runs this thing," Ben mused.
Cody huffed a laugh. "Here's your chance to improve your 'we're both murderers' story." Cody elbowed him in a playful gesture that caught Ben slightly off-guard. He liked it.
"Well there is that. You make a compelling argument."
Cody reached across Ben and pointed at the other building sitting on the property. "AND a bar within walking distance. What more could you want?"
Cody turned back towards Ben and caught him staring, a soft expression on his face that he didn't quite understand, or, rather, one he was afraid of accepting. He was once again close enough to feel the heat coming off of him. How had he gotten so close to Ben without realizing it?
"Nothing at all, it's perfect," Ben finally answered, never taking his eyes off Cody.
"Hmm, yes...well, you may want to retract that statement once we see inside both places," Cody nearly stuttered. His heart was hammering in his chest and he was sure Ben could hear it.
"So what if I get the rooms this time, and you get us a table?" Ben asked as he headed in the direction of the motel office. "Not that I expect there to be a wait...but there might not be much to do around here this time of the night, and well, this might be the life of the town."
Cody grinned, "I can do that."
Cody stepped into the bar and looked around. It was a DIVE. And there really was a wait because it was packed. For some reason, it seemed to be the happening place in this small seaside town. And Cody was also horrified to find it had karaoke. He hated karaoke.
He hovered near the entrance while a small dark-haired woman belted out two 80s rock songs, and he longed for ear plugs. Well, at least there would be alcohol.
And Ben.
The man appeared suddenly at his elbow as if summoned. "Hello there.” He glanced around the room. “There's actually a wait?"
"Yeah, can you believe this?"
"It seems to be quite popular! I mean, karaoke? How could anyone resist?" He laughed.
Cody groaned, “I could...quite easily. How about the rooms? Did you get those okay?"
Ben coughed into his hand, "Well, about that…"
Cody stared at him. "Please tell me they had rooms."
"Room,” Ben said, emphasizing the M at the end of the word. He held out a key to Cody who took it. An actual hotel room key. Neither of them had seen one in so long.
"Singular?" Ben nodded.
"It was literally the last room they had. I saw her switch on the 'no vacancy' before I left," Ben added.
What would one night hurt, right? They were adults. They could handle the same room for one night. But now that meant Cody would have to watch his alcohol intake. An ex once called him an 'amorous drunk' and he did not need that happening.
"Well, as long as it's safe and clean, right?" Cody added after some time. Ben nodded. "And how much was it?"
Ben chuckled, "I think you're going to love this…$60 for the night."
Cody looked surprised, he expected at least $80 for the view. "What? How…?"
"Well...she saw the truck outside with your naval stickers on the back. I told her we had just come from San Francisco and you were moving to Kitsap. The next thing I knew, we were newly-married, but we can't take a honeymoon yet because you're in the navy, so this little road trip is all we have." Cody was flustered but honestly impressed at how well Ben spun the story. And it…wasn't even completely false. "So she, uh, gave us a discount."
"I can't believe you used me for a cheap room," Cody said with almost a hint of a smile.
"It's just one night, darling," Ben continued, seemingly unaware he had just dropped the term of endearment. The way it just rolled off his tongue delighted Cody; however, he was already sweating and he hadn’t even begun to drink. "She just wanted to help out a newlywed couple, and well, I didn’t correct her." Now Cody couldn't decide if he wanted to smack the smug grin off Ben's face or kiss it.
"Just two?" The hostess interrupted.
"Yes," they answered in unison. She sat Ben and Cody in a booth in the middle of the side of the bar. Closer to the karaoke than Cody would have liked, but not right next to it, thankfully.
Ben hooked a thumb over his shoulder towards the small stage. "So, do you…?"
"Sing?" Cody finished the sentence for him. "Certainly not in front of a bunch of drunk people."
Ben laughed, "But that's the best place! No one cares how bad you are!"
"Ben, are you going to embarrass me tonight?"
He grinned again, "Do you know any of these people?" Cody shook his head slowly, not quite sure what that had to do with anything. "Ok, so who cares? You're never going to see them again in your life. And also, remember, they're drunk? They probably think they're at a real concert." Ben took off his cardigan, and Cody found himself distracted once again by his collarbone and freckled forearms. He looked down at the menu and tried to become very interested in it instead.
"What can I get you boys?" Their waitress appeared at the end of the table.
"Hello there!" Ben greeted her with enthusiasm. "I'll have whatever ale is darkest and two fingers of whisky."
She looked over at Cody, "I'll just start with a hard cider for now."
"You got it," she said and left.
"I wouldn't have picked hard cider for you," Ben said, leaning forward.
"Yeah, well, I'm trying to go easy I guess.
"Fair enough," Ben replied as he looked around the bar. It was loud and vibrant. He hadn't been out drinking in so long, and certainly not with such a handsome partner. He watched the karaoke stage as the next person came up to pick their song.
"I see you eyeing that stage…" Cody's voice pulled Ben's gaze away from the other side of the bar.
He smiled, "It could be fun! It's only a thought. I'd have to have a little more than one pint and one whisky though."
"Oh yeah, that's just what you need," Cody sighed.
"I can hold my liquor! I think you'd be surprised," Ben said in mock offense.
Cody shook his head, "Please don't think that was a challenge. I can't have you throwing up all night and into the next day. We need to make it to Kitsap tomorrow."
"It'll happen, Cody, don't you worry." Before he realized what he was doing, Ben reached over and squeezed Cody's hand.
The waitress used that most inopportune moment to return with their drinks and gave them a sly smile when they both pulled away quickly. "Ale and whisky for you… and cider for you. You want anything to eat?"
"Wings and fries for me," Cody answered.
"And how about a burger for me, medium," Ben followed up.
She winked at them both, "You bet."
Their very late dinner was passing pleasantly enough despite some of the singing. Which was...well, terrible, at times, and made it impossible to hear at others. Because Ben got tired of asking Cody to repeat himself, he got up and came to sit on Cody’s side. They sat shoulder-to-shoulder, nursing their drinks, talking and watching singer after singer try their hand at karaoke.
It may have been the effect of the alcohol, or all the bodies in the bar, but the place had gotten warmer and Cody eventually took off his jacket and outermost flannel layer, too. Ben knew he was staring, and he tried not to, but every time Cody reached for his glass, he couldn't help but notice the flex of muscle in his forearm. And he appreciated the view.
"I think I need to visit the loo really quickly," Ben said, getting up suddenly.
Cody was surprised that Ben jumped up so quickly, but he nodded all the same. "Well, I'll be here."
Ben reached down and gently touched Cody's nose, "Of course you will."
Cody absolutely didn't know what to do with that. He exhaled a breath he didn't even realize he was holding and slumped into the booth. He couldn't get drunk. He was having a hard time being near Ben, and the idiot had to come sit right next to him, too. He slid over on the bench. Maybe if there was no room when he came back, he'd take the hint and sit on his own side.
The thing was...he wanted Ben to sit beside him. He wanted to wrap an arm around his waist and pull him close. Nuzzle his hair and place a kiss to his temple, then cheek, then mouth. He wanted. And that terrified him.
Tomorrow they would be in Kitsap. They would maybe even exchange numbers but they would go their separate ways. Cody would get his promotion, adjust to life on a new base in a new town, and Ben would be reunited with his family and become an uncle. Maybe they would see each other every now and then, but Ben would live across the water in Seattle. They would be friends, linked by several crazy days on the road up the west coast.
Cody was picking at the fries on his plate when the opening refrain of 'Beyond the Sea' started playing. It was an interesting choice considering all the 80s and 90s music they had suffered through all night long. No one had dared touch the older classics. But he froze as soon as the person started singing, his heart pounding in his ears.
Ben was going to embarrass him.
Somewhere, beyond the sea Somewhere, waiting for me My lover stands on golden sands And watches the ships that go sailing
Cody watched in equal parts horror, amusement, and extreme fondness as Ben took the microphone off the stand and made his way around the floor. He knew every single word, and boy, could he sing. Cody was floored.
Ben made his way towards their table with a wide smile on his face.
Somewhere, beyond the sea He's there watching for me If I could fly like birds on high Then straight to his arms I'd go sailing
He winked at Cody and turned around, winding his way through the tables being quite the performer. He was charming the socks off everyone in the bar. Who was this man?
We'll meet beyond the shore We'll kiss just as before Happy we'll be beyond the sea And never again I'll go sailing
The waitress came by again smiling at Cody, "Another cider for you? Or you need something stronger?"
"Whisky, double...bring another for him, too. I'm sure he's going to want it when he's done." She smiled and nodded.
Ben finally finished his song to raucous applause. No one had gotten the reception he had all night. Cody was still slightly embarrassed, but he was also secretly proud that he'd return to his table. Which he did not two minutes later, just in time for the waitress to greet him with another round plus more, "Whisky is from your boyfriend here, but all the other is from the bartender who says thanks for the amusement and well done."
Ben laughed, breathless. "Ah! Thank you most kindly." He picked up the whisky from the table and lifted it to her.
"Really though, we don't generally get that kind of entertainment in here. It was delightful," she smiled and left Ben and Cody alone once more. In his extreme confusion and adoration, Cody had forgotten to slide over, so Ben plopped down beside him once more, bumping arms and shoulders.
"Well?" Ben was still breathing a bit heavier than usual, and he was flushed, which was quite cute. "Did I embarrass you?"
Cody swallowed thickly and picked up his own glass to down the contents. He needed to drink, but he also needed to clear his head, and the drink wasn't going to do that at all. He finally chuckled, "Yes, you really did."
Ben laughed. "Good."
The stupid idiot didn't even know how much he was making Cody fall for him. And Cody was a stupid idiot for falling. "But really though," Cody cleared his throat. "That was impressive, I had no idea you could sing."
"I have to keep some of the mystery, don't I?" Ben leaned into Cody and lowered his voice. "If you knew everything right out of the gate, you wouldn't want to spend any more time with me." Oh the bastard did know what he was doing. This was so much worse.
Cody arched an eyebrow, "Who says I want to spend any time with you? I needed help paying for the truck, remember?" He took a sip of his beer to hide his grin.
Ben huffed in annoyance. "Right, of course, silly me."
They nursed their drinks, ordered dessert and watched the next parade of singers. They decided to make it into a game: guess the genre before the song began then rate the performance. Cody was a lot harsher than Ben, but he seemed to be enjoying himself, and that made Ben glad.
"You know," Ben started. "On the beach earlier, I thought the day was already the best one I had had in awhile, but this, right now, is truly icing on the cake."
Cody looked at him and felt a very peculiar fondness. "I have to say, I agree."
At that, suddenly Ben leaned closer, emboldened by the alcohol and the warm, hazy atmosphere in the bar. He couldn't be positive, but he thought Cody was leaning in, too. He got close enough to feel the heat radiating off the man...just one inch closer--
"Wait." Ben froze and blinked. "You're drunk." It was a simple statement of fact. Cody pulled away.
Ben chuckled nervously, "Aye, maybe a little. I'd say...more...buzzed really."
"It doesn't matter," Cody shook his head and Ben stared, dumbstruck. "If we're not careful, we may--”
Ben swallowed and closed his eyes, “Please don’t say it…”
“...do something we'll regret." Cody shifted in the booth like he wanted to get up. Ben moved and stood up at the end of the table. Cody stood, too and dug his wallet out of his pocket and put several bills on the table. Ben watched as Cody put on his jacket and walked through the bar and out the front door.
Ben remained, dumbfounded. What the hell was that? He had thought Cody was interested in him. But perhaps he was mistaken. Well, obviously he was. He had misread signs before, so this certainly wouldn't have been the first time. He mentally kicked himself for letting it happen again. He slipped his cardigan back on and left his own money on the table, silently cursing under his breath. This was going to make the rest of the night extremely fun and not awkward at all.
When Ben stepped outside, there was no sign of Cody. He growled, "Couldn't even wait for me to walk back to the motel, eh?" He said to absolutely no one. A man who had just closed his car door in the parking lot gave him a strange look, and Ben fought the urge to stick his tongue out at him.
"There is peace, there is peace, there is peace," he repeated like a mantra with every step he took back towards the motel. The crunch of the gravel beneath his boots was a centering comfort.
Once he reached their door, he pulled the key out of his pocket—who still used actual keys?—and fumbled trying to get it into the lock. His hands were shaking, okay, maybe he was more than slightly buzzed, and he found himself getting increasingly frustrated that the key wouldn't turn. He was drunk, yes, but not that drunk. How could Cody have locked him out? Did he have the locks changed? Ben exhaled and laughed, "Ben, you idiot, how would he get the door locks changed?"
As Ben mumbled to himself and tried to enter the neighbor's room, Cody stood in the entrance of their own room, leaning against the door frame. He knew it was impolite to laugh, but he was a little amused, and he didn't really plan to make him suffer long. He straightened up and cleared his throat.
"You going to stand there all night and try to get in the neighbor's room, or what?"
Ben jolted and dropped his key at the sound of Cody’s voice. He looked between Cody and the door he'd been previously trying to enter. It was fairly dark outside, so Cody couldn't be sure, but Ben seemed to be blushing.
"Ah." He bent down and picked up the key and shuffled to their room, keeping his head down the whole way. He might have been annoyed that Cody left him in the bar, but he HAD tried to kiss him. He couldn't make eye contact. He stopped just shy of the door and rubbed a hand across the back of his neck.
Cody waved his hand into the room, a gesture that told Ben to enter. He stopped abruptly when he saw the inside. There was just one bed.
He looked to Cody. "I swear I didn't know, I assumed there would be double beds."
"You didn't think to ask?" Cody sounded mildly annoyed.
"Well, no…" Ben said sheepishly. "Although, I guess I should have known when she thought we were married, but then again, it was the last room. I can, uh...go back out there and stay after we get our bags. I can sleep in the truck." Ben turned to walk back out of the room but Cody grabbed his upper arm. Ben felt his skin burning.
Cody sighed, "You'll do no such thing. It’s late, and we have another long day tomorrow, so we probably should just get ready for bed. We’re adults - this will be fine."
Ben nodded, "Let me go get our things then."
Cody sighed and sat on the end of the bed to wait. He was extra grateful he had decided to not drink so much, but one bed was still going to be a challenge when all he wanted to do was kiss and touch Ben. And Ben very clearly wished to do the same. He felt a heat rising in his chest at the thought. It had been years since he had been with anyone.
Ben returned several minutes later with their bags, looking tired and less jovial than he had inside the bar. Cody was fairly certain he had quashed all of Ben's romantic notions. He stood and went to the door to close and lock up. "You take the bathroom first. I can wait."
"No, no, I insist you take it first," Ben sat on the end of the bed and kicked off his shoes. Despite taking them off in the truck earlier at the beach, he still dumped sand all over the carpet. He chuckled to himself thinking of how much Anakin would have hated it.
"Well, okay, fine," Cody rifled through his overnight bag, found what he needed and disappeared behind the bathroom door.
Ben fell backwards onto the bed. You have two more days at the most… just, don't make it awkward again. He doesn't care about you in that way. He's a kind stranger who gave you a ride, that's it. When you reach the peninsula, you'll part ways, shake hands, and that'll be that. Between the alcohol, the talking to himself, and the sound of the shower running, Ben lulled himself into a light slumber, fully dressed and waiting on his turn in the bathroom.
Cody got out of the shower and toweled off. He started to get dressed and realized he had left his briefs in his bag. He could either forgo the briefs or he could be an adult and walk out there and get them. He was an adult. Ben was an adult.
But Ben had tried to kiss him. He almost let him, too. Gods, he should have.
Cody wrapped a towel around his waist and opened the bathroom door slowly. It was eerily quiet in the room, too quiet. Did Ben go sleep in the truck after all? He stepped out of the bathroom to find Ben sleeping, snoring lightly. He breathed a sigh of relief that he wouldn't have to parade half-naked in front of the man he couldn't stop thinking about. He carefully made his way back to his overnight bag and dug through it until he found what he needed.
"Oh." Came a breathy noise from behind him. He winced, of-kriffing-course.
You're an adult, you're both adults, this is fine, Cody told himself as he turned around. Ben looked like a deer caught in headlights. But Cody almost lost it when Ben reached up and covered his eyes with his hands like a child.
"Forgot something," Cody said as he practically sprinted back to the bathroom, thankful that his towel had the decency to stay in place.
Ben took the coldest shower he could stand, trying his best to sober up, trying his best to not think of the expanse of brown skin across a muscular back. He finished dressing and exited the bathroom to find Cody already tucked in bed. He was under the covers but sitting up reading, only looking away from his book momentarily to look at Ben. "I didn't really ask what side of the bed you wanted…"
Ben shook his head as he put away his things, "It doesn't matter at all. I'll sleep wherever you want-- wherever you DON'T WANT…shit." Ben was awfully cute when he got flustered. Cody struggled to keep his face neutral. Ben walked over to his side of the bed and pulled back the covers. He hesitated when he made eye contact with Cody. "I truly don't mind sleeping in the truck. Ocean view!" He laughed nervously.
"Ben, if you mention the truck one more time…" Cody closed his eyes and sighed. He opened them again when he felt the bed dip next to him.
Ben pulled the covers up to his chin and looked over at Cody. Cody almost laughed at the adorable picture Ben made, with his head barely peeking outside the top of the covers.
"I, uh…" Ben hesitated. "It's been a while since I've slept with someone, I mean, in the same bed, you know sleeping, just sleeping...ugh...what I'm trying to say is, I hope I don't kick you in the night or anything. And, feel free to push or nudge me if I do."
Cody raised one eyebrow. Well, at least he looked amused this time, Ben thought. "Noted," Cody finally said. "Do you mind if I read a little longer?"
"Not at all." Ben turned over to face the wall. He could feel Cody’s eyes on his back...or perhaps that was his imagination. He needed to apologize. He couldn’t sleep on the guilt eating him up inside. He turned back over to face Cody who was still reading his book. “Don’t you think this room is rather ugly?”
Cody started, unsure exactly what he had just heard, “Beg pardon?”
Ben hiccuped once unexpectedly which made Cody smile. “The room, it’s ugly. I’m pretty sure this is all original wood paneling on the walls, and perhaps all original decor? Perhaps from when the hotel itself was built...I’d say late 50s?” He looked up at Cody and grinned, and it took every ounce of restraint Cody had to not lean over and kiss him right then. It was just the alcohol, he lied to himself.
Cody stuck a finger in his book to mark his place and closed it. “So you think we should have gotten more of a discount?”
“I’m saying,” Ben started, propping himself up on his elbow. Cody’s attention was caught by the movement of the v-neck on Ben’s shirt, which shifted exposing ginger hair and a freckled chest and clavicle. He quickly looked down at his book and fidgeted. “I’m saying...that yeah, $60 shouldn’t have been the discount price. That should have been like, the starting point - maybe!” Ben jabbed one finger in the air.
Cody laughed at what sort of strange drunk Ben made. He did seem to be holding his liquor well, with a few exceptions, but he was clearly drunk. Which was all the more reason to shut down any advances. He indulged Ben and looked around the room anyway, “You know, I think you might be right. It is rather hideous. At least it’s only one night.”
Ben hummed. He laid back down, staring at the hideous popcorn ceiling. “I just...I wanted to say I’m sorry, Cody.” He swallowed, pointedly not looking in Cody’s direction, which didn’t go unnoticed. He also seemed to be in a little distress, and Cody desperately wanted to reach out and offer him comfort. But he was afraid of where it’d lead. “I’m quite good at making things awkward it seems.”
Cody thought for a moment before saying anything. “It’s fine, Ben.” He finally turned his head so he could make eye contact with him. He put a gentle hand on his shoulder and patted it lightly. “We both had a little too much to drink, and things...happen. We move on.”
Ben slowly nodded. “Move on, yes.” That was good enough of a final confirmation for Ben. “Well then, I’m sure you want to get back to your book, so, goodnight, Cody. Pleasant dreams.”
“Same to you, Ben.”
Before he turned away, Ben took a quick glance at the cover of Cody’s book—it was the one he had recommended to him. He must have bought it at Quinlan’s shop, too. Ben flushed, turned to face the wall again, and willed his heart from hammering out of his chest.
Cody continued to try to read, but really ended up scanning the same paragraph 10 times. He glanced over at Ben, wanting to reach out and run his hands through his still-wet auburn hair. Oh please don't let me make too big of a fool of myself tonight, he thought before giving up and turning off the light.
One more note:
'A Life Less Ordinary' may or may not have been the inspiration for the karaoke scene. lol
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Question about Azur Lane muses: there are TONS of girls in that game, so are there any select characters you would like being in asks/prompts the most?
some girls I particularly like are Bremerton, Honolulu, Atago and Taihou! but I'm happy with any girls, I like all of them.
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camillemeehan · 5 years
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An ink sketch of my muse. I worked a lot today, for me that is design. After that I worked on my portfolio website which is starting to look nice. I was having trouble drawing at the end of the day so, naturally, out he came. The last week and a half I've been working a lot. Kind of tired to be honest but I feel accomplished and my clients are happy. #inktober2019 #meatgrinderart #inktober #liguana (at Bremerton, Washington) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3JUXu8Jin9/?igshid=1ccfdsb6dg49e
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nevermindtheweights · 4 months
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"Yooooo. Pizza night, bitches. Let's get stuffed crust!!"
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“Soooo.... What’s a gal gotta do to ask a cutie like you out?~”
Bremerton is taking her shot at Tatsumaki....
Let’s so how this goes--
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nevermindtheweights · 13 days
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Would you date the Bwem??
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🔥 Bremmy from Naoto
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"Awwwww~ Naoto-chaaaaaan!"
The doughy detective is quickly embraced and pulled into a hug. Yes, it is time to be smothered by Bremmy's hefty chest. Such affection should of been expected.
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nevermindtheweights · 1 month
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"Don't mind the fact I knocked over that building and instead.... look at my booooooobs~"
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nevermindtheweights · 1 month
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Shipgirl cannons are very useful!
Plus, she is rather flexible all things considered too~
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A trip to Yokosuka
Despite the closeness to the city, Bremerton always found Yokosuka to be remarkably peaceful.
A coastal city that, much like Tokyo, was near to the infamous Mt Fuji like a silent sentinel that watched time pass. It was a beautiful reminder of the lush richness of these lands. It was something Bremerton had always admired in her time in Japan and that was the beauty of the land. Even now when she was travelling, taking the various trains and boats needed from her northern base towards Toyko and then to Yokosuka, she had seen much to admire and find comfort in. From nature to the city, Japan was certainly different. It felt so aged, a land shaped so much differently than her homeland of the USA. She found the USA to be beautiful too. It was too vast NOT to consider that but Japan’s country felt so much different. It felt much more like home in these hills and forests. Everything felt drenched in history and reverence. That nature lived here and was treated as part of the place. There was never, in her mind, that same separation in which she felt the USA had. Not where she had been anyways.
Despite the closeness, Bremerton had never been to MT Jufi. She had always wanted to go but with her work and other duties, it never seemed like the right enough time. It was just too far to justify a trip out there with the limited time she had when she visited Yokosuka. Friends had wanted to go too but it never felt right to go without them. They’d of love to see the view from up there as much as she would of. It wouldn’t be the same to go without them! Still, there was much to do around the city itself and that was more than enough. Comfort was in those familiar routes in which she walked. It was why she always got off a few stops later instead of where would be most efficient. Bremerton assumed it must have been weird that she was so fond of the nature of this land. Most probably assumed she thought little of it and there was truth to that. Bremerton had felt that way when she first arrived. Now she often felt her mind think on what she had seen here, distracting her. Nature comforted her and kept her grounded even if friends, colleagues and companions often thought her head to be in the clouds. As high as Mt Fuji, perhaps.
Yokosuka was a populated place but in an era of post-growth, she felt. It lacked the rush of Tokyo, in a sense. It felt a little lazier here. Paced differently even with the remaining industry of Nissan and various telecoms that kept a steady workforce engaged as well as the typical tourists who ventured out this far. Even with the various nationalities that populated the streets. It was quite common to see among the Japanese streets those from Chinese, Filipino and of course, American. That last one being due to the US naval base that was here.
That was her destination but she had gotten off at Keikyu-Kurihama Station. It only added a short walk and these streets were known to Bremerton after all. She earned a few looks but that was common for her. Though, she expected it was more from how odd she might of looked than from the typical enthralled stares towards her hips or chest as was often the case. Bremerton could handle those, they were often what she dealt with. This was as if she was out of place. Which she was, thinking about it. It was rare that Bremerton ever put on her uniform. Professional white slacks and fastened jacket, insignia and cap. Most probably struggled to see this pinkette with youth and curvy body being of an officer rank. Captain Bremerton Batlimore, as she was officially known. Terrible name really but again, she didn’t pick it. It’s why she hardly mentioned it to her new base that she was given such a rank and name.
There she was Bremmy. Bwemmy. Brem. The carefree pacifistic lovable gyaru that people liked and loved among friends and more. Her rank had never been mentioned outside a few circles and it was something she chose not to disclose to those who didn’t ask or inquire. With the rules of the base having allowing casual attire, it had been easy for her to hide her rank and she was not one, not there, to make mention of it.  Though she did appreciate those like Nagato and even Nozomi had been accepting enough to allow her to be who she wanted to be.
A hand tugged at the bottom of her fastened jacket and another altered her cap. Her hair was let loose. A small rebellion against having it cut or fastened was to let the pink length of her hair cascade down her back. It contrasted against the white starkly. The whole attire was a little snug too. Perhaps she had eaten a little too much prior to coming out this way. She never liked getting it refitted and the cost was always just a little too much. It wasn’t as if this was an official matter that required her to look the part properly. This was done on her own holiday time, her own vacation. Bremerton Baltimore, Captain of the US Navy was not here either then really. Still, it was important to dress the part of her rank. Ignoring those eyes upon her, she walked quickly with the heel of her dress shoes clicking firmly against the stone of the pavement. There was, of course, a bounce to her chest and a sway of her hips. Where it often enticed, now it was just contained enough to give an aura of purpose that kept people out of her direct path.
Her first stop was Kano Shrine. A small shrine, dedicated to a local guardian deity which was Hachiman, the God of War. Shipgirls tended to often ignore shrines or avoid them. Spiritual energies and stuff tended to be enough to ward them away given their own nature of creations. Bremerton, admittedly, did not understand it. She was, of course, mindful that just because she didn’t understand it didn’t mean there was no dangers to her. It might actually explain why lingering too long started to make her feel light-headed and nauseous. Still, it was a beautiful little shrine and a place that felt right to come too. A way to pay respects in a formal manner that appeased her mind.
Ironic for a pacifist to give respects to a war god. It wasn’t lost of the gyaru, that was for sure. Clapping her hands under the torii gate and then removing her cap, she passing through with only a mild sense of sudden vertigo. She walked up the steps and went through the typical motions of offering some coins and making a prayer, cap under her arm. A swift and practised motion, she privately left her thoughts to those she had served with and those who continued to fight. She wished for them to be safe and that they would only raise their arms in dire need. To be idle against violence was no pacifistic but foolish. It was perhaps not the typical viewpoint and Bremerton knew that violence only beget more violence but in her time, she had come to view inaction to be just as bad if used poorly. It was more about why and when you should act than to be ignore those who’d seek to harm.
Her thoughts and prays done, she departed the shrine steadily. Not rushing as to be rude but to politely make her way beyond the threshold and back to the mortal realm. She had been told on earlier trips that the Torii was more than just a structure but the threshold in which the divine and the mortal were. To pass was to enter another realm and thus respect was to be given. It had stuck with her, remaining a little fact she liked to share or surprise others with. Despite not being of this land, she felt that the customs made sense and that even an outsider such as herself could be welcomed. It was a small thing and perhaps silly too but for Bremerton, it felt good to do so.
Passing through back to the mortal side, she could feel herself settle again. A wash of light-headedness struck her but a moment to collect herself was all she needed. Fixing her cap back to her head she decided to head to the shoreline.
While there was the odd section of beach in Yokosuka, most of it was developed upon. Bremerton assumed it had something to do with how important the coast was to the Japanese. Limited space tended to make people use what they had more efficiently  too. Of course, she wasn’t sure and if asked, probably would just reply with a simple ‘I dunno!’ which… well… she didn’t know. Still, she thought about it. Bremerton might not seem like a girl with thoughts but she did think. Bremerton was a girl who thought simple and plain but she did think. Not on the big stuff, not on the confusing things that some she had met did but on the things that interested her… Like the importance of an esplanade.
Needless to say, that was her current pathway. The sounds of the coastline was different to that of the sea and the base. Here there was activity, a buzz that was lacking in the professional nature of the base or the open ocean. There was the typical sounds of water, the shimmering of light upon the surface but there was boats drifting lazily, buoys that bobbed and bounced with the waves, people living real and true lives. The sights remained the same as ever. The rushing sound of cars passing, the idle chatter of people, the odd phrase reaching her. Strange how some words could rise above the chatter, catch her ears over that of another. Another thing that always surprised her. It was why she always listened out, always gave her attention solely on another. It was overwhelming to take this all in and it always had been for Bremerton. All her friends had said so to her. ‘Typical Bremerton! Lost in the clouds! Relax! Enjoy the now!’ they’d say!
 It was not like in combat. Back in her deployment days, she could focus. Under the demands of duty, her attention could be funnelled. Pressure did that to her. Free as she was now, she devoted that sense of professional duty to those she spent her time with….
She blinked twice. Distracted again. Her thoughts had gone in another odd direction. Back to the area around her….
The sights of adverts and places of work, dashing with colour as they attempted to allure the gaze, working well on Bremerton as she looked about, drinking it in. As others looked upon her, she looked around herself. From stores that proclaimed goods and sales, stalls for food, places to eat which smells mixed with the lingering salty ocean that blew gently along the breeze. A soft sigh escaped her, allowing herself to bask in that moment as she just sauntered along. Alone with her simple thoughts as she soon reached the base itself.
It was quite a large base. An expansive region that seemed to be more US than it did Japan if you wandered around it. Bremerton had been around enough times, having served here before her allocation to Admiral Nozomi’s base. Both were quite large expanses but this one was more developed. It was like the US had made a mini-version of itself and passing through the gates, she felt as if she has transported from that beautiful historical nation to a realm where the idea of military and American ruled. It was an odd feeling and one that, over the years and trips back here, Bremerton had found was less and less like home. It felt alien to her as she walked along the roads. It was developed for those who served here. All was provided. Restaurants, schools, fire service, police and so forth. While Nozomi’s base had slowly become something that did the same, with the girls branching out to provide the demands of service, this felt different. Both made it so the base never had to be left, if one desired it.
Yet this one had grown… weird. Sterile and stagnant. Empty of the spark it once held for her. It felt wrong to the American warship. There was many shipgirls here, many of the US types, some of the other AL Models too. A few Japanese ships were stationed around. She had seen an Akigumo here who was known for painting wonderful watercolours of the oceans once before she had been relocated. There was a Colorado here too if memory served right…
Memories bubbled up in her mind. It was strange how she could recall the faces and names of some of the girls and others she could only get one bit of information of. Girls who existed in two places now, her thoughts and the memorials. Girls who had names stated but only those who spent time with them knew them. Knowing so many wonderful and capable girls here, now lost to the demands of wartime and the grinder of survival. Abyssals were never so close as the Tokyo and arguably, this was a region that knew a degree of peace thanks to that. It was often a training spot for girls like her, Americans who’d soon be sent to the bases that needed them.
Or in her case, to get them out of the way.
She found herself sighing at that. She had been a good soldier, a good warrior and yet when she protested and objected to violence, sick of the deaths, wishing to be more… The Navy had not seen fit to demote her but instead had her to the Japanese Navy, rank intact and sent off somewhere to be forgotten about. That’s how she saw it but even to this day, she was unsure about that version of events but even so, it had been advised to accept it. So the simple girl had and stuck to the simple story. It made enough sense to her, even if questions lurked. Not that answers would come…. They never came and she would never inquire about them….
Memories bubbled up in her mind but she kept on walking. Places she knew, places she had spent time, joyful in her younger days of service. Her thoughts had roamed and travelled again. It annoyed her how she couldn’t ever focus too much. Her mind liked to go off, to follow routes and yet it could never articulate them. Never say them aloud in a way that made sense like it had in her head. At first she had always thought it was normal before seeing how some of the shipgirls and humans could just speak flawlessly. However, cursed as she seemed to be, even that could drift her thoughts off. Glaze her over as these new ideas populated her mind. Maybe she was just an idiot as people thought her to be, as she thought herself to be.
Maybe that was okay too. That was her after all. Bremerton liked herself. Even what annoyed her was still her. People liked her for who she was, the entirity of her. That was enough.
She attempted to greet some of the wandering shipgirls though she really only got salutes and confusion. It took Bremerton a moment to notice she was speaking Japanese. These girls, Americans, had clearly not even picked up the basics. Perhaps new or just stuck on the base, they seemed to be more in surprise at a Bremerton speaking fluent Japanese! Admittedly, Bremerton didn’t see the fuss. It wasn’t that hard to speak it, was it?
“Pardon me… Been on deployment for so long! Hah… heya gals!” She said, her American accent thick. It was weird to speak it again, actually.
A brief conversation passed, a very formal one given her attire and the ranks of these girls. They risked not speaking plaining before a CO, it seemed. That irked Bremerton. That stuffy formalness never sat right with her these days. She had almost forgotten it. Almost. Still, she couldn’t fault them and so didn’t. Captain Bremerton Baltimore wasn’t was casual as Bremmy was…
It didn’t help that loneliness that washed over her. A stranger in a strange land, it felt like. It was almost crippling. A lump in her throat and a wish to turn away, to forsake the reason of her trip. It still hit her how far she was from where she now called her home though...
Reaching her destination, she stood before a small building, a simple block with a few doors by most standards. It was a little out of the way but the place was used for small storage units, each door belonging to a member of the base or so who paid for it. It didn’t really matter. All that mattered was this weird unassuming storage unit box-building still existed. Taking a key from her pocket, she opened the door and slipped inside, shutting it behind her. Flicking the light on, it flickered for a moment before settling into a dull yellow light. It revealed the sparse box of a room. It contained little and with no windows, it felt like a cell. It was clean though, despite the fact it had been left untouched but then again, no-one else would come here. Alone with the short cabinet. She sat herself down, a traditional Japanese Seiza-style. The flooring was tatami mat, thankfully.
Heavily sighing, she withdrew her cap and open up the cabinet. Pulling the doors open, revealed a small raised platform with a framed picture. She stared at it, exhaling steadily as to keep her mind and heart still. Her mind raised, pulling up the bubbles of thoughts that were of those within the picture. Six faces, including Bremerton, looked back at her. Captured in a moment of joy, a banner in the background marking their graduation and thus deployment, they looked at her with joy and delight, eagerness and youth. The beginning of the Baltimore Gals, as they had dubbed themselves after their location of construction.
She took the picture in her hands. Looking at the faces of ghosts.
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“Heya everyone… Happy Anniversary… Gl-glad we could all make it...”
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"Todays the day, right?!~" Yua is very happily jiggling in her bed, "Like, the crane's ready and everything?"
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"Wow~ You're perky considering it is late at night~"
There'd be a lot of planning for this. For the last few days, they had set up construction blockades and generally had the local government and landlord on side for this. it took... effort but strings pulled here and there had allowed their to be progress. The chonky Bremerton herself was in a construction rig get up that would increase her strength and more.
They had agreed to do this at night to prevent too much attention and awareness given the task of getting the cat out of here and onto a truck to be escorted to the water so she can be escorted to the naval base via squad.
First things first was to, of course....
There was sounds of impacts as the wall was soon knocked through and a small team of strong looking shipgirls quickly opened the way towards a crane-supported platform. With them working fast, Bremerton moved to Yua and heaved. Thanks to her gear, she was... actually... able to lift up Yua a decent degree and began to carry her to the crane...! Some of the other shipgirls came to help, allowing the task to be hopefully done with ease....
Or rather, some ease.
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