#Muse Info : Ikrit
nieithryn · 6 months
Returning Muse: Master Ikrit
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Name: Ikrit Species: Kushiban Age: ~300 Years Time Period: Default is New Republic Affiliation: Jedi Order (Old & New), Republic (High & New) Summary: A kushiban Jedi trained by Yoda during the High Republic. While a decently skilled combatant, Ikrit is far more in tune with the Force, sensing the ebbs and flows of it. He was drawn to the temple on Yavin 4 and discovered a great evil he could not undo. Realizing this, he went into a deep, centuries-long sleep, awaiting the presence of someone who might be able to help.
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ic: Force Be With Me (Ikrit) ch: I Am No Warrior (Ikrit) musing: Death Comes to Call (Ikrit) Headcanons: Ikrit skills: Weapons Will Not Prevail (Ikrit) aesthetic: Wild Forest Glade (Ikrit)
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